Old Years Computations
Old Years Computations
Old Years Computations
Chao Lan
Genetic Algorithm
Evolutionary Algorithm
Genetic Programming
Hard Search Problems
“When a problem is computationally too
hard to solve using an exact and complete
algorithm, it is common in computer
science to explore the use of heuristics in
order to find approximate solutions to the
problem, or to converge faster towards
some solutions.”
Search Problem: Another Perspective
We want to select a configuration most fitted for the problem.
Nature Selects Most Fitted through Evolution
More Fitted Survives and Reproduces!
A Schematic Diagram of Natural Selection
Evolutionary Computation
How to represent individual?
Reference Book
Genetic Algorithm
Evolutionary Strategy
Genetic Programming
Genetic Algorithm
GA Algorithm
Schema Theorem
GAs are “a class of stochastic search algorithms based on biological evolution”.
Major Steps of GA
1. encode problem variable into chromosome
GA Algorithm
Schema Theorem
Example Task
Find an integer x ∈ [0,15] that maximizes f(x) = 15x - x^2.
Task: max f(x) = 15x - x^2, x ∈ [0,15].
1. design chromosome
- encode each individual uniquely as a fixed-length binary string
Task: max f(x) = 15x - x^2, x ∈ [0,15].
1. design chromosome
- encode each individual uniquely as a fixed-length binary string
Task: max f(x) = 15x - x^2, x ∈ [0,15].
More often mutation hurts average fitness other than improves it.
Task: max f(x) = 15x - x^2, x ∈ [0,15].
More often mutation hurts average fitness other than improves it.
Summary of the Example
1. design chromosome
Pm = 0.001 Pm = 0.01
Performance Evaluation Techniques
To examine robustness of result
- increase mutation probability
- increase population size
Q: why fluctuating?
Performance Graph
We can reduce damage of mutation by increasing population size.
population = 60 population = 6
Genetic Algorithm
GA Algorithm
Schema Theorem
Task: Power System Maintenance
Find a sequence of outages of power units over a given period of time such that
the security of a power system is maximized.
Net Reserve
net reserve = total installed generating capacity of the system
- power loss (due to a scheduled outage)
- maximum load forecast during the maintenance period
GA Algorithm
Schema Theorem
A schema is a set of bit strings of ones, zeros and asterisks,
where each asterisk can assume either value 1 or 0.
By “pass down”, we mean an instance is selected to generate offspring (without considering any crossover or mutation).
Offspring Selection Lemma
mP is # instances in population P. Claim 1: expected number of instances
in H passed down to generation i+1 is
mH(i) is # instances in schema H.
MH(i+1) = mH(i) fH(i) / fP(i)
fP(i) is mean fitness of instances in P.
fH(i) is mean fitness of instances in H. If H has higher fitness than the population, its
size is expected to increase in next round.
fx(i) is fitness of instance x.
L is length of schema H.
pm is probability of mutation.
n is order of a schema
- number of non-asterisks in schema
Mutation Survival Lemma
pm is probability of mutation. Claim 3: schema H can survive after
mutation with probability
n is order of a schema
PH,m = (1 - pm)^n
- number of non-asterisks in schema
Mutation Survival Lemma
pm is probability of mutation. Claim 3: schema H can survive after
mutation with probability
n is order of a schema
PH,m = (1 - pm)^n
- number of non-asterisks in schema
Low-order schema is more likely to survive.
Mutation Survival Lemma
pm is probability of mutation. Claim 3: schema H can survive after
mutation with probability
n is order of a schema
PH,m = (1 - pm)^n
- number of non-asterisks in schema
Low-order schema is more likely to survive.
Putting All Together
Basically, the Schema Theorem says a more fitted schema has higher chance of
surviving in the next generation.