Alzou Bi 2016
Alzou Bi 2016
Alzou Bi 2016
DOI 10.1002/aoc.3574
Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2016; 1–12 Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
FIGURE 1 General scheme for formation of Schiff bases 3.1 | Oxidation of organic compounds
Life would not exist without oxidation, which is very
important from scientific and practical points of view. In
organic chemistry, oxidation reactions are some of the most
important ones. Thus, selective catalytic oxidations represent
a severe challenge for modern organic chemistry, and their
importance has been highlighted in terms of Nobel Prizes.
The reaction between ONS donor ligands H2L (derived
FIGURE 2 Representative structures of Schiff ligands (A) H2Salen, (B)
from salicylaldehyde or its derivatives or 2‐hydroxy‐1‐
H2Hacen and (C) H2Acacen
naphthaldehyde and o‐aminothiophenol) and [RuHCl(CO)
complexes showed significant sorption to greater extent as (PPh3)] afforded new Ru(II) complexes of [Ru(L)(CO)
compared to Mn(II) and Ni(II) complexes. The presence (PPh3)] (L = dianionic ONS donor Schiff base ligand).
of pyridine axial base resulted in an increase in oxygen Theses complexes were found to be effective for the
affinity. Thus, this kind of material could be used as a oxidations of alcohols and sulfides at room temperature using
catalyst in oxidative reactions in organic chemistry and N‐methylmorpholine‐N‐oxide as oxidant. This provided a
petrochemicals, which was reproducible and was considered general method for the oxidations of different kinds of alco-
also environmentally friendly.[6] hols under mild conditions. Benzylic primary and secondary
The reversible binding reactions of oxygen to alcohols were oxidized to products in excellent yield, and
N,N′‐ethylenebis(salicylideniminato)cobalt (CoS), to which aliphatic and cyclic alcohols gave carbonyl compounds in
a photoisomerizable stilbazole residue of copolymer was moderate yield.[16]
coordinated, were investigated. The E form of the stilbazole Four dioxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes, [Mo(VI)O2
residue coordinating to CoS, (E)‐1‐CoS, showed (dha‐bhz)MeOH)](H2dha‐bhz), [MoO2(dha‐inh)(MeOH)],
photoisomerization into the Z form, (Z)‐1‐CoS, on direct [MoO2(dha‐nah)MeOH)] and [MoO2(dha‐fah)MeOH)], and
ultraviolet irradiation and negligible reverse isomerization. their corresponding oxidoperoxidomolybdenum(VI) com-
The oxygen binding equilibrium constant (K) values for plexes, [MoO(O2)(dha‐bhz)(MeOH)], [MoO(O2)(dha‐inh)
(E)‐1‐CoS and (Z)‐1‐CoS in toluene were 3.3 × 10−2 and (MeOH)], [MoO(O2)(dha‐nah)(MeOH)] and [MoO(O2)
4.8 × 10−3 mmHg−1, respectively, at 283 K. Although the (dha‐fah)(MeOH)], with ONO tridentate Schiff base ligands
pKa values of the E and Z forms of the stilbazole residue were derived from 3‐acetyl‐6‐methyl‐(2H)‐pyran‐2,4‐(3H)‐dione
quite similar to each other, the oxygen‐binding affinity of (dehydrocetic acid, Hdha) and aromatic hydrazides (benzoyl
(Z)‐1‐CoS was small in terms of the liner correlation of ln hydrazide (bhz), isonicotinoyl hydrazide (inh), nicotinoyl
K versus pKa.[7] hydrazide (nah) and furoyl hydrazide (fah)) have been pre-
pared, and then analyzed by elemental analysis, infrared,
UV–visible, [1]H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopies and
3 | S C H I F F BAS E C O M P L E X E S A S thermogravimetric analyses. The dioxidomolybdenum(VI)
CATALYSTS complexes have been studied as catalysts for the homoge-
neous oxidation of secondary alcohols (1‐phenylethanol,
A number of Schiff base complexes of metal ions with high 2‐propanol and 2‐butanol; Scheme 1), using 30% H2O2 as
catalytic activity play a significant role in enhancing yield an oxidant. Both microwave and liquid‐phase oxidation
and product selectivity. In organic synthesis, the convenient methods have been tested for catalytic reactions. Also, the
route of synthesis and thermal stability of Schiff base ligands various parameters of the reaction, such as amount of
have contributed significantly to their possible applications in catalyst, oxidant, solvent and temperature, have been taken
catalysis as metal complexes.[8] At present, Schiff base into consideration for the maximum conversion of substrates.
complexes have emerged for the development of a variety Under the optimized reaction conditions, secondary alcohols
of efficient catalysts.[9,10] To enable the separation of the gave high yields of the respective ketones. Addition of
SCHEME 2 Catalytic asymmetric oxidation of methyl phenyl sulfide using FIGURE 4 Oxidation of sulfides to corresponding sulfones under solvent‐
chiral Schiff base ligands with Ti(Oi‐Pr)4 free conditions
corresponding sulfones. Also, the amount of catalyst had a consecutive runs without significant loss of its catalytic
considerable effect on the conversion of thioanisole to the efficiency.[23]
corresponding sulfone. Hence, the role of the catalyst was very Complexes of transition metals (M = Fe(II), VO(IV))
important in the reaction because this reaction has low conver- with Schiff base ligands that were synthesized by simple
sion without any catalyst. condensation of 2‐hydroxyacetophenone and/or 2‐hydroxy‐
Novel heterogeneous catalysts of Schiff base complexes 5‐chloroacetophenone with ethylenediamine have been
of transition metal ions supported on silica‐coated magnetic entrapped within nanopores of zeolite‐Y using a flexible
cobalt nanoparticles were successfully synthesized. The cata- ligand method. These synthesized catalysts have been utilized
lytic activity of the catalysts was studied in the oxidation of as heterogeneous catalysts for liquid‐phase oxidation of
various aromatic alcohols (Scheme 3) with environmentally cyclohexene. Therefore, the reaction parameters have been
friendly oxidant using different solvents and under solvent‐ tuned to optimize higher cyclohexene conversion along with
free conditions. Also, the effects of parameters such as sol- higher selectivity towards the formation of corresponding
vent, amount of oxidant and catalyst, reaction temperature allylic products (Figure 5). These catalysts were recovered
and utilization efficiency of hydrogen peroxide were investi- and reused three times without marked loss of activity. More-
gated. The synthesized catalysts acted selectively and over, the intermediate species involved during the catalytic
converted the alcohols to corresponding aldehydes with high oxidation reaction was synthesized and identified by Fourier
yield. The results showed outstanding catalytic performance transform infrared (FT‐IR) and UV–visible spectroscopy.[24]
with selective conversion of alcohols at 50°C with and A new Schiff base Mn(II) complex was successfully
without solvent. This high activity and selectivity was most synthesized and covalently immobilized on silica‐coated
probably related to the Lewis acidity of the catalysts.[22] magnetic cobalt nanoparticles as a support. The prepared
In recent works, oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides and heterogeneous catalyst showed a high catalytic activity in
oxidative coupling of thiols into their corresponding the oxidation of alcohols (benzyl alcohol was used as a
disulfides (Scheme 4) were carried out using hydrogen sample) with high yield and under mild conditions. The
peroxide as oxidizing agent in the presence of Ni, Co, Cr, reaction progress was monitored by TLC. The synthesized
Zn or Cd complexes immobilized on Fe3O4 magnetic hybrid nanomaterials were fully characterized by FT‐IR
nanoparticles (M‐Salen‐MNPs) as stable, heterogeneous, spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction and energy‐dispersive X‐ray
efficient and magnetically recoverable nanocatalysts under analysis. The morphology of the nanonmaterial was deter-
mild reaction conditions. Also, a variety of aromatic and mined by scanning and transmission electron microscopies.
aliphatic sulfides and thiols with various functional groups Moreover, the synthesized catalyst showed a high catalytic
were successfully oxidized with short reaction times in good activity in the oxidation of alcohols and sulfides to the
to excellent yields. Recovery of the catalyst is easily achieved corresponding aldehydes and sulfoxides (Scheme 5). The
by magnetic decantation and it can be reused for several oxidation reaction was carried in the absence of the catalyst
and it was found that the reaction yield was only 4%, which
confirms the importance of the catalyst for reaction
completion (Table 1).[25]
In previous work, 12 bi−/tridentate Schiff base ligands
were designed, prepared and coordinated with ion‐exchanged
Co–MOR (mordenite) forming a series of Co–MOR(L)
composite catalysts, for which various analyses and
SCHEME 5 Oxidation of sulfides and alcohols into the corresponding (SAP) backbone with OH substituents on the salicyl arene
aldehydes and sulfoxides
ring. All dimeric complexes [MoO2L]2 were studied for the
epoxidation of cyclooctene and cyclohexene under organic
characterizations were conducted. Selective catalytic epoxi- solvent‐free conditions using aqueous TBHP as oxidant
dation (Figure 6) of α‐pinene in DMF at 90°C with dry air (Figure 7(b)). The effect of OH substituents at different
over Co–MOR(L) catalysts has been carried out, where tert‐ positions of the salicyl ring of the Schiff bases has been
butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) was used in small amounts as evaluated and studied for the epoxidation of cyclooctene
the initiator (one‐tenth of the added olefin). Among these and cyclohexene using aqueous TBHP catalyzed by dimeric
Co–MOR(L) catalysts, Co–MOR(L8) (R1 = OH, R2 = H) Mo(II) complexes [MoO2L]2. The position of the OH
exhibits the best activity leading to 85.8% conversion substituent at the ortho and para positions of the salicyl
and 90.8% selectivity of epoxide. Some factors such as ring and the nature of the substrate had a slight influence
the structure of ligands, oxidants, solvents, amount of on the catalytic activity. Moreover, density functional
catalyst and reaction temperature and time play important theory calculations for the catalytic cycle yield energy spans
roles in controlling the epoxidation. Studies of the elec- in agreement with the experimentally observed activity
trochemical behaviors of Co species in Co–MOR(L) trend.
revealed the importance of reversible change between Romanowskiron and Kira[28] have reported the prepara-
Co oxidation states for the epoxidation of α‐pinene with tion a series of vanadium(V) complexes with chiral tridentate
air.[26] Schiff base ligands, obtained by the single condensation of
Wang et al.[27] have reported the synthesis and character- R‐(−)‐phenylglycinol with salicylaldehyde and its deriva-
ization of Mo(II) complexes with ONO tridentate Schiff base tives. The vanadium(V) complexes have the ability to cata-
ligands (Figure 7(a)) based on salicylideneaminophenolato lyze the oxidation of sulfides (PhSR; R = Me, Bz) in
TABLE 1 The optimized amounts of the catalyst and oxidant in oxidation reactiona
Entry Co@SiO2@[Mn(III)SB] (g) H2O2 (30%): μl, mmol Product Selectivity Isolated Yield (%)
Initial test
1 0.02 30, 0.293 Benzaldehyde 100 32
Experiments to obtain optimized conditions
2 0.02 40, 0.391 Benzaldehyde 100 44
3 0.02 50, 0.489 Benzaldehyde 100 51
4 0.02 60, 0.587 Benzaldehyde 100 63
5 0.03 60, 0.587 Benzaldehyde 100 72
6 0.03 70, 0.685 Benzaldehyde 100 81
7 0.03 80, 0.783 Benzaldehyde 100 89
8 0.03 90, 0.881 Benzaldehyde 100 92
9 0.03 100, 0.979 Benzaldehyde 100 94
10 Not used 90, 0.881 Benzaldehyde 100 4
Amount of metal loaded on magnetic support and calculation of TON and TOF numbers
Entry Catalyst Amount of metal loaded (wt%) TONb TOF (h−1)
11 Co@SiO2@Mn(III)SBC 7.19 95 87
Reaction conditions: benzyl alcohol (0.6 mmol), 45°C, solvent: ethyl acetate (3 ml).
Moles of substrate converted per moles of metal in the catalyst ([substrate]/[metal] × 100).
FIGURE 12 Synthesis of complex from 5‐chloro‐2‐hydroxy‐3‐ FIGURE 14 Catalytic mechanism of CPS‐[MoO2(ALGL)2] catalyst in oxi-
nitrobenzaldehyde, L‐valine and cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate dation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde using molecular oxygen
presence of dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex (Figure 14), had a marked effect on the oxidation reaction, while acetoni-
molecular oxygen decomposes, and one oxygen atom com- trile was the best among the solvents.
bines with one oxygen atom around the Mo atom to form a Judy‐Azar and Mohebbi[35] have reported the synthesis of
peroxy radical; (2) the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group novel heterogeneous catalysts of Schiff base complexes of
of benzyl alcohol transfers onto the peroxy radical, and at the transition metal ions supported on silica‐coated magnetic
same time, alkoxide anion forms and it coordinates to Mo metallic cobalt nanoparticles. The catalytic activity of the cat-
atom; (3) the activated oxygen atom attacks alkoxides coordi- alysts was studied in the oxidation of various aromatic alco-
nated to the Mo atom to form carbonyl compound benzalde- hols (Figure 16) with an environmentally friendly oxidant
hyde and water by dehydrogenation; (4) dioxomolybdenum and with various solvents and under solvent‐free conditions.
(VI) complex returns to its original structure and a new cata- Also, the effects of parameters such as solvent, amount of
lytic cycle resumes.[33] oxidant and catalyst, reaction temperature and utilization
Gogoi et al.[34] have described a straightforward, efficient efficiency of hydrogen peroxide were investigated. The syn-
and selective oxidation of sulfide to sulfoxide with 30% H2O2 thesized catalysts acted selectively and converted the alcohols
catalyzed by copper (II)–Schiff base complex (Figure 15). to corresponding aldehydes with high yield.
The reaction was carried out under mild conditions in aceto- Sulfoxidation catalysts generated in situ from titanium
nitrile at room temperature to provide a variety of aryl and (IV) isopropoxide and enantiopure Schiff bases promote the
alkyl sulfoxides in excellent yield. The authors indicated that enantioselective oxidation of alkylaryl sulfides to the corre-
complex 1 is an efficient catalyst for the oxidation of both sponding sulfoxides (Figure 17) at low catalyst loadings (less
aryl and alkyl sulfides to the corresponding sulfoxides with than 1 mol%), with over 90% chemoselectivity and 60%
hydrogen peroxide. However, use of more than 0.5 mol% cat- yield. The optimized catalytic conditions were formulated
alyst 1 did not enhance the yield (Table 2). Using 0.5 mol% based on the examination of ligand interaction with tita-
copper(II)catalyst 1, a chemoselectivity of 95:5 could be nium(IV) isopropoxide and following the oxidation kinetics
achieved in 6 h. A catalyst loading of 0.5 mol% gave a higher using NMR spectroscopy. In that work, a chiral Schiff base
catalytic efficiency due to the short reaction time. Also,
catalyst 1 was found to be the most effective and the product
3b (Figure 15) was obtained in 95% yield. Dichloromethane
FIGURE 15 Copper(II) Schiff base complex‐catalyzed oxidation of 2‐ FIGURE 17 Titanium‐catalyzed asymmetric oxidation of sulfides to
nitrophenylbenzyl sulfide with hydrogen peroxide sulfoxides
ligand derived from 1‐amino‐2‐indanol was tested and (hap‐SBDTC)(solv)] (1b) and cis‐[MoO2(hap‐SMDTC)
displayed moderate activity.[36] (solv)] (2b), where hap‐SBDTC and hap‐SMDTC are Schiff
Menati et al.[37] have reported the synthesis of a new bases derived from o‐hydroxyacetophenone (hap) and
Schiff base ligand from the condensation reaction of 1,2‐bis S‐benzyldithiocarbazate (SBDTC) or S‐methyldithiocarbazate
(2′‐aminophenoxy)benzene with 2‐pyridinecarbaldehyde in (SMDTC), respectively. The catalytic tests were carried out in
a mole ratio of 1:2. Schiff base complexes were prepared by DMF solvent at 60°C under 1 atm O2. The final oxidation
reaction of the ligand and metal ions. The synthesized com- products were found to be 1‐hexanal for 1‐hexene, styrene
plexes were used as heterogeneous catalysts. Performance of epoxide and phenylacetaldehyde (81:19) for styrene and
the complexes was studied in the oxidation of thioanisole cyclohexene epoxide and 2‐cyclohexen‐1‐ol (85:15) for
(Figure 18) using H2O2 as the oxidant. The Schiff base com- cyclohexene (Figure 20).[39]
plexes allow the selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfones. Kumar and Mathur[40] have reported using a Cu(II) com-
The selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfones with Schiff base plex with a new N‐substituted benzimidazolyl Schiff base
complexes as catalysts is very rare. Also, the amount of com- ligand as catalyst for oxidation of 1‐phenylpropyne. The oxi-
plex had a considerable effect on the conversion of sulfides to dation was carried out under mild conditions using stoichio-
the corresponding sulfones. The maximum conversion for the metric amounts of oxidant and catalytic amounts of Cu(II)
reaction was observed with 5 mg of catalyst for all four com- complex as catalyst. Also, the effect of acid/base and oxidant
plexes, but there was no major difference in the conversion was studied. The three complexes were efficient catalysts for
when 10 and 20 mg of catalyst were used. Therefore, 5 mg the oxidation of 1‐phenylpropyne. In the case of
of catalyst was taken as the optimum amount. 1‐phenylpropyne (Figure 21) three diverse products are
Schiff base complexes of oxovanadium(IV), whose formed: diketone, aldehyde and acid. Diketone is the major
ligands have amino acid side chains with coordinating func- product under acidic conditions while aldehyde formation is
tional groups (Figure 19), retained their coordination geome- highest under basic conditions. Formation of diketone sug-
tries in which the amino acid side chains were probably gests complete oxidation of the triple bond, while formation
coordinated in the axial position with a phenolate oxygen, a of benzoic acid suggests the cleavage of the alkynes. How-
carboxylate oxygen, an imine nitrogen and a solvent mole- ever, the maximum conversion is found with the NO3− bound
cule being bound in the equatorial plane. Peroxo complexes complex.
prepared from the Schiff base complexes of oxovanadium Zhu at al.[41] have reported the synthesis and characteri-
(V) converted methylphenyl sulfide to the corresponding zation of several chiral copper(II) complexes of optically
sulfoxide in 80–90% yield in CDCl3 and in 30–70% yield active Schiff bases (R,R)‐4a‐c, which have central seven‐
in CD3OD in 30 min. They converted the sulfide in a membered chelate rings. The complexes have been tested as
stereoselective manner yielding the sulfoxide in small enan- catalysts for asymmetric oxidation of methylphenyl sulfide
tiomeric excess (5–20%). The penta‐coordinate square‐pyra- (Figure 22). The mechanism of the catalytic reaction in the
midal complexes of oxovanadium(V) afforded slightly presence of these complexes has been tentatively elucidated.
higher rates of oxidation of the sulfide than the hexa‐coordi-
nate octahedral complexes in CD3OD.[38]
The homogeneous catalytic air oxidation of 1‐hexene,
cyclohexene and styrene has been reported using cis‐[MoO2
FIGURE 19 Schiff base ligands prepared with amino acids and amino acid FIGURE 21 Process of 1‐phenylpropyne oxidation catalyzed by magnetic
esters Schiff base complexes
FIGURE 23 Schiff base ligand (MQMPH), with a NNO donor set, used for FIGURE 24 Sulfoxidation of thiothers catalyzed by vanadium (V)
preparation of coordination compounds Complexes
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