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Nagalanrl l]oarrl of Schrxrl Flducation

I Tpper l]ayavii, Kohinra - 797001


Dated Kohima, the 26th Aprl\.2024

NO.NBE-12/Ex-Migl2024-25:: lt is hereby notified for information of all concemed

that the Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) is a recognized Board under
Ministry of Education Govt. of India and a member Board of the Council of Boards of
School Education in India (COBSE). The NBSE grants reciprocal recognition to the
certilicates of examinations conducted by the member Boards/ Councils of COBSE.

]'he NBSE admits the students who have studied from the member
Boards/Councils of COBSE and on fulfillment of the criteria prescribed by the Board.

Belore admitting, the institution shall also verify and check that the student
has studied and appeared in the Core subjects i.e. Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences,
English and a Second language.

'l'he lisl of'rner-nber Boards/Councils of COBSE, is given in Annexure lbr


Sd/-Asano Sekhose

NO.NBE- I 2/Ex -Mig/2024-25 / I I 52 Dated Kohima, the 26'r' April,2024

copy t
The Heads of Registered Institutions of NBSE
lor inlormation and necessarv action.
) Office copy.

74. q.'14"1
( Rang ing Nsarangbe )
ecre tary
Nagalanrl lJou'd of School Education
I Ippcr l]avavii, Kohinra - 797001
und no.oo'

Annexu re
List of member Boards/Councils of COBSE

1. Board ol Interrnediate Education. Andhra Pradesh.

2. Board olSecondary Education. Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada.
3. A.P Open School Society Govemment of Andhra Pradesh, Guntur.
4. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Guwahati.
5. lloard ol Secondary Education. Assam, Guwahati.
6. (a) Assarn Sanskrit lloard. Kahilipara, Guwahati.
(b) Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari, Assam.
7. Assam State Board Open School (ASOS.)
8. State Madrassa Education Board, Assam.
9. AMU Board of Secondary & Senior Secondary Education, Aligarh.
10. Bihar School Examination Board, Patna.
I I . Bihar Board of Open Schooling & Examination, Patna.
I 2. Bihar State Madrasa Education Board. Patna.
l3.llihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna.
14. Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan.
I 5. Bharitya Shiksha Board, Haridwar, Uttrakhand.
16. Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
I 7. Chhatisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Raipur.
18. Chhatisgarh State Open School. Raipur.
I 9. Chhatisgarh Sanskrit Vidyarnandalarn, Raipur.
20. Chhatisgarh Madrasa Board, Raipur.
2l. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.
22. Delhi Board of School Education, Patparganj, Delhi.
23. Dayalbagh Educational lnstitute (Deemed University), Agra.
2.1. Goa Board ol'Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Goa.
25. Board ofTechnical Education. Goa.
26. Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar.
27. Board olSchool Education, Haryana.
28.11.P. Board of School Education. Dharamshala.
29. J & K State Board ol School Education.
J0. Jammu & Kashmir State Open School.
31. Jharkhand Academic Council. Ranchi.
32. Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB). Bengaluru.
33. Kerala Board ol Public Bxamination, Thiruvananthapuram.
34. Kerala Board ol Higher Secondary Education, Thiruvananthapuram.
35. Board of Vocational Higher Secondary Education, Kerala.
36. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune.
37. Maharashtra State Board of Open Schooling.
38. Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal
39. M.P. Statc Open School Education Board, Bhopal.

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Nagaland Board ol- Sch<>ol Education
IIpper Bavavii, Kohinra -7970Ol

Maharshi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthan, Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh.

o,ro n.noo'

4l . l]oard of Secondary Education, Manipur.

42. Council of Higher Secondary Education. Manipur.
43. Meghalaya Board of School Education, Tura.
44. Mizoram Board of School Education, Aizawl.
45. Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima.
46. National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida.
,17. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha. Bhubaneshwar.
4tt. l]oard of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack.
49. Odisha State Board of Madarasa Education, Urdu Bhawan, Bhubaneswar.
50. I'unlab School Education Board, Mohali.
51. Iloard of Secondary Education Rajasthan.
52. l]oard ofOpen Schooling & Skill Education Sikkim
53.[{ajasthan State Open School, Jaipur.
54. Central Sanskrit University, New Delhi (Formerly Rastriya Sanskrit Sansthan).
55. State Board of Exarnination (Sec) & Board of Higher Secondary Examinations, Tamil
'l'elangana State Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad.
57. Board of Secondary Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad.
5tl.'felangana Open School Society, Hyderabad.
59. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Telangana State.
60.'l'ripura Board of Secondary Education, Agartala.
6 I . LJ.P. Board of High School & Intermediate Education, Prayagraj.
62. U.P. Board ofSecondary Sanskrit Education, Lucknow.
63. U.P. Board of Madrasa Education.
64. Board of School Education Uttarakhand. Nainital.
65. IJttarakhand Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad. Haridwar.
66. t.lttarakhand Madrasa Education Board. Dehradun.
67. (iurukula Kangri Vishrvavidyalaya (Deemed University), Haridwar.
68. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Kolkata.
69. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Kolkata.
70. West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, Kolkata.
'l'he West Bengal Council
7I. of Rabindra Open Schooling, Kolkata.
72. west Bengal State council ol rechnical & Vocational Education & skill
Development. Kolkata.
73. West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
74. National Testing Agency (NTA), New Delhi.
75..lamia Urdu Aligarh. U.P.
76. Sangai International University, Manipur.

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