2020 Handbook of Systems Sciences (Intro)
2020 Handbook of Systems Sciences (Intro)
2020 Handbook of Systems Sciences (Intro)
The Handbook of Systems Sciences reflects the work of scholars whose thinking and
practice cross a wide spectrum of disciplines. The intent of this handbook is not simply
to be an overview of knowledge domains, but is the marking of milestones in their
development. The formal study of systems, cybernetics, and complexity all date back
to the early twentieth century. The principles on which those domains were founded
trace back millennia. The chapters contained in this handbook describe the evolution
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Systems Science Cybernetics Complexity Models Design Management
Ecology Engineering
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Readers may find challenges in varying uses of terminology across the chapters.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy is referred to by many as the “founding father” of general
system theory (GST), though as will be seen in the opening chapter, he was by no
means alone in his work. He did, however, make extremely important contributions.
One set of distinctions that he created was between three aspects of systems: systems
science, systems technology, and systems philosophy (von Bertalanffy 1969). Systems
science was the use of systems theories in traditional disciplines, such as physics,
biology, psychology, sociology, etc. This included a search for “isomorphisms” which
would connect the disciplines at higher theoretical levels (part of the hope for a general
system theory). Systems technology was Bertalanffy’s way of addressing complexity, as
he saw it arising in society through computerization and automation of many kinds, as
well as the increasing amounts of data and concepts that had to be understood.
Systems philosophy captured the deeper reorientation, or shift in paradigms, that was
caused by thinking in these terms. Bertalanffy (1969) also made reference to a
“systems approach.” He did not, to our knowledge, use the term “systems thinking,”
which has become a common, almost generic term, particularly in applied areas such
as management consulting. Systems engineering is part of the field of engineering.
The greatest dilemma probably lies between systems science and systems philosophy.
All of the founders of systems, cybernetics, and complexity were scientists or
researchers from traditional fields of study. Many worked to advance those fields using
these more encompassing principles. A small number had formally studied
philosophy, or even identified as philosophers, in addition to being scientists,
researchers, or practitioners. They have generally been the few who have practiced
both systems science and systems philosophy. They have advanced their individual
fields as well as the larger domains of systems, cybernetics and complexity. They
appear to know when they are working within their fields, and when they are stepping
outside to challenge the very tenants on which those fields, and science in general, are
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based. As Bertalanffy (1969) described: “In one way or another, we are forced to deal
with complexities, with ‘wholes’ or ‘systems,’ in all fields of knowledge. This implies a
basic re-orientation in scientific thinking” (p. 5).
Readers will find vestiges of these concepts and questions throughout the chapters of
this handbook. As noted, the intention of some authors is to apply tools or
technologies to specific problems, while others hope to document advances in a field of
science, or in systems, cybernetics or complexity theories, more generally. Those are
different, but all legitimate pursuits.
Historical Foundations
From the title of the section, readers might assume that these chapters would focus on
specific tools and technologies. In fact, the authors in this section decided to challenge
many of the problems posed by excessively narrow perspectives, which could either
misinterpret or underestimate the situations being addressed, or apply tools and
technologies without appropriately assessing the nature of the systems involved.
Allenna Leonard and her co-authors, Tom Scholte, Ken Shepard, Gabriele Harrer-
Puchner, and Joe Truss, in their Chap. 3, “Cybernetics Approaches and Models,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_66) offer a window into the many ways
in which the principles of these domains (in this case, cybernetics) can be used. Their
chapter includes descriptions in theatrical works, in organizational applications, and
in decision-making processes. They cover specific applications such as Sensitivity
Modeling, Viable Systems Modeling, and Syntegration.
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Michael Lissack offers a clear set of distinctions between first-order and second-order
cybernetics, with respect to control in Chap. 4, “Cybernetics and Control.”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_2) First-order approaches are
consistent with the needs for machinery. Second-order cybernetics addresses control
as it appears in human settings, including issues of biased interpretations, cognitive
limitations, complexity of varying contexts, and choices of individual agency. Control,
then, becomes a matter of choices which guide influences, as affected by levels of
awareness, and even the narratives created to make sense of the circumstances in
question. Or as Lissack describes his conclusion: “Control in second-order cybernetics
is the assertion of balance, the developing of a narrative and the exploitation of the
resulting dominoes of relatedness. Feedback was the initial cybernetic concept.
Narrative, communication, awareness, and reflexivity are its current successors.”
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This section spans a variety of topics and approaches by authors. Some focus on
modeling, per se; others on specific models; and still others on applications of
concepts and models in systems settings.
Hajime Kita explores fundamental questions about the nature of complex systems in
Chap. 9, “Complex Systems.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_3) This is
done across domains including physical systems, biological and ecological systems,
artificial systems (developed by humans), and social systems. Kita focuses on
processes of emergence, self-reproduction, and adaptive mechanisms.
Simple hyper-games assume that agents see each other’s internal models as common
information. Hierarchical hyper-games allow for more complex formulations, e.g., “my
view about your view about her view,” etc. This level of complexity affects assumptions
of equilibria, used in traditional game theory. An important aspect is the ways in which
agents may change their internal models, and how this affects later outcomes. Finally,
drama theory, a game-theoretic model, is introduced (Howard 1994). Hyper-games
deal with the subjective, internal models of agents, while drama theory is more
concerned with the dynamic processes arising from interactions among those internal
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Systems theories have been used by management scholars since the 1940s, starting
with Barnard’s (1938) discussions of the functions of an executive from a practical
perspective. Since then, several prominent management scholars have contributed to
the advancement of management and organizational theories using systems
approaches, including social systems theories, sociotechnical systems, contingency
theory, open systems, and the application of General System Theory (von Bertalanffy
1969). One of the recent works in applying systems theories to management is the
social systems theory of Luhmann (1995) which contributes to the institutional theory
of the organizations. According to Jackson (1991), systems theories applied to
management overcomes the weaknesses of traditional approaches to management by
looking at “organizations as wholes” (p. 41).
Leadership has received much attention in the field of management, as well as having
many of its own books, journals, and organizations. Complexity is a topic that has been
more recently incorporated into management. Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline
(1990) was an influential book which connected systems thinking to (learning)
organizations. Nancy Southern in Chap. 20, “Creating Leaders for Systems
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While there are systematic approaches for creating technical systems, such as the vee
models in systems engineering, working with sociotechnical systems requires a
different mindset. Sociotechnical systems have been of great interest to management,
dating back to the work of the Tavistock Institute in the early 1960’s. It was used to
deal with issues arising from the introduction of automation in the textile mills in
Ahmedabad, India, and later at Volvo’s Kalmar and Uddevalla car plants factory in
Sweden. Alison McKay, Mathew Davies, Helen Hughes, Rebecca Pienazek, and Mark
Robinson, from the sociotechnical research center at Leeds University, offer a process
to design sociotechnical systems in Chap. 18, “Designing Socio-technical Systems.”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_13) They argue that designing
sociotechnical systems requires a new branch of systems science that helps to integrate
human behavior into systems behavior. They illustrate their approach by using a
systems design process vee-model to develop a multi-team customer-service system.
They suggest that their approach can be used as a practical framework to design
sociotechnical systems, more generally.
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Can systems science and systems engineering help to model enterprises, to determine
ways to make better decisions (which is one of the main functions of management)?
Keshav Vithal Nori, Swaminathan Natarajan, Anand Kumar, and Doji Samson Lakku
try to capture the nature of an enterprise and its evolution over time, to create
software models and tools. Using systems science and systems engineering principles,
they describe their work in Chap. 22, “A Systems Engineering Approach to Modelling
Enterprises.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_62) Their approach helps
to understand an enterprise in terms of its morphogenic structure and how the
epigenesis of an enterprise captures its evolution over time. They illustrate their
approach using an information technology enterprise, which is concerned with the
information, processes, and knowledge that enable the functioning of its business
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Organizations in government and the public sector are concerned with development
and implementation of policies that can address complex challenges faced by nations.
Food and nutrition security are some of the challenges affecting countries across the
world. Robert Dyball and Bronwyn Wilkes propose a human ecological systems
framework that can help policy makers analyze, critique, and design interventions in
complex human environments in Chap. 16, “A Human Ecological Approach to Policy
in the Context of Food and Nutrition Security.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-
0720-5_11) Their framework takes into account interactions and feedback between
components of a complex system, in four main categories. They propose that their
approach is applicable to a variety of policy-related situations, to study how different
paradigms can influence policy making, giving rise to systems that impact outcomes
for human and environmental wellbeing.
For-profit corporations are often criticized on many fronts; for caring only about
money, for neglecting the good of workers and the communities they affect, for
harming the natural environment, and so on. Chapter 23, “Developing a Sustainable
Employee-Owned Chemical Company,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-
5_74) by Jean-Claude Pierre, offers a first-hand account of an alternative. Pierre
served as the head (comparable to CEO) of a company that would appear to be the
antithesis of other corporations. As implied by the chapter’s title, he led an employee-
owned chemical company which focused on environmental sustainability. That did
not, however, leave the company without challenges, as he explains in his account.
Social Systems
Like many topics in this handbook, social systems could be understood as extremely
broad, or as confined to a small number of theories and theorists. In a broad sense,
social systems encompass the collective behaviors of species from insects to humans.
Termites and ants display divisions of roles and labor, as well as collective efforts in
the building of elaborate nests. Swarm theory (including swarm behaviors and swarm
intelligence) describes specific patterns, across species from insects to birds to fish,
and applicable in some ways to humans. It includes mathematical models to simulate
the patterns and interactions. Animals hunt in packs and survive in herds. Primates
display many common behaviors as familial groups. Disciplines including sociology,
anthropology, economics, and political science, among others, describe human
behaviors at aggregate levels of organization. In terms of theory, however, there are
actually few theorists who have focused on human social systems, per se.
Families and organizations are not simply collections of individuals any more than
bodily organs are simply collectives of individual cells. They remain individual and
collective, in different ways; described as holons, or systems of systems, or in other
terms. Social systems have identities and distinctive behaviors, however, at their levels
of wholeness. Notable theorists who have attempted to define those systems, in their
own rights, include Talcott Parsons and his student, Niklas Luhmann.
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Given the potential breadth of this topic, there is no way that one section in this
handbook could cover or summarize the possibilities. The chapters included address
particular aspects of social systems, which represent a small sampling of particular
interests. They serve, however, as an introduction, which will hopefully lead to further
Hiroshi Deguchi uses a play on Herbert Simon’s book, The Sciences of the Artificial, as
the entry point for his Chap. 26, “Social Sciences as the Artificial.”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_70) Deguchi introduces the idea of
“constructive social systems sciences” as a way of capturing the collective construction
of social reality for humans. This involves individual, internal models and their
interpretations (echoing ideas from Michael Lissack’s Chap. 4, “Cybernetics and
Control” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_2)). Deguchi compares the
development of theory between natural and social sciences, including the development
of models, and uses of natural languages and mathematics. He then applies his ideas
to the realm of public health, and explores distinctions between macro and micro
models of social systems. He argues for a multi-layer, multi-aspect, reflexive process of
building theories and understanding in societies.
Susumu Ohnuma in Chap. 24, “Consensus Building: Process Design Toward Finding a
Shared Recognition of Common Goal Beyond Conflicts,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_68) explores the potential for building
consensus in public decision-making from social dilemmas. This is done using
concepts from game theories as frameworks, including the Illegal Waste Dumping
Game, Emissions Trading Game, and Consensus Building of Wind Farm Game. Much
of the value comes from the process of cooperating towards a common goal.
Engineered Systems
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The section on engineered systems is one of the more significant for this handbook,
both in terms of the number of chapters included, and in terms of perspectives which
these chapters add. There have been formal, collaborative efforts between the systems
science and systems engineering communities since at least 2010, as evidenced by
agreements between the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the
Systems Science Working Group of the International Council on Systems Engineering
(INCOSE). It would be easy to assume that the ISSS focused on development of
theories, and that INCOSE was interested in implementing them. In fact, both groups
have been involved in theory and application since the outset. The authors included in
this section represent some of the most pioneering and active systems engineers in this
The value of these collaborations has been significant, evidencing the need that theory
and practice must work together for mutual benefit. Untested theories are just good
ideas. Practice without a theoretical basis (even tacit) is just a series of trial-and-error
Special note needs to be made of Harold (Bud) Lawson, who passed away during the
production of this handbook. His Chap. 39, “Understanding the Systems Solution
Landscape,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_20) is included with the
generous agreement of his family, and the help of James Martin (editor of the section
“Engineered Systems”) in completing the final writing. Bud was a pioneer in crossing
the domains of systems science and systems engineering, as a writer, editor, and long-
time practitioner.
While the chapters in this section come from authors who have practiced systems
engineering, there is nothing homogeneous about the ideas or the examples. Like
other sections, the chapters span great territory.
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emotions, fallacies and the use of simplifying heuristics,” which make the choices and
decisions difficult. The authors explore these problems in some depth, along with
possibilities for resolving them.
Hillary Sillitto addresses the fundamental nature of engineered systems in Chap. 36,
“Nature of an Engineered Systems: Illustrated from Engineering Artefacts and
Complex Systems.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_17) This is
important so that human designed systems can be compared to, and distinguished
from, natural systems writ large. He situates engineered systems within a larger
taxonomy, including distinctions between conceptual and physical systems, and
discusses the increasingly complex systems with which engineers are faced; highly-
networked, and potentially autonomous. He then applies these concepts of engineered
systems to numerous kinds of examples, including products, services and enterprises.
He highlights the differences between engineered and natural systems, and lastly,
contrasts the various approaches that systems engineers use in working with
engineered systems, from those that systems scientists use in studying natural
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Anand Kumar offers his perspective on the creation of value in Chap. 40, “Delivering
System Value: A Systematic Approach.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-
5_21) As he explains, building quality into a system does not always equate with
delivering the value needed or required by all stakeholders. He presents an approach
involving four aspects: value understanding, value characterization, value proposition,
and value realization. This creates an interesting companion to the chapters by White,
and by Madni and Bahill.
William (Bill) Schindel explores patterns in systems and in science in Chap. 38,
“System Patterns in Engineering and Science.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-
0720-5_19) As he describes, “In addition to providing a unifying perspective to
historical accomplishments of specialized disciplines, system patterns also simplify the
complexity of existing engineering environments while advancing ability to develop
new scientific and engineering disciplines for more complex domains, including
markets, networks, distribution systems, the Internet of Things, communities, and the
innovation process itself.” Interestingly, rather than building on the concepts of
isomorphies from General System Theory, or Pattern Language (though referenced),
he works up from the S*Metamodel as a foundation. This creates a unique
contribution to the discussion of patterns, while it parallels and complements several
other chapters in this section (particularly Chaps. 36, “Nature of an Engineered
Systems: Illustrated from Engineering Artefacts and Complex Systems,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_17) 37, “Systems Engineering Science,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_18) and 44, “General Schemas
Theory.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_73))
The late Bud Lawson contributed his chapter describing a “systems solution
landscape.” As he summarized, “Working toward a solution (response) first involves
understanding the problem or opportunity situation space, the potential response and
the system assets that are available or can be developed to provide a response.” In
clear and simple language, Lawson summarizes basic concepts of systems, and
processes of change in his chapter Chap. 39, “Understanding the Systems Solution
Landscape.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_20) He then covers the
Essence approach, which is derived from software engineering, systems architecture,
cybernetic applications for change management, and issues of enterprises. (It is a
privilege to publish this final chapter from Bud given his many foundational
contributions in the field.)
Design of Systems
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Sciences of the Artificial (1969) deeply addresses the relationship of design as intent in
the development of artificial systems and practices. Fernando Flores developed a
practice of “ontological designing” and demonstrated its use in theory and tools such
as the early email system, The Coordinator. The systems discipline of social systems
was envisioned from the roots of the discipline as a design practice, from Hasan
Özbekhan’s normative planning, to Eric Jantsch’s Design for Evolution, Alexander
Christakis’ Dialogic Design and Warfield’s generic Design Science, and of course Bela
Banathy’s work. Russell Ackoff’s Idealized Design was an explicit design process, and
so on.
Design has advanced considerably in complexity the information age, and systems
design has evolved into an interdisciplinary intersection of service and systemic design
for complex systems.
The chapters in this section, curated by Peter Jones reflect some of the leading
intersections of systems and design. Peter Jones, a social scientist by training and
designer by profession, provides a foundational overview of Systemic Design, a
thriving practice developed in the last decade and taught in over a dozen universities,
in Chap. 31, “Systemic Design: Design for Complex, Social, and Sociotechnical
Systems.” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_60) Jones defines systemic
design as a design-led field, relying on creative design epistemology and drawing on
systems theory and method as instrumental functions in the design process for
complex social systems. As an emerging practice in the last decade, systemic design
differs from traditional systems design, a field that views systems as the site of
engineering or sociotechnical design, as developed through systems engineering.
Jones takes readers through a brief history of design, and of the recent emergence of
systemic design. He covers theory and principles, practices and methodology, and
incorporates adjacent fields of practice, de such as Structured Dialogic Design, a
practice he has incorporated into graduate design education. Dialogic Design, and
social systems design, are conceived as stakeholder-driven practices, which is
consistent with the direction of advanced design for policy, social services, and human
systems. This leads to considerations of what John Warfield called generic design, not
only for how human systems can be designed, but how they should be designed,
incorporating stakeholders of the future systems.
Senior policy advisor Nenad Rava takes systemic design into the realm of public policy,
an emerging discourse and application for engagement and system change proposals.
Chapter 28, “Systems Design Approach to Public Policy,”
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Ecological Systems
This section is about systems science and its application in ecological theory. It takes a
broad look at theoretical and applied systems ecology from a natural systems
perspective, reviewing traditions in the history of ecology and new complexity theories
that are emerging. Ecology represents one of the truly complex disciplines and one
argument made in this section is that theoretical ecology can provide foundational
concepts for natural science in general. A basic question addressed in these four
chapters is if ecological processes are determined only by physical constraints or if, in
addition, there must be something acting more at the systems level. Historically, there
has not been a clear theoretical framework to unify these two views. The authors
navigate the history of ecological modeling methods to suggest pathways toward
synthesis; considering thermodynamic drivers and constraints ( Chap. 35, “Systems
Ecology and Limits to Growth: History, Models, and Present Status”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_77)), loop causality ( Chap. 34, “Putting
More “System” into Ecosystem-Based Management Using Qualitative Analysis”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_76)), holon theory ( Chap. 32,
“Relational Systems Ecology: Holistic Ecology and Causal Closure”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_78)) and model coupling ( Chap. 33,
“Relational Systems Ecology: The Anticipatory Niche and Complex Model Coupling”
Charles A. S. Hall, known for his work on socio-ecological systems and energy analysis
of both natural and industrial systems within the frameworks of Eugene and especially
Howard Odum, sets the stage for this section with a broad but vivid review of systems
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ecology in Chap. 35, “Systems Ecology and Limits to Growth: History, Models, and
Present Status,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_77) describing the
development of the field from the perspective of energetics, including turning points
and great actors (which certainly include Hall). Throughout this history, Hall reminds
us that the journey has often been about our own survival as a civilization, dependent
on resources and constrained by energy. He points out that we have survived this
battle so far, but only because of continuing discoveries of new energy supplies, chiefly
petroleum; perhaps a risky game of brinksmanship. What happens when we can no
longer expand our energy sources?
Hall, like Odum and others (Hall 1995; Odum 2007; Sibly et al. 2012), takes energy
and related measures as perhaps the most important diagnostic factor in the dynamics
of ecosystems and modern civilization in relation to the ecology of the planet, its
resources, and how we as people and governments manage it. In this chapter, he
eloquently demonstrates the strength of this perspective in work that has been done to
date, reminding us that as sophisticated as we may become in our mathematical
modeling, there are still basic physical and chemical laws that are not going away.
These laws can be seen as either driving system behavior or establishing constraints,
but either way, complex possibilities seem to stay within established physical
boundaries. In the face of modern crises affecting global civilization, from accelerating
climate change to emerging pandemics and sociopolitical upheaval, Hall argues for a
return to basic realism that can ground us in verifiable processes that have been well-
studied in ecology for nearly a century, reminding systems thinkers that many socio-
ecological issues would benefit from considerations of how energy has governed much
if not all of biotic interactions with nature, including human ones.
Relying on Rosen’s category theory approach, Lane explains and applies Causal loop
analysis, giving us a roadmap to a relational understanding of ecology, while retaining
the footing that ecological science has provided to-date. She explores causal loop
diagrams as an analytical capability that may have been missing in physical theory;
processes that otherwise seem to characterize the surprise and unpredictability of
complex and living systems. This analysis is especially relevant to socio-ecological
systems (SES), which strongly involve a human cognitive component. Loop causality is
emerging as a major avenue of investigation.
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Closed loops of natural entailment have been known for a long time in terms of
positive and negative feedback systems that tend to form in living and non-living
systems, both carrying information and recycling resources as they dissipate energy.
Basic ecology teaches us about carbon, water, nitrogen, and many other cycles, which
are loops in physical causation that can be observed. The idea of dynamic attractors
can also be associated with causal loops. But a problem arises in explaining why such
phenomena exist: What gives rise to or selects for causal loops? Complex causal loops
must logically require another “organizational” phenomenon, which Rosen called
system “genericity,” a new kind of meta-causal loop between behavior and existence
itself that is involved in the prior organization of physical/material processes in living
systems. There is an emerging trend to explore ways of combining such mechanistic
and complex views (e.g., (Rissman and Gillon 2017; Schlüter et al. 2019).
John J. Kineman, physical scientist and systems theorist, and Carol A. Wessman,
ecosystem/global ecologist, address this last question in two co-authored chapters.
They apply a recent synthesis of Robert Rosen’s complexity (Kineman 2011) in a
retrospective study of ecological holism and niche theory. The first in this pair of
chapters, Chap. 32, “Relational Systems Ecology: Holistic Ecology and Causal
Closure,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_78) examines four-cause
ontology of the holistic framework, an ancient and perennial concept of holism and
symmetry in nature that is also derivable from Rosen’s theories as a causal loop of the
second kind mentioned above. This four-cause cycle relates structure and function, or
behavior and origin, within systems, and provides a new analytical tool for complexity
science. To introduce this meta-framework, the authors examine higher causation in
nature, arguing that misunderstanding Aristotle’s ‘final cause’ as ‘purpose’ has
prevented its incorporation into natural science. Final-formal cause entailment, in this
view, is “functional entailment” (Louie 2013), having a natural basis in the anticipatory
effect of prior conditions – the concept of ‘karma’ in the East and the inverse causality
that Ervin Schrodinger called for in his famous book “What is Life.” The result is to
propose a rigorous causal synthesis in the concept of “holon” – a unit of system
wholeness interconnecting and transcending nature as something different from ‘the
sum of the parts’.
The second chapter by these authors, Chap. 33, “Relational Systems Ecology: The
Anticipatory Niche and Complex Model Coupling,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-
981-15-0720-5_79) associates final cause with the abstract ecological niche as
described by G. Evelyn Hutchinson, tracing the success of this concept in ecological
theory, its abandonment for heuristic and practical reasons, and now it’s possible
return as a key model type in coupling human and natural system informatics. The
adaptive ecological niche is presented as the missing factor that has been shyly hiding
in ecological theory and that “closes the loop” of cyclical causality, according to Rosen.
The authors suggest that developing niche-based “causal closure” will allow ecology to
rigorously define holism, life, and sustainability in meta-causal terms. Similarly, their
proposed model coupling architecture is meant to meet the aims of current high-
priority research into “Coupled Human and Natural Systems” (CHANS) that is
desperately needed to understand global to local socio-ecological systems presently in
crisis. One very important point regarding general model coupling that all the authors
of this section stress, is that each kind of model needs to be built properly in its own
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domain; then the coupling will work best. In that sense, problems arise from two
directions; (1) when logically different types of model are conflated, and (2) when
causal types are eliminated for the sake of arbitrary simplicity.
One topic of concern for every ecologist is how the discipline can affect policy. Ecology
as a discipline has traditionally maintained a keen interest in providing advice or
recommendations to manage and take care of the ecosystems that support us and all
life on Earth. Ecologists can observe what is happening to those systems more keenly
than most because they have the observing instruments and know how to interpret the
data. Undeniably, ecosystems are degrading. But now we must ask, if ecology has done
its job of informing humanity, why is that still the case? The traditional view has been
that a pure scientist should have a certain kind of professional detachment from policy
decisions, but increasingly all of us are humbled, if not humiliated, by our inability to
affect policy.
Each author contributing to chapters discussing “Ecological systems” has made some
attempt to comment on this issue, both here and elsewhere. Kineman and Wessman
point out how scientific detachment has isolated ecologists from critical decisions and
from that absence has encouraged the development of would-be “brokers” (the “policy
analyst”), meant to form a dialog based on their own professional independence from
both science and policy. But, in the end, such independence does not work as it only
establishes a third actor, equally incapable of coupling science and policy. Clearly there
is a communication breakdown creating systemic dysfunction in a “post-truth” world
that discredits expert advice, and no longer receives the scientist’s message. The
emerging alternative is “to develop co-productive relationships with decision makers…
to engage with people on a personal level” (Peters and Besley 2019). This means
becoming more engaged in society and policy by encouraging things like citizen
science; sharing not just expert advice but methodology to arrive at that advice, and
thus to build personal bridges from science to motivation without conflating the two.
These three views of theoretical systems ecology go from the practical world of proven
mechanisms and physical limits into the abstract world of relational complexity and
then down the rabbit hole into a wonderland of general holism. Readers should not,
however, see these views as contradictory, but as identifying different aspects of
modeling that should work better together. These chapters provide a review of ecology
as a unique field of science, essentially an integral science. The many practical
developments can be praised while the lack of progress criticized, on holistic levels;
but perhaps this is symptomatic of the leading edge of science itself. Nevertheless, it
appears that if some revolutionary change is needed in science to better couple natural
and human systems, that might also require more integral modes of participation. We
need a more synthetic, systems-oriented perspective both for Ecology’s own sake and
for the relatively complex issues facing humanity.
This section of the handbook encompasses contributions from diverse sectors of the
systems sciences. It represents educators and researchers whose work includes
fundamental concepts and experiential learning in teams; from career management to
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action research. Taking a broad view of the mission of education, its purpose goes
beyond the immediacy of vocational preparation to embrace enduring preparation of
minds, envisioning their futures as contributing members of societies through the
development of critical and systems thinking. In short, education prepares people for
the challenges of today and tomorrow through development of adaptive capacities and
competencies for acquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities to thrive in a changing and
uncertain world. Conceptually, this approach to learning, as well as a commitment to
life-long learning, is akin to the adage about the vital benefits of teaching a man to fish
as opposed to feeding a man a fish. Systems research and education are not merely
about the economics and politics of reducing poverty. Research and education using
systemic approaches can comprise ethical commitments to civic engagement, for the
lifting of societies for betterment of the quality of life. The compelling question driving
this section is, “How can systems research and education help us understand our
complex world and respond to it in timely and effective ways?” The chapters in this
section reflect the essence of being a systems scholar/practitioner.
Research and education using systemic approaches can comprise ethical commitments
to civic engagement for the lifting of societies for betterment of the quality of life.
Indeed, it was this recognition of a need to see whole systems, as they are, to
understand complexity beyond science’s reductive observation, that compelled
Bertalanffy, Boulding, Gerard, and Rapoport to organize the Society for General
Systems Research in 1954, now the International Society for the Systems Sciences
(Hammond 2003).
What can we expect to attain by the development of the systems view? I suggest that
the systems view helps us understand the true nature of education as a complex, open,
and dynamic human activity system (designed social systems organized for a purpose
that they attain by carrying out specific functions) that operates in ever-changing
multiple environments and interacts with a variety of societal systems. Beyond such
understanding, once we develop the systems view, we have developed ways of
knowing, thinking and critical reasoning that empower us to organize a system of
comprehensive, disciplined inquiry capable of addressing all issues of educational
practice (Banathy 1992, p. 17).
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conducting an inquiry. Systemic inquiry uses both. It is important to note that these
lenses are rarely independent of one another in organizations. They are perspectives, a
plurality, which help inform the model of the system(s) represented.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Process – this view considers the activities and actions of an educational activity
system or what it does over time. (e.g., longitudinal research). Like a behavior
over time graph, akin to those used in Systems Dynamics (Sterman 2000); this
perspective presents the dynamics of the system. It is a “motion picture”
(Banathy 1992, p. 22) illustrating how the educational activity system changes
in the context of community and society. It describes how the system receives,
screens, assesses, and processes inputs, as well as transforms this data for use
and engages in operations that fulfill the purpose and goals of the system to
produce expected outcomes. These are continuous processes guiding the
transformation of operations with ongoing assessment and adjustment based
upon feedback from the environment to ascertain its adequacy or fitness.
Banathy (1992) was keen to emphasize that each of these lenses, while robust on their
own, render partial pictures of the essence of an educational activity system. When
used in concert with one another, their vibrancy amplifies. Banathy stated,
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In this section of the handbook, the authors’ contributions about “Systems Research
and Education” fall into one or more of these lenses. Each article describes
philosophies, perspectives, processes, and practices that inform our vision of
educational activity systems in terms of inquiry and learning. For example, Rowland
sets a conceptual foundation in Chap. 46, “Making Inquiry More Systemic.”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_27) In doing so, Rowland addresses
Banathy’s three lenses of environmental context, structures, and processes of
education through systemic inquiry. In Chap. 47, “Violence Prevention Education:
Problem Structuring for Systemic Empowerment in Health Settings,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_28) Stephens and Liley use an action
research approach to address the intractable issue of domestic violence. Their action
research approach integrates relationships in context aligning with Banathy’s Systems-
Environment lens. McIntyre’s Chap. 45, “Systems Research and Education,”
(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_26) aligns with Banathy’s
Functions/Structures lens in her own research and analysis of several student projects.
McMahon and Patton’s Chap. 49, “Career Development from a Systems Perspective:
The Systems Theory Framework” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_30)
combines Banathy’s Process lens with the Systems Environment lens to understand
career development for individual success in competitive environments. Finally, in
Chap. 48, “Team Systems Theory,” (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0720-5_29)
Edson uses Banathy’s Process lens to analyze and recommend that leaders view
project teams as valuable agents of change, leadership, and resilience in educational,
commercial, governmental, and social service organizations. Banathy’s comprehensive
approach to modeling social systems complements others like rich pictures (Checkland
1999). As a whole, the authors in this section provide a vision of the potential realized
through systemic research design and pedagogy for theoretical and experiential
learning that cumulatively endures. In sum, it is the value of systemic approaches in
research and education.
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