FOFP - TH - Family Liliaceae - (E)
FOFP - TH - Family Liliaceae - (E)
FOFP - TH - Family Liliaceae - (E)
Kingdom – Plantae
Divison – Angiospermae
Class – Monocotyledonae
Family – Liliaceae
Fig.: Allium cepa (onion) plant : (a) Plant (b) Inflorescence (c) Flower (d) Floral diagram
Distribution: 250 genera and 4000 species, cosmopolitan distribution (world wide).
Habit :
Normal Parennial herbs e.g. Asphodelus some are shrubs e.g. Dracaena, some are climbers e.g. Smilax,
Gloriosa, some are trees e.g. Yucca.
Root :
Usually adventitious roots. Fasciculated or tuberous roots are found in Asparagus.
Stem :
Aerial or under ground. Food stores in the underground stem like.
Leaves :
Mostly basal, alternate, linear, exstipulate with parallel venation
Exception :
(i) Reticulate venation - e.g. Smilax.
(ii) In Gloriosa leaf tips are modified into tendrils while in smilax stipules are converted into tendrils.
(iii) In Ruscus, leaves are modified into scales.
(iv) In Asparagus - leaves are converted into spines.
Solitary / cymose; often umbellate clusters.
Usually racemose or solitary axillary or terminal, panicle in Dracaena, Yucca, Spadix in Aloe While
scapigerous umbel in onion (Allium cepa) in which Inflorescence come out from under ground stem and clusters
of flowers develop on the tip as umbel but it is actually scorpioid cyme instead of umbel.
Flower :
Complete, bisexual, Bracteate, Trimerous, Actinomorphic, Hypogynous.
Perianth :
6 Tepals, in two whorls 3 + 3, (Polyphyllous or Gamophyllous), often united into tube, valvate aestivation, odd
tepal anterior.
Androecium : 6 Stamens arrange in two whorls 3 + 3, Polyandrous, Epiphyllous, Anther Dithecous, Basifixed or
Versatile, Introrse.
Gynoecium :
Tricarpellary, Syncarpous, Axile placentation, Trilocular, Stigma trifid. In onion gynobasic style is present.
Fruit :
capsule, rarely berry
Berry - e.g. Lily or Capsule e.g. Onion.
Seed : Endospermic.
Pollination :
Entomophilous, Pollination through a specific insect e.g. By Pronuba Yuccasela in Yucca.
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Economic Importance:
Many plants belonging to this family are good ornamentals (tulip, Gloriosa), source of medicine
(Aloe), vegetables (Asparagus), and colchicine (Colchicum autumnale).
(1) Food :
(i) Onion - (Allium cepa) : Edible part is bulbs and fleshy leaves.
(ii) Garlic - (Allium sativum) : Bulbs.
(iii) Asparagus officinalis : Fasciculated roots.
(2) Medicines :
(i) Smilax zeylanica : Roots yield sarsperilla like drug for purifying blood, piles, leprosy, gonorrhoea.
(ii) Allium sativum : Useful in Heart disease and rheumatism.
(iii) Asphodelus tennuifolius : Its seed are useful in the treatment of ulcer and swelling.
(iv) Crinum asiaticum : Extract of leaves is used in rheumatism and ear pain
(v) Fritillaria cirrhosa : Drieds bulbs useful in Tuberculosis and Asthma
(vi) Aloe : Used in skin disease and constipation.