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ISSN (Online): Volume
2664- 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
ISSN (Print): 2664-
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior

in Islamic Society: A Case Study of Punjab

Dr. Asma Islam
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Riphah International
University (Faisalabad Campus) Punjab, Pakistan
Hamna Hassan
M.Phil. Research scholar, Riphah International
University (Faisalabad Campus) Punjab, Pakistan
Masooma Kazam
Lecturer in Education, University of Education Lahore,
(Faisalabad Campus), Punjab, Pakistan

In Muslim societies like Pakistan, crime may be
considered female violation goes past human
perception females are viewed as the
unadulterated and obliging creatures of God;
stacked with veneration and bliss. Every crime in
the world includes pain, and negative effects on
the world, it is possible that it is carried out by
males or females. This examination contrariwise
includes the horrible side of female culpability in
the Pakistani society of Punjab Pakistan;

The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
especially concentrating on the instances of
those females who were sentenced for a
homicide that is completely illegal in Islam. The
review portrays how outrage develops in honest
ladies with Islamic values and strict qualities and
no crook foundation which has driven them to
submit such merciless killings.
Keywords: Offensive women, Islam, Society,
Socialization, Parents, Social Exclusion, Offensive
behavior, factors, consequences, leisure, poor law
and disorder, State, Human Rights,
Religion impedes crime by establishing a code of
conduct and providing extensive guidelines on a
morally acceptable way of living. 1. Likewise, the
religion Islam has stringent directives and strict
penalties for acts of wrongdoing. Furthermore, Islamic
law caters to the political, social, economic, and legal
facets of society as Islamic rhetoric encourages self-
control and abstinence from deviant behaviors
reiterating that Islam is not only a personal choice that
operates in a vacuum but a choice with pertinent social
consequences.2 It is argued that Muslims (worshippers
of Islam) react more strongly and seriously to crimes
than other people, primarily because of the severity of
dislike toward crime in Islamic teachings. The Quran
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
prescribes grave punishments for offenders, leading to
a low crime rate in Islamic societies In such
communities where Islamic penal law is largely followed
in the public sphere, the punishments are fixed and
﴾ ‫َأَفَنْجَعُل اْلُمْس ِلِميَن َكاْلُمْج ِرِميَن‬
Individuals are then more cautious in their moral
behaviors leading to low crime rates in these societies.
Similarly, females are considered chaste and docile
beings in the light of Islam. Feminism is synonymous
with purity and modesty in this religion which is why
Islam keenly presses upon female innocence.
﴾ ‫ِإاَّل َأْصَح اَب اْلَيِميِن‬
Wrongdoing and female criminality are largely frowned
upon in Islam. Islam promotes equality so that in terms
of punishing offenders, it treats females equally to men.

Hazrat Muhammad (saw), being the last apostle of

Allah, commanded the same punishment for women as
for men. According to his hadith, if his daughter
committed a crime, she would also face similar

Corcoran, Katie E., David Pettinicchio, and Blaine Robbins. "A
Double‐Edged Sword: The Countervailing Effects of Religion on
Cross‐National Violent Crime." Social Science Quarterly 99, no. 1
(2018): 377-389.
Serajzadeh, Seyed Hossein. "Social determinants of the
seriousness of crime: An examination of a Muslim sample." Social
compass 55, no. 4 (2008): 541-560.
Al- Quran surah al-Q̈alam (68:35).
Surah Al-Muddaththir ( The One Enveloped ) (74:39)
Begum, Shagufta. "Punishment as a Social and Moral
Agency." dalam Jurnal al-Hikmat 27 (2007).
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
Society…the rule of law that
consequences, thus establishing
gender does not bypass rules and regulations.6
Everyone is equal in the eyes of Al-Mighty.
However, Shariah (Islamic law) has strict laws for
women, which is why many women do not support the
imposition of Shariah as they believe that Shariah laws
are more stringent for women.7
Moreover, many philosophers believe that although
religion condemns criminal activities, many terrorist
activities are fueled due to religion. For example,
Palestinian suicide bombers think that it's God's calling
to them to eradicate evil from society, making them
ready to sacrifice their lives.8
Similarly, although women are generally vulnerable
victims, they can become perpetrators when they
believe that the social fabric is turning filthy. To correct
other people's wrongdoings, they resort to criminal
activities too, which is largely justified by religious
motivations. Hence, this study sheds light on how
women end years of physical and emotional abuse,
poverty, and lack of support by indulging in criminal

Aziz, Zahid. "Rights of women in Islam." The Lahore Ahmadiyya
Islamic Movement (2016): 1-8
Ghassemi, Ghassem. "Criminal punishment in Islamic societies:
empirical study of attitudes to criminal sentencing in
Iran." European journal on criminal policy and research 15, no. 1
(2009): 159-180.
Alvanou, Maria. "Palestinian women suicide bombers: The
interplaying effects of Islam, nationalism and honor
culture." Homeland Security Rev. 2 (2008): 1.
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
activities that they sadly believe are religiously
﴾ ‫َكَٰذِلَك َنْفَعُل ِباْلُمْج ِرِميَن ﴾ ُثَّم ُنْتِبُعُهُم اآْل ِخ ِريَن َأَلْم ُنْهِلِك اَأْلَّوِليَن‬
Women are large in number as 101 million out of 207
(GOP, 2017) are living below such circumstances that
may defend women from the demand and arraignment
of the dreadful approach to acting. Additionally, women
keep immediately from getting mate decision, bundle,
predisposition, shortcoming; disturbance and more
sexual association are persons public parts which are
cheerful women in Pakistan toward horrible approaches
to acting. Similarly, women's offense has been certainly
filling in Punjab, Pakistan thusly requiring an all-round
assessment of the conditions and sensible outcomes
relationship. The opportunity of women's deficiency is
canvassed as a social issue in Pakistan that has been
dumped due to male power and speculations checked
out the Pakistani culture.10 The gravity of close
examination ought to be apparent to The Nation News
(2012) which organized that Punjab Police have seen
someplace almost 4,000 female gangsters participating
in murder, seizing, robbery, and other excruciating
awful ways of behaving across the area. An exceptional
report gathered by the common police conveys that
these ladies have killed more than 200 individuals and

Surah Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) 77: 16-18
Gillani, Syed, Rana Ejaz Ali Khan, and Abid Rashid Gill.
"Unemployment and property crimes in Pakistan." Asian
Economic and Financial Review 1, no. 3 (2011): 124-133.
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
hurt 560 others on different occasions. They have
likewise held onto 1,635 people, pursued 9 close
specialists, certified 12 dacoities, and burglarized more
than 60 homes during 2011. As exhibited by the report,
female convicts were likewise related to 1070 occasions
of burglary, 325 events of shakedown, two events of
cheating, 35 instances of opiates, and around 22 awful
ways of behaving that go under region and exceptional
rules. Official information additional illustrations, nearby
360 disputes estimated were chosen in contradiction of
ladies on concerns of unlawful relations, 235 events of
family and reimbursement examine, 15 events of
associations, 29 events of abducting for the counter,
more than 70 occasions of old severe dislike, 115 of
clear battles, 14 incidents of financial solicitations and
37 examples of wedding and nikkah deliberates. A few
spots in the degree of 115 questions were held facing
women concerning battles with their perfect partners.
These disclosures have alluded to the report for
instance that the total number of females in prison that
have connected in every practical sense, double the
speed of men beginning around 1990, 405 vs. 209,
independently. Females in government prisons in 2005
were close to 100% of males to be saved for a
prescription offense (29% versus 19%) or property
offense (30% vs. 20%) and more problematic than men
to be headed for a coldblooded offense (35% versus
53%). 11
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
The dependable condition endorses that females'
culpability demands more thought and assessment
interest than it has gotten. Different subject matter
experts, 12 have focused on unmistakable irregularities
among guys and women absorbed on the communal
situation’s backside the ladies' dreadful approach to
acting that restricted the circle of activities open to
females as a legitimization for uniqueness.
‫ُكُلوا َوَتَمَّتُعوا َقِلياًل ِإَّنُكم ُّمْج ِرُموَن‬
Women participate in a raised and uncommon status in
the religion Islam as they are considered obliging,
guiltless, and subordinate to men concerning strength
and receptiveness to the world. 14 She is an
exemplification of chastity, commitment, and
unpretentiousness in Islam. A Muslim woman is
fundamentally obligated for refraining and supporting
her children while managing her home undertakings
however the man in control is the regular supplier. 15
Considering that Islam doubtlessly goes against female
receptiveness to the remainder of the world and

Brown, Sheila. Understanding youth and crime: Listening to
youth?. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2005.
Steffensmeier, Darrell, and Chris Hebert. "Women and men
policymakers: Does the judge's gender affect the sentencing of
criminal defendants?." Social forces 77, no. 3 (1999): 1163-1196.
Surah Al-Mursalat 77:46
Van Es, Margaretha A. "Muslim women as ‘ambassadors’ of
Islam: Breaking stereotypes in everyday life." Identities 26, no. 4
(2019): 375-392..
Donno, Daniela, and Bruce Russett. "Islam, authoritarianism,
and female empowerment: What are the linkages?." World
politics 56, no. 4 (2004): 582-607.
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
consequently has suggested grave disciplines for
female blameworthy gatherings.
Women's Criminality in Pakistan rises close to the
extension of bad behavior against women. The issue
has arrived at an upsetting level which has compelled
all of the socially trustworthy analysts to focus on the
basic driver of women going to wrongdoings in greater
numbers. Sociologists and wrongdoing examiners
suggested that on account of women's freedom by
then, women experienced more significant financial
hopelessness and extended ghetto jumble, as well as
an extended entryway for female-type bad behaviors,
similar to coercion and fake marriage. 16
Notwithstanding, that, Islamic rule gives major areas of
strength to ladies that are manhandled by the prudence
of gatekeepers in guidelines, different men, and the
remainder of the general populace. Assault cases are
directed with insane reality and worth is progressed,
making Shariah one of the most freeing rules for
Material and Methods
The validity and the exactness of the divulgences of an
evaluation could give a problematic picture besides the
remote possibility that the assessment has not been

Steffensmeier, Darrell, and Jennifer Schwartz. "Contemporary
explanations of women’s crime." The criminal justice system and
women (2004): 113-126.
Mehdi, Rubya. "The offence of rape in the Islamic law of
Pakistan." Women Living under Muslim Laws: Dossier 18 (1997):
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
put to a careful and conscious design. 18 The agent
herself drove every single social occasion with the
ladies at risk get-togethers experiencing the very same
thing. The meeting guide was utilized as a mechanical
gathering that united various factors that plainly and by
implication influenced the offenders. The going with
factors with women's culpability in Punjab, Pakistan
were mulled over.
• Religion
• Obliviousness
• Destitution
• Youth Environment
• Extra Marital Affair
• Early Marriage
• Woman of great importance Exchange
• Real Abuse
• Mental Abuse
• Peer Pressure
• Monetary status
Sample size
For sample 5 jails that were picked as the universal
depiction of the overall huge number of detainment
facilities were in Punjab, Pakistan: 1 st Jail was District
jail Sialkot, 2nd was District Jail Rawal-Pindi, 3 rd was
selected as District Jail Faisalabad, 4 th was District Jail
Lahore and 5th was selected as Central Jail Multan.
Liamputtong, Pranee, and Tanya Serry. "Making sense of
qualitative data." Research methods in health: Foundations for
evidence-based practice (2013): 365-379.
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
Fundamental sources in our investigation just included
redid interviews with the women's offenders through a
meeting guide. Assistant sources remembered
collecting the data for the light of the by and largely
done investigations on this region of the report and are
accumulated using the going with methods. 19
o Academic Journals: Issued Research Article and
various dissemination
o Punjab Prison's Website
o Newspaper, print, and various wellsprings of
reused information
o Internet Sources
In our investigation, this huge number of sources was
used to get full data regarding the matter and to get
the responsibilities of various examiners in this field of
Sampling Techniques
A beneficial testing system was applied to inducement
a model from focused individuals, who were ready to
take the social occasion. The master recognized fifty
cases for example. The model is investigated by
everybody and is an additional elusive portrayal of the
massive individuals.20

Creswell, John W., and J. David Creswell. Research design:
Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage
publications, 2017.
Mitchell, J. Clyde. "Case and situation analysis." The Manchester
School: Practice and ethnographic praxis in anthropology (2006):
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
Jail’s Visit to Collect data
The major piece of the evaluation that research work is
evidence collection meanwhile all the assessments be
contingent upon the information accumulated. The
evidence was collected in 47 days of August by the
researcher from 2021 to September 2021 in eye-to-eye
communication with the prisoner women.
Themes/frameworks identification
Later data combination, the expert detached the
evidence and molded logical examinations considering
individual cases. From that point onward, the
researcher recognized sub-perpetually subjects: plans
that have ascended out of the accumulated data. The
expert portrayed every subject sensibly so it is possible
to scrutinize future examiners.
Interview Guide
The representative of research started with the
assessment issue and later set up the investigation
regarding the gatherings driven in the Jail. The meeting
is the movement of discernment, focus, dependability,
and authenticity in a typical social demonstration of
discussion. 21The gathering guide included the planned
and coordinated open-completed demands, which were
beforehand prepared in English at this point at the hour
of the gathering they implied in the verbal that the
Fodor, George J., Marian Kotrec, Kinga Bacskai, Thomas Dorner,
Jan Lietava, Sandor Sonkodi, Anita Rieder, and Penelope Turton.
"Is interview a reliable method to verify the compliance with
antihypertensive therapy? An international central-European
study." Journal of hypertension 23, no. 6 (2005): 1261-1266.
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
female respondents fathom, some were translated in
Punjabi and Urdu language, and the reactions remained
also kept in their own language and later it was
consequently decoded in English.
Case Study
The context-oriented examination isn't itself an
investigation procedure, nonetheless, researchers
select techniques for data collection and assessment
that will deliver material sensible for context-oriented
examinations like emotional strategies (semi-
coordinated interviews, part discernment, diaries),
individual notes (e.g., letters, photographs, notes) or
official record (e.g., case notes, clinical notes,
assessment reports).
Data Collection
The criminality information utilized in this assessment
was assembled from Region Correctional facilities of the
metropolitan networks of Faisalabad, Rawal-Pindi,
Lahore, Sialkot, and Multan in the hour of 2 months
from August 2021 to September 2021.
Data Interpretation and Case Study Development
In the wake of gathering the information from the
respondents, 50 autonomous contextual analyses were
created in light of the meetings that were led by every
respondent separately. The contextual analyses
contained the foundation information or financial profile
of the respondent, her social data, her job in the public
eye, the purpose for her wrongdoing, how she carried
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
out it, how she wound up in prison, and all the pertinent
data of her case. The scientist's basic examination was
continued for each situation toward the end.
Themes/frameworks identification
After data variety, the expert took apart the information
and outlined context-oriented examinations considering
individual cases. After that, the expert recognized sub-
unendingly points: plans that have ascended out of the
assembled data. The investigator depicted each subject
sensibly so that peruses and future trained
professionals are reasonable. As indicated by, 22
effective examination is a theoretical exact strategy for
looking at, interpreting, and enumerating instances of
information. It irrelevantly portrays and sorts out
research instructive records in (prosperous) parts.
Regardless, over and over it goes more than this and
unwinds a gathering of parts of the evaluation subject
As shown by23 data can be accumulated through a
grouping of sources that could integrate sources, for
instance, field diaries, chronicled data open, saw
conditions, interviews, studies, or information
assembled from sound or video recently recorded or
recorded by the researcher himself. The investigator
used an interview manual for direct gatherings and
subsequently the information was translated and
Creswell, John W., and Vicki L. Plano Clark. Designing and
conducting mixed methods research. Sage publications, 2017.
Coffey, Amanda, and Paul Atkinson. Making sense of qualitative
data: Complementary research strategies. Sage Publications, Inc,
The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
explored to advance guard focuses on that contained
information of the overall large number of cases, each
case tending to the establishment and bad behavior
story of one evildoer and the impact of that
infringement on the presences of the subjects.
Consent was Prior taken by the Inspector General
Prisons Punjab, after his permission was a letter issued
by I.G Prisons Punjab, the researcher herself visits jails
to collect data. Data was gathered from 5 Major jails in
Punjab, Pakistan. The analyst herself visited the Jails
and talked face-to-face with the convicts to gather
Results and Discussions
According to, 24 stated, the effective examination is the
technique for converting emotional data. The subject of
any assessment finds something major about the
information about the investigation question and
addresses some level of arranged reaction or
significance inside the information accumulated. 25
Creswell26 stated that effective examination is a
theoretical exact technique for inspecting, translating
and enumerating instances of information. It
irrelevantly portrays and sorts out research instructive
documents in (prosperous) parts. Regardless, over and
Boyatzis, Richard E. Transforming qualitative information:
Thematic analysis and code development. sage, 1998.
Maguire, Moira, and Brid Delahunt. "Doing a thematic analysis:
A practical, step-by-step guide for learning and teaching
scholars." All Ireland Journal of Higher Education 9, no. 3 (2017).
Creswell, John W., and Vicki L. Plano Clark. Designing and
conducting mixed methods research. Sage publications, 2017.
Al-Qamar, Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-September 2022)
over it goes more than this and unwinds a gathering of
parts of the evaluation subject. As shown by 27, data can
be accumulated through a grouping of sources that
could integrate sources, for instance, field diaries,
chronicled data available, saw conditions, interview
interviews, studies, or information assembled from
sound or video recently recorded or recorded by the
researcher himself. The examiner used an interview
manual for direct gatherings and subsequently the
information was unraveled and explored to advance
protection focuses on that contained information of the
overall huge number of cases, each case tending to the
establishment and bad behavior story of one evildoer
and the impact of those infringements on the presences
of the subjects.
Causes of Criminality among women in Islamic
By far, most cases show a striking resemblance to the
explanations behind bad behavior. The most striking
clarification has been fewer consequences of Islamic
guidelines and Islamic characteristics in their family
environment. Besides, dejection and obliviousness as
women were drained of their sad regular conditions and
little resources, so in their mission for a predominant
lifestyle, they completed infringements that they would

Coffey, Amanda, and Paul Atkinson. Making sense of qualitative


data: Complementary research strategies. Sage Publications, Inc,

The Sociological Study of Criminal Behavior in Islamic
never have done regardless like capturing and robbery
try which in the long run provoked murder. 28
Destitution and moderate attitude of the great or larger
member in Pakistani people has provoked rising of
obliviousness, women snatched of their principal right
to preparation which leaves them morally and ethically
adolescent and they can't perceive great and awful;
inciting offenses. 29
These Major cases are consistent in considering
obliviousness as maybe the most unquestionable
purposes behind women's criminal science in Pakistan
at larger pieces of the woman were untalented/ had
gotten very negligible appropriate preparation.

Steffensmeier, Darrell, and Chris Hebert. "Women and men
policymakers: Does the judge's gender affect the sentencing of
criminal defendants?." Social forces 77, no. 3 (1999): 1163-1196.
Henning, Kris R., and Lisa M. Klesges. "Utilization of counseling
and supportive services by female victims of domestic
abuse." Violence and victims 17, no. 5 (2002): 623-636.

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