For Marking ICTPMG615 Student Assessment Tasks Version 1.0
For Marking ICTPMG615 Student Assessment Tasks Version 1.0
For Marking ICTPMG615 Student Assessment Tasks Version 1.0
Assessor name:
Assessment Task
Project Portfolio S U DNS
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◻ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.
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Introduction 3
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions 4
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 7
Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio 8
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 17
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The assessment tasks for ICTPMG615 Manage ICT project closure are outlined in the
assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills
and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should
also follow the advice provided in the IT Works Student User Guide. The Student User
Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment
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Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for
information on:
● where this task should be completed
● the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
● whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your
work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide.
However, if your College has provided you with an assessment cover sheet,
please ensure that you use that.
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Provide answers to all of the questions below:
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2. Identify three ICT process models and describe how they are used in managing
an ICT project.
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Quality measures Defect Rate: This measure counts the number of faults or
issues found in the project's deliverables. It aids in
determining the quality of the output and the effectiveness
of quality control processes.
Customer Satisfaction: Determines how satisfied end-users
or clients are with project outcomes. Surveys or feedback
forms can assist determine the success of addressing user
requirements and expectations.
4. Outline the process you would follow as a Project Manager if you discovered,
when reviewing project documentation, that there were still some activities
Examine the project documents for outstanding activities and track progress against
the project plan.
Assess Impact: Determine the impact of these outstanding activities on the project
timetable, budget, and deliverables.
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Update the project plan to reflect the outstanding activities, changing timelines and
resources as needed.
Communicate: Inform stakeholders and team members of the changes, as well as any
additional deadlines or needs.
Allocate Resources: Add new resources or alter existing ones to solve pending tasks.
5. Complete the table to identify three stakeholders you (as a Project Manager) may
need to debrief with at the end of an ICT project and explain why you should
debrief them.
The first row has been completed as an example for you to follow.
Project sponsor Their thoughts and experiences inspired the project, and
they have been involved since its inception. They may
also have a financial interest in the initiative. They will
have received reports since the project's
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7. List three ways in which decommissioning can impact the outcomes of a project.
Cost Savings: It can lower the continuing maintenance and support expenses
associated with obsolete systems, increasing the project's financial performance and
offering budgetary relief.
8. Discuss two circumstances under which an ICT project may need to continue.
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specified. This could involve adding new features or integrations that increase the
project's value and better match it with organisational goals.
Student’s name:
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Task outcome:
◻ Satisfactory ◻ Not satisfactory
Assessor signature:
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Assessor name:
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Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for
information on:
● where this task should be completed
● how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your
work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide.
However, if your College has provided you with an assessment cover sheet,
please ensure that you use that.
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Complete the following activities:
This project requires you to manage one complex ICT project closure.
A complex project closure involves:
● communication with more than one stakeholder and team member
● the identification of additional issues that need to be addressed
● further action required before the project can be closed or
You can do this based on the assumption that you are the Project Manager of
a case study business or your own business if applicable.
If you are using the case study business, all relevant information for you to
complete this assessment can be found in the Simulation Pack.
If you are basing this assessment on your own choice of business, make sure
you have access to all required information (read through the requirements
in the green boxes below for further information). Speak to your assessor to
get approval if you want to base this on your own business.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps
you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of
your Project Portfolio. You must describe the business, ICT project,
documents available, team members, stakeholders, and governing
authorities of the project.
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These documents should show that there are unresolved or outstanding issues that
require further action (such as system errors, additional functionality,
decommissioning of old system etc.).
You also need organisational policies and procedures that specify requirements for
collecting performance metrics, documenting project results and lodging project
You must meet with stakeholders – make sure they are willing to participate in
debriefing meetings that will be viewed by your assessor (in person, online or
through video recording). The stakeholders should be able to provide further input
about project related issues, such as quality issues, requirements incomplete,
difficulties when dealing with staff, outstanding project documentation etc.
Read through your organisation’s policies and procedures that describe the
requirements for:
● collecting project performance metrics
● documenting project results
● lodging project documentation.
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You will use the information you’ve collected to debrief the project team
and relevant stakeholders.
Make sure you follow your organisation’s requirements as you collect the
information (such as maintaining the privacy of customer or staff
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, read through:
● Essential Software Project Team
● Website and Online Store Briefing
● Project Budget Report
● Project Status Report.
Arrange for a meeting with the relevant stakeholders (e.g., send a calendar
invite or draft an email).
Meet with at least two project stakeholders to debrief them on the project
performance. At the meeting:
● accurately and clearly communicate your findings from analysing the
information available about the project performance
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Make notes on your analysis before the meeting to guide your discussion.
This meeting may take place with actual people who work for/are associated
with your chosen business and project. Alternatively, your assessor and
other students may play the role of the workshop attendees.
If you are basing this assessment on your own business and you are meeting
with stakeholders who work for/are associated with your chosen business
and project, the meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor
(e.g., via a video link) or you may like to video record the session for your
assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at
this step. The stakeholders should be prepared to provide you with
information that will impact the closure plans.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, you will meet your
assessor and/or other students who will play the role of the stakeholders.
Make sure you follow the instructions above and take no longer than 20
minutes. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor, you will
attach proof of the meeting to Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
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Use technical and relevant industry language (e.g., bandwidth, hardware and
software types, performance metrics etc.) in your document.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, you must develop a
Project Evaluation Report. Use the template provided in the Simulation
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, you must email the
report to the stakeholders who attended the meeting and save the report in a
dedicated project folder as per the requirements in the Project Management
Policy and Procedures. Providing a screenshot of the document saved in a
correctly named folder is sufficient evidence.
At least one project team member should bring up a subtle problem or deviation
when the project issues are being discussed (e.g., lack of time, commitment to other
projects, disagreement with a required change etc.).
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Arrange for a meeting with the relevant stakeholders (e.g., send a calendar
invite or draft an email).
Read through the meeting requirements and make notes before the meeting
to guide your discussion.
This meeting may take place with actual people who work for/are associated
with your chosen business and project. Alternatively, your assessor and
other students may play the role of the workshop attendees.
If you are basing this assessment on your own business and you are meeting
with stakeholders who work for/are associated with your chosen business
and project, the meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor
(e.g., via a video link) or you may like to video record the session for your
assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at
this step.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, you will meet your
assessor and/or other students who will play the role of the team members.
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Make sure you follow the instructions above and take no longer than 20
minutes. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor, you will
attach proof of the meeting to Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
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Following your discussion with the team members, document an action plan
and assign responsibilities to action outstanding activities.
Draft an email to all team members responsible for actions in the action
plan. Your email should follow up on the completion status of the action
they were required to complete. Confirm that the action has been completed.
Update the action plan (in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio) to show
completed actions.
Confirm that the project is ready to be decommissioned or closed.
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Draft an email to the relevant stakeholder to handover the project and obtain
final sign-off. In your email, summarise the final outcomes of the project,
confirm its closure or decommissioning and recommend actions required by
the governing authority to facilitate closure.
Draft an email to the project team to thank them for their efforts and
summarise the project outcomes. Also request that they complete the survey
you created.
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio,
answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread
for spelling and grammar as necessary.
Submit to your assessor for marking.
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Student’s name:
successfully? Comments
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o asking questions to
encourage sharing of
information and ideas
o responding to questions as
Task outcome:
◻ Satisfactory ◻ Not satisfactory
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:
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Case study
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NatureCare Products’ overall business objectives for the next three years are to increase
sales and create brand awareness. Their strategic plan refers to the development of an
online store to maintain competitiveness.
You have been the Project Manager of the NatureCare Products’ website and online store
project. Your team are nearing the end of the schedule and it’s time to see whether you can
start wrapping things up. Throughout the project lifecycle, you have dealt with the
Operations Manager (who is responsible for the final sign-off of the project), Customer
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Service Manager (who has detailed knowledge of the business systems and client needs),
Sales and Marketing Manager (oversees sales in store and online) and the Financial
Controller (responsible for financial decisions). Customer service officers have helped to
test the website and online store during its development. The CEO must first approve the
outcomes before the Operations Manager is allowed to sign-off.
The stakeholders have agreed that the project’s success will be evaluated against:
Assume that your action plan has been approved and a suitable period has passed for the
actions to be completed.
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Training of new staff Complete, Sandy has been practising facilitation techniques
in response to feedback.
Ready reference review Changes provided by Sam were relatively minor and
required some new screenshots (existing screenshots had
not considered recent design changes) as well as addition
of some steps that had skipped key stages.
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We’re a reasonably small company now but have big plans. We hope that a strong online
presence will assist this.
Quality is our highest priority and so in everything we do, quality assurance needs to be
built in. This project must run to budget and to timelines and satisfy functionality
Our existing website was put in place at least six years ago and was developed using a
basic template. This template has not been easy to customise and meant that we could
update our site so it could do what we wanted it to. There was no option for a shopping
We are not an IT/technically minded business, and although we tried a number of times
over the years to make it look more interesting and appealing, we failed. We ended up with
a site that had many pages with limited information, links that broke when different people
tried to ‘fix’ things and a site that ended up looking unprofessional, amateurish and that
was difficult to navigate. There is no ‘brand presence’ on the site so there is a disconnect
with our marketing content, such as our social media (Facebook and Instagram).
About a year ago we engaged the services of a web designer who was recommended by an
ex-staff member. This person had their own ideas on what to do, how the site should look
and function, and did not consider our feedback and how we wanted it to work within our
existing systems. The project was terminated with the website half built. We did not like
what we ended up with and it has been in limbo since because we have put it into the ‘too
hard basket’.
As time progressed, our customers have become frustrated with our website because they
assumed there was an online store attached. We added a banner saying to call customer
service and place an order. When customers found out this was not just a temporary option
due website issues, some were annoyed or said they would purchase from someone else
who had online options.
We tried to add new products to our original website to try and maintain interest, but our
staff are busy and due to lack of skill there were often mistakes. We all became fed up and
decided our social media would be the best approach to contact our customers. We still had
the telephone sales. This was the core issue – no one wants to keep calling up and ordering
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We believe there the company has lost a lot of sales to our competitors, and our repeat
customers are those who were consider our ‘die hards’, those who love our product and
will either go into one of the stores or call us to purchase.
Most of our competitors sell online and it is time to keep up with the market competition.
An online store is essential to our continued success.
Website activities
● Browse product range
● Search for products
● Purchase products
● Follow our social media pages
● Blogs and articles about our products
● Subscribe to our mailing list.
Other issues
The website will need to integrate with our finance system so that invoices are
automatically generated. We currently use Xero. We would like several our staff to be able
to access the website and update the products page. We will require permissions so that
website content (not store content) can only be modified by certain staff.
The Job Profiles document provides details about who will be accessing the website. An
organisation chart has also been provided.
Our staff will need training once the website is ready. Not many are technically minded or
systems savvy.
We have a detached warehouse on our site. Our inventory systems are not live. Our
warehouse staff come to the office and gather the phone orders. Our customer service team
do not know how much stock is in the warehouse and our warehouse staff don’t know how
much has been ordered until they come and pick up the orders. There have been order
problems because we have had to call customers and tell them we have run out of stock, or
we need to call one of our stores and get them to send out the order for us.
We admit our processes are considered archaic but worked for us when we were starting
out. Unfortunately, we have not grown our IT systems along with our company.
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This document is confidential and must not be distributed among staff other than the
Leadership Team and IT Project Managers.
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1. Purpose
NatureCare products adopts a standard approach to project management to ensure the
consistent use of project management procedures and templates.
This policy and procedure is designed to specify the requirements for managing projects to
ensure that project scope is articulated, stakeholders are involved, risks are managed and
project benefits are maximized.
This policy and procedure applies to all projects.
2. Types of project
Generally, there are three types of project: small project, medium project and large project
which is determined through the project amount.
In each of the above cases the following staff are to be involved.
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3. Project Phases
All projects should progress through the following project phases.
Stage one
Stage one of the project management process is triggered when a staff member or team
identifies the need to solve a problem, improve a process or implement a new service. It
defines what the project will attempt to achieve based on appropriate business justification.
At this stage, the staff member or team must complete the project authorisation template to
gain authorisation for the detailed project scope management planning.
Stage two
Stage two of the project management includes defining and documenting the project scope
in the project scope management plan.
Key tasks involved in this phase include:
● Identifying project benefits, outcomes and outputs.
● Making an initial assessment of project size and required staff.
● Completing a project scoping using the Native Bush Spices Australia project scope
The project scope management plan must be completed within 2 weeks of the project
authorisation being given approval.
The project scope management plan must be reviewed by the senior management team
prior to final approval. Where any issues are identified from the project management plan
scoping, it is possible that the project may not proceed.
Stage three
The purpose of this phase is to determine how the project will be executed. This means
developing a project management plan based on the project scope. The Australian Native
Bush Spice project management template should be use. Essentially the preparation of a
detailed model of the work required to achieve the project objectives is required and
confirmation of the budget and project arrangements suggested in the Business Case. Risks
are also defined and documented in a risk management plan A detailed schedule is also
Stage four
The purpose of this phase is to implement the project. Regular reports of the progress of
the project should be provided to relevant staff, as well as regular meetings as outlined in
the project management plan.
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Stage five
This is the final phase of the project and is the formal closure of the delivery component of
the project. It has two main outcomes:
● The handover of project outputs to the operational areas responsible for ongoing
support and maintenance (if applicable to the project); and
● The evaluation of the success of the project.
The evaluation of the project’s success is important part of the project. The actual project
outcomes and cost must be compared with the planned outcomes and determine whether
what was achieved by the project was worth the amount invested.
Project recommendations included in project evaluation report should include a
recommendation to close project.
4. Project Quality
Project quality is of the utmost importance. A Project Quality Management Plan is to be
developed for all projects and then included in the Project Management Plan.
The following objectives must be incorporated into all projects and customised according
to the specific project:
● Effective Project Delivery: To facilitate the delivery of the project on time and within
+/- 10% budget to be varied according to project requirements and with successful
achievement of the Project Objectives as defined in the project charter.
● Effective Project Management: To ensure that the project management methodology is
adhered to and all key processes involved in project management are undertaken
effectively for the project.
● Fit for Purpose Deliverables: Project deliverables are efficient, effective and meet the
requirements of all project team and stakeholder members.
● Customer Satisfaction: Major stakeholders are satisfied with the final project outcome.
Relevant project quality standards must be selected from Appendix A.
5. Project Communication
It is expected that the project team meet at least weekly depending on the size of the
project. A brief email summarising the outcomes of the meeting must be sent to senior
Project Progress Reports and Project evaluation reports must also be sent to senior
management regarding project progress.
All project issues arising must be documented and dealt with in an Action plan.
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Hosting and support (first $500 Hosting and support (first $500
year) year)
*Actual copywriting costs reflect NatureCare Products’ future decision to have the project
team assist with writing copy for all main website pages and develop templated text for
product descriptions.
**Actual staff training costs reflect NatureCare Products’ future decision to train extra
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Current progress
Staff training: Feedback from Sandy Paxton confirms that all current staff have received
training in the use and functionality of the website and online store. These staff members
have also been provided with a ‘ready reference’ document for future use.
Look and feel: positive feedback has been received throughout the project’s progression as
to the look and feel of the website and online store. The NatureCare Products branding has
been replicated and the client expectations of a light, uncluttered and easy-to-navigate
website and online store have been achieved. Key feedback from both customer service
and customers includes the need for a ‘recurring order’ option, as some people like to keep
stock of their favourite products, so they never run out.
Team feedback: there have been some concerns with one of the team members, who has
had some issues with taking on board feedback from the customer service team. This
person was spoken to and it appears issues have since been rectified.
Budget: the budget has been exceeded over the duration of the project. This was due to
NatureCare Products requesting some extra support. The extra money was approved for
release by the CEO, with confirmation from both the Financial Controller and Operations
Schedule: the departure of Drake Stahl to another project led to slippage by approximately
one week. Sandy Paxton was delegated Drake’s training duties and took them on
enthusiastically. There was an unexpected delay of several days while Dale Ehrmantraut
attended to personal business that required time off from the project. It was agreed between
both Essential Software and NatureCare Products that there would be no penalisation for
this delay.
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Current progress
Provide a brief outline of current progress.
Recommend to the client whether the project needs to be decommissioned, closed, or
continued. Recommend any appropriate actions that should be to prepare for closure.
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Who are the team ● The Project Manager oversees the project,
members of the project? supervises resources, and ensures that deadlines are
What is their role?
● Business Analyst: Collects and documents business
needs while ensuring alignment with project
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What are the What are the organisational requirements for documenting
organisational project results?
requirements for
lodging project ● Detail and Clarity: To enable comprehensive
understanding, results must be clearly and thoroughly
documentation? documented.
Attach proof of the
policies and ● Standardisation: Documentation should adhere to
organisational formats and standards to ensure
procedures (including uniformity.
the notes you made
on them) to this ● Accessibility: Results must be saved so that authorised
section of the personnel can easily access them.
● Auditability: Documentation must be sufficiently
detailed to support audits and reviews.
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section of the completed in six months but took seven, there was a
portfolio. delay.
Who did you meet ● Areas for improvement include team members who
with? battled with deadlines or quality.
What feedback did What additional information did the stakeholders provide?
you receive regarding
the performance of ● User feedback: Comments on system usability and
individual team functionality.
● Performance Data: Additional information about
What additional system performance and difficulties.
information did the
What is the impact of the additional information on the
stakeholders provide?
project closure?
What is the impact of
the additional ● System Improvements: Additional information may
necessitate additional modifications or upgrades before
information on the
project closure? ● Final modifications: Any critical feedback may require
If not already viewed final modifications to achieve complete satisfaction and
in person by your
assessor, attach proof
of the meeting to this
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section of your
Show how you ● Root Cause Analysis: Use approaches such as the 5
determined the root Whys or the Fishbone Diagram to identify underlying
causes (e.g., root issues. For example, if the system is slow, the
underlying problem could be inadequate hardware or
cause analysis).
inefficient programming.
What action should
be taken to address
the issues?
What action should be taken to address the issues?
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● What is the
impact of
continuing, What is the impact of continuing, decommissioning, or
or closing? ● Proceeding: Could entail extra expenses and time.
● What
● Decommissioning: May need more fixes, but
recommendations guarantees that resources are released for future
can be made to initiatives.
the governing
authorities to ● Closing: enables the project's completion and the
facilitate project reallocation of its resources.
closure? What recommendations can be made to the governing
authorities to facilitate project closure?
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Documented results ☐
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Who did you meet ● Performance Problems: The group determined that a
with? number of factors contributed to performance problems,
such as inadequate hardware capacity, unforeseen
Summarise the team’s software defects, and a mismatch in the requirements of
response or reason users and system specifications.
for the issues
identified in the ● Budget Overruns: Unexpected technical difficulties
and higher expenses for hardware upgrades were cited
by a few team members as the reasons for the budget
results/stakeholder overruns.
What still needs to be
done? What still needs to be done?
What subtle problem
● System Improvements: Complete the repairs for the
was encountered and
performance problems and software faults that have
discussed? been found.
How did you address
● Budget Adjustments: To avoid problems in the future,
the problem?
review and deal with budget overruns.
If not already viewed
in person by your ● Documentation: Make sure all project deliverables are
fulfilled and finish any incomplete project
assessor, attach proof
of the meeting to this
section of your What subtle problem was encountered and discussed?
● Integration Problems: Unexpected delays and
performance degradation were brought on by a subtle
issue with the integration of new features with current
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Assume that your action plan has been approved and a suitable period has passed for the
actions to be completed.
Best regards,
Nature Care Products
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Best regards,
Nature Care Products
Best regards,
Nature Care Products
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Best regards,
Nature Care Products
Best regards,
Nature Care Products
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Best regards,
Nature Care Products
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Best regards,
Nature Care Products
Survey ☐
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