History I

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Text Book for

First Year


Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi

Andhra Pradesh
First Year Text Book

Pages : xx + 308 + iv
© Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi
Andhra Pradesh.


Copies : 1000

 Published by Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, Andhra Pradesh under the

Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Production of Books and Literature in
Regional Languages at the University level of the Government of India
inthe Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi.

 All rights whatsoever in this book are strictly reserved and no portion
of it may be reproduced by any process for any purpose without the
written permission and prescribed by Board of Intermediate Education
A.P. Vijayawada of the Copyright Owners.

Price : Rs. 161.00

Printed in India
Laser Typeset by : Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi
Published and Printed by
M/s. GBR Offset Printers and Publishers
Surampalli, Krishna Dist.
on behalf of Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, Andhra Pradesh


I congratulate Akademi for starting its activities with printing of Intermediate

textbooks from the academic year 2021 – 22.
Education is a real asset which cannot be stolen by anyone and it is the
foundation onwhich children build their future. As the world has become a global
village, children will have to complete with the world as they grow up. For this there
is every need for goodbooks and good education.
Our government has brought in many changes in the education system and
more are to come. The government has been taking care to provide education to the
poor and needy through various measures, like developing infrastructure, upgrading
the skills of teachers, providing incentives to the children and parents to pursue
education. Nutritious mid-day meal and converting Anganwadis into pre-primary
schools with English as Medium of instruction are the steps taken to initiate children
into education from a young age. Besides introducing CBSE syllabus and Telugu as
a compulsory subject, the government has taken up numerous innovative programmes.
The revival of the Akademi also took place during the tenure of our government
as itwas neglected after the State was bifurcated. The Akademi, which was started on
August 6, 1968 in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh, was printing text books,
works of popular writers and books for competitive exams and personality
Our government has decided to make available all kinds of books required for
studentsand employees through Akademi, with headquarters at Tirupati.
I extend my best wishes to the Akademi and hope it will regain its past glory.

Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Dr. Nandamuri Lakshmiparvathi
M.A. M.Phil., Ph.D.
Chairperson, (Cabinet Minister Rank)
Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, A.P.

Message of Chairperson, Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, A.P.

In accordance with the syllabus developed by the Board of Intermediate,

State Council for Higher Education, SCERT etc., we design high quality Text
books by recruiting efficient Professors, department heads and faculty members
from various Universities and Colleges as writers and editors. We are taking steps
to print the required number of these books ina timely manner and distribute
through the Akademi’s Regional Centers present across the Andhra Pradesh.
In addition to text books, we strive to keep monographs, dictionaries, dialect
texts, question banks, contact texts, popular texts, essays, linguistics texts, school
level dictionaries, glossaries, etc., updated and printed and made available to students
from time to time.
For competitive examinations conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Public
Service Commission and for Entrance examinations conducted by various
Universities, the contents of the Akademi publications are taken as standard. So,
I want all the students and Employees to make use of Akademi books of high
standards for their golden future.

Congratulations and best wishes to all of you.

Nandamuri Lakshmiparvathi
Chairperson, Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, A.P.
Principal Secretary to Government Higher Educational Department
Government of Andhra Pradesh


I Congratulate Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi for taking up the initiative

of printing and distributing textbooks in both Telugu and English media within
a short span of establishing Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi.

Number of students of Andhra Pradesh are competing of National Level

for admissions into Medicine and Engineering courses. In order to help these
students Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi consultation with NCERT redesigned
their Textbooks to suit the requirement of National Level Examinations in a
lucid language.

As the content in Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi books is highly informative

and authentic, printed in multi-color on high quality paper and will be made
available to the students in a time bound manner. I hope all the students in
Andhra Pradesh will utilize the Akademi textbooks for better understanding
of the subjects to compete of state and national levels.




solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all
its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith

and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the

individual and the [unity and integrity of the
twenty-sixth day of November, 1949 do HEREBY
Textbook Development Committee


Dr. G. Somasekhara Sri. L. Srinivasarao

Asst. Professor, GJC Pamarru,
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur Krishna Dt.

Dr. J. Krishna Prasad Babu Sri. P. Baburao

Lecturer, Jawahar Bharathi College, Rc Jr College,
Kavali Deenapur, Guntur Dt

Sri. D. Giri Dr. A. Amareswara Rao

Sri Satyadeva Junior College, Sri Chaitanya IAS Academy,
Annavaram Vijayawada


Prof. G.Sambasiva Reddy

Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa


Dr. M. Srinivasa Reddy

Reader, Loyola College,
Coordinating Committee of
Board of Intermediate Education, A.P.

Sri M.V. Seshagiri Babu, I.A.S.

Board of Intermediate Education,
Andhra Pradesh

Educational Research & Training Wing (Text Books)

Dr. A. Srinivasulu

Sri. M. Ravi Sankar Naik

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Ramana Reddy

Assistant Professor

Sri J.V. Ramana Gupta

Assistant Professor
Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi, Andhra Pradesh
Coordinating Committee

Sri V. Ramakrishna, I.R.S.


Dr. M. Koteswaramma, M.Com., Ph.D.

Research Officer

Dr. S.A.T. Rajyalakshmi, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D.

Research Assistant

Dr. K. Glory Sathyavani, M.Sc., Ph.D., M.Ed.

Research Assistant

The role played by the Akademi in stabilizing Telugu Medium at the level of Higher
Education since its inception (1968) is well known. The Akademi has rendered needful
services by publishing a number of Text Books, Reference Books, Translations, Popular
Series, Monographs, Dictionaries, Glossaries, Readings, etc., over the years. Many among
the above mentioned books werealso reprinted as per the demand. Sincere effort is being
made to improve the quality of these books by conducting workshops, refresher courses
and also by taking suggestions given by the intellectuals in general and the students and the
teachers in particular.
Akademi has been revising and updating its publications in accordance with the prescribed
syllabi, as and when necessary. Akademi is publishing Text Books for Intermediate in Telugu
Medium since its inception. In addition,the Akademi has entered a new phase of activity
with the publication of language books from the year 1995, and preparation and publication
of IntermediateText books in English medium from the year 1998, as entrusted by the
Board of Intermediate education.
For the academic year 2014-15, the Board of Intermediate Educationhas revised the
syllabus of all Humanities Text Books for first year of Intermediate and entrusted the
preparation, printing and distribution of Text Books to Akademi. Accordingly, Akademi
prepared this Text Book strictly in accordance with the prescribed syllabus for the academic
year 2014-15.
We are indeed very much grateful to the Government of India, State Government,
State Universities, the Board of Governors of Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi. We also thank
the Commissioner, Intermediate Education and Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education
of Andhra Pradesh. We are also very much grateful to Text Book Development Committee
of the subject concerned for their valuable cooperation.
Constructive suggestions are solicited for the improvement of this book. The suggestions
received will be examined and incorporated in the sub sequenteditions.

Sri. V. Ramakrishna, I.R.S.

Telugu and Sanskrit Akademi,
Andhra Pradesh
Following the direction from Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Board of Intermediate
has accomplished the work of printing of text books for the II year Intermediate students in
History in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
This book is one of the Text Books printed by BOIE during the Academic Year 2015-16.
The Book covers broad themes of the world History from the earliest times to the present. The
content is distributed in 13 chapters.
The authors and the editors have kept in mind the standards at all India level for the plus
two students. The pattern of the book is modeled on NCERT text books.
The authors have followed a Evolutionary, Scientific objective and holistic approach to
the themes dealt by them, there by deviating from the earlier traditional descriptive method of
narration of events chronologically.
The first chapter of the book gives the early History of mankind from the pre Historic
Times to the stage of Homosapiens. An account of Worlds earliest civilization, Namely the
Mesopotamia is described in the second chapter. Life and cultural glory of Ancient Greco Roman
empires is described in the third chapter. The Fourth chapter dealt with the contributions made
by the Islamic culture and tradition to the world. The Fifth chapter gives an account of nomadic
empires and their rollers such as Changiskhan. Bushes.
The life of the people during the medieval feudal Europe is described in the sixth chapter.
The Seventh chapter speaks about the new advancements made by man on account of the
renaissance in different fields such as Art, Architecture, Music, Painting, Sculpture Science and
Technology. The revolutionary ideas of equality, liberty, fraternity, which altered the medieval
Social order are dealt in the eighth Chapter on French Revolution. Industrial revolution that
occurred first in England and the results which spread to the entire Europe is presented in the
Ninth chapter. The Tenth chapter focuses on the liberation and Nationalist movements of Italy
and Germany during the 18th century. The methods resorted by the imperialist powers and the
way the colonization took place, the methods of exploitation and displacement of the indigenous
people forms the contents of the Eleventh chapter. The attempts made by the oriental countries
such as China & Japan to modernize and face the challenges are brought out in the Twelveth
chapter. Efforts made after the post second world war period by the peace loving people and
countries in the world in preserving the world from destruction is dealt with in the Thirteen
Chapter. This chapter closes with the description of work carried out by UNO, NAM and other
regional World organizations for ensuring world peace.
Thus the authors in this book succeeded in presenting broad themes in the world History
in a scientific and rationalistic approach.
This book will not only serve as the text book of the second year Intermediate History
Students, but also prove as useful reference book for those preparing for competitive examination.

Chief Editor

Chapter 1: What is History? 1-20

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of History 2
1.2 Scope of History 8
1.3 Relation with other disciplines 8
1.4 Historiography 10
1.5 Objectivity in History 14
1.6 Is History Science or Humanities? 14
1.7 Influence of Geography on Indian History 16
1.8 Sources of History 17
1.9 Summary 19
Chapter 2: Ancient Civilisations and cultures 21-46
2.0 Introduction 21
2.1 Pre-Harappan cultures 22
2.2 Harappan Civilization 22
2.3 Harappan Script 24
2.4 Harappan Town planning 25
2.5 Society and Economy 28
2.6 Vedic age - society economy and culture 36
2.7 The post Vedic culture 42
2.8 Summary 45

Chapter 3: Early States, Empires and Economy 47 - 62

3.0 Introduction 47
3.1 Early States 48
3.2 Sixteen Mahajanapadas 49
3.3 Rise and Growth of Magadha 55
3.4 Economy and Rural life 57
3.5 Agriculture and trade 59
3.6 Urbanisation 61
3.7 Summary 62
Chapter 4 : Early Societies and Religious Movements 63 - 80
4.0 Introduction 63
4.1 Early Societies 64
4.2 Kinship and Marriages 65
4.3 Social differences 66
4.4 Class differences 67
4.5 Religious Movements 69
4.6 Ajavikas 70
4.7 Loka Yatas 70
4.8 Jainism 71
4.9 Buddhism 75
4.10 Summary 80
Chapter 5 : Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from
3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 81 - 115
5.0 Introduction 81
5.1 Sources 83
5.2 Polity 84
5.3 Administration 93
5.4 Economy 103
5.5 Society 105
5.6 Culture 106
5.7 Science 114
5.8 Summary 115
Chapter 6 : Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 119 - 138
6.0 Introduction 119
6.1 Sources 120
6.2 Sangam age 123
6.3 Breif survey of political history of Deccan and South India 125
6.4 Society, Economy, Religions Art and Architecture 130
6.5 Summary 138
Chapter 7 : Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 139 - 170
7.0 Introduction 139
7.1 Source Material 140
7.2 Arab Invasion on Sind 143
7.3 Turkish Invasion 144
7.4 Muhammad Ghazni 145
7.5 Muhammad Ghori 146
7.6 Delhi Sultanate - Dynasties 149
7.7 Important Sulthans and their Achievements 150
7.8. Polity during Sultanate age 163
7.9 Society, Economy and Culture 165
7.10 Summary 169
Chapter 8 : Age of Mughals 171-202
8.0 Introduction 171
8.1 Sources 172
8.2 Conditions of India on the Eve of Babur’s Invasion 174
8.3 Sher Shah 177
8.4 Imperial Mughals 180
8.5 Disintegration of Mughal empire 184
8.6 Mughal adminstration 186
8.7 Akbar’s Religious policy 190
8.8 Art and Architecture under Mughals 191
8.9 Rise of Maratas 192
8.10 Summary 200
Chapter 9 : Bhakti and Sufi Traditons 8th AD - 16th Century 203 - 220
9.0 Introduction 203
9.1 Meaning of Bhakti 204
9.2 Salient features of the Bhakti Saints 205
9.3 Prominent Bhakti saints and their Preachings 206
9.4 Bhakti movement in Maharastra 213
9.5 Sufism - meaning, origin and main features 214
9.6 Prominent Sufi orders and Sufi Saints 216
9.7 Impact of Bhakti and sufi movements on society 218
9.8 Summary 219

Chapter 10: Deccan and South India from 10th Century to

19th Century AD 221 - 248
10.0 Introduction 221
10.1 Sources 22
10.2 The Kakatiyas 224
10.3 The Vijayanagara Rulers 229
10.4 The Bahamanis of Gulbarga 237
10.5 The Qutub Shahis of Golkonda 239
10.6 The Asafjahis of Hyderbad (1724 - 1948) 245
10.7 Summary 247

Chapter 11 : India under the Colonial Rule 249- 270

11.0 Introduction 244
11.1 Advent of European Companies in India and conflict 250
11.2 Expansion of East India Company’s authority 253
11.3 Governor Generals and their policies 259
11.4 1857 Revolt 262
11.5 Summary 269

Chapter 12: Indian National Movement 271-306

12.0 Introduction 271
12.1 Background to Indian National Movement 272
12.2 Foundation of Indian National Congress 278
12.3 Phases of Indian National Movement 282
12.4 Vandemataram Movement 282
12.5 The role of Revolutionaries - Early Phase 283
12.6 Home Rule movement 285
12.7 Gandhiji - Early Struggles 286
12.8 Non Cooperation Movement 290
12.9 Second Phase of Revoltionary Movement 291
12.10 Civil Disobedience Movement 295
12.11 Quit India Movement 298
12.12 Constitutional Reforms 301
12.13 Role of Women in National Movement 302
12.14 Towards Freedom 302
12.15 Indian Constitution 304
12.16 Summary 305
What is History? 1

1 What is History?

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition of History
1.2 Scope of History
1.3 Relation with other disciplines
1.4 Historiography
1.5 Objectivity in History
1.6 Is History Science or Humanities?
1.7 Influence of Geography on Indin History?
1.8 Sources of History
1.9 Summary
2 History
What is History? 3
4 History
What is History? 5
6 History
What is History? 7
8 History
What is History? 9
10 History
What is History? 11
12 History
What is History? 13
14 History
What is History? 15
16 History
What is History? 17
18 History
What is History? 19
20 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 21

Chapter Ancient Civilisations

2 and cultures

2.0 Introduction 2.1 Pre-Harappan Cultures

2.2 Harappan Civilization 2.3 Harappan Script
2.4 Harappan Town planning 2.5 Society and Economy
2.6 Vedic age - society economy and culture
2.7 The post Vedic culture
2.8 Summary
22 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 23
24 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 25
26 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 27
28 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 29
30 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 31
32 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 33
34 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 35
36 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 37
38 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 39
40 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 41
42 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 43
44 History
Ancient Civilisations and cultures 45
46 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 47

Chapter Early States, Empires

3 and Economy

3.0 Introduction 3.1 Early States

3.2 Sixteen Mahajanapadas 3.3 Rise an Growth of Magadha
3.4 Economy and Rural life 3.5 Agriculture and Tade
3.6 Urbanisation 3.7 Summary
48 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 49
50 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 51
52 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 53
54 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 55
56 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 57
58 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 59
60 History
Early States, Empires and Economy 61
62 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 63

Chapter Early Societies and

4 Religious Movements

4.0 Introduction 4.1 Early Societies

4.2 Kinship and Marriages 4.3 Social Differences
4.4 Class Differences 4.5 Religious Movements
4.6 Ajavikas 4.7 Lokayatas
4.8 Jainism 4.9 Buddhism
4.10 Summary
64 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 65
66 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 67
68 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 69
70 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 71
72 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 73
74 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 75
76 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 77
78 History
Early Societies and Religious Movements 79
80 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 81

Chapter Polity, Economy, Society and

5 Culture from 3rd Century BC to
7th Century AD
5.0 Introduction 5.1 Sources
5.2 Polity 5.3 Administration
5.4 Economy 5.5 Society
5.6 Culture 5.7 Science
5.8 Summary
82 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 83
84 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 85
86 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 87
88 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 89
90 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 91
92 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 93
94 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 95
96 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 97
98 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 99
100 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 101
102 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 103
104 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 105
106 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 107
108 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 109
110 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 111
112 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 113
114 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 115
116 History
Polity, Economy, Society and Culture from 3rd Century BC to 7th Century AD 117
118 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 119

Chapter Deccan and South India upto

6 10th Century AD

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Sources
6.2 Sangam age
6.3 Breif survey of political history of Deccan and South India
6.4 Society, Economy, Religion Art and Architecture
6.5 Summary
120 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 121
122 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 123
124 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 125
126 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 127
128 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 129
130 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 131
132 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 133
134 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 135
136 History
Deccan and South India upto 10th Century AD 137
138 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 139

Chapter Age of Delhi Sultanate

7 (1206-1526 AD)

7.0 Introduction 7.1 Source Material

7.2 Arab Invasion on Sind 7.3 Turkish Invasion
7.4 Muhammad Ghazni 7.5 Muhammad Ghori
7.6 Delhi Sultanate - Dynasties
7.7 Important Sulthans and their Achievements
7.8. Polity during Sultanate age
7.9 Society, Economy and Culture
7.10 Summary
140 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 141
142 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 143
144 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 145
146 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 147
148 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 149
150 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 151
152 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 153
154 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 155
156 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 157
158 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 159
160 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 161
162 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 163
164 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 165
166 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 167
168 History
Age of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD) 169
170 History
Age of Mughals 171

8 Age of Mughals

8.0 Introduction 8.1 Sources

8.2 Conditions of India on the Eve of Babur's Invasion
8.3 Sher Shah 8.4 Imperial Mughals
8.5 Disintegration of Mughal emire 8.6 Mughal administration
8.7 Akbar's Religious policy
8.8 Art and Architecture under Mughals
8.9 Rise of Maratas 8.10 Summary
172 History
Age of Mughals 173
174 History
Age of Mughals 175
176 History
Age of Mughals 177
178 History
Age of Mughals 179
180 History
Age of Mughals 181
182 History
Age of Mughals 183
184 History
Age of Mughals 185
186 History
Age of Mughals 187
188 History
Age of Mughals 189
190 History
Age of Mughals 191
192 History
Age of Mughals 193
194 History
Age of Mughals 195
196 History
Age of Mughals 197
198 History
Age of Mughals 199
200 History
Age of Mughals 201
202 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 203

Chapter Bhati and Sufi Traditions

9 8th AD-16th Century
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Meaning of Bhakti
9.2 Salient features of Bhakti Movement
9.3 Prominent Bhakti saints and their Preachings
9.4 Bhakti movement in Maharastra
9.5 Sufism - meaning, origin and main features
9.6 Prominent Sufi orders and Sufi Saints
9.7 Impact of Bhakti and sufi movements on Society
9.8 Summary
204 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 205
206 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 207
208 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 209
210 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 211
212 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 213
214 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 215
216 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 217
218 History
Bhati and Sufi Traditions 8th AD-16th Century 219
220 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 221

Deccan and South India
10 from 10th Century to
19th Century A.D.
10.0 Introduction 10.1 Sources
10.2 The Kakatiyas 10.3 The Vijayanagara Rulers
10.4 The Bahamanis of Gulbarga 10.5 The Qutub Shahis of Golkonda
10.6 The Asafjahis of Hyderabad (1724-1948)
10.7 Summary
222 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 223
224 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 225
226 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 227
228 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 229
230 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 231
232 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 233
234 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 235
236 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 237
238 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 239
240 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 241
242 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 243
244 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 245
246 History
Deccan and South India from 10th Century to 19th Century A.D. 247
248 History
India under the Colonial Rule 249

Chapter India under

11 the Colonial Rule

11.0 Introduction
11.1 Advent of European Companies in India and conflict
11.2 Expansion of East India Company's authority
11.3 Governor Generals and their policies
11.4 1847 Revolt
11.5 Summary
250 History
India under the Colonial Rule 251
252 History
India under the Colonial Rule 253
254 History
India under the Colonial Rule 255
256 History
India under the Colonial Rule 257
258 History
India under the Colonial Rule 259
260 History
India under the Colonial Rule 261
262 History
India under the Colonial Rule 263
264 History
India under the Colonial Rule 265
266 History
India under the Colonial Rule 267
268 History
India under the Colonial Rule 269
270 History
Indian National 271

Chapter India under the

12 Colonial Rule

12.0 Introduction 12.1 Background to Indian National Movement

12.2 Foundation of Indian National Congress
12.3 Phases of Indian National Movement
12.4 Vandemataram Movement
12.5 The role of Revolutionaries - Early Phase
12.6 Home Rule movement
12.7 Gandhiji-Early Struggles
12.8 Non Cooperation Movement
12.9 Second Phase of Revoltionary Movement
12.10 Civil Disobedience Movement
12.11 Quit India Movement 12.12 Constitutional Reforms
12.13 Role of Women in National Movement
12.14 Towards Freedom
12.15 Indian Constitution
12.16 Summary
272 History
Indian National 273
274 History
Indian National 275
276 History
Indian National 277
278 History
Indian National 279
280 History
Indian National 281
282 History
Indian National 283
284 History
Indian National 285
286 History
Indian National 287
288 History
Indian National 289
290 History
Indian National 291
292 History
Indian National 293
294 History
Indian National 295
296 History
Indian National 297
298 History
Indian National 299
300 History
Indian National 301
302 History
Indian National 303
304 History
Indian National 305
306 History
Indian National 307
308 History

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