Frog Crochet Pattern

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2 x 100g Cygnet DK Apple 6711 (MC)

1 x 100g Cygnet DK Buttercream 161 (CC1)
1 x 100g Cygnet DK Sunshine 184 (CC2)
1 x 100g Cygnet DK White 208 (CC3)
1 x 100g Cygnet DK Red 1206 (CC4)

4mm Crochet Hook

Safety Toy stuffing

Stitch Marker
Tapestry Needle
Small amount of black yarn
1 pair of safety toy eyes

Tension is not important as long as you maintain the same tension throughout.

Approx. 56cm long from crown to toes


This pattern is written in UK Crochet terms

Rnd Round
Ch Chain
St Stitch
Dc Double Crochet
TC Treble Crochet
Dc2tog Work 2 dc stitches together; Insert hook in to next st, yo, pull yarn through, then insert hook in to next
stitch, yo, pull through, yo, pull through three loops on hook.
Slst Slip Stitch

Place a stitch marker at the Rnd 6: *dc into next four sts, 2dc into Rnd 14: *dc into next ten sts, 2dc into
beginning of each row so you don’t next st; rep from * to end of rnd. next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
lose your place. (36sts) (72sts)
Rnd 7: *dc into next five sts, 2dc into Rnds 15-23: Dc in to each st.
Body next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 24: *dc into next ten sts, dc2tog;
With 4mm hook and MC. (42sts) rep from * to end of rnd. (66sts)
Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from Rnd 8: *dc into next six sts, 2dc into Rnds 25-28: Dc into each st.
hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 29: *dc into next nine sts,
a ring. (6sts) (48sts) dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around. Rnd 9: *dc into next seven sts, 2dc (60sts)
(12sts) into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnds 30-33: Dc into each st.
Rnd 3: *dc, 2dc into next st; rep from (54sts) Rnd 34: *dc into next eight sts,
* to end of rnd. (18sts) Rnd 10: *dc into next eight sts, 2dc dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 4: *dc into next two sts, 2dc into into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. (54sts)
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. (60sts) Stuff and continue to stuff as you go.
(24sts) Rnd 11: *dc into next nine sts, 2dc Rnds 35-36: Dc into each st.
Rnd 5: *dc into next three sts, 2dc into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 37: *dc into next seven sts,
into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. (66sts) dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd.
(30sts) Rnds 12 & 13: Dc in to each st. (48sts)
Rnds 38-39: Dc into each st. Rnd 26: *dc into next seven sts, Eyes
Rnd 40: *dc into next six sts, dc2tog; dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. With 4mm hook and CC3.
rep from * to end of rnd. (42sts) (48sts) Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from
Rnds 41-44: Dc into each st. Rnd 27: *dc into next six sts, dc2tog; hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form
Fasten off, leaving a long tail to rep from * to end of rnd. (42sts) a ring. (6sts)
attach to head. Rnd 28: *dc into next five sts, dc2tog; Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around.
rep from * to end of rnd. (36sts) (12sts)
Head Rnd 29: *dc into next four sts, dc2tog; Rnd 3: *dc, 2dc into next st; rep from
With 4mm hook and MC. rep from * to end of rnd. (30sts) * to end of rnd. (18sts)
Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from Rnd 30: *dc into next three sts, Fasten off.
hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd.
a ring. (6sts) (24sts) Heart Kiss on the Lips
Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around. Rnd 31: *dc into next two sts, dc2tog; With 4mm hook and CC4.
(12sts) rep from * to end of rnd. (18sts) Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from
Rnd 3: *dc, 2dc into next st; rep from Rnd 32: *dc into next one sts, dc2tog; hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form
* to end of rnd. (18sts) rep from * to end of rnd. (12sts) a ring. (6sts)
Rnd 4: *dc into next two sts, 2dc into Rnd 26: *dc2tog; rep from * to end of Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around.
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. rnd. (6sts) (12sts)
(24sts) Thread yarn through these 6 sts and Rnd 3: 5tr, tr, htr, dc into next two
Rnd 5: *dc into next three sts, 2dc pull tight to close the opening. sts, tr, dc into next two sts, htr, tr,
into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. 5tr, slst into last st and fasten off.
Rnd 6: *dc into next four sts, 2dc into Belly
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. With 4mm hook and CC1.
(36sts) Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from
Rnd 7: *dc into next five sts, 2dc into hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. a ring. (6sts)
(42sts) Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around.
Rnd 8: *dc into next six sts, 2dc into (12sts)
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 3: *dc, 2dc into next st; rep from
(48sts) * to end of rnd. (18sts)
Rnd 9: *dc into next seven sts, 2dc Rnd 4: *dc into next two sts, 2dc into
into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
(54sts) (24sts)
Rnd 10: *dc into next eight sts, 2dc Rnd 5: *dc into next three sts, 2dc
into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. into next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
(60sts) (30sts)
Rnd 11: *dc into next nine sts, 2dc Rnd 6: *dc into next four sts, 2dc into
into next st; rep from * to end of rnd. next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
(66sts) (36sts)
Rnds 12 & 13: Dc in to each st. Rnd 7: *dc into next five sts, 2dc into
Rnd 14: *dc into next ten sts, 2dc into next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
next st; rep from * to end of rnd. Eye Sockets (42sts)
(72sts) With 4mm hook and MC. Rnd 8: *dc into next six sts, 2dc into
Rnds 15-20: Dc in to each st. Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 21: *dc into next ten sts, dc2tog; hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form (48sts)
rep from * to end of rnd. (66sts) a ring. (6sts) Rnd 9: *dc into next seven sts, 2dc
Rnds 22-23: Dc into each st. Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around. into next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 24: *dc into next nine sts, (12sts) (54sts)
dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 3: *dc, 2dc into next st; rep from Rnd 10: *dc into next eight sts, 2dc
(60sts) * to end of rnd. (18sts) into next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 25: *dc into next eight sts, Rnd 4: *dc into next two sts, 2dc into (60sts)
dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. next st; rep from * to end of rnd.
(54sts) (24sts) Arms
Stuff and continue to stuff as you go. Rnd 5-9: Dc in to each st. Make 2.
Fasten off. With 4mm hook and MC.
Ch18, join with a sl st in to the first Rnd 47: Dc in to each st. Making Up
ch. Rnd 48: 2dc, dc in to next 11 sts, 2dc Join the body opening to the head.
Rnd 1: Ch1, DC in to next ch and each in to next 2 sts, dc in to next 11 sts, Attach safety eyes to the centre of
ch around. 2dc. (30sts) the white eyes and sew these on to
Rnd 2-22: Dc in to each st. Rnd 49-50: Dc in to each st. the eye sockets. Stuff the sockets and
Rnd 23: 2dc, dc in to next 7 sts, 2dc in Rnd 51: *dc into next three sts, attach to the top of the head an
to next 2 sts, dc in to next 7 sts, 2dc. dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. equal distance from the centre.
(22sts) (24sts) Attach the crown in between the
Rnd 24: 2dc, dc in to next 9 sts, 2dc in Rnd 52: *dc into next two sts, dc2tog; eyes.
to next 2 sts, dc in to next 9 sts, 2dc. rep from * to end of rnd. (18sts) Using a piece of black yarn sew a
(26sts) Rnd 53: *dc into next one sts, dc2tog; mouth on to the front of the head
Rnd 25: Dc in to each st. rep from * to end of rnd. (12sts) and attach the heart kiss to the right
Rnd 26: 2dc, dc in to next 11 sts, 2dc Rnd 54: *dc2tog; rep from * to end of side.
in to next 2 sts, dc in to next 11 sts, rnd. (6sts) Sew the belly on to the front of the
2dc. (30sts) Thread yarn through these 6 sts and body.
Rnd 27-28: Dc in to each st. pull tight to close the opening. Stuff the arms and attach 4 of the
Rnd 29: *dc into next three sts, fingers to each. Join the arms to
dc2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. Fingers & Toes either side of the body just under the
(24sts) Make 16 (4 for each arm/leg). head join.
Rnd 30: *dc into next two sts, dc2tog; With 4mm hook and MC. Stuff the legs half way and then join
rep from * to end of rnd. (18sts) Rnd 1: ch2, 6 dc in second ch from the two sides together to make a
Rnd 31: *dc into next one sts, dc2tog; hook, join to 1st dc using slst to form knee bend, then continue to stuff.
rep from * to end of rnd. (12sts) a ring. (6sts) Attach 4 toes to each. Join the legs to
Rnd 32: *dc2tog; rep from * to end of Rnd 2: 2dc into each dc around. the bottom of the body.
rnd. (6sts) (12sts)
Thread yarn through these 6 sts and Rnd 3-4: Dc in to each st.
pull tight to close the opening. Stuff.
Legs Rnd 5: *dc2tog; rep from * to end of
Make 2. rnd. (6sts)
With 4mm hook and MC. Thread yarn through these 6 sts and
Ch18, join with a sl st in to the first pull tight to close the opening.
Rnd 1: Ch1, DC in to next ch and each Crown
ch around. With 4mm hook and CC2.
Rnd 2-44: Dc in to each st. Ch16, join with a sl st in to the first
Rnd 45: 2dc, dc in to next 7 sts, 2dc in ch.
to next 2 sts, dc in to next 7 sts, 2dc. Rnd 1: Ch1, DC in to next ch and each
(22sts) ch around.
Rnd 46: 2dc, dc in to next 9 sts, 2dc in Rnd 2-5: Dc in to each st.
to next 2 sts, dc in to next 9 sts, 2dc. Rnd 6: *sl st, 2tc, tc in to the next two
(26sts) sts, rep from * 5 times, sl st.
Fasten off.

Cygnet Yarns Limited

12-14 Adelaide Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 0EA
CY1162© 2019 Designed by Kim Dickinson and published by Cygnet Yarns Limited of 12-14 Adelaide Street, Bradford, BD5 0EA.
This pattern is protected by the law of Copyright of the United Kingdom and may not be reproduced or copied. This pattern may be used for manufacturing purposes up
to a limit of 20 garments. For anything more than this, please contact Cygnet Yarns. All other rights are expressly reserved by Cygnet Yarns Ltd.

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