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NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: ________________________

INSTRUCTOR: ________________________________ SCORE: _______________________
Name of Drug, Generic Name Mechanism of Action and
Indication/Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Effects Key Nursing Responsibilities and Management
Dosage, Route and Classification
GENERIC NAME Chlorpromazine exerts its INDICATION SIDE EFFECTS Before Administration:
Chlorpromazine therapeutic effects
Chlorpromazine is  Central Nervous  Conduct a thorough assessment of the
(Thorazine) primarily through
indicated for the System: Drowsiness, patient's mental status, including their
antagonism of dopamine treatment of various sedation, current psychiatric symptoms and any
BRAND NAME receptors in the brain, psychiatric disorders, extrapyramidal potential triggers.
particularly in the
including schizophrenia, symptoms (such as  Establish rapport and trust with the
mesolimbic and
bipolar disorder, and dystonia, akathisia, patient to promote cooperation during
DOSAGE mesocortical areas. It also severe behavioral Parkinsonism), tardive medication administration.
Dosage varies exhibits anticholinergic,
problems. It can also be dyskinesia, neuroleptic  Communicate clearly with the patient
depending on the antiadrenergic, and
used to manage nausea malignant syndrome. about the purpose of the medication
condition being treated, sedative properties. and vomiting, particularly  Cardiovascular: and any potential side effects they may
typically ranging from in the context of surgery Hypotension, experience.
10-100 mg orally 3-4 CLASSIFICATION: or chemotherapy. tachycardia, During Administration:
times daily for adults. Chlorpromazine is a typical arrhythmias.  Ensure a calm and therapeutic
antipsychotic agent,  Anticholinergic: Dry environment for medication
ROUTE belonging to the CONTRAINDICATION mouth, blurred vision, administration, minimizing distractions
Oral, intramuscular, phenothiazine class.  Hypersensitivity to constipation, urinary and disturbances.
intravenous. chlorpromazine or any retention.  Administer the medication in a manner
components of the  Hematologic: that promotes patient comfort and
FREQUENCY formulation. Leukopenia, compliance, addressing any concerns
Usually administered 3-4  Coma, central nervous agranulocytosis. or fears they may have.
times daily. system depression, or  Endocrine:  Monitor the patient closely for signs of
severe hypotension. Hyperprolactinemia, agitation, anxiety, or other adverse
TIMING  Patients with known or menstrual irregularities, reactions during and immediately after
Can be taken with or suspected gynecomastia. administration.
without food. If taken pheochromocytoma.  Use appropriate communication
multiple times a day, it  Patients with a history techniques to de-escalate any potential
should be taken at of jaundice or liver conflicts or behavioral disturbances.
evenly spaced intervals dysfunction. After Administration:
throughout the day.  Concurrent use of  Continue to monitor the patient's

large amounts of CNS mental status and behavior for any

depressants, such as changes or adverse effects following
alcohol or medication administration.
barbiturates.  Document the patient's response to the
medication, including any observed
therapeutic effects or side effects.
 Provide ongoing support and
reassurance to the patient, addressing
any questions or concerns they may
have about the medication.
 Collaborate with the interdisciplinary
team to develop and implement a
comprehensive treatment plan for the
patient's psychiatric condition,
incorporating medication management,
psychotherapy, and other therapeutic
interventions as needed.


Kizior, R. J., & Hodgson, K. (2022). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2023 (1st ed.). Saunders.

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