40 Engineering Interview Questions (Plus Sample Answers)
40 Engineering Interview Questions (Plus Sample Answers)
40 Engineering Interview Questions (Plus Sample Answers)
40 Engineering Interview
Questions (Plus Sample Answers)
Indeed Editorial Team
Updated January 26, 2023
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Understanding and using the STAR technique is very beneficial when you’re
preparing for an interview and practicing your answers. The STAR technique
helps you answer behavioral questions with clarity by using your own
experiences. STAR stands for:
General questions
Your answers to general questions will be the employer’s first impression of you.
This is your opportunity to talk about your best experiences and skills, which will
help the interviewer understand your interest in the job and if you are a good fit.
5. What do you consider your strengths? What do you consider your weaknesses?
8. If you could go back five years in time, would you do anything di!erently?
9. If I hire you, what is the first contribution you will make to the company?
1. What kind of education do you have? How much education do you have?
5. Why did you apply for this particular position? What appeals to you about our
11. Do you ever lose your temper while working? If so, how do you recover?
In-depth questions
The answers to in-depth questions should consist of explaining your specific
work styles, how you solve problems and what your goals are.
2. Describe the steps you take when developing plans for a project .
5. Have you developed any new engineering skills in the past year?
6. Who was your go-to person when you encountered a problem on a project that you
couldn’t solve alone? Why was that person your go-to person?
8. Describe a time when you had to work on a project with conflict involving
professional interests. How did you solve the issue?
9. Tell me about a time when you were successful in building a long-term working
relationship with someone outside the engineering department.
10. Describe the most challenging written technical report or presentation that you’ve
had to complete.
11. What checks and balances do you use to make sure that you don’t make mistakes?
12. Do you have any patents? If so, tell me about them. If not, is that something that
you see yourself pursuing? Why or why not?
Yes No
Example: “My favorite projects are those that include helping the wildlife
populations and curing sick animals. I assisted with the plans for a new exotic animal
hospital, and I was so happy to be doing something that was going to be so
beneficial to those animals.”
your time-management skills are and how you continue to improve those. Your
answer should also reflect on how well you handle demanding projects.
Example: “Before I begin any work, I set aside some time to prioritize what tasks
need to be done right away, and follow my list, doing the most time-sensitive parts
first. Using this process has kept me on time and continues to improve my time-
management skills.”
Example: “My engineering solution has features to constantly check for mistakes or
errors, and I always triple-check any measurements or math that I’m working with.
Whether I’m rushing to meet deadlines or not, I get a fellow engineer to check my
work before marking it as complete. Implementing these steps makes it easy to
ensure there aren’t any mistakes.”
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