C Notes DJG

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Programming in C and C++

Types, Variables, Expressions and Statements

Academic Year 2020/2021 — Michaelmas Term

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)
Course Structure

Basics of C:
• Types, variables, expressions and statements
• Functions, compilation and the pre-processor
• Pointers and structures
• C assessed exercise (tick) details
C Programming Techniques:
• Pointer manipulation: linked lists, trees, and graph algorithms
• Memory management strategies: ownership and lifetimes,
reference counting, tracing, and arenas
• Cache-aware programming: array-of-struct to struct-of-array
transformations, blocking loops, intrusive data structures
• Unsafe behaviour and mitigations: eg, valgrind, asan, ubsan
oo 1
Course Structure, continued

Course organization:

• All lectures are recorded and posted online

• Course hours traditionally one lecture and then 8 labs.
• This year there will 9 email/vidcon sessions with myself.
Extensive issues to be discussed with your supervisor as usual.
• Virtual machine image with Linux and gcc installed available
from course website or else use your own toolchain.

Introduction to C++ (with Prof Mycroft):

• Final 3 C++ lectures will be traditional lecture format

• Similarities and differences from C
• Extensions in C++: templates, classes, memory allocation

Recommendations for C:

• The C Programming Language. Brian W. Kernighan and

Dennis M. Ritchie.
• C: A Reference Manual. Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L.

The majority of the class will be on C, but here are two

recommendations for C++ as well:

• The C++ Programming Language. Bjarne Stroustrup.

• Thinking in C++: : Introduction to Standard C++. Bruce

The History of C++

• 1966: Martin Richards developed BCPL

• 1969: Ken Thompson designs B
• 1972: Dennis Ricthie designs C
• 1979: Bjarne Stroustrup designs C with Classes
• 1983: C with Classes becomes C++
• 1989: Original C90 ANSI C standard (ISO 1990)
• 1998: ISO C++ standard
• 1999: C99 standard (ISO 1999, ANSI 2000)
• 2011: C++11 ISO standard, C11 ISO standard
• 2014, 2017: C++ standard updates
• 2020: C++20 standard expected (end of year)

C is a high-level language with exposed unsafe and low-level

• C’s primitive types are characters, numbers and addresses

• Operators work on these types
• No primitives on composite types (eg, strings, arrays, sets)
• Only static definition and stack-based locals built in (the heap
is implemented as a library)
• I/O and threading are also implemented as libraries (using OS
• The language is unsafe: many erroneous uses of C features are
not checked (either statically or at runtime), so errors can
silently cause memory corruption and arbitrary code execution

The Classic First Program

Compile with
$ cc example1.c
1 #include <stdio.h>
Execute with:

3 int main(void) { $ ./a.out

4 printf("Hello, world!\n"); Hello, world!
5 return 0; $
6 }
Generate assembly with
$ cc -S example1.c

Basic Types

• C has a small set of basic types

type description
char characters (≥ 8 bits)
int integers (≥ 16 bits, usually 1 word)
float single-precision floating point number
double double-precision floating point number
• Precise size of types is architecture-dependent
• Various type operators alter meaning, including:
unsigned, short, long, const, volatile
• This lets us make types like long int and unsigned char
• C99 added fixed-size types int16_t, uint64_t etc.


• Numeric literals can be written in many ways:

type style example
char none none
int number, character 12 'a' ’\n’
or escape code
long int num w/ suffix l or L 1234L
float num with '.', 'e', or 'E' 1.234e3F 1234.0f
and suffix 'f' or 'F'
double num with '.', 'e', or 'E' 1.234e3 1234.0
long double num with '.', 'e', or 'E' 1.23E3l 123.0L
and suffix 'l' or 'L'
• Numbers can be expressed in octal with ’0’ prefix and
hexadecimal with ’0x’ prefix: 52 = 064 = 0x34

Defining Constant Values

• An enumeration can specify a set of constants:

enum boolean {TRUE, FALSE}
• Enumeration default to allocating successive integers from 0
• It is possible to assign values to constants
enum months {JAN=1, FEB, MAR};
enum boolean {F,T,FALSE=0,TRUE, N=0, Y};
• Names in an enumeration must be distinct, but values need
not be.


• Variables must be declared before use

• Variables must be defined (i.e., storage allocated) exactly
once. (A definition counts as a declaration.)
• A variable name consists of letters, digits and underscores ( );
a name must start with a letter or underscore
• Variables are defined with an adjacent type and name, and
can optionally be initialised: long int i = 28L;
• Multiple variables of the same basic type can be declared or
defined together: char c,d,e;


• All operators (including assignment) return a result

• Similar to those found in Java:
type operators
arithmetic + - * / ++ -- %
logic == != > >= < <= || && !
bitwise | & << >> ^ ~
assignment = += -= *= /= <<= >>= &= ^= %=
other sizeof

Type Conversion

• Automatic type conversion may occur when two operands to a

binary operator are of different type
• Generally, conversion “widens” a value (e.g., short → int)
• However, “narrowing” is possible and may not generate a
int i = 1234;
char c;
c = i+1; // i overflows c
• Type conversion can be forced via a cast, which is written as
(type) exp — for example, c = (char) 1234L;

Expressions and Statements

• An expression is a literal, variable, function call or formed

from expressions combined with operators: e.g. x *= y - z
• Every expression (even assignment) has a type and result
• Operator precedence gives an unambiguous parse for every
• An expression (e.g., x = 0) becomes a statement when
followed by a semicolon (e.g. x = 0; or ff(42);
• Several expression can be separated using a comma ’,’ and
expressions are then evaluated left-to-right: e.g., x=0,y=1.0
• The type and value of a comma-separated expression is the
type and value of the result of the right-most expression

Blocks and Compound Statements

• A block or compound statement is formed when multiple

statements are surrounded with braces (e.g. {s1; s2; s3;})
• A block of statements is then equivalent to a single statement
• In C90, variables can only be declared or defined at the start
of a block, but this restriction was lifted in C99
• Blocks are usually used in function definitions or control flow
statements, but can appear anywhere a statement can

Variable Definition vs Declaration

• A variable can be declared without defining it using the

extern keyword; for example extern int a;
• The declaration tells the compiler that storage has been
allocated elsewhere (usually in another source file)
• If a variable is declared and used in a program, but not
defined, this will result in a link error (more on this later)
• A static modifier prevents a declaration from being accessed
elsewhere and, for a local variables, creates exactly one,
persistent instance regardless of recursion or re-entrance by

Scope and Type Example (very nasty)

#include <stdio.h>

int a; /* what value does a have? */

unsigned char b = 'A'; /* safe to use this? */
extern int alpha;

int main(void) {
extern unsigned char b; /* is this needed? */
double a = 3.4;
extern a; /* is this sloppy? */
printf("%d %d\n",b,a+1); /* what will this print? */
return 0;
Arrays and Strings

• One or more items of the same type can be grouped into an

array; for example: long int i[10];
• The compiler will allocate a contiguous block of memory for
the relevant number of values
• Array items are indexed from zero, and there is no bounds
• Strings in C are represented as an array of char terminated
with the special character '\0'
• There is language support for this string representation in
string contstants with double-quotes; for example
char s[]="two strings mer" "ged and terminated"
(note the implicit concatenation of string literals)
• String functions are in the string.h library

Control Flow

• Control flow constructs were ported to Java (so you might

know them):
• exp ? exp : exp
• if (exp) stmt1 else stmt2
• switch(exp) {
case exp1 : stmt1
case expn : stmtn
default : default_stmt
• while (exp) stmt
• for (exp1; exp2; exp3) stmt
• do stmt while (exp);
• The jump statements break and continue also exist

Control Flow and String Example

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>

4 char s[]="University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory";


6 int main(void) {
7 char c;
8 int i, j;
9 for (i=0,j=strlen(s)-1;i<j;i++,j--) { // strlen(s)-1 ?
10 c=s[i], s[i]=s[j], s[j]=c;
11 }
12 printf("%s\n",s);
13 return 0;
14 }
Goto (often considered harmful)

• The goto statement is never required

• It often results in difficult-to-understand code
• Exception handling (where you wish to exit from two or more
loops) is one case where goto may be justified:
1 for (...) {
2 for (...) {
3 ...
4 if (big_error) goto error;
5 }
6 }
7 ...
8 error: // handle error here

Programming in C and C++
Lecture 2: Functions and the Preprocessor

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

• C does not have objects with methods, but does have

• A function definition has a return type, parameter
specification, and a body or statement; for example:
int power(int base, int n) { stmt }
• A function declaration has a return type and parameter
specification followed by a semicolon; for example:
int power(int base, int n);

Functions, continued

• Functions can be declared or defined extern or static.

• All arguments to a function are copied, i.e. passed-by-value;
modification of the local value does not affect the original
• Just as for variables, a function must have exactly one
definition and can have multiple declarations
• A function which is used but only has a declaration, and no
definition, results in a link error (more on this later)
• Functions cannot be nested (no closures)

Function Type Gotchas

• A function declaration with no values (e.g. int power();) is

not an empty parameter specification, rather it means that its
arguments should not be type-checked! (luckily, this is not the
case in C++)
• Instead, a function with no arguments is declared using void
(e.g., int power(void);)
• An ellipsis ( ... ) can be used for optional (or varying)
parameter specification, for example:
int printf(char* fmt,...) { stmt }
• The ellipsis is useful for defining functions with variable length
arguments, but leaves a hole in the type system ( stdarg.h )


• Functions can call themselves recursively

• On each call, a new set of local variables is created
• Therefore, a function recursion of depth n has n sets of
• Recursion can be useful when dealing with recursively defined
data structures, like trees (more on such data structures later)
• Recursion can also be used as you would in ML:
1 unsigned int fact(unsigned int n) {
2 return n ? n * fact(n-1) : 1;
3 }


• A compiler transforms a C source file or execution unit into an

object file
• An object file consists of machine code, and a list of:
• defined or exported symbols representing defined function
names and global variables
• undefined or imported symbols for functions and global
variables which are declared but not defined
• A linker combines several object files into an executable by:
• combining all object code into a single file
• adjusting the absolute addresses from each object file
• resolving all undefined symbols

The Part 1b Compiler Course describes how to build a compiler

and linker in more detail
Handling Code in Multiple Files in C

• C separates declaration from definition for both variables and

• This allows portions of code to be split across multiple files
• Code in different files can then be compiled at different times
• This allows libraries to be compiled once, but used many times
• It also allows companies to sell binary-only libraries
• In order to use code written in another file we still need a
• A header file can be used to:
• supply the declarations of function and variable definitions in
another file
• provide preprocessor macros (more on this later)
• avoid duplication (and ∴ errors) that would otherwise occur
• You might find the Unix tool nm useful for inspecting symbol
Multiple Source File Example
/* reverse s in place */
void reverse(char str[]);
example4a.c example4b.c
#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include "example4.h" #include "example4.h"

void reverse(char s[]) { int main(void) {

for (int i=0, j=strlen(s)-1; char s[] = "Reverse me";
i < j; i++, j--) { reverse(s);
char c=s[i]; printf("%s\n", s);
s[i]=s[j], s[j]=c; return 0;
} }

Variable and Function Scope with static

• The static keyword limits the scope of a variable or function

• In the global scope, static does not export the function or
variable symbol
• This prevents the variable or function from being called
• BEWARE: extern is the default, not static This is also the
case for global variables.
• In the local scope, a static variable retains its value between
function calls
• A single static variable exists even if a function call is
• Note: auto is the default, not static

Address Space Layout

A typical x86 32-bit address-space layout:

Description Address
Top of address space 0xffff ffff
Stack (downwards-growing) typical start 0x7fff ffff
Heap (upwards-growing) typical start 0x0020 0000
Static variables typical start 0x0010 0000
C binary code typical start 0x0000 8000
Null – often trapped 0x000 0000

(64 bit is messier, but not fundamentally different: see layout.c)

C Preprocessor

• The preprocessor executes before any compilation takes place

• It manipulates the text of the source file in a single pass
• Amongst other things, the preprocessor:
• deletes each occurrence of a backslash followed by a newline;
• replaces comments by a single space;
• replaces definitions, obeys conditional preprocessing directives
and expands macros; and
• it replaces escaped sequences in character constants and string
literals and concatenates adjacent string literals

Controlling the Preprocessor Programmatically

• The preprocessor can be used by the programmer to rewrite

source code
• This is a powerful (and, at times, useful) feature, but can be
hard to debug (more on this later)
• The preprocessor interprets lines starting with # with a
special meaning
• Two text substitution directives: #include and #define
• Conditional directives: #if , #elif , #else and #endif

The #include Directive

• The #include directive performs text substitution

• It is written in one of two forms:
#include "filename"
#include <filename>
• Both forms replace the #include ... line in the source file
with the contents of filename
• The quote ( ” ) form searches for the file in the same location
as the source file, then searches a predefined set of directories
• The angle ( < ) form searches a predefined set of directories
• When a #include-d file is changed, all source files which
depend on it should be recompiled (easily managed via a

The #define Directive

• The #define directive has the form:

#define name replacement-text
• The directive performs a direct text substitution of all future
examples of name with the replacement-text for the remainder
of the source file
• The name has the same constraints as a standard C variable
• Replacement does not take place if name is found inside a
quoted string
• By convention, name tends to be written in upper case to
distinguish it from a normal variable name

Defining Macros

• The #define directive can be used to define macros; e.g.:

#define MAX(A,B)((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
• In the body of the macro:
• prefixing a parameter in the replacement text with ‘#’ places
the parameter value inside string quotes (”)
• placing ‘##’ between two parameters in the replacement text
removes any whitespace between the variables in generated
• Remember: the preprocessor only performs text substitution!
• Syntax analysis and type checking don’t occur until
• This can result in confusing compiler warnings on line numbers
where the macro is used, rather than when it is defined; e.g.
#define JOIN(A,B) (A B))
• Beware:
#define TWO 1+1 14

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 #define PI 3.141592654
4 #define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
5 #define PERCENT(D) (100*D) /* Wrong? */
6 #define DPRINT(D) printf(#D " = %g\n",D)
7 #define JOIN(A,B) (A ## B)

9 int main(void) {
10 const unsigned int a1=3;
11 const unsigned int i = JOIN(a,1);
12 printf("%u %g\n",i, MAX(PI,3.14));
13 DPRINT(MAX(PERCENT(0.32+0.16),PERCENT(0.15+0.48)));

15 return 0;
16 } 15
Conditional Preprocessor Directives

Conditional directives: #if , #ifdef , #ifndef , #elif and

• The preprocessor can use conditional statements to include or
exclude code in later phases of compilation
• #if accepts an integer expression as an argument and retains
the code between #if and #endif (or #elif ) if it evaluates
to a non-zero value; for example:
• The preprocessor built-in defined takes a name as its
argument and gives 1L if it is #define-d; 0L otherwise
• #ifdef N and #ifndef N are equivalent to #if defined(N)
and #if !defined(N) respectively
• #undef can be used to remove a #define-d name from the
preprocessor macro and variable namespace. 16
Preprocessor Example

Conditional directives have several uses, including preventing

double definitions in header files and enabling code to function on
several different architectures; for example:
2 #define HDR "sysv.h" 1 #ifndef MYHEADER_H
3 #elif SYSTEM_BSD 2 #define MYHEADER_H 1
4 #define HDR "bsd.h" 3 ...
5 #else 4 /* declarations & defns */
6 #define HDR "default.h" 5 ...
7 #endif 6 #endif /* !MYHEADER_H */
8 #include HDR

Error control

• To help other compilers which generate C code (rather than

machine code) as output, compiler line and filename warnings
can be overridden with:
#line constant "filename"
• The compiler then adjusts its internal value for the next line in
the source file as constant and the current name of the file
being processed as “filename” (“filename” may be omitted)
• The statement #error some-text causes the preprocessor to
write a diagnostic message containing some-text
• There are several predefined identifiers that produce special
information: __LINE__ , __FILE__ , __DATE__ , and

Programming in C and C++
Lecture 3: Pointers and Structures

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

• Computer memory is often abstracted as a sequence of bytes,

grouped into words
• Each byte has a unique address or index into this sequence
• The size of a word (and byte!) determines the size of
addressable memory in the machine
• A pointer in C is a variable which contains the memory
address of another variable (this can, itself, be a pointer)
• Pointers are declared or defined using an asterisk( * ); for
example: char *pc; or int **ppi;
• The asterisk binds to the variable name, not the type
specifier; for example char *pc,c;
• A pointer does not necessarily take the same amount of
storage space as the type it points to


0x2c int **ppi



0x38 int *pi



0x4c int i

0x50 char *pc


0x60 char c


Manipulating pointers

• The value “pointed to” by a pointer can be “retrieved” or

dereferenced by using the unary * operator; for example:
int *p = ...
int x = *p;
• The memory address of a variable is returned with the unary
ampersand ( & ) operator; for example int *p = &x;
• Dereferenced pointer values can be used in normal
expressions; for example: *pi += 5; or (*pi)++


1 #include <stdio.h>

3 int main(void) {
4 int x=1,y=2;
5 int *pi;
6 int **ppi;

8 pi = &x; ppi = &pi;

9 printf("%p, %p, %d=%d=%d\n",ppi,pi,x,*pi,**ppi);
10 pi = &y;
11 printf("%p, %p, %d=%d=%d\n",ppi,pi,y,*pi,**ppi);

13 return 0;
14 }
Pointers and arrays

• A C array uses consecutive memory addresses without padding

to store data
• An array name (used in an expression without an index)
represents the memory address of the first element of the
array; for example:
char c[10];
char *pc = c; // This is the same
char *pc = &c[0]; // as this
• Pointers can be used to “index” into any element of an array;
for example:
int i[10];
int *pi = &i[5];

Pointer arithmetic

• Pointer arithmetic can be used to adjust where a pointer

points; for example, if pc points to the first element of an
array, after executing pc+=3; then pc points to the fourth
• A pointer can even be dereferenced using array notation; for
example pc[2] represents the value of the array element
which is two elements beyond the array element currently
pointed to by pc
• In summary, for an array c , *(c+i) == c[i] and
c+i == &c[i]
• A pointer is a variable, but an array name is not; therefore
pc = c and pc++ are valid, but c = pc and c++ are not

Pointer Arithmetic Example

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 int main(void) {
4 char str[] = "A string.";
5 char *pc = str;

7 printf("%c %c %c\n",str[0],*pc,pc[3]);
8 pc += 2;
9 printf("%c %c %c\n",*pc, pc[2], pc[5]);

11 return 0;
12 }

Pointers as function arguments

• Recall that all arguments to a function are copied, i.e.

passed-by-value; modification of the local value does not
affect the original
• In the second lecture we defined functions which took an array
as an argument; for example void reverse(char s[])
• Why, then, does reverse affect the values of the array after the
function returns (i.e. the array values haven’t been copied)?
• because s is re-written to char *s and the caller implicitly
passes a pointer to the start of the array
• Pointers of any type can be passed as parameters and return
types of functions
• Pointers allow a function to alter parameters passed to it


Compare swp1(a,b) with swp2(&a,&b):

1 void swp1(int x,int y) 1 void swp2(int *px,int *py)

2 { 2 {
3 int temp = x; 3 int temp = *px;
4 x = y; 4 *px = *py;
5 y = temp; 5 *py = temp;
6 } 6 }

Arrays of pointers

• C allows the creation of arrays of pointers; for example

int *a[5];
• Arrays of pointers are particularly useful with strings
• An example is C support of command line arguments:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... }
• In this case argv is an array of character pointers, and argc
tells the programmer the length of the array

Diagram of Argument List Layout

argv: argv[0] progname\0

argv[1] firstarg\0
argc: 3

argv[2] secondarg\0

argv[3] NULL

Multi-dimensional arrays

• Multi-dimensional arrays can be declared in C; for example:

int i[5][10];
• Values of the array can be accessed using square brackets; for
example: i[3][2]
• When passing a two dimensional array to a function, the first
dimension is not needed; for example, the following are
void f(int i[5][10]) { ... }
void f(int i[][10]) { ... }
void f(int (*i)[10]) { ... }
• In arrays with higher dimensionality, all but the first dimension
must be specified

Pointers to functions

• C allows the programmer to use pointers to functions

• This allows functions to be passed as arguments to functions
• For example, we may wish to parameterise a sort algorithm on
different comparison operators (e.g. lexicographically or
• If the sort routine accepts a pointer to a function, the sort
routine can call this function when deciding how to order

Function Pointer Example

1 void sort(int a[], const int len,

2 int (*compare)(int, int)) {
3 for(int i = 0; i < len-1; i++)
4 for(int j = 0; j < len-1-i; j++)
5 if ((*compare)(a[j],a[j+1])) {
6 int tmp = a[j];
7 a[j] = a[j+1], a[j+1] = tmp;
8 }
9 }

11 int inc(int a, int b) { return a > b ? 1 : 0; }

Source of some confusion: either or both of the * s in *compare

may be omitted due to language (over-)generosity.
Using a Higher-Order Function in C

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include "example8.h"

4 int main(void) {
5 int a[] = {1,4,3,2,5};
6 unsigned int len = 5;
7 sort(a,len,inc); //or sort(a,len,&inc);

9 int *pa = a; //C99

10 printf("[");
11 while (len--) { printf("%d%s", *pa++, len?" ":""); }
12 printf("]\n");

14 return 0;
15 }
The void * pointer

• C has a “typeless” or “generic” pointer: void *p

• This can be a pointer to any object (but not legally to a
• This can be useful when dealing with dynamic memory
• Enables “polymorphic” code; for example:
sort(void *p, const unsigned int len,
int (*comp)(void *,void *));
• However this is also a big “hole” in the type system
• Therefore void * pointers should only be used where

Structure declaration

• A structure is a collection of one or more members (fields)

• It provides a simple method of abstraction and grouping
• A structure may itself contain structures
• A structure can be assigned to, as well as passed to, and
returned from functions
• We declare a structure using the keyword struct
• For example, to declare a structure circle we write
struct circle {int x; int y; unsigned int r;};
• Declaring a structure creates a new type

Structure definition

• To define an instance of the structure circle we write

struct circle c;
• A structure can also be initialised with values:
struct circle c = {12, 23, 5};
struct circle d = {.x = 12, .y = 23, .r = 5}; // C99
• An automatic, or local, structure variable can be initialised by
function call: struct circle c = circle_init();
• A structure can be declared and several instances defined in
one go:
struct circle {int x; int y; unsigned int r;} a, b;

Member access

• A structure member can be accessed using ’.’ notation

structname.member; for example: vect.x
• Comparison (e.g. vect1 > vect2 ) is undefined
• Pointers to structures may be defined; for example:
struct circle *pc;
• When using a pointer to a struct, member access can be
achieved with the ‘.’ operator, but can look clumsy; for
example: (*pc).x
• Equivalently, the ‘->” operator can be used; for example:

Self-referential structures

• A structure declaration cannot contain itself as a member, but

it can contain a member which is a pointer whose type is the
structure declaration itself
• This means we can build recursive data structures; for
struct tree { 1 struct link {
int val; 2 int val;
struct tree *left; 3 struct link *next;
struct tree *right; 4 }


• A union variable is a single variable which can hold one of a

number of different types
• A union variable is declared using a notation similar to
structures; for example:
union u { int i; float f; char c;};
• The size of a union variable is the size of its largest member
• The type held can change during program execution
• The type retrieved must be the type most recently stored
• Member access to unions is the same as for structures (‘.’
and ‘->’)
• Unions can be nested inside structures, and vice versa

Bit fields

• Bit fields allow low-level access to individual bits of a word

• Useful when memory is limited, or to interact with hardware
• A bit field is specified inside a struct by appending a
declaration with a colon ( : ) and number of bits; e.g.:
struct fields { int f1 : 2; int f2 : 3;};
• Members are accessed in the same way as for structs and
• A bit field member does not have an address (no & operator)
• Lots of details about bit fields are implementation specific:
• word boundary overlap & alignment, assignment direction, etc.

Example (adapted from K&R)

1 struct { /* a compiler symbol table */

2 char *name;
3 struct {
4 unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
5 unsigned int is_extern : 1;
6 unsigned int is_static : 1;
7 } flags;
8 int utype;
9 union {
10 int ival; /* accessed as symtab[i].u.ival */
11 float fval;
12 char *sval;
13 } u;
14 } symtab[NSYM];
Programming in C and C++
Lecture 4: Miscellaneous Features, Gotchas, Hints and Tips

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)
Uses of const and volatile

• Any declaration can be prefixed with const or volatile

• A const variable can only be assigned a value when it is
• The const declaration can also be used for parameters in a
function definition
• The volatile keyword can be used to state that a variable
may be changed by hardware or the kernel.
• For example, the volatile keyword may prevent unsafe
compiler optimisations for memory-mapped input/output
The use of pointers and the const keyword is quite subtle:
• const int *p is a pointer to a const int
• int const *p is also a pointer to a const int
• int *const p is a const pointer to an int
• const int *const p is a const pointer to a const int


1 int main(void) {
2 int i = 42, j = 28;

4 const int *pc = &i; // Also: "int const *pc"

5 *pc = 41; // Wrong
6 pc = &j;

8 int *const cp = &i;

9 *cp = 41;
10 cp = &j; // Wrong

12 const int *const cpc = &i;

13 *cpc = 41; // Wrong
14 cpc = &j; // Wrong
15 return 0;
16 } 2

• The typedef operator, creates a synonym for a data type; for

example, typedef unsigned int Radius;
• Once a new data type has been created, it can be used in
place of the usual type name in declarations and casts; for
example, Radius r = 5; ...; r = (Radius) rshort;
• A typedef declaration does not create a new type
• It just creates a synonym for an existing type
• A typedef is particularly useful with structures and unions:
1 typedef struct llist *llptr;
2 typedef struct llist {
3 int val;
4 llptr next;
5 } linklist;

Inline functions

• A function in C can be declared inline; for example:

inline int fact(unsigned int n) {
return n ? n*fact(n-1) : 1;
• The compiler will then try to “inline” the function
• A clever compiler might generate 120 for fact(5)
• A compiler might not always be able to “inline” a function
• An inline function must be defined in the same execution unit
as it is used
• The inline operator does not change function semantics
• the inline function itself still has a unique address
• static variables of an inline function still have a unique address
• Both inline and register are largely unnecessary with
modern compilers and hardware
That’s it!

• We have now explored most of the C language

• The language is quite subtle in places; especially beware of:
• operator precedence
• pointer assignment (particularly function pointers)
• implicit casts between ints of different sizes and chars
• There is also extensive standard library support, including:
• shell and file I/O (stdio.h)
• dynamic memory allocation (stdlib.h)
• string manipulation (string.h)
• character class tests (ctype.h)
• ...
• (Read, for example, K&R Appendix B for a quick introduction)
• (Or type “man function” at a Unix shell for details)

Library support: I/O

I/O is not managed directly by the compiler; support in stdio.h:

FILE *stdin, *stdout, *stderr;

int printf(const char *format, ...);
int sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...);
int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
int scanf(const char *format, ...); // sscanf,fscanf
FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
int fclose(FILE *fp);
size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
FILE *stream);
size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
FILE *stream);

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #define BUFSIZE 1024

4 int main(void) {
5 FILE *fp;
6 char buffer[BUFSIZE];

8 if ((fp=fopen("somefile.txt","rb")) == 0) {
9 perror("fopen error:");
10 return 1;
11 }

13 while(!feof(fp)) {
14 int r = fread(buffer,sizeof(char),BUFSIZE,fp);
15 fwrite(buffer,sizeof(char),r,stdout);
16 }

18 fclose(fp);
19 return 0;
20 }
Library support: dynamic memory allocation

• Dynamic memory allocation is not managed directly by the C

• Support is available in stdlib.h:
• void *malloc(size_t size)
• void *calloc(size_t nobj, size_t size)
• void *realloc(void *p, size_t size)
• void free(void *p)
• The C sizeof unary operator is handy when using malloc:
p = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*1000)
• Any successfully allocated memory must be deallocated
• Note: free() needs the pointer to the allocated memory
• Failure to deallocate will result in a memory leak

Gotchas: operator precedence

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 struct test {int i;};

4 typedef struct test test_t;

6 int main(void) {

8 test_t a,b;
9 test_t *p[] = {&a,&b};
10 p[0]->i=0;
11 p[1]->i=0;
12 test_t *q = p[0];

14 printf("%d\n",++q->i); //What does this do?


16 return 0;
17 }
Gotchas: Increment Expressions

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 int main(void) {

5 int i=2;
6 int j=i++ + ++i;
7 printf("%d %d\n",i,j); //What does this print?

9 return 0;
10 }

Expressions like i++ + ++i are known as grey (or gray)

expressions in that their meaning is compiler dependent in C (even
if they are defined in Java)
Gotchas: local stack

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 char *unary(unsigned short s) {

4 char local[s+1];
5 int i;
6 for (i=0;i<s;i++) local[i]='1';
7 local[s]='\0';
8 return local;
9 }

11 int main(void) {

13 printf("%s\n",unary(6)); //What does this print?


15 return 0;
16 }

Gotchas: local stack (contd.)

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 char global[10];

5 char *unary(unsigned short s) {

6 char local[s+1];
7 char *p = s%2 ? global : local;
8 int i;
9 for (i=0;i<s;i++) p[i]='1';
10 p[s]='\0';
11 return p;
12 }

14 int main(void) {
15 printf("%s\n",unary(6)); //What does this print?
16 return 0;
17 }
Gotchas: careful with pointers

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 struct values { int a; int b; };


5 int main(void) {
6 struct values test2 = {2,3};
7 struct values test1 = {0,1};

9 int *pi = &(test1.a);

10 pi += 1; //Is this sensible?
11 printf("%d\n",*pi);
12 pi += 2; //What could this point at?
13 printf("%d\n",*pi);

15 return 0;
16 }

Gotchas: XKCD pointers

Tricks: Duff’s device

1 send(int *to, int *from, 1 boring_send(int *to, int *from,

2 int count) 2 int count) {
3 { 3 do {
4 int n = (count+7)/8; 4 *to = *from++;
5 switch(count%8) { 5 } while(--count > 0);
6 case 0: do{ *to = *from++; 6 }
7 case 7: *to = *from++;
8 case 6: *to = *from++;
9 case 5: *to = *from++;
10 case 4: *to = *from++;
11 case 3: *to = *from++;
12 case 2: *to = *from++;
13 case 1: *to = *from++;
14 } while(--n>0);
15 }
16 }
Assessed Exercise

See “Head of Department’s Announcement”

• To be completed by noon on Monday 25 January 2020

• Viva examinations 1330-1630 on Thursday 28 January 2020
• Viva examinations 1330-1630 on Friday 29 January 2020
• Download the starter pack from:
• This should contain eight files:
server.c client.c rfc0791.txt rfc0793.txt
message1 message2 message3 message4

Exercise aims

Demonstrate an ability to:

• Understand (simple) networking code

• Use control flow, functions, structures and pointers
• Use libraries, including reading and writing files
• Understand a specification
• Compile and test code
• Comprehending man pages

Task is split into three parts:

• Comprehension and debugging

• Preliminary analysis
• Completed code and testing
Exercise submission

• Assessment is in the form of a ‘tick’

• There will be a short viva; you will be given a nominal time.
• Submission is via email to [email protected]
• Your submission should include various files, packed in to a
ZIP file called crsid.zip and attached to your submission email:
answers.txt client1.c summary.c message1.txt etc
server1.c extract.c message2.jpg etc.

Hints: IP header

0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length |
| Identification |Flags| Fragment Offset |
| Time to Live | Protocol | Header Checksum |
| Source Address |
| Destination Address |
| Options | Padding |

Hints: IP header (in C)

1 #include <stdint.h>

3 struct ip {
4 uint8_t hlenver;
5 uint8_t tos;
6 uint16_t len;
7 uint16_t id;
8 uint16_t off;
9 uint8_t ttl;
10 uint8_t p;
11 uint16_t sum;
12 uint32_t src;
13 uint32_t dst;
14 };

16 #define IP_HLEN(lenver) (lenver & 0x0f)

17 #define IP_VER(lenver) (lenver >> 4)
Hints: network byte order

• The IP network is big-endian; x86 is little-endian; ARM can

be either
• Reading multi-byte values requires possible conversion
• The BSD API specifies:
• uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort)
• uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong)
• uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort)
• uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong)
which encapsulate the notions of host and network and their
interconversion (which may be a no-op)

Programming in C and C++
Lecture 5: Tooling

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour

• We have seen that C is an unsafe language

• Programming errors can arbitrarily corrupt runtime data
structures. . .
• . . . leading to undefined behaviour
• Enormous number of possible sources of undefined behavior
(See https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1520)
• What can we do about it?

Tooling and Instrumentation

Add instrumentation to detect unsafe behaviour!

We will look at 4 tools:

• ASan (Address Sanitizer)

• MSan (Memory Sanitizer)
• UBSan (Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer)
• Valgrind

ASan: Address Sanitizer

• One of the leading causes of errors in C is memory corruption:

• Out-of-bounds array accesses
• Use pointer after call to free()
• Use stack variable after it is out of scope
• Double-frees or other invalid frees
• Memory leaks
• AddressSanitizer instruments code to detect these errors
• Need to recompile
• Adds runtime overhead
• Use it while developing
• Built into gcc and clang!

ASan Example #1

1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>

4 #define N 10 • Loop bound goes past the

end of the array
6 int main(void) {
• Undefined behaviour!
7 char s[N] = "123456789";
8 for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) • Compile with
9 printf ("%c", s[i]); -fsanitize=address
10 printf("\n");
11 return 0;
12 }

ASan Example #2

1 #include <stdlib.h>

3 int main(void) { 1. array is allocated

4 int *a = 2. array is freed
5 malloc(sizeof(int) * 100); 3. array is dereferenced! (aka
6 free(a); use-after-free)
7 return a[5]; // DOOM!
8 }

ASan Example #3

1 #include <stdlib.h>

3 int main(void) {
4 char *s = 1. array is allocated
5 malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);
2. array is freed
6 free(s);
3. array is double-freed
7 free(s);
8 printf("%s", s);
9 return 0;
10 }

ASan Limitations

• Must recompile code

• Adds considerable runtime overhead
• Typical slowdown 2x
• Does not catch all memory errors
• NEVER catches uninitialized memory accesses
• Still: a must-use tool during development

MSan: Memory Sanitizer

• Both local variable declarations and dynamic memory

allocation via malloc() do not initialize memory:
1 #include <stdio.h>

3 int main(void) {
4 int x[10];
5 printf("%d\n", x[0]); // uninitialized
6 return 0;
7 }
• Accesses to uninitialized variables are undefined
• This does NOT mean that you get some unspecified value
• It means that the compiler is free to do anything it likes
• ASan does not catch uninitialized memory accesses

MSan: Memory Sanitizer

1 #include <stdio.h>

3 int main(void) {
4 int x[10];
5 printf("%d\n", x[0]); // uninitialized
6 return 0;
7 }

• Memory sanitizer (MSan) does check for uninitialized memory

• Compile with -fsanitize=memory

MSan Example #1: Stack Allocation

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h> 1. Stack allocate array
on line 5
4 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
2. Partially initialize it
5 int a[10];
on line 6
6 a[2] = 0;
3. Access it on line 7
7 if (a[argc])
8 printf("print something\n"); 4. This might or might
9 return 0; not be initialized
10 }

MSan Example #2: Heap Allocation

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
1. Heap allocate array
4 int main(int argc, char** argv) { on line 5
5 int *a = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10); 2. Partially initialize it
6 a[2] = 0; on line 6
7 if (a[argc]) 3. Access it on line 7
8 printf("print something\n"); 4. This might or might
9 free(a); not be initialized
10 return 0;
11 }

MSan Limitations

• MSan just checks for memory initialization errors

• It is very expensive
• 2-3x slowdowns, on top of anything else
• Currently only available on clang, and not gcc

UBSan: Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer

• There is lots of non-memory-related undefined behaviour in C:

• Signed integer overflow
• Dereferencing null pointers
• Pointer arithmetic overflow
• Dynamic arrays whose size is non-positive
• Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer (UBSan) instruments code to
detect these errors
• Need to recompile
• Adds runtime overhead
• Typical overhead of 20%
• Use it while developing, maybe even in production
• Built into gcc and clang!

UBSan Example #1

1 #include <limits.h>
2 1. Signed integer overflow is
3 int main(void) { undefined
4 int n = INT_MAX; 2. So value of m is undefined
5 int m = n + 1; 3. Compile with
6 return 0; -fsanitize=undefined
7 }

UBSan Example #2

1 #include <limits.h>
1. Division-by-zero is undefined
3 int main(void) {
2. So value of m is undefined
4 int n = 65
5 int m = n / (n - n); 3. Any possible behaviour is
6 return 0; legal!
7 }

UBSan Example #3

1 #include <stdlib.h>

3 struct foo { 1. Accessing a null pointer is

4 int a, b; undefined
5 };
2. So accessing fields of x is
7 int main(void) {
8 struct foo *x = NULL; 3. Any possible behaviour is
9 int m = x->a; legal!
10 return 0;
11 }

UBSan Limitations

• Must recompile code

• Adds modest runtime overhead
• Does not catch all undefined behaviour
• Still: a must-use tool during development
• Seriously consider using it in production


• UBSan, MSan, and ASan require recompiling

• UBSan and ASan don’t catch accesses to uninitialized memory
• Enter Valgrind!
• Instruments binaries to detect numerous errors

Valgrind Example

1 #include <stdio.h> 1. Accessing elements of s is

2 undefined
3 int main(void) {
2. Program prints uninitialized
4 char s[10];
5 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
3. Any possible behaviour is
6 printf("%c", s[i]);
7 printf("\n");
8 return 0; 4. Invoke valgrind with
9 } binary name

Valgrind Limitations

• Adds very substantial runtime overhead

• Not built into GCC/clang (plus or minus?)
• As usual, does not catch all undefined behaviour
• Still: a must-use tool during testing


Tool Slowdown Source/Binary Tool

ASan Big Source GCC/Clang
MSan Big Source Clang
UBSan Small Source GCC/Clang
Valgrind Very big Binary Standalone

Programming in C and C++
Lecture 6: Aliasing, Graphs, and Deallocation

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

1 / 20
The C API for Dynamic Memory Allocation

• void *malloc(size_t size)

Allocate a pointer to an object of size size
• void free(void *ptr)
Deallocate the storage ptr points to
• Each allocated pointer must be deallocated exactly once along
each execution path through the program.
• Once deallocated, the pointer must not be used any more.

2 / 20
One Deallocation Per Path

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>

4 int main(void) {
5 int *pi = malloc(sizeof(int));
6 scanf("%d", pi); // Read an int
7 if (*pi % 2) {
8 printf("Odd!\n");
9 free(pi); // WRONG!
10 }
11 }

3 / 20
One Deallocation Per Path

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>

4 int main(void) {
5 int *pi = malloc(sizeof(int));
6 scanf("%d", pi); // Read an int
7 if (*pi % 2) {
8 printf("Odd!\n");
9 free(pi); // WRONG!
10 }
11 }
• This code fails to deallocate pi if *pi is even

3 / 20
One Deallocation Per Path

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>

4 int main(void) {
5 int *pi = malloc(sizeof(int));
6 scanf("%d", pi); // Read an int
7 if (*pi % 2) {
8 printf("Odd!\n");
9 }
10 free(pi); // OK!
11 }
• This code fails to deallocate pi if *pi is even
• Moving it ensures it always runs

3 / 20
A Tree Data Type

1 struct node {
2 int value;
3 struct node *left;
4 struct node *right;
5 };
6 typedef struct node Tree;

• This is the tree type from Lab 4.

• It has a value, a left subtree, and a right subtree
• An empty tree is a NULL pointer.

4 / 20
A Tree Data Type

1 Tree *node(int value, Tree *left, Tree *right) {

2 Tree *t = malloc(sizeof(tree));
3 t->value = value;
4 t->right = right;
5 t->left = left;
6 return t;
7 }
8 void tree_free(Tree *tree) {
9 if (tree != NULL) {
10 tree_free(tree->left);
11 tree_free(tree->right);
12 free(tree);
13 }
14 }
5 / 20
A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

1 // Initialize node2
2 Tree *node2 = node(2, NULL, NULL);

4 // Initialize node1
5 Tree *node1 = node(1, node2, node2); // node2 repeated!

7 // note node1->left == node1->right == node2!

What kind of “tree” is this?

6 / 20
The shape of the graph


left right
• node1 has two pointers to
node2 • This is a directed acyclic
graph, not a tree.
• tree_free(node1) will call
left right
tree_free(node2) twice!

Null Null

7 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 free(node1);
left right


left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 if (node1 != NULL) {
left right 2 tree_free(node1->left);
3 tree_free(node1->right);
4 free(node1);
node2 5 }

left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 tree_free(node1->left);
left right 2 tree_free(node1->right);
3 free(node1);


left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 tree_free(node2);
left right 2 tree_free(node2);
3 free(node1);


left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 if (node2 != NULL) {
left right 2 tree_free(node2->left);
3 tree_free(node2->right);
4 free(node2);
node2 5 }
6 tree_free(node2);
7 free(node1);
left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 tree_free(node2->left);
left right 2 tree_free(node2->right);
3 free(node2);
4 tree_free(node2);
node2 5 free(node1);

left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 tree_free(NULL);
left right 2 tree_free(NULL);
3 free(node2);
4 tree_free(node2);
node2 5 free(node1);

left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 if (NULL != NULL) {
left right 2 tree_free(NULL->left);
3 tree_free(NULL->right);
4 free(node1);
node2 5 }
6 tree_free(NULL);
7 free(node2);
left right 8 tree_free(node2);
9 free(node1);

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 tree_free(NULL);
left right 2 free(node2);
3 tree_free(node2);
4 free(node1);

left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 free(node2);
left right 2 tree_free(node2);
3 free(node1);


left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 free(node2);
left right 2 free(node2);
3 free(node1);


left right

Null Null

8 / 20
Evaluating free(node1)


1 free(node2);
left right 2 free(node2);
3 free(node1);
node2 is freed twice!

left right

Null Null

8 / 20
A Tree Data Type which Tracks Visits

1 struct node {
2 bool visited;
3 int value;
4 struct node *left;
5 struct node *right;
6 };
7 typedef struct node Tree;

• This tree has a value, a left subtree, and a right subtree

• An empty tree is a NULL pointer.
• it also has a visited field.

9 / 20
Creating Nodes of Tree Type

1 Tree *node(int value, Tree *left, Tree *right) {

2 Tree *t = malloc(sizeof(tree));
3 t->visited = false;
4 t->value = value;
5 t->right = right;
6 t->left = left;
7 return t;
8 }

1. Constructing a node sets the visited field to false

2. Otherwise returns the same fresh node as before

10 / 20
Freeing Nodes of Tree Type, Part 1

1 typedef struct TreeListCell TreeList;

2 struct TreeListCell {
3 Tree *head;
4 TreeList *tail;
5 }
6 TreeList *cons(Tree *head, TreeList *tail) {
7 TreeList *result = malloc(TreeListCell);
8 result->head = head;
9 result->tail = tail;
10 return result;
11 }

• This defines TreeList as a type of lists of tree nodes.

• cons dynamically allocates a new element of a list.
11 / 20
Freeing Nodes of Tree Type, Part 2

1 TreeList *getNodes(Tree *tree, TreeList *nodes) {

2 if (tree == NULL || tree->visited) {
3 return nodes;
4 } else {
5 tree->visited = true;
6 nodes = cons(tree, nodes);
7 nodes = getNodes(tree->right, nodes);
8 nodes = getNodes(tree->left, nodes);
9 return nodes;
10 }
11 }

• Add the unvisited nodes of tree to nodes.

• Finish if the node is a leaf or already visited
• Otherwise, add the current node and recurse 12 / 20
Freeing Nodes of Tree Type, Part 3

1 void tree_free(Tree *tree) {

2 NodeList *nodes = getNodes(tree, NULL);
3 while (nodes != NULL) {
4 Tree *head = nodes->head;
5 NodeList *tail = nodes->tail;
6 free(head);
7 free(nodes);
8 nodes = tail;
9 }
10 }

• To free a tree, get all the unique nodes in a list

• Iterate over the list, freeing the nodes
• Don’t forget to free the list!
• We’re doing dynamic allocation to free some data. . . 13 / 20

• Freeing trees is relatively easy

• Freeing DAGs or general graphs is much harder
• Freeing objects at most once is harder if there are multiple
paths to them.

14 / 20

1 struct node {
2 int value;
3 struct node *left;
4 struct node *right;
5 };
6 typedef struct node Tree;

• This is the original tree data type

• Let’s keep this type, but change the (de)allocation API

15 / 20

1 typedef struct arena *arena_t;

2 struct arena {
3 int size;
4 int current;
5 Tree *elts;
6 };

8 arena_t make_arena(int size) {

9 arena_t arena = malloc(sizeof(struct arena));
10 arena->size = size;
11 arena->current = 0;
12 arena->elts = malloc(size * sizeof(Tree));
13 return arena;
14 }
16 / 20
Arena allocation

1 Tree *node(int value, Tree *left, Tree *right,

2 arena_t arena) {
3 if (arena->current < arena->size) {
4 Tree *t = arena->elts + arena->current;
5 arena->current += 1;
6 t->value = value, t->left = left, t->right = right;
7 return t;
8 } else
9 return NULL;
10 }

To allocate a node from an arena:

1. Initialize current element

2. Increment current
3. Return the initialized node
17 / 20
Freeing an Arena

1 void free_arena(arena_t arena) {

2 free(arena->elts);
3 free(arena);
4 }

• We no longer free trees individually

• Instead, free a whole arena at a time
• All tree nodes allocated from the arena are freed at once

18 / 20

1 arena_t a = make_arena(BIG_NUMBER);

3 Tree *node1 = node(0, NULL, NULL, a);

4 Tree *node2 = node(1, node1, node1, a); // it's a DAG now
5 // do something with the nodes...
6 free_arena(a);

• We allocate the arena

• We can build an arbitrary graph
• And free all the elements at once

19 / 20

• Correct memory deallocation in C requires thinking about

control flow
• This can get tricky!
• Arenas are an idiom for (de)allocating big blocks at once
• Reduces need for thinking about control paths
• But can increase working set sizes

20 / 20
Programming in C and C++
Lecture 7: Reference Counting and Garbage Collection

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

1 / 30
The C API for Dynamic Memory Allocation

• In the previous lecture, we saw how to use arenas and ad-hoc

graph traversals to manage memory when pointer graphs
contain aliasing or cycles
• These are not the only idioms for memory management in C!
• Two more common patterns are reference counting and
type-specific garbage collectors.

2 / 30
A Tree Data Type

1 struct node {
2 int value;
3 struct node *left;
4 struct node *right;
5 };
6 typedef struct node Tree;

• This is still the tree type from Lab 4.

• It has a value, a left subtree, and a right subtree
• An empty tree is a NULL pointer.

3 / 30
Construct Nodes of a Tree

1 Tree *node(int value, Tree *left, Tree *right) {

2 Tree *t = malloc(sizeof(tree));
3 t->value = value;
4 t->right = right;
5 t->left = left;
6 return t;
7 }

1. Allocate a pointer to a tree struct

2. Initialize the value field
3. Initialize the right field
4. Initialize the left field
5. Return the initialized pointer!
4 / 30
A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

1 Tree *n = node(2, NULL, NULL);

2 Tree *n2 =
3 node(1, n, n); // n repeated!

1. We allocate n on line 1
2. On line 2, we create n2 whose left and right fields are n.
3. Hence n2->left and n2->right are said to alias – they are
two pointers aimed at the same block of memory.

5 / 30
The shape of the graph


left right • node1 has two pointers to

n • This is a directed acyclic
graph, not a tree.
• A recursive free of the tree
left right
n2 will try to free n twice.

Null Null

6 / 30
The Idea of Reference Counting

n2: k

1. The problem: freeing things

left right with two pointers to them
n: 2 2. Solution: stop doing that
3. Keep track of the number of
pointers to an object
left right
4. Only free when the count
reaches zero
Null Null

7 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: k
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right

n: 2

left right

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0

n: 2

left right

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 2

left right

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 2
4. Decrement the reference
count of each thing n2
left right points to

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 1
4. Decrement the reference
count of each thing n2
left right points to

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 0
4. Decrement the reference
count of each thing n2
left right points to
5. Then delete n2

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 0
4. Decrement the reference
count of each thing n2
left right points to
5. Then delete n2

Null Null

8 / 30
How Reference Counting Works

n2: 0
1. We start with k references
to n2
left right
2. Eventually k becomes 0
3. It’s time to delete n2
n: 0
4. Decrement the reference
count of each thing n2
left right points to
5. Then delete n2
6. Recursively delete n
Null Null

8 / 30
The Reference Counting API

1 struct node {
2 unsigned int rc; • We add a field rc to keep
3 int value; track of the references.
4 struct node *left;
• We keep the same node
5 struct node *right;
6 }; constructor interface.
7 typedef struct node Node; • We add a procedure
8 inc_ref to increment the
9 const Node *empty = NULL; reference count of a node.
10 Node *node(int value,
11 Node *left, • We add a procedure
12 Node *right); dec_ref to decrement the
13 void inc_ref(Node *node); reference count of a node.
14 void dec_ref(Node *node);

9 / 30
Reference Counting Implementation: node()

1 Node *node(int value,

2 Node *left,
3 Node *right) { • On line 4, we initialize the
4 Node *r = malloc(sizeof(Node)); rc field to 1. (Annoyingly,
5 r->rc = 1; this is a rather delicate
6 r->value = value; point!)
7 • On line 8-9, we set the left
8 r->left = left; field, and increment the
9 inc_ref(left); reference count of the
10 pointed-to node.
11 r->right = right; • On line 11-12, we do the
12 inc_ref(right); same to right
13 return r;
14 }
10 / 30
Reference Counting Implementation: inc ref()

1 void inc_ref(Node *node) {

2 if (node != NULL) {
3 node->rc += 1;
4 }
5 }

• On line 3, we increment the rc field (if nonnull)

• That’s it!

11 / 30
Reference Counting Implementation: dec ref()

1 void dec_ref(Node *node) { • When we decrement a

2 if (node != NULL) { reference count, we check to
3 if (node->rc > 1) { see if we are the last
4 node->rc -= 1; reference (line 3)
5 } else { • If not, we just decrement
6 dec_ref(node->left); the reference count (line 4)
7 dec_ref(node->right); • If so, then decrement the
8 free(node); reference counts of the
9 } children (lines 6-7)
10 } • Then free the current
11 } object. (line 8)

12 / 30
Example 1

• complete(n) builds a
complete binary tree of
1 Node *complete(int n) { depth n
2 if (n == 0) { • Sharing makes memory
3 return empty; usage O(n)
4 } else {
5 Node *sub = complete(n-1); • On line 5, makes a recursive
6 Node *result = call to build subtree.
7 node(n, sub, sub); • On line 6, builds the tree
8 dec_ref(sub);
• On line 8, call
9 return result;
10 } dec_ref(sub) to drop the
11 } stack reference sub
• On line 9, don’t call
13 / 30
Example 1 – mistake 1

• If we forget to call
dec_ref(sub), we get a
1 Node *complete(int n) {
memory leak!
2 if (n == 0) {
3 return empty; • sub begins with a refcount
4 } else { of 1
5 Node *sub = complete(n-1);
• node(sub, sub) bumps it
6 Node *result =
to 3
7 node(n, sub, sub);
8 // dec_ref(sub); • If we call
9 return result; dec_ref(complete(n)),
10 } the outer node will get freed
11 }
• But the children will end up
with an rc field of 1

14 / 30
Example 1 – mistake 2

• This still leaks memory!

• complete(n-1) begins with
1 Node *complete(int n) {
a refcount of 1
2 if (n == 0) {
3 return empty; • The expression on lines 5-7
4 } else { bumps each subtree to a
5 return node(n, refcount of 2
6 complete(n-1), • If we call
7 complete(n-1));
free(complete(n)), the
8 }
9 }
outer node will get freed
• But the children will end up
with an rc field of 1

15 / 30
Design Issues with Reference Counting APIs

• The key problem: who is responsible for managing reference

• Two main options: sharing references vs transferring
• Both choices work, but must be made consistently
• To make this work, API must be documented very carefully
• Good example: Python C API
• https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/intro.html#

16 / 30
Mitigations: Careful Use of Getters and Setters

1 Node *get_left(Node *node) { • The get_left() function

2 inc_ref(node->left);
returns the left subtree, but
3 return(node->left);
also increments the
4 }
reference count
6 void set_left(Node *node, • The set_left() function
7 Node *newval) { updates the left subtree,
8 inc_ref(newval); incrementing the reference
9 dec_ref(node->left);
count to the new value and
10 node->left = newval;
decrementing the reference
11 }

17 / 30
Cycles: A Fundamental Limitation on Reference Counting

1 Node *foo() {
2 Node *n1 = node(1, NULL, NULL);
3 Node *n2 = node(2, NULL, NULL);
4 set_left(n1, n2);
5 set_left(n2, n1);
6 dec_ref(n2);
7 return node1;
8 }

What does a call to foo() build?

18 / 30
A Cyclic Object Graph

• n1->rc is 2, since n2 points

to it
• n2->rc is 1, since n1 points
to it
n1: 2 right • This is a cyclic graph
• Even though there is only 1
external reference to n1,
left left Null
n1->rc is 2.
• Hence dec_ref(foo()) will
n2: 1 not free memory!
• Reference counting cannot
collect cycles

19 / 30
Garbage Collection: Dealing with Cycles

• In ML or Java, we don’t have to worry about cycles or

managing reference counts explicitly
• We rely on a garbage collector to manage memory
• In C, we can implement garbage collection to manage memory

20 / 30
GC API – Data structures

1 struct node {
2 int value;
3 struct node *left; • Node * are node objects,
4 struct node *right;
5 bool mark; but augmented with a mark
6 struct node *next; bit (Lab 5) and a next link
7 };
8 typedef struct node Node; connecting all allocated
9 nodes
10 struct root {
11 Node *start; • A Root * is a node we don’t
12 struct root *next; want to garbage collect.
13 };
14 typedef struct root Root; Roots are also in a linked list
• An allocator Alloc * holds
16 struct alloc {
17 Node *nodes; the head of the lists of
18 Root *roots; nodes and roots
19 };
20 typedef struct alloc Alloc;
21 / 30
GC API – Procedures

• make_allocator creates a
fresh allocator
1 Alloc *make_allocator(void); • node(n, l, r, a) creates
2 Node *node(int value,
3 Node *left, a fresh node in allocator a
4 Node *right, (as in the arena API)
5 Alloc *a);
6 Root *root(Node *node, Alloc *a); • root(n) creates a new root
7 void gc(Alloc *a); object rooting the node n
• gc(a) frees all nodes
unreachable from the roots

22 / 30
Creating a Fresh Allocator

1 Alloc *make_allocator(void) {
2 Alloc *a = malloc(sizeof(Alloc));
3 a->roots = NULL;
4 a->nodes = NULL;
5 return a;
6 }

• Creates a fresh allocator with empty set of roots and nodes

• Invariant: no root or node is part of two allocators!
• (Could use global variables, but thread-unfriendly)

23 / 30
Creating a Node

1 Node *node(int value,

2 Node *left,
3 Node *right,
4 Alloc *a) { • Lines 5-9 perform familiar
5 Node *r = malloc(sizeof(Node)); operations: allocate memory
6 r->value = value; (line 5) and initialize data
7 r->left = left; fields (6-8)
8 r->right = right; • Line 10 initializes mark to
9 // false
10 r->mark = false; • Lines 11-12 add new node
11 r->next = a->nodes; to a->nodes
12 a->nodes = r;
13 return r;
14 }
24 / 30
Creating a Root

1 Root *root(Node *node, • On line 4, allocate a new

2 Alloc *a) { Root struct g
3 Root *g = • On line 5, set the start
4 malloc(sizeof(Root)); field to the node argument
5 g->start = node; • On lines 6-7, attach g to the
6 g->next = a->roots; roots of the allocator a
7 a->roots = g; • Now the allocator knows to
8 return g; treat the root as always
9 } reachable

25 / 30
Implementing a Mark-and-Sweep GC

• Idea: split GC into two phases, mark and sweep

• In mark phase:
• From each root, mark the nodes reachable from that root
• I.e., set the mark field to true
• So every reachable node will have a true mark bit, and every
unreachable one will be set to false
• In sweep phase:
• Iterate over every allocated node
• If the node is unmarked, free it
• If the node is marked, reset the mark bit to false

26 / 30

1 void mark_node(Node *node) {

2 if (node != NULL && !node->mark) {
3 node->mark = true; • mark_node() function
4 mark_node(node->left); marks a node if unmarked,
5 mark_node(node->right); and then recursively marks
6 } subnodes
7 } • Just like in lab 6!
8 • mark() procedure iterates
9 void mark(Alloc *a) { over the roots, marking the
10 Root *g = a->roots; nodes reachable from it.
11 while (g != NULL) { • If a node is not reachable
12 mark_node(g->start); from the a->roots pointer,
13 g = g->next; it will stay false
14 }
15 } 27 / 30

1 void sweep(Alloc *a) { • On line 2, get a pointer to all

2 Node *n = a->nodes; allocated nodes via a->nodes
3 Node *live = NULL; • On line 3, create a new empty
4 while (n != NULL) { list of live nodes
5 Node *tl = n->next;
• On lines 4-14, iterate over each
6 if (!(n->mark)) {
allocated node
7 free(n);
8 } else { • On line 6, check to see if the
9 n->mark = false; node is unmarked
10 n->next = live;
• If unmarked, free it (line 8)
11 live = n;
12 } • If marked, reset the mark bit
13 n = tl; and add it to the live list
14 } (9-11)
15 a->nodes = live; • On line 15, update a->nodes
16 } to the still-live live nodes
28 / 30
The gc() routine

void gc(Alloc *a) {


• gc(a) just marks and sweeps!

• To use the gc, we allocate nodes as normal
• Periodically, invoke gc(a) to clear out unused nodes
• That’s it!

29 / 30
Design Considerations

• This kind of custom GC is quite slow relative to ML/Java gcs

• However, simple and easy to implement (only 50 lines of
• No worries about cycles or managing reference counts
• Worth considering using the Boehm gc if gc in C/C++ is
• https://www.hboehm.info/gc/
• Drop-in replacement for malloc!
• Still useful when dealing with interop between gc’d and
manually-managed languages (eg, DOM nodes in web

30 / 30
Programming in C and C++
Lecture 8: The Memory Hierarchy and Cache Optimization

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

1 / 22
Three Simple C Functions

void increment_every(int *array)

for (int i = 0; i < BIG_NUMBER; i += 1) {
array[i] = 0;
void increment_8th(int *array) {
for (int i = 0; i < BIG_NUMBER; i += 8)
array[i] = 0;
void increment_16th(int *array) {
for (int i = 0; i < BIG_NUMBER; i += 16)
array[i] = 0;

• Which runs faster?

• . . . and by how much? 2 / 22
The Memory Hierarchy

Main Memory (RAM)

Unified Level 3 Cache

Unified Level 2 Cache

Level 1 Instruction Cache Level 1 Data Cache

CPU and Registers

3 / 22
Latencies in the Memory Hierarchy

Access Type Cycles Time Human Scale

L1 cache reference ≈4 1.3 ns 1s
L2 cache reference ≈10 4 ns 3s
L3 cache reference, unshared ≈40 13 ns 10s
L3 cache reference, shared ≈65 20 ns 16s
Main memory reference ≈300 100 ns 80s

• Random accesses to main memory are slow

• This can dominate performance!

4 / 22
How Caches Work

When a CPU looks up an address. . . :

1. It looks up the address in the cache

2. If present, this is a cache hit (cheap!)
3. If absent, this is a cache miss
3.1 The address is then looked up in main memory (expensive!)
3.2 The address/value pair is then stored in the cache
3.3 . . . along with the next 64 bytes (typically) of memory
3.4 This is a cache line or cache block

5 / 22
Locality: Taking advantage of caching

Caching is most favorable:

• Each piece of data the program works on is near (in RAM)

the address of the last piece of data the program worked on.
• This is the principle of locality
• Performance engineering involves redesigning data structures
to take advantage of locality.

6 / 22
Pointers Are Expensive

Consider the following Java linked list implementation

class List<T> {
public T head;
public List<T> tail;

public List(T head, List<T> tail) {

this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;

7 / 22
Pointers Are Expensive in C, too

typedef struct List* list_t;

struct List {
void *head;
list_t tail;
list_t list_cons(void *head, list_t tail) {
list_t result = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
r->head = head;
r->tail = tail;
return r;

• C uses void * for genericity, but this introduces pointer

• This can get expensive!
8 / 22
Specializing the Representation

Suppose we use a list at a Data * type:

struct data {
int i;
double d;
char c;
typedef struct data Data;

struct List {
Data *head;
struct List *tail;

9 / 22
Technique #1: Intrusive Lists

We can try changing the list representation to:

typedef struct intrusive_list ilist_t;

struct intrusive_list {
Data head;
ilist_t tail;
ilist_t ilist_cons(Data head, ilist_t tail) {
list_t result = malloc(sizeof(struct intrusive_list));
r->head = head;
r->tail = tail;
return r;

• The indirection in the head is removed

• But we had to use a specialized representation
• Can no longer use generic linked list routines 10 / 22
Technique #2: Lists of Structs to Arrays of Structs

Linked lists are expensive:

1. Following a tail pointer can lead to cache miss

2. Cons cells requiring storing a tail pointer. . .
3. This reduces the number of data elements that fit in a cache
4. This decreases data density, and increases cache miss rate
5. Replace ilist_t with Data[]!

11 / 22
Technique #2: Lists of Structs to Arrays of Structs

We can try changing the list representation to:

Data *iota_array(int n) {
Data *a = malloc(n * sizeof(Data));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
a[i].i = i;
a[i].d = 1.0;
a[i].c = 'x';
return a;

• No longer store tail pointers

• Every element comes after previous element in memory
• Can no longer incrementally build lists
• Have to know size up-front 12 / 22
Technique #3: Arrays of Structs to Struct of Arrays

• Note that we are only

struct data {
modifying character field c.
int i;
double d; • We have “hop over” the
char c; integer and double fields.
}; • So characters are at least 12,
typedef struct data Data; and probably 16 bytes apart.
• This means only 4
void traverse(int n, Data *a) { characters in each cache
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) line. . .
a[i].c += 'y';
• Optimally, 64 characters fit
in each cache line. . .

13 / 22
Technique #3: Arrays of Structs to Struct of Arrays

typedef struct datavec *DataVec;• Instead of storing an array of

struct datavec { structures. . .
int *is;
• We store a struct of arrays
double *ds;
char *cs; • Now traversing just the cs is
}; easy

14 / 22
Technique #3: Traversing Struct of Arrays

void traverse_datavec(int n, DataVec d) {

char *a = d->cs;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
a[i] += 'y';

• To update the characters. . .

• Just iterate over the character. . .
• Higher cache efficiency!

15 / 22
Technique #4: Loop Blocking

1 #define SIZE 8192

2 #define dim(i, j) (((i) * SIZE) + (j))
4 double *add_transpose(double *A, • The add_transpose
5 double *B) {
6 double *dest = function takes two square
7 malloc(sizeof(double) matrices A and B, and
8 * SIZE * SIZE);
9 for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
returns a new matrix equal
10 for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) { to A + B T .
11 dest[dim(i,j)] =
12 A[dim(i,j)] + B[dim(j,i)]; • C stores arrays in row-major
13 } order.
14 }
15 return dest;
16 }

16 / 22
How Matrices are Laid out in Memory

 

 0 1 4 

 9 
16 25 

 36 49 64 

 
81 100 121
 

Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Value 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121

• A is a 3 × 4 array.
• A(i, j) is at address 3 × i + j (0 based!)
• E.g., A(2, 1) = 49, at address 7
• E.g., A(3, 1) = 100, at address 10
17 / 22
Loop Blocking

1 # define SIZE 8192

2 # define dim(i, j) (((i) * SIZE) + (j))
4 double *add_transpose(double *A,
5 double *B) { • The succesive accesses to
6 double *dest =
A(i, j) will go sequentially in
7 malloc(sizeof(double)
8 * SIZE * SIZE); memory
9 for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
10 for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
• The successive accesses to
11 dest[dim(i,j)] = B(j, i) will jump SIZE
12 A[dim(i,j)] + B[dim(j,i)];
elements at a time
13 }
14 }
15 return dest;
16 }

18 / 22
How to Block a Loop, Concept

Traversing A Traversing B
a b c d a b c d
e f g h e f g h
i j k l i j k l
m n o p m n o p

• We can see that A has a favorable traversal, and B is “jumpy”

• Let’s change the traversal order!

19 / 22
How to Block a Loop, Concept

Traversing A Traversing B
a b c d a b c d
e f g h e f g h
i j k l i j k l
m n o p m n o p

• Since each nested iteration is acting on the same n × n

submatrix, a cache miss on one lookup will bring memory into
cache for the other lookup
• This reduces the total number of cache misses

20 / 22
Loop Blocking

double *add_transpose_blocked(double *m1,

double *m2,
int bsize) {
double *dest =
malloc(sizeof(double) * SIZE * SIZE);
• Doubly-nested loop goes to
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i += bsize) {
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j += bsize) { quadruply-nested loop
for (int ii = i; ii < i+bsize; ii++) {
for (int jj = j; jj < j+bsize; jj++) {
• Increment i and j by bsize at
dest[dim(ii,jj)] = a time
m1[dim(ii,jj)] + m2[dim(jj, ii)];
} • Do a little iteration over the
} submatrix with ii and jj
return dest;

21 / 22

• Memory is hierarchical, with each level slower than

• Caching make locality assumption
• Making this assumption true requires careful design
• Substantial code alterations can be needed
• But can lead to major performance gains

22 / 22
Programming in C and C++
Lecture 9: Debugging

David J Greaves and Alan Mycroft

(Materials by Neel Krishnaswami)

1 / 34
What is Debugging?

Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing

the number of bugs (or defects) in a computer program,
thus making it behave as originally expected.

There are two main types of errors that need debugging:

• Compile-time: These occur due to misuse of language

constructs, such as syntax errors. Normally fairly easy to find
by using compiler tools and warnings to fix reported problems,
e.g.: gcc -Wall -pedantic -c main.c
• Run-time: These are much harder to figure out, as they cause
the program to generate incorrect output (or “crash”) during
execution. This lecture will examine how to methodically
debug a run-time error in your C code.

2 / 34
The Runtime Debugging Process

A typical lifecycle for a C/C++ bug is:

• a program fails a unit test included with the source code, or a

bug is reported by a user, or observed by the programmer.
• given the failing input conditions, a programmer debugs the
program until the offending source code is located.
• the program is recompiled with a source code fix and a
regression test is run to confirm that the behaviour is fixed.

Unit tests are short code fragments written to test code modules in
isolation, typically written by the original developer.
Regression testing ensures that changes do not uncover new bugs,
for example by causing unit tests to fail in an unrelated component.

3 / 34
What is a Bug?

The program contains a defect in the source code, either due to a

design misunderstanding or an implementation mistake. This
defect is manifested as a runtime failure. The program could:
• crash with a memory error or “segmentation fault”
• return an incorrect result
• have unintended side-effects like corrupting persistent storage
The art of debugging arises because defects do not materialise
• The program may require specific inputs to trigger a bug
• Undefined or implementation-defined behaviour may cause it
to only crash on a particular OS or hardware architecture
• The issue may require separate runs and many hours (or
months!) of execution time to manifest
4 / 34
Finding Defects

Defects are not necessarily located in the source code near a

particular runtime failure.
• A variable might be set incorrectly that causes a timer to fire
a few seconds too late. The defect is the assignment point,
but the failure is later in time.
• A configuration file might be parsed incorrectly, causing the
program to subsequently choose the wrong control path. The
defect is the parse logic, but the failure is observing the
program perform the wrong actions.
• A function foo() may corrupt a data structure, and then
bar() tries to use it and crashes. The defect is in foo() but
the failure is triggered at bar().
The greater the distance between the original defect and the
associated failure, the more difficult it is to debug.
5 / 34
Finding Defects (cont.)

Sometimes the defect directly causes the failure and is easy to

debug. Consider this NULL pointer error:

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>

4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {

5 struct hostent *hp;
6 hp = gethostbyname("doesntexist.abc");
7 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
8 return 0;
9 }

Just fix the code to add a NULL pointer check before printing hp.

6 / 34
Debugging via printing values

A very common approach to debugging is via printing values as the

program executes.

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>

4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {

5 struct hostent *hp;
6 printf("argc: %d\n", argc);
7 for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
8 hp = gethostbyname(argv[i]);
9 printf("hp: %p\n", hp);
10 if (hp)
11 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
12 }
13 return 0;
14 }
7 / 34
Debugging via printing values (cont.)

Executing this will always show the output as the program runs.

./lookup google.org recoil.org

argc: 3
hp: 0x7fd87ae00420
hp: 0x7fd87ae00490

Some tips on debug printing:

• Put in as much debugging information as you can to help
gather information in the future
• Make each entry as unique as possible so that you tie the
output back to the source code
• Flush the debug output so that it reliably appears in the
8 / 34
Debugging via printing values (cont.)

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>

4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {

5 struct hostent *hp;
6 printf("%s:%2d argc: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, argc);
7 for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
8 hp = gethostbyname(argv[i]);
9 printf("%s:%2d hp: %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, hp);
10 fflush(stdout);
11 printf("%s:%2d %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, hp->h_name);
12 fflush(stdout);
13 }
14 return 0;
15 }

9 / 34
Debugging via printing values (cont.)

The source code is now very ugly and littered with debugging
statements. The C preprocessor comes to the rescue.
• Define a DEBUG parameter to compile your program with.
• #define a debug printf that only runs if DEBUG is non-zero.
• Disabling DEBUG means debugging calls will be optimised
away at compile time.

1 #ifndef DEBUG
2 #define DEBUG 0
3 #endif
4 #define debug_printf(fmt, ...) \
5 do { if (DEBUG) { \
6 fprintf(stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
7 fflush(stderr); } } \
8 while (0)
10 / 34
Debugging via printing values (cont.)

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #ifndef DEBUG
4 #define DEBUG 0
5 #endif
6 #define debug_printf(fmt, ...) \
7 do { if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
8 fflush(stderr); } } while (0)
9 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
10 debug_printf("argc: %d\n", argc);
11 for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
12 struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(argv[i]);
13 debug_printf("hp: %p\n", hp);
14 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
15 }
16 return 0;
17 }

11 / 34
Debugging via Assertions

Defects can be found more quickly than printing values by using

assertions to encode invariants through the source code.

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <assert.h> // new header file

5 int main(int argc, char **argv) {

6 struct hostent *hp;
7 hp = gethostbyname("doesntexist.abc");
8 assert(hp != NULL); // new invariant
9 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
10 return 0;
11 }
12 / 34
Debugging via Assertions (cont.)

The original program without assertions will crash:

cc -Wall debug-s6.c && ./lookup

Segmentation fault: 11

Running with assertions results in a much more friendly error message.

cc -Wall debug-s12.c && ./lookup

Assertion failed: (hp != NULL),
function main, file debug2.c, line 10.

13 / 34
Debugging via Assertions (cont.)

Using assert is a cheap way to ensure an invariant remains true.

• A failed assertion will immediately exit a program.

• Assertions can be disabled by defining the NDEBUG
preprocessor flag.

Never cause side-effects in assertions as they may not be active!

cc -Wall -DNDEBUG debug-s12.c && ./lookup

Segmentation fault: 11

14 / 34
Fault Isolation

Debugging is the process of fault isolation to find the cause of the


• Never try to guess the cause randomly. This is time

• Stop making code changes incrementally to fix the bug.
• Do think like a detective and find clues to the cause.

Remember that you are trying to:

• Reproduce the problem so you can observe the failure.

• Isolate the failure to some specific inputs.
• Fix the issue and confirm that there are no regressions.

15 / 34
Reproducing the Bug

Consider this revised program that performs an Internet name

lookup from a command-line argument.

1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <assert.h>
4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
5 struct hostent *hp;
6 hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
7 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
8 return 0;
9 }

This program can crash in at least two ways. How can we

reproduce both?
16 / 34
Reproducing the Bug (cont.)

This program can crash in at least two ways.

cc -Wall -o lookup debug-s16.c
First crash: if we do not provide a command-line argument:

Segmentation fault: 11

Second crash: if we provide an invalid network hostname:

./lookup doesntexist.abc
Segmentation fault: 11

It does work if we provide a valid hostname:

./lookup www.recoil.org

Both positive and negative results are important to give you more hints
about how many distinct bugs there are, and where their source is.
17 / 34
Isolating the Bug

We now know of two failing inputs, but need to figure out where in
the source code the defect is. From earlier, one solution is to put
assert statements everywhere that we suspect could have a failure.
1 #include <netdb.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <assert.h>
4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
5 struct hostent *hp;
6 assert(argv[1] != NULL);
7 hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
8 assert(hp != NULL);
9 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
10 return 0;
11 }
18 / 34
Reproducing the Bug with Assertions

Recompile the program with the assertions enabled.

cc -Wall -o lookup debug-s18.c
First crash: if we do not provide a command-line argument:
Assertion failed: (argv[1] != NULL),
function main, file debug-s18.c, line 7.

Second crash: if we provide an invalid network hostname:

./lookup doesntexist.abc
Assertion failed: (hp != NULL), function main,
file debug-s18.c, line 9.

19 / 34
Reproducing the Bug with Assertions (cont.)

It does work if we provide a valid hostname:

./lookup www.recoil.org

The assertions show that there are two distinct failure points in
application, triggered by two separate inputs.

20 / 34
Using Debugging Tools

While assertions are convenient, they do not scale to larger

programs. It would be useful to:

• Observe the value of a C variable during a program execution

• Stop the execution of the program if an assertion is violated.
• Get a trace of the function calls leading up to the failure.

These features are provided by debuggers, which let a programmer

to monitor the memory state of a program during its execution.

• Interpretive debuggers work by simulating program execution

one statement at a time.
• More common for C code are direct execution debuggers that
use hardware and operating system features to inspect the
program memory and set “breakpoints” to pause execution.
21 / 34
Example: Using lldb from LLVM

Let’s use the lldb debugger from LLVM to find the runtime failure
without requiring assertions.
cc -Wall -o lookup -DNDEBUG -g debug-s18.c
Run the binary using lldb instead of executing it directly.
lldb ./lookup
(lldb) target create "./lookup"
Current executable set to ’./lookup’ (x86_64).

At the (lldb) prompt use run to start execution.

(lldb) run www.recoil.org
Process 9515 launched: ’./lookup’ (x86_64)
Process 9515 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
22 / 34
Example: Using lldb from LLVM (cont.)

Now try running the program with inputs that trigger a crash:
(lldb) run doesntexist.abc
frame #0: 0x0000000100000f52 lookup
main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fff5fbff888) + 50 at debug-s18.c:12
9 assert(argv[1] != NULL);
10 hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
11 assert(hp != NULL);
-> 12 printf("%s\n", hp->h\_name);
return 0;

The program has halted at line 12 and lets us inspect the value of
variables that are in scope, confirming that the hp pointer is NULL.
(lldb) print hp
(hostent *) $1 = 0x0000000000000000
23 / 34
Example: Using lldb from LLVM (cont.)

We do not have to wait for a crash to inspect variables.

Breakpoints allow us to halt execution at a function call.
(lldb) break set --name main
(lldb) run www.recoil.org
7 {
8 struct hostent *hp;
9 assert(argv[1] != NULL);
-> 10 hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);

The program has run until the main function is encountered, and
stopped at the first statement.

24 / 34
Example: Using lldb from LLVM (cont.)

We can set a watchpoint to inspect when variables change state.

(lldb) watchpoint set variable hp
This will pause execution right after the hp variable is assigned to. We
can now resume execution and see what happens:
(lldb) continue
Process 9661 resuming
Process 9661 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x3c2fd3 <..> stop reason = watchpoint 1
frame #0: 0x0000000100000f4e <...> debug-s18.c:12
9 assert(argv[1] != NULL);
10 hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
11 assert(hp != NULL);
-> 12 printf("%s\n", hp->h_name);
13 return 0;
14 }
25 / 34
Example: Using lldb from LLVM (cont.)

When program execution is paused in lldb, we can inspect the local

variables using the print command.
(lldb) print hp
(hostent *) $0 = 0x0000000100300460
(lldb) print hp->h_name
(char *) $1 = 0x0000000100300488 "bark.recoil.org"

We can thus:

• confirm that hp is non-NULL even when the program does not

• print the contents of the hp->h name value, since the
debugger can follow pointers
• see the C types that the variables had (e.g. hostent *)
26 / 34
Debugging Symbols

How did the debugger find the source code in the compiled
executable? Compile it without the -g flag to see what happens.
cc -Wall -DNDEBUG debug-s18.c
(lldb) run doesnotexist.abc
loader’main + 50:
-> 0x100000f52: movq (%rax), %rsi
0x100000f55: movb $0x0, %al
0x100000f57: callq 0x100000f72 ; symbol stub for: printf
0x100000f5c: movl $0x0, %ecx

We now only have assembly language backtrace, with some hints

in the output about printf.

27 / 34
Debugging Symbols (cont.)

The compiler emits a symbol table that records the mapping

between a program’s variables and their locations in memory.

• Machine code uses memory addresses to reference memory,

and has no notion of variable names. For example,
0x100000f72 is the address of printf earlier
• The symbol table records an association from 0x100000f72
and the printf function
• The -g compiler flag embeds additional debugging
information into the symbol tables
• This debugging information also maps the source code to the
program counter register, keeping track of the control flow

28 / 34
Debugging Symbols (cont.)

Debugging information is not included by default because:

• The additional table entries take up a significant amount of

extra disk space, which would be a problem on embedded
systems like a Raspberry Pi
• They are not essential to run most applications, unless they
specifically need to modify their own code at runtime
• Advanced users can still use debuggers with just the default
symbol table, although relying on the assembly language is
more difficult
• Modern operating systems such as Linux, MacOS X and
Windows support storing the debugging symbols in a separate
file, making disk space and compilation time the only
overhead to generating them.
29 / 34
Debugging Tools

lldb is just one of a suite of debugging tools that are useful in bug

• The LLVM compiler suite (https://llvm.org) also has the

clang-analyzer static analysis engine that inspects your
source code for errors.
• The GCC compiler (https://gcc.gnu.org) includes the gdb
debugger, which has similar functionality to lldb but with a
different command syntax.
• Valgrind (http://valgrind.org) (seen in an earlier lecture!)
is a dynamic analysis framework that instruments binaries to
detect many classes of memory management and threading

30 / 34
Unit and Regression Test

We have used many techniques to find our bugs, but it is equally

important to make sure they do not return. Create a unit test:

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <netdb.h>
3 #include <assert.h>
4 void lookup(char *buf) {
5 assert(buf != NULL);
6 struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(buf);
7 printf("%s -> %s\n", buf, hp ? hp->h_name : "unknown");
8 }
9 void lookup_test(void) {
10 lookup("google.com");
11 lookup("doesntexist.abc");
12 lookup("");
13 lookup(NULL);
14 }
31 / 34
Unit and Regression Test (cont.)

We can now invoke lookup() for user code, or lookup test() to

perform the self-test.

1 #include <stdlib.h>

3 void lookup(char *buf);

4 void lookup_test(void);

6 int main(int argc, char **argv) {

7 if (getenv("SELFTEST"))
8 lookup_test ();
9 else
10 lookup(argv[1]);
11 }
32 / 34
Unit and Regression Test (cont.)

Can now run this code as a test case or for live lookups.

cc -Wall -g lookup_logic.c lookup_main.c -o lookup

./lookup google.com
# for live operation
env SELFTEST=1 ./lookup # for unit tests

33 / 34
Unit and Regression Tests (cont.)

Building effective unit tests requires methodical attention to detail:

• The use of assert in the lookup logic is a poor interface, since it

terminates the entire program. How could this be improved?
• The unit tests in lookup test are manually written to enumerate the
allowable inputs. How can we improve this coverage?
• C and C++ have many open-source unit test frameworks available.
Using them gives you access to widely used conventions such as
xUnit that helps you structure your tests.
• Take the opportunity to run your unit tests after every significant
code change to spot unexpected failures (dubbed regression testing).
• Continuous integration runs unit tests against every single code
commit. If using GitHub, then Travis CI
(https://travis-ci.org) will be useful for your projects in any
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