The Other Side of Death
The Other Side of Death
The Other Side of Death
Carlyle B. Haynes
Author of “Our Lord’s Return,” “The Christian Sabbath,” and “Spiritualism versus Christianity.”
The Other Side Of Death
The Other Side Of Death
knowledge and understanding. The veil of the future has been tom aside and its secrets revealed by men
who have spoken as “they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”
Shall we “turn away from him that speaks from heaven,” and go to the uncertain and dubious
oracles of earth for the wisdom for which we are seeking? Not so! Let us subordinate human speculation
and all the theories of men to his authoritative teaching in which he has spoken so clearly and emphatically
concerning this subject.
To the Bible we turn. We will call no man master or teacher. We will pass by the oracles of
paganism. And turning from the foolish babbles of a philosophy falsely so called, we take our place at the
feet of the eternal Teacher to receive from him the words of everlasting life. All our differences he Shall
decide. All our difficulties he must settle. All our problems he must solve. Determined to strictly abide by
the unalterable decisions of his Word, we shall care, fully and reverently examine its teachings.
The sole occurrence of the term “Immortal” in the Bible is in 1 Timothy 1:17, which reads: “Now
unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be horror and glory forever and ever.” Here
the eternal King, “the only wise God,” is said to be immortal. He is the only being who, in the Bible, is ever
said to be immortal, for the Scriptures do not use this word again.
The words “soul” and “spirit” occur in the Bible approximately nine hundred and fifteen times,
and never once is the term “immortal” connected with either of them. The writers of the Bible had nine
hundred and fifteen opportunities to inform us that the soul is immortal, but never did so. Surely this is a
very significant fact that must not be overlooked.
The teaching of the verse just quoted will he accepted by all. No one will question the immortality
of God. All admit this. He is “eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God.” These are the attributes of
God. The word “immortal” is used with reference to no other being. Man is never called immortal in the
Bible. The soul of man is never called immortal. The spirit of man is never said to be immortal. Indeed, the
exact opposite is constantly affirmed throughout the Scriptures.
Instead of the Bible being “full of the teaching of the immortality of the soul,” as the adherents of
that doctrine confidently assert, God has thought it of more importance to set forth to men his own
immortality. Wherever in the universe life is manifested, of whatever kind, he is the fountain of it. “In him
we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:28. Absolute and essential existence, and therefore
absolute and essential immortality, is the attribute of God, and of God alone.
It is this, indeed, that he claims as his name, “I AM” - the self existing One, “the first and the last,”
“the beginning and the ending,” “which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” He is
uncreated, self-existent, eternal, immortal. His existence had no beginning. Neither will it have any ending.
He is absolute life, absolute being, absolute existence, absolute immortality. And there is no other.
Man Is Transitory
It is just on this point of his eternity and self-existence that God contrasts himself with man whose
life is but “a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.” “I even I, am He, and there is no
god with me: I kill, and I make alive. Neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. For I lift up my
hand to heaven, And say, I live forever.” Deuteronomy 32: 39, 40. He is Jehovah, “the Ever living, the
Eternal God. “The Everlasting Father,” or “Father of Eternity,” whose years “have no end.” “Who lived
forever and ever.” “The Lord Shall endure forever.”
Is weak and puny man also able to say, I, too, live forever? The immortality and eternity of God is
affirmed in every part of the Bible. The immortality of man is not mentioned or even hinted at. Now, is the
immortality of man so much more obvious than that of God that there is no need of mentioning it, while
God’s immortality must be constantly affirmed? Or is not this constant assertion of the immortality of God
and the absence of all similar assertion of the immortality of man in the Bible rather for the specific
purpose of showing a contrast between God and man in respect to immortality? God is infinite. Man is
finite. God is immortal. Man is mortal. God is eternal. Man is transitory. God has immortality in himself.
Man has none in himself, and his only hope of living forever is dependent therefore, or conditional, upon
union with God through Christ our Savior, who has promised eternal life to all who believe on him as their
One of the chief objects of the Bible, indeed, seems to be to reveal to men that their life is brief,
vapory, shadowy, transitory. It does this in the very plainest terms. Not only does the Bible not call man
immortal, or ever-living, or eternal, but it emphatically declares him to he the opposite. He is said to be
“mortal” in Job 4:17; Romans 6: 12; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:53,54; and 2 Corinthians 4:11. In
James 4:14, his life is said to be “even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.” His
The Other Side Of Death
life is said to be a “wind” in Job 7:7, and Psalm 78: 39 says that “they were but flesh; a wind that passes
away, and comes not again.” In Psalm 90:5,6, men are said to be “asleep: in the morning they are like grass
which grows up. In the morning it flourishes, and grows up; in the evening it is cut down, and withers.”
“He comes forth like a flower, and is cut down. He flees also as a shadow, and continues not.” Job 14:2.
“All flesh is grass, and all the goodness thereof is as the flower of the field: the grass withers, the flower
fades: surely the people is grass.” Isaiah 40:6,7.
Life Is Conditional
This principle can be seen in nature as well as in revelation. It rested entirely with God, of course,
whether he should make man mortal or immortal. He could, without doubt, have given all his creatures
assurance of living forever irrespective of conditions or circumstances, whether they should preserve their
first estate or fall from it, whether they should rise to heaven or sink to hell, whether they should continue
holy and consequently be blessed, or fall into sin and therefore be wretched, whether they should obey him
or disobey him. No one can affirm, however, that he did give any such assurance. Divine revelation, reason,
and nature teach the contrary. Everything in nature comes to certain ruin unless it preserves its normal
condition or is restored to it. In the very nature of things, purity and blessedness are necessary to a
continued existence. Life is conditional. Conditions and circumstances which tend to death must be avoided
if life is to continue. Like the disease of leprosy, to which it is compared in the Bible, there is something in
the nature of sin which will inevitably, unless eradicated, bring to utter ruin the soul into which it has
entered. “Sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.”
From what has been said it seems clear that there is but one unconditional, independent existence
in the universe. Self-existence is the peculiar attribute of God. The source of all life is in him. It follows,
therefore, that the life of every creature, no matter how high or low, depends solely on God’s power and
will, or, in other words is conditional life.
That God alone is immortal, and that man in his natural, fallen condition is mortal can be seen by
considering some of the innumerable passages of the Bible which declare that the life of man is a
perishable, transitory thing. In Job such expressions as the following frequently occur: “How oft is the
candle of the wicked put out.” “They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carries
away.” “They shall lie down alike in the dust, and the worms shall cover them.” “The wicked is reserved to
the day of destruction.” “By the blast of God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they
consumed.” “All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.”
The Other Side Of Death
find such expressions as: “The soul that sins, it shall die”; “the destruction of the transgressors and of the
sinners shall he together, and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed.” “they shall be as nothing; and
they that strive with thee shall perish.” Finally we come to the words of Malachi at the very close of the
Old Testament: “Behold, the day comes, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do
wickedly, shall be stubble. And the day that comes shall burn them up, said the Lord of hosts, that it shall
leave them neither root nor branch.”
And in the New Testament we find the same teaching that the life which man has is transitory and
perishable: “Suppose you that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered
such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” Luke 13:2,3. “For God
so loved the world, that he gave hie; only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. “Thy money perish with thee.” Acts 8:20. “For as many as have
sinned without law shall also perish without law.” Romans 2:12. “If Christ be not raised . . . then they also
which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.” (That is, if Christ had not been raised, the death of all would
have been final.) 1 Corinthians 15:17,18. “By nature the children Of wrath.” Ephesians 2:3. “Whose end is
destruction.” Philippians 3:19. “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction.” 2 Thessalonians 1:9.
“But these, as natural brute beasts, made to he taken and destroyed and shall utterly perish.” 2 Peter 2: 12.
If these expressions are not sufficient to prove the uniform teaching of the Bible that God alone is
immortal and that man is mortal, then words cannot be put together in the English language which will
prove it. If those who read these expressions do not have their minds disabused of the theory of the natural
immortality of all men, then it is impossible to disabuse their minds of it, for it is impossible to frame
words which will be more clear or more powerful to teach the opposite of that theory than the ones which
have been selected by God himself.
IN THIS chapter we shall study every passage of the Scriptures which contains the term
“immortality,” in the expectation that by so doing we shall come to a full knowledge of the teaching of the
Bible on this subject.
In the Scriptures immortality is never affirmed of mankind. That is, it is never stated in the Bible
that man possesses in himself, inherently, the attribute of immortality. On the contrary, the uniform
teaching of the Bible is that man is mortal. It is not denied, however, that he is capable of immortality. The
Bible clearly teaches that under certain conditions the gift of immortality may be conferred upon men.
The first text which contains this term is 1 Timothy 6: 13,16: “I give thee charge in the sight of
God, who quickens all things, and before Christ Jesus. That thou keep this commandment without spot, not
rebuked, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed
and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Who only bath immortality, dwelling in the light
which no man can approach unto; whom no man bath seen nor can see.”
If the plain testimony of this verse is accepted, the whole question as to whether mankind
possesses immortality is at once settled, for here is the plain, bold statement of fact that God “only bath
immortality.” There is no vagueness about this, no indefiniteness, nor is there anything left to the
imagination of those who may believe the opposite. There is really nothing to be perverted. The sense is so
clear as to make a twisting of its meaning impossible. In fact, no other words in the English language could
be put together in any different way to make the thought any clearer than these words make it that God
alone in all the universe has immortality.
The verse quoted above not only establishes who has immortality, but also who does not have it. If
God “only has immortality,” it follows that we do not have it, for if we did this statement would not be true.
If the theory of the natural immortality of all men is true, then the statement that God “only bath
immortality” could never truthfully be made. Being made, and made by God himself, it is settled forever
that the theory of inherent human immortality is not true.
The fact being established that the attribute of immortality is the possession of God alone, the
question at once arises, Is it then impossible for men ever to secure this precious gift? God has given to
men many great and precious promises. Has he said anything upon which we can base a hope of having
immortality conferred upon us at any time? Surely this is a question of vital importance.
The Other Side Of Death
The Other Side Of Death
And with this passage we have completed our task. The term “immortality” is used in no other
place in the Bible. It occurs but five times, and we have carefully studied each verse in which it is used.
While the words “soul” and “spirit” occur hundreds of times in the Scriptures, the word immortality is
never coupled with either of them. We have found, then, in the only verses where the attribute of
immortality is mentioned, that the Scriptures never affirm the natural immortality of all men, never affirm
that the soul has immortality, that the spirit has immortality, never teach that it is the birthright of all men.
On the contrary, we have found the Scripture teaching clearly: First, that God alone possesses
immortality; second, that men are, or should be, seekers for it; third, that, if seeking for it. They can find it
in the gospel; and fourth, that if they secure it -through the gospel,” it will not then be conferred upon them
until “the last trump.” or at the time of the resurrection. Surely there is no reason for any one to be in
ignorance or doubt concerning this subject when the Bible so clearly sets forth the truth.
The Other Side Of Death
shall return to God “who gave it.” We are referred back to the time of creation in order that we may know
what the condition of man in death is.
Returning to the time of creation we find this clear, simple, and brief account of the creation of
man in Genesis 2: 7: “And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul.” Here we find the method used by the Creator to
bring man into existence.
First he formed the man, and the material he used was “the dust of the ground.” Then he breathed
into that lifeless form “the breath of life.” As a result, the “man became a living soul.” It is not a
complicated matter, but a very simple procedure.
An analysis of this verse will reveal a number of very significant things. “The Lord God formed
man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
The materials chosen by God of which to make man were not superior in any way to the materials
of which he had previously made other earthly creatures and things. These also were made “of the dust of
the ground.”
It appears from this passage also that the first man was fully created and completed, as far as his
physical form was concerned, before he began to live. “God formed man of the dust of the ground.”
After he was completely formed there lacked nothing of making him a living man or “living soul”
but “the breath of life.” When this was breathed into him by his Maker, the “man became a living soul.”
This “breath of life” is that which man breathes in common with all other animals. This breath is
represented as having been given to the beasts as well as to man, and therefore the beasts are also said to be
“living souls”, Genesis 1: 30, margin; Revelation 16: 3; Genesis 7: 22. In Dr. Lange’s Commentary, under
1 Corinthians 15:45, these remarks are made: “The expression ‘living soul,’ as used in Genesis is often
taken to indicate an order of being superior to the brute, and is the text of many an argument to prove the
immortality of the soul. The incorrectness of this assumption will be readily seen by referring to Genesis
1:20,21,24, and elsewhere, in which passages the words translated ‘living soul’ are applied also to the
entire lower creation. They are used indifferently of man and beast to express animal life in general. And it
is in this very light the apostle uses them, as the course of his argument shows. Adam is spoken of as a
living soul, not to prove his immortality, but rather his mortality.”
It should also be noticed that there is no record in this verse that God thrust a living soul into this
lifeless body. Nor is it said that he created a living soul within the body as something apart from it. It is said
only that as a result of the breathing into his nostrils the breath of life, the man, the whole man, became a
living soul. The sense in which this term “soul” has come to be used, as a spiritual essence which can live
apart from the body, is not known or taught in the Scriptures.
The Other Side Of Death
Scriptural Teaching
And this is not merely a personal theory. This is just what the Scriptures say. “Thou sends forth
thy spirit [Hebrew ruach breath], they are created.” Psalm 104: 30. “Thou takes away their breath [the same
word, ruach], they die, and return to their dust.” Verse 29.
And again: “His breath [ruach] goes forth, he returns to his earth; in that very day his thoughts
perish.” His consciousness is gone. Psalm 146:4.
And again: “For that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts; even one thing befalls them: as
the one dies, so dies the other; yea, they have all one breath [ruach]; so that in this respect man has no
preeminence above a beast.” Ecclesiastes 3: 19.
That breath and spirit are the same will also be seen by reading Job 27:3: “All the while my breath
is in me, and the spirit of God [margin, the breath which God gave him) is in my nostrils.” And Job 33:4:
“The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” Read also the first
fourteen verses of the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel.
How clear it is that our dependence is in God alone for life. We have no life of our own; we cannot
exist unless God gives-us life.
DEATH is not a modification of life. Death is not a continuation of life in changed conditions.
Death is not a release into a fuller life. Death is not life in misery. Death is not life in happiness. Death is
not life at all, in any condition whether good or bad. To die is not to live. To die is to stop living. Death is a
complete cessation of life.
Death does not mean to go to heaven. Death does not mean to go to hell. Death does not mean to
go to purgatory. Death does not mean to go anywhere. Death means an end of life. When a person dies he
does not live somewhere else, in heaven, hell, or purgatory. He does not live at all, in any condition
whatsoever. He is dead. And when a person is dead he is not alive.
In death there is no life. The soul does not live. The spirit does not live. There is no intelligence,
no consciousness, no memory. All that composed the man is gone. Nothing that is here said is to be
interpreted as meaning that there will be no future life. There will be a future life. But this future life is not
The Other Side Of Death
a continuation of the life that now is. It is entirely a new life, another life. And it begins, not at the time of
death, but at the time of the resurrection from death.
The Other Side Of Death
seeks to teach.
And their love has ceased. While in life the love of a mother may have centered in an only child,
yet when she dies her love “is now perished”; nor does she, or her spirit, return to hover over the object of
her affections, for in death there is no love. Nor does hatred continue in death. Hatred also perishes there, as
does envy. And with anything that is transpiring in all the earth the dead have nothing at all to do. “Neither
have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.” They are unconscious of all
that is taking place.
How impossible it would be for any of God’s people ever to be deluded by the lying claims of
Spiritualism if these plain statements of truth were believed! How impossible for any to be deceived by so
called spirits of the dead if the great truth of man’s unconsciousness in death, so plainly stated in this
passage, were confidently accepted! Nothing is known by the dead of the passing of the years or of the
condition and circumstances of loved ones. “His [the dead man’s] sons come to honor, and he knows it not;
and they are brought low, but he perceives it not of them.” Job 14: 21.
Death a Sleep
In the Bible death is given a name which stands for unconsciousness. It is called a “sleep.” Thus in
Psalm 13:3: “Consider and hear me, 0 Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.”
Death is a period of unconsciousness, a sleep, from which all will be awakened at the resurrection.
Christ agrees with David that death is a sleep. In John 11:11-14, we have this record: “These
things said he: and after that he said unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleeps; but I go, that I may awake him
out of sleep. Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spoke of his death:
but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep. Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is
Paul agrees with both David and Christ that death is a sleep. In 1 Corinthians 15:6, he says: “After
that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present,
but some are fallen asleep.” And in 1 Thessalonians 4: 13, he says: “But I would not have you to be
ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no
Daniel agrees with David, Christ, and Paul that death is a sleep. In Daniel 12:2, he speaks of the
dead as follows: “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life,
and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” At death, then, one lies down to sleep; at the resurrection he
is awakened. Between death and the resurrection there is an unconscious sleep.
Luke agrees with these other inspired writers that death is a sleep. In recording the death of
Stephen, in Acts 7: 60 he says, “And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to
their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.”
David, the man after God’s own heart, instead of being at the present time in heaven, as the theory
of the immortality of the soul would teach, is in his grave sleeping. This is clearly stated by Paul in a
sermon at Antioch in Pisidia as recorded by Luke in Acts 13: 36: “For David, after he had served his own
generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers [in the gravel, and saw
The Other Side Of Death
down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof
wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; yet through the scent of water it will bud, and
bring forth boughs like a plant. And now man is contrasted with the tree: “But man dies, and wastes away:
yea, man gives up the ghost, and where is he?” And Job answers his own question by saying, “As the
waters fail from the sea, and the flood decays and dries up; so man lies down and rises not: till the heavens
be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.”
From this it is plain that until the day of the resurrection, the day when the heavens shall depart as
a scroll (Revelation 6:14), those who are dead will continue in unconscious sleep. Job then exclaims, “0
that thou would hide me in the grave, that thou would keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou
would appoint me a set time, and remember me!” Notice the expressions: “Hide me in the grave keep me
secret.” They are descriptive of death.
Having answered this question job now propounds another: “If a man die, shall he live again?”
And again he replies: “All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shall call,
and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of your hands.”
The Other Side Of Death
delusion of the father of lies. Spiritualism is one of the fruits of the doctrine of the natural immortality of
the soul.
The belief of our Catholic friends in purgatory rests upon the same foundation, the conscious state
of the dead. If the falsehood of Satan were not believed in the place of the truth of the Bible, no one could
ever accept the teaching of purgatory, and no me therefore could ever he deceived into paying money in
order that the souls of their loved ones might he prayed out of purgatory.
The errors of Universalism and Restorationism may also be charged to this false doctrine of the
immortality of the soul, for they have come into existence because of a reaction against the terrible belief in
eternal torment, which is a necessary result of believing in natural immortality.
Fosters Infidelity
And this doctrine has greatly hindered the progress of the gospel by fostering infidelity and
skepticism, for such a doctrine as eternal misery and torment drives men away from the gospel instead of
winning them to it.
For it follows as a necessary corollary to the doctrine of natural immortality that sin, having once
gained a foothold in this earth, can never be expelled or exterminated, and those who refuse to accept the
gospel of Christ but continue in sin, being immortal, must ever continue in sin and misery and torment, God
himself being unable to blot them out because of their immortality.
Thus has been born the baneful error of everlasting torment, the teaching that the fires of the last
day, which are intended to purge this earth of sin and sinners forever, will rather perpetuate sin and sinners
forever. For having once been started to feed upon immortal souls and finding them indestructible, these
fires must rage on forever, not to devour and consume, but only to torment the miserable victims upon
whom they are ceaselessly preying. Therefore, this theory teaches us that so long as the righteous live in
heaven the wicked will be tormented in hell, and that throughout all the future ages holiness and sin,
happiness and misery, praises and curses, and life and death will run parallel with each other.
An Appalling Belief
Accepting this view many believe that heaven will resound with the songs of the ransomed while
in hell are echoing the curses and groans of the damned through all future ages. That the time can never
come when the love of God, the wisdom and almighty power of God will have so successfully triumphed
over the works of the devil as to have destroyed them utterly, nor over death and hell as to have destroyed
them; that the justice of God will never have so satisfied itself by the suffering of the lost as to permit them
to expire. That the foundations of his government can never be so secure, and the loyalty of his children so
assured that this awful exhibition of his wrath, rolling up like the smoke of a furnace forever, can be
permitted to stop.
But when intelligent, thinking men stop to consider all that is involved in the fact of suffering that
is absolutely endless, what it must mean for creatures just like themselves to writhe and toss in billows of
flame without dying forever and ever or without the least possible hope of relief, and that countless
millions have already sunk into this place of torment and are being followed by great multitudes every day,
and when they take in the thought that this means not only the vast host of sinners whom they have not
known, but their own children and loved ones and friends who go out of life without giving any indication
of having accepted the gospel, they are so appalled at the necessary conclusions which their creed and their
logic force upon them that their faith cannot endure the terrific strain put upon it, but gives way to infidelity
or at best to Universalism or Restorationism.
Believing that it will be interesting and helpful to the reader to see to what lengths those who teach
the natural immortality of the soul have gone on this point of the punishment of the wicked, before we
consider what the Bible teaches concerning it. We shall quote at some length from the writings of
prominent theologians.
In the Presbyterian Confession of Faith, the following passage occurs: “The bodies of men after
death return to dust and see corruption; but their souls (which neither die, nor sleep), having an immortal
subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them. The souls of the righteous, then, being made
perfect in holiness, are received into the highest heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and
glory, waiting for the full redemption of their bodies. And the souls of the wicked are cast into hell, where
they remain in torment and utter darkness reserved to the judgment of the great day.”
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Terrible Teaching
Nor have we yet reached the limits of absurdity. In the following quotation the God of love is
turned into a monster who is said to take delight in the woes of the lost. Is it any wonder men should be
driven into infidelity when such as this is called Christianity? It is taken from a sermon by Revelation
William Davidson:
“It is an unspeakably terrible thing for any one to be lost. Even to those who suffer least, it is not
only the loss of all, and a horrible lake of ever-burning fire; but there are horrible objects filling every
sense, and horrible engines and instruments of torture. Nor is this all. Unfulfilled appetites, hungry as death,
insatiable as the grave, are so many springs of excruciating and ever-increasing agonies, so many hot and
stifling winds, tossing the swooning soul on waves of flame. And there will be terrible companions; and
every one utterly selfish, malignant, fierce, and devilish. There will be terrible sights and sounds. Fathers
and sons, pastors and people, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, with swollen veins and bloodshot
eyes, straining towards each others’ throats and hearts. Upon such an assembly, God, who is of purer eyes
than to behold iniquity, cannot look but with utter detestation. His face shall be red in his anger, his eyes
shall not pity, nor his soul spare for their crying. The day of vengeance is in his heart. It is what his heart is
set upon. He will delight in it. He will tread that rebel crew in his anger, and trample them in his fury, and
will stain his raiment with their blood. The cup of the wine of his fierce wrath shall contain no mixture of
mercy. All this, and more and worse do the Scriptures declare; and that preacher who hesitates to proclaim
it has forsworn his soul, and is a traitor to his trust. And all this shall be forever. It shall never, never end.
The wicked go away into everlasting torment. If after enduring it all for twice ten thousand times ten
thousand years, they might have a deliverance, or, at least, some abatement, it were less terrible. But this
may never, never be. There is a great gulf fixed, and they cannot pass from thence. Or if after suffering all
this as many years as there are sand grains in the globe, they might then be delivered, there would be some
hope. Or, if you multiply this sum, too infinite to be expressed in figures, and too limitless to be
comprehended by angels, by the number of atoms that compose the universe, and there might be
deliverance when they had passed those abysmal gulfs of duration, then there would be some hope. But no!
When all is suffered, and all is past, still all beyond is eternity.”
Another Quotation
Surely, you exclaim, the limits of blasphemy are reached. But not yet. just one more quotation to
show to what lengths men who follow false teachings to their logical ends will go. And this is the worst of
all. Here it is declared that it is the burning of the wicked throughout eternity which will constitute the
The Other Side Of Death
entertainment of the righteous, and that it is the fires of hell which constitute the light of heaven, and if hell
is brought to an end heaven would be in darkness. I take it from pages 457 and 458 of the “Works of
Samuel Hopkins, DD. It reads as follows:
“The smoke of their torment shall ascend up in the sight of the blessed forever and serve as a most
clear glass always before their eyes to give them a constant, bright, and most affecting view. This display of
the divine character and glory will be in favor of the redeemed, and most entertaining, and give the highest
pleasure to those who love God, and raise their happiness to ineffable heights. Should this eternal
punishment and this fire be extinguished, it would in a great measure obscure the light of heaven and put an
end to a great part of the happiness and glory of the blessed.”
I know that it will be a relief to those who read this chapter to turn away from these wild ravings
of men who are lost in the mazes of their own speculation, to the blessed truth which is contained in God’s
Word. To this we shall go, and sitting at the feet of the One who spoke as never man spoke, we shall learn
the truth on this subject.
The Other Side Of Death
side of death. This punishment takes place, not while men are dead, but after they are raised from the dead.
And it will not be eternal, but will continue only long enough to inflict upon men that just punishment
which is their due according to the deeds committed in this life.
Solomon saw clearly the need of a future judgment when he said: “I saw under the sun the place of
judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.” If justice
cannot be obtained in this world, if it becomes vitiated by the ungodliness of men, then there must surely be
a great and supreme court of final appeal. And this Solomon declares: “I said in mine heart, God shall judge
the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.” Ecclesiastes
3: 17. Beyond all doubt, therefore, the Scriptures teach a future judgment.
And this judgment is not at death nor in death. Nor does it immediately follow after death. This
will be evident from the fact that God holds men responsible, not only for the commission of their own
deeds, but also for the consequences resulting from their deeds.
Thus Jeremiah declares that God’s “eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give
every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 32: 19. And, “I the
Lord search the heart, 1 try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the
fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17: 10.
Now, it is obvious that while the ways of a man may be manifest at his death the “fruit of his
doings- will not be manifest until the very end of time. Thus the streams of poison which had their sources
in infidel pens may continue to flow through all time, while the Christian fortitude of the martyrs, and the
faithful, self-sacrificing zeal and earnestness of true Christians may be a fountain of perpetual blessing to
the world until the close of human probation. Therefore the final reward or punishment must be delayed
until the ultimate results of every good and evil action can be surveyed at a glance and the fruit of a man’s
doings rightly estimated. It is beyond the domain of death that the Scriptures fix the judgment. “It is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9: 27.
The Other Side Of Death
Then, at the coming of Christ, the Lord will “execute judgment upon all.”
Hence the day of judgment will be when the Lord shall reign in glory upon Mount Zion and in the
New Jerusalem. This will be at the time when the new earth is about to be established as the eternal home
of the redeemed of the Lord.
In the second chapter of Daniel a dream was given to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, of a
great image with head of gold, breast and arms of silver, waist and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet and
toes part of iron and part of clay. A great stone was thrown by an unseen hand, and struck the image upon
its feet, and then all of the materials of the image, the clay, the iron, the brass, the silver, and the gold, were
ground to powder, and blown away by the winds, while the stone became a great mountain and filled the
whole earth.
According to the interpretation given to this dream by Daniel, the head of gold represented
Babylon; the breast and arms of silver, Medo-Persia; the waist and thighs of brass, Greece; the legs of iron,
Rome; and the feet and toes of iron and clay, the modern nations of Europe today. The stone represents the
kingdom of God which is to destroy the existing nations and which will take their place in the earth, filling
the entire earth and remaining forever.
This destruction has not yet taken place. The stone has not yet struck. But the preceding kingdoms,
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, have long since passed away. Those who composed the subjects
of these kingdoms are dead. This prophecy, however, in. forms us that when the stone strikes, when the
kingdom of God comes, then the iron, clay, brass, silver, and gold are to be broken to pieces together, and
be carried away so that no place will be found for them. But those represented by the gold, silver, brass,
iron, and clay are dead, and therefore must be raised from the dead to receive the punishment predicted in
this prophecy, for all are to be destroyed together, and sent into eternal destruction, as a punishment for
their sins in a day long ago.
The Other Side Of Death
The Other Side Of Death
thing which these expressions are designed to show is that the overthrow of the wicked is a complete
overthrow, that there will never be any hope of a recovery from their fate, for it is eternal. Their torment is
not eternal, their grief and anguish are not eternal; but their destruction is eternal.
Bearing out this thought of a complete destruction of the wicked we read in 2 Thessalonians 1:9:
“Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of
his power.” Again in Matthew 25:46 we read: “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment.”
Notice the force of these expressions which have been used so long to teach the doctrine of eternal
torment. The “destruction” of the wicked will be “everlasting”; the -punishment- of the wicked will be
“everlasting”; there will never be any recovery from it. Neither verse declares what the advocates of eternal
torment desire. There is nothing in either verse concerning eternal torment. It is not the torment which is
said to be “everlasting,” it is the “destruction” and the “punishment.” Nor does it say “everlasting
punishing,” but “everlasting punishment.” There is no dispute at all concerning the length of the
punishment of the wicked. The only question is as to what the punishment consists of. If the punishment for
sin is torment, then there is no question but that the torment will be eternal. If, however, the punishment for
sin is death, then the death is “everlasting.” And no one will dispute the fact that the Bible teaches that “the
wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and not eternal life in misery.
Everlasting Fire
It will be urged by some, however, that the Bible not only speaks of “everlasting destruction,” and
“everlasting punishment,” but also of “everlasting fire.” Matthew 25:41. And it will be asked why, if the
torment is not continued, there should be need of everlasting fire. Let the reader turn to the seventh verse of
Jude, and there notice that Sodom and Gomorrah suffered “the vengeance of eternal fire.” Inasmuch as
Sodom and Gomorrah are not now burning, not with, standing the fact that they were destroyed by eternal
fire, it is evident that eternal fire is not necessarily fire which perpetuates that which it burns, and never
ceases to burn. From 2 Peter 2:6 it is evident that eternal fire completely consumes that which it attacks.
The language is: “And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an
overthrow. Making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly.” And that it takes but a
very short time for eternal fire to bring that which it attacks to ashes will be plain from Lamentations 4: 6,
where it is said that Sodom was “overthrown as in a moment.”
From these verses it will he seen that the effect of everlasting or eternal fire is not to perpetuate the
existence of that upon which it feeds, but to consume it, to bring it to ashes, and it may accomplish this “as
in a moment.”
Unquenchable Fire
Again it will be urged that Mark in speaking of the fire which will punish the wicked says of it
that it “never shall be quenched.” Mark 9:43-45. But a fire that never shall be quenched is not a fire that
never shall go out, but a fire that cannot be put out. Jerusalem was burned with a fire that could not be
quenched (Jeremiah 17:19-27; 2 Chronicles 36:19-21), but it is not burning yet. By this unquenchable fire it
was brought to destruction and ashes, just as the fires of the last day will bring the wicked to destruction
and ashes. The fire which is to destroy the wicked must of necessity be unquenchable, for if it were not, the
wicked would put it out.
ANY discussion of the condition and state of the dead would K be incomplete without an
explanation of the false claims of Spiritualism which pretends to open a way of communication between
the living and the spirits of the dead. We have already seen that this claim must be false, inasmuch as the
dead are unconscious. This, however, leaves us to explain and account for the phenomena of this false
Every candid person must admit that a considerable portion of these phenomena is fraud, pure and
simple, nothing but deception and imposture, contrived by craft and cunning and imposed on the credulity
of the simple-minded for purposes of personal profit. But there are phenomena in this system which cannot
be accounted for on these grounds. There is a supernatural power connected with it, but this supernatural
The Other Side Of Death
The Other Side Of Death
spirits. Many questions were asked the spirits and the answers in the main were found to be correct. Thus
lost articles were found. Neighbors came in to investigate, other questions were asked and answered, and
many became convinced that the Fox girls were actually in communication with the spirits of the dead.
From this time the movement spread like a prairie fire.
The Other Side Of Death
surprising that it can astonish you by revealing things which you believed were known to no one else.
Masquerading as Christian
Those things which are dependent on human action and human will cannot be accurately
calculated by man. And let the existence of millions of unseen intelligences which often interfere in human
affairs be once granted, and it will be obvious at once why, denying the very existence of such agencies,
science is baffled by the phenomena of Spiritualism, for it is just as impossible for scientists to find a
solution of the mysterious work of unseen and devilish spirits as it would certainly be for the greatest
mathematician to forecast a kitten’s antics or a lunatic’s hallucinations.
Today Spiritualism masquerades under the guise of Christianity. It hides its real character under a
pretension of great holiness. It is building churches and taking on the appearance of a Christian de.
nomination. And under this deceptive appearance it is sweeping millions to ruin and despair. But at the
beginning of its modern history it made no such pretensions, and frankly acknowledged its connection with
the devil, to whom it offered its prayers and devotion. Its official organ of that time contains a number of
petitions to his Satanic majesty, three of which are here given:
“0 Lucifer, thou son of the morning who fell from thy high estate, and whom mortals are prone to
call the embodiment of evil, we lift our voices to thee. We know thou cannot not harm us unless by the will
of the Almighty of whom thou art a part and portion, and in whose economy thou played a part, and we
cannot presume to sit in judgment over Deity. From the depths of your infamy stream forth divine truths.
Why should we turn from thee? Does not the same inspiration rule us all? Is one in God’s sight better than
another? We know thou art yet to come up in his expanded creation, purified by the influence of God’s
love, for his love is not perfected while one of his children writhes in misery. So, 0 Lucifer do we come up
and stand before the throne of the Ancient of Days, hand in hand with thee. As thou has been the star of the
morning thou wilt again become an angel of light. 0 Satan, we will subdue thee with our love and thou wilt
yet kneel humbly with us at the throne of God.” Banner of Light, December 21, 1861, page 8.
“0 thou prince of darkness and king of light, God and devil, greater and lesser good, perfect and
imperfect being! We ask and demand of thee that we may know thee, for to know thee is to know more of
ourselves. And if to do this it be necessary to wander in hell, yea and amen, we wander there with the
spirits of darkness. The church and the world tell us that the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour, but we know thee only as God’s vicegerent, to stand at his left hand, the regenerator
of mankind, the means of bringing up all things, intellectually and morally to perfection.” - Banner of
The Other Side Of Death
Spiritualism Is Spreading
From the small beginning already described, Spiritualism has grown by leaps and bounds until
today it numbers its converts by the hundreds of thousands. It has developed through different stages, such
as slate-writing, table-tipping, the playing of musical instruments by unseen agencies, and other remarkable
manifestations, but through all its history the chief characteristic of this delusion has been, and is now, the
claim of communicating with the spirits of the dead.
This claim of communication with the dead is not a new thing. Spiritualism itself, as has been
shown, is not a new thing. It is an old thing which has been given a new name. In ancient times it was not
called Spiritualism, but witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, necromancy, and consulting with familiar spirits.
Under those names it is spoken of in the Bible and strongly condemned.
Inasmuch as this system is sweeping many people from their moorings out into a great sea of
deception, it is well that we study what God has to say about it. It is a most powerful deception, and we
cannot combat its power successfully in our own strength. God has given much instruction concerning it in
his Word, and this instruction will be of the utmost value to us in meeting the lying claims of Spiritualism
and overcoming them.
God said to his ancient people: “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after
wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19: 3 1.
The possession of familiar, or controlling, spirits is the very claim upon which the so-called
communication with the spirits of the dead is made by spiritualist mediums. In the verse quoted above God
forbids his people to have anything to do with those who make such claims, and further admonishes them
that any such connection will be defiling to his people.
The Other Side Of Death
name of modern Spiritualism. “Therefore hearken not you to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to
your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, for they prophesy a lie unto you.” Jeremiah
27:9, 10.
Spiritualism pretends to be able to foretell the future accurately. This is mere pretension, for it
does not know the future. Mediums, reasoning from cause to effect, may surmise something of what may
come to pass, and so may we all, but they have no supernatural knowledge at all of the future. If
Spiritualists knew what would hap. pen tomorrow and the next day they would undoubtedly be the most
successful manipulators of the Wall Street stock market, for they would be able to tell whether stocks were
going up or down and thus be far in advance of their competitors. They do not know the future, but “they
prophesy a lie unto you.” “A man also or a woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely
be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20: 27.
This was the ancient penalty for attempting to communicate with the spirits of the dead, and there
are those who never cease to deride the Bible for such a law. But when men talk, it is well to know what
they are talking about. And when they take a little trouble to find out, they might discover that the occult
and devilish practices of ancient Spiritualism not only tended, as they do now, to disease, insanity,
immorality and death, but that those who practiced these occult arts were too often guilty of the most
horrible, abominable, and revolting’ crimes and barbarities, which in themselves were sufficient cause to
prohibit the practices which gave rise to them. It is well, at any rate, to learn the estimation in which the
Lord holds Spiritualism. “There shall not be found among you any one that makes his son or his daughter
to pass through the fire, or that uses divination or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consultant
with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the
Lord.” Deuteronomy 18: 10.12.
Surely at the present time consulting with familiar spirits cannot be pleasing to God when
anciently it was an abomination to him.
In the New Testament, Spiritualism is also found in doubtful company under its old name of
witchcraft. “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, sedition, heresies, envying,
murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like. Of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in
time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5: 19.21.
The Other Side Of Death
protection against this powerful delusion is to be acquainted with the inspired teaching of the Bible
concerning the dead.
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The Other Side Of Death
appear before long to all the earth. It is taught that while he came the second time in 1874, yet that coming
was a secret one, known only to a few, but that in a very little while he will appear to the whole world, and
set up a temporal kingdom, and reign one thousand years during the millennium, and at that time all who
have not accepted Christ in this life, will then have another trial and another opportunity to accept him.
This deceptive teaching, which is finding wide acceptance, is preparing the world for Satan’s last great
attempt to defeat the work of God.
The Other Side Of Death
The Other Side Of Death
The verse upon which much of the teaching is based that the’ world is to be converted to Christ
before his Second Coming is Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” But this verse does not teach at all that
the world will be converted. It teaches merely that the gospel will be sent to all the world, not for the
conversion of the nations, but “for a witness” unto all nations.
In the parable of the wheat and the tares, recorded in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, it is made very
plain that both the righteous and the wicked are to “grow together- until the “harvest,” which is explained
to be “the end of the world.” At the end of the world, instead of the wicked all being converted, they are to
be cast into a furnace of fire where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Perilous Times
We have a picture of the last days of the history of this earth, painted by divine inspiration. It is as
follows: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their
own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without
natural affection, truce, breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despising of those that are good,
traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Surely this does not appear to be teaching the conversion of the world. Here is the list of nineteen
terrible sins which are especially to characterize the “last days.” And the astonishing thing about this
passage is that the people who indulge in these sins will not be unbelievers only, but church members. This
is evident from the expression that they have a “form of godliness.” And if the professed church of Christ
in the days of his Second Coming can be so described by divine inspiration, then what must the world at
large be?
Nor are we left in ignorance by the Lord even of the rise of the movement which is teaching the
world’s conversion and a millennium of peace upon earth. “Of the times and the seasons, brethren, you
have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that, the day of the Lord so comes as a
thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3. It appears, then, that
this very movement which is proclaiming the world’s conversion is a sign in itself of the rapidly,
approaching destruction of all things.
But, it will be asked, does the Bible not teach somewhere that the world at some time in the future
will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, and all nations serve him? Yes, the Bible does teach just this.
But the mistake has been made in not seeing that this is taught with reference to the earth in its regenerated
condition, when all things are made new, and not regarding the earth as it is now.
“The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11: 9.
“And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before me, said the Lord.” Isaiah 66: 23.
These passages clearly foretell a time when all the earth will be acquainted with Jehovah, and will
worship him. But they have reference solely to the new earth, not to the earth in its present condition. And
The Other Side Of Death
this condition of universal worship is to be brought about, not at all by the conversion of the nations of the
earth, but rather by their destruction. Thus Peter informs us: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in
the night. In the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with
fervent beat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” “Nevertheless we, according
to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.” 2 Peter 3:10,13.
Order of Events
Let us study briefly the order of the events at the beginning and the close of the millennium. It is
to begin, as we have seen, with the Second Coming of Christ. At the coming of Christ all of the righteous
dead will be raised from their graves to be taken to heaven with the righteous living, who are to be
translated. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel,
and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall
be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the
Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17.
The Bible teaches clearly that there are to be two resurrections. a resurrection of the righteous, and
a resurrection of the wicked. “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the
graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection Of life;
and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” John 5:28-29.
The first resurrection is to take place at the coming of Christ, and will include only the righteous.
This will be plain from a study of the verse which reads: “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first
resurrection: on such the second death hath no power.” Revelation 20: 6.
Thus it is plain that at the Second Coming of Christ all of the righteous, both the dead, who have
been raised, and the living, who have been translated, will be caught up together and will meet the Lord in
the air, and then will be taken with the Lord to those mansions in his Father’s house which he is now
preparing for his people. They will be taken to heaven, and there they will live and reign with Christ for a
thousand years. John 14: 1.3; Revelation 20: 4.
The Other Side Of Death
or the wicked.
A Just Punishment
While this is not Satan’s final punishment, it is a just preliminary to it. It is sin which causes the
wreck of the world. This is the work of Satan. This is the result of the rebellion he started in heaven and
continued upon this earth. And now, during the millennium, he is made to understand what it all means.
The great chain which will bind Satan will be broken by the resurrection of the wicked.
“But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.” Revelation 20:5.
Now, if the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished, then when the
thousand years are finished the rest of the dead will live again. The resurrection of the wicked takes place at
the close of the millennium. This releases the devil and provides him some one to work with again and to
deceive. It was the emptiness of the earth of all human inhabitants which constituted his binding, and now
the resurrection of the wicked effects his release.
And no sooner are the wicked raised from the dead than Satan begins to plan for his last great
attempt to overthrow the government of God. When the wicked are raised he has a greater host at his
command than ever before in the entire history of his rebellion. All of the wicked who have ever lived upon
the earth are now under his control and ready to do his bidding. And all the angels who were cast out of
heaven are still with him, and are now in such desperation as to be ready for anything.
It is at the close of the thousand years of the millennium that the Holy City, the New Jerusalem,
comes down from God out of heaven and rests upon the earth. At this time the wicked are still upon the
earth, being marshaled into companies and battalions by the great arch-rebel and his assistants. That
beautiful and glorious city, which is to be the capital of the new earth, settles down upon the place pre.
pared for it in the sight of the wicked. And in the city are to dwell the redeemed of the Lord who have been
living and reigning with him during the millennium.
“And 1 John saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven;
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And 1 heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself
shall be with them, and be their God.” Revelation 21: 2, 3.
Satan is released from his captivity by the resurrection of the wicked. Around him are gathered the
vast hosts of his own evil angels, and now this great company is joined by the innumerable throng of the
wicked. As Satan sees himself joined by this great host, and beholds before him the New Jerusalem
containing the righteous and the holy angels with their loved Commander, the Son of God, he determines
that he will not yet yield his struggle. He inspires his host with the hope that after all they may be able to
overthrow the government of God and take the city.
The Other Side Of Death
21:44), they shall be “hewn down” (Matthew 3:10), they shall see “corruption” (Galatians 6: 8), they shall
be “torn in pieces” (Psalm 50: 22). They shall be “rooted up” (Proverbs 2: 22), they shall be as -nothing-
(Jeremiah 10: 24), and they shall be as “naught” (Isaiah 41: 12).
Earth to Be Redeemed
This earth was given to the human race at the time of its creation, and although it has been
captured by Satan, this lost inheritance will yet be brought back to the children of God by the great plan of
redemption, which includes the lost dominion as well as the lost race. Mankind lost the possession of the
earth by sin, but it will he restored to the people of God through the gospel of Christ. And everything else
which the race lost by sin will be restored by Christ.
The first specific promise of the future inheritance recorded in the Bible is that given to Abraham,
The Other Side Of Death
and recorded in Genesis 13:14-17. “Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where thou art
northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou sees, to thee will I give
it, and to thy seed forever.” This promise was repeated to Isaac, the son of Abraham, in Genesis 26:1-4, and
to Jacob, the son of Isaac, in Genesis 28:12-15.
All that is included in this promise in the way of territory is not apparent on the surface of it, and a
divine explanation is therefore required concerning it. This inspired explanation is given by Paul in Romans
4: 13 where he declares that this promise made to Abraham included the entire earth: “For the promise, that
he should be heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the
righteousness of faith.”
But this promise has never yet been fulfilled. Paul, in speaking of the men to whom the promises
were made, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their descendants, declares in Hebrews 11:13, that “these all
died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them,
and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
The Other Side Of Death
After the destruction of the wicked and the cleansing of the earth, the righteous will go forth from
the Holy City, and “they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and cat the
fruit of them.” Isaiah 65: 21. The whole earth will be populated with the redeemed of the Lord. Sin has
passed forever. There will he none to make afraid. All will be peace and contentment, and unspeakable
happiness will fill every heart.
Every month and every Sabbath day the people of the new earth will gather at Jerusalem to engage
in worship of the King of kings. Isaiah 66: 22, 23. Here in the city of God the redeemed will partake of the
fruit of the tree of life. Here also they will wander through the groves which border “the river of water of
life,” which proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1, 2.