Introduction To Ordinary Differential Equations ODEs
Introduction To Ordinary Differential Equations ODEs
Introduction To Ordinary Differential Equations ODEs
Equations (ODEs)
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are mathematical equations that
describe the relationship between a function and its derivatives. They are
widely used in various fields, including physics, engineering, biology, and
finance, to model and understand real-world phenomena.
by Kotian Saheb
Initial and Boundary Value Problems
Initial Value Problems Boundary Value Problems
An initial value problem (IVP) is a type of ODE problem where A boundary value problem (BVP) is a type of ODE problem
the solution is determined by specifying the value of the where the solution is determined by specifying the value of
function and its derivatives at a single point in time. IVPs are the function at two or more points in space. BVPs are often
often used to model the evolution of a system over time. used to model the behavior of a system over space.
Analytical Methods for
Solving ODEs
1 Separation of 2 Integrating Factors
Variables This method is used for first-
This method is applicable to order linear ODEs. It involves
first-order ODEs where the multiplying the equation by
variables can be separated an integrating factor to make
on opposite sides of the it exact.
3 Method of 4 Variation of
Undetermined Parameters
Coefficients This method is used for linear
This method is used for linear ODEs with nonconstant
ODEs with constant coefficients and
coefficients and nonhomogeneous terms. It
nonhomogeneous terms. It involves finding a particular
involves finding a particular solution that is a linear
solution that satisfies the combination of the solutions
nonhomogeneous term. of the homogeneous
Numerical Methods for
Solving ODEs
1 Step 1: Discretization
The first step is to discretize the time or space domain into a
finite number of points.
2 Step 2: Approximation
The next step is to approximate the derivatives in the ODE
using finite difference approximations.
3 Step 3: Solution
Finally, the resulting system of algebraic equations is solved
to obtain a numerical solution to the ODE.
Finite Difference Methods
Forward Difference Backward Difference
Approximates the derivative at a Approximates the derivative at a
point using the value at the point using the value at the
current point and the value at current point and the value at
the next point. the previous point.
Central Difference
Approximates the derivative at a point using the values at the points
before and after the current point.
Runge-Kutta Methods
Euler's Method
1 First-order method, simple but can be inaccurate for large
step sizes.
Midpoint Method
2 Second-order method, more accurate than Euler's method.