MBA FT Assignment I 24-25

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KCES’s College of Engineering and Management, Jalgaon

MBA FinTech-II
SEM- III A.Y. 2024-25


1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Assignment should be written in proper format.
3. Each subject carries 20 marks.
4. Submit the assignment on time without fail.
5. Last date of submission is 28/10/2024

SUB:FT 301 Avenues in Fintech

Answer the following Questions (4 X 5 = 20)

Q1. How Robo advisors help in wealth Management?

Q2. Explain in detail different modes of crowed funding?

Q3. Discuss blocks chain beyond CryptoCurrencies?

Q4. Explain in detail Upcoming challenges and opportunities in Payment Sector?

SUB: FT302: International Financial Management

Answer the following Questions (4 X 5 = 20)

Q1. Explain the Transfer pricing- Meaning and Important Issues of it. (CO3)

Q2.What is Convergence to International Financial Reporting Standards. And also discuss its

Introduction, Advantages of adopting IFRS, Applicability. (CO3)

Q3. Elaborate the financing of foreign trade. What are the documentations required for it?

Explain the modes of payment and discuss the methods of financing. (CO4)

Q4. Explain the concept of Nostro, Vostro and Loro Account. What are the Payment Systems

- SWIFT, CHIP, CHAP, and Telegraphic Transfer (TT). (CO4)

SUB: FT303: Financial Derivatives

Answers the following questions (Any 4) (4 X 5 = 20)

Q1. What is the difference between a clearing member and a trading member in derivative
markets and what role do they play in the futures and options markets?

Q2. What is the clearing mechanism in futures and options markets, and how does it ensure
the execution of trades?

Q3. Explain the risk management strategies that clearing members use to mitigate
counterparty risk.

Q4. What is the SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk) system, and how is it used for
margining in futures and options?

Q5. Explain the types of Swaps, and how does it work?

Q6. What is a debt-equity swap, and why would a company choose to engage in one?

SUB: FT304: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Answers the following questions (Any 2)
Q1. Explain the process of creating a line graph in Excel and its key applications.
Q2. How do you calculate the mean, median, and mode in Excel for a given dataset?

Q3. Explain the significance of using Excel to compute the range, variance, and standard
deviation for a dataset.

Answers the following questions (Any 2)
Q4. What is the difference between covariance and correlation, and how do they describe the
relationship between two variables?
Q5. What is skewness, and how does it describe the symmetry of a data distribution? What is
kurtosis, and how does it reflect the shape of a data distribution?

Q6. What is the difference between continuous and discrete probability distributions? Give
examples of each.

SUB: FT305 A : Cloud Computing and API Economy

Q1. Explain the differen types of API (RESTful, SOAP, GraphQL)

Q2. Describe the monetization models and business opportunities of API economy?
Q3. Give the Comparison of the offerings and pricing models of Leading Cloud Service Providers.
Q4. Describe the best practices for cost management?
SUB: FT305 B : Insurtech

Answers the following questions.

Q1. Explain the Technologies use to enhance customer interaction.

Q2. Explain in detail-claims processing

Q3. What do you understand by ethical issues?

Q4. Discuss Internationalizing Insurtech.

SUB: FT306 A: Deep Learning Applications in Finance

Answers the following questions (Any 4)

Q1. Explain the role of deep learning in developing algorithmic trading strategies. How can
machine learning models identify patterns in financial markets?

Q2. What are the challenges and advantages of using deep learning in algorithmic trading

Q3. How can deep learning techniques be applied to optimize portfolio allocation? Discuss
the key features that deep learning models can learn to improve portfolio performance.

Q4. Explain how Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are used for sentiment
analysis in finance. What are the challenges of applying NLP to financial texts such as news
articles and social media posts?

Q5. What are the benefits and challenges of using deep learning for fraud detection in
finance? Consider both technical and ethical perspectives.

Q6. What is the role of Explainable AI (XAI) in financial fraud detection? Why is model
interpretability important in finance, particularly in fraud detection?

SUB: FT306 B: Business Intelligence and Programming with Python

Answers the following questions (Any 4)

Q1. Describe the installation process of Python on different operating systems. What are
some common challenges users might face during installation?

Q2. What are conditional control statements in Python? Explain how if, elif, and else

statements work with examples.

Q3. What are the different data structures available in Python? Explain the characteristics and

use cases for strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

Q4. What are packages in Python, and how do they differ from modules? Explain the concept

of composition in the context of packages.

Q5. What is exception handling in Python, and why is it important? Explain how it helps in
managing errors and ensuring program robustness.
Q6. Discuss the concept of modifiers in regular expressions. How do they alter the behavior
of pattern matching, and what are some commonly used modifiers?

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