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GEN - Instructions For Remotely Proctored Testing - EN

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This document contains important information

for the preparation of your remotely proctored tests.

Before your testing session, please make sure that you read thoroughly this document and the
detailed instructions provided in the TestWe user guide,
provided with your invitation email from TestWe.

N.B. The instructions in this EPSO instruction manual take precedence over any TestWe
instructions or guidance document. However, it is still mandatory to thoroughly read and make
sure you are familiar with the instructions provided by TestWe.

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Testing day check list
The aim of this section is to summarise this instruction manual to allow for a convenient,
quick start to your tests. Please read the full instruction manual below to ensure that you
are fully prepared for your testing session and that you are fully aware of the rules related
to EPSO tests.

Before the testing day On the testing day

 Make sure that you have the  Make sure that you meet all the
correct technical prerequisites environment requirements and
and that you have downloaded that you have your ID ready (a
the correct version of the TestWe valid identity document with a
application as per the link in your photo, e.g. a passport, ID card,
TestWe email. etc.).

Operating systems:  Make sure that any

• Microsoft Windows 10 firewall/antivirus has been
minimum; disabled.
• Apple OS X 10.13 minimum;  Ensure that you have a live
• Linux Ubuntu 20.04. internet connection at the start
and the end of your tests.
• An internet connection (Wi-Fi
or wired).  Log in to the application 15
• 1 GB of free space on the minutes before the start of the
hard disk. tests.
• 4 GB of RAM minimum.  Launch your exam, do the identity
and environment check, and start
 Complete the technical your tests.
prerequisite check before the
deadline indicated in your  Once your tests are finalised,
invitation letter. verify if your exam was uploaded.
 Synchronise your test in the  If you encounter technical issues
TestWe application at least 2 days during the tests, contact the
before your test. TestWe support team during the
duration of the test ONLY by
 If you encounter technical issues phone AND inform EPSO via the
before the testing day, contact the contact form, within the deadline,
TestWe support team ONLY via attaching supporting
the chatbot. documentation as stated in 4.3.
Obligation to inform EPSO.
- +32 2 586 07 32 (Belgium)
- +33 1 76 41 14 88 (France)

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Testing day check list..................................................................................................... 2
Before the testing day................................................................................................. 2
On the testing day ....................................................................................................... 2
1. Prerequisites .............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Technical and organisational requirements ............................................................. 4
1.2. Documents ............................................................................................................. 4
2. Before the testing session .......................................................................................... 5
2.1. Notifications from TestWe ...................................................................................... 5
2.2. App version requirements ...................................................................................... 5
2.3. Connection requirements ....................................................................................... 6
2.4. Mandatory technical prerequisite check ................................................................. 6
2.5. Synchronisation of your tests ................................................................................. 7
2.6. Training and Equipment test .................................................................................. 7
2.7. Navigation in TestWe environment......................................................................... 7
3. Day of your tests ........................................................................................................ 8
3.1. Environment requirements ..................................................................................... 8
3.2. Starting and taking your tests ................................................................................. 9
3.3. Finalising the tests................................................................................................ 10
4. Immediate troubleshooting and policies ...................................................................... 11
4.1. Outside the testing period .................................................................................... 11
4.2. During the tests .................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Obligation to inform EPSO ................................................................................... 12
4.4. Complaints Policy ................................................................................................. 12
4.5. Disqualification Policy........................................................................................... 13
4.6. Force majeure Policy............................................................................................ 14
5. Confidentiality of test content/systems ........................................................................ 15
6. Data protection ........................................................................................................... 15
7. Overview of links ......................................................................................................... 15

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1. Prerequisites

1.1 Technical and organisational requirements

• Operating systems:
− Microsoft Windows 10 minimum;
− Apple OS X 10.13 minimum;
− Linux Ubuntu 20.04.
• 1 GB of free space on the hard disk.
• An internet connection (Wi-Fi or wired).
• 4 GB of RAM minimum (8GB recommended).
Some configurations (for example Windows 10 S, Windows on ARM architecture,
smartphones, tablets or Virtual Machines) are not compatible. Please check the
exceptions on the TestWe page.
• Administrator rights on your computer are required. Therefore, the use of corporate
computers is not allowed.
• A single screen is required. Dual-screen configurations are NOT permitted for
testing (i.e. a desktop with two screens or a laptop with a separate screen).
You can use a single external screen with your laptop, connected via a computer
screen cable directly to your laptop. In this case you must deactivate the laptop
screen and close the laptop. You should also make sure that you have the adapted
screen resolution as stated in the TestWe User Guide provided in your TestWe
invitation email.
Note that, in that case, you will NOT be able to use the laptop’s integrated camera,
keyboard or trackpad.
• You cannot use a docking station.
• You can use an USB Multiport.
• Wired mouse, keyboard and numpad are allowed.
• Wired or built-in webcams and microphones are mandatory and must be kept
on/activated throughout the tests. It is highly recommended to check the functioning
and the audio and video settings of your microphone and camera. The configuration
must allow you to complete the environmental check, therefore external webcams
are recommended for all-in-one workstations and/or difficult to move equipment.
• Earphones, earbuds, earplugs and headsets and alike are not allowed.

1.2. Documents
Ensure that the identity document you use (a valid official identity document with a photo,
i.e. passport, ID card, etc.) bears your name and photo on the same side. If you fail to
prove your identity, you may be disqualified.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your name and photo are clearly visible on

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the picture you take.
If your ID does not bear your name and photo on the same side, please upload one single
PDF file showing both sides of the ID to your EPSO account AND inform EPSO
accordingly via the contact form. The file can be uploaded by clicking on "Upload supporting
documents" in your EPSO account. The deadline for uploading this PDF file is 23:59
(Brussels time) on the calendar day following the tests.

2. Before the testing session

2.1. Notifications from TestWe

You will receive the following notifications from TestWe by email:
• At the latest 15 calendar days before your exam date, the first message will contain
information about your login, a link for downloading the application and a link to the
TestWe User Guide.
If you do not have a TestWe account, you will receive new login credentials.
If you already have a TestWe account, you will be informed that your existing
credentials remain the same. Make sure you have selected ‘EPSO’ in the drop-
down menu in the top right corner of the app.
• The second message from TestWe will arrive shortly after the first email and will
contain information about the technical prerequisite check.
• The third message from TestWe will contain a notification about the availability of
your exam.
Do not contact EPSO requesting links for installation, login credentials, the user
guide or if you did not receive the three emails referred to above. Only TestWe will
be able to provide this information. On the subject of contacting TestWe, please
refer to section 4. Immediate troubleshooting and policies.

Please note that the email address you have indicated in your EPSO account is the one
which was sent to TestWe and to which TestWe will send all notifications about your tests.
If you need to change your email address between the date indicated in the letter and your
testing date, please inform EPSO immediately via the contact form linked below.

2.2. App version requirements

Please make sure that you use the correct version of the TestWe application,
downloadable via the link provided in the email you will have received from TestWe.

If you have already sat an exam using the TestWe application, please check the version
you have prior to proceeding. In case of doubt, please uninstall the version you currently
have on your device and install the new version as indicated in the email from TestWe.

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In the event of persistent issues due to versions, please consult the following document:
How to delete hidden files in the operating systems relating to the TestWe application

2.3. Connection requirements

The TestWe application can work offline during your test session. However, you must
have a live internet connection:
- The first time you log in;
- When synchronising your ‘exam list’;
- At the start of your tests, including the identification process;
- At the end of your tests in order for them to be submitted.
Please refer to the TestWe user guide for more information.

2.4. Mandatory technical prerequisite check

Please download and install the TestWe application (via the link accessible in the email you
will receive from TestWe) as early as possible and perform the technical prerequisite check
as soon as you can and no later than the date indicated in your invitation letter.
It is mandatory to perform the prerequisite check. If you do not do so, you will be
held responsible for any technical problems encountered during the testing
Candidates who encounter technical issues during the testing day and did not perform the
technical prerequisite check by the deadline indicated in the invitation letter may not be
provided with an opportunity to retest.
The aim of the technical prerequisite check is to test the compatibility of your device with
the application, to help you familiarise yourself with the available functions and with the
testing environment. It will not count towards your results.
The technical prerequisite check must be performed on the same computer as the one
used for the actual testing session. It is highly recommended to take the technical
prerequisite check at the location chosen for the actual testing session.
Be aware that you may take the prerequisite technical check only once.
If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact TestWe ONLY via the chatbot:
Please note that the user interface during your real testing session might look
slightly different to what is shown in the demonstration materials, such as the user
guide provided by TestWe.

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2.5. Synchronisation of your tests
In order to be able to access your tests, your ‘exam list’ will have to be synchronised in the

Once you have received the third email notification from TestWe, log into the TestWe
application at least 2 days prior to your testing session, launch the application with
an active internet connection and make sure your tests are visible in the tab ‘Exams’ under
the subsection ‘Next exams’. If the tests are not visible 48 hours before your testing
session date, please contact TestWe and EPSO as instructed in section 4. Immediate
troubleshooting and policies.

The tests will be ready for launch only on the date and at the time indicated in the
invitation letter.

2.6. Training and Equipment test

For additional practice, you can follow the practice test available in the ‘Training’ section
of the TestWe application bar:

You can also test your equipment and internet connection before launching the test by
going to the ‘Equipment check’ section:

Please note that this is a sample test and the structure and/or sequence of the
sections might be different in your actual testing session. Refer to your invitation
letter for the exact structure and sequence of your testing session.

2.7. Navigation in TestWe environment

For additional information about the user interface and navigation, please consult the
‘Navigation on TestWe’ document linked to your invitation letter.

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3. Day of your tests

3.1. Environment requirements

Please ensure that:

• you take the online tests alone and in a quiet and well-lit room;
• for the whole duration of the tests you only use a webcam that faces you;
• you are not interrupted for the entire duration of the tests.

During the tests you are not allowed to:

• use any other device (e.g. mobile phone, other computer, tablet, connected
watches, docking stations, additional cameras, etc.). The only exception is if you
have to call TestWe during the tests to resolve a technical problem. Your muted
phone may be in your environment, but at a reasonable distance (2-3 metres
away) and clearly well out of reach from your work station;
• talk or read out loud exam questions and replies;
• have other people present in the room;
• move away from the computer during any of the tests or change your position in
such a way that your face would no longer be visible via the computer’s webcam
(you may move away from the computer only during the designated breaks, if any,
between the tests);
• stand up;
• consult any books, notes or other materials;
• have writing material, like a pen and paper on your desk during the tests;
• take notes;
• cover your face (for example, with your hands);
• use/wear earphones, headphones, earplugs or a headset.

On your desk, you may only have your laptop/computer with a charger, wired mouse and
keyboard, identification document, a mousepad and two standard size unpacked white
tissues without any pattern.
Water is allowed during your exams. No other beverages are permitted. All water must be
in a clear or transparent container and all labels must be removed.
Your device feeds, namely audio and video, are recorded and will be analysed by the
service provider, TestWe, to identify any suspicious behaviour that may occur during the
tests. The list of potential incidents is submitted to EPSO and the Selection Board, if any,
for decision. Any behaviour detected during your tests that contravenes the
requirements stated above, may lead to your exclusion from the competition or the
invalidation of your tests.
N.B. A certain time delay, for example when entering text or using the calculator,

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can appear and is due to the security software of the TestWe app.
These requirements are applicable to all candidates. If you have a special condition
which might prevent you from meeting them, please contact EPSO’s accessibility
team as soon as possible via this link: Question | Careers with the European Union

3.2. Starting and taking your tests

Before you launch the TestWe application, please ensure that any firewall or antivirus on
your computer has been disabled and check that the date and time on your computer are

For tests where typing is required, please check your keyboard settings, and ensure that
you are able to type in the language of the tests before launching the tests.

After logging in, click on “launch the exam”. The identity and environement verification process
will start. You will be required to prove your identity, check your equipment and record the
environment 360º around you, along with the immediate surroundings of your workstation,
and conduct a brief physical check (see the TestWe User guide you will have received in the
email from TestWe).

PLEASE NOTE: An incorrect ID and environment check does not prevent candidates
from taking the tests. TestWe will perform an image check and provide EPSO with
the outcome at a later stage. Incorrect ID and environment checks may lead to the
invalidation of candidates’ results.

You should log into the application 15 minutes before the scheduled start time so that
you can ensure you are ready to launch the testing session. Make sure you have your
identity document ready.

The time needed for the checks of your identity and testing environment before the tests
do not count as part of the time allocated for each test.
No agent will be available to assist you during the verification process as it is fully
automatic. Please ensure that you follow all the instructions on the screen and in the
TestWe user guide. Non-compliance may lead to the invalidation of your test results.

N.B. No tutorial on navigating the exam’s interface is included in the tests. Please
refer to the 2.4. Mandatory technical prerequisite ‘Navigation on TestWe’2.6. Training
and Equipment test document linked in your invitation letter.

During the tests it is possible to use shortcuts such as “copy and paste” or “cut and paste”.
However, EPSO advises against using these shortcuts as it could lead to technical

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disruptions for which you will be held responsible.

In the event of any technical issues, please consult the 4. Immediate troubleshooting and
policiesImmediate troubleshooting section.

3.3. Finalising the tests

When you finish the tests, the TestWe application will automatically upload your test
results. If you have been disconnected from the internet, or have taken your tests offline
as described above, you will have up to 24 hours to connect to the internet to send your

To verify that your tests were synchronised and uploaded, please check the exam tab (1),
then ‘Passed exams’ (2), and verify that next to your exam, the information says ‘sent’ and
is marked in green (3).

Once your tests have been sent, you will receive a certificate of attendance by email from
If your tests have not been sent, please consult the ‘Immediate Troubleshooting’
sectionImmediate troubleshooting and policies.
In the event that you have not completed your testing session, no certificate will be issued.
Please note that certificates of attendance are only issued by TestWe and not by EPSO.
Test results are not communicated immediately. After the testing period has closed, your
answers are processed by the contractor, then sent to and processed by EPSO. This
procedure can typically take several weeks in view of the large number of participants in
our testing sessions.

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4. Immediate troubleshooting and policies

4.1. Outside the testing period

If you encounter any technical difficulties when installing the TestWe application or
sending your tests, please contact the support team ONLY via the chatbot.

The TestWe knowledge base contains specific tutorials and answers related to the testing
application, available at the following link: https://testwe.freshdesk.com/support/solutions

You may also consult the following document: “How to delete hidden files in the operating
systems relating to the TestWe application”. This may help you to solve issues relating to
wrong versions of the application, as well as how to see which version is correct.

4.2. During the tests

Technical support during the tests is provided ONLY by phone.
If you encounter any technical issues while taking the tests, BEFORE trying to call TestWe,
you MUST force the restart of your computer by following the procedure below:
a) Press the on/off button on your computer for at least 15 seconds;
b) Once the computer is off, you can turn it back on and re-open the TestWe
c) If the issue has been fixed, you can start/resume the testing session. If the issue
persists, you should IMMEDIATELY call TestWe.

Please note that many technical issues are solved by restarting the computer.

For technical support during the tests, please call the TestWe helpdesk directly on:

+32 2 586 07 32 (Belgium)


+33 1 76 41 14 88 (France)
Please note that you will not be reimbursed for any charges that your local telecom
provider may apply.
We recommend that you add the helpdesk numbers to your phone contacts before the tests.

Only TestWe is competent to solve technical issues related to the testing platform.

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4.3. Obligation to inform EPSO
Should an issue occur, please ensure that you have notified EPSO in writing within the
deadline mentioned in the Notice of Competition or Call for Expression of Interest. Please use
the online contact form (https://eu-careers.europa.eu/en/contact-us/complaints) only and
include a detailed description of the problem encountered as well as supporting documents.
The obligation to inform EPSO applies in all cases, including when the contractor assures
If you experience problems launching the application or other technical issues during your
tests, you must also attach supporting documentation to substantiate your attempts to
resolve the issue (such as a screenshot proving your interactions with TestWe’s call
helpdesk). You must provide EPSO with this supporting documentation within the deadline
mentioned above. Any requests not submitted to the TestWe technical support by phone
at the scheduled time of the testing session, requests lacking relevant supporting
documentation or requests submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed and will be
EPSO may ask the candidate to provide additional technical documentation such as
screenshots of the computer configuration or the application version in order to verify that
all the instructions were followed. Under justified circumstances, EPSO may offer another
testing opportunity. In that case, the candidate will be informed by EPSO via email and a
new testing session will be arranged directly by the test provider. From that point onwards,
please refer to the provider’s subsequent correspondence.
In the event that a candidate is unable to take the exam or would like to withdraw from the
ongoing selection procedure, the candidate can inform EPSO via the contact link.

4.4. Complaints Policy

Please note that complaints linked to the issues identified below will not constitute grounds
for a retest:
1. Use of a corporate laptop or a computer for which the candidate does not hold
administrator rights;
2. Incorrect peripheral setup (external monitors, keyboard, numpad, mouse etc.);
3. Using key combinations or shortcuts;
4. Using the copy-paste or cut-paste function;
5. Submitting your tests before the allocated time runs out;
6. Language of the test and that of the test interface;
7. Returning late from a break (if applicable);
8. Contacting TestWe using any other channel than that indicated in the sections
above. Please note that you should not contact TestWe via the contact form on
the TestWe website or via email;
9. Disconnection due to lack of plugged-in power source;

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10. Inability to launch the actual testing session without having completed the
mandatory technical prerequisite test or due to having an incorrect version of the
TestWe application installed;
11. No valid identity document.

The Complaint Resolution Policy for Testing Events document, available here, provides
detailed information on the procedures to be followed. Candidates are advised to
familiarise themselves with its content.

The navigation guide linked in your invitation letter provides detailed information on how
to use the functionalities. For the scratchpad and the calculator, make sure that you have
read this information very carefully. Both can present some latency which is normal with
the current version of the TestWe application. Therefore, complaints related to the
calculator and scratchpad may not automatically lead to a retesting possibility.

Important information:
Feedback on the test event is appreciated for EPSO to continuously improve operations.
However, it will not be considered a complaint, and will not be processed, so please be
explicit in your message to EPSO. If, following the analysis of your complaint (and provided
it is submitted in accordance with the rules established in point 4.3 of this document),
EPSO offers you a and you decide to sit it, please note that your initial results will no longer
be valid.

4.5. Disqualification Policy

Please note that the following may lead to disqualification:

1. Misconduct, such as moving out of sight of the camera or obstructing it;
2. Presence of another person in the room;
3. Not following the correct procedure during the ID check or environment check;
4. Use of personal items while testing. Such items include, but are not limited to,
outerwear, hats, food, purses, bags or briefcases, notebooks, watches, cell phones,
earphones/earbuds/earplugs or alike, wireless/Bluetooth headphones, calculators
other than the onscreen calculator in the TestWe application, electronic devices or
wearable technology;
5. Smoking, eating and similar activities (except for drinking water);
6. Using written notes, published materials and all other testing aids;
7. Standing up, moving around within the location during the tests, turning off lighting
or audio, covering your mouth, speaking loudly, speaking to or receiving aid from
other individuals;
8. Engaging in abusive, unprofessional or disrespectful behaviour towards TestWe
representatives or EPSO staff.

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4.6. Force majeure Policy

In the event of force majeure[1] or unforeseen circumstances beyond the candidate's[2]

control which prevent them from taking the tests, the candidate must contact EPSO without
delay, between the day of reception of the invitation letter in the candidate's EPSO
account, and no later than the complaint deadline stipulated in the relevant Notice of
Competition or Call for Expression of Interest.

The candidate must provide their candidate number and present all pertinent documentary
evidence, such as medical certificates, service provider’s attestations to prove power or
internet outages, or death certificates of a close relative, etc. The time period referred to
in this documentation should include the test date. Disruptive events that are beyond the
control of EPSO or the test provider which may include natural disasters, widespread
internet outages, server failures, or other force majeure events that affect multiple
candidates simultaneously, will be taken into consideration and the necessary corrective
measures will be taken.

In case of proven inability to provide certificates due to a medical condition within the
period stipulated above (accident and/or hospitalisation), the candidate should provide the
certificate as soon as possible. The time period referred to in such a certificate must
include the test date and the delay between the deadline and the date the certificate was

It is important to note that professional commitments (meetings, conferences, business

trips) are NOT considered to be exceptional circumstances or circumstances beyond the
candidate's control. This principle also extends, by analogy, to any travel plans, whether
for private or for professional reasons, that may prevent the candidate from sitting the

The candidate's complaint will be submitted to the relevant evaluation body (EPSO Testing
Operations unit and/or Selection Board) who will decide on what further action to take.

Force majeure is defined as abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances outside the control of the
affected parties, the consequences of which could not have been avoided despite exercising all due
care, and that directly prevent one or both parties from performing their obligations.
Personal emergencies: situations such as the death of a close family member, sudden accidents,
or other unforeseen personal emergencies that significantly impact the candidate’s ability to
participate in the exam. Medical emergencies: serious illness, injury or medical conditions that
prevent a candidate from participating in the test. In this case, medical documentation must be
provided to support the claim.

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5. Confidentiality of test content/systems
The remote delivery platform, guidelines and test content represent the copyrighted,
confidential, and proprietary assets or intellectual property of our contractor and/or EPSO.
Any form of communication, dissemination, replication, or transmission of any test part,
through any medium (verbal, electronic, written, etc.), for any intent is strictly prohibited.
Any reproduction or disclosure of the aforementioned material shall lead to legal action
being taken.

6. Data protection
All personal data you provide when taking your remotely proctored tests will be processed
according to the applicable EU data protection rules, in particular:
− Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
23 October2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing
of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the
free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and
Decision No 1247/2002/EC;
− the Data Protection Record DPR-EC-01157.1 and DPR-EC-01159.2 concerning
selection, by competition, of permanent staff for the European institutions or for
Community bodies, offices and agencies.

EPSO and its contractor do not collect any biometric data in the context of organising
remotely proctored computer-based tests.

7. Overview of links
For a clear overview, find below a list of the links provided in this document, in
chronological order:
• Digital support required for using the TestWe application home English – Support
• The document “How to delete hidden files in the operating systems relating to the
TestWe application”
• The TestWe chatbot https://support.testwe.eu/en/
• EPSO’s contact form, the official candidate communication channel Contact form
for questions/comments | EU Careers (europa.eu)
• TestWe Support: TestWe support (freshdesk.com)
• Phone numbers to call TestWe’s technical assistance (to be used only during the
time scheduled for the tests)
+ 32 2 586 07 32 (Belgium)
+ 33 1 76 41 14 88 (France)

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