LSK 312 Assig 1

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LSK 312 Assig 1

Diploma in Grade R Teaching (SANTS Private Higher Education Institution)

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this PDF is to do preliminary work on your assessment in preparation
for online submission.

a) Read each question carefully and look at the mark allocation to guide your response.
b) Answer all questions in English, except for the language modules. The language to use
when answering the questions for the language modules will be stated in the front

matter, e.g., answer in Afrikaans/isiXhosa/isiZulu/Sepedi/Setswana.

c) Attempt to complete all questions. Do not leave questions unanswered.
d) All submitted answers must be written in your own words. Evidence of plagiarism
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that will be penalised accordingly.
f) Include in-text references where applicable (including referring to the CLG), as
you will have to declare your sources at the end of the paper. The list must be made in
accordance with the Harvard-style Referencing Guide employed by SANTS.
g) Refer to the Student Orientation Booklet on MySANTS regarding the information on
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a) Use a separate document to draft your rough answers.
b) Hereafter, copy your answers to the platform using Google Chrome or Firefox as

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Question One consists of three (3) questions.

Read Unit 1, Section 1 in your Life Skills in Grade R 2 (R-LSK 312) Curriculum and
Learning Guide (CLG) before you answer Question 1.
Select NEXT to begin this section.

1.1 From the list below, select the four (4) most appropriate definitions of Creativity.

 Option 1: Creativity can be defined as a natural, inherent ability to make

connections and create solutions; to ask why, to challenge, to wonder and to
 Option 2: The focus of learning in Creative Arts must be on working towards highly
polished products.
 Option 3: Not everyone is born with creativity and children do not display it from an
early age.
 Option 4: Creativity deals with producing something through imaginative ways.
 Option 5: Creativity is the way we choose to live life and the unique way we
perceive something.
 Option 6: Creativity is the ability to see the hidden possibilities in any situation. It
is the refusal to accept things the way they are and the will to find a solution to any

1.2 Consider Figure 1 below, before you answer the questions that follows.

Figure 1: Painting a butterfly

(Van Heerden, 2023)
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1.2.1 Identify the sub-discipline of Creative Arts that Figure 1 portrays. Give a reason
for your answer. (3)

1.2.2 Column A outlines the benefits of Creative Arts as adapted from Mayesky
(2006). In Column B, describe how each of the benefits in Column A is reflected
in Figure 1. [8]

Column A: Column B:
Benefits of Creative Arts Description

Learning to seek many answers to a problem. a) (2)

Learning to express themselves. b) (2)

Developing new skills. c) (2)

Experiencing joy. d) (2)

1.3 Consider the figures below before you answer the questions that follow.

Figure 2: Picture of my family Figure 3: Drawing a picture

(Pretorius, 2023) (Pretorius, 2023)

The argument of Creative Arts being included within the educational system and how to
implement it correctly is based upon two aspects; the process of the activity and the
product it produces.

1.3.1 Classify both Figures 2 and 3 according to the product or process phases of
Creative Arts. Motivate your answer by giving reasons for both Figures. (4)

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1.3.2 Which activities (process-based or product-based) are more appropriate for

Grade R learners? Motivate your answer by referring to Figure 3. (3)

1.3.3 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of process-based and product-

based creative activities by completing the table below. Column A indicates the
phases of Creative Arts, in Column B, provide three advantages for the process
phase and three disadvantages of the product phase of Creative Arts. [6]
Please number your answers according to the numbers given in the table, for
example 1.3.3 – a, and 1.3.3 - b.

Column A: Column B:
Phases of Creative Arts Advantages and Disadvantages

Process a) Provide three (3) advantages (3)

Product b) Provide three (3) disadvantages (3)


Question TWO consists of three (3) questions.

Read Unit 1, Section 2 in your R-LSK 312 (CLG) to complete Question 2.

Select NEXT to begin this section.

2.1 View the images below and indicate whether the following statements are true or
false. You need to provide a justification for your answer, which refers to the

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Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

(DBE Grade 1 Life Skills Workbook in English, 2021, p. 10,13)

2.1.1 Figures 4, 5 and 6 above do not portray a conducive Creative Arts classroom
environment. (Refer to each figure in your answer). (4)

2.1.2 Figure 4 portrays noise and chaos in the Grade R Life Skills classroom. (2)

2.2 Explain two (2) ways how you will integrate the free play activity, taking place in
Figure 5, with role-play. (4)

2.3 Read the scenario and refer to Figure 7 and 8 below before you answer the
questions that follow.


The learners of Mrs Modikwa are playing in the outdoors. They could choose between two
types of sensory activities: playing with mud or playing with rice.

Figure 7: Mud play Figure 8: Playing with rice

(Pretorius, 2023) (Pretorius, 2023)

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2.3.1 Identify the type of play portrayed by both Figures 7 and 8 above. Provide a
reason for your answer. (3)

2.3.2 Explain why it is important for Grade R learners to participate in activities

portrayed in Figures 7 and 8. (4)

2.3.3 Briefly explain four (4) activity ideas where learners are engaged in sensory
motor play. (You will not receive any marks for mud and rice play). (4)


Question THREE consists of five (5) questions.

Read Unit 1, Section 2 in your R-LSK 312 CLG about the approaches to teaching Creative
Arts before you answer Question 3.

Select NEXT to begin this section.

3.1 Jean Piaget’s theory states that children develop and construct their own knowledge
as they make sense of their daily experiences.

Read the following scenarios in Column A, and match it with the correct stage of cognitive
development it represents in Column B. (4)

Column A: Column B:
Scenario Stage of cognitive development
3.1.1 Thandi pulls a string to set a mobile A. Formal operations
train into motion.
3.1.2 The learners are doing a science B. Sensorimotor
experiment where they observe what
happens to the raisins when they are
placed in the carbonated water. They
noticed that the raisins sink to the
bottom initially but then start to rise
and fall, appearing to dance in the
3.1.3 Learners demonstrate advanced C. Pre-operational
cognitive abilities and abstract
thinking when they reason logically
about hypothetical situations and use
systematic problem-solving
strategies in a science experiment.
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3.1.4 The learners of Mrs Kunene are D. Concrete operational

playing shop-shop.

3.2 Identify the stage of cognitive development in which Grade R learners find
themselves. (1)

3.3 Consider the table below before you answer the questions that follow.

Column A: Column B:
Implications Activity

The use of background knowledge and 3.3.1

familiar examples. Linking real life world
examples to explain concepts.
Incorporating multi-sensory materials in art 3.3.2
Use concrete material, props and/or visual 3.3.3
The use of songs or rhymes to engage 3.3.4
learners in the discussions.
Keeping instructions short and simple and 3.3.5
integrate physical actions during the lesson.

For each of the implications in Column A, discuss an activity when teaching Grade R
learners about ‘colour’ in Column B. Note that the implications for teaching in Column A,
are related to the pre-operational stage of cognitive development. (10)

Use the following criteria as a guide when you answer this question:

 The activity refers to the specific implication = 5 marks.

 The activity refers to the topic ʹcolourʹ = 5 marks.

3.4 The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) requires all
teachers to ʺacknowledge the rich history and heritage of this country as important
contributors to nurturing the values contained in the Constitutionʺ (DBE, 2011, p.

Briefly discuss three (3) Life Skills activities in which learners can participate in, where
they learn about different cultures and respect for diversity. (6)

3.5 This is a multiple choice-type question. Answer the questions below by selecting
the correct answer from the given options.

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3.5.1 Valuing African culture and providing ways to raise the status of the culture, so that
South African children receive a relevant education and appreciate their heritage.
o Multi-cultural education
o Africanisation
o Prejudice reduction
o Equity pedagogy
o Cultural diversity

3.5.2 Given that the majority of South African classrooms are representative of the
rainbow nation, it is imperative that teachers are able to model respect for diversity
and instil the same respect in their learners. This is an example of __________.
o Multi-cultural education
o Africanisation
o Prejudice reduction
o Equity pedagogy
o Cultural diversity

3.5.3 ____________ provides knowledge of various cultural backgrounds, including the

beliefs, perspectives, history and values of people. (1)

o Multi-cultural education
o Africanisation
o Prejudice reduction
o Equity pedagogy
o Cultural diversity

3.5.4 The teacher modifies her teaching strategies to address individual learnersʹ
teaching styles. (1)

o Multi-cultural education
o Africanisation
o Prejudice reduction
o Equity pedagogy
o Cultural diversity

3.5.5 To decrease the tendency or stereotype and to increase learnersʹ potential to see
each individual as a valuable contributing member of the classroom and of society.

o Multi-cultural education
o Africanisation
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o Prejudice reduction
o Equity pedagogy
o Cultural diversity


Question FOUR consists of three (3) questions.

Read Unit 1, Sections 3 and 4 in your R-LSK 312 CLG about conceptual change before you
answer Question 4.

Select NEXT to begin this section.

4.1 Complete the shortened lesson plan below by filling in the missing components.
Plan a Visual Arts (2D) activity based on the theme ʹMy Family - activities my
family do togetherʹ. [17]

NOTE: Refer to your first year Introduction to Life Skills in Grade R (R-LSK 120)
module for detailed information about the lesson plan components.

SANTS Private Higher Education Institution

Learning area: Refer to the name of Knowledge/content area:

the module Visual Arts
4.1.1 (1)
Date: Theme:
23 March 2024 4.1.2 (1)
Grade: Lesson focus:
Grade R Creating a 2-D activity
CAPS aims: Use your CAPS document for an overview of the learning outcomes for 2D
activities for Term 1.
4.1.3 (3)
Create in 2D (Any 3)

Introduction to the lesson: Describe how you plan to start the activity and refer to the
theme in your answer.
4.1.4 (2)

Development – presenting new knowledge: Describe the activity in detail that learners
will engage in. Indicate what the teacher will do in the activity.

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4.1.5 (4)

Consolidation: Describe how you will end the lesson.

4.1.6 (2)

LTSM: Indicate the Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSMs) that will be used
in the lesson.
4.1.7 (2)
Assessment strategy: Identify two assessment strategies you will use to assess
learnersʹ participation in the activities.
4.1.8 (2)

4.2 Explain how you will know that the Visual Arts lesson was successful and learners
reached the given objectives. (4)

4.3 Teachers need to have realistic expectations of what their learners are capable of
during Creative Arts assessment. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your
answer by giving reasons for your answer in your OWN WORDS. (4)

Provide an elaborative discussion relating your answer to the information in your CLG.

List the references used to complete this assignment according to the SANTS
referencing style.

[TOTAL: 100]

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