Competency Based Learning Materials - OAP-UC-1

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Sector : Agriculture and Fishery

Organic Agriculture Production NC II

Qualification Title :

Unit of Competency : Raise Organic Chicken

Module Title : Raising organic chicken


Welcome to the module in Organic Agriculture Production NC II. This

module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to
complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome
are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, Operation Sheets and Job Sheets. Follow
these activities on your own. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask
your trainer/facilitator for assistance.
The goal of this course is the development of practical skills. To gain
these skills, you must learn basic components and terminology. For the most
part, you’ll get this information from the Information Sheets and TESDA
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required
competency, in Organic Agriculture Production NC II. A person who has
achieved this Qualification is competent to be:
 Organic Agriculture Farmer
 Organic Chicken Raiser
 Organic Hogs Raiser
 Organic Small Ruminants Raiser
 Organic Vegetables Farmer
 Organic Concoctions and Extracts Producer
 Organic Fertilizer Producer

This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and
skills in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with
minimum supervision or help from your instructor.

Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do things.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on
the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shifts.
This way you will improve both your speed and memory and also your
Use the self-check, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each
section to test your own progress.
When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your
Trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in
your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart.


No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Core Competencies
1. Raise organic chicken Raising organic chicken AGR61230
2. Produce organic Producing organic
vegetables vegetables
3. Produce organic fertilizer Producing organic AGR611301
4. Produce organic Producing organic AGR611302
concoctions and extracts concoctions and extracts
Elective Competencies
5. Raise organic hogs Raising organic hogs AGR612302
6. Raise organic small Raising organic small
ruminants ruminants


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to raise organic chicken
efficiently and effectively. It includes selecting
healthy stocks, determine suitable chicken
house requirements, install cage equipment,
feed chicken, manage health and growth of
chicken and harvesting activities.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Select healthy 1.1. Breed/strains breeds are identified as per PNS-Organic
stocks and Agriculture-Livestock and GAHP Guidelines
suitable 1.2. Healthy chicks are selected based on industry
housing acceptable indicator for healthy chicks.
1.3. Suitable site for chicken house are determined based on
PNS recommendations.
1.4. Chicken house design is prepared based PNS
1.5. House equipment installation design is prepared in line
with PNS recommendation and actual scenario.
2. Set-up cage 2.1. House equipment are installed in line with housing
equipment equipment installation design
2.2. Bedding materials are secured based on availability in
the locality
2.3. Bedding is prepared in accordance with housing
equipment housing design
2.4. Brooding facility is set-up in accordance with the
housing equipment installation design.
3. Feed chicken 3.1. Suitable feed materials are selected based on
availability in the locality and nutrient requirements of
3.2. Feed materials are prepared following enterprise
prescribed formulation
3.3. Animals are fed based on feeding management
3.4. Feeding is monitored following enterprise procedure
4. Grow and 4.1. Growth rate is monitored based on enterprise procedures
harvest 4.2. Health care program are implemented based on
chicken enterprise procedures
4.3. Sanitation and cleanliness program are implemented
based on enterprise procedure
4.4. Organic waste for fertilizer formulation are collected.
4.5. Suitable chicken for harvest are selected based on market
4.6. Production record is accomplished according to enterprise

Chicken is a domestic fowl bred for flesh and eggs, believed to have
been develop from red jungle fowl. Its scientific name is “Gallus domesticus”.
There are over 150 breeds of chicken that comes in various colors, pattern
and size.

The female chicken is called hen, the male is rooster, the young
chicken is chicks, and a group of chicken is called a flock. The young female
chicken is called pullet, while the young male chicken is called cockerel.

Rooster can usually differentiate from hens by their striking plumage,

marked by long flowing tails and bright pointed feathers on their neck. the
rooster is larger and more brightly colored than the hen. Rooster also has a
larger comb on top of his head. Rooster makes a very loud crowing sound
usually every morning but they can crow anytime of the day. Their loud shrill
is a territorial sign to another rooster. They can also be quiet, aggressive
birds. He lays egg that ranges in color from white to pale brown and other
pale colors depending on the breed.
Information Sheet 1.1

Philippine native chicken refutably best taste chicken compared to

other breeds. They are free range, grown naturally and feed on
weeds/grasses, corn, palay, vegetable trimmings, insect and earth worms. It
takes about 6 months to get a reasonable size to sell. These chickens are
inbreeded and consequently grown small. The chicken that we recommend
for growing are native chicken cross breed with the “ basilan origin “ and
some blood from Sasso. It can grow 1 (one) kilogram in weight within 60
days or less.

Philippine native chicken is the common fowl found in the backyard of
most rural households. It is a mixture of different breeds and believed to
have descended from the domesticated red jungle fowl. It is estimated
that 54% of the total chicken population of the country are Native
chicken (UPLB 2001) distributed as follows: Western Visayas 13. 32%,
Southern Mindanao 10.63%, Southern Tagalog 9.51%, Central Visayas
10.36%, Cagayan Valley 9.29%
Native Breeds:
 Paraoakan
 Darag
 Banaba
 Labuyo
 Joloanon/Asil

Foreign Breeds:
 Sasso
 Chinese Chicken
 Rhode Island
 White Leghorn
Information Sheet 1.2

Philippine National Standards (PNS) Salient Features on Raising Organic


Conversion Period
 Poultry intended for meat products should be organically reared after 21 days
from hatching.
 Layers should be organically reared 42 days before laying and throughout the
laying period.

Breeds and breeding

 Breeding goals are such that animal diversity should be maintained.
Indigenous or native breeds should be preserved and promoted.
 The use of artificial insemination techniques is allowed. But shall not use
segregated, separated or modified sperm.
 Breeding techniques that embryo transfer, genetic engineering, treatments
with reproductive hormones and semen sexing are not allowed.
 The use of genetically engineered species or breeds is not allowed.

Mutilations and animal identification

 Mutilations are prohibited but if it can improve welfare, health, or hygiene of
animals or for safety reasons, debeaking could be carried out by qualified
personnel who shall see to it that suffering of animals is reduced to a

Animal Nutrition
 The diet shall be offered to the animals in a form allowing them to execute
their natural feeding behavior.
 Supplementation of vitamins and minerals is allowed for as long as these are
obtained from natural sources.

Animal Health
 Health and well-being of animals must be ensured through preventative
animal husbandry practices.
 The well-being of the animals is superior in the choice of treatment.
 Natural remedies and complementary medical methods have first priority.
 Use of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes is not allowed however
vaccinations could be carried out with direct supervision of duly licensed
veterinarian with the condition of it is required legally or when an endemic
disease is known in a region.
 The use of steroids, other synthetic growth promoters or enhancers,
hormones, and substances of synthetic in origin is prohibited.

Information Sheet 1.3

Characteristics of desirable and undesirable strains for organic


Selecting good quality chicks

Quality chicks can be selected by looking their characteristics such as:
 dry and fluffy feathers,
 bright eyes,
 well-healed navels
 apparently active
 came from reputable source.
 healthy, active and free from deformities.

Characteristics of Good Quality Breeder Stocks

 No deformities
 Bright red comb (no discoloration and deformation)
 Dry Behind
 Agile, energetic, and alert
 Shiny feathers
 Dry and clean beak
 Bright eyes
The life span of chicken varies between 5 – 7 years although there
have been cases of chicken living 20 years or more.


 Chicken requires 24 – 26 hours to produce an egg. Thirty minutes

later, she starts all over again.
 Eggs age is more in one day at room temperature than in one week
in the refrigerator, so keep them in fridge.
 The egg shell may have as many as 17, tiny pores over its surface.
Through them, the eggs can absorb flavors and odors. Storing them
in the cartons helps keep them fresh.
 Egg yolk is one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D.
 Yolk colors depends on the diet of the hen. natural yellow – orange
to substance such as marigold petals maybe added to light colored
feeds to enhance colors. Artificial color additives are not permitted.
 Occasionally, hen will produce double yoked eggs throughout her
egg laying career, it is rare, but not usual, for a young hen to
produce an egg with no yolk at all.

Layer egg classification

Extra-large (XL) 62 grams up
Large (L) 55 – 61 grams
Medium (M) 48 – 54 grams
Small (S) 41 – 47 grams
Peewee Below 41 grams

Chicken egg classification

Good eggs This includes cleaned and free
from any stain / dirt.
Reject eggs Cracked, off-shaped, off- size,
heavily/partially soiled and wet

Stages of Development:
1. Incubation 21-22 days
2. Brooding 21 days
3. Hardening 7 days
4. Free-range to harvest 75 days

Information Sheet 1.4

Poultry Housing Management

Birds should be properly housed to provide comfort and protection for

efficient production. In planning the structures and equipment needed for

poultry production, certain factors must be taken into account. the

chicken house must be constructed with local materials, preferably

cheaper but sturdy enough to protect them. Good ventilation is necessary

for the growth of chicken. In natural farming, odor is tolerable because of

the bedding materials that includes microorganism which suppress the

growth of non-beneficial micro-organism that is responsible of the bad

Chicken house design


Space Requirement
 For organic free-range chicken, the space requirement is three (3)
heads per sq.m. to ensure enough space for the movement of
chicken and promote their faster growth and development.

The following measures will help in achieving suitable house

temperature and ventilation
1. Longitudinal axis of poultry houses should be on an east-west
orientation to avoid as much direct sunlight as possible inside the
2. Poultry houses with natural ventilation should be no more than 10
meters in width for efficient air movement.
3. Distance between poultry houses should be at least equivalent to
width of the building to allow free air circulation.
4. Roof eaves should be no less than 2.5 meters from floor level to reduce
solar heat that would reach the birds.
5. Roof overhang of 1.5 meters should be provided to increase shaded
area of the poultry house and to protect inside of building from driving
6. Roof should have a minimum slope of 35% to enhance air movement
inside poultry house.
7. Roof monitor or ventilators are very useful in allowing exist of hot air.
However, these should be constructed to exclude entry of rain.
8. Shade trees can be planted around poultry houses to increase shaded
area. These trees, however, should not obstruct natural ventilation.
9. Reflective light-color paint can be applied on the roof to help reduce
solar heat.
10. Use of roofing materials such as aluminum, asbestos or nipa.
11. Installation of sprinklers on rooftop to spray water during
12. Blowers or fans can be installed inside poultry house

Information Sheet 1.5

Culling Parameters

- Removing of the undesirable and unproductive/profitable birds
in the stocks.

Things to do during disease outbreak

 Isolate affected birds
 Implement biosecurity measures in the farm
 Review the medication program
 Consult organic expert
Things to do in case of cannibalism
 Separate the injured birds and treat the wound with organic anti-peck

Cannibalism can be controlled by:

 Identifying its causes
 Giving rations containing the right quantity and quality of protein
 Providing birds with adequate floor, feed and drinking spaces
 Maintaining the recommended temperature and proper ventilation
 Providing adequate light in the pen
 Debeaking chicks accurately at recommended age

Procedures in waste management and dead chicken disposal

-Follow strictly the environmental requirements and municipal law and
regulation as well as industry requirements such as:
 Identify and segregate biodegradable, recyclable, and non-
 Biodegradable such as waste of birds can be used for organic fertilizer
 Dead birds must be buried at least 6 feet below the ground
 Recyclable materials can be sold

Procedure in putting up a poultry farm

The success of organic poultry production enterprise depends not only on the
financial resources of the entrepreneur but also on the application of
technology during the various phases of production. The following must be
 Personal qualification and capabilities
 Availability of resources
 Supply of good stocks
 Constant supply of other farm inputs
 Market assurance
 Transportation facilities
 Site of the farm
 Compliance to local zoning

The traditional way of broodings allows the hen to naturally nurture her
chicks. The hen provides the needed heat to the chicks from her body.
Also, the chicks allow to tag along the hen to look for food.
When a hen hatched only a few eggs, put the newly hatched chicks
together with other newly hatched chicks of another hen.

Encourage the hen to resume laying eggs by separating the newly

hatched chicks from the hen. The native chicks can now be artificially

The biggest mortality comes from day 1 to day 20 of the chick’s life
cycle. Utmost care should be afforded to the chicks within this time
heating medium is needed. Electric bulb maybe used to or a can of
lighted charcoal can be a substitute, depending on what is available and
cheaper cost at the farm. fine mesh is necessary for chicks to secure
them from mosquitoes, and other pest that may attack them. Beddings of
the chicken must be provided, preferably elevated from the ground.
Observe the behavior of the chicks as it is the good indicator of brooding

Provide the chicks with local feeds during brooding. After a period of 3-
4 weeks of artificial brooding, gradually allow the chicks to forage and
trained them to look for their own food in the range.
Brooding Temperature
Age of chicks (days) Temperature (Celsius )
1–7 32.2 – 35.0
8 – 14 29.4 – 32.2
14 – 21 26.7 – 29.4

Factors to Successful brooding

 Proper temperature. In the absence of the thermometer, the
behavior of chicks in the brooder can be used as a practical guide
in determining whether the temperature inside the brooder
compartment is adequate or not. When the temperature is proper,
chicks are evenly distributed in the brooding area doing varied
activities such as feeding drinking, sleeping and playing. When the
temperature is lower than what the chicks need, they huddle to
each other, stay together near to the source of heat and produce
an unusual chirping sound. When the temperature is extremely low,
chicks pile on top of one another causing high incidence of
mortality due to suffocation. When the temperature is higher than
what the chicks need, they move away from the source of heat and
spread their wings, pant and drink a lot of water.
 Adequate space allowance. Provide chicks with adequate floor,
feeding and drinking space allowances
 Proper ventilation. Make sure that the chicks have adequate
supply of fresh oxygen.
 Proper sanitation. Cleanliness and dryness of the brooding
quarters. Remember, “Good sanitation is the best preventive
measure against diseases”.
 Adequate lighting facilities. The presence of light in the brooder
encourages the chicks to keep close to the sources of heat and help
them locate the feeder and waterer.

Information Sheet 1.7

Principles of feeding

The chicken should be provided with proper nutrition and water ration
every day. At 21 days old, chicks are strong enough to stay on the
ground and ready for range. Chicken house should be kept clean
including the facilities, like feeding and water troughs. Weak and sick
birds must be confined in separate compartments to avoid contamination
and food competition. Add FAA, FPJ, FFJ, OHN in birds’ food. Spray
LABS/IMO in birds’ beddings to maintain tolerable odor and enrich the
colony of beneficial micro-organism in the vicinity. The chicks are
expected to be harvested after 60 days with an average weight of 1


 Proper nutrition is essential in keeping the birds healthy and
 Let the birds loose in the range to allow them to access to natural
feeds like worms, grains, insects and other sources.
 Practice supplementation with high energy feed stuff like corn, palay
and grated coconut and farm mixed formulation. This will give the
chicken the energy source that they rarely found in the field.
 The supplement feedstuff can be made available in the house early in
the morning, before the birds are allowed to free range and in the
afternoon to developed their homing instinct.
 Provides clean and fresh water to the birds every day.
 Bamboo poles split in half can be used as feeders and waterers.
 Keep in mind the proper design and size of feeders to minimized feeds

Feed Types and Nutrient Content

Protein Lipids/ Carbohydrate Vitamin Minerals
Fats s s
Starter 35% 8% 50% 2% 5%
Grower 25% 8% 60% 2% 5%
Finisher 18% 15% 60% 2% 5%

Amount of Feed Intake

Animal Age Kinds/Types of Feeds Amount of Feeds
01 – 07 days Chick booster 11-12 grams/chick
08 – 14 days Chick booster 15-16
15 – 21 days Chick starter 24-25
22 – 28 days Chick starter 36-37
29 – 35 days Grower mash 56-57
36 – 42 days Grower mash 70-71
43 – 49 days Finisher mash 76-77
50 – 56 days Finisher mash 85-86

Nutrient source
1. Protein - Animal, Plant source, Fish meal.
2. Lipids / fats - Copra meal
3. Carbohydrates - Corn / Rice bran
4. Vitamins - FPJ, FFJ, FAA
5. Minerals - salt, CRH, soil

1. Mash
2. Pellets
3. Crumbles

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