Rev 2222
Rev 2222
Rev 2222
Most people would claim that they are attracted to someone after a few
seconds of their first encounter. April Masini, who also gives ABC
Entertainment News relation advice, wrote books like Date Out of Your
League, suggests that females are naturally attracted to men who exude
affection and passion and seem to live a fascinating life. Heterosexuals
tend to be attracted to men with traditionally masculine features including
muscle body, square jaw, straight nose, and narrow eyes, physically or
There are many factors that lead to the growth and maintenance
of healthy and acceptable relationships, including:
1. Mutual respect. Will he or she get to know how smart and why you
are? Will your partner listen to you when you say you are not happy doing
something and then instantly back off? Respect in a partnership means
that each partner trusts and respects the weaknesses of each other and
will never question them.
3. Honesty. This one goes hand-in - hand with confidence, because when
one of you is not honest, it is difficult to trust another. Have you ever
caught your partner in a total lie? Like when she told you that she / he was
occupied with homework, but it turned out that she / he was talking to
friends? You're going to have a lot of difficulty believing the next time
she / he says she / he has to work and the trust will be on dangerous
foundations. 4. Support. It is not only in difficult times that you should be
supported by your partner. Usually, when the whole world is falling apart,
we thought that this is the only time we need support from others. Even in
your best, you still need support and when time gets tough, your
significant other should still be there. For instance, your partner should be
there when you find out that your parents are breaking apart and he/she
should also rejoice with you when you get a great score.
2. Putting you down No one has the right to make you feel bad about
yourself. Whether blatant or subtle, if your partner criticizes your looks,
your hair, your laugh, your intelligence, or anything, they’re not worth
your time.
10. Not caring about friends and family When you want to build a life
with someone, you have to accept every part of them, including the
people they care about. Your partner not making an effort to get to know
your loved ones can cause a major strain on your relationship.
The most effective way to establish a positive connection with another person in terms of
interpersonal attraction is by sharing common interests, values, and goals.
When two people express mutual love their relationship will grow and become stronger.
The family should maintain the trust in each member, avoid dishonesty.
Through one's honesty he/she gains the trust of his/her loved ones.
Followership means when people express words, actions, respect, and support
to a leader.
To become a great leader, you must be a good follower.
Acquaintances are people you may encounter oftentimes but are not
friends or relatives. For instance, they may be a neighbor who lives in
your road, a work colleague or someone you have seen a few times at a
social event but do not yet know well. Acquaintances are persons whom
you know slightly, but who is not a close friend.
The primary role of a parent in a child's life is to transfer a positive legacy to the child
NUCLERA FAMILY - a household composed of a married couple and their three children.
SINGLE-PARENT FAMILY - the child lives with only their mother and no other adult figures
present in the household.
EXTENDED FAMILY - a grandparent, their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren all living
together and sharing daily household duties.