Cbic 200700383
Cbic 200700383
Cbic 200700383
Minimal sequence requirements for binding of substrate-derived backbone, including the transition state analogue statine for
statine peptides to the aspartyl enzyme were established on the tight interactions with the two aspartyl residues of the active
basis of the X-ray cocrystal structure of the hydroxyethylene-octa- centre. The conformational preorganization of the inhibitor mole-
peptide OM00-3 in complexation with BACE-1. With this informa- cule was verified by NMR structural analysis and was then con-
tion to hand, macrocyclic compounds that conformationally re- firmed by the crystal structure of the BACE-1/inhibitor complex.
strict and preorganize the peptide backbone for an entropically Detailed insights into the binding mode of this macrocyclic inhib-
favoured binding to the enzyme active site cleft were designed. itor explained its moderate binding affinity in cell-free assays
By means of a side chain-to-side chain ring closure between two (Ki = 2.5 mm) and yielded precious information for possible struc-
aspartyl residues in the P2 and P3’ positions through phenylene- tural optimization in view of the lack of steric clashes of the mac-
1,3-dimethanamine, a 23-membered ring structure was obtained; rocycle with the flap domain of the enzyme.
this structure retained an extended conformation of the peptide
Proteolysis of the membrane-anchored amyloid precursor pro- low-molecular-weight inhibitors. As macrocyclization of linear
tein (APP) leads to the Ab peptide, which accumulates in the peptides is a common method for conformational restriction
brain, forming insoluble plaques and neurofibrillary tangles as of peptides to increase bioactivities, cell permeability and pro-
the key pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease.[1] Clear teolytic stability,[8] cyclization has also been applied to restrict
evidence that the aspartyl protease BACE-1 (b-secretase) is conformational properties of synthetic inhibitors.[9] In fact, if a
mainly responsible for the generation of the Ab peptide makes conformational preorganization of the peptide backbone, con-
inhibition of this protease an attractive therapeutic target for trolled by the macrocycle, results in an optimal fit to the active
the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.[2] site cleft, the entropic penalty in the binding process will be
The first generation of BACE-1 inhibitors were substrate ana- significantly reduced and binding affinities thus enhanced. We
logues in which the scissile amide bond was replaced with a have therefore selected this strategy for the development of
noncleavable isostere of the statine or hydroxyethylene type.[3] low-molecular-weight inhibitors of BACE-1.[10] In the course of
Examination of the crystal structures of the enzyme in com-
plexation with the pseudo-octapeptide inhibitors OM99-2[3b] [a] Dr. A. Barazza, Dr. M. Gçtz, Dr. S. A. Cadamuro, Dr. P. Goettig, Dr. C. Renner,
and OM00-3,[3c] both containing the Leu-Ala hydroxyethylene Prof. Dr. W. Bode, Prof. Dr. L. Moroder
dipeptide isostere (Leu*Ala), revealed extended conformations Max-Planck-Institut f8r Biochemie
of the peptide backbones and hydrogen bonding of both Am Klopferspitz 18, 82152 Martinsried (Germany)
Fax: (+ 49) 89-8578-2847
active site aspartates to the dipeptide isostere core structures. E-mail: [email protected]
These first X-ray structures have been instrumental in the [b] Dr. M. Willem
design of potent peptidomimetic inhibitors,[4] including macro- Adolf-Butenandt-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitBt
cyclic compounds,[5] that contain in their core structures func- 80336 M8nchen (Germany)
tionalities such as statine, hydroxyethylene, hydroxyethylamine [c] Dr. H. Steuber, Dr. T. Kohler, Dr. A. Jestel, Dr. P. Reinemer
Proteros Biostructures GmbH
or even the reduced amide as transition state motifs for target-
Am Klopferspitz 19, 82152 Martinsried (Germany)
ing interactions with the catalytic aspartates. The binding
[d] Dr. A. Barazza
modes of several of these peptidomimetic compounds within Present address: Mount Sinai School of Medicine
the active site cleft of BACE-1 have been determined by X-ray One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1234
analysis, yielding precious information on interactions with the New York, NY 10029 (USA)
enzyme subsites.[3g, 4a–c, h, j–l, 5b, d, 6] [e] Dr. M. Gçtz
Present address: Department of Chemistry
It is well established that an extended b-type conformation
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362 (USA)
of the substrates is essential for recognition and digestion by
[f] Dr. C. Renner
proteases.[7] Correspondingly, substrate-based inhibitors are Present address: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
generally used as lead compounds for the development of 53170 Bonn (Germany)
2078 B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091
Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091 B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 2079
L. Moroder et al.
Figure 1. Cyclic peptide structures based on peptides 4 and 5. R1: benzyloxycarbonyl or Ac-Ile; R2 : phenyl or isopropyl; L: diaminoalkyl or diaminoaryl
2080 www.chembiochem.org B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091
Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
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Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
cule was best ordered, with the main chain defined by a con-
tinuous electron density from Gly42p to Asn385 (according to
the numbering proposed by Hong et al.[3b]), except for the
loop segment between Ala157 and Ser169 and the segment
between Glu310 and Asp317. At a few sites (Ser86, His181,
Glu364 and Glu371), the density indicates two alternative side
chain conformations. According to a root mean square devia-
tion of 0.47 M for 365 Ca atoms (with use of a threshold of
2.0 M), the overall fold of our BACE-1 molecule is very similar to
that of BACE-1 in complex with OM00-3,[3c] which is considered
as the reference molecule below. Significant differences were
observed in the N-terminal loop Gly8 to Gln12, also called the
10s loop, which borders the S3 subsite (Figure 6 and below),
and in the adjacent Ser169–Gly172 segment, which follows the
missing Gly158–Ala168 loop. Remarkably similar is the confor-
mation of the b-hairpin “flap” Val67–Glu77, which stacks on
Figure 5. Schematic representation of compound 21 bound to BACE-1. the central part of the inhibitor, and the regions around the
Figure 6. Stereoview of the active-site cleft of BACE-1 (grey ribbon with the Flap, 10s loop and segment 327–332 in pink; both Asp side chains are shown in
full with the oxygen atoms in red) and compound 21 (green carbon atoms), superimposed with the final 2 Fobs Fcalcd electron density that accounted for the
inhibitor, contoured at 1 s (green net). The figure is shown in standard orientation; that is, with peptide substrate/inhibitor backbones running from left to
ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091 B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 2083
L. Moroder et al.
Figure 7. Stereoview of the active site cleft of BACE-1 in complex with compound 21, superimposed with inhibitor OM00-3 as it binds to BACE-1.[3c] The Con-
nolly surface of BACE-1 is overlaid by the flap domain (bottom) and the loop (top; shown as half-transparent surface in order to allow a direct view of the
subsites S3–S2‘).
two catalytic aspartic acid/aspartate residues Asp32 and the N-terminal part of compound 21 is slightly shifted towards
Asp228, situated at the centre of the active site cleft. the catalytic centre, giving rise to a maximal deviation of 1 M
As in other aspartyl proteinases, the BACE-1 chain (seen in between the hydroxy groups of the two core structures (to the
standard orientation, i.e., with the peptide substrate binding right in Figures 6 and 7), while the C-terminal part is almost
from left to right across the molecular surface; Figures 6 and 7) ACHTUNGREsuperimposable. The lack of one atom in the central statine
folds into a “lower” N-terminal and an “upper” C-terminal group, in relation to peptidic substrates or peptidic inhibitors
domain, which touch each other with formation of the active- containing a hydroxyethylene group, is almost compensated
site cleft. Compound 21 is located between the two lobes. It for by these relatively small shifts and additional slight confor-
has the shape of a handle-containing nail brush (Figure 5), the mational adaptations. The shift of the central methyl hydroxy
brush tightly interdigitates with the subsites of the proteinase, group is paralleled by small shifts of both catalytic Asp side
while the handle does not protrude out of the active-site cleft, chains and by a rotation of the Asp32 carboxylate group,
but is accommodated in the residual part of this cleft (Fig- ACHTUNGREresulting in even stronger hydrogen bonds to the hydroxy
ures 6 and 7). The full peptide inhibitor chain was well defined group. Three of the intermain-chain hydrogen bonds (P3-
by electron density from the N-terminal acetyl group to the C- Ile O···Thr232 N; P2 “Asp” O···Gln73 N; P3’ “Asp” NH···Pro70 O)
terminal carboxamide, and for the P2-“Asp” and the P3’-“Asp” are significantly longer and energetically more unfavourable
side chains, the b-carboxy groups of which are involved in ring than in the reference structure, a fact that might contribute to
closure (Figure 6). Only the phenylene-1,3-dimethanamine the overall reduced affinity. The hydrogen bonds made by the
spacer lacks appropriate electron density, indicating that it is N-terminal P3 acetamido group with Thr232 Og, by the
partially disordered. Modelling and subsequent energy refine- P2 “Asp” side chain carbonyl with the Arg235 side chain, and
ment experiments, however, showed that the defined part of by the C-terminal carboxyamide group with the side chain of
the inhibitor does not allow the spacer to explore a larger con- Arg128 replace similar hydrogen bonds in the OM00-3 com-
formational space. This means that the spacer must reside in plex, while those made by the carboxamido group of the
the cleft with a conformation close to that shown in Figures 6 P3’ “Asp” with Thr72 Og and Tyr198 OH are new.
and 7. The N-acetyl group of compound 21 extends into the essen-
tially hydrophilic S4 pocket, with the carbonyl group directed
into the cleft, while the P4-Glu side chain of OM00-3 is directed
Inhibitor conformation and interaction
away. It is not obvious why the adjacent Gly8–Lys9–Ser10 seg-
The peptidic backbone of compound 21 bound BACE-1 in an ment in the 21 complex is shifted, so that the Ser10 points—
overall extended conformation, which was remarkably similar unlike in the OM00-3 complex—into the “up” position.[13]
to that of OM00-3 (Figure 7). As in the OM00-3 complex, the There it forms a hydrogen bond with Arg307 NH1, through the
inhibitor backbone forms six intermain-chain hydrogen bonds carbonyl group, while disrupting the hydrogen bond with
to the BACE-1 backbone carbonyl and amido functions Thr232 Og. The change in interaction is associated with a con-
(Figure 5) and a hydrogen bond to the hydroxy group of siderable movement of the adjacent Ser169–Gly172 segment,
Tyr198, in addition to the four hydrogen bonds formed be- which follows the fully disordered 158–168 loop. The P3-Ile
tween the two active-site aspartates and the hydroxy group of side chain nestles, apparently quite favourably, in the hydro-
statine. In comparison with the peptidic OM00-3 backbone, phobic S3 pocket, where it is packed between the peptide
2084 www.chembiochem.org B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091
Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
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L. Moroder et al.
System IV: Chromolith Performance RP 18-e, 100 J 4.6 mm C18 Synthesis of retroinverso-peptides: Peptides d, e and f (Table 2)
(Merck); linear gradient from 100 % solvent A (2 % H3PO4/CH3CN, were synthesised by automated solid-phase methodology on an
95:5) to 50 % solvent B (2 % H3PO4/CH3CN, 90:10) in 15 min, fol- ABI-Pioneer Perseptive Biosystems peptide synthesizer by Fmoc/
lowed by 1 min isocratic elution; flow rate: 3 mL min 1. HBTU/DMF chemistry. Peptides d, e and f were synthesized on Ten-
taGel S RAM support (substitution: 0.24 mmol g 1). The protocol in-
System V: Chromolith Performance RP 18-e, 100 J 4.6 mm C18 cluded extended cycles (4 mmol of activated amino acid derivative
(Merck); linear gradient from 100 % solvent A (2 % H3PO4/CH3CN, per cycle). Final acylation was performed with Ac2O/2,6-lutidine/
95:5) to 50 % solvent B (2 % H3PO4/CH3CN, 90:10) in 30 min, fol- DMF (5:6:89). The peptides were deprotected and cleaved from
lowed by 1 min isocratic elution; flow rate: 3 mL min 1. the resin with TFA/TIS/H2O (95:2.5:2.5) at room temperature over
2 h. The crude products were precipitated with cold tert-butyl
Preparative RP-HPLC was carried out with Abimed–Gilson equip-
methyl ether/hexane (2:1) and purified by preparative RP-HPLC.
ment with the following systems:
The purities of the peptides exceeded 97 % as determined by ana-
System 1: VP 250/21 Nucleosil 300–5 C8 PPN (Macherey–Nagel); gra- lytical RP-HPLC and their structural integrities were confirmed by
dient as specified for each compound, with solvents A (1 % TFA in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
H2O) and B (0.8 % TFA in CH3CN); flow rate: 10 mL min 1. Compound d: Purification (system 2) by linear gradient from 10 to
System 2: VP 250/21 Nucleosil 100–5 C18 PPN (Macherey–Nagel); 30 % B in 7 min, then 30 to 60 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I):
gradient as specified for each compound, with solvents A (1 %TFA tR 1.63 min; HPLC (system III): tR 7.83 min; ESI-MS: m/z 960.8
in H2O) and B (0.8 % TFA in CH3CN); flow rate: 10 mL min 1. [M+H] + ; Mr = 960 calcd for C44H68N10O14.
Compound c: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 5 to 30 % Compound 7: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 7 to 37 %
B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system II): tR 8.63 min; ESI-MS: m/z 978.6 B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 1.49 min; ESI-MS: m/z 479.2
[M+H] + ; Mr = 978 calcd for C45H71N9O15. [M+H] + , 958.0 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 478 calcd for C23H34N4O7.
2086 www.chembiochem.org B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091
Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
Compound 8: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 10 to nomethyl)-benzylamine (326 mg, 1.38 mmol) in DMF (2 mL) was
40 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 1.84 min; ESI-MS: m/z added, and the solution was stirred for 12 h at room temperature.
659.4 [M+H] + , 1318.0 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 658 calcd for C29H50N6O11. The solvent was evaporated, and the oily residue was redissolved
in EtOAc (50 mL). The organic layer was washed with H2O (1 J
Compound 9: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 20 to
50 mL), NaHCO3 (5 %, 3 J 50 mL), H2O (1 J 50 mL), KHSO4 (5 %, 3 J
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.42 min; ESI-MS: m/z
50 mL) and saturated NaCl (1 J 50 mL), dried over MgSO4 and con-
638.4 [M+H] + , 1275.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 637 calcd for C29H43N5O11.
centrated. The pure product was obtained by precipitation from
Compound g: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 20 to EtOAc/petroleum ether as a crystalline solid. Yield: 815.4 mg
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.46 min; ESI-MS: m/z (97 %); HPLC (system I): tR 4.52 min; ESI-MS: m/z 614.4 [M+H] + ,
521.4 [M+H] + , 1041.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 520 calcd for C26H40N4O7. 558.4 [M tBu+H] + , 514.4 [M Boc+H] + , 1227.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 613
calcd for C35H39N3O7.
Compound h: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 20 to
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.42 min; ESI-MS: m/z Fmoc-Asp[4-(Boc-amino)-1-amidobenzene]-OAll: The title compound
521.4 [M+H] + , 1041.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 520 calcd for C26H40N4O7. was prepared and purified as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-ami-
nomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll. Yield: 739 mg (91 %);
Compound i: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 20 to HPLC (system I): tR 4.51 min; ESI-MS: m/z 586.4 [M+H] + , 530.4
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.36 min; ESI-MS: m/z [M tBu+H] + , 1171.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 585 calcd for C33H35N3O7.
541.2 [M+H] + , 1081.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 540 calcd for C28H36N4O7.
Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-amino)-1-amidopropane]-OAll: The title compound
Compound j: Purification (system 1), linear gradient from 20 to was prepared and purified as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-ami-
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.43 min; ESI-MS: m/z nomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll. Yield: 717 mg (94 %);
559.4 [M+H] + , 1117.4 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 558 calcd for C28H35N4O7:. HPLC (system I): tR 4.11 min; ESI-MS: m/z 552.4 [M+H] + , 496.6
Compound k: Purification (system 1), a linear gradient from 20 to [M tBu+H] + , 452.4 [M Boc+H] + , 1103.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 551 calcd
50 % B in 60 min; anal. HPLC (system I): tR 2.52 min; ESI-MS: m/z for C30H37N3O7: 551.
672.6 [M+H] + , 1343.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 671 calcd for C32H41N5O11. Fmoc-Asp[4-(Boc-amino)-1-amidobutane]-OAll: The title compound
Synthesis of type A macrocycles was prepared and purified as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-ami-
3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-benzylamine: (Boc)2O (1.5 g, 6.9 mmol) in diox- nomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll. Yield: 780 mg (92 %);
ane (40 mL) was added dropwise at room temperature over 3 h HPLC (system I): tR 4.14 min; ESI-MS: m/z 566.4 [M+H] + , 510.6
to phenylene-1,3-dimethanamine (7.5 g, 55.0 mmol) in dioxane [M tBu+H] + , 466.4 [M Boc+H] + , 1131.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 565 calcd
(40 mL). After 22 h, the solvent was removed and water (50 mL) for C31H39N3O7: 565.
was added. Insoluble bis-substituted product was filtered off and Fmoc-Asp[5-(Boc-amino)-1-amidopentane]-OAll: The title compound
the filtrate was extracted with CH2Cl2 (3 J 50 mL). The organic was prepared and purified as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-ami-
phase was washed with water (5 J 50 mL), dried (MgSO4) and nomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll. Yield: 682 mg (85 %);
evaporated. The crude product was purified on a silica gel column HPLC (system I): tR 4.36 min; ESI-MS: m/z 580.4 [M+H] + , 524.6
with a linear gradient from CH2Cl2/MeOH (95:5) to CH2Cl2/MeOH [M tBu+H] + , 480.4 [M Boc+H] + , 1159.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 579 calcd
(8:2). Yield: 1.28 g (79 %); TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH 6:4): Rf 0.38; HPLC for C32H41N3O7.
(system I): tR 1.58 min; ESI-MS: m/z 237.2 [M+H] + , 473.8 [2 M+H] + ;
Mr = 236 calcd for C13H20N2O2. Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OH: Fmoc-
Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll (815 mg,
1-Boc-phenylene-1,4-diamine: The compound was prepared as de- 1.33 mmol) was dried overnight under reduced pressure and
scribed for 3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-benzylamine. After being washed ACHTUNGREdissolved in DMF (10 mL) under argon with PhSiH3 (0.82 mL,
and dried the product was crystallized from petroleum ether. Yield: 6.6 mmol). PdACHTUNGRE(PPh3)4 (31 mg, 27 mmol) was flushed with argon, sus-
1.50 g (78 %); TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH 95:5): Rf 0.56; HPLC (system I): tR pended in DMF (10 mL) and added to the solution. The mixture
1.44 min; ESI-MS: m/z 209.0 [M+H] + , 417.2 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 208 was stirred at room temperature under argon for 30 min and the
calcd for C11H16N2O2. progress of the reaction was monitored by HPLC. Upon completion
of the reaction, the solvent was evaporated, the residue was redis-
1-Boc-1,3-diaminopropane: The title compound was prepared and
solved in EtOAc (30 mL), and the organic layer washed with H2O
purified as described for 3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-benzylamine. Yield:
(1 J 30 mL), citric acid (5 %, 5 J 30 mL) and saturated NaCl (1 J
1.93 g (66 %); TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH 4:1): Rf 0.26; HPLC (system I): tR
30 mL), dried over MgSO4 and concentrated. The product was pre-
5.20 min; ESI-MS: m/z 175.2 [M+H] + , 348.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 174
cipitated from CH2Cl2/petroleum ether as a crystalline solid. Yield:
calcd for C8H18N2O2.
594 mg (78 %); HPLC (system I): tR 3.89 min; ESI-MS: m/z 574.4
1-Boc-1,4-diaminobutane: The compound was prepared and puri- [M+H] + , 518.4 [M tBu+H] + , 474.4 [M Boc+H] + , 1147.8 [2 M+H] + ;
fied as described for 3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-benzylamine. Yield: Mr = 573 calcd for C32H35N3O7.
2.00 g (75 %); TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH 4:1): Rf 0.24; ESI-MS: m/z 189.0
Fmoc-Asp[4-(Boc-amino)-1-amidobenzene]-OH: This compound was
[M+H] + , 377.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 188 calcd for C9H20N2O2.
obtained as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amido-
1-Boc-1,5-diaminopentane: The compound was prepared and puri- methylbenzene]-OH. Yield: 505 mg (77 %); HPLC (system I): tR
fied as described for 3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-benzylamine. Yield: 3.96 min; ESI-MS: m/z 546.4 [M+H] + , 490.4 [M tBu+H] + , 1091.6
2.15 g (61 %); TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH 4:1): Rf 0.24; ESI-MS: m/z 202.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 545 calcd for C30H31N3O7.
[M+H] + , 404.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 202 calcd for C10H22N2O2.
Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-amino)-1-amidopropane]-OH: This compound was
Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-OAll: Fmoc- obtained as described for Fmoc-Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amido-
Asp-OAll (600 mg, 1.52 mmol) in DMF (5 mL) was preactivated methylbenzene]-OH. Yield: 652 mg (98 %); HPLC (system I): tR
during 10 min with HOBt (205 mg, 1.52 mmol), HBTU (575 mg, 3.56 min; ESI-MS: m/z 512.4 [M+H] + , 456.4 [M tBu+H] + , 412.2
1.52 mmol) and DIEA (520 mL, 3.03 mmol). A solution of 3-(Boc-ami- [M Boc+H] + , 1023.6 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 511 calcd for C27H33N3O7.
ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091 B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 2087
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Macrocyclic Statine-Based Inhibitors of BACE-1
Macrocycle 19: The compound was prepared from 18 and isolated thylbenzene]-OH and the Asp-4 as Fmoc-AspACHTUNGRE(ODmab)-OH. Stan-
as described for 15. Yield: 6.6 mg (21 %); HPLC (system I): tR dard procedures were used for couplings, Fmoc cleavage and
2.25 min; ESI-MS: m/z 759.6 [M+H] + ; Mr = 758 calcd for C37H58N8O9. ACHTUNGREdeprotection/resin cleavage steps. Yield: 117.0 mg (73 %); HPLC
(system I): tR 3.46 min (> 90 %); ESI-MS: m/z: 1068.8 [M+H] + , 535.0
Macrocycle 21: The compound was prepared from 20 and isolated [(M+2 H)/2] + ; Mr = 1067 calcd for C57H77N7O13.
as described for 15. Yield: 9.0 mg (18 %); HPLC (system I): tR
2.55 min; ESI-MS: m/z 793.6 [M+H] + ; Mr = 792 calcd for C40H56N8O9.
Macrocycle p (Table 8): The linear precursor peptide was cyclized as
Macrocycle 23: The compound was prepared from 22 as described described above for compound m. The solvent was evaporated,
for 15. After completion of the reaction, the solvent was evaporat- and the product was dissolved in acetonitrile/H2O (1:1) and lyophi-
ed, and the residue was washed with H2O (1 J 5 mL), NaHCO3 (5 %, lized. The lyophilizate (7.9 mg, 7.5 mmol) was dissolved in DMF
3 J 5 mL), H2O (1 J 5 mL), KHSO4 (5 %, 3 J 5 mL), water and acetone. (980 mL), and hydrazine (20 mL) was added. After 10 min at room
The solid was taken up in MeOH/H2O and lyophilized. Yield: 3.4 mg temperature, the product was precipitated with diethyl ether and
(10 %); HPLC (system I): tR 2.50 min; ESI-MS: m/z 765.4 [M+H] + ; purified by preparative HPLC (system 2, linear gradient from 0 to
Mr = 764 calcd for C38H52N8O9. 25 % B in 10 min, then from 25 to 55 % B in 60 min). Yield: 2.8 mg
(51 %); HPLC (system I): tR 2.92 min; ESI-MS: m/z: 739.4 [M+H] + ;
Synthesis of type B macrocycles
Mr = 738 calcd for C37H50N6O10.
Z-Asp[(3-aminomethyl)-1-amidomethylbenzene]-Sta-Val-OH (l;
Table 7): The synthesis of this compound was performed manually
on 2-chlorotrityl resin (loading: 0.83 mmol g 1) by Fmoc/tBu
chemistry. Couplings were carried out in the standard manner with Table 8. Synthesis of type C macrocycles. X: Sta, R: benzyloxycarbonyl.
HBTU/HOBt/DIPEA in DMF, and Fmoc cleavage with piperidine
(20 %) in DMF. Deprotection and cleavage from the resin was ach-
ieved with TFA/TIS/H2O (95:2.5:2.5) at room temperature in 2 h.
The resin was filtered off and the peptide was precipitated with
cold tert-butyl methyl ether/hexane (2:1). Yield: 136 mg (85 %); p
HPLC (system I): tR 1.39 min (> 90 %); ESI-MS: m/z 642.6 [M+H] + ;
Mr = 641 calcd for C33H47N5O8.
Table 7. Synthesis of type B macrocycles. X: Sta, R: benzyloxycarbonyl. NMR conformational analysis and modelling studies: NMR spec-
tra were recorded on a Bruker DRX 500 spectrometer at 1 mm con-
Spacer centrations in [D6]DMSO. TOCSY spectra were recorded with spin
lock periods of 60 ms with use of the MLEV-17 sequence for iso-
l m tropic mixing.[19] For ROESY experiments the standard pulse pro-
gram from Bruker was used. Data processing and assignment was
n o performed with XWINNMR-v3. Distance geometry (DG) and molec-
ular dynamics-simulated annealing (MD-SA) calculations were per-
formed with the INSIGHT II (version 98.0) software package (Accel-
rys, San Diego, CA) on Silicon Graphics O2 R5000 computers (Sili-
con Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA). One hundred structures
Z-AspACHTUNGRE[(4-amino)-1-amidobenzene]-Sta-Val-OH (n): The title com-
were generated from the distance-bound matrices. Triangle-bound
pound was obtained as described above for l. Yield: 112 mg (73 %);
smoothing was used. NOE intensities were extracted from spectra
HPLC (system I): tR 2.36 min (> 90 %); ESI-MS: m/z: 614.6 [M+H] + ;
recorded at 30 8C and were converted into interproton distance
Mr = 613 calcd for C31H43N5O8.
constraints with use of the following classification: very strong (vs)
Macrocycle m: HOAt (21.8 mg, 0.16 mmol), HATU (61 mg, 1.7–2.3 M, strong (s) 2.2–2.8 M, medium (m) 2.6–3.4 M, weak (w)
0.16 mmol) and DIEA (55 mL, 0.32 mmol) were added to a solution 3.0–4.0 M, very weak (vw) 3.2–4.8 M, and the distances of pseudo-
of peptide l (20.52 mg, 32.0 mmol) in DMF (10 4 m, 320 mL), and atoms were corrected as described by WTthrich.[20] The structures
the solution was stirred for 12 h at room temperature. The DMF were generated in four dimensions and then reduced to three di-
was evaporated, and the product was purified by preparative HPLC mensions with the EMBED algorithm and optimized with a simulat-
(system 2, linear gradient from 15 to 25 % B in 5 min, then from 25 ed annealing step according to the standard protocol of the DG II
to 55 % B in 60 min). Yield: 2.6 mg (13 %); HPLC (system I): tR package of INSIGHT II. All one hundred structures were refined
3.09 min; (system IV): tR 10.19 min; ESI -MS: m/z: 624.6 [M+H] + ; with a short MD-SA protocol: after an initial minimization, 5 ps at
Mr = 623 calcd for C33H45N5O7. 300 K were simulated, followed by exponential cooling to ~ 0 K
during 10 ps. A time step of 1 fs was used with the CVFF force
Macrocycle o: The title compound was obtained from the peptide field while the solvent H2O was simulated with a dielectric constant
n as described for compound m. Yield: 1.1 mg (6 %); HPLC (sys- of 80.0. The experimentally determined dihedral and distance con-
tem I): tR 2.79 min; HPLC (system IV): tR 8.14 min; ESI-MS: m/z: straints were applied at every stage of the calculation with 30 kcal
596.4 [M+H] + , 1191.8 [2 M+H] + ; Mr = 595 calcd for C31H41N5O7. mol 1·rad 2 and 50 kcal mol 1 M 2, respectively.
Synthesis of type C macrocycles
BACE-1 cell assays
OH: The synthesis was conducted manually on 2-chlorotrityl resin Cloning of BACE expression constructs: For the purification of solu-
(loading: 0.78 mmol g 1) by Fmoc/HBTU/DMF chemistry. The Asp-1 ble BACE, a myc-His-tag was fused to the soluble ectodomain of
residue was introduced as Z-Asp[3-(Boc-aminomethyl)-1-amidome- BACE truncated at amino acid 454 and cloned into the pcDN A4
ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2078 – 2091 B 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 2089
L. Moroder et al.
myc/His/A vector. The cDNA was verified for the correct sequence Structure determination and refinement: Coordinates of BACE (PDB-
by automated sequencing.[11b] ID 2B8 L)[23] were used after removal of ligand and water atoms as
search model for initial rigid-body refinement in APRV. Five percent
Cell culture and cell lines: Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293)
of all data were used for Rfree calculation. Amino acid side-chains
cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium
were fitted to 2 Fo Fc and Fo Fc electron density maps by using
(Sigma) supplemented with foetal bovine serum (10 %) and antibi-
Coot.[24] Subsequent maximum likelihood refinement was per-
otics. Stable transfections of HEK 293 cells were performed with
formed with REFMAC 5.2.[25] After the first refinement cycle, water
Lipofectamine reagent (Invitrogen) as described by the manufac-
molecules and ligand were located in the electron density map
turer. Cell lines expressing BACE constructs with the pcDN A3/Zeo
and added to the model. Refinement at later stages was performed
were selected with Zeocin (Invitrogen, 400 mg mL 1). When trans-
after calculation of TLS parameters.[26] The final model was validat-
fected in human bAPP HEK 293 cells (269) the cells were selected
ed with PROCHECK.[27] Refinement statistics are given in Table 9.
with Geneticin (400 mg mL 1) and Zeocin (Invitrogen, 400 mg mL 1).
Inhibitor treatment and analysis: The inhibitors were applied on
269 cells for 16 h after a 2 h pretreatment. The cellular activity of Table 9. Refinement statistics.[a]
BACE1 in treated cells relative to DMSO-treated control cells was
specifically measured by detecting the N-terminal cleavage prod- resolution [M] 20.0–2.12
uct bAPPs from supernatants of APP expressing cell lines in stan- number of reflections (working/test) 76 009/4001
dard Western blotting procedures with use of the neo-epitope spe- Rcryst [%] 20.3
cific antibody 192 (Elan) for detection. The levels were also moni- Rfree[b] [%] 23.8
total number of atoms
tored for aAPPs with the monoclonal antibody 6E10 (Senetek) and
protein 8851
with the polyclonal antibody 5313 to detect overall secretion of
water 291
total APPs. ligand 57
deviation from ideal geometry[c]
Enzyme assays: Kinetic assays were performed on a 96-well Syner-
bond lengths [M] 0.008
gy HT Bio-Tek plate reader with use of a BACE stock solution in
bond angles [8] 1.17
phosphate-buffered saline containing Triton X-100 (0.1 %) and bonded B’s[d] [M[b]] 1.0
stored at 80 8C in aliquots as described previously.[11b] The con- Ramachandran plot[e]
centration of the enzyme in the stock solution was 1.25 nm, as esti- most favoured regions 88.9
mated by Bradford assay (Bio-Rad). Active enzyme concentrations additional allowed regions 10.7
were obtained by active site titration with the statine-based inhibi- generously allowed regions 0.4
tor 2 and by fitting of data from inhibition experiments approach- disallowed regions 0.0
ing titration conditions to the general equation for tight-binding [a] Values as defined in REFMAC5, without sigma cut-off. [b] Test set con-
inhibitors.[11b] Enzyme inhibition was measured in NaOAc (50 mm, tains 5 % of measured reflections. [c] Root mean square deviations from
pH 4.5) at 37 8C, with use of Mca-(Asn670,Leu671)-amyloidb1 A4 pro- geometric target values. [d] Calculated with MOLEMAN. [e] Calculated
tein precursor770ACHTUNGRE(667–675)-LysACHTUNGRE(Dnp) ammonium salt (Bachem) as with PROCHECK.
the fluorogenic substrate (68 mm final concentration) and 0.14 nm
enzyme concentration at 328 nm excitation and 420 nm emission.
Enzyme and buffer were incubated for 10 min at 37 8C prior to ad-
dition of substrate and inhibitor. Substrate hydrolysis was moni- Acknowledgements
tored over 20 min with inhibitor concentrations ranging from 0 mm
to 77.8 mm with gentle shaking of the samples. Obtaining of rela- The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
tive fluorescent units (RFU)/min permitted calculation of a Ki value schaft (SFB 469, A2 and SFB 596, B2).
by nonlinear regression analysis (vi/vo = 1/(1+[I]/[Ki]). Compounds
a–p were inactive up to 1 mm concentration. The inhibitory poten-
cies of compounds 1–22 are discussed in the article. Keywords: BACE-1 inhibitors · macrocycles · NMR
conformation · synthesis · X-ray structures
X-ray crystallography
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