Petrology Jura

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Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528

DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2566-8


Petrology and geochemistry of Jura granite and granite

gneiss in the Neelum Valley, Lesser Himalayas (Kashmir,
Muhammad Saleem Mughal 1 & Muhammad Sabir Khan 1 & Muhammad Rustam Khan 1 &
Sohail Mustafa 1 & Fahad Hameed 1 & Muhammad Basharat 1 & Abrar Niaz 1

Received: 27 January 2016 / Accepted: 16 June 2016

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2016

Abstract Late Proterozoic rocks of Tanol Formation in the melting of rocks that are similar in composition to that of
Lesser Himalayas of Neelum Valley area are largely green upper continental crust.
schist to amphibolite facies rocks intruded by early
Cambrian Jura granite gneiss and Jura granite representing Keywords Granite and granite gneiss . Fractional
Pan-African orogeny event in the area. These rocks are further crystallization . Petrography . Geochemical analysis
intruded by pegmatites of acidic composition, aplites, and
dolerite dykes. Based on field observations, texture, and pet-
rographic character, three different categories of granite gneiss Introduction
(i.e., highly porphyritic, coarse-grained two micas granite
gneiss, medium-grained two micas granite gneiss, and The Neelum Valley is located in the northwestern Himalayas
leucocratic tourmaline-bearing muscovite granite gneiss), (Fig. 1). It is situated in the northeast of Muzaffarabad and
and granites (i.e., highly porphyritic coarse-grained two micas parallel to the Kaghan Valley. Topography of the area is char-
granite, medium-grained two micas granite, and leucocratic acterized by rugged and steep slopes. The relief of the area
tourmaline-bearing coarse-grained muscovite granite) were ranges from 1000 m at river bed to 5000 m at the snow peaks.
classified. Thin section studies show that granite gneiss and The present study was conducted in the middle of the Neelum
granite are formed due to fractional crystallization, as revealed Valley area between the localities of Mirpura and Keran, about
by zoning in plagioclase. The Al saturation index indicates 60 km away in the northeast of Muzaffarabad, the capital of
that granite gneiss and granite are strongly peraluminous and the state of Pakistani Administered Kashmir (PAK). It covers
S-type. Geochemical analysis shows that all granite gneisses an area of 300 km2 and is bounded by latitude 34° 20′ N to 34°
are magnesian except one which is ferroan whereas all gran- 40′ N and longitude 73° 40′ E to 73° 58′ E (Fig. 1). The upper
ites are ferroan except one which is magnesian. The CaO/ part of the study area is separated by the Kaghan Valley,
Na2O ratio (>0.3) indicates that granitic melt of Jura granite whereas lower part is separated by the River Neelum from
gneiss and granite is pelite-psammite derived peraluminous the Indian Administrated Kashmir (IAK).
granitic melt formed due to partial melting of Tanol The major Himalayan tectonic units are well exposed in the
Formation. The rare earth element (REE) patterns of the Jura Neelum Valley area in the northeastern Himalayas of Pakistan.
granite and Jura granite gneiss indicate that granitic magma of They were formed as a result of the collision between Indian and
Jura granite and Jura granite gneiss is formed due to partial Eurasian plates (Bossart et al. 1988, 1989). Numerous studies
have been conducted on geological, structural, stratigraphical,
geotechnical, and petrographical aspects of the Neelum Valley
area (Wadia 1931, 1934; Ghazanfar et al. 1983; Khan and
* Muhammad Saleem Mughal Ashraf 1989; Greco 1989, 1991; Schouppe et al. 1993, 1995;
[email protected] Mustafa et al. 2015). The geological unit of the Neelum Valley
area was previously named as Salkhala Formation (Wadia
Institute of Geology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, 1931). Ghazanfar et al. (1983) classified these rock units as
Muzaffarabad 13100, Pakistan Tanol Formation based on petrograhical characteristics. Khan
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Study Area

Fig. 1 Tectonic framework of Northern Pakistan. Compiled after Kazmi and Rana (1982), Rustam and Ali (1994) and Chaudhry et al. (1997)

and Ashraf (1989) studied geochemistry and tectonic setting of Permian. Greco (1991) described stratigraphy, metamorphism,
Panjal Volcanics in PAK and Kaghan Valley. They suggested and tectonics of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS). He de-
that Panjal Volcanics formed due to the rifting of Gondwana in scribed stratigraphy of the area and mapped the prominent
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528 Page 3 of 12 528

structural elements in detail. Schouppe et al. (1993, 1995) geo- rocks (Baig and Lawerence 1987), whereas rocks of Lesser
logically mapped an area of 1500 km2 of Neelum Valley on Himalayas are composed of Precambrian Tanol Formation
regional scale. Their studies were based on geological mapping, intruded by the Cambrian Mansehra-type granites (Wadia
structural elements, and petrographical analysis. They suggested 1931; Calkins et al. 1969). The Main Boundary Thrust
that the granite and meta-granite of Neelum Valley area are (MBT) demarcates the boundary between the Lesser and the
similar to Mansehra-type granite of Cambrian age. Sub-Himalayas. The rock units of Sub-Himalayas are com-
However, so far, detailed investigation of Jura granite posed of sedimentary sequence (Bossart et al. 1988; Greco
gneiss and Jura granite based on petrographical and geochem- 1989; Spencer 1993) and extended southward from Salt
ical analysis has not been carried out. The aim of the present Range to MBT in the north.
study is to understand the characteristics of Jura granite gneiss Geologically, the Neelum Valley is bounded between the
and Jura granite of Neelum Valley area. Therefore, petro- HKS and the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis (NPS; Wadia 1931,
graphical and geochemical investigation was carried out to Calkins et al. 1969). These geological units share the same
understand the texture, fractional crystallization of magma, stratigraphic features but are different in their tectonic and
origin, nature, and type of these rocks. metamorphic evaluation. Metamorphic grade and ductile de-
formation increases from Sub- to Higher Himalayas (Bossart
Tectonic and geological setting et al. 1988; Greco 1989; Spencer 1993).
The Neelum Valley area lies in the Sub- to Higher
The Himalaya constitutes the youngest mountain range in the Himalayas. The Himalayan tectonic units in Neelum Valley
world which resulted from continent to continent collision. are marked in Lawat and Nauseri by MCT and MBT respec-
Gansser (1964) subdivided the Himalayas into Sub- tively (Fig. 1). The only formation present in the area is
Himalayas, Lesser Himalayas, and Higher Himalayas based Precambrian Tanol Formation, which is intruded by Jura gran-
on tectonics and structural data (Fig. 2). The Main Central ite gneiss and Jura granite of Cambrian age (Fig. 2). All of
Thrust (MCT) marks the boundary between the Higher these rocks are further intruded by dolerite dykes of
Himalayas and the Lesser Himalayas. The Higher Carboniferous to Permian age. The formation consists mainly
Himalayas are mainly composed of Precambrian basement of quartzose schist, graphitic schist, quartzite, and schistose

Fig. 2 Generalized geological map of the Jura granite gneiss and Jura granite, Neelum Valley showing location of samples selected for petrographical
study (modified after Schouppe et al. 1993)
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conglomerate. The rocks of Tanol Formation in the area are granite gneiss near Kuchi Nar Nala (Fig. 2). Aplite veins of
exposed between Mirpura to Keran, comprising pelitic and about 10-cm thickness are present in granite gneiss at some
psammitic material. localities such as on the left bank of Kuchi Nar Nala. The
minerals seen in the granite gneiss hand specimen include
quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and
Materials and methods tourmaline.
The Jura granite intruded into Tanol Formation and Jura
The Jura granite gneiss is divided into northwestern, central, granite gneiss, as indicated by the presence of xenoliths of
and southeastern parts based on their texture during field in- Tanol Formation and Jura granite gneiss. In addition, pegma-
vestigation (Fig. 2). In the northwestern part (Jagran area), the tite, aplite, and dolerite dike intrusions have been found in Jura
weathered color of Jura granite gneiss is blackish whereas its granite. The presence of two micas in the Jura granite indicates
fresh color is whitish. Its texture is medium to coarse grained that it is peraluminous. The granite of Jura area is divided
(Fig. 3a). Toward the southeastern part (Jura area), the fresh mainly into northern and southern parts on the basis of its
color is light gray or whitish gray whereas its weathered color texture. The granite of southern part is two micas coarse-
is yellowish gray or brownish black. The central part is coarse grained highly porphyritic and partly mylonitized at some
grained, leucocratic tourmaline-bearing muscovite granite places (Fig. 3c, d) due to local tectonic activity. Three-meter-
gneiss (Fig. 3b). In granite gneiss, there is an enclave of schist thick mylonite zone has been observed near Sandok village.
in which tourmalinization has been noticed on its contact with Tourmalinization in granite has also been noticed along some

Fig. 3 Field picture showing a

medium- to coarse-grained
texture of Jura granite gneiss, b
coarse-grained leucocratic
tourmaline-bearing muscovite
Jura granite gneiss, c, d two micas
coarse-grained highly porphyritic
and partly mylotinized Jura
granite, e two micas medium- to
coarse-grained and less
porphyritic granite, and f younger
coarse-grained leucocratic
tourmaline-bearing muscovite
granitic intrusion in this part of
granite near Dunjer
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528 Page 5 of 12 528

joints. The average size of alkali feldspar phenocrysts found in Multiple field visits were carried out for geological mapping
granite ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 cm in length. The weathered and collection of rock samples. An ordinary portable Global
color of this granite is brownish gray to light dirty earthy gray Positioning System (GPS) receiver (Garmin eTrex series) with
whereas its fresh color is white and with many brownish black an accuracy of ±10 m was used in geological mapping. For
specks. The granite of northern part is two micas medium to megascopic study, the features were determined in hand spec-
coarse grained and less porphyritic (Fig. 3e). Its southern con- imen during field investigation. Total 62 rock samples were
tact with metasediment of Tanol Formation near Bugina is taken to classify them and to determine their origin. Out of
faulted. There is younger coarse-grained leucocratic these, 23 samples were taken from granite gneiss, 31 from
tourmaline-bearing muscovite granitic intrusion in this part granite, 1 from mylonite, 2 from xenolith found in granite, 4
of granite near Dunjer (Fig. 3f) in which tourmaline-bearing from schist of Tanol Formation, and 1 from aplite (Fig. 2).
quartz veins occur. It appears younger granitic intrusion in this Thin sections were prepared in the laboratory for microscopic
area. The weathered color of granite of northern part is from study of these fresh and representative rock samples. Nineteen
brownish gray to light dirty earthy gray whereas its fresh color representative samples (Tables 1 and 2) were sent to
is white and with many brownish black specks. Radiating Geoscience Advance Research Laboratory at Islamabad for
crystals of tourmaline are also present along with some joints. chemical analysis. The samples were crushed in a jaw crusher.
The methodology includes the field mapping, collection of The weathered surfaces were removed, and then, the rock
fresh and representative rock samples, and laboratory tests. samples were powdered using a tungsten carbide mill to the

Table 1 Major and rare earth elements of Jura granite gneiss, Tanol Formation and dolerite

Jura granite gneiss Tanol Formation

Sample LGGG KGGA G13 G15 25 28 SGG7 G9 MSI M1

SiO2 74.5 73.4 73.9 74.1 73.2 70.3 – – 71.01 –

Al2O3 13.0 12.9 13.1 13.4 12.6 13.0 – – 14.22 –
FeO 0.21 0.69 0.02 0.40 0.32 2.39 – – 4.24 –
CaO 1.73 1.59 1.68 1.37 1.87 2.53 – – 2.52 –
MgO 0.21 0.19 0.26 0.40 0.20 0.63 – – 0.96 –
K2O 4.12 4.37 3.86 3.13 4.06 2.74 – – 1.76 –
Na2O 3.38 2.90 3.54 4.01 3.22 2.94 – – 3.70 –
SO3 4.48 4.47 4.48 4.48 2.94 4.49 – – 4.48 –
CaO/ Na2O 0.51 0.35 0.47 0.34 0.58 0.86 – – – –
Y 3.07 3.87 3.86 2.78 1.5 2.85 2.91 1.84 11.11 12
La 2.99 3.8 1.84 0.58 1.47 2.79 1.26 2.35 4.47 4.62
Ce 15 19.3 9.23 2.95 7.45 14.4 6.44 12.0 22.79 23.4
Pr 10.7 13.7 6.55 2.15 5.41 9.91 4.65 8.75 16.46 16.8
Nd 8.87 11.2 5.44 1.79 4.41 7.97 3.88 7.29 13.44 13.8
Sm 3.85 4.82 3.54 1.47 1.85 2.8 3.36 2.97 4.47 6.3
Eu 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.181 0.19
Gd ND 12.8 ND ND 16.8 2.11 ND ND 10.7 ND
Tb ND 0.61 ND ND 0.26 0.05 ND ND 0.246 ND
Dy 4.41 5.06 3.91 1.53 2.03 3.6 3.49 3.36 5.9 8.25
Ho 0.26 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.32 0.34 0.22 0.20 1.146 1.17
Er 0.24 0.32 0.3 0.20 0.09 0.3 0.21 0.18 1.12 0.13
Tm 0.25 0.35 0.32 0.22 0.08 0.34 0.22 0.2 1.156 1.16
Yb 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.23 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.16 0.13
Lu 0.2 0.28 0.3 0.2 0.23 0.28 0.2 0.14 0.95 0.86
LaN/SmN 0.44 0.45 0.29 0.22 0.45 0.57 0.21 0.45 0.573 0.42
GdN/LuN 0 5.99 0 0 9.58 0.98 0 0 1.472 0
LaN/YbN 92.5 6.07 2.95 1.29 6.05 6.07 54.4 7.88 2.485 23.0
GdN/YbN 0 26.8 0 0 90.7 6.00 0 0 7.77 0
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Table 2 Major and rare earth elements of Jura granite, Neelum Valley

Sample QG6 SGC G3 G5 SG9 17 G19 08 LG5

SiO2 71.81 74.10 71.56 75.13 72.42 73.39 71.83 – –

Al2O3 13.31 13.18 13.35 12.92 13.36 12.77 13.84 – –
FeO 1.84 0.85 1.90 0.06 2.06 2.32 2.41 – –
CaO 2.50 2.03 2.66 1.5O 1.94 2.28 2.07 – –
MgO 0.21 0.02 0.24 0.34 0.26 0.41 0.37 –
K2O 3.86 4.01 3.44 3.85 3.99 3.04 3.89 – –
Na2O 2.57 3.07 2.97 3.41 2.91 2.76 2.42 – –
SO3 4.50 4.48 4.48 4.48 4.47 4.47 4.48 – –
CaO/Na2O 0.97 0.66 0.89 0.43 0.66 0.82 0.85 – –
Rare earth elements in ppm
Y 2.71 4.75 3.34 6.16 0.72 1.85 7.08 2.45 5.95
La 3.18 3.55 3.1 2.49 1.16 1.62 8.64 2.1 5.98
Ce 16 18.03 15.52 13 6 8.23 47.55 11.17 29.8
Pr 12.34 13.29 11.45 2.22 4.46 6.2 13.97 8.06 22.18
Nd 10.36 10.97 9.4 7.7 3.73 5.15 25.06 6.64 18.32
Sm 4.55 7.28 3.55 4.93 1.8 2.28 17.86 2.35 7.53
Eu 0.05 0.079 O.064 0.079 0.1 0.03 0.293 0.045 0.109
Gd ND ND 2.43 ND ND ND 20.45 ND 4.83
Dy 4.89 7.61 3.82 5.49 1.94 2.69 30.76 2.66 8.62
Ho 0.333 0.435 0.38 0.047 0.071 0.187 1.164 0.286 0.065
Er O.3 0.41 0.34 0.39 0.06 0.17 0.921 0.25 0.56
Tm 0.321 0.42 0.37 0.41 0.067 0.18 0.96 0.272 0.59
Yb 0.027 0.038 0.03 0.38 ND 0.013 0.2 0.025 0.05
Lu 0.25 0.32 0.027 0.33 0.047 0.138 0.84 0.211 0.44
LaN/SmN 0.400 0.279 0.500 0.289 0.369 0.407 0.277 0.512 0.455
GdN/LuN – – 11.763 – – – 3.183 – 1.435
LaN/YbN 76.63 4.617 5.733 4.23 3.411 80.67 7.540 5.318 6.212
GdN/YbN – – 5.87 – – – 23.33 – 6.56

size of <200 mesh. The required number of grams of the peristaltic pump, and analysis for rare earth elements were
powder of each sample was then heated in a porcelain crucible performed by using a Perkin-Elmer ELAN 6100 Inductively
to 900 °C for 2 h to determine the loss on ignition. For major Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) and below de-
elements, the rock sample powder was thoroughly mixed with tection standard used 10 ppb.
lithium tetra-borate (flux) with a 1:5 sample flux ratio and the
glass beads were formed. The fused beads were analyzed for
major elements composition using a Phillips Wave Dispersive
X-Ray Fluorescence (WD/XRF) which is one of the most Results
widely used instrumental method for analyzing rock samples
for major elements. For rare earth element (REE) study, the Petrography
powder was dissolved in 30 ml of 10 % HNO3 and 20 ml of
deionized water. The samples were prepared by a standard The microscopic features of the rock samples are con-
Teflon vial acid digestion method using a mixture of cerned with their texture and mineral composition. The
HF ± HClO4-HNO3. All samples were spiked to 50 mg/ml representative rock samples were taken from each rock
with indium to serve as an internal standard. REE analysis for unit to classify them and to determine their origin. The
this study was calibrated against a set of multielement work- modal mineralogical data is plotted on Streckeisens
ing standard solutions. All the solutions were introduced via a (1974) classification diagram (Fig. 5).
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528 Page 7 of 12 528

Jura granite gneiss and strong alteration to sericite in granite. Pleochroic haloes in
biotite (Fig. 4e) indicate presence of zircon. In some thin sec-
In Jura granite gneiss, quartz grains are anhedral to sub-hedral tions of granite, both quartz and feldspar grains are highly
(Fig. 4a), whereas plagioclase and alkali feldspar crystals are fractured due to local tectonic activity. Along some
euhedral to sub-hedral. Phenocrysts of alkali feldspar microfractures, intense alteration to clay minerals is also found
(microcline) are present (Fig. 4b). Alignment of muscovite in granite (Fig. 4f). Myrmekitic texture (Fig. 4g) in granite
in different direction shows multiple events of deformation shows intergrowth of quartz and plagioclase. Zoning in pla-
(Fig. 4c). gioclase has also been observed (Fig. 4g). Thin section studies
Mineralogically, the granite gneiss is composed of quartz show that granite is formed due to fractional crystallization,
25–42 %, plagioclase 20–35 %, alkali feldspar 20–42 %, mus- revealed by zoning in plagioclase of granite. Tourmaline, mus-
covite 3–10 %, biotite 0–10 %, opaque minerals 0–2 %, tour- covite, and biotite are present as accessory minerals in granite
maline 0–2 %, sericite 0–5 %, apatite 0–01 %, and zircon 0– (Fig. 4h). Mineralogically, the granite is composed of quartz
1 %. The mineralogical data are plotted on IUGS classification 25–42 %, plagioclase 13–37 %, alkali feldspar 14–40 %, mus-
diagram (Fig. 5) to classify these rocks. The data fall in the covite 1–10 %, biotite 0–10 %, tourmaline 0–1 %, garnet 0–
field of granite. 1 %, clay minerals 0–1 %, zircon 0–1 %, sericite 0–3 %,
apatite 0–1 %, and opaque minerals 0–1 %. The mineralogical
data are plotted on IUGS for classification of plutonic rocks
Jura granite
(Fig. 5). The data reveals that these are all granitic rocks.
In granite, quartz grains are anhedral to sub-hedral, whereas
plagioclase grains (albite to oligoclase) are euhedral to sub- Aplite
hedral show pericline and albite twinning. Plagioclase crystals
are partly altered to sericite (Fig. 4d). Alkali feldspar (ortho- In aplite, quartz grains are anhedral to sub-hedral, whereas
clase, perthite, microcline perthite, and microcline) crystals plagioclase and alkali feldspar crystals in aplite are euhedral
are euhedral to sub-hedral and also show carlsbarld twining to sub-hedral. Plagioclase (albite) shows albite twining,

Fig. 4 Photomicrographs showing a alignment of muscovite and biotite clay minerals along fractures in Jura granite; g zoning in plagioclase with
with anhedral to sub-hedral quartz grains in granite gneiss; b microcline myrmekite in Jura granite; h tourmaline crystal with quartz grains, mus-
phenocrysts surrounded by muscovite and anhedral to sub-hedral quartz covite, biotite, and alkali feldspar in Jura granite; and i sharp contact
crystals in Jura granite gneiss; c alignment of muscovite in granite gneiss between xenolith and granite where intense alteration is found. All pho-
that indicates two different events of deformation; d plagioclase shows tographs are taken under Cross Nicolos; 4×, except in e which was taken
alteration to sericite in granite; e biotite with pleochroic haloes indication under PPL; 4×
of zircon in Jura granite; f intense alteration of plagioclase and mica to
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Fig. 5 Plots of modal mineralogy

of aplite, granite, and granite
gneiss of Jura area in Streckeisens
(1974) classification diagram for
plutonic igneous rocks

whereas alkali feldspar show carlsbarld twining. granite is sharp (Fig. 4i), and along the contact intense alter-
Mineralogically, the aplite is composed of quartz 35 %, pla- ation is found. In xenolith, hornfelsic texture is developed due
gioclase 30 %, alkali feldspar 26 %, muscovite 5 %, biotite to thermal metamorphism. Mineralogically, the xenolith is
3 %, and opaque minerals 1 %. composed of quartz 54–60 %, plagioclase 10–20 %, alkali
feldspar 3–5 %, muscovite 15–16 %, biotite 3–10 %, opaque
Mylonite minerals 1 %, and zircon 1 %.

In mylonite, quartz grains are anhedral to sub-hedral, whereas Schist (Tanol Formation)
plagioclase and alkali feldspar crystals in mylonite are sub-
hedral. Plagioclase and alkali feldspar are showing foliation in Quartz grains are anhedral to sub-hedral, whereas actin-
mylonite, both feldspar how alteration to sericite and clay olite crystals are euhedral. Garnet and opaque minerals
minerals. Mineralogically, the mylonite is composed of quartz are also present in schist. Mineralogically, the schist is
30 %, plagioclase 16 %, microcline/perthite 17 %, biotite 1 %, composed of quartz 50–72 %, muscovite 0–15 %, gar-
sericite 15 %, clay minerals 20 %, and opaque minerals 1 %. net 01–10 %, actinolite 0–05 %, biotite 12–20 %, and
opaque minerals 05–10 %.
In xenolith (found in Jura granite), quartz grains are anhedral
to sub-hedral, whereas plagioclase and alkali feldspar crystals Major and rare earth elements data of granite, granite
in xenoliths are euhedral to sub-hedral, plagioclase, musco- gneiss, and metasediments from the Lesser Himalayas,
vite, and biotite are present. The contact between xenolith and Neelum Valley, Jura area, are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528 Page 9 of 12 528

Jura granite gneiss peraluminous and all of them conform to S-type granites
(Fig. 6b).
Major element geochemistry The major and rare earth ele- Using the classification of Frost et al. (2001) to discrimi-
ment composition of representative samples of Jura granite nate between ferroan granite gneiss and magnesian granite
gneiss are listed in Table 1. The chemical analyses of the gneiss, the geochemical data of the Jura granite gneiss are
granite gneiss display a close spectrum of SiO2 contents plotted in Fig. 6c. Most of the Jura granite gneiss samples fall
(70.34–74.53 wt.%). The other major element oxides are plot- in the field of magnesian except one rock sample which is
ted against SiO2 in order to portray the pattern of fractionation ferroan granite gneiss. The high potash nature of these rocks
(Fig. 6a). The Al2O3 (12.65–13.46 wt.%) contents display a is reflected by the SiO2-K2O relation. In Jura granite gneiss,
very poor positive relation with SiO2. The CaO (1.37– CaO/Na2O (>0.3) ratio is much higher, so the granitic melt of
2.53 wt.%) and MgO (0.19–0.63 wt.%) contents show a mod- Jura granite gneiss is pelitic-psammitic derived peraluminous
erately defined negative relation with SiO2. The FeO (0.02– granitic melt formed due to partial melting of crustal rocks.
2.39 wt.%) contents indicate a strongly defined negative rela-
tion with SiO2. A poor positive correlation with SiO2 content Rare earth element geochemistry Chondrite-normalized
is shown by Na2O (2.90–4.01 wt.%). A moderately defined (Wakita et al. 1971) REE patterns of the Jura granite gneiss
positive correlation with SiO2 content is shown by K2O (2.74– (Fig. 6d, e) resemble each other and also resembles to
4.37 wt.%). The negative correlation of FeO, CaO, MgO, and chondrite-normalized REE patterns of upper continental crust
Al2O3 with SiO2 probably indicates the fractionation of biotite of Taylor and McLennan (1981). The REE data indicates that
and sphene (CaTiSiO5) during the process of crystallization. magma of Jura granite gneiss is formed due to partial melting
When using the Al saturation index A/CNK (= molar Al2O3/ of upper continental crust. The light rare earth elements
(CaO + Na 2 O + K 2 O), granite gneiss are strongly (LREEs) show enrichment with LaN/YbN ratios of 1.291–

Fig. 6 Plotting of different values of granite gneiss obtained from diagram; d, e chondrite-normalized REE contents of northwestern and
chemical analysis: a major elements versus SiO2 variation diagrams of southeastern parts of Jura granite gneiss; f average chondrite-normalized
Jura granite gneiss; b alumina index diagram for granite gneiss. Boundary REE contents of the Jura granite gneiss (JGG), Jura granite (JG), and
between I-type and S-type according to Chappell and White (1992); c schist of Tanol Formation (M1 and MSI) of Jura area
position of the Jura granite gneiss in the SiO2 vs FeOt/(FeOt + MgO)
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92.52, LaN/SmN ratios of 0.214–0.571, GdN/LuN ratio is up to K2O) indicates that the rocks are strongly peraluminous, and
9.580, and GdN/YbN ratios of up to 90.75. Negative Eu anom- all of them conform to S-type granites (Fig. 7b).
alies are pronounced in all granite gneiss, which indicate prob- The geochemical data SiO2 vs. FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) of the
ably fractionation of plagioclase and apatite during the process rocks is plotted on the discrimination diagram of Frost et al.
of crystallization. (2001). Most of the geochemical data fall in the field of
ferroan except one sample which falls in the field of magne-
Jura granite sian (Fig. 7c). The high potash nature of these rocks is shown
by the SiO2-K2O relation. In Jura granite CaO/Na2O (>0.3)
Major element geochemistry The major and rare earth ele- ratio is much higher which indicates that the granitic melt of
ment compositions of representative samples of Jura granite Jura granite was derived from pelitic-psammite crustal mate-
are listed in Table 2. The chemical analysis of granite indicates rial (Tanol Formation).
that SiO2 content ranges from 71 to 76 wt.%. The other major
element oxides are plotted against SiO2 (Fig. 7a). The MgO
(0.02–0.41 wt.%) contents show negative relation with SiO2. Rare earth element geochemistry Chondrite-normalized
The FeO (0.06–2.41 wt.%), CaO (1.50–2.66 wt.%), and REE patterns of the Jura granite are shown in Figs. 7d–f.
Al2O3 (12.77–13.84 wt.%) contents also exhibit negative cor- The REE patterns of these rocks also resemble chondrite-
relation with SiO2. A positive correlation with SiO2 content is normalized REE patterns of upper continental crust of
shown by K2O (3.04–4.01 wt.%) and Na2O (2.42–3.41 wt.%). Taylor and McLennan (1981). The LREEs show an enrich-
The negative correlation of CaO, Al2O3, MgO, and FeO ment with LaN/YbN ratios of 3.411–80.67, LaN/SmN ratios of
with SiO2 probably exhibits the fractionation of biotite and 0.277–0.512, GdN/LuN ratios of 1–11.763, and GdN/YbN ra-
sphene (CaTiSiO5) during crystallization of these rocks. The tios of 5–23.33. Eu shows a negative anomaly in the granitic
Al saturation index A/CNK (= molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + rocks (Fig. 7d–f).

Fig. 7 Plotting of values of granite from chemical analysis: a major in the SiO2 vs FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) diagram; d–f chondrite-normalized
elements versus SiO2 variation diagrams of Jura Granite; b alumina REE contents of northern and southern parts of Jura granite and
index diagram for Jura granite. Boundary between I-type and S-type leucocratic granite
according to Chappell and White (1992); c position of the Jura granite
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528 Page 11 of 12 528

Tanol Formation tourmaline-bearing muscovite granite gneiss. The mineralog-

ical and geochemical data indicate that three types of Jura
Major element geochemistry The major and rare earth ele- granite gneisses are similar in composition (Table 1,
ment compositions of representative samples of garnet mica Fig. 6b). The geochemical data also reveals that their magma
schist of Tanol Formation are listed in Table 1. The chemical is derived from partial melting of upper continental crust. The
analysis reveals that SiO2 content (71 wt.%) in garnet mica formation shows high-grade metamorphism in the adjoining
schist is same as in granite gneiss and granite of Jura area. The areas of Hazara. The pelitic-psammitic rocks of the Tanol
other major element oxides, i.e., Al2O3 (14.22 wt.%), FeO Formation were source for granite gneiss and granitic magma.
(4.24 wt.%), CaO (2.52 wt.%), MgO (wt.% 0.96), K2O This is also supported by the chondrite-normalized REE pat-
(1.76 wt.%), and Na2O (3.70 wt.%) have values close to major terns of the granite gneiss, granite, and Tanol Formation (Fig.
elements in granite gneiss and granite of Jura area (Tables 1 6f). Negative Eu anomalies are pronounced in all granite
and 2). gneiss and granite which indicate fractionation of sphene
(CaTiSiO5), apatite, and plagioclase during the process of
Rare earth element geochemistry Chondrite-normalized crystallization.
(Wakita et al. 1971) REE patterns of garnet mica schist of The granites were separated into different groups on the
Tanol Formation are shown in Fig. 6f. The patterns show a basis of their color and texture. The modal composition data
similarity with the chondrite-normalized REE values of Taylor indicates that all the granitic bodies are similar in mineralogy.
and McLennan (1981) of upper continental crust. These REE The major element data also suggest that different bodies of
normalized values of rock samples of Tanol Formation are granites are similar in chemical composition (Table 2 and
also plotted with average normalized REE values of Jura gran- Fig. 7b). The REE data further support for similarity of the
ite gneiss and granite (Fig. 6f). The REE patterns are similar to rocks (Figs. 7d–f). The modal mineralogical and geochemical
the REE of granite gneiss and granite of Jura area. The LREEs data of pegmatites and aplites reveals that their magma was
indicate enrichment with LaN/YbN ratios of 2.485–23.01, derived from same source as for granite. However, the differ-
LaN/SmN ratios of 0.423–0.573, GdN/LuN ratios of 0–1.472, ence in color and texture in granite indicates that the bodies
and GdN/YbN ratios of 0–7.77. Eu also show a negative anom- were formed from different episodes of magma generation in
aly in rock samples of Tanol Formation. the crust. First of all, the granite gneiss magma was generated
at the time of collision and compression. The second phase of
magma generation was also during high-grade metamorphism
Discussion at a deeper level, but the compression stresses were not very
significant and the magma crystallized as granite. The age of
The Gondwana continent began to reassemble by Late granite gneiss and granite is Cambrian (Schouppe et al. 1993,
Precambrian, some 600 million years ago. The Pan-African 1995).
metamorphic belts were formed 500 million years ago along
the sutured fragments of the Gondwana (Kroner and Stern
2004). The Indian plate was the part of Gondwana lying near Conclusion
the South Pole in Cambrian (Kazmi and Jan 1997). The
Cambrian Jura granite gneiss (Schouppe et al. 1993, 1995) The following conclusions are drawn on the basis of field,
indicates involvement of the collisional events of Indian con- petrographic, and geochemical studies:
tinental crust in the Pan-African Orogeny. The Jura granite
gneiss is formed during the Pan-African orogeny. The contact 1. Late Proterozoic rocks of Tanol Formation in Lesser
of granite gneiss with Tanol Formation is faulted and sheared. Himalayas of lower Neelum Valley area are largely green
The intrusive contact of Jura granite with Jura granite gneiss schist to amphibolite facies intruded by granite gneiss and
indicates that the granite gneiss is older than granite. The granite of early Cambrian age. These granite gneiss and
granite gneiss shows foliated structures with phenocrysts of granite crystallized from magma formed due to the partial
alkali feldspar. The phenocrysts are 2 to 8 cm in length. melting of crustal material (Proterozoic rocks) and are
The granitic magma was derived by partial melting of the related to Pan-African orogeny event.
pelitic-psammitic crust at the time of Pan-African orogeny. As 2. Three types of granite gneiss (i.e., highly porphyritic
a result of collision, compressional forces were dominant dur- coarse-grained two micas granite gneiss, medium-
ing crystallization of granitic magma and resulted in gneissic grained two micas granite gneiss, and leucocratic
texture of rocks. On the basis of field data such as color and tourmaline-bearing muscovite granite gneiss) and three
texture, Jura granite gneiss is divisible into (i) highly porphy- types of granite (i.e., highly porphyritic coarse-grained
ritic coarse-grained two micas granite gneiss, (ii) medium- two micas granite, medium-grained two micas granite,
grained two micas granite gneiss, and (iii) leucocratic and leucocratic tourmaline-bearing coarse-grained
528 Page 12 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:528

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