GR.12 Milf Syllabus

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#6 Carmel St. Fairview Park, Fairview Quezon City

S.Y. 2023 - 2024


Mr. John Carlo S. Rosales



Mrs. Adelfa L. Cometa

Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday



Bible Verse: Proverbs 14:15

Objective: To practice media literacy skills by Identify the specific Activity # 1 pg. 1. Describes how
UNIT 1 Understanding the critically evaluating a provided media message media content or Activity # 2 pg. communication is affected by
LESSON 1 meaning of media for bias, credibility, and accuracy. campaign that Activity # 3 pg. media and information.
(M / T / W) needs evaluation. Activity # 4 pg.
August 29,30 Materials Needed: This could be a news 2. Identifies the similarities
Activity # pg.
September 4,5,6 DO A printed news article or a short video clip. article, a marketing and differences of media
(5 Days) Define media literacy Pen and paper or digital devices for note-taking. campaign, a social literacy, information literacy,
media post, or any Participation # 1 and technology literacy.
*Aug 28 (M) is holiday and explain its
importance in the other type of media
Instructions: (Recitation)
modern world. content. 3. Editorializes the value of
Introduction (5 minutes): Briefly discuss the Assignment # 1 Pg. being a media and information
importance of being discerning media literate individual
consumers and the impact media has on our
Demonstrate the ability perceptions. 4. Identifies characteristics
to critically consume /describes a responsible uses
and interpret media and competent producers of
content. media and information.
Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday



Bible Verse: Proverbs 4:7

THINK . 1. identifies traditional media
Activity: Media Evolution Timeline Collect all the Activity # 1 pg. and new media and their
UNIT 1 Define the Prehistoric Objective: To understand the progression of media from relevant information Activity # 2 pg. relationships.
LESSON 2 Age in the context of traditional to new forms in different historical periods. and data related to Activity # 3 pg.
(M / T / W) media evolution. Instructions: the subject you're Activity # 4 pg. 2. Editorializes the roles and
September Timeline Creation: Create a simple timeline on a wall or board evaluating. Ensure functions of media in
Activity # pg.
6,11,12,13 DO with four sections labeled: Prehistoric Age, Industrial Age, you have a democratic society.
(4 Days) Identify and describe Electronic Age, and New (Information) Age. comprehensive
understanding of Participation # 1 3. Searches latest theory on
the primary forms of Question Cards: Prepare cards with questions related to each
communication and era, such as "What was the primary media during the Prehistoric the topic. information and media.
media used during the Age?" or "How did the Industrial Age change media?" . (Recitation)
The Evolution of Prehistoric Age. Group Work: Divide students into small groups. Assign each Assignment # 1 Pg.
Traditional to New group an era.
Media FEEL Scavenger Hunt: Place question cards at relevant points on the
a. Prehistoric Age timeline.
b. Industrial Age Explain the significance Research and Presentation: In their groups, students find their
c. Electronic Age of cave paintings, era's question card, research the answers using resources, and
d. New petroglyphs, and oral prepare a brief presentation.
(Information) Age traditions as early forms Presentation: Each group presents their findings, highlighting key
of media. developments and changes in media during their assigned era.
Discussion: Encourage class discussion on how media evolution
has impacted society and communication over time.
This concise activity promotes hands-on learning and group
discussion to explore the evolution of media.
Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday



Bible Verse: Proverbs 25:11

THINK Start by collectively
Identify and describe Objective: To spot and discuss media aesthetics in everyday identifying and Activity # 1 pg. 1. Classifies contents of
UNIT 1 the key aesthetic media content (image, text, and audio). listing the core Activity # 2 pg. different media types.
LESSON 3 elements within images, values that the Activity # 3 pg.
(M / T / W) text, and audio Instructions (15 minutes): group shares. These Activity # 4 pg. 2. Defines media convergence
September components in diverse could be values such through current examples.
Activity # pg.
14,18,19,20 forms of media. Introduction (2 minutes): as teamwork,
(4 Days) DO Explain that participants will look for examples of media transparency, 3. Discusses to class on how a
innovation, or social Participation # 1 particular individual/ or
Analyze how the aesthetics in their surroundings.
aesthetic choices made responsibility. society is portrayed in public
in each of these media Aesthetic Scavenger Hunt (10 minutes): (Recitation) using different type of media.
Understanding elements. Participants individually or in pairs observe their environment, Assignment # 1 Pg.
Media: Aesthetic FEEL finding examples of images, text, and audio.
of the image, text Engage in thoughtful They can use smartphones or write notes.
and Audio discussions and provide
constructive feedback Discussion (3 minutes):
about the aesthetic Gather participants and share findings.
components of media, Discuss how the examples represent specific aesthetic principles
fostering a deeper and why they are effective or not.
appreciation for the role
of aesthetics in shaping Reflection (1 minute):
our perceptions and Ask participants how this activity changed their perspective on
interactions with media aesthetics and how they might apply this knowledge in
various forms of media. everyday life.
Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday



Bible Verse: Philippians 4:8

THINK The learner
Identify Key Aesthetic Activity Title: "Scene Aesthetics Analysis" organizes a creative Activity # 1 pg.
UNIT 1 Elements: By the end of Objective: To analyze the aesthetics of a film or TV scene. and interactive Activity # 2 pg. 1. Classifies contents of
LESSON 4 this course, students Materials: symposium for the Activity # 3 pg. different media types.
(M / T / W) should be able to identify A film or TV scene community focusing Activity # 4 pg.
September and define key aesthetic Notepads or digital devices on being a media 2. Defines media convergence
Activity # pg.
25,26,27 elements in film and TV, Instructions: and information through current examples.
(3 Days) including Watch the Scene (10 minutes): Show a selected film literate individual
Participation # 1 3. Discusses to class on how a
cinematography, lighting, or TV scene to the class, emphasizing the visual and auditory
sound design, set design, elements. (Recitation) particular individual/ or
and costume design. Group Discussion (10 minutes): Divide the class society is portrayed in public
Understanding into small groups. Have them discuss the scene's aesthetics, Assignment # 1 Pg. using different type of media.
Media: DO focusing on cinematography, lighting, sound, set design, and
AESTHETICS OF Analyze how various costumes.
FILM AND TV cinematic techniques, Individual Reflection (5 minutes): Ask students to
such as framing, camera jot down their personal observations about how aesthetics
angles, and movement, influenced their perception of the scene.
contribute to the visual Class Discussion (10 minutes): Open the floor for
storytelling in film and the whole class to share insights from both group discussions
TV. and individual reflections.
Wrap-up (5 minutes): Summarize the importance of
FEEL aesthetics in visual storytelling. Encourage continued analysis of
Examine how sound and media aesthetics.
music are used in film This condensed activity enables students to analyze scene
and TV to enhance the aesthetics efficiently while promoting class discussion and
emotional impact of individual reflection.
scenes and create
immersive storytelling
Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday



Bible Verse: Psalm 19:1

THINK Activity Title: "Analog New Media Aesthetics Exploration" Clearly stating the
Recognizing the Objective: To help learners identify and discuss new media purpose of the Activity # 1 pg. 1. Define New Media
UNIT 1 distinctive characteristics aesthetics using offline, tangible examples. valuing process. Activity # 2 pg. Aesthetics: Explain the
LESSON 5 of new media aesthetics, Materials Needed: What is the specific Activity # 3 pg. concept of aesthetics in the
(M / T / W) such as interactivity, Magazines or newspapers with visually appealing layouts. item or concept that Activity # 4 pg. context of new media,
October immersiveness, and Print advertisements or brochures. you want to assign including its historical
Activity # pg.
2,3,4 transmediality. A selection of physical artworks or photographs. value to? Define the development and key
(3 Days) Writing materials (notebooks, pens). objectives and components.
expected outcomes Participation # 1
DO A whiteboard or flipchart and markers.
Identifying and explaining Instructions: of the valuation. (Recitation) 2. Identify Characteristics of
the role of sensory Introduction (3 minutes): Briefly explain the concept New Media: Describe the
Understanding perception (visual, of new media aesthetics, emphasizing the importance of visual Assignment # 1 Pg. unique characteristics of new
Media: auditory, tactile) in appeal, interactivity, and creativity. media, such as interactivity,
AESTHETICS OF shaping the aesthetic Print Media Exploration (15 minutes): digitality, and convergence,
THE NEW MEDIA experience of new media. a) Distribute magazines, newspapers, advertisements, and and how these impact their
brochures to the learners. aesthetics.
FEEL b) Instruct them to individually or in pairs, identify and cut out 3. Analyze Visual Aesthetics:
Reflecting on the cultural examples that they find visually appealing or creatively Analyze the visual elements of
and societal implications designed. new media, including color,
of new media aesthetics, c) Encourage them to take notes on why they selected each composition, typography, and
considering issues of example and what elements contribute to its aesthetics. visual storytelling, and their
representation, identity, Artistic Exploration (10 minutes): role in conveying meaning and
and ethics in the digital a) Display a selection of physical artworks or photographs in the emotions.
age. room.
b) Ask learners to walk around, examine the artworks, and
choose one that they feel has strong aesthetic qualities.
c) Have them jot down their thoughts on why they find their
chosen artwork visually appealing.

Discussion (15 minutes): Gather the learners and 4. Explore Sound and Audio
facilitate a discussion about their findings. Use a whiteboard or Aesthetics: Examine the role
flipchart to list common elements contributing to aesthetics. of sound and audio in new
Encourage learners to share their thoughts on how aesthetics media, including music,
influence their perception of media. voiceovers, and sound effects,
Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes): Ask and how they contribute to
learners to reflect on what they've learned about new media the overall aesthetic
aesthetics through offline examples. Summarize key takeaways experience.
and emphasize the importance of aesthetics in both traditional
and new media. 5. Understand Interactive
This activity allows learners to explore and discuss new media Design: Explore the principles
aesthetics using tangible, offline examples. It promotes critical of interactive design in new
thinking and awareness of aesthetics in various forms of media. media, including user interface
design, user experience (UX)
design, and the aesthetics of
interactive elements.

Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday


Bible Verse: Ephesians 4:29
THINK Activity Title: "Social Media Aesthetics Analysis" Reflect on how the 1. Identify and describe key
Analyze the visual and Objective: To analyze the aesthetics of a chosen social media aesthetics of each Activity # 1 pg. aesthetic elements in social
UNIT 1 design elements of platform and discuss how design choices impact user social media Activity # 2 pg. networking platforms,
LESSON 6 various social media experience. platform impact Activity # 3 pg. including color schemes,
(M / T / W) platforms, including Instructions: user engagement, Activity # 4 pg. typography, layout, visual
October layout, color schemes, Choose a Social Media Platform (2 minutes): trust, credibility, content, and iconography.
Activity # pg.
9,10,11 typography, and Select a social media platform you use or are interested in. and overall user 2. Conduct a comprehensive
(3 Days) iconography. Aesthetic Elements Analysis (10 minutes): experience. assessment of the
Consider the Participation # 1 aesthetics of different
 Explore your chosen platform and take notes on:
DO  Color scheme potential (Recitation) social media platforms,
Demonstrate an  Typography consequences of providing insights into their
Understanding understanding of the  Layout and navigation these design Assignment # 1 Pg. design elements and user
Media: AESTHETICS psychological and  Visual content choices. experience.
OF SOCIAL emotional impact of  Iconography 3. Engage in informed
NETWORKING aesthetics on social Discussion (10 minutes): discussions about the role
media, including how it  Share your findings with others and discuss how these of aesthetics in shaping
influences user aesthetics influence the user experience. online interactions and
behavior, trust, and Reflection (5 minutes): perceptions, demonstrating
credibility.  Reflect on how you can apply this understanding to the ability to communicate
improve your own online presence or marketing efforts. ideas clearly and
FEEL respectfully.
Apply principles of This concise activity encourages participants to quickly analyze 4. Reflect on personal and
aesthetics to create and discuss the aesthetics of a social media platform and professional online
visually appealing and consider their implications. experiences, identifying
effective social media areas for improvement in
content that aligns with terms of aligning aesthetics
specific communication with values and priorities.

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