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Grade-10 English Lesson Plan

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School Malis National Year Level Grade-10

High School
Teacher Wellane Grace Learning Area Grade-10
Billante Classroom
Teaching Date and October 25, Quarter 2nd
Time 2023
1:00 pm
A. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation
of World Literature, including Philippine Culture.
B. Learning Competencies Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
nonlinear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text. (EN10RC-1a-
C. Learning Objectives At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the learner must be able to:
1. use textual aids to understand and comprehend the content of the
2. differentiate the types of textual aids; and
3. present information using tables and graphs.

II. CONTENT The learner determines the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, nonlinear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text.
A. References Grade-10 English Learner’s Textbook

B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Preliminary Activities
previous lesson or
presenting the new Good afternoon class! Let us start this Good morning, ma’am!
lesson afternoon by asking for the blessing and (The student stand)
guidance of our Almighty God. May I call
on Queenie to lead the prayer?
(Queenie leads the prayer)
(After the prayer)

Again, good afternoon class!

How are you today? Doing good ma’am!
Alright! I hope everybody is doing fine.

Before you take your seats, please arrange

your chairs properly and pick up some
pieces of papers and trashes that you can (Students obey the teacher)

Now, prepare a ¼ sheet of paper for our

spelling quiz which will serve as your Okay Ma’am.
attendance for today.

Before we discuss our new lesson for

today, let us first have a short review.
What was our topic last meeting? Yes,
Janjan? Ma’am, our topic last meeting
was all about Daedalus and
Marian, what have you learned from that
story? I’ve learned that we should
always listen to what the
elders say, and we should
have and practice self-control.
Very Good!
Now, let’s read our learning objectives
for today’s lesson. Everybody, please

At the end of the 60-minute discussion,

the learner must be able to:
1. Define what is textual aids;
2. Differentiate the types of textual
aids; and
3. present information using tables
and graphs.
Alright then, let’s begin our class.

B. Establishing a STARTER ACTIVITY!

purpose for the
new lesson Since we are about to discuss another
topic for today, listen and pay attention to
the lyrics of the song entitled “Ode to the
New Heroes,” by Glaiza de Castro. Guess
what the title of the song wants to

After playing the song, I will choose a

name from the box to answer the
questions. The student must answer the
question or else he/she will get a
punishment. Got it? Yes, Ma’am!

1. What does the Title of the song want to (Students’ answer may vary)
2. To whom do you think the song was
being written?
3. Who are these people whom the writer
consider as the new heroes?
4. Can you consider the frontliners as new
heroes? Why? Why not?
5. When can you say that a person is a

Thank you for participating class. Did

Yes, Ma’am!
you enjoy the activity?

C. Presenting LET’S LEARN!

of a new lesson Who can tell me what a textual aid is?
Yes, Sydney? Ma’am, I think textual aids
are aids that we use to
understand the text.
Very good!
Okay, to further enhance your
understanding about textual aids, let us
watch the video. Take note of the
important information.


Please keep and ready your notes for our Okay Ma’am!
D. Discussing new Let’s discuss!
concepts and
practicing new Today, we will discuss the effectiveness
skills #1 of textual aids on understanding texts.

Who wants to read? (Students raise their hands)

Yes, Prince, please read! (Prince reads)

 Textual Aids are tools or materials

that provide support and facilitate
on understanding of the texts.

Thank you!
Class, we have different textual aids. The
first one is the Conceptual Diagram or
Concept Map. Please read Omaiyah. (Omaiyah reads)

 Conceptual Diagram or Concept

Map is a diagram that depicts
suggested relationships between
concepts. It represents ideas and
information as boxes or circles,
which it connects with labeled
arrows in a downward branching
hierarchical structure as it shown
in the given example.

Thank you Omaiyah.

Another type of textual aids is the

Graphic Organizer. It is a visual and
graphic display that depicts the
relationships between facts, terms, and or
ideas within a learning task.

Types of Graphic Organizer

1. Persuasion Map
2. Sequence Chart
3. Story Map
4. Biography graphic organizer
5. Learning Map
6. Analogy graphic organizer
7. Problem Solving Organizer
8. Cause and Effect
9 Triple Venn Diagram
10. Three Paragraph Main Idea and
Details Chart
11. Five Paragraph Essay, Etc.

The next type is a Flowchart. Please read

it John Felix. (John Felix reads)

 Flowchart is a type of diagram

that represents a workflow or
Thank you very much!
Please read the next one Erlyn. (Erlyn reads)
 Venn Diagram is an illustration
that uses circles to show the
relationship among things.
Thank you!
The next one is the Cause and Effect
Diagram which shows the relationship
between events or things, where one is the
result of the others.

Sherwin, please read the last type of

Textual Aids.
(Sherwin reads)
 Advance Organizers help structure
learners’ thinking about the topic
and can be helpful to students like
you with organization and
attention issues. It is a very useful
to help you understand, retain and
remember new learning material.

Thank you Jency!

Do you have questions or clarifications

class? None Ma’am.

Okay, if none, let us proceed to our


E. Developing ANSWER ME!

mastery (leads to
formative To test if you really understand the
assessment) discussion, let’s have a group activity.
You will be divided into two groups.

Your task is to read the selection about

the linear and nonlinear texts and present
its similarities and differences using Venn
Diagram. I will give you 5 minutes to do
the task. Time starts now!

After 5 minutes…

Class, you may now proceed with the

presentation of your works.

Congratulations class, give yourselves a

Globe clap. (Students do the clap)

F. Finding practical GROUP ACTIVITY!

application of
concepts and skills Class, to further enhance your knowledge,
in daily living with the same group, I want you to
observe your surrounding and look for
number of trees and identify how many
are bearings and non-bearings. Present
your work through graph or table.

You may start now!

Group 1 please present your work. (Group 1 presents their work)

Excellent group 1!
Let’s give group 1 a redhorse clap.

Okay, lets proceed to group 2. (Group 2 presents their work)

Very good group 2!
Let’s give group 2 a fireworks clap.

I’m glad to know that you have shown

cooperation. Because of that please give
yourself a barangay clap.

generalization and
abstraction about What did you learn from today’s lesson?
the lesson
Anyone? (Students raise their hands.)

Yes, Marian? Ma’am I have learned that

textual aids provide support
and facilitate understanding
of the text.
Do you have something to add Sydney? Ma’am, I’ve learned that
textual aids makes the text
easy to understand and

Very good!

Thank you so much. I’m happy that

you’ve learned.

H. Evaluating QUIZ!
Direction: Read the statements/questions ANSWER KEY!
carefully. Choose the letter of
the correct answer. 1. A
2. D
1. What is the importance of using textual 3. A
aids? 4. A
A. Make it easy for students to memorize, 5-10) B
remember and learn important D
words. B
B. Helps students understand and
comprehend the story
C. Guide the students to take note the
important words
D. Lead the students to get the main idea
of the text

2. The following are examples of text aids

A. titles, bold or italic print C. diagrams,
maps B. tables, charts D. linear and
nonlinear text

3. Which example would help the

students compare and contrast?
A. Venn Diagram B. KWL Charts C.
Main Idea Mountain D. Plot line

4. The first step to implementing a

graphic organizer is to:
A. Explaining the purpose C. Identifying
the teaching purpose
B. Planning D. Giving the students

For numbers 5-10 (2 points each), please

refer to the table below.

 On which day the minimum and

maximum students were absent
A. Monday and Thursday
B. Monday and Wednesday
C. Monday and Friday
D. Monday and Tuesday

 How many students were absent

on Tuesday and Thursday?
A. 90 students B. 80 students
C. 70 students D. 50 students

 On which days have the same

number of students was absent?
A. Monday and Tuesday
B. Wednesday and Thursday
C. Wednesday and Friday
D. Wednesday and Friday

I. Additional ASSIGNMENT!
activities for the
application or Make a bar graph of this year’s enrollees
remediation in Malis National High School.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learner who require
additional activities from
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
subject instructor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Observed by:

Wellane Grace L. Billante Bengie Q. Malalay
Student – Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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