Speaking B2
Speaking B2
Speaking B2
presentarsi e parlare di sé
iniziare una conversazione
esprimere una opinione
dichiarare gradimento o dire cosa non ci piace
affermare o negare una informazione
esprimere soddisfazione, fare le congratulazioni
mostrare accordo o disaccordo
fare inviti, accettare o declinare inviti
esprimere dubbi
dare consigli
organizzare un lungo discorso
chiedere il permesso
lamentarsi o gestire un reclamo
fare confronti
chiedere e dare consigli
What is the best way to spend your free time if you have unlimited resources?
Are you good at organising your time to get lots of things done?
What are your future plans when you finish your studies?
How has your life changed over the last few years and why?
Where do you think you will be, and what will you be doing in 20 years time?
Are there any foods that you try to avoid eating because they are unhealthy?
Do you enjoy trying unusual food or do you stick to the same foods?
If you could open your own foreign restaurant in your city, what would it be like?
How can you avoid getting ill when the weather is bad?
Would you ever go to the doctor even though you didn´t feel ill?
Do you and your friends have a lot in common and agree on things?
What is the most memorable thing that you have done in your life?
Do you prefer to spend time alone or share experiences with other people?
Tell me a little about your oldest friend. (known for the longest time)
The environment
Do you think that there will be a problem with clean water in your country?
What do you actually do to help the environment in your local area? explain.
Do you, your friends or your family recycle plastic, paper and glass?
What are the main environmental issues affecting your country at the moment?
What kind of animals and plants live in the area in which you live?
Are there any parts of this country that are more dangerous than others? Why?
Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?
Are there any brands of clothing that you would never wear?