Sts Christian
Sts Christian
Sts Christian
Using the table below, list down the different advantages and disadvantages of the different
schools of thought in attaining good life and happiness.
Healthcare Prior of the common era, technology Technology had profoundly impacted
had a limited but substantial influence healthcare during the common era,
on healthcare by enabling the creation leading to advance in patient care and
of fundamental instrumental and medical practices, the stethoscope,
procedures. Ancient civilization invented in the 19th century, improve
performed surgery using primitive diagnostics, while antibiotics transformed
device such as stone and bronze blades, treatment and reduce mortality retes
while plants and natural treatments
detailed in Egyptian and Chinese.
Using the table below, list down the different advantages and disadvantages of the different schools of thought
in attaining good life and happiness.
4. Theism Many people find that theism One downside of theism is that it
gives their lives a sense of can lead to a rigid mindset,
meaning and purpose, helping where people become so set in
them understand where they fit their beliefs that they’re
in the world and providing unwilling to consider other
comfort during challenging times. perspectives. This can create
It often creates tight-knit divisions and conflicts, not just
communities where individuals within their own communities but
can connect with others who also between different religious
share their beliefs, fostering a groups. Furthermore, the strong
strong sense of support and emphasis on faith might
belonging. Moreover, theistic discourage questioning and
beliefs typically encourage moral critical thinking, which can limit
values like kindness and personal growth and a deeper
forgiveness, inspiring people to understanding of the world.
help those in need and act with
5. Humanism focuses on the value One disadvantages of humanism
Humanism and potential of individuals, is that it can occasionally result in
encouraging people to find a feeling of moral relativism,
meaning and fulfillment in their when people think that moral
lives through personal growth standards are arbitrary and
and ethical living. It promotes subject to great variation, which
could jeopardize a shared ethical
critical thinking and compassion,
system. It could be difficult to
urging us to care for others and
reach an agreement on significant
make the world a better place. social issues due to this lack of
Additionally, humanism fosters a
sense of community, inspiring shared ideals, which could cause
people to work together for the discord and conflict. Furthermore,
common good and advocate for because humanism emphasizes
social justice. human reason and experience, it
could ignore the spiritual and
emotional facets of life that many
people find significant.