GSTR 3B - GSTR 2A Cir 183 - Final 30123
GSTR 3B - GSTR 2A Cir 183 - Final 30123
GSTR 3B - GSTR 2A Cir 183 - Final 30123
(b) he has received the goods or services or both. Provided that where the goods against an invoice are received in
lots or instalments, the registered person shall be entitled to
[Explanation. — For the purposes of this clause, it shall be take credit upon receipt of the last lot or instalment :
deemed that the registered person has received the goods or,
as the case may be, services
Actual Supplies
FY 1718 FY 1819 BOAs
Beyond time
Upto Upto Within time limits Lapse Records
31.03.2019 30.09.2019 Documents
Mismatch between * RTP to produce certificate With
4 Less than 5 lakhs * How to deal with following
GSTR 3B & GSTR 2A from the supplier * details & 7 scenarios that may arise
docume RC Cancellation/
5 Mismatch between CA/CMA certificate with UDIN
More than 5 lakhs ntation Missing Suppliers/ Change of
GSTR 3B & GSTR 2A & RTP certificate too **
POB/Untraceable RTPs/ Changes
** certificate to be issued based on facts and not the opinion, further it should be accurate in Business structure/Demise
6 etc. ????? of supplier or RTPs.
Data and value certified needs to be accurate supported with detailed workings/documentation.
In my personal view,
✓ there is an immediate need for issuing a clarification by the CBIC to address the situations
arising due to RC Cancellation/ Missing Suppliers/Change of original POB/Untraceable
Suppliers /Changes in Business Structure/Demise etc. of the supplier or registered taxable
persons to mitigate litigation so that it is a win win situation for all stakeholders.
✓ If further clarification is issued in each of the above scenarios , this will provide much needed
clarity for the implementation of assessment provisions and adjudications proceedings as per
the provisions of GST Act, 2017.
✓ Similar beneficial circular may be issued for FY 1920, FY 2021 & FY 2122 too.
✓ In addition, many State Governments also have issued similar circulars to help the
Registered Taxable persons. Suitable clarification should also be issued in the interest of all
stakeholders to address issues which could arise out of assessments and adjudications in
such scenarios.