Mazidah - 2020 E-Mod Salt Hydrolysis Indon
Mazidah - 2020 E-Mod Salt Hydrolysis Indon
Mazidah - 2020 E-Mod Salt Hydrolysis Indon
Abstract. This study aimed to develop an interactive chemistry e-module for learning
chemistry for salt hydrolysis material at senior high school (SMA/MA). The research method
utilized in this study was Research and Development (R&D) by using Plomp model. This study
was divided into three phases: (a) preliminary research phase; (b) the development or prototype
phase; and (c) assessment phase. E-module product was developed by using Kvisoft flipbook
maker application. The results of this study revealed that the chemical e-module for salt
hydrolysis material was declared to be very valid. The analysis results of the responses from
teachers and students showed that e-module for salt hydrolysis material included in the criteria
of attractive and this e-module received positive responses from teachers and students. This
implies that this interactive e-module product is recommended to be used for online chemistry
learning for salt hydrolysis material during the period of Covid-19 pandemic.
1. Introduction
The 21st century is marked by the development of information technology [1]. The integration of
technology in all aspects of life leads that human interaction increasingly depends on technological
developments, such as computers and the internet [2]. Changes occurred in the 21st century are very
massive and it is difficult to predict those changes in all aspects of life, for example: the fields of
knowledge, economics, transportation, technology, communication, education, and others [3].
Furthermore, the 21st century learning combines knowledge, thoughts, innovation skills, media,
literacy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as real life experiences in the
learning process [4].
In addition, the 21st century skills are not only understood by teachers but also must be directly
practiced in the learning process so as to stimulate the students to focus on integrating the 21st century
skills [5]. The 21st century refers to a century of science and technology (science and technology);
therefore, we are faced an era when science and technology are changing and developing very rapidly
[6]. Then, advances in science and technology influence the use of teaching aids at schools and other
educational institutions. At this time, learning at schools begins to be adjusted to the development of
science and technology, which results in changes and shifts in the educational paradigm. In other
words, information technology has become an important role in the field of education [7]. The use of
information technology in learning has become a necessity as well as a demand in the era of
globalization [8]. However, the implementation of learning science including chemistry in high
schools is still ineffective because of the limitations of learning materials and resources that can
increase students’ enthusiasm at schools because most of the materials require suitable media in order
to increase the students’ understanding.
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URICSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1655 (2020) 012051 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012051
Chemistry Learning is a branch in natural sciences that studies the composition and properties of
substances or materials from the atomic to molecular scale. As a result, the physical properties of most
forms of chemical substances and materials cannot be felt directly by our senses. For this reason,
intermediary media such as pictures, videos, animations are very crucial in the process of chemistry
learning in order to visualize the materials to be better understood by students [9]. One of the
chemistry materials studied in class XI is salt hydrolysis. Salt hydrolysis material is one of the
materials included in the curriculum of chemistry that students must learn and understand at senior
high school (SMA/MA). The concepts discussed in salt hydrolysis material are not only limited to
clearly observable concepts (concrete concepts) but also discuss abstract and complex concepts, as
well as concepts involving symbolic representations [10].
Based on the interview conducted to several chemistry teachers at MAN 1 Pekanbaru, SMA IT AL
Fityah Pekanbaru, and SMA IT Fadhilah Pekanbaru, it was obtained that the materials was commonly
presented through power point (PPT). However, this presentation still could not make chemistry
become interesting and easy to understand. For this reason, it was important to conduct research into
the development of teaching materials in the form of e-modules based on information technology.
Technology-based e-modules would enable the students to adapt to the current developments of
information technology (IT) and could also be used in the Covid-19 pandemic period. Students who
were accustomed to using IT-based materials and independent learning would indirectly develop their
abilities in the field so that they could become good quality graduates who were able to compete
globally and to master the development of technology [11]. In 2014, Indonesia began to introduce the
Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK) which referred to a national examination system
which utilized computers as test media. Students’ anxiety increased when they faced UNBK,
especially in calculating subjects such as mathematics and science. This was due to that fact that
schools hardly applied online learning. Thus, the schools should familiarize their students to attend
online learning not only during the learning process, but also in the communication using social media
and assessment systems so that teaching materials were really crucial in the learning process [12].
The e-module being developed was arranged systematically to achieve a learning indicator
presented in an electronic format in which there were animations, audio, and navigation that made
students more interactive with the program. The advantages of e-module in this study were that it
could make the learning process more interesting, and interactive. Besides, the independent learning
resources could be accessed anytime and anywhere and it could improve the quality of learning [13].
In this study, the development of e-module was conducted by using kvisoft flipbook maker
application. Kvisoft Flipbook Maker is a medium for converting documents in PDF format to digital
publications that are displayed like varied, innovative, and efficient digital magazines [14]. This
application can help the learning process because this application not only focuses on the writings but
can also include animated motions, videos, and audios that can create interactive and interesting
learning media so that learning are not monotonous [15]. Furthermore, implementing a valid e-module
was expected to be used for learning in the current epidemic conditions, namely the spread of Covid-
19. As notified by WHO, it was suggested to stop activities that could cause crowds, including face-to-
face learning that gathered students [16]. Thus, the use of digital technology enabled students and
teachers to carry out the learning process even though they were in different places [17]. The form of
learning used as a solution during the Covid 19 pandemic was online learning, one of which by using
interactive e-module media products which was the results of this study. Through this interactive
medium, teachers could present information in innovative ways and could motivate students to study
harder [18].
2. Method
This study was a type of Research and Development (R&D) which utilized Plomp model consisting of
three phases. The first phase was preliminary research, the second phase was development or
prototype and the third phase was assessment [19]. The development of an interactive e-module on salt
hydrolysis material was conducted in the chemistry education master program at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Riau. A small-scale trial was conducted by using a
user response questionnaire at three schools in Pekanbaru (MAN 1, SMA IT AL-Fityah, and SMA IT
URICSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1655 (2020) 012051 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012051
Fadhilah) consisting of 3 chemistry teachers and 30 students. The e-module was developed by
utilizing the Kvisoft flipbook maker application.
Data in this study were analyzed by using validation sheets, and teachers’ and students’ response
questionnaires. The evaluation of media validation sheets was carried out by 6 expert lecturers, namely
3 media experts and 3 material experts. Giving meaning and decision making about the quality of e-
module products were conducted by using validity criteria, as presented in table 1 [20].
The analysis of the responses from chemistry teachers and students was used to find out the results
of the responses of the teachers and students to the media used. This can be seen in Table 2 [21].
Table 2. Product attractiveness criteria
Percentage Criteria
80%-100% Attractive
60%-79% Quite attractive
50%-59% Less attractive
<49% Not attractive
URICSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1655 (2020) 012051 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012051
and culture (2017). At last, the analysis of learning objectives was conducted in order to observe the
objectives achieved by the students. The indicators for competency analysis were based on the
suitability of competency demands of the chemistry syllabus for senior high school (SMA/MA) by the
ministry of education and culture.
The second phase is the development or prototype aiming at designing the solutions for the
problem found in the preliminary research phase. The prototype was an e-module on salt hydrolysis
material. Before designing the prototype, tools and materials were collected in the form of text,
images, audio, video, animation, flash, links and software related to the prototype. Then, the products
that were designed and developed were validated. Before conducting the validation, the researchers
prepared the validation sheet. Validation was carried out by the validation from the media experts and
the material experts.
The third phase was the assessment phase, in which the validation of the e-module was conducted
by three material validation experts and three media validation experts. The validation assessment of
the material experts included aspects of content eligibility, pedagogical aspects, aspects of language
assessment, and aspects of graphics. The results of the validation by the material experts are presented
in Table 3.
Based on the evaluation from the material expert validators, it was found that the salt hydrolysis e-
module had fulfilled the material validity criteria with an average percentage of 89.90% and was
included in the very valid category because it was located at an interval of 81-100%.
Furthermore, the evaluation of media expert validation included aspects of e-module size, cover
design, and content design. The results of the media expert validation are presented in Table 4.
Based on the evaluation from the media experts, it was found that the salt hydrolysis e-module met
the validity criteria of the media with an average percentage of 88.51% and was included in very valid
category because it was located at an interval of 81-100%. The cover, table of contents and one view
of interactive chemistry e-module on salt hydrolysis material was declared very valid both from the
media experts and the material experts as seen in Figure 1.
URICSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1655 (2020) 012051 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012051
After that, a small-scale trial to the product of e-module on salt hydrolysis was carried out to see
the attractiveness of the products being developed. This small-scale trial was conducted for teachers
and students through the teachers’ and students’ response questionnaires. The results of the small-scale
trial conducted to three chemistry teachers and 30 students from the MAN 1, SMA IT AL Fityah, and
SMA IT Fadhilah can be seen in Table 5.
Based on the results of the trial through questionnaires of teachers’ and students’ responses, it was
obtained that the average percentage was respectively 93.97% and 92.43% with the criteria of
attractive. These results indicated a positive response to Hydrolysis e-module which later was tested in
the field during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The e-module produced in this study was
worthy of being recommended as a source of learning material for students' independence because it
was designed systemically, interactively, and interestingly. Besides, the menus contained in the e-
modules were easy to operate and could be used online for the learning process.
4. Conclusion
The interactive chemistry e-module which was developed for salt hydrolysis material was stated very
valid and attractive for the students of grade XI SMA/MA. The average percentage of the validation
by material and media experts was respectively 89.90% and 88.51%. Moreover, this e-module was
feasible as a source of learning in online learning because based on the results of the questionnaire of
teachers’ and students’ responses, it was obtained an average of 93.97% and 92.43% with the criteria
of attractive.
[1] Mahajan R L, Mueller R, Reed J, Williams C B, Cambell T A and Ramakrishnan N 2012
Cultivating Emerging and Balck Swan Technologies ASME Proceeding, International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 549-557
[2] Teo T 2008 Pre-service Teacher’s Attitude Toward Computer Use: a Singapore Survey
URICSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1655 (2020) 012051 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012051