Tools and Techniques For Failure Analysis and Qualification of MEMS

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Tools and Techniques for Failure Analysis and Qualification of MEMS

Conference Paper · January 2003

DOI: 10.1109/TEST.2003.1271068 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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1 author:

Jeremy A. Walraven
Sandia National Laboratories


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Tools and Techniques for Failure Analysis and Qualification of MEMS

Jeremy A. Walraven

Sandia National Laboratories. Albuquerque, NM USA

To properly assess the functionality of MEMS, the device

Abstract must be powered and operated. Visual characterization
Many of the tools and techniques used to evaluate and and inspection using tools and techniques such as optical,
characterize ICs can be applied to MEMS technology. In electron beam, and ion beam microscopy help assess how
this paper we discuss various tools and techniques used a device functions, the root cause of failure, and qualify a
to provide structural, chemical, and electrical analysis device for operation.
and how these data aid in qualifying MEMS
Conventional analytical techniques that are based on
optical beams, electron beams, or ion beams have proven
to be most useful in discerning the root cause of failure
1. Introduction and qualifying a device for application.
MEMS are a unique set of electronic devices where much
of the valuable information can be found by assessing the 2.1 Optical Microscopy
functionality of the device. To better understand a As a preliminary measure for evaluating MEMS devices,
MEMS device, knowledge and insight into how the bright field optical microscopy serves as an easy, cost-
device operates and what function it serves in the whole effective method for quickly determining the
system is critical. Analysis of MEMS falls in one of three functionality and integrity of a device. Optical
categories. These categoriesare: microscopy can provide an initial view of the device in
• Structural/mechanical regards to component design and geometry.

• Chemical/materials Other optical analysis methods such as dark field and

Nomarski-DIC can give a general overview of how
• Electrical MEMS components are oriented (tilted, flat, etc).
Proper analysis using structural, chemical, and electrical Optical microscopy in conjunction with electrical probing
characterization tools will aid in determining how the can yield information about device functionality and how
device operates, what its primary function is (electrical), the device interacts with other components on the die or
what materials systems are used to fabricate and/or coat in the system. This process is straightforward assuming
the structure (chemical), and how to assess the physical the MEMS component or levels of the MEMS component
geometries and how the MEMS device operates are unobstructed. Other methods can be used to
(structural) in the system. A variety of analytical tools structurally analyze MEMS covered by other features or
and techniques adapted to MEMS FA will be shown components (such as a capping layer or packaged die).
illustrating how they can be used to assess these devices. Electrical probing can be conducted on the bond pads, or
The same tools and techniques used to diagnose and special fixtures can be made to work with packaged
characterize ICs can be used to assess the functionality MEMS components to be powered and operated. These
and materials properties of MEMS. Many of these tools allow for dynamic analysis of the device, which helps in
and techniques have been described in previous reports repeating a failure mechanism in the laboratory as well
that focus on IC analysis. Since MEMS are constantly as surveying the device for qualification. An example of
changing, (i.e. developments in device design, fabrication a failed microengine (microgear with orthogonally
and application), the toolsets discussed in previous positioned electrostatic actuators) is shown in Fig. 1.
reports may be used in a different manner to assess Note the large quantity of worn material along the
MEMS. surface of the gear and the surface of the ground plane
directly underneath the structural material as well as a
2. Structural Analysis broken pin joint used to rotate the gear.


834 0-7803-8106-8/03 $17.00 Copyright 2003 IEEE
microturbine, microrelays and micropumps, is given in
a b [1].

2.2 Interferometry
Interferometry is a technique that uses a monochromatic,
coherent light source (typically a laser) projected onto a
sample. A Michelson interferometer uses a 547 nm
green light interference filter to analyze polysilicon
MEMS structures. Green light is weakly transmitted
through polysilicon, eliminating secondary fringes
caused by transmitted light reflecting from the device.
Interferometry is a particularly powerful tool used to
c measure mechanical properties (residual stress,
curvature, and Young’s modulus) [3]. This tool can also
be used to detect tilt or deflection of a sample. An
algorithm used to convert linescan intensity (fringes)
data along a device’s length into out-of-plane deflection
versus position data will detail how high a component is
deflected (within nm resolution) and at what angle the
component is. This particular aspect is important if the
degree of tilt a MEMS component is crucial to the
successful operation of the device.
As shown in Fig. 2, an interferogram of micromirrors
reveals local minima and maxima used to measure the
deflection of the gold-coated polysilicon micromirror
d used in this experiment. Note some mirrors are tiled at
higher angles than others. The variable tilt angles may
be attributed to material prohibiting the mirrors from
achieving full-tilt. For interferrometry to give reliable
results, the RMS roughness of the surface should be less
than the expected amount of deflection.


Fig. 1. a) worn material on the gear surface, b) broken

pin joint, c) focus on the ground plane exposing wear
debris, d) focus on the gear revealing more wear debris.

Observation into the motion of MEMS is indispensable

in evaluating their operation, measuring their resonance
frequencies, and their interaction with other components.
Many different systems designed to analyze in plane (2-
D) and out of plane (3-D) motion are available. Such
systems include: optical 3-D imaging methods based on Fig. 2. An interferogram of ten mirrors found in a
laser interferometry, Mirau interferometry, speckle, micromirror array. Note the difference in fringe count
micro-Moire, scanning laser Doppler velocimetry [1], and spacing along many of the mirrors. Fringe count
high-speed photomicrography, and the newest method of indicates out-of-plane deflection.
3-D imaging (DEEPVIEW) [2]. A comprehensive
overview, showing results on ink-jet printheads,
2.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy

Paper 33.2
SEM is a very useful tool for characterizing and can occur in IMEMS technology. Special care is taken to
diagnosing mechanical, electrical, and chemical image at low energies so that damage is minimized along
properties of MEMS components. The large depth of the CMOS regions. Examples of SEM analysis on
focus, high depth of field, wide range of magnifications, MEMS in static and dynamic states are shown in Figs. 3
and minimal sample preparation make this a technique of and 4.
choice for MEMS inspection and analysis.
Characterization of device geometries can be analyzed 2.4 Focused Ion Beam
with fine detail and structure. SEMs equipped with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) systems are extremely valuable
electrical feed through capabilities allow actuation of a tools used to analyze design layouts diagnose failure
device during examination. One drawback to using the mechanisms, and modify and/or repair structures in
SEM for MEMS analysis is the inability to see under MEMS [6-8]. FIB systems use a focused beam of Ga +
multiple layers of mechanical structures and inadvertent ions (typically 25 – 50 keV) for precise material removal
motion of devices that use electrostatic actuation signals. (by physical sputtering). The FIB provides the best
Having the ability to tilt and rotate samples to large method for producing clean cross sections of the area of
angles improves the ability to analyze MEMS interest in MEMS structures. Cross sections can be made
components and assess their functionality. Devices with of both large and small structures with submicron
large areas and tight tolerances are very difficult to accuracy. This is particularly important when
analyze and require other techniques to resolve lower information about lower level structures (or
levels obscured from view. substructures) is required without damaging the entire
Aside from structural analysis, SEM imaging is also device. The only region affected by the FIB process is the
useful for determining the electrical continuity of MEMS a
under static (unbiased) and operating (biased) conditions.
Static analysis can be performed for conventional
structural characterization as well as electrical analysis.
Electrical analysis under static conditions can be used to
determine if a device is electrically shorted or floating.
Dynamic analysis with appropriate electrical stimulus can
be used to assess the functionality of MEMS components.
By applying the proper electrical signals to the device,
Voltage Contrast [4] or Resistive Contrast Imaging [5]
techniques can be used to obtain electrical information
from the device, where they are powered, and what
function the powered components have. To determine
electrical continuity, proper electrical connections and
equipment are needed to operate the device. No special
sample preparation is required to perform electrical
analysis in the SEM. The only components required are
electrical connections and feed throughs as well as the
equipment needed to operate the device.
Other tools and techniques can be used in conjunction w/
SEM to provide localized chemical analysis (x-ray
microanalysis) and will be discussed in the chemical
characterization section of this paper.
Overall, SEM is a non-destructive imaging technique.
The electron beam can induce motion on MEMS driven
by electrostatic forces. However, MEMS devices can be

10 µm
operated after examination. Some carbon may be
deposited on the imaged surface (raster burn) locally
changing the surface properties. SEM can be destructive Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of a) a tilted mcirogear
on IMEMS technology. IMEMS are susceptible to enabling analysis of the hub and pin joint, and b) gap
damage through the CMOS circuitry. Typical SEM spacing of support springs suspended over the substrate.
damage to IC components (transistors, memories, etc.)

Paper 33.2
a Pin


Fig. 5. FIB cross section through a microgear revealing

the lower levels of a pin joint and hub.

systems can preferentially etch, and deposit material with

submicron accuracy. FIB systems have been used to
perform circuit modifications by deposition of a silicon
oxide insulator and tungsten or platinum metallization.
The same types of circuit modifications can be made in
MEMS technology to repair specific regions of the device
or to lock down and make a structure immobile. The
metal deposition capability allowed metal to be deposited
between the two regions and make the device functional.
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of a) a tilted actuator showing
The same process can be used to make a region non-
comb finger geometries and tolerances, and b) a MEMS
functional, to electrically or mechanically isolate discrete
microgear operated at 60 Hz in the SEM.
features of the device. Newer FIB systems have been
region where the ion beam is exposed, and in regions in developed with both ion and electron beam columns. The
close proximity where sputtered material can potentially addition of electron beam is used to image the cross
be redeposited. sectioned region, eliminating the effects of ion beam
induced damage during imaging. Other systems come
In MEMS, cross sections of mechanical components can
equipped with probers or plucking systems to electrically
be made without disturbing other regions of the device.
stimulate or remove lamella from the device.
In FIB processing, strategic regions can be preferentially
removed to allow inspection of lower level structures. Another advantage of FIB analysis of MEMS is electrical
Conventional cross-sectional analysis (potting, polishing, feed-through capabilities for dynamic testing,
etc.) of released MEMS is extremely difficult to achieve modification, and analysis. Packaged devices can be
without inducing failure and compromising the device. inserted into an electrical fixture in the FIB. Electrical
Fig. 5 shows a FIB cross section of a microgear revealing stimulation to the device during FIB analysis aids in
the lower levels of the hub and pin joint (connection analyzing different mechanical components by physically
between two orthogonal positioned actuators). These coupling and de-coupling them.
preferential FIB cuts can be performed along strategic
FIB processing offers many advantages for MEMS
regions of the device reducing the damage around other
analysis; preferential cross sectioning, material
MEMS components while examining all layers and
deposition, device repair and modification, electrical
structures in the region of interest.
stimulus, etc. One disadvantage of using FIB processing
Other functional aspects of the FIB system make it an for MEMS is the permanent affects of FIB processing on
extremely valuable tool for MEMS analysis. Most FIB the sample. Special care must be taken to ensure

Paper 33.2
sputtered material is not redeposited into critical microgear is shown in Fig. 6. Note the crystal structure
functional areas of the device. FIB analysis is also a of the gear, and the crystal structure of the thin film.
serial process. Considerable time and effort may be
Information obtained using this technique will identify
required for analysis of one sample. All other
the materials structure. This may provide insight into
information should be attempted before applying this
how the device was fabricated as well as special coatings
destructive technique.
used to improve or enhance functionality. Information on
surface coatings, bulk material, chemical
2.5 Transmission Electron Microscopy
makeup/composition, etc. can be obtained. This
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can be used to technique would be employed when materials properties
characterize the morphology, crystal structure, and aid in determining the function of the device. An
chemical composition (in conjunction with X-ray example of electron beam diffraction is shown in Fig. 7.
microanalysis) of MEMS structures. This technique will Here, a reference polysilicon MEMS structure (b) is
resolve grain structure, grain orientation, and grain size compared to material found adhered to the edges of a
of materials used to fabricate a MEMS device. Thin tested polysilicon MEMS device (a). The initial speckled
films deposited on MEMS can also be analyzed for
dimensional analysis and materials structure. The high-
energy electron beam penetrating through the sample can
be used to produce electron beam diffraction patterns.
Electron beam diffraction aids in determining the
crystalline structure of the sample in very localized areas. Tungsten
TEM is particularly powerful for MEMS analysis because
of its high magnification and diffraction capabilities, but
is under utilized because of sample preparation
difficulties associated with a released device. However,
other structural analysis tools such as the FIB greatly aid
the TEM sample preparation process.
TEM samples can be prepared in either plan-view or
cross-section. Either sample preparation method is Polysilicon 100 µm
difficult due to device motion during preparation. TEM
plan-view specimens can be prepared using a replica-
stripping technique. A thin section of poly-acetate film b
softened with a drop of acetone can be placed on the Tungsten
device then stripped to remove the MEMS component(s).
The parts are then coated with a thin carbon film and
transferred to a TEM specimen grid. The remaining
polyacetate film is dissolved with acetone, allowing the
MEMS components to rest on the carbon film supported
by the TEM specimen grid. Cross section TEM
specimens can be prepared using Gatan G-1 epoxy to
impregnate the device, or using the focused ion beam and
thinning from both directions. When using the epoxy
impregnation method, a glass slide is typically glued to
the surface to provide accurate measurements for cross-
sectioning the region of interest. This method is time Polysilicon
consuming and is destructive to the die. Cross sections
can be prepared using a FIB. This technique is relatively
straightforward; the region of interest is thinned down
from the front and back to ~ 100 nm. The sample is
removed using either a probe in the FIB to extract the
sample and place it on a TEM grid, or by using a glass Fig. 6. TEM cross sections of a) a tungsten coated
probe outside the FIB to remove the sample and place it polysilicon microgear, and b) a tungsten wear resistant
on a TEM grid. A TEM cross section of a released film deposited on silicon at high magnification. Note the
grain size in a) vs. the tungsten grain in b).

Paper 33.2
ring pattern is typical of polycrystalline material. The 3.1 X-ray Microanalysis (EDS and WDS)
diffraction pattern of the adhered material has a “halo- X-ray microanalysis measures the energy and intensity
like” structure indicative of amorphous (non-crystalline) distribution of X-ray signals generated by the electron
material. TEM is a destructive technique that requires beam striking the surface of the specimen. The elemental
considerable expertise, multiple samples, and access to a composition at a point, along a line, or in a defined area
TEM. The device would no longer be able to function can be easily determined to a high degree of precision
after TEM characterization. Techniques used in (0.1 – 0.5 wt.%) [4]. Typical systems are used in
conjunction with TEM include x-ray and electron beam conjunction with secondary or backscattered electron
microanalysis (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy imaging, transmission electron microscopy, and focused
‘EDS’, and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy ‘EELS’), ion beam imaging.
and electron beam diffraction. Microanalysis techniques
will be discussed in the chemical characterization section. Various x-ray microanalysis techniques include EDS
(Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), and WDS
Overall, TEM analysis of a MEMS component will offer (Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy). X-ray
insight into the materials properties and constituents used microanalysis can provide information on chemical
to fabricate and/or coat the device. compositions of surface coatings, foreign material, and
bulk materials used to fabricate MEMS devices.
3. Chemical Analysis Although both techniques are used to resolve
MEMS devices may have added materials processes to characteristic x-rays from the sample, WDS has more
improve device performance and functionality. Thin film sensitivity and higher resolution on the x-ray lines.
processes may be used to improve functionality by; Using EDS, the typical resolution as defined by FWHM
protection from wear, chemicals, harsh environments, (Full Width Half Maximum) is approximately 140 ev for
increased sensitivity to certain chemical species, Fe Ka. Using WDS crystal spectroscopy, the typical
increased surface conductivity and other properties. The resolution for Fe Ka. is approximately 6 ev. This high
deposition of these films may determine the overall resolution enables detection of close proximity X-ray
functionality of a MEMS device. Tools and techniques lines that EDS may not be able to separate. The
used to analyze materials can be used to assess these technique is slower than EDS but offers higher
films. However, for thin film technologies, tools and resolution. In some instances, multiple crystals are
techniques that are very sensitive to surface properties are needed for materials analysis, and analysis times may be
needed. This section will describe some of the tools and long.
techniques used to analyze the chemical constituents of EDS detectors consist of a solid state device that
thin films, materials contamination, foreign material, and discriminates between x-ray energies. The EDS detector
bulk materials used to fabricate a MEMS device. measures the number of emitted x-rays versus the energy

a b

Fig. 7. Electron beam diffraction patterns of a) an amorphous material deposited on polysilicon, and b)
polycrystalline silicon.
Paper 33.2
of the emitted x-ray. Although more limited in resolution into their elemental constituents. The particles removed
than WDS, EDS analysis is often faster than WDS. The from the surface (secondary ions) are accelerated into a
information obtained via EDS or WDS can be displayed tube and their mass is determined by measuring the exact
in either graphical form or as a compositional map. Both time at which they reach the detector. The exact masses
techniques can resolve heavy and light elements. Light can be calculated with such accuracy that particles with
elemental analysis is limited to Be or in many instances, the same nominal mass (e.g. Si and C2H4) are easily
C and N. X-ray microanalysis is a non-destructive distinguished from one another. The sensitivity and
technique. No special preparation is needed to perform accuracy of this technique make it the technique of choice
the analysis. Preparation may be required to reveal for surface analysis. Depth profiling of thin films, doping
specific regions within the device for analysis. levels, and foreign material are easily analyzed. This
technique is much more surface sensitive than most other
3.2 Auger Spectroscopy surface techniques, and will work on very thin anti-
Auger Electron Spectroscopy, is an electron beam stiction coatings such as self-assembled monolayers
technique used to perform qualitative and semi- (SAMS coatings) or a variety of wear resistant coatings
quantitative compositional analysis the surface of such as tungsten metallization, or amorphous diamond.
materials. The Auger technique is particularly powerful Although this technique physically removes material
for thin film analysis. A beam of energetic electrons, 3 to from the device, it may or may not impact the
25 keV, is used to eject a core level electron from atoms functionality (based on where the examination is
on the surface of the device. To release energy, those conducted). The area under analysis may have a small
atoms may emit Auger electrons from their induced pit bored into it but the device will still function
excited state. The energy of the Auger electron, specific mechanically.
to the atom from which it originated, is measured and the
quantity of Auger electrons is proportional to the 4. Electrical Analysis
concentration of the atoms on the surface. Auger electron Electrical analysis is usually performed at a probe station
spectroscopy can measure two-dimensional maps of with appropriate electrical stimulus equipment.
elements on a surface and elemental depth profiles when Electrical testing coupled with optical characterization
accompanied by ion sputtering. Initial Auger electron allow dynamic analysis of the device in question.
emission occurs within the first 3-30 Å (1 – 8 atomic Depending on the platform and/or parts available (die or
layers) from the surface. The addition of an ion sputter package) single or multiple devices can be tested in either
etch system, common to most modern Auger series or parallel. Other tools and techniques have been
Spectroscopy systems, allows the user to generate depth developed to provide a stimulus and diagnose the
profiles for interface and dopant profile analysis. response for failure analysis and defect localization.
For MEMS applications, Auger is extremely valuable in
determining the composition of surface material, 4.1 Thermally-Induced Voltage Alteration
contamination, or thin films. Auger analysis has been (TIVA)
used to determine what material is present along the The application of thermally-induced voltage alteration to
surface of a landing feature on various MEMS MEMS [9] presents some special opportunities for
components. In other areas, Auger was used to determine MEMS analysis. TIVA offers the capability of coupling
what lubricating films were used on a sample to reduce structural analysis using infrared light with electrical
stiction and improve reliability and performance. stimulus to identify functional features. TIVA is
particularly useful when MEMS components are covered
3.3 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) with materials transparent to IR but opaque to
SIMS yields compositional analysis of the sample with conventional optical analysis. This technique has proven
sensitivities in the ppm to ppb (atomic concentration quite useful on silicon based MEMS technology. TIVA
range). In most cases, the surface of the sample is has been used to identify electrical failure modes not
sputtered away by energetic ions and the compositional readily visible with electron or optical microscopy. IR
analysis of the material at the surface is collected. For analysis of a polysilicon device will reveal underlying
time-of-flight SIMS analysis, a pulsed ion beam (Cs or layers not visible with optical microscopy. The addition
microfocused Ga) removes molecules from the very of an electrical stimulus allows dynamic analysis of these
outermost surface of the sample. Material removal is underlying components without the removal of the
done with sufficiently low intensity to insure that the obstructing components (which would alter device
molecular chains emitted from the surface are not broken functionality).

Paper 33.2
To date, this technique has been utilized to identify swamping out the TIVA signals. Therefore, shorter
electrically failed regions in MEMS structures where wavelength lasers can be used for TIVA analysis and
powered components have been shorted. MEMS are offer improved spatial resolution and noise reduction.
particularly suited to this technique since most devices The improved spatial resolution can also be seen in the
are fabricated in an electrically open state. The reflected light images used for comparison.
environment surrounding the device acts as an insulator.
Thermally isolated structures get hotter than devices with 4.2 Resistive Contrast Imaging (RCI)
interconnects. The shorted regions act as thermocouples, Resistive Contrast Imaging (RCI) can be employed to
which provide the signal for TIVA analysis. By analyze a wide variety of MEMS technologies. This
monitoring the voltage (when held at constant current), technique performed in the SEM generates a relative
changes in the voltage of the power supply are analyzed resistance map between two test points of an IC or
and correlated to a reflected light image. As shown in MEMS device. If a resistance change occurs along a
Fig. 10, a reflected light image of a shorted electrostatic conductor linked to the test points, (such as an open
comb drive is compared to a TIVA image of the same conductor); the RCI image will display an abrupt contrast
area. The resolved failure mechanism was a bottom level change at the open site [8]. As illustrated in Fig. 11a and
comb finger shorted to the substrate. b, the SEM and RCI images show an RF MEMS switch
This technique is well suited to bulk and surface with the contact structure, bond pads, and actuation pads.
micromachined technologies that use silicon as the base By biasing across the two bond pads, the actuation pads
material. An added benefit of TIVA analysis for MEMS should have a continuous contrast as the bond pads if it is
is that most MEMS do not have active electrical junctions electrically active. As shown in Fig 11b, the actuation
in the immediate region i.e., no Si diffusions. With these pads should be at the same contrast level. The open
particular MEMS structures, there is no concern about actuator (right) shows no contrast. Further analysis
photocurrent (electron-hole pair recombination) effects revealed a break in the metal where it intersects the bond
pad. One drawback to using this technique is the
a information obtained from the sample is from the
material that interacts with the electron beam. Biased
areas that do not interact with the beam will not be
visible for RCI analysis.
5. Conclusions
Various tools and techniques are available for failure
analysis and device qualification at the structural,
chemical, and electrical analysis levels. Although many
of the tools and techniques described in this paper were
leveraged from the IC industry, several more tools and
techniques are needed to identify application specific
failure mechanisms. Non-destructive failure
identification is crucial in many MEMS components.
b Current analysis and characterization techniques are
destructive and require care to not compromise the failure
mechanism. Multi-functional analytical tools able to
operate several samples in parallel and extract structural,
chemical, and electrical information at the same time will
be required in the near future.
6. Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank Ingrid de Wolf (IMEC in
Belgium), and Brad Waterson (ADI) for their time,
efforts, and contributions to this document. The author
would also like to thank Jerry Soden (Sandia) for
reviewing this manuscript. The author would also like to
thank the microelectronics development laboratory at
Fig. 10. a) Reflected light and b) TIVA image using a 5 Sandia for their processing efforts. Sandia National
mW, 540 nm laser. A bottom level comb finger shorting
to the ground plane has been identified.
Paper 33.2
Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory operated by the Multilevel Interconnection Failure Analysis,”
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for Proceedings of IEEE VLSI Multilevel
the National Nuclear Safety Administration for the Interconnection Conference, pp. 176-182, 1989.
United States Department of Energy under Contract DE- [6] Peterson, K. A., Tangyunyong, P., Pimentel, A.,
AC04-94AL85000. For further information about “Failure Analysis of Surface-Micromachined
MEMS technology at Sandia, please visit our website at: Microengines”, Materials and Device Character-
http:\\ ization in Micromachining Symposium, SPIE
Proceedings, Santa Clara CA, 1998, Vol. 3512, pp.
7. References 190-200.
[1] Krehl P., Engemann S. Rembe C., Hofer E.P., [7] Peterson, K. A., Tangyunyong, P., and Barton, D.
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tool for microactuators – retrospect and prospect,” Mechanical Systems (MEMS)”, Proc. of ISTFA,
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[2] Barton, D. L., Walraven, J. A., Dowski, E. R. Jr., [8] Walraven, J. A., Headley, T. J., Campbell, A. N.,
Danz, R., Faulstich, A., Faltermeier, B., “Wavefront and Tanner, D. M., “Failure Analysis of Worn
Coded Imaging Systems for MEMS Analysis,” Surface Micromachined Microengines”, MEMS
Proc. of ISTFA pp. 295-303, 2002. Reliability for Critical and Space Applications,
[3] Jensen, B. D., de Boer, M. P., Masters, N. D., Proc. of SPIE, Santa Clara CA, 1999, Vol. 3880,
Bitsie, F., LaVan, D. A., “Interferometry of pp. 30-39.
Actuated Microcantilevers to Determine Material [9] Walraven, E. I. Cole Jr., E. I., and Tangyunyong,
Properties and Test Structure Nonidealities in P., “Failure Analysis of MEMS Using Thermally-
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2001, pp. 336-346. ISTFA Nov. 2000, pp. 489-496.
[4] Goldstein, I. J., Newbury, D. E., Echlin, P., Joy, D. [10] Cole Jr., E. I., “Resistive Contrasting Applied to
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[5] Cole Jr., E. I., “Resistive Contrasting Applied to

Actuation Pads Contrast change

Fig. 11. a) SEM image of an unbiased metal contact switch shows non-uniform contrast between the actuation
pads. b) RCI image of an unbiased device reveals the left actuation pad has electrical continuity to the anchor is
observed, while the right actuation pad is not electrically connected to the anchor.

Paper 33.2

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