Poly Techfest 2024 Guidelines Notification - 241024 - 164942

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Cir.No.EHE02-17/53/2024-HSEC-CTE-Part(1) Date: 20.10.2024

Sub: Technical Education – Academic – Conduct of District Level
and State Level POLY TECH FEST-2024 – Certain Guidelines
– Issued - Regarding
Ref: 1. G.O.Rt.No.138, HE (TE) Dept., Dt: 09-07-2018.
2. Circular Memo. No. H/Techfest-MIS/2023-24, Dated 05-
3. Cir. Memo. No. H/3307/2017/2024, of this office, dated
15/04/2024 on Academic Calendar.
The Department of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh, has
always been dedicated to implementing the Government's policies and
initiatives effectively. As part of this commitment, the Department strives
to provide an effective platform for students to showcase their innovative
ideas, fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and excellence.

POLY TECHFEST is the Department's flagship annual event,

designed to support the 'Make in India' initiative and align with the
Government’s goal of empowering students with the skills to innovate and
excel in science and technology. This fest gives students the opportunity
to present their ideas, find creative solutions to everyday problems, and
showcase their achievements in science and technology.

Since its inception in 2018, POLY TECHFEST has been instrumental

in providing students across the state with a valuable opportunity to push
the boundaries of scientific exploration and technological advancements.
It encourages participants to explore new frontiers, innovate, and excel in
their respective fields. While the fest couldn’t be held in 2019, 2020, and
2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event returned in 2022 with
great success. Exhibited Projects showcased the creativity and technical
skills of students from across the state, making the event a huge success.
Additionally, the involvement of school students in the fest helps raise
awareness about polytechnic education and encourages higher enrolment
in polytechnic courses.

In light of the overwhelming success of previous years and positive

impact of the Poly Techfest, the Department of Technical Education is
pleased to announce that Poly Techfest 2024 will be held in December
2024. All faculty members and students are encouraged to participate
enthusiastically with their innovative projects, contributing to making this
year's event even more extraordinary. The success of this initiative
greatly depends on the dynamic leadership and active participation of
Principals of Polytechnics. Therefore, Principals of all the Government and
Private Polytechnics are hereby requested to promote this event well in
advance among the students and motivate both staff and students to
contribute creatively. Together, let us continue our efforts to empower
students, celebrate their achievements, and create a culture of

The detailed Guidelines for organizing Poly Techfest 2024 at both

the Regional and State levels are outlined below:


Objectives of POLY TECH-FEST:

In line with the vision of Make in India initiative, the Fest is an
(a) To showcase the current Indian innovation scenario and to improve
it by spreading awareness regarding the Govt., Policies, facilitating
and promoting innovation and research.
(b) To inspire students to innovate and contribute to improve the
innovation culture along with promoting Make in India and Skill
Andhra Pradesh campaign.
(c) To reach out to the innovators at the grass root level.
(d) To bridge the gap between innovation and entrepreneurship.

Expectations from the Participants of Polytechnics:

1. The project must be ingenious and novel in its area of application.
2. The project should not, by any means, be or include copied or
stolen work.
3. If the ideas do not require any technological support for
implementation, then the participant is not expected to bring
prototype of the model in support of the idea. For example, the
Odd-Even system in Delhi was an idea which doesn’t require any
technological implementation or advancement, but it was an idea
which proved to be successful.
4. The project should address any societal or industrial problem in the
provided sectors. It could be in the form of add-on or a completely
new model but the overall impact of the technology should be
5. The project or idea can be converted in to a commercial model in
6. Those which have a higher utility or problem-solving capacity are
more likely to be selected.
7. Potential for becoming a business: The project is expected to have a
significant potential for commercialisation.

Evaluation Committee:
1. State Level:

S No Details Role

Regional Joint Director of Technical

1 Education of the other Region where Chairman
the FEST is conducted

Professors from University/ Engg.

2 Members
3 Industrialists nearby the Fest location Members

2. Regional Level Committee:

S No Details Role

Regional Joint Director of Technical

1 Chairman
Education of that Region

Professor/s from the nearby University/

2 Member/s
Eng., College/s from the District

3 Industrialist/s within the district Member/s

Organising Committee:

1. State Level

S No Name Designation

1 Sri G. Ganesh Kumar, I.A.S. Director of Technical Education

Joint Director, O/o DTE, AP,

2 Sri. V. Padma Rao

Regional Joint Director of Tech.

3 Sri J S N Murthy
Education. AU Region, Kakinada

Regional Joint Director of Tech.

4 Sri A. Nirmal Kumar Priya
Education SVU Region, Tirupati

5 Sri K. Vijay Bhaskar Deputy Director (A)

6 Dr. M. A. V. Rama Krishna Training and Placement Officer

7 Dr. B. Nageswara Rao Deputy Director Technical (I/C)

8 Dr. K. Prakash Officer on Special Duty

2. Regional Level:

S No Designation Role

1 Regional Joint Director of the concerned Region Chairman

2 Principal of the Nodal Polytechnic Convener

3 All the Principals (Government and Private) Members


➢ A notification shall be given to Polytechnics regarding the POLY

TECH FEST - 2024 and the principals should disseminate
information about the objectives and expectations of the POLY TECH
FEST – 2024 to all the students of their respective Polytechnics.
➢ All the Polytechnics both Government and Private shall submit their
projects to the nodal Principals concerned.
➢ A minimum of three or four projects shall be submitted by each and
every Polytechnic so that the stall of the Polytechnic at State Level
does not reflect their poor performance.
➢ Student/s should submit a write-up in the form of a paper for the
idea or project that they present so that the same may be
considered for publication in the Issues of ‘Journal of Polytechnics in
AP’ alongside with furnishing the required data in google form
created for this purpose.
➢ Mini exhibition in any one of the Polytechnic campus at the District
level shall be organised by the District Nodal Principals concerned.
➢ The fest should be open to all the students of the Polytechnics in
the District, thereby this fest acts as a motivation for subsequent
➢ Evaluation should be done for each and every exhibit/ project and
necessary changes should be suggested by the evaluators so that
these project or ideas get fine-tuned for the State Level Poly Tech
Parameters for Evaluating Ideas / Projects:
1. Creativity and Originality: The idea/ project should be
ingenious and novel in its area of application, with the potential
to make a meaningful societal impact.
2. Scalability: Is the solution scalable to a higher level; how easy
is it to scale up; what are the factors affecting it, etc.
3. Robustness: The project should be implementable, repeatable
and feasible for diverse and changing conditions.
4. Potential of Impact: The Scale of problem it solves, Intensity
of the solution and number of people benefitted from the solution
directly and indirectly.
5. Design: The design should optimize the product.
Each of these five parameters may be rated on a scale of 1 to 10,
with the cumulative score determining the overall ranking.

Presentation and Short Listing:

All the shortlisted entries will be invited to the State Level Poly Tech Fest
through the Principals concerned.

Exhibition: The top projects and prototypes will be displayed in the State
Level Poly Tech Fest – 2024

Terms and Conditions for Participation:

1. The decision of the Jury shall be final and binding. All participants
have to abide by the decision of the jury. No interim or later
communication with regard to the decision or its veracity shall be
entertained and if done, shall be viewed seriously.
2. Violation of any rules may result in disqualification of the team.
3. POLY TECH FEST chairman holds all the rights to change the dates
for the submission of projects, organization of events and the
participants will be informed about the same through Principals
concerned. Only those teams that are shortlisted and presented
their work in the State Level Fest will be awarded a Certificate of
Participation. The top entries from this event would be provided
with Certificate of Excellence.
4. Each Polytechnic can send 3 to 4 projects for the District and State
Level exhibition.
5. The best Project identified by the jury regardless of branch/ stream/
idea will be awarded a prize money of Rs. 1,00,000/-, similarly for
the second winner Rs. 50,000/- will be awarded and consolation
award(s) of Rs. 25,000/- will be given to the best projects identified
in each branch on the discretion of the chairman, on the final
day of the POLY TECH FEST.
6. Team Specifications: a team can comprise a maximum of 4 [four]
students. If the participating team feels that their idea requires
more participants in their team, they can forward their request, with
suitable reasons to the Nodal Principals of the District/ Region
7. All the participants should attend with their own necessary
8. All the participating students should carry their institution’s identity
card, else they will not be allowed to participate in the Fest.
9. All the Polytechnics who are willing to participate in the POLY TECH
FEST, have to submit the abstract of their projects by 23rd
November 2024.
10. A staff member of the concerned Polytechnic must accompany the
students and a lady staff member should also accompany with the
team if there is any girl student(s) participating.
11. Misbehaviour of any kind by any participant will be viewed
seriously and disciplinary action will be initiated and the project of
that Polytechnic shall be treated as disqualified.
12. The principals are requested to take the indemnity bond from all
the participants of their respective Polytechnic and a copy of the
indemnity bond shall be submitted at the time of reporting at the
13. There shall be a committee for finalising the appeals. The
concerned Regional Joint Director of Technical Education where the
FEST is conducted heads the committee and other members will be
nominated by the Regional Joint Director.
14. All participants should report one day before at the venue for
making necessary preparations at allotted stall.
15. The participation in the Poly Tech Fest is limited to the students
studying the Polytechnics of Andhra Pradesh state only.
16. The projects presented at District level alone shall be considered
for participation at the State Level. The list of projects submitted
by the concerned District Co-ordinator through respective Regional
Joint Director alone will be considered at State Level.
17. Participation certificates will be given to all the participants.
18. As part of the FEST, cultural events can be presented in the
evenings at the State Level Fest.


Regional Level: 02.12.2024 to 07.12.2024 (any 2 days as per

the convenience of the Regional Joint Directors of
the concerned Regions and the District/Regional
State Level: 18.12.2024 to 20.12.2024 (3 days)

In view of the above, the Regional Joint Directors of Technical

Education are requested to conduct the meetings with the principals
(Government and Private) and fix the dates and venue for the district
At the end of each District level Fest, the participants may be
advised to improve and update their project as per the objectives of the
POLY TECH FEST before participating in the State Level Tech Fest.

Lodging and Boarding:

Free unfurnished accommodation will be provided to all the
participants on their request at the nearby Polytechnic(s) to the Venue.
Arrangements for boarding shall be made on advance intimation to the
Convening Principal. Rs 175/- (Rupees One Hundred and seventy-five
Only) per day per candidate shall be charged for boarding and lodging (Rs
150/- for Boarding expenses i.e., break-fast, lunch, dinner and Rs 25/- for
other arrangements such as maintenance of toilets, cleaning of rooms
etc). TA and DA for the staff members accompanying the participants
shall be met from the institutional funds as per rules in vogue.

• Each of the Polytechnic/ Institution including Private and Aided
Polytechnics/ Institutions have to send an amount Rs 50/- (Rupees
fifty Only) per student for the entire strength of the institution
(subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,500/-), in the form of demand draft/
Account Transfer, in favour of “Director of Technical Education,
• The participating Polytechnic/ Institution shall meet the expenditure
from the student Association fund/ Workshop Materials/ Course
fund already collected from the students in connection with the
participation in District and State Level POLY TECH FEST.
• In case such budget is insufficient the principals are permitted to
utilise the amounts available in IRG/ accumulated non-Government
funds of the Institution with prior permission from the Director of
Technical Education at least 7 days prior to the commencement of
the event.
• The funds received from all the institutions shall be distributed in
75:25 ratios to host the Fest at State and District Levels
• The principals are requested to issue Railway/ RTC concession forms
for the participating students.
• Advertisements at the State Level will be allowed and the rates for
placing the advertisements will be decided by the State Level
• The principals of all the Polytechnics are requested to give wide
publicity and see that the industries, institutions etc will post their
advertisements in the exhibition.

Award of Certificates and Mementoes:

Certificates and mementoes shall be issued to the winners of State
Level POLY TECH FEST and other guests.

And most importantly, all project ideas will be scrutinised and

evaluated by AP Innovation Society, Andhra Pradesh. The ideas that the
society deems fit for incubation and later commercialisation may be
selected by them only.


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