2024 25.7 Piis0016508523051399
2024 25.7 Piis0016508523051399
2024 25.7 Piis0016508523051399
High Soluble Fiber Promotes Colorectal Tumorigenesis Through
Modulating Gut Microbiota and Metabolites in Mice
Jia Yang,1,* Hong Wei,2,3,* Yufeng Lin,1 Eagle S. H. Chu,1 Yunfei Zhou,1 Hongyan Gou,1
Shang Guo,1 Harry C. H. Lau,1 Alvin H. K. Cheung,4 Huarong Chen,1 Ka Fei To,4
Joseph J. Y. Sung,1,5 Yong Wang,2 and Jun Yu1
Institute of Digestive Disease and Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, State Key Laboratory of Digestive
Disease, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China; 2Department of Laboratory Animal Science, College of Basic Medical Sciences,
Army Medical University, Chongqing, China; 3Department of Precision Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-
sen University, Guangzhou, China; 4Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China; and 5Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University,
approved by the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee of HFiD developed obvious macroscopic tumors at week
the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 20,whereas mice fed with CD showed no clear sign of tumor
formation in the colon (Figure 1B). At harvest, macroscopic
examination of the colon manifested that 83.33% of HFiD-
Germ-free Mouse Model
fed mice developed colonic tumors (5 of 6), which was
To determine the direct contribution of HFiD-modulated gut
significantly higher than CD-fed mice (1 if 7, 14.29%) (P <
microbiota on colorectal tumorigenesis, male germ-free C57BL/
.05, Figure 1C). In keeping with these findings, HFiD-fed
6 mice at 8 weeks old fed with HFiD were divided into 2 groups
under HFiD and were gavaged once with fecal samples
mice had significantly increased colonic tumor number (P
collected from HFiD-fed AOM-treated mice or phosphate- < .05) and tumor volume (P < .01) compared with CD-fed
buffered saline (PBS). Briefly, 1 g of stool samples were ho- mice (Figure 1C). Histological examination of colon sec-
tions confirmed that HFiD-fed mice developed a greater
mogenized in 5 mL of PBS. Recipient mice were then trans-
planted with 200 mL of the suspension by gastric gavage. These proportion of high-grade dysplasia compared with CD-fed
germ-free mice also received AOM injection with the same mice (P < .05; Figure 1D). Moreover, colon sections of
regimen as in conventional mice. Mice were killed at week 30 HFiD-fed mice exhibited significantly more Ki-67–positive
following gavage. To determine the effect of inosine, male germ- cells, indicating increased cell proliferation in HFiD-fed mice
free C57BL/6 mice at 8 weeks old were gavaged with PBS and (P < .001; Figure 1E).
fecal samples collected from high inulin diet–fed mice. Mice To verify these findings, we established another CRC
were then gavaged with PBS or inosine (300 mg/kg body mouse model with transgenic Apcmin/þ mice (Figure 1F).
weight) every other day and killed 28 days after the first Consistent with the results in AOM-induced CRC mouse
gavage. model, HFiD significantly increased tumor incidence (P <
To determine the pure effect of different fibers on the gut .05), tumor number (P < .0001), and tumor volume (P <
microbiota of healthy colonic mucosa, male germ-free C57BL/6 .01, Figure 1G) in the colon. Histological examination of
mice at 8 weeks old fed with control diet (CD) were divided colon sections confirmed that HFiD-fed mice developed a
into 3 groups and were gavaged once with fecal samples greater proportion of high-grade dysplasia compared with
collected from high-inulin-fed, high-cellulose-fed, or CD-fed CD-fed mice (P < .01; Figure 1H). HFiD-fed Apcmin/þ mice
mice. Mice were killed at 3 months following gavage. Germ- also exhibited significantly more Ki-67 positive colon cells
free mice were bred at the Department of Laboratory Animal
compared with CD-fed Apcmin/þ mice (P < .01; Figure 1I).
Science, Army Medical University, Chongqing, China. All pro-
Although decreased tumor number (P < .05) and tumor
cedures were approved by the Animal Experimentation Ethics
volume (P < .01) were observed in the small intestine of
Committee of Army Medical University.
HFiD-fed Apcmin/þ mice (Supplementary Figure 1), our
consistent findings between 2 CRC mouse models (AOM-
Statistical Analysis induced and Apcmin/þ) suggested that HFiD could promote
All results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation tumorigenesis in the colon.
unless otherwise indicated. Numerical variables between 2
groups were compared using unpaired Student t test or Mann-
HFiD Induces Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis
Whitney U test where appropriate. Comparisons of categorical
To explore the role of gut microbiota in HFiD-associated
variables between 2 groups were performed using chi-square
test or Fisher’s exact test. Difference in cell growth rate was
colorectal tumorigenesis, we performed microbiota profiling
determined by 2-way analysis of variance, and Dunnett’s test on stool samples from HFiD and CD-fed mice in AOM model.
was used for multiple comparison analysis. Wilcoxon signed- Microbiota compositional discriminations between HFiD-fed
rank test was used for differential analyses of metagenomic and CD-fed mice were demonstrated by principal co-
and metabolomic data. All statistical analyses were conducted ordinates analysis (Figure 2A). Lower bacterial a-diversity
using GraphPad Prism, version 7.0 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA) or R (Shannon index) was also observed in HFiD-fed mice
package. Differences were considered significant with P values (Figure 2A). Twelve differentially enriched and 13 depleted
less than .05. bacterial species were identified in HFiD-fed mice compared
Additional methods are provided in the Supplementary with CD-fed mice, of which the beneficial probiotic Bifido-
Methods. bacterium pseudolongum was depleted in HFiD-fed mice (P
< .05, Figure 2B).
Figure 1. HFiD promotes colorectal tumorigenesis in both AOM-treated mice and Apcmin/þ mice. (A) Experimental design for
dietary fiber treatment in AOM-induced CRC mouse model. (B) Representative images of colonoscopy surveillance at week 20.
(C) Representative colon images when mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and volume in CD-fed (n ¼ 7) and
HFiD-fed (n ¼ 6) mice. (D) Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining for pathological diagnosis of colon sections. Quantitative analysis
of pathological score was calculated according to the following criteria: 0, normal; and 2, high-grade dysplasia (HGD). (E) Ki-67
staining of colon sections with quantitative analysis. (F) Experimental design for dietary fiber treatment in Apcmin/þ CRC mouse
model. (G) Representative colon images at the time mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and volume in CD-fed
(n ¼ 15) and HFiD-fed (n ¼ 15) mice. (H) H&E staining for pathological diagnosis of colon sections. Quantitative analysis of
pathological score was calculated according to the following criteria: 0, normal; 1, low-grade dysplasia (LGD); and 2, HGD. (I)
Ki-67 staining of mice colon sections with quantitative analysis.
treatment was observed (Supplementary Figure 2A). antibiotics-naïve mice (5 of 6, 83.33%) (P < .05, Figure 2E).
Macroscopic examination of colon manifested that only 1 Antibiotics treatment also markedly reduced colonic tumor
mouse developed colonic tumors among antibiotics-treated number and tumor volume (both P < .01, Figure 2E) in
HFiD-fed mice (1 of 7, 14.29%), significantly lower than antibiotics-treated HFiD-fed mice. Histology assessment
February 2024 Soluble Fiber, Gut Microbiota, and Colorectal Cancer 327
Figure 2. HFiD promotes colorectal tumorigenesis through inducing gut microbiota dysbiosis. (A) Principal coordinates
analysis (PCoA) (left) and Shannon diversity (right) of the gut microbiota in AOM-treated CD-fed (n ¼ 5) and HFiD-fed (n ¼ 5)
mice. (B) Volcano plot of differential bacteria species in stool samples of CD-fed and HFiD-fed mice. Relative abundance of
B. pseudolongum in AOM-treated HFiD-fed and CD-fed mice. (C) Experimental design for antibiotics treatment in AOM-
induced CRC mouse model fed with HFiD. (D) Representative images of colonoscopy surveillance at week 20. (E) Repre-
sentative colon images at time mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and volume in HFiD-fed mice treated with
(n ¼ 7) or without antibiotics (n ¼ 6). (F) Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining for pathological diagnosis and Ki-67 staining of colon
sections with quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis of pathological score was calculated according to the following
criteria: 0, normal; and 2, high-grade dysplasia (HGD). (G) Experimental design for FMT in AOM-treated germ-free mouse
model fed with HFiD. (H) Representative colon images at time mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and volume in
HFiD-FMT germ-free mice (n ¼ 16) and control mice (n ¼ 15). Abx, antibiotics.
demonstrated that HFiD-fed mice treated with antibiotics HFiD-fed mice (P < .05; Figure 2F). These findings demon-
harbored a lower proportion of high-grade dysplasia (1 of 7, strated that using antibiotics to deplete the gut microbiota
14.29%), compared with antibiotics-naïve mice (5 of 6, could alleviate HFiD-associated CRC, thus implicating that
83.33%) (P < .01; Figure 2F). We also observed decreased the gut microbiota may play an essential role in mediating
epithelial cell proliferation in the colon of antibiotics-treated HFiD-associated colorectal tumorigenesis.
328 Yang et al Gastroenterology Vol. 166, Iss. 2
Gavage of HFiD-modulated Stool Samples were observed in HID-fed mice compared with CD-fed or
Promotes Colorectal Tumorigenesis in AOM- HCD-fed Apcmin/þ mice (Figure 3E). Histological examina-
treated Germ-free Mice tion of colon sections confirmed that HID-fed Apcmin/þ mice
To confirm whether HFiD-modulated gut microbiota is developed a greater proportion of adenocarcinoma
the key factor in HFiD-associated CRC, we performed FMT compared with CD-fed mice and HCD-fed mice (both P <
by gavaging stools from either HFiD-fed mice (HFiD-FMT) or .01; Supplementary Figure 4C). Our consistent findings be-
PBS (control) into AOM-treated germ-free mice fed with tween 2 CRC mouse models confirmed that soluble fiber
HFiD (Figure 2G). At harvest, no significant difference in inulin but not insoluble fiber cellulose is responsible for
body weight between HFiD-FMT and controls was observed HFiD-associated colorectal tumorigenesis in mice.
(Supplementary Figure 2B). Macroscopic examination of
Soluble Fiber Guar Gum Promotes Colorectal
Figure 3. Soluble fiber but not insoluble fiber promotes colorectal tumorigenesis in both AOM-treated mice and Apcmin/þ mice.
(A) Experimental design for soluble fiber and insoluble fiber treatment in AOM-induced CRC mouse model. (B) Representative
colon images at time mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and volume in CD-fed (n ¼ 10), HCD-fed (n ¼ 13), and
HID-fed (n ¼ 10) mice. (C) Experimental design for soluble fiber and insoluble fiber treatment in Apcmin/þ CRC mouse model.
(D) Representative images of colonoscopy surveillance at week 11. (E) Representative colon images at time mice were killed.
Tumor number and volume in CD-fed (n ¼ 14), HCD-fed (n ¼ 15) and HID-fed (n ¼ 12) mice. (F) Experimental design for soluble
fiber guar gum treatment in AOM-induced CRC mouse model. (G) Representative colon images at time mice were killed. (H)
Tumor incidence, tumor number, tumor volume, and pathological diagnosis of colons in CD-fed (n ¼ 5) and HGGD-fed (n ¼ 4)
mice. Quantitative analysis of pathological score was calculated according to the following criteria: 0, normal; and 1, low-grade
dysplasia (LGD).
330 Yang et al Gastroenterology Vol. 166, Iss. 2
Figure 4. Soluble fiber alters gut microbiota and induces depletion of probiotics. (A) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and
(B) Shannon diversity of the gut microbiota in AOM-treated CD-fed, HCD-fed, HID-fed, and HGGD-fed mice. (C) Heatmap for
differential bacteria among stool samples of AOM-treated CD-fed, HCD-fed, HID-fed, and HGGD-fed mice. (D) Coincubation
with B. pseudolongum culture medium inhibited proliferation of HT29 and Caco-2 CRC cells but not NCM460 cells. (E)
Representative images and quantitative analysis of colony formation of HT29 and Caco-2 CRC cells treated with blank control,
Escherichia coli culture medium (as negative control) and B. pseudolongum culture medium, respectively. (F) Heatmap for
functional profiling of metabolism pathways using HUMAnN2 in stool samples of AOM-treated CD-fed, HCD-fed, HID-fed, and
HGGD-fed mice. *P < .05, **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001. BHI, brain heart infusion; Bp. CM, B. pseudolongum culture
inhibited the growth of 2 CRC cell lines HT29 (P < .0001) that soluble fiber could alter both gut microbiota composi-
and Caco-2 (P < .0001), but not the normal colon epithelial tion and its associated functions.
cell line NCM460. Moreover, B. pseudolongum culture me-
dium also markedly lowered colony formation in HT29 (P <
.01) and Caco-2 (P < .001) (Figure 4E). Soluble Fiber Induces Depletion of Probiotics-
We further categorized the gut metabolic pathways produced Metabolite Inosine and Enrichment of
altered by soluble fiber. Our analysis identified that stearate Fecal Butyrate and Serum Bile Acids
biosynthesis II, fatty acid elongation, oleate biosynthesis IV, To reveal metabolic changes in the gut microbiota, we
and superpathway of L-serine and glycine biosynthesis I performed metabolomic profiling on stool samples from
were enriched in mice fed with soluble fiber inulin and guar AOM-treated mice fed with soluble fiber (inulin or guar
gum, compared with CD and HCD (Figure 4F). Meanwhile, gum), insoluble fiber (cellulose), or CD. Gut metabolites
glycogen biosynthesis I was significantly downregulated in were significantly different among these groups of mice
mice fed with soluble fiber. Our results therefore indicated (Supplementary Table 2). Among the differential
February 2024 Soluble Fiber, Gut Microbiota, and Colorectal Cancer 331
Figure 5. Soluble fiber induces depletion of B. pseudolongum-derived inosine and enrichment of fecal butyrate. (A) Heatmap
of differential metabolites among stool samples of AOM-treated CD-fed, HCD-fed, HID-fed, and HGGD-fed mice. (B) The
effect of inosine on cell growth of HT29, Caco-2, and NCM460. (C) Experimental design for inosine administration in germ-free
mice receiving HID-FMT. (D) Protein expression of the cell-proliferating indicator PCNA in colon tissues of PBS, HID-FMTþ
PBS and HID-FMTþ inosine-treated mice. (E) Expressions of 10 transcripts were downregulated in colon tissues of HID-
FMTþ inosine mice compared with HID-FMTþ PBS mice, identified by the Mouse Cancer Pathway Finder PCR array. (F)
Ki-67 staining with quantitative analysis of PBS (n ¼ 7), HID-FMTþ PBS (n ¼ 8), and HID-FMTþ inosine (n ¼ 8) mice colon
sections. (G) Quantitative measurement of butyrate, acetate, propionic acid, hexanoic acid, and valeric acid levels in stool
samples of CD-fed, HCD-fed, and HID-fed mice by targeted metabolomics. (H) Experimental design for butyrate treatment in a
rectal orthotopic mouse model. (I) Representative tumor images at time mice were killed. Tumor weight in PBS-treated (n ¼ 7)
and butyrate-treated (n ¼ 9) mice. (J) Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining for pathological diagnosis of tumor sections. Ki-67
staining for tumor sections with quantitative analysis.
metabolites, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and inosine were FMT (P < .01, Figure 5C and D). Cancer pathway polymerase
consistently depleted in mice fed with soluble fiber inulin chain reaction (PCR) array revealed the downregulation of
and guar gum, compared with CD-fed and HCD-fed mice (all oncogenic factors in mouse colon after inosine treatment
P < .05; Figure 5A). Inosine is one of the beneficial metab- (Figure 5E). Genes downregulated by inosine were mainly
olites secreted by B. pseudolongum.14 For validation, we related to DNA damage and repair (Xrcc4, Gadd45g, Ercc5),
treated human CRC cells with inosine and showed that metabolism (Acly, Lpl), apoptosis (Birc3), hypoxia (Arnt),
inosine markedly inhibited the growth of 2 CRC cell lines and cell cycle (Mki67) (Supplementary Table 3). Moreover,
HT29 (P < .0001) and Caco-2 (P < .0001) but not the colon sections of inosine-treated mice had significantly
normal colon epithelial cell NCM460 (Figure 5B and fewer Ki-67 positive cells, indicating decreased cell prolif-
Supplementary Figure 5A). Inosine administration also eration after inosine administration (P < .01 vs HID-FMT;
significantly lowered colonic proliferating cell nuclear anti- Figure 5F). These findings suggested that soluble fiber
gen (PCNA) expression in germ-free mice treated with HID- causes depletion of probiotics including B. pseudolongum as
332 Yang et al Gastroenterology Vol. 166, Iss. 2
well as their associated metabolites such as inosine, which positive correlation between tumor growth and inulin
could at least in part contribute to CRC development. dosage, of which mice fed with 20% inulin diet had the
Apart from anti-tumorigenic metabolites, we also eval- highest tumor incidence (CD, 41.7% [5of 12]; 5% inulin,
uated the levels of oncometabolites in serum and fecal 8.3% [1 of 12]; 10% inulin, 46.2% [6 of 13]; 15% inulin,
samples of CD-fed, HCD-fed, and HID-fed mice. Our analysis 78.6% [11 of 14]) (Figure 6C). Consistently, 15% or 20%
revealed the significant upregulation of serum bile acids in inulin diet significantly increased tumor number and tumor
HID-fed mice compared with CD-fed or HCD-fed mice, volume in mice (all P < .01; Figure 6C). Histological exam-
including the major primary bile acids chenodeoxycholic ination of colon sections confirmed that mice fed with 15%
acid, as well as 2 secondary bile acids taurochenodeox- or 20% inulin diet developed greater proportions of high-
ycholic acid and tauroursodeoxycholic acid (Supplementary grade dysplasia and low-grade dysplasia compared with
Figure 5B). Intriguingly, all these bile acids were signifi- CD-fed mice (both P < .01; Figure 6D).
cantly downregulated in stools of HID-fed mice For verification, we applied the transgenic Apcmin/þ
(Supplementary Figure 5C), suggesting that their reabsorp- mouse model for validation with supplementation of diet
tion was promoted by the presence of high level of inulin in with different doses of inulin (Figure 6E). Colonoscopy
the gut. surveillance showed that mice fed with 15% or 20% inulin
It is well-known that soluble fiber can be fermented by diet had clear traits of colonic tumor formation at week 9
gut microbes to produce SCFAs. We therefore examined (Figure 6F). At harvest, mice fed with 15% and 20% inulin
SCFA levels in fecal samples of CD-fed, HCD-fed, and HID-fed diet developed obvious macroscopic tumors, whereas mice
mice by targeted gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. fed with CD showed less tumor formation in the colon
The result showed that butyrate, the major product of fiber (Figure 6G). Consistent with the results in an AOM-induced
fermentation, was significantly elevated in HID-fed mice CRC mouse model, increased colonic tumor number (both P
compared with CD-fed mice (P < .05; Figure 5G). The fecal < .0001) and tumor volume (both P < .001) were observed
concentrations of acetate (P < .0001), propionic acid (P < in Apcmin/þ mice fed with 15% or 20% inulin diet, compared
.05), and hexanoic acid (P < .01) were higher in HID-fed with CD-fed mice (Figure 6G). Histological examination of
mice than in HCD-fed mice. In contrast, valeric acid was colon sections confirmed that 15% or 20% inulin diet–fed
significantly decreased in HID-fed mice compared with CD- Apcmin/þ mice developed greater proportions of adenocar-
fed mice (P < .01). For validation, we treated human CRC cinoma and high-grade dysplasia compared with CD-fed
cells with butyrate (0.05 mM) and showed that butyrate mice (both P < .001; Supplementary Figure 6A and 6B).
could promote the growth of 2 CRC cell lines HCT116 (P < Moreover, increased tumor number and tumor volume were
.0001) and Caco-2 (P < .0001), but not the normal colon observed in the small intestine of Apcmin/þ mice fed with
epithelial cell NCM460 (Supplementary Figure 5D). We also 10%, 15%, or 20% inulin diet, compared with CD-fed mice
established an orthotopic mouse model by directly injecting (Supplementary Figure 6C). Our consistent findings be-
murine CRC cell line MC38 into the rectal mucosa to tween 2 CRC mouse models confirmed that inulin promotes
investigate the in vivo effect of butyrate (Figure 5H). Buty- CRC development in mice in a dose-dependent manner.
rate supplementation by enema significantly increased tu-
mor weight compared with PBS control (P < .01; Figure 5I),
along with increased Ki-67-positive cells (P < .01; Inulin-associated Gut Microbiota and Metabolites
Figure 5J), suggesting that direct butyrate administration Directly Promote Colon Cell Proliferation in
into the colonic lumen could contribute to CRC development Germ-free Mice
in mice. Collectively, our untargeted and targeted metab- To further evaluate the direct effect of soluble fiber on
olomic analyses indicated that the increase of serum bile the gut microbiota and metabolites, we performed FMT by
acids and fecal butyrate together with the depletion of gavaging stools from soluble fiber inulin-fed mice (HID-
inosine, may contribute to colorectal tumorigenesis in mice FMT), insoluble fiber cellulose-fed mice (HCD-FMT), or CD-
fed with a high soluble fiber diet. fed mice (CD-FMT) into germ-free mice fed with normal
chow during the whole experiment (Figure 7A). Trans-
plantation of stools from inulin-fed mice significantly pro-
Inulin Promotes Colorectal Tumorigenesis in a moted colon cell proliferation in the recipient germ-free
Dose-dependent Manner in Both AOM-treated mice, as evidenced by increased Ki-67-positive cells (P <
Mice and Apcmin/þ Mice .01; Figure 7B) and PCNA expression (P < .05; Figure 7C).
We acknowledged that the dosage of inulin used in our To mechanically understand how inulin-modulated gut
findings is rather high and could not reflect human physi- microbiota/metabolites promoted oncogenic trans-
ological conditions. The effect of inulin dosage on colorectal formation, colon tissues of germ-free mice were examined
tumorigenesis was therefore examined by feeding AOM- using Mouse Cancer Pathway Finder PCR array. We revealed
treated conventional mice with different doses of inulin the upregulation of oncogenic factors in HID-FMT mice
(5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) or CD, respectively (Figure 6A and compared with CD-FMT mice (Figure 7D and
Supplementary Table 4). Colonoscopy was performed and Supplementary Table 5) with confirmation by quantitative-
we observed obvious signs of colonic tumor formation in PCR (P < .05; Figure 7E). The upregulated genes in HID-
mice fed with 10%, 15%, or 20% inulin diet at week 19 FMT mice were mainly related to DNA damage and repair
(Figure 6B). When mice were killed, our result illustrated a (Lig4, Ddb2, Ercc3), metabolism (Uqcrfs1, G6pdx, Cpt2, Pfk1,
February 2024 Soluble Fiber, Gut Microbiota, and Colorectal Cancer 333
Figure 6. Inulin promotes colorectal tumorigenesis in a dose-dependent manner in both AOM-treated mice and Apcmin/þ mice. (A)
Experimental design for treatment of different inulin doses in AOM-induced CRC mouse model. (B) Representative images of colo-
noscopy surveillance at week 19. (C) Representative colon images at time mice were killed. Tumor incidence, tumor number, and
volume in CD-fed (n ¼ 12), 5% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 12), 10% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 13), 15% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 14), and 20% inulin diet–
fed (n ¼ 14) mice. (D) Representative images of hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining and pathological diagnosis of colons in CD-fed, 5%
inulin diet–fed, 10% inulin diet–fed, 15% inulin diet–fed, and 20% inulin diet–fed mice. Quantitative analysis of pathological score was
calculated according to the following criteria: 0, normal; 1, low-grade dysplasia (LGD), 2, high-grade dysplasia (HGD). (E) Experimental
design for various doses of inulin treatment in spontaneous Apcmin/þ CRC mouse model. (F) Representative images of colonoscopy
surveillance at week 9. (G) Representative colon images at time mice were killed. Tumor number and volume in CD-fed (n ¼ 12), 5%
inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 13), 10% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 14), 15% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 13), and 20% inulin diet–fed (n ¼ 15) Apcmin/þ mice.
334 Yang et al Gastroenterology Vol. 166, Iss. 2
Figure 7. Inulin-associated gut microbiota and metabolites directly promote colon cell proliferation in germ-free mice. (A)
Experimental design for stool transplantation from CD-fed, HID-fed, and HCD-fed mice to germ-free mice (CD-FMT, HCD-
FMT, and HID-FMT) fed with control diet. (B) Ki-67 staining with quantitative analysis of colon sections in CD-FMT (n ¼ 8),
HID-FMT (n ¼ 8), and HCD-FMT (n ¼ 8) mice. (C) Protein expression of the cell-proliferating indicator PCNA in colon tissues of
CD-FMT, HID-FMT, and HCD-FMT mice. (D) Expressions of 25 transcripts were upregulated in colon tissues of HID-FMT mice
compared with CD-FMT mice, identified by the Mouse Cancer Pathway Finder PCR array. (E) Quantitative-PCR of the top
upregulated gene Snail3. (F) Systematic diagram of major oncogenic pathways implicated by upregulated genes. (G) Summary
diagram of the study. Soluble fibers drive colorectal tumorigenesis through inducing gut dysbiosis with pathobionts enrich-
ment and probiotics depletion, accompanied with increase of serum bile acids and fecal butyrate, and decrease of inosine.
Gpd2, Atp5a1), epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) evaluate the contribution of gut microbiota in HFiD-
(Snail3, Ocln), angiogenesis (Kdr), and cellular senescence associated CRC development. Depleting the gut microbiota
(Tbx2, Sirt1, Ing1, Igfbp3, Map2k1, Serpinb2) (Figure 7F). by antibiotics significantly attenuated HFiD-associated tu-
mor formation compared with mice with intact microbiota
(Figure 2), suggesting that microbial dysbiosis induced by
Discussion HFiD contributes to HFiD-associated colorectal tumorigen-
In this study, we provided evidence that HFiD plays a esis. Moreover, the fecal microbiota of HFiD-fed mice
pro-tumorigenic role in CRC using multiple mouse models. significantly promoted colorectal tumorigenesis in AOM-
To our knowledge, we are the first to report that high level treated germ-free mice, hence confirming that the gut
of mixed dietary fibers (20% soluble and 20% insoluble microbiota could mediate HFiD-associated CRC
fiber) could promote colorectal tumorigenesis in both development.
carcinogen AOM-induced and spontaneous transgenic Apc- Dietary fibers can be divided into soluble and insoluble
CRC mouse models (Figure 1). The composition of gut fibers.10 To explore the role of different fibers in colorectal
microbiota is readily influenced by various dietary nutri- tumorigenesis, soluble fiber (inulin or guar gum) or insol-
ents,4 whereas alteration in the microbial community is uble fiber (cellulose) was supplemented to CRC mouse
involved in CRC development. For instance, our previous models. We revealed that high soluble fibers inulin and guar
study demonstrated that high-fat diet, which is considered gum, but not insoluble fiber cellulose, promote colorectal
as a common diet habit in developed countries, promotes tumorigenesis in both AOM-treated mice and Apcmin/þ mice
colorectal tumorigenesis through modulating the gut (Figure 3). In keeping with our findings, several studies
microbiota.5 Here, we used different mouse models to have demonstrated that soluble fiber promotes the
February 2024 Soluble Fiber, Gut Microbiota, and Colorectal Cancer 335
development of CRC7 and hepatocellular carcinoma8 in microbial dysbiosis with enrichment of pathobionts and
mice. By contrast, another study observed the anti- depletion of probiotics to contribute to colorectal
tumorigenic effect of inulin on CRC.15 This discrepancy in tumorigenesis.
the effect of fibers on tumorigenesis may be explained by Apart from gut microbes, we also unveiled the contri-
the butyrate paradox,16 which argues that the ability of bution of gut metabolites to colorectal tumorigenesis by
butyrate to promote or suppress cell proliferation is performing untargeted liquid chromatography–mass spec-
dependent on cell type, time, and butyrate concentration. trometry and targeted gas chromatography–mass spec-
Indeed, our analysis identified the significant elevation of trometry metabolomic profiling. We showed that the fecal
SCFAs including butyrate and acetate in HID-fed mice metabolome of mice fed with soluble fiber is greatly altered
(Figure 5). Our functional experiments also revealed the compared with CD-fed mice or HCD-fed mice (Figure 5).
potential pro-tumorigenic role of butyrate, as butyrate (0.05 Inosine, a metabolite mainly produced by B. pseudolongum
mM) could promote the proliferation of CRC cells in vitro, and A. muciniphila, was significantly depleted in mice with
and direct administration of butyrate (0.5 mM) by enema soluble fiber feeding, while it also inhibited CRC cell growth
enhanced rectal tumor development in an orthotopic mouse in vitro and suppressed colonic epithelial cell proliferation
model. These findings were supported by previous studies in vivo. These results align with our in silico analysis, as
showing that butyrate concentration at 0.05 mM is sufficient both B. pseudolongum and A. muciniphila were significantly
to promote hepatic cell proliferation, thereby contributing depleted in mice fed with soluble fiber. Consistently, a
to soluble fiber–induced hepatocellular carcinoma.8 Buty- recent study revealed that B. pseudolongum and its derived
rate could also exhibit pro-tumorigenic effect depending on inosine could enhance the function of antitumor T cells to
host genetic background and cell type. For instance, buty- boost immunotherapy efficacy in different mouse cancer
rate could fuel the hyperproliferation of MSH2/ colon models including intestinal cancer,14 hence indicating the
epithelial cells, whereas antibiotics treatment or a low- anti-tumorigenic role of inosine. Meanwhile, we identified
carbohydrate diet to reduce intestinal butyrate, inhibited the increase of serum bile acids including chenodeoxycholic
polyp formation in Apcmin/þ Msh2/ mice.7 Altogether, acid, taurochenodeoxycholic acid, and tauroursodeoxycholic
these findings therefore suggest that butyrate could be an acid, yet these bile acids were decreased in stools of HID-fed
oncometabolite in some circumstances. mice. Intriguingly, a previous study reported a similar
We demonstrated that soluble fiber induces gut dys- observation that microbiota-derived bile acids are enriched
biosis, and such microbial compositional change plays an in serum but depleted in stools after supplementation of
essential role in fiber-associated CRC development. 26% inulin diet, suggesting that high level of inulin may
Decreased a- and ß-diversities were observed in the gut stimulate bile acid reabsorption in the gut.24 It is known
microbiota of soluble fiber–fed mice (Figure 4), consistent that fecal bile acids are positively correlated with the risk of
with findings in patients with CRC with loss of microbial CRC,25–27 while there are fewer studies on the role of serum
richness and diversity.2,17 Dramatical depletion in probiotics bile acids in colorectal tumorigenesis. Bile acids can be
including B. pseudolongum, R. intestinalis, L. lactis, L. reuteri, transported from the gut to the bloodstream through in-
and A. muciniphila was identified in mice with soluble fiber testinal epithelial absorption, enterohepatic circulation, and
feeding, of which these probiotics, especially liver absorption and transformation.28,29 Recently, a pro-
B. pseudolongum, could significantly inhibit CRC cell growth spective study demonstrated that serum bile acids are
in vitro. B. pseudolongum is a probiotic species with well- strongly associated with increased risk of CRC in females,30
studied anti-tumorigenic role. Notably, although inulin is suggesting the critical involvement of serum bile acids in
known to promote the growth of Bifidobacterium, most CRC. Altogether, our findings indicated that the increase of
studies reported its enrichment after inulin consumption at serum bile acids together with fecal butyrate elevation and
a physiologically reasonable dose.18 In comparison, here we inosine depletion, may contribute to colorectal tumorigen-
fed mice with a diet containing 20% inulin. Given that the esis in mice fed with high soluble fiber diet.
bifidogenic effect of inulin is dependent on its concentration, We further examined the effect of different doses of
such high inulin dose may confer the occurrence of gut inulin in CRC. Our results revealed that higher dosage such
dysbiosis with the depletion of Bifidobacterium. On the as 15% and 20% inulin diet promotes colorectal tumori-
other hand, potential pathogenic bacteria B. uniformis was genesis in both AOM-treated mice and Apcmin/þ mice. We
significantly enriched in mice fed with soluble fiber. also observed that 5% or 10% inulin diet could not increase
Although our co-culture experiment has not shown the pro- tumor number (Figure 6). These solidify the fact that excess
proliferative effect of B. uniformis in CRC cell lines (data not inulin intake could accelerate colonic tumor formation. To
shown), B. uniformis was significantly enriched in patients our knowledge, we are the first to report the pro-
with Lynch syndrome who have higher predisposition to tumorigenic role of high-dose inulin in colorectal tumori-
CRC compared with healthy individuals.19 In general, gut genesis in mice. Several studies have reported the associa-
dysbiosis is closely associated with colorectal tumorigen- tion of inulin with disease progression, as inulin could
esis.20 Although pathogenic bacteria like Peptostreptococcus promote hepatocellular carcinoma in TLR5-deficient mice8
anaerobius drives CRC via stimulating oncogenic signal- and exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease with gut dys-
ings,21,22 probiotic supplements could inhibit the growth of biosis and surfeit colonic butyrate.31 Another recent study
pathobionts to suppress tumor formation.23 Collectively, our also showed that 26% inulin fiber promotes type 2
results demonstrated that soluble fiber induces gut inflammation at barrier surfaces.24 However, the dose effect
336 Yang et al Gastroenterology Vol. 166, Iss. 2
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are specific for colorectal cancer. Nat Med 2019; The authors thank Chuangen Li, Lihong Liu, and Minnie Y.Y. Go for their
25:679–689. support to the experiments. Patients and/or the public were not involved in
the design, conduct, reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
26. Ou J, Carbonero F, Zoetendal EG, et al. Diet, microbiota,
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98:111–120. Hong Wei, PhD (Resources: Supporting)
27. Jia W, Xie G, Jia W. Bile acid-microbiota crosstalk in Yufeng Lin, Mphil (Formal analysis: Supporting; Methodology: Supporting)
Eagle SH Chu, MPhil (Investigation: Equal)
gastrointestinal inflammation and carcinogenesis. Nat Yunfei Zhou, Mphil (Investigation: Supporting; Methodology: Supporting)
Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;15:111–128. Hongyan Gou, PhD (Investigation: Supporting)
Shang Guo, Mphil (Investigation: Supporting)
28. Tremaroli V, Backhed F. Functional interactions between Harry CH Lau, PhD (Writing – review & editing: Supporting)
the gut microbiota and host metabolism. Nature 2012; Alvin HK Cheung, MBChB (Investigation: Supporting)
489:242–249. Huarong Chen, PhD (Investigation: Supporting)
Ka Fei To, MBChB (Investigation: Supporting)
29. Dodd D, Spitzer MH, Van Treuren W, et al. A gut bacterial Joseph JY Sung, MD, PhD (Commented on study: Lead)
pathway metabolizes aromatic amino acids into nine Yong Wang, PhD (Investigation: Supporting; Project administration: Lead;
Resources: Lead)
circulating metabolites. Nature 2017;551:648–652. Jun Yu, MD, PhD (Conceptualization: Lead; Funding acquisition: Lead;
30. Loftfield E, Falk RT, Sampson JN, et al. Prospective Project administration: Lead; Supervision: Lead; Writing – review & editing:
associations of circulating bile acids and short-chain
fatty acids with incident colorectal cancer. JNCI Cancer Conflicts of interest
Spectr 2022;6:pkac027. The authors disclose no conflicts.
Isohyodeoxycholic acid
Deoxycholic acid
February 2024 Soluble Fiber, Gut Microbiota, and Colorectal Cancer 337.e6
Diet Formulas Control diet (CD) 5% inulin diet 10% inulin diet 15% inulin diet 20% inulin diet