Evolution of SLLs in Direct Lending Vfinal
Evolution of SLLs in Direct Lending Vfinal
Evolution of SLLs in Direct Lending Vfinal
Loans In Direct
December 2023
The direct lending market is undergoing a issuance during 2023 due to the geo-political
shift in its approach to Environmental, Social, landscape and challenging macroeconomic
and Governance (ESG) factors and backdrop, ESG remains at the forefront of
sustainability, driven by both increased developments in the European leveraged
regulation and investor demand. In tandem loan market.
with this, lenders are exploring how they can
At Alcentra, we have taken a proactive
use their sphere of influence in the
approach in shaping the Sustainability-linked
investment space to actively contribute to
Loan (SLL) market according to best
positive change. One of the primary ways
practice and have used our expertise to help
that lenders like Alcentra are integrating ESG
borrowers and investors understand how to
into their investment universe is through
effectively structure SLLs.
sustainable finance, and the provision of
sustainability-linked loans. This whitepaper will provide an insight into
our learnings on the key features of SLLs
In 2022, 50% of European leveraged loans
and will use both market data and case
included sustainability-linked features, this
studies to explain how the SLL market has
continues the upward trajectory from 44% in
2021. Despite the slowdown in primary
Sustainability-Linked Loan (SLL) Background
SLLs are loan facilities that incentivise allowing for increased consistency and
companies’ sustainability performance by harmonisation across the market (collectively
linking the interest margin to the improvement called the “SLL Principles” or “SLLPs”). Aligning
of tailored ESG Key Performance Indicators to these principles is what separates SLLs
(“KPIs”). The loan’s coupon will either increase from ESG-linked facilities. We encourage
or decrease, by a pre-determined amount, borrowers to structure SLL facilities rather than
based on whether or not the company is able ESG-linked provisions as they are regarded as
to achieve a particular set of Sustainability more robust and credible by market
Performance Targets (“SPTs”) for each KPI. participants.
The adjustment to the margin is known as the
Margin benefit for meeting KPI
margin ratchet. The Loan Market Association Annual Reporting
(“LMA”) has launched a set of guiding Material KPIs chosen
principles which provide a framework on how Externally verified
Data calibration / Benchmarks
to structure an SLL according to ‘best practice’, Two- way ratchet
SLLs have gained considerable interest from the debt market.
borrowers and investors since their 2017 SLLs are now reaching mid-sized corporates,
market debut. and we are seeing deals being structured for
Cumulative global sustainable lending totaled companies with earnings of £100m or less.
$308bn at the end of September 2023, this The growing significance of sustainability and
represents a 1.5x increase compared Q1, with ESG is shared across all sectors in Europe,
SLL currently accounting for 86% of total where we have witnessed smaller corporates
sustainable lending volumes. creating and defining their sustainability
One of the factors contributing to the growing strategies in order to gain access to the
proportion of SLLs is the fact that these sustainable finance market and investment
facilities are now spreading to other areas of opportunities.
2019 2023
2017 2021
LAUNCH OF SLLPs Sustainable finance expands into
The LMA publish the SLL Principles, the direct lending and mid-market
bringing structure and space, driven by investor demand,
standardisation to the market reputational benefits for corporates
and regulatory requirements 1
Transaction Timeline
KPI Frequency
Our Learnings On SLLs
We believe that one of the most crucial data to provide a base-line for future GHG or
elements of setting robust KPIs and targets diversity KPIs.
comes from ensuring that they are backed by Through our own ESG questionnaire and
data. Through our experience we have seen engagement with portfolio companies, we
that strong KPIs are most often measurable have seen a significant year-on-year
and quantitative rather than process-driven or improvement in the number of companies
qualitative. As a precursor to this, the best way disclosing quantitative ESG data, particularly
that companies can prepare for structuring carbon emissions. This highlights the value
data-driven KPIs is through understanding that data brings for borrowers and its ability to
their current base-line metrics and building out drive financing opportunities, enhance
their current disclosures. For example, a decision-making, and foster long-term value
company can start the process of calculating creation.
its emissions data or their gender pay-gap
2022 Questionnaire
Gender pay 34% 2023 Questionnaire
gap 52%
Waste 16%
generated 24%
Renewable 15%
energy % 45%
Energy 35%
consumed 71%
Scope 3
Scope 2
Scope 1
The majority of ESG margin ratchet step- Two-way ESG margin ratchets continue to be
downs and step-ups among 2022 SLLs were most common in 2023, with 77% of European
set within the range of 7.5 basis points to 10 SLLs having both step-up and step-down
basis points, with 10 basis points being the mechanisms .
most common. The tighter distribution of
We view this as a positive market
margin adjustments and the convergence
development as we expect that the investor
around 10 basis points, compared with 2021,
community will push back on the limited
suggests that the market is moving towards a
application of one-way ratchets in order to
standardised ESG margin ratchet within SLL
maximise the impact and credibility of SLL
Best Practice Case Study
Company X, a professional service company, The company assigned increasing, annual
secured a sustainability-linked loan, maturing targets to each KPI, which spanned the term
in 2025, to finance the next phase of growth of the loan. The targets were benchmarked
and to advance their sustainable strategy. against peer performance and historic data,
Three material, stretching KPIs which were with an agreed two-way margin ratchet of 10
linked to the margin of the loan were agreed. bps. The company provided an annual
The KPIs were based around reducing carbon sustainability compliance certificate which
emissions from air travel, increasing the confirmed their performance and, in line with
diversity of the new partners intake, and best practice, an external auditor provided
increasing staff involvement in volunteering limited assurance on the accuracy of the data.
KPIs adressed the most Two-way ratchet ensures Performance was verified
important environmental, the credibility of the SLL, no by a third party with
and social challenges faced ‘free option’ for not meeting appropriate credentials,
by the borrower. targets, bringing the SLL in protecting the integrity of
line with the investment the SLL.
Targets were benchmarked
grade and syndicated
and were aligned to the The verification enabled
length of the loan. data integrity and reliability
10bps margin adjustment and was mutually beneficial
Targets stretched the aligns to current direct to both us as the lender, the
company to go beyond a lending market standard. sponsor and the company.
‘business as usual’
trajectory and exceeded all
regulatory requirements.
A borrower may have its sustainability linked In the event that timing issues prevent the
loan or associated sustainability linked loan structuring of an SLL but some relevant ESG
framework certified against an external information is made available, market
sustainability assessment standard. An participants may opt for a sleeping SLL
assessment standard defines criteria, and structure. These are loans which “switch” on
alignment with such criteria is tested by the SLL label after signing once full diligence
qualified third parties/certifiers. of the proposed KPIs and SPTs is completed
and provided that the loan adheres to the
GREENWASHING SLLP and related guidance at the time it is
Greenwashing refers to the practice of
gaining an unfair competitive advantage by
marketing a financial product as SUSTAINABILITY LINKED LOAN (SLL)
environmentally friendly, when in fact it does
not meet basic environmental standards. In Sustainability linked loans are any types of
the context of green loans, greenwashing is a loan instruments and/or contingent facilities
term that has been used to describe which incentivise the borrower’s achievement
situations where a borrower or project is held of ambitious, predetermined sustainability
out to have green credentials but where these performance objectives. The borrower’s
claims are, in fact, misleading, inaccurate or sustainability performance is measured
inflated. using SPTs (as defined below). Sustainability
linked loans are commonly aligned in the
market with the Sustainability Linked Loan
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) Principles (defined below).
Expertise Choice
Our dedicated ESG and Investment Through the development and provision
teams combine deep experience in of sustainability-related products, we
structuring sustainable finance products provide our clients with a wide range of
across many sectors with expertise and choices when it comes to structuring
awareness to help clients make the right their loans, which can be tailored to
decisions for their firms and the align to the sustainable strategies of our
environment. borrowers.
2022 European Sustainability-Linked Loans Wrap: Sustainability-Linked Loans Continue to Gain Prominence in 2022 but Margin Adjustments Remain
Modest (reorg.com)
ELFA-Best-Practice-Guide-to-Sustainability-Linked-Leveraged-Loans-1.pdf (elfainvestors.com)
Overview - SASB
DISCLOSURES This is not a financial promotion. This paper is proprietary and not to be reproduced or
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estimates in this paper constitute the best judgment of Alcentra as of the date hereof, but are subject to
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paper may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, targets or
expectations regarding the strategies described herein (including those introduced by the terms “may,”
“target,” “expect,” “believe,” “will,” “should” or similar terms). There is no assurance that such events or
targets will be achieved and may be significantly different from that shown here. The information in this
paper including statements concerning financial market trends, is based on current market conditions,
which will fluctuate and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons.
Certain information contained herein is based on outside sources believed to be reliable, but its
accuracy is not guaranteed.
The information in this paper is only as current as the date indicated and may be superseded by
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tax or other advice nor is it to be relied on in making an investment or other decision. Investors should
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legal, and tax professionals before making an investment.
Alcentra Direct Lending Team Members