Third Sapce - Triangles
Third Sapce - Triangles
Third Sapce - Triangles
Practice: Triangles
5. Recap: Which type of triangle is this? 6. E (equilateral), S (scalene), I (isosceles) or R
How do you know? (right-angled)? a. all sides and angles different.
b. has a right-angle. c. all sides and angles the
same. d. two sides and angles the same
9. Tick the isosceles triangles. 10. This triangle could be two types of
Which two? How do you know?
11. Using a ruler, draw two different right- 12. Using a ruler, draw two different scalene
angled triangles. triangles.
14. Use these lines to draw at least one right-angle triangle, one isosceles triangle and
1 6.3 x 10 63
2 804 – 700 104
3 33 x 9 297
4 1,217 – 800 417
5 Which type of triangle This is a right angle triangle. Pupils should be able to identify this because there is a
is this? How do you right angle labelled in the triangle.
6 E (equilateral), S a. S, b. R, c. E, d. I
(scalene), I (isosceles)
or R (right-angled)?
7 Label each as E, S, I First - right-angled triangle, Second - equilateral triangle, Third - isosceles triangle,
or R. Fourth - scalene triangle
8 Tick the scalene Second and fourth triangles ticked.
9 Tick the isosceles Fifth and sixth triangles ticked.
10 This triangle could be The triangle could be a right angle triangle or an isosceles triangle. It has a right angle
two types of triangle. (making it a right-angle triangle) but also an isosceles triangle as it has two equal sides
Which two? How do and two equal angles.
you know?
11 Using a ruler, draw two Correctly drawn right-angle triangles.
different right-angled
12 Using a ruler, draw Correctly drawn scalene triangles.
two different scalene
13 Mae says she has Mae is incorrect, she has drawn an isosceles triangle. Pupils can prove this by
drawn an equilateral measuring the sides in the triangle.
triangle. Is she correct?
14 Use these lines to draw Answers will vary depending on the triangle pupils draw. As there are 5 starter lines,
at least one right-angle pupils will need to repeat at least one type of triangle.
triangle, one isosceles
triangle and one
scalene triangle. Label
the triangles you draw.