A Novel Cable Element For Nonlinear Thermo-Elastic Analysis (2018)
A Novel Cable Element For Nonlinear Thermo-Elastic Analysis (2018)
A Novel Cable Element For Nonlinear Thermo-Elastic Analysis (2018)
Engineering Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/engstruct
Keywords: The exact solution of inextensible catenaries in Cartesian coordinates is utilized to propose an efficient two-node
Three-dimensional cable element cable element for static analysis of three-dimensional cable structures. This element can consider out of plane
Elastic catenary inclination without using any transformation matrices. Since the element is formulated within the framework of
Large sag large curvature assumption, cables with large sag, as encountered in long-span cable-stayed bridges and sus-
pension bridges, can be modeled accurately. The proposed element also accounts for the thermal effects. By
Thermal loading
defining the stiffness component as the ratio of infinitesimal load increment to infinitesimal increase in length,
explicit entries of the tangent stiffness matrix are derived through equating the total differentiation of the
strained length and the elastic elongation of the cable. The tangent stiffness matrix is available in a closed form
and the need of taking the inverse of the flexibility matrix, which is faced in the solution procedure of elastic
catenary, is eliminated. The robustness of the suggested technique is established through investigation of sig-
nificant case studies, including slack and pre-tensioned spatial cable networks. Excellent agreement between the
present results and those found in the literature indicates the versatility of the proposed scheme.
1. Introduction method provided satisfactory results in some cases, it was rather in-
efficient since a large number of truss elements was required to achieve
Over the past two centuries, analysis and design of cable-supported an acceptable level of accuracy. Later, Knudson embarked on the im-
structures have received huge attention as a crucial topic in the main- provement of this method in 1971 [2]. Various researchers have further
stream of scientific research. Owing to their unique mechanical and developed the truss element by introducing the nonlinear behavior and
aesthetic features, cables are widely applied as constituent parts of various loading conditions [3,4]. Besides, different types of two-node
many engineering structures, such as, suspension roofs, long-span sus- elements with rotational degrees of freedom have been proposed by
pension bridges, cable supported bridges and power transmission lines. several researchers [5–7]. The cable members have been also modeled
Cables are flexible members that exhibit highly nonlinear behavior based on the isogeometric approach with Lagrangian shape functions.
when subjected to external loads. This structure, within a cable-sup- In this method, the shape of an infinitesimal cable element is approxi-
ported body, undergoes large displacements and rotations and sustains mated using multi-node curved elements [8,9]. Wu and Su im-
significant portions of load. Pretension is proposed as a simple tech- plemented a Four-node isogeometric element for analysis of cable
nique to alleviate the deflection of cable structures. Numerous studies structures [10]. In 2013, a six-node isogeometric element was proposed
can be found in the literature addressing various schemes for in- by Wang et al. [11]. The main drawback of the isogeometric elements in
vestigation of the behavior of cable structures. In fact, the cable modeling of cable assemblies is their complexity and large number of
members have been widely modeled, based on two different ap- degrees of freedom. This makes the analysis laborious and significantly
proaches, namely the finite element method with interpolation func- time consuming. Further, since the explicit form of the tangent stiffness
tions and also the analytical approach which makes use of explicit ex- matrix is not available, numerical approaches must be iteratively
pressions of a catenary. adopted to derive the tangent stiffness matrix. In some cases, such
In the first scheme, a cable is represented by a number of two-node, analysis approaches lead to the numerical instabilities [12].
multi-node or generally curved elements. The displacement field within On the other hand, an element based on the analytical expressions
the element domain is approximated using the interpolation functions. of the elastic catenary was first utilized by O’brien and Francis [13].
In 1965, Ernst suggested that a cable member can be modeled by truss They showed that each cable member within a cable structure can be
elements for the first time. He also introduced a modified axial stiffness modeled using a single analytical element. In this method, the overall
to account for the sag effects of a hanging cable [1]. Although his equilibrium of a stretched cable element is satisfied in the Lagrangian
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Rezaiee-Pajand).
Received 18 January 2018; Received in revised form 6 April 2018; Accepted 7 April 2018
0141-0296/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
The configuration of a perfectly flexible and elastic cable element where ε , E, A, α and Δϑ refer to the cable strain, elastic modulus, cross-
stretched between two nodes, namely i and j , is depicted in Fig. 1. As it sectional area, thermal expansion coefficient and uniform variation in
can be seen, the projected lengths along the x, y and z directions are the temperature, respectively. Substituting for the cable tension from
designated lx, ly and lz, respectively. Further, the nodal forces and nodal Eq. (3) into Eq. (5) and performing some mathematical manipulations
displacements along the global axes, initial unstrained length and the yield:
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
2 2
H ⎛ dz ⎞ ⎛ dz ⎞
d ΔS = 1 + ⎜⎛ ⎟⎞ ⎟ dζ + α Δϑ 1 + ⎜ dζ ⎟ dζ
EA ⎜ ⎝ dζ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (6)
⎝ ⎠
where d ΔS corresponds to an infinitesimal increment in the unstrained
length of the cable. The elastic elongation of the cable element can be
easily obtained by integrating both sides of Eq. (6). The solution pro-
ceeds as:
wL2sinh(2λ ) ⎡ 1 ⎛ lz ⎞ 1 ⎤
ΔS = ⎢ 2λ2 + Lsinh(λ ) + λ sinh(2λ ) ⎥
⎜ ⎟
4EA ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
+ α Δϑ ⎛ sinh(λ ) ⎞ + lz2
⎝λ ⎠ (7)
In which ΔS refers to the elastic elongation of the cable element.
Because the strained length of the cable is equal to sum of the un-
strained length and the elastic elongation, the following equality holds Fig. 2. Infinitesimal increase in the nodal forces due to infinitesimal increment
of l x .
P = S + ΔS (8)
Since the initial unstrained length of the cable is a constant value, its
It follows from Eq. (8) that for a given H, the unstrained length of derivative equals to zero. Hence, for any n, differentiating both sides of
the cable can be directly calculated. When the unstrained length of the Eq. (8) yields:
cable element is given instead, Eq. (8) represents a nonlinear equation
dPn = d ΔSn (17)
by which the value of the horizontal force must be determined. A
simple and efficient iterative procedure, based on the modified Newton- Clearly, Eq. (17) indicates that the total differentiation of the elastic
Raphson technique, will be discussed later to handle this issue. elongation, and the strained length of the cable are equal. Upon sub-
As it can be seen in Fig. 1, the nodal forces Fjx and Fjy represent the stitution of Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eq. (17), the following interesting
projected resultants of the horizontal force H along the global x and y expression will be achieved:
axes. In order to derive the tangent stiffness matrix, independent of
∂Pn ∂P ∂P ∂P ∂ΔSn ∂ΔSn ∂ΔSn
transformation matrices, the following relationships must be exploited: dFjn + n dl x + n dl y + n dl z = dFjn + dl x + dl y
∂Fjn ∂l x ∂l y ∂l z ∂Fjn ∂l x ∂l y
lx ∂ΔSn
Fjx = H + dl z
L (9)
∂l z (18)
ly Eq. (18) forms the basis for calculation of the stiffness components.
Fjy = H
L (10) As shown in Fig. 2, assuming that an infinitesimal increment equal
Moment equilibrium in the O−ζ plane will lead to the next re- to dl x is applied to node j, such that the projected length of the cable
lationship: along the x direction is increase to l x + dl x . This gives rise to in-
finitesimal load increments, dFjx , dFjy and dFjz in the nodal forces of Fjx ,
lz wS Fjy and Fjz . Note carefully that in such a case, dl y and dl z equal to zero
Fjz = H +
L 2 (11) and vanish.
Substitution for the horizontal force by Eqs. (9)–(11) in Eqs. (4)–(7) Next, substituting by x for n in Eq. (18) leads to:
gives rise to: ∂Px ∂P ∂ΔSx ∂ΔSx
dFjx + x dl x = dFjx + dl x
2 ∂Fjx ∂l x ∂Fjx ∂l x (19)
Pn = ⎛ L sinh(λn ) ⎞ + l 2
⎜ ⎟ for n = x ,y,z
⎝ λn ⎠ (12) The first entry of the tangent stiffness matrix for node j, i.e. k11, is
defined as the ratio of the infinitesimal increment in the nodal force Fjx
wL2sinh(2λn ) ⎡ 1 ⎛ lz ⎞ 1 ⎤ to the infinitesimal length increase dl x [33]. Dividing Eq. (19) by dl x
ΔSn = ⎢ 2λ 2 + Lsinh(λn ) + λnsinh(2λn) ⎥
⎜ ⎟
4EA ⎝ ⎠ and rearranging the resultant, the stiffness component can be obtained
⎣ n ⎦
+ α ΔϑPn for n = x ,y,z (13)
∂ΔSx ∂Px
dFjx − ∂l B1−A1
In which n is a dummy variable and other parameters have the k11 = =
∂lx x
dl x ∂Px ∂ΔSx A 4 −B4
following form: −
∂Fjx ∂Fjx (20)
wl wS
λn = n ,τx = Fjx ,τy = Fjy and τz = Fjz− The tangent stiffness formulae k21 and k31 which denote the ratio of
2τn 2 (14)
infinitesimal increment in the nodal forces Fjy and Fjz to dl x , respec-
tively, can be evaluated in a similar manner:
3. Derivation of the tangent stiffness matrix ∂ΔSy ∂Py
dFjy ∂lx
− ∂l B5−A5
k21 = = ∂Py ∂ΔSy
In the beginning, to determine the components of the tangent dl x − ∂F A8 −B8
∂Fjy jy (21)
stiffness matrix in an explicit manner, the following expressions are
available based on Eqs. (12) and (13): ∂ΔSz ∂Pz
dFjz ∂lx
− ∂l B9−A9
∂Pn ∂P ∂P ∂P k31 = = =
dPn = dFjn + n dl x + n dl y + n dl z dl x ∂Pz ∂ΔS
− ∂F z A12 −B12
∂Fjn ∂l x ∂l y ∂l z (15) ∂Fjz jz (22)
∂ΔSn ∂ΔSn ∂ΔSn ∂ΔSn Likewise, the rest of the stiffness components for node j can be
d ΔSn = dFjn + dl x + dl y + dl z calculated by applying infinitesimal increments to the projected length
∂Fjn ∂l x ∂l y ∂l z (16)
of the cable along the y and z directions and repeating the
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
aforementioned procedure for n = y,z . The final configuration of the {dU} = { duix duiy duiz dujx dujy dujz } (37)
cable element is depicted in Fig. 3. The rest of the stiffness components
{dF} = { dFix dFiy dFiz dFjx dFjy dFjz } (38)
for node j are also given below:
∂ΔSx ∂Px where K , dU and dF correspond to the tangent stiffness matrix of the
dFjx − ∂l
∂ly y B −A element, incremental nodal displacement vector and incremental nodal
k12 = = ∂Px ∂ΔS
= 2 2
dl y − ∂F x A 4 −B4 force vector, respectively.
∂Fjx jx (23)
As a matter of fact, the tangent stiffness matrix of the proposed
∂ΔSy ∂Py element given by Eq. (36) is derived with respect to the global axes, and
dFjy − ∂l
∂ly y B6−A6 thus a transformation matrix is not required to consider inclination.
k22 = = ∂Py ∂ΔSy
dl y − ∂F A8 −B8 This significantly decreases the complexities and computational issues
∂Fjy jy (24)
encountered in analysis of three-dimensional cable structures. The
∂ΔSz ∂Pz flexibility matrix of an elastic catenary is a function of three unknown
dFjz − ∂l
∂ly y B10−A10 nodal forces. These unknown forces must be determined through a
k32 = = ∂Pz ∂ΔS
dl y − ∂F z A12 −B12 rather complicated iterative procedure. In contrast, the stiffness matrix
∂Fjz jz (25)
in Eq. (36) depends only on one unknown force, namely the horizontal
∂ΔSx ∂Px
− ∂l force of the cable element. Hence, only a single value, i.e. the horizontal
dFjx ∂lz z B3−A3
k13 = = = force, must be calculated at each iteration step. Contrary to the
dl z ∂Px ∂ΔSx A 4 −B4
− ∂Fjx (26) common procedures, it is not required to take the inverse of the flex-
ibility matrix at each iteration step since the explicit tangent stiffness
∂ΔSy ∂Py
− ∂l matrix is available and can be directly utilized. For pre-tensioned
dFjy ∂lz z B7−A7
k23 = = ∂Py ∂ΔSy
= cables, the pretension force is known in place of the unstrained length.
dl z − ∂F A8 −B8
∂Fjy jy (27) Unlike the elastic catenary that makes use of a laborious iterative
procedure to determine the unstrained length, the unstrained length of
∂ΔSz ∂Pz
dFjz − ∂l the cable can be directly calculated in the present scheme by means of
∂lz z B11−A11
k33 = = ∂Pz ∂ΔS
= Eq. (8). The foregoing merits of the proposed element make it re-
dl z − ∂F z A12 −B12
∂Fjz jz (28) markably efficient in the analysis of a great variety of cable structures,
including slack or pre-tensioned cable networks.
where Ai and Bi constants are used for simplification purposes, and all
of them will be reported in Appendix A. At this stage, the stiffness
4. Nonlinear analysis process
formulae are available in a closed-form and the tangent stiffness matrix
for node j can be established, as follows:
As it was already discussed in Section 2, when the initial unstrained
⎡ k11 k12 k13 ⎤ length of the cable is known instead of the horizontal force, the non-
k = ⎢ k21 k22 k23 ⎥ linear equation given by Eq. (8) must be solved to obtain the value of H .
⎢k k k ⎥ The Newton-Raphson technique provides a simple and efficient nu-
⎣ 31 32 33 ⎦ (29)
merical procedure to handle this problem. However, convergence to the
The nodal force and length increments of node j are related as: correct solution cannot be guaranteed unless sufficient criteria are in-
k{ dl x dl y dl z }T = { dFjx dFjy dFjz }T troduced into the Newton-Raphson scheme.
A schematic illustration of f (λ ) = P−S−ΔS is depicted in Fig. 4. As
where k is the tangent stiffness matrix of node j and dl corresponds to it can be seen by dashed lines, the equation has three roots in terms of
the difference between the nodal incremental displacements of two λ . The positive root indeed corresponds to the correct solution by which
nodes. The nodal displacement increments and infinitesimal length the value of H can be determined, and the two negative roots are un-
increments are related as: acceptable. Contrary to a taut cable, the Newton-Raphson technique
{ dl x dl y dl z }T = { dujx −duix dujy−duiy dujz−duiz }T may converge to any of these three possible solutions in case of slack
cables. In order to avoid unwanted solutions, i.e. the negative roots, a
where du refers to the increment in the nodal displacements u. constraint is built into the Newton-Raphson scheme, as discussed by
Substituting Eq. (31) into Eq. (30) and carrying out some algebra, the Ahmadi-Kashani and Bell [16]. An initial value for λ is required to
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
V 2 V − Fc − ws 2
⎧ 120η−20 −10 for 1 < η ⩽ 3.67
z (s ) =
EA (V − ws
2 )+ H (1 + α Δϑ) ⎡
w ⎢
1+ ( )−
1+ ( H ) +
Fc w
(s −s )
λ ≈ 2.337 + 1.095ln(η) V − Fc − ws1 2 V − ws1 2 ⎤
⎨ for 3.67 < η ⩽ 4.5 × 105 + 1+ ( H ) − 1+ ( H )⎦⎥
⎪ −0.00473[7.909−ln(η)]2.46
⎩ (40) fors1 ⩽ s ⩽ S
where . If the cable is pre-tensioned, η falls outside the boundaries (46)
given by Eq. (40). In such a case, the elasticity effects cannot be ne- where Fc corresponds to the concentrated load at s = s1 and V stands for
glected and a good estimate for λ may be given by the vertical component of the cable tension at its left end. The unknown
λ = w l x2 + l y2 + lz2 /2T where the approximate tension can be obtained values can be achieved by substitution of the right end boundary con-
as: ditions in the second relations of Eqs. (45) and (46). These analytical
1/3 a expressions will be utilized for verification of the proposed element in
⎧b + for b1/3 > a
3 modeling of single span deep and shallow cables.
⎨a + b
for b1/3 ⩽ a
⎩ 2a2 (41)
5.1. Isolated cable subjected to concentrated load
l x2 + l y2 + lz2 − S ⎞ AE 2 2 lz 2
In which a = AE ⎛⎜ 2 2 2 ⎟ and b = ()
wS L .
⎝ lx + l y + lz ⎠
24 This example presents an isolated cable with the span of 304.8 m.
Since the cable structures inherently exhibit geometrical nonlinear This problem was first considered by Michalos and Birnstiel [39] and
behavior, it is necessary to implement an incremental-iterative solution later studied by several researchers [13–15,17–19,21,40]. The initial
method. As it is obvious, no snap-through or snap-backs are observed in geometry of the cable and the necessary data for analysis are taken from
analysis of cable structures and thus a load control scheme can be [19] and presented in Fig. 5 and Table 1. The cable is hanging under its
employed. Among the load control methods, Newton-Raphson tech- self-weight, and a concentrated force is applied at node 2. The cable
nique has been the most popular for nonlinear structural analysis. It was modeled using 2 elastic hyperbola elements. The displacements are
should be reminded that many researchers have developed and utilized compared with the previous studies and the analytical solution in
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Table 1
Characteristics of the isolated cable.
Item Data
span ratio is larger than 1: 8 and thus the cable is regarded as deep. The
Table 2 resulting profiles are illustrated in Fig. 7. As it can be seen, there is an
Comparison of present and previous results for the isolated cable. excellent agreement between the proposed results and the analytical
solution. This fact clearly demonstrates that authors' element is able to
Researcher(s) Element Type No. of Displacement at node
elements 2 (m) accurately model extensible cables with large sag. It is worth men-
tioning that Bouaanani and Marcuzzi [31] implemented a complicated
ux uz and rather cumbersome finite difference technique to obtain the same
profile whereas the present scheme readily bears the correct config-
Saafan [40] Truss – −0.845 −5.472
O’Brien & Francis [13] Elastic catenary 2 −0.860 −5.627
uration using a single element.
Michalos & Birnstiel [39] Truss – −0.845 −5.472
Jayaraman & Knudson [19] Elastic catenary 2 −0.859 −5.626
Jayaraman & Knudson [19] Truss 10 −0.845 −5.471 5.3. Thermo-elastic analysis of an isolated cable
Tibert [17] Elastic catenary 2 −0.859 −5.626
Tibert [17] Associate 2 −0.859 −5.655 The third example is included to validate the reliability of the
catenary proposed element in the thermal analysis of cables. The problem refers
Tibert [17] Elastic parabola 2 −0.866 −5.601
Andreu et al. [14] Elastic catenary 2 −0.860 −5.626
to a cable the left end of which is fixed at the coordinates (0,90) m while
Yang & Tsay [15] Elastic catenary 2 −0.859 −5.625 the elevation of its right end support is kept constant at 30 m and the
Thai & Kim [18] Elastic catenary 2 −0.859 −5.626 horizontal coordinate of the right end is varied between 0.02 and 100 m
Salehi Ahmad Abad Elastic catenary 2 −0.859 −5.626 (see Fig. 8). The cable is subjected to a temperature rise of Δϑ = 100 K .
et al. [21]
The necessary properties of the cable are outlined in Table 3. The
Crusells-Girona et al. [23] Discrete elastic 3 −0.861 −5.630
catenary problem was first studied by Pevrot and Goulois [20] and later analyzed
Present Analytical 1 −0.859 −5.626 by Yang and Tsay [11] and Salehi Ahmad Abad et al. [21]. It is aimed to
Present Elastic 2 −0.859 −5.626 obtain the horizontal and vertical reactions at the right end support. To
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
w iP i = w 0S (47)
where w i and w 0 refer to the updated and initial value of the cable
weight per unit length, respectively. It is clear that this equation implies
the conservation of mass. Unless the proposed modification is in-
troduced into the formulations, the distributed load of the cable will not
be recomputed. This will result in larger vertical reactions and deflec-
tions than the reality. This modification has been simply built into the
solution program to analyze prestressed cables.
The fourth example is presented to assess the applicability of the
new formulation for analysis of a prestressed cable subjected to uniform
transverse loads. The problem is taken from Jayaraman and Knudson
[19]. The initial unstrained length of the cable has been 9990.00999 in .
Due to pretension, the length of the cable is increased to span 10000 in ,
as shown in Fig. 9. It is aimed to obtain the vertical displacement at
mid-span for different values of uniform transverse load. The horizontal
line joining the supports has been utilized as the starting geometry. The
cable was modeled by two elastic hyperbola elements. The obtained
results for five different values of w are reported in Table 5. It is ob-
Fig. 8. Various configurations of the cable.
served that the present results conform well to the benchmark out-
comes. Fig. 10 compares the variation of mid-span displacement of the
Table 3 cable under increasing uniform load obtained by the proposed element
Properties of the cable under thermo-elastic loading. and the analytical theory of elastic catenary.
Item Data
Table 4
Comparison of reactions (N) for the cable under thermo-elastic loading.
Researcher(s) Reactions (N) Location (m)
0.02 20 40 60 80 100
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Table 5
Results and comparison for prestressed cable under uniform load. Fig. 11. Prestressed plane cable net.
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Table 8
Comparison of vertical displacements (mm) of hyperbolic paraboloid net.
Node Vertical displacement (mm)
Experiment [44] Dynamic Relaxation [44] Minimum Energy [45] Elastic catenary [18] Approximation by series [28] Elastic catenary [14] Present
* Numbers in parentheses indicate the absolute error percentage with respect to experiment results.
Table 9
Comparison of displacements (mm) for spatial net.
Researcher Direction Displacements (mm)
7 8 9 14 15 16
Lewis et al. [27] (Elastic straight) dx −5.14 −2.26 0.00 −4.98 −2.55 0.00
dy −0.42 −0.47 2.27 0.00 0.00 0.00
dz −30.41 −17.7 3.62 −43.49 −44.47 −41.65
Thai & Kim [18] (Elastic catenary) dx −5.03 −2.23 0 −4.92 −2.55 0.00
dy −0.41 −0.46 2.31 0.00 0.00 0.00
dz −29.86 −17.29 3.61 −42.85 −44.26 −42.08
Salehi Ahmad Abad et al. [21] (PCCC) dx −5.02 −2.24 0.00 −4.94 −2.56 0.00
dy −0.41 −0.43 2.23 0.00 0.00 0.00
dz −29.55 −17.55 3.19 −42.99 −44.30 −42.04
Salehi Ahmad Abad et al. [21] (PDCC) dx −5.05 −2.23 0.00 −4.93 −2.55 0.00
dy −0.40 −0.40 2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00
dz −29.55 −17.16 3.19 −42.94 −44.34 −42.14
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Fig. 14. Plan and side view of the pretensioned cable roof.
also drawn from this table that the present element leads to more sa- two different load cases. The first load case, indicated by LC.1, refers to
tisfactory results in terms of the error norm compared to other tech- a downward concentrated force of 1 kip applied to all joints. The second
niques. load case, denoted by LC.2, is similar to LC.1 plus an additional load of
14 kips applied at node 29. Table 10 compares the present vertical
5.8. Spatial cable network displacements of the sample joints against the benchmark results. As it
can be seen, the results predicted by the proposed element are in ex-
Another example examined here is a spatial cable network. The cellent agreement with previous studies.
configuration of the structure is depicted in Fig. 13, in which symmetry
about both centerlines is evident. The assembly is 24 m× 16 m in the 5.10. Suspended cable ring
plan, and 38 pretensioned cable segments have been used to divide its
grid in 4 m× 4 m quadrilaterals. All cables maintain an elastic modulus This example serves to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed
of 160 GPa and the pretension force along the x and y directions are scheme in analysis of slack cable networks. The initial configuration of
equal to 90 kN and 30 kN , respectively. All internal joints are subjected an axisymmetric suspended cable ring with inner radius of 35 m and
to a downward concentrated force of 6.8 kN . The cross-sectional areas of outer radius of 75 m is presented in Fig. 15. The assembly consists of 8
the cables along the x and y directions are also equal to 350 mm2 and radial and 8 tangential slack cable segments. The outermost joints are
120 mm2 , in a respective manner. A very small quantity is assumed for assumed to be fixed, while each of the inner joints maintains three
the cables’ weight per unit length to carry out the analysis. The ob-
tained displacements are compared to those reported by previous re- Table 10
searchers in Table 9. As it can be seen, the proposed scheme leads to Comparison of vertical displacements (ft) for example 9.
almost identical results.
Node Vertical displacement (ft)
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Fig. 15. Plan and perspective view of the suspended cable ring.
Table 11
Comparison of joint coordinates (m) at the final equilibrium state.
Researcher(s) Direction (m) Joint No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hüttner et al. [49] x 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.451 −41.649 −29.451 0.000 29.451
y 0.000 29.451 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.540 −41.649 −29.451
z −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713
Deng et al. [48] x 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.451 −41.649 −29.451 0.000 29.451
y 0.000 29.451 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.451 −41.649 −29.451
z −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713 −21.713
Present x 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.451 −41.649 −29.451 0.000 29.451
y 0.000 29.451 41.469 29.451 0.000 −29.451 −41.649 −29.451
z −21.717 −21.717 −21.717 −21.717 −21.717 −21.717 −21.717 −21.717
translational degrees of freedom. The cross-sectional area, elastic corresponding equilibrium paths of cable structures, the Newton-
modulus and weight-per unit unstrained length of all cables are equal to Raphson iterative method was also employed.
A = 1963.44 mm2 , E = 170 GPa and w = 151.047 N/m , respectively. Unlike the elastic catenary approach, which requires a complicated
Further, the radial and tangential cables have unstrained lengths of iterative procedure for inverting the flexibility matrix and determina-
40 m and 32 m, respectively. The entire cable network is released from tion of three unknown nodal forces at each step, the proposed for-
the initial state to deform under its self-weight. It is aimed to obtain the mulation leads to an explicit stiffness matrix. It has only one unknown
nodal coordinates of the final equilibrium state. Deng et al. used a ra- force, namely the horizontal force. This makes the new element more
ther arduous shape finding technique to solve this problem [48]. In this efficient in terms of the analysis time. Significant case studies, ranging
study, the analysis was simply carried out by modeling each cable from single span cables to slack and pretensioned cable networks, were
segment with a single element. The coordinates of the inner joints at the performed to illustrate the robustness of the present technique in ana-
final equilibrium state are compared to those reported by previous re- lysis of various types of cable assemblies.
searchers in Table 11. As it can be seen, the proposed scheme has In addition to the simplicity and explicit nature of the equations and
predicted identical results. This clearly indicates the reliability and relations, the numerical outcomes clearly demonstrate that the pro-
applicability of the new formulation in shape finding and analysis of the posed element furnishes accurate results and can be conveniently uti-
slack cable structures. lized in research, analysis and design of practical deep and shallow
cable-supported structures such as pretensioned cable roofs, long-span
6. Conclusions cable stayed bridges and suspension bridges.
Based on the concept of inextensible catenary, a novel formulation Declaration of conflicting interests
for three-dimensional cables was developed in this study. Authors’
element is able to consider inclination without using any transforma- No potential conflicts of interest are declared by the authors with
tion matrices, takes the large sag effects into account, and it is applic- respect to the authorship, research and/or publication of this paper.
able to the cables undergoing general load cases, such as, concentrated,
uniformly distributed and thermal loads. The inextensibility condition Funding
was relaxed and equality of the total differentiation of the elastic
elongation and strained length of the cable was employed to derive the The authors received no financial supports either for the research or
explicit components of the tangent stiffness matrix. To trace the the authorship and publication of this article.
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Appendix A
As it is given by Eqs. (20)–(28), the components of the tangent stiffness matrix are simplified using Ai and Bi constants. These constants are
outlined below:
sinh(λ )(λL2cosh(λ )−l y2sinh(λ ))
A1 = (1−α Δϑ)
λ2l x P (I.1)
ly sinh2 (λ )
A2 = (1−α Δϑ)
λ2P (I.2)
A3 = (1−α Δϑ)
P (I.3)
A 4 = −(1−α Δϑ) sinh(λ )(λ cosh(λ )−sinh(λ ))
l x λwP (I.4)
A5 = A2
ly (I.5)
A8 = A 4
ly (I.8)
A9 = A5 (I.9)
A10 = A2 (I.10)
2H 2 lz
A11 = (1−α Δϑ) (λ sinh(λ )−2sinh2 (λ )) +
l z w 2P P (I.11)
A12 = A 4
lz (I.12)
β= ⎛ wl z
⎞ +4 ⎟
⎝ H sinh(λ ) ⎠ (I.13)
B1 = 4βEALlx λ sinh(λ )
{Hβ sinh(λ )[λL2 (cosh(2ξ + 4λ ) + cosh(2ξ ))
− l y2 (sinh(2ξ + 4λ )−sinh(2ξ )) + 2λ (l x2−l y2)]−wl z (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))(λL2coth(λ )−l y2)} (I.14)
ly ⎧ w Hl z
B2 = 2
(sinh(2ξ + 4λ )−sinh(2ξ ) + 4λ )− 2 (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))⎫
2EA ⎨
⎩ 4λ βL sinh(λ) ⎬
⎭ (I.15)
B3 = (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))
2EAβ sinh(λ ) (I.16)
B4 = {−βH sinh(λ )[λ (cosh(2ξ + 4λ ) + cosh(2ξ )) + sinh(2ξ )−sinh(2ξ + 4λ )−2λ]−wl z (cosh(2ξ )−cosh(2ξ + 4λ ))(λ coth(λ )−1)}
βw 2EAl x sinh(λ ) (I.17)
B5 = B2
ly (I.18)
B6 = {Hβ sinh(λ )[λL2 (cosh(2ξ + 4λ ) + cosh(2ξ ))−l x2 (sinh(2ξ + 4λ )−sinh(2ξ )) + 2λ (l y2−l x2)]
4βEALl y λ sinh(λ )
−wl z (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))(λL2coth(λ )−l x2)} (I.19)
B 7 = B3 (I.20)
B8 = B4
ly (I.21)
B9 = {βH sinh(λ )(sinh(2ξ + 4λ )−sinh(2ξ ) + 4λ )−wl z (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))}
4βEALλ sinh(λ ) (I.22)
B10 = B9
lx (I.23)
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
B11 = {Hβ sinh(λ )[λ (cosh(2ξ + 4λ ) + cosh(2ξ ))−sinh(2ξ + 4λ ) + sinh(2ξ )−2λ]−wl z (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))(λ coth(λ )−2)}
2βEAwl z sinh(λ ) (I.24)
B12 = − {Hβ sinh(λ )[λ (cosh(2ξ + 4λ ) + cosh(2ξ ))−sinh(2ξ + 4λ ) + sinh(2ξ )−2λ]−wl z (cosh(2ξ + 4λ )−cosh(2ξ ))(λ coth(λ )−1)}
βEAw 2l z sinh(λ ) (I.25)
Appendix B
M. Rezaiee-Pajand et al. Engineering Structures 167 (2018) 431–444
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.04.022.
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