Price Escalation Go292
Price Escalation Go292
Price Escalation Go292
·rice adjustm~n~ f().f Steel; Cement, 8iturneo &. POL and ildoption o'f Oveme~d ··
'1afif!5: Orders lSS~ by ~ft.B Departmen t- Adoption in PR & RD Departmerlt: also •
,.;defs•l'SSued. :-",-::!--·'
G.O.Ms.Ho.2.92 Dated.28.07.2006
Read the following
1; G•.O M$.. No: 3.5, TRftB lRJ) Department dated: 28.02.2006
l. G.O Ms ... No~ 73, TR&B {R.i.) Oep?\:trnent dated: 24.04.2006
'.3. From Eng\neer•h·Chief. PR, Hyd, u .No: T1/49042/06,
dt: 1L03. 2006 anc 25JH. 1006,
0 RD ER~
tn_tfw reference 15' and 2 1
cited read above orders were issued by-TRaB{ijll) ·
Department on Ptic~ Adjustment
'2 . in lne referent(! 3'~ read aO!.)Vf:' , (hf. \:n~ir.eer·in·U1ief(PR), Hydef~t,ad 'fiaS· .
stated that the PJt Department is i;'X ('( U t1ng many works costing less tti:art '~ ~~Qd:iq .
lakhs and these works are siti;ated in interior and remote aieasi · Th('! dass>6f
contractor!> is a\so not superior and t ') ':lt th-~y are r.ot finardally sound. Soi'ne:6fthe-
work.s are executed tt,rough no1rnna t e<.\ bodies. In all such ca1;;es, the- ex~µ~rig,
agencies at~ le:avjng the work in th e middle of execution. Hence, req\'.lested".lhe ·..
Gover.nm~nt to issue .comprehensive oraers in the matter duly ·incorporatintsom¢ .of •. ·
' . ,
3. Government have examined tr1e matter carefulty and hereby accord permls$i:on <.
to accept .to allow .svch price adjustment on worl<s with value of n,ore than .Rs.50.:QO \
lakhs ~nd for which tti.e .$tiputated pedt'JJ to complete the work as per agreemijntls · .· .
more than six ri10rithS:; .subjeir;t tt, t N' i•:)\\)'"HW ::onditions:- · · ·
L Price AdjustnH::' i,L ~kit\ l)t· boct·, t 1..r· increase and decrease .in the
prices for the w0; :-::i rnm plcted w;thin lhe ongi11al ag:-eeme.rit pedod,
ti. In add.ftion, the pncr. ac11ustment shall be for valid extension::givetf ·
for natural calamities dut y lfrnitmg to the actual peri.odldi).-ys•lo~tatj¢ .
for portion of work where work is delayed due · to \:' (aij
acquisition/shifting r,f utilities ( this shall also be limited .tci ·
length affcct~di
m. The pnce adjustme:;l 'iha\l t\,~ dfect \v(• , for all ongoing works for
/-: which hnat b;lt~ are ,, c; f fHid :t nd utl fu~.u re work!:..
·,..,. The varn1tfon ct aUH.' w11t t;e y;tw:'- th' 1~df,a.t1011 lf:1 rat~ i.s more or
. 1ess than 5'1 01 Uh: '" ~I! pr;,, ,t; (•d in })1e u.~Mfc.dl sanction~d
est.lrnate based on which :,id~ .1 re i1wit~d dr Ail lndla Wh'o~(lii~t
·lfl(!eX ·as stlpula ted in lh e Ci, 0.-1 n~acl atiQv,e;;.=. QJL..tfli.jfj{et,.fy'
~ or ID c1od~~~ ~ ;;j~
. ~~-\tit~ ~~( J '. . . .!:'. .:
'I. For.WO~ taken up under E~t"rn<lll,' Aided Pto)t¢t$/ ttie suidetf®:$
sp:ec:!1\ed therec1) art' to bt> 1·(•1t•7"'t'd.
4. The Engineer-In-Chief (PR1. fiyderatiild shalr takt n~., ~~fy ictlbtf Iii th't
I{> . ). ·. Thi~ orderhsue~ tne (O:lC,1ff:: n:· t> cl lhii FrnpiJte Departm~t yf~e
"' ~- . . . ,,\Mir.U,O.Note N0.4337 /263:' A11txpr.P~«Rlii2006, dt~ Zl~dt;ipQ~~
l/it.b.0 . I 11
Office of the Engineer-In-Chief, PR, Hyd~rabad.
Bh o1r:1 J 1 (\ / 11 11 ' l , J, , I , 'r ,
Pe t, o l,~w, 1
four years .
1-' c•Jl/l~<l 6 Jlll' ITT l;,:1iTIJ , fi'J B-2.-618/2, ,'.) •; •·I I · ,; ,
z , , lj.,J],1;(1 ,1,1l;l ..1<'J ,.,,,! I ~
h ! ll q(, ,
l o , ' .,/_I f I age 1 of 2
f. I /. rli_u.~..., c1 f:1;' ' ".rr· ,·,i1 d 1C°J:l;..,: g.J.r)1 B':;. /,' ,, ' '
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