Article 4
Article 4
Article 4
Direct Seeded Rice Might Be One of the Potential Climate Smart Agricultural
Technologies in Nepal
Tika Bahadur Karki1*, Reshama Neupane1, Rajendra Kumar Bhattarai1, Bhimsen Chaulagain1, Sangita
Kaduwal1 , Pankaj Gyawaly 1, Ramesh Acharya2, Soni Kumari Das1 and Jiban Shrestha3
National Agronomy Research Centre, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
Directorate of Agricultural Research, Lumle, Kaski, Nepal
National Plant Breeding and Genetics Research Centre, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
*Corresponding author: [email protected], ORCID:
Rice is the major cereal crop of Nepal and its average yield was 3.47 Mt ha-1 (MOALD 2022) and lags in
comparison to other neighboring countries Bangladesh (4.4 t ha −1) and China (6.7 t ha−1) albeit at par with India
(3.7 t ha−1), and Pakistan (3.5 t ha−1). Between 1960 and 2017, the annual growth rate of rice yield in Nepal was
1.14% which is substantively less than the neighboring countries such as India (2.5%), Bangladesh (3%) and
China (4.2%), and world average (4.5%) (FAOSTAT 2019). Rice contributes about 20% to Agricultural Gross
Domestic Product (AGDP) and 7% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (MoALD 2020, CBS 2018).
Cultivation practice is one of the major production factors in rice. Puddling has been the common practice of
land preparation in rice cultivation. In puddling the soil is saturated by flooding followed by plowing the
supersaturated soil and again plowing or harrowing at progressively lowers water content. Transplanting is done
after the puddling. Ghildyal (1978) highlighted that during puddling coarse aggregates are broken down, non-
capillary pore spaces destroyed, water-holding capacity increases, hydraulic conductivity and permeability
decreases, evaporation decreases and soil reduction is favored. Hence, the existing puddling and transplanting
systems of rice seems not good in terms of soil quality, soil health, water use efficiency, climate change, labor
demand and production cost.
Considering the above facts in rice, Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) can be an alternative to conventional PTR
system. Direct seeded rice refers to the process of developing seed crops from field seeds instead of
transplanting seedlings (Farooq et al 2011). Direct seeding eliminates three main basic operations, namely
puddling, transplantation and the management of standing water. Direct seeding refers to either wet or dry
methods, depending on the manner of crop establishment. Wet-seeding involves sowing pre-germinated seed,
either broadcast or drilled, on to puddled wet soil, and then gradually flooding the land. In dry-seeding, rice is
broadcast or drilled into dry soil and the seed is then covered. Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) is the technology
which is water, labor and energy efficient along with eco-friendly characteristics and can be a potential
alternative to CT-TPR (conventional puddled transplanted rice) (Kumar and Ladha 2011). DSR offers certain
advantages viz., it saves labor, requires less water, less drudgery, early crop maturity, low production cost, better
soil physical conditions for following crops and less methane emission, provides better option to be the best fit
in different cropping systems (Kaur and Singh 2017). DSR utilizes less water and labor (12–35%), lowers
methane emissions (10–90%), enhances soil physical properties, takes less labor and has lower production costs
($9–125 per hectare), while yet producing comparable yields (Chaudhary et al 2023). In order to produce rice
sustainably and with resilience in adverse climatic conditions, direct seeded rice (DSR) methods should be
applied. Therefore, an attempt was made to update the works within and outside of the country, its significance
and the way forward in this paper.
Despite the tremendous yield potential, the productivity of rice remains low in Terai (Karki 2013). Intensive
tillage based conventional agricultural system destroy the soil's physical, chemical and biological properties
thereby crop yields (Ishaq et al 2002). Weed infestation is one of the major factors that contribute to low system'
productivity in the country (Karki et al 2014a). It is estimated that flooded rice fields produce about 10% of
global methane emissions. In order to save water and labor and promote conservation agriculture (CA), with
no/reduced tillage, it is absolutely essential to replace puddle transplanting with direct seeding. In South Asia,
DSR is being practiced on terraced and sloppy lands of Bangladesh, along the coast and Western Himalayan
region of India (Gupta et al 2007). The author found that after two seasons of experimentation (2010-2012) at
Rampur the rice yield under DSR was at par with PTR. However, Ali et al (2014) reported the higher
productivity of DSR than transplanted rice.
Transplanting and direct sowing are the most common methods of crop establishment in rice. In transplanting
system, rice seedlings are transplanted in the puddled field which requires huge amounts of water and higher
numbers of labors for uprooting seedlings, puddling field and transplanting. Similarly, repeated puddling also
adversely affects the soil physical properties by dismantling soil aggregates, reducing permeability in sub-
surface layers and forming hard pans at shallow depths which make land preparation difficult and require more
time and energy to achieve proper soil tilth for succeeding crops. It is well documented that the negative impacts
of puddling on the soil environment, especially on beneficial microorganisms and soil aggregation (Jat et al
DSR systems are classified into (1) dry-direct seeded rice (DDSR) (Photo 1), (2) wet-direct seeded rice (photo
2) and (3) water seeded rice (Table 1). In DDSR, rice is established using different methods, including (i)
broadcasting of dry seeds on un-puddled soil after zero tillage or conventional tillage, (ii) dibbled method in a
well-prepared field, and (iii) drilling of seeds in rows after conventional tillage, reduced tillage using a power
tiller-operated seeder, zero tillage or raised beds (Kumar and Ladha 2011). In wet direct seeded rice, usually
drum seeder is used. In water seeded rice, pre-germinated seeds are broadcasted in standing water on puddled or
unpuddled soil. Beside irrigated areas, water seeding is practiced in areas where early flooding occurs and water
cannot be drained (Kumar and Ladha 2011).
Photo 1. Dry-DSR using tractor mounted drill Photo 2. Wet-DSR using drum seeded
Photo 3. DSR after maize at Rampur, Chitwan Photo 4: Seed production of rice under DSR,
In Nepal rice is produced mainly under rainfed lowland and upland production systems. Upland rice is popular
among farmers of mid and western hills, which is direct seeded in summer season (AGD 2017). Productivity of
upland rice depends on several climatic parameters (temperature, rainfall, humidity, etc.), hydrological
properties, soil, pH, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, rice varieties, and major production inputs, such
as fertilizer management practices (AGD 2017). The summarized benefits of DSR technology reported by
Pathak et al (2011):
It preserves physical properties of the soil,
It facilitates in time rice sowing and provides sufficient time for next crop,
It saves 50% production cost compared to transplanted rice,
Less labor (35-45) required for a hectare of rice cultivation.
It saves 30-40% irrigation water,
Energy consumption reduced by 27%
Rice yield remains unaffected
By reducing the amount of time required for field preparation, DSR helps advance the planting dates of
subsequent rabi crops by at least 7 to 10 days (Jat et al 2022). According to the findings, DSR technology can
potentially prevent up to 70% of crops from lodging under unfavorable weather circumstances (Jat et al 2022).
When compared to mechanically transplanted rice, DSR offers a yield advantage of about 10% (Jat et al 2022).
In the research front, NARC and agriculture university/colleges (AFU, TU etc.) has conducted many
experiments on DSR. A rice yield of up to 6 mt ha-1 was attained utilizing the DSR method on the Sambha
Masuli-1 rice variety with moderate agronomic practices, according to a study conducted jointly by the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC). When compared
to traditionally transplanted rice (TPR), DSR had a benefit-cost ratio of 2.0 and a net profit of up to NPR.
62,000 ($570/ha) (Timsina et al 2023).
Figure 1. Benefits derived from DSR [Adapted from Kumar and Ladha (2011), Chakraborty et al. (2017)]
Table 2. Soil moisture content after fourth season in rice-maize system as influenced by establishment
methods, nutrient levels and weeding methods at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, 2012.
Treatments Soil moisture content (SMC%)
Days after planting (DAS)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Establishment methods
ConA 20.1 21.0 23.8 21.9 21.4 21.7 26.9 23.6 22.8 25.6 22.8
CA (NT+Residue) 20.8 21.8 25.3 23.5 23.0 23.3 28.9 25.5 26.0 27.3 24.6
SEM (±) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1
LSD (0.05) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 3.0 0.8 0.4
CV, % 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 2.2 0.9 1.5
(Source: Karki et al 2023)
Fig 2. Infiltration rate of soil as affected by crop establishment methods, 2012 (Source: Karki et al 2023)
Infiltration rate was directly affected by crop establishment methods. Zero tillage with residue retention had
higher soil water content than zero tillage with residue removal and conventional tillage with or without residue,
and the effect was more It might be due to the effect of no tillage planting with rice crop's residue under CA.
Soil with a higher level of organic matter (Figure 2) has a higher percentage of micro and macro-pores, which
allows it to store more water than soil low in organic matter. Also, organic matter reduces the bulk density of a
soil (again due to higher pore content) therefore allowing for better infiltration of rainfall and snow melt
(Andrews 2006). Surface residues decreases convection, which decreases the gradient in partial pressure of
water vapour between the soil and the general atmosphere. Together with lower temperature, this reduces
evaporation from the soil surface and keeps soil moist for a longer period (Teasdale and Mohler 1993). This
might be the reason for greater soil moisture in CA. Van Donk et al (2010) also revealed that soil covered by
crop residue could hold the 90 mm more soil water in the soil profile of 1.83 m compared to the bare soil by the
end of the crop season. Similarly, Verhulst et al (2011) evaluated soil water content (0–60 cm) in different tillage
and residue management practices in the semi-arid areas of the Mexican highlands for a maize-wheat rotation. It
was due to recharged or retention of more water during winter fallow on soil profile of zero tillage causing the
difference. Use of crop residue reduced the evaporation losses by 56.5%, increased aggregate distribution and
increased infiltration as well (Govaerts et al 2009).
Water productivity
The per hectare water productivity on direct seeded rice fields was 1.27 kg per m3 whereas on puddled fields it
was 0.61 kg per m3 which means that DSR technology resulted in the enhancement of water productivity of
paddy crop (Sidana et al 2022). The per hectare water productivity on direct seeded rice fields was 1.27 kg per
m3 whereas on puddled fields it was 0.61 kg per m3 which means that DSR technology resulted in the
enhancement of water productivity of paddy crop (Sidana et al 2022).
In DSR, the rice seed is placed in the soil, either with or without irrigation before sowing. This method may be
more water-efficient because it doesn't call for ponding and the paddy field receives much less water before
sowing. According to Deb et al (2023), a minimum water savings of 18% can be made with the DSR system in
comparison to TPR.
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate matters, or they flood the field to encourage
swift decay, which also leads to extensive methane emissions. DSR reduces methane emissions ranging from 10
to 90% (Chaudhary et al 2023).
Figure 2: Soil organic matter as influenced by establishment methods at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, 2010-
2014 (Source: Karki et al 2023)
Weed invasion, crop lodging, and fertilizer losses are some of the DSR limitations. Rainfed culture, inadequate
drainage, and delayed economic growth are the main obstacles to DSR in the South Asian region (Pandey et al
2002). Similar issues were reported in China with regard to poor crop establishment, weed infestation, lodging
susceptibility, and nitrous oxide gas production. The yield has decreased in DSR as a result of continuous
cropping and a lack of variety development Liu et al (2014). According to Qureshi et al (2004), DSR decreases
methane emissions while increasing nitrous oxide emissions (particularly under dry-DSR). Greater nitrogen loss
occurs under dry-DSR conditions with higher nitrous oxide emissions (Hou et al 2000). Although DSR have
many positive impacts on soil, water, environment and economics, very less studies have been done in this
regard in Nepal. The authors have limited options to illustrate the findings in assessing PTR and DSR’s effects
in GHG production and emission and their effects on crop from in Nepal.
The way forward
Different types of DSR practices (dry-DSR, wet-DSR and water seeding) can be adopted in Nepal for rice
cultivation. These techniques have advantages over TPR due to lower inputs with comparable yield as well as
quick crop establishment by reducing transplanting shock leading to an early harvesting. There must be a strong
research and development program in promoting DSR in Nepal. Collaboration with the concerned international
and national institutions is another option. Concerned authorities like International Rice Research Institute
(IRRI), Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and National Rice Research Program (NRRP) should
facilitate the research and extension programs on DSR. Basic research in generating knowledge on how DSR is
climate smart is to be done by NARC. On-farm verification of the DSR technology across the terai, river basin
and mid hills rice production ecologies need to be intensified jointly by NARC and provincial and local level
government’s extension bodies.
The scientific and farming communities working in the field of agricultural research and development,
particularly in agronomical research from across the globe are highly acknowledged.
TB Karki conceptualized the topic of the paper and prepared the manuscript jointly with the co-authors namely
R Neupane, RK Bhattarai, B Chaulagain, S Kaduwal, P Gyawaly, R Acharya, SK Das and J Shrestha.
There is no conflict of interest regarding this manuscript.
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