Tomar 2020
Tomar 2020
Tomar 2020
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The eminence exploitation of raw materials from the environment causes the natural sources to degrade
Received 3 September 2020 and limits the future practices in the construction sector. The economy in this sector holds around 40% of
Received in revised form 25 September the total flow of source materials into the GDP of the nation. The production of such materials are either
consume a good amount of energy, responsible for causes of CO2, NOx, SOx, into the atmosphere or leads
Accepted 28 September 2020
to the restriction on the usages of available natural sources in the future. Hence, the implementation of
Available online xxxx
new practices for the incorporation of raw materials to save the extraction of available natural sources in
the construction can be a beneficial foot step. The use of an agricultural by-product i.e. coconut shell can
Coconut shell concrete
be a promising material for manufacturing the concrete in the partial replacement of coarse aggregates.
Eco-friendly agricultural waste Result indicates that coconut shell can be used as lightweight concrete which can be used in non-load
Greenhouse gases bearing structures, strip footings and non-structural elements. Environmental concerns can also be min-
Load bearing structures imizing by making such sustainable efficient practices by the use of these waste coconut shell materials.
Light weight concrete Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
1. Introduction plastic waste, glass waste, rubber waste, tin scraps, some natural
and by-product pozzolans, and bio and agricultural wastes [12–
The global use of concrete in making structures is second largest 14].
after the water consumption [1].The preparation of cement con- The application of waste bio-products can be a promising tool
crete involves the mixing of different ingredients such as aggre- for reducing the impact of regular usage of natural raw materials.
gates, water, cement, admixtures and also sometimes, the reused Moreover, extensive studies are going on in this field from past
by-products or recycled demolished aggregates [2–6]. The produc- decades to produce an economically sustainable construction
tion and manufacturing of concrete and its source material con- material. Recent coverage of studies on the application of coconut
sume a considerable amount of energy, emitting a great footprint shells is the main attraction [15]. As per Food and Agriculture
of CO2 into the atmosphere. Hence, polluting the environment Organization of the United Nations (FAO), India is the world’s
through expulsion of greenhouse gases into the climate [7–9]. third-largest producer of coconuts, produced nearly 10 million ton-
Moreover, the continuous use of raw materials such as coarse nes during 2009. The production usually occurs in Kerala, Tamil
aggregate, fine aggregate, cement and natural additives causes Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India
pressure on the ground to explore more of its quantity to achieve [16]. The contribution of coconut production worldwide is shown
the targeted objectives. Therefore, continuous extraction of sources in Table 1. The disposal of these used coconut shell is also a big
causes reduction of natural resources thereby increasing the cost of problem. The application of these agricultural wastes in the prepa-
raw materials day by day [10,11]. From past decades, researchers ration of concrete mix can be a remedial measure to solve the
are exploring some new sustainable and eco-friendly construction problem of disposal and soil pollution. Coconut shells can be used
materials that can replace the conventional materials. Some of as an ingredients in the partial or complete replacement of coarse
them are classified as treated demolished concrete’s aggregates, aggregate in manufacturing/ making light structures [17–19].
Usage of coconut shell as coarse aggregate in concrete brings a
drastic change in concrete technology because the rigidity and
⇑ Corresponding author. impact strength of coconut shell is high. Additionally, the practice
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Kishore).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
Please cite this article as: R. Tomar, K. Kishore, H. Singh Parihar et al., A comprehensive study of waste coconut shell aggregate as raw material in concrete,
Materials Today: Proceedings,
R. Tomar, K. Kishore, H. Singh Parihar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
R. Tomar, K. Kishore, H. Singh Parihar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Compressive Strength
in Table 2. 35
4. Performance of coconut shell in concrete 20
Coconut shell (CS) as coarse aggregates in concrete satisfies the 10
basic strength requirements. During the preparation of concrete 5
mix, there was no segregation and bleeding of the fresh concrete 0
[41] [42] [43] [16] [17] [18] [44] [45] [46] [47]
obtained. The mixture was homogenous and compactable [36].
Prepared concrete had very low slump values. Studies suggest that Fig. 1. Compressive strength obtained in different research trends.
on addition of coconut shell the workability decreases. Flakiness of
CS aggregates reduces the movement of aggregates hence reduces
the workability [37]. Incorporating soaked wood item in concrete, 2.5
Table 4
Compressive and tensile strength obtained using coconut shell aggregate.
Table 5
Analysis of sorptivity test.
R* means Replacement.
water absorption than the later stage [48]. At early stage the coco- ment. For a better serviceable concrete, it should be resistant
nut shell concrete shows low resistance to water absorption against chemical attacks during its service life [50]. Normally,
because coconut shell have curved shape and they are elongated higher grade of concrete is preferable for providing resistant
and there is also absence of bond between the cement paste and against such attacks. Ganesan et al. [51] prepare 100 cubes of
CS aggregates. While at later stage, it shows better resistance to M30 grade and cured for 180 days. He used 3% H2SO4 solution
water absorption because of improved bond strength between and 3% NaSO4 for checking the behaviour of concrete under chem-
the cement paste and the CS aggregates [49]. ical environment. After 180 days the compressive strength of the
specimen was determined. Loss in compressive strength by chem-
5.2. Resistance to chemical attack ical attack with that of control specimen was determined [52]. The
statistics of the various attacks are summarized in Table 6.
Chemical attack is generally accounts for the agents that are After immersing in 3% of H2SO4 solution for 180 days the visual
externally applied or gets in contact with the surrounding environ- inspection of the specimen shows that there were changes in sur-
R. Tomar, K. Kishore, H. Singh Parihar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
face texture for all the specimens and they were subjected to sur-
face erosion compared to these specimens, deterioration happened 5.4. Consequences of chloride ions in CS concrete
in the specimens of Na2SO4 solution was small.
The most common type of environmental attack for reinforced
5.3. Role of pH and admixtures on CS concrete concrete (RC) structures is chloride penetration that checks the
causes of corrosion in reinforcing bars due to ingress of chloride
Concrete is an alkaline material having pH values around 12.5 ions in the concrete [60,61]. The penetration of chloride ions from
and can be easily attacked by acid [53]. Concrete is also affected water, air, and from materials responsible for degradation of con-
by the surrounding environment. The relative humidity and blow- crete structures due to continuous rusting of steel bars. Hence,
ing air having harmful salts (usually having pH between 6 and 7) reduces the strength, durability and aesthetics of the RC structures.
and or gases also affects and injected in the concrete through micro Rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) is a detrimental test for ana-
pores of the concrete structures. The incorporation of salty gases lysing the chloride penetration in reinforced structures that checks
causes pH to be lowered from 12.5, resulting in lesser holding the chloride ingress in terms of coulomb readings. ASTM C1202
capacity of cement to bind the aggregate. Hence, various visible suggests 60 V direct current (DC) for 6 h in operating RCPT
attacks on concrete can be seen. Concrete prepared with 10% coco- machine [62]. At 28 days, RCPT values for ordinary Portland
nut shell aggregate replaced with coarse aggregate in mix design of cement (OPC) concrete varies from 3581 to 4549C [63], for coconut
M 25 and M 30, showing a pH value of 12 over the other concrete shell concrete about 2765–3880C, and for light weight concrete, it
[40]. Some defects arise in concrete after times are acid attacks, ranges in between 2110C–3330C [64]. CS aggregate concrete
sulphate attacks, carbonation, corrosion and also alakali-silica shows moderate chloride-ion penetration ability and produce bet-
reactions. These attacks on concrete resulted in degradation in ter quality of CS concrete and shows that there is an improvement
the strength of concrete and reduce the serviceability of concrete of the pore structure in the CS concrete. Fig. 3 shows the variability
structures [62]. The availability of such variables should be pre- of chloride ingress in the CS concrete.
assumed before installation of structures near such climatic condi- From Fig. 3, the chloride penetrability of fly ash-based CS con-
tions and remedial measures should be kept ready for undesirable crete gets reduced over time passes. Hence, it is cleared that the
effects after longer time for such serviceable structures. Many provision of fly ash or may be other pozzolanic materials reduces
chemical and mineral admixtures are available to worked on speci- the porosity of the structures leading to the more compacted sur-
fic problems arise due to various attacks. These admixtures can be face areas [25]. Such concrete possess lesser charge to be passed in
mixed during mixing of concrete. Some admixtures may be classi- the specimen. The nature of chloride ions in different charges are
fied as retarders, accelerators, water reducers, super-plasticizers, shown in Table 6.
R. Tomar, K. Kishore, H. Singh Parihar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
6. Sustainability and cost analysis of CS concrete for reducing the impact of emitted greenhouse gases into the
The rapid depletion of natural resources is the key concern of
the present era. The continuous use of natural source material in CRediT authorship contribution statement
preparing concrete imposes a serious pressure on environment to
explore more of it from available stock. Hence, one should move Radha Tomar: Investigation, Methodology. Kamal Kishore:
on alternate one in maintaining the balance between ecology and Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing, Writing - review &
the applications. The application of coconut covers as aggregate editing, Data Curation, Formal analysis, Writing-original draft.
in concrete either in coarse or in powder form reduces the force Hemant Singh Parihar: Supervision. Nakul Gupta: Visualization,
of querying coarse aggregate from natural stones. Hence, conserv- Validation.
ing a greater part of granites, reducing a substantial amount of
depleting natural sources and at the same time, reducing the prob- Declaration of Competing Interest
lem of waste disposal in India. The use of waste coconut products
not only reduces the emission of greenhouse gases but also helps in The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
conserving the sources. It is estimated that the use of coconut shell cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
along with various pozzolans in producing concrete can be a great to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Further Reading
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