Sts Christian

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1.Making observation and stating a problem

Which method heats water to boiling faster: direct sunlight exposure or direct heating by a
2.Formulating Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1: Water heated by a stove will boil faster than water exposed to the sun.
Hypothesis 2: Water exposed to direct sunlight will boil faster.
3.Testing the hypothesis with experiment
Independent Variable: The heat source (stove or sunlight).
Dependent Variable: Time taken for the water to boil.
Control Variables: Volume of water, type of container, initial temperature of the water, and
environmental conditions (for example, outdoor temperature when testing solar heating).
Materials Needed:
2 identical containers.
Identical amounts of water( 500mL)
A stove.
Access to strong sunlight (sunny day, minimal clouds).
Stopwatch or timer.
Thermometer (optional, for temperature tracking).
Fill each container with the same amount of water.
Place one container on the stove and heat it at a fixed medium-high setting.
Place the second container in a location directly exposed to the sun (without obstructions).
Measure the time taken for each container to reach a boil (100°C or 212°F at sea level Use a
stopwatch to record how long each method takes to boil the water.
Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy and consistency.
4. Stating the conclusion
As the result of the experiment the water that is heated from the stove boil faster than the
water that is directly exposed to sunlight.
Guide Questions
1. If the scientific method is not in order, I would assume that we will not have an accurate and
reliable conclusion which may also lead to misinformation and failure of the experiment!
2. If I where to add another step in scientific method, it would be the "identify the problems
during experiment" because having some problems during experiment will surely affect your
output and conclusion so you must be able to identify in order to avoid them on the next

Acitivity2: Fill in the blanks

Using the table below, list down the different advantages and disadvantages of the different
schools of thought in attaining good life and happiness.

|Human Before the common era During the common era

Communication Before the Common Era (BCE), Communication during the Common
communication was primarily oral Era (CE) evolved significantly, starting
and developed through various with oral traditions and written forms
physical forms as civilizations grew. like papyrus scrolls and clay tablets,
Here's an overview:Oral moving toward more advanced
Communication: In early societies, systems like the printing press, and
storytelling and spoken word were eventually leading to modern digital
key to sharing knowledge, traditions, communication.Early Common Era:
and laws. Oral traditions passed down Oral storytelling and handwritten texts
myths, history, and culture through were the primary ways of sharing
generations.Symbols and Cave
knowledge. Religious texts like the
Paintings (circa 40,000 BCE): Some
Bible and works of philosophers were
of the earliest forms of visual
copied by hand.Middle Ages (5th-15th
communication, such as cave
paintings, were used to represent daily century): Monks transcribed books by
hand, which were expensive and rare.
life, religious beliefs, and nature..
The invention of the printing press in
the 15th century by Johannes
Gutenberg revolutionized the spread
of information, allowing mass
production of books and
pamphlets.Modern Era (18th century
onwards): The telegraph and
telephone introduced quicker, long-
distance communication. The 20th
century saw the rise of radio,
television, and eventually the internet,
which transformed global
communication with email, social
media, and instant messaging.

Transportation Technology had a profound influence Technology has significantly

on transportation before the transformed transportation in the
common era, laying the groundwork common Era, making it faster and
for future advance. The advance of more efficient. The steam engine
the wheel circa 3500 BCE revolutionized rail travel in the 18 th
transformed land movement, century, while the 20th century saw
resulting in the development of vehicles and aircraft reshape
chariots and carts that boosted trade connectivity. Modern roads and
and mobility high/speed trains have enhanced
mobility and global trade.

Entertainment Entertainment was shaped by During the common Era, technology

technological limitation before the transformed entertainment, changing
common era relying on oral traditions how we make, access, and enjoy it. The
and live gathering for storytelling, shift from live performances and printed
music, and performance. Ancient materials to cinema, radio, and television
civilization like the greeks and romans made entertainment more accessible.
enjoyed communal theatrical With the advent of the internet and
experiences lined to cultural rituals digital streaming.

Healthcare Prior of the common era, technology Technology had profoundly impacted
had a limited but substantial influence healthcare during the common era,
on healthcare by enabling the creation leading to advance in patient care and
of fundamental instrumental and medical practices, the stethoscope,
procedures. Ancient civilization invented in the 19th century, improve
performed surgery using primitive diagnostics, while antibiotics transformed
device such as stone and bronze blades, treatment and reduce mortality retes
while plants and natural treatments
detailed in Egyptian and Chinese.


Acitivity2: Fill in the blanks

Using the table below, list down the different advantages and disadvantages of the different schools of thought
in attaining good life and happiness.

School of Advantages Disadvantages

1. Materialism Materialism emphasizes the One significant downside of
importance of the physical materialism is that it often
world, encouraging a focus on leads people to value
science and evidence that leads possessions and wealth more
to technological advancements than meaningful relationships
and practical solutions to real- and experiences, which can
world problems. It promotes leave them feeling empty and
personal responsibility by unfulfilled. This focus on
highlighting how individual material goods can create
choices can directly impact unhealthy competition and
one’s life circumstances. consumerism, pushing
individuals to constantly chase
after more instead of
appreciating what they already
have. Moreover, materialism
can contribute to
environmental harm, as the
relentless pursuit of resources
and consumption can damage
the planet and its ecosystems.

2. Hedonism Hedonism promotes a mindset One of the main disadvantages

that emphasizes contentment of hedonism is that it can lead
and happiness by encouraging people to seek immediate
people to pursue pleasure and pleasure at the expense of
enjoyment in life. When people long-term well-being, often
prioritize their own enjoyment, resulting in unhealthy habits
they are more likely to and poor decision-making. This
participate in enjoyable and constant pursuit of pleasure
relaxing activities, which can may create a cycle of
result in a more lively and dissatisfaction, as individuals
fulfilling existence. find that fleeting moments of
joy don’t bring lasting
happiness. Additionally,
focusing solely on personal
pleasure can strain
relationships and make it
difficult to connect with others
on a deeper level, leading to
feelings of isolation.

3. Stoicism Stoicism encourages people to One disadvantage of Stoicism

concentrate on what they can is that its emphasis on
control and accept what they emotional control can
can’t, which helps build sometimes lead people to
resilience when facing life’s suppress their feelings, which
challenges. This way of thinking may prevent them from fully
promotes emotional stability experiencing life's joys and
and can reduce anxiety by sorrows. This focus on
teaching individuals to manage rationality might make
their reactions instead of being individuals seem distant or
overwhelmed by external detached, potentially hindering
situations. Moreover, Stoicism personal relationships and
fosters a sense of purpose and emotional connections with
fulfillment by encouraging the others. Additionally, the Stoic
development of virtues like belief in accepting
wisdom, courage, and self- circumstances can sometimes
discipline in everyday life. result in passivity, leading
people to tolerate unfavorable
situations instead of actively
working to change them.

4. Theism Many people find that theism One downside of theism is that it
gives their lives a sense of can lead to a rigid mindset,
meaning and purpose, helping where people become so set in
them understand where they fit their beliefs that they’re
in the world and providing unwilling to consider other
comfort during challenging times. perspectives. This can create
It often creates tight-knit divisions and conflicts, not just
communities where individuals within their own communities but
can connect with others who also between different religious
share their beliefs, fostering a groups. Furthermore, the strong
strong sense of support and emphasis on faith might
belonging. Moreover, theistic discourage questioning and
beliefs typically encourage moral critical thinking, which can limit
values like kindness and personal growth and a deeper
forgiveness, inspiring people to understanding of the world.
help those in need and act with
5. Humanism focuses on the value One disadvantages of humanism
Humanism and potential of individuals, is that it can occasionally result in
encouraging people to find a feeling of moral relativism,
meaning and fulfillment in their when people think that moral
lives through personal growth standards are arbitrary and
and ethical living. It promotes subject to great variation, which
could jeopardize a shared ethical
critical thinking and compassion,
system. It could be difficult to
urging us to care for others and
reach an agreement on significant
make the world a better place. social issues due to this lack of
Additionally, humanism fosters a
sense of community, inspiring shared ideals, which could cause
people to work together for the discord and conflict. Furthermore,
common good and advocate for because humanism emphasizes
social justice. human reason and experience, it
could ignore the spiritual and
emotional facets of life that many
people find significant.

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