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1 s2.0 S0165168418303451 Main
Signal Processing
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Short communication
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In propagator based methods for Direction of Arrival (DoA) finding, conventional approaches for eliminat-
Received 8 June 2018 ing the noise impact are based on signal enhancement or noise power estimation. In this paper, a new
Revised 17 October 2018
method is introduced from another point of view. When the noise is an additive spatially and temporally
Accepted 20 October 2018
white Gaussian noise, theoretically, it only impacts the diagonal elements of the data covariance matrix.
Available online 22 October 2018
Firstly, the proposed method utilizes the principle of Linear Prediction (LP) to rebuild the denoised diag-
Keywords: onal elements of the data covariance matrix. Then, the Orthogonal Propagator Method (OPM) is directly
Direction of Arrival (DoA) estimation applied for DoA estimation. Compared with the conventional OPM-based methods, the proposed method
Linear Prediction (LP) is more robust to the noise, especially in low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) scenarios. Simulation examples
Orthogonal Propagator Method (OPM) are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0165-1684/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 M. Sun et al. / Signal Processing 156 (2019) 41–45
Fig. 3. Case a, pseudo-spectrums of the OPM-LP, conventional OPM and OPM-MPEN for DoA estimation, the two DoAs are θ1 = −5◦ and θ2 = 4◦ .
Fig. 4. Case b, pseudo-spectrums of the OPM-LP, conventional OPM and OPM-MPEN for DoA estimation, the two DoAs are θ1 = −1◦ and θ2 = 2◦ .
44 M. Sun et al. / Signal Processing 156 (2019) 41–45
cases are taken into account with different DoAs of the incoming the angle separation increases. Similar to the second simulation,
signals: Case a. θ1 = −5◦ and θ2 = 4◦ ; Case b. θ1 = −1◦ and θ2 = 2◦ . the proposed method offers better performance than that of OPM-
SNR is fixed at −5 dB. The data covariance matrix is estimated MPEN, OPM-KLT and OPM-EVD.
from 10 0 0 independent snapshots. The pseudo-spectrum search In the last simulation, the performance of the proposed method
is performed over [−20◦ , 20◦ ] with step size 0.001°. Figs. 3 and versus the length of sub-sequence L is studied with 500 indepen-
4 show the pseudo-spectrums of the proposed method and the dent runs. The angles in Case b are applied, SNR = −5 dB. L ∈ [2, 7]
conventional OPM and OPM-MPEN for Cases a and b, respectively. 1
due to K ≤ L ≤ (N − 1 ). It can be seen from Fig. 7, when L = 5,
For Case a, both the proposed method and OPM-MPEN can detect 2
the RMSE reaches its minimum. Therefore, in this situation, L = 5 is
the true DOAs of the incoming signals, as shown in Fig. 3. The re-
optimal value for DoA estimation. However, the RMSE shows simi-
sult of the conventional OPM is biased. When the angle separation
lar value with different L.
becomes small, in Case b, the conventional OPM fails to estimate
the DoAs while OPM-MPEN estimates the DoA with bias. However,
5. Conclusion
the proposed method remains accurate, even when the angle sep-
aration is small.
This paper proposes a new method OPM-LP for DoA estimation
In the second simulation, the performance of the proposed
in low SNR scenarios. This new technique utilizes the principle of
method versus SNR is assessed with a Monte-Carlo process of 500
LP, which offers a new way to eliminate the noise impact. Simula-
independent runs. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the esti-
tion results show the stability, robustness and efficiency of the pro-
mated DoA is defined as follows:
posed method. In perspective, the proposed method will be tested
K 2
with real measurements.
RMSE = θˆk j − θk (10)
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