Cong Thuc Mae101
Cong Thuc Mae101
Cong Thuc Mae101
3. Transformations of functions:
The graph y = f(x) + c (c>0) is obtained by shifting the graph y = f(x) c units upward.
The graph y = f(x) – c (c>0) is obtained by shifting the graph y = f(x) c units downward.
The graph y = f(x - c) (c>0) is obtained by shifting the graph y = f(x) c units to the right.
The graph y = f(x + c) (c>0) is obtained by shifting the graph y = f(x) c units to the left.
The graph y = cf(x) (c>1) is obtained by stretching the graph y = f(x) vertically by a factor of c.
The graph y=cf(x) (0<c<1) is obtained by compressing the graph y = f(x) vertically by a factor of
The graph y = f(cx) (c > 1) is obtained by compressing the graph y = f(x) horizontally by a factor
of c.
The graph y=f(cx) (0 < c < 1) is obtained by stretching the graph of y = f(x) horizontally by a
factor of c.
The graph y = -f(x) is obtained by reflecting the graph of y = f(x) about the x-axis.
The graph y = f(-x) is obtained by reflecting the graph of y = f(x) about the y-axis.
4. Limit
1 b
b a a
f (c) f ave f ( x) dx
18. Integration by part
f ( x) g '( x) dx f ( x) g ( x) g ( x) f '( x) dx
19. Numerical integration: From a to b divide n parts:
Midpoint method:
f ( x)dx x[ f ( x ) f ( x
1 2 ) ... f ( x n )]
Trapezoidal method:
∫ [ f ( x0 ) 2 f ( x1 ) ... 2 f ( xn 1 ) f ( xn )]
Simpson’s method:
x x
f ( x)dx
[ f ( x0 ) 4 f ( x1 ) f ( x2 )] ... [ f ( xn 2 ) 4 f ( xn 1 ) f ( xn )]
20. Matrix
If then A is symmetric.
If AB=BA then we say A commutes with B and B commutes with A.
Multiply one row (or column) by a nonzero number k, detA is increased by k times.
Add a multiple of one row (or column) to another row (or column), detA doesn’t change.
If A is an invertible matrix then
Theorem: Suppose a system of m equations in n variables AX=B is consistent, and the rank of the
augmented matrix is r.
1. Every homogeneous system has at least one solution (0,0,…,0), called trivial solution (nghiệm tầm
2. If a homogeneous system of linear equations has nontrivial solution (nghiệm không tầm thường) then
it has infinite family of solutions (vô số nghiệm)
3. If a homogeneous system of linear equations has more variables than equations, then it has infinitely
many nontrivial solutions.
A is invertible
The homogeneous system AX=0 has only the trivial solution X=0.
The system AX=B has unique solution for every choice of column B.
21. Vector
Equation for the line passing through the point and parallel to the vector ⃗ is
Equation for the plane passing through the point and orthogonal to vector ⃗⃗ is
Projection of ⃗⃗ into ⃗ :
Note: Subspaces of are lines passing through the origin or planes passing through the origin.