MATH-1 Q2 Wk5 D1

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Teaching Dates OCTOBER 28, 2024 2nd
and Time: 8:30-9:10 AM Quarter: QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners should have knowledge and understanding of measurement of length and distance using non-
standard units.
B. Performance Standards By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to use non-standard units to compare and measure length and
C. Learning Competencies The learners
• add numbers by expressing addends as tens and ones (expanded form);
• add numbers with sums up to 100 without regrouping, using a variety of concrete and pictorial models for:
o 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
o 2-digit and 2-digit numbers; and
• solve problems (given orally or in pictures) involving addition with sums up to 100 without regrouping.
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to represent a 2-digit number as a sum of tens and ones.

E. Instructional Design 4Es Approach, Context, Connection, Ideational

F. 21st Century Skill Innovation, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration


A. References Lesson Exemplar page 1-12
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, PowerPoint, Pictures, Real objects
Before the Lesson/Pre-lesson Proper
Activating Prior Knowledge Conduct a drill on basic addition facts using a show-me board and counters.

Let them count 13 counters and split the 13 counters into two groups.

Let them write on their show-me boards the number of counters in each group that they have formed for 13. You may
write on the board, ___ and ___ , to guide them in writing their answers.
Lesson Purpose/ Intention To represent 2-digit numbers as sums of tens and ones
Lesson Language Practice Tens, ones, sum, number sentence, add, plus, equals, ones digits, tens digit, place value, value

During the Lesson/Lesson Proper

Reading the Key Idea/Stem Number Song

Developing Understanding Focus the learners’ attention on the answers written on the board.
of Key Idea/ Stem Ask the learners to write each answer to a number sentence.
1 and 12 1 + 12 = 13
2 and 11 2 + 11 = 13
3 and 10 3 + 10 = 13
4 and 9 4 + 9 = 13
5 and 8 5 + 8 = 13
6 and 7 6 + 7 = 13
7 and 6 7 + 6 = 13
8 and 5 8 + 5 = 13
9 and 4 9 + 4= 13
10 and 3 10 + 3 = 13
11 and 2 11 + 2 = 13
12 and 1 12 + 1 = 13
Let them name which of these number sentences express 13 as a sum of tens and ones?

Use counters to represent the number.

How many tens are there in 13? 1 ten

How many ones are there in 13? 3 ones
Write on the board, 1 ten and 3 ones is the same as 10 + 3 or 3 + 10.
Deepening Understanding Tell the learners that they will do an activity in pairs. Explain the activity. Then, distribute LAS 1.
of Key Idea/Stem

When they are done, discuss their answers. The discussion should focus on the number of tens and ones in each
number and how it can be written as a sum of tens and ones.

Example, 37 has 3 tens and 7 ones. As a sum of tens and ones, it can be written as, 37 = 30 + 7.
How many tens and ones are in 37? There are 3 tens and 7 ones in 37.
What is 3 tens equal to? Three tens is equal to 30.
What is 7 ones equal to? Seven ones is equal to 7.

Copy the table in LAS 1 on the board. Fill it out during the discussion.

Write also the responses of the learners to Part B of the worksheet on the board.

Let the learners observe the table and how the numbers are expressed as sums of tens
and ones. They should be able to say that:
The tens digit of the number tells the number of tens and the ones digit tells the
number of ones in the number. In writing a number as a sum of tens and ones, the
values of the digits in the number are added.

Have the learners write the following numbers as sums of tens and ones on their show me board.
1. 93
2. 64
3. 27
4. 52
5. 88

After the Lesson/Post-lesson Proper

Making Generalizations and Ask:
Abstraction How do you write 54 as a sum of tens and ones?

How do you know that it should be written as 54 = 50 + 4?

Evaluating Learning Ask the learners to do Assessment 1.

Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation
(if applicable)

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