Scion 1e - Hero - of Shadows Yet To Come (WW75000)

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Concept and Design: Kelley Barnes-Herman, Carl Bowen,
Bill Bridges, John Chambers, Ken Cliffe, Ned Coker, Conrad ™

Hubbard, Michael Lee, matt millberger, Rich Thomas, Mike Todd

and Aaron Voss
Authors: Justin Achilli, Alan Alexander, Carl Bowen, Bill Bridges,
John Chambers, Michael Lee, Peter Schaefer, James Stewart and
Andrew Watt
Developer: John Chambers
Creative Director: Rich Thomas
Find your Destiny
Editor: Carl Bowen
Art Direction and Book Design: matt milberger
Artists: Anthony Carpenter, John Christopher, Oliver Diaz, SCION: DEMIGOD
Andrew Hepworth, Jeff Holt, Imaginary Friends Studio (with Live the Myth
Kendrick Lim, Lan Jun Kang, Kevin Chin, Ray Toh, Yinah Goh,
Derrick Chew, Djoko Santiko and Marc Lee), Jeff Laubenstein,
Brian LeBlanc, Ron Lemen, Adrian Majkrazk, Pat McEvoy, Justin SCION: GOD
Norman, Ted Pendergraft, Stephanie Roberts, Klaus Scherwinski, Embrace your Fate
Rich Thomas and Cathy Wilkins
Cover Art: Michael Komarck
Playtesters: Alan Alexander, Luke Boswell, Darci Chambers,
John Chambers, Rodney Allen Eslinger, Jonathan Bishop
Lewis, Jonathan Nuesch, Peter Schaefer, Ryan Smith and Anwen
Promo Written by Robert Fulkerson
Promo Edited by Kelley Barnes-Herrmann and N. R. Kelley.

© 2007 White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of
reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf is a registered trademark of White Wolf, Inc. All rights
reserved. Scion, Scion Hero, Scion Demigod and Scion God are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text
herein are copyrighted by White Wolf, Inc.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment
purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
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Escaping from Polyphemus’s cave. Freeing the valkyrie Brunhild from her fiery prison. Serving as a loa’s steed. O
Slaying the ahuitzotl. Scribing the Papyrus of Ani. Darkening the river with Orochi’s blood. F
These are just a few of the epic deeds performed by the Gods and their descendents in the epic folklore of
humankind. Each tale is a memorable event, showing the precarious relationship between Gods, mortals and those
who find themselves somewhat between the two. In the parlance of the game you are about to experience, these S
are the Scions. H
The savage Titans have escaped their eternal prison to wage war with the Gods once more, and those battles in A
the Overworld have spilled over into our World. Armed with Birthright weapons and possessed of mighty Boons D
granted by their divine parents, the Scions, the offspring of both God and man, stand as humanity’s only defense
against the dread Titans’ spawn.
Will you rise to the heights of power through your heroism? Will you become more than just a pawn in a divine W
game? What great events will mark your divine ascent? S

Welcome to Scion, a modern game of Divine Conflict and Epic Heroism.
To play Of Shadows Yet to Come, all you will need is this booklet, some pencils, and some 10-sided dice. T
This demo adventure can be used by a maximum number of seven people, six players and one Storyteller. O
The players will be assuming the role of one of the six signature characters to be featured in the Scion books. The
Storyteller running the game will need to be familiar with all of the rules presented in this booklet as well as the
events of the adventure itself. Everyone should read the first section of this booklet, which will explain the basic C
system and rules. The remaining sections of this demo, except for the character sheets, are for the Storyteller and O
contain details on the events the players will participate in during Of Shadows Yet to Come. M
E 1
Scion uses a system in which 10-sided dice are
used to inject a degree of chance and uncertainty into
Your basic dice pool in Scion will be (Attribute
play. In the system you form a dice pool from the dots
+ Ability). This will be influenced by penalties and
referenced on your characters sheet.
bonuses depending on the circumstances of the roll.
For Example: The Storyteller might ask you to roll (Perception
These will either be part of an in-game mechanic:
T + Awareness) to spot a hidden assassin. The character sheet
wound penalties from damage, accuracy on a weapon; or a
has Perception 2 and Awareness 3, so you would roll five 10-
H sided dice.
situation modifier: such as adding two dice to a hiding
E Each die you roll that comes up 7 or greater is
roll for diving into a dumpster, or a -3 penalty to a Social
roll because your character hasn’t bathed in a month.
called a success. For Scions 10s usually count as two
W successes. For Storyteller characters, 10s only count as
Bonuses and penalties should not exceed +/- 3.
O one success.
There will also be some circumstances where your
R Rolls also have a difficulty, which determines the
character won’t have any dots in the rolled Ability. In
cases where a character has no dots in the Ability, he
L number of successes you need to succeed on an action. rolls a number of dice equal to the relevant Attribute,
D The normal difficulty level is 1 unless otherwise stated. and the difficulty of the roll is increased by +2.
If you roll fewer successes than the difficulty than you
O have failed the roll and did not succeed.
F If you roll no successes and at least one dice STUNTS
shows “1”, then you have botched the roll. A botch is a Stunts in Scion allow a player to describe his
character’s epic achievements in a dramatic way,
S catastrophic failure: the gun backfires, your sword flies
gaining dice for providing a colorful description. These
C from your hand, you casually mention to Aphrodite
bonus dice range from one to three dice and should be
that she has gained weight. While a botch generally
I awarded based on some general standards.
results in a situation that can harm or seriously
O endanger a character, it is not always the worst • One-die stunts broaden the definition of what
N possible result. A botch should make the game more is possible by just a little bit. The cooler you look, the
interesting. For example, a botched jump between two better you are. The most basic stunt adds a bit of color
buildings might result in a successful jump, right into to the game, filling out the scene for everyone at the
a rooftop yakuza interrogation. table in a fun way.


Step 1—Determine Base Die Pool: Assign an appropriate Attribute and Ability relevant to the action
to be taken. If there is no clear (Attribute + Ability), ask the Storyteller to choose for you.
Step 2—Add Non-Magical Bonus Dice: (including dice from stunting.)
Step 3—Subtract Non-Magical Penalties: (including wound penalties.) This may reduce the dice
pool to zero or even a negative value.
Step 4—Add Magical Bonuses: From any magical sources, such as Arete (See the Description for
Donnie Rhodes).
Step 5—Subtract Magical Penalties: From any magical sources. This might reduce the dice pool to
zero or even a negative value.
Step 6—Determine Minimum Pool: If, after all the preceding bonuses and penalties, such a character’s
dice pool is less than her Legend rating, she rolls a number of dice equal to her Legend instead. This
minimum pool cannot be greater than a character’s original, unmodified dice pool. Characters with
Charisma 1, Presence 0 and Legend 3 are not as personable as characters with Charisma 2 and
Presence 1.
Step 7— Roll Dice and Apply Bonus Successes: Add to your rolled dice of 7 or higher any successes
from Willpower expenditure, Epic Attributes or other sources.
If, after following these steps in order you have zero dice, you cannot take a given action.

• Two-die stunts not only have an engaging and of thumb, if an action has no mechanical benefit, then
fun description, but they should also interact with the it doesn’t require a roll. Running up the wall to flip
setting in a relevant way. over someone is something that might normally require
• Three-die stunts are indefinable. Use this a roll, but it is standard fare in a kung-fu fight.
guideline: If everyone at the table sits up and says, Stunting has these additional benefits: After being
“Wow,” that’s a three-die stunt. awarded stunt dice, a player may choose to either regain a
As a general rule, players should have the freedom to number of Legend points equal to the stunt dice gained; or,
manipulate or utilize the environment as a part of their on a two- to three- die stunt, regain a point of Willpower, up
stunts. While many Storytellers have the urge to make to his maximum temporary Willpower; or, on a two- to three-
players roll for the more acrobatic stunts they describe, die stunt that also resonates with one of the characters’ Virtues, C
doing so only serves to slow down the game. As a rule he may choose to regain one channel of that Virtue. H
Of Shadows Yet to Come is an introductory
adventure to the World of Scion for both players and R
Storytellers. Players should read through each of the AND KNACKS
Epic Attributes are innate traits that manifest almost
pre-generated character sheets provided and choose
immediately after a Scion’s Visitation, as the latent ichor
the character that they believe they will have the
in his blood wreaks sudden, dramatic changes on his
most enjoyment playing. The Storyteller should also
familiarize himself with each character so that he is physiology. Knacks are quirks of the Epic Attributes that E
prepared for any questions a player might have. As an manifest in different Scions with differing frequency. E
added bonus, the characters used in this introduction Epic Attributes represent a character’s supernatural T
are being featured in a continuing story that plays out ability gained through harnessing his own divine ichor. S
in the Scion rulebooks. The first two dots of an Epic Attribute give a
free single success per dot on any roll involving that
CALLING, NATURE, Attribute. The third dot of an Epic Attribute, on the
other hand, provides two free successes, for a total of
GOD, AND PANTHEON four free successes at level three. Additional powers for
The Character’s Calling is a short description
each Epic Attribute as well as Knacks will be listed on
of the character’s concept. This gives the player a
the character sheet when applicable.
stereotype from which she can imagine the character’s
goals and personality. BOONS
Next is the Nature, which is a personality archetype These differ from Epic Attributes and Knacks in
that helps define the Scion. that they aren’t innate. In fact, to use a Boon, a heroic
Last are the character’s divine parent and the Scion must possess a Birthright Relic that allows access
Pantheon to which that parent belongs. to the Purview from which that Boon comes. Groups
of Boons that affect the same fundamental force or
ATTRIBUTES concept, such as fire, death, or fertility, are said to
AND ABILITIES be part of the same Purview. Each of the character
sheets will contain a small section labeled Birthrights,
Attributes are divided into three categories (Physical,
which will give information on the powers of each relic
Social and Mental) and describe the traits inherent to
including information on which Boons it offers.
your character, such as Strength or Intelligence. Abilities
describe things your character has learned or skills he
has practiced.
This measures a character’s determination, self-
assurance and emotional resilience. A character with
BIRTHRIGHTS a high Willpower is focused and highly disciplined,
Birthrights are gifts given to Scions by their patron able to exert tremendous self-control. She can resist
Gods. There are four separate types of Birthright: outside influences and temptations, and she can push
Creature, Followers, Guide and Relic. Each character her mind and body to accomplish extraordinary things.
will have short description for each of his Birthrights Willpower is rated from 1–10 and has both a permanent
and how he can use them. Relics are important, and a temporary rating.
providing a character access to Purviews through which In addition to using a character’s temporary
he can use his Boons. Willpower to fuel certain divine gifts, the player may 3

also spend one point of temporary Willpower per action • Rather than receiving Legend points for performing
to receive one of the following benefits. a two-die or three-die stunt, the player can choose for the
• One automatic success: Added to the total character to receive a Willpower point instead.
generated by the player’s dice roll and to perform • At the end of every story (not chapter), each
the action. Further, the dice roll cannot result in a character’s temporary Willpower is completely restored.
botch. The player must declare that he is spending the
Willpower point before making his roll. VIRTUES
• Activate a Virtue: When appropriate, to gain a Each pantheon has a set of four Virtues that define
number of bonus dice equal to the Virtue’s rating. See the proper behavior, as follows:
“Virtues” section later in this chapter for more details. Aesir: Courage, Endurance, Expression, Loyalty
• Act in opposition to a Virtue: In order for the Amatsukami: Duty, Endurance, Intellect, Valor
character to take an action that violates one of her four Atzlánti: Conviction, Courage, Duty, Loyalty
Virtues without requiring a Virtue roll. Dodekatheon: Expression, Intellect, Valor, Vengeance
• Resist mind-influencing powers: spend the Loa: Harmony, Order, Piety, Vengeance
Willpower to automatically resist. Pesedjet: Conviction, Harmony, Order, Piety
Characters regain their Willpower when they Virtues represent the core values of a Scion, those
act in a way that restores their self-confidence and deep-seated beliefs that propel her to perform deeds
determination. Remember, the Storyteller is the final worthy of Legend. It is the strength of a Scion’s Virtues
arbiter on when and how many points a character can that drive her to take action, and when she channels her
regain, but here are some guidelines: Willpower in service of her beliefs, she gains an increase
• When a character takes an action in accordance in power and effectiveness.
with his Nature, having significant effect on the story, Once per story per dot his character possesses in a
the character receives a Willpower point. particular Virtue, a player may spend a Willpower point
• When a character performs an exceptional action to add a number of bonus dice equal to the Virtue rating
or behaves in a heroic manner that befits his role as a to the character’s dice pool for actions that relate to that
Scion, he receives a Willpower point. specific Virtue.
There is a limitation on Virtues. When a Scion Virtue Extremity: Visceral Shock. In the Scion’s
wishes to act against one of his Virtues, the player may extreme reaction to stifling his art (or another’s), he
spend a point of Willpower to allow the character to do pours his guilt and self-recrimination into his efforts. He
so. If he has no Willpower points to spend, or simply bends his energies to creating art that scars and horrifies
doesn’t want to spend Willpower, he must roll a number his audience. Visceral Shock lasts for a number of days
of dice equal to the character’s Virtue rating instead. equal to the Scion’s Virtue rating.
If the Virtue roll generates even one success, the Scion Harmony—The belief in a cosmic design engineered
cannot resist behaving as his Virtue demands. by the Gods that governs the forces of creation. Even
If the resulting Virtue roll generates more successes than the Gods themselves form but a part of their grander
the character has points of temporary Willpower, the Scion design, fulfilling their roles just as mortals do as part of C
suffers a Virtue Extremity. Under this effect, the character the cycle of existence. H
takes the demands of his Virtue to potentially tragic lengths. Virtue Extremity: Tyranny of Balance. The Scion goes A
See the individual descriptions below for details: to extreme measures to restore the balance of outcomes R
Conviction—This represents a person’s selfless in a given situation, even going so far as to inflict harm A
devotion to a cause, as well as her willingness to take any or suffering on herself or her compatriots. This lasts for C
measures necessary to further her cause. the duration of the scene. T
Virtue Extremity: Fanatic Zeal. When overcome by Intellect—The Virtue of the mind, it exalts the power E
the strength of his Conviction, the Scion goes to extreme of reason as the link that joins the mortal to the divine. R
lengths in defense or support of his cause, regardless of Virtue Extremity: Obsessive Analysis. The Scion’s
the danger to himself or the suffering he inflicts on attempt to blind himself to reason forces him to atone S
other people. This lasts for a number of hours equal to by overanalyzing everything. He becomes powerless to H
the Scion’s Virtue rating. make important decisions, imagining every contingency E
Courage—This measures a Scion’s drive to test her mettle and every conceivable outcome from every given course
against the deadliest opponents she can find. Further, the of action. Obsessive Analysis lasts for one full day.
Scion holds other warriors to her own high standards.
Loyalty—The abstract ties of citizenship, culture or
Virtue Extremity: Berserker Fury. The Scion flies into a even religion are nothing compared to the bonds of love,
murderous rage, hurling himself at his foes without regard family and friendship. Loyalty is a bond stronger than
to his own safety. If there are no foes left to fight, the Scion iron; even the Gods themselves test it at their peril.
will attack any other living thing he can reach, seeking to Virtue Extremity: Blind Devotion. The Scion will go
expiate his cowardice in violence and bloodshed. Berserker to extreme lengths to support her friend or kinsman,
Fury lasts for the duration of the scene. even if said person is proven to be in the wrong. Blind
Duty—The Virtue of service to one’s community, Devotion lasts for a number of days equal to the Scion’s
respecting authority, and upholding the laws that Virtue rating.
govern a decent society, putting aside personal ambition. Order—The rule of law is a gift from the Gods
Civilization is part of a divine order that flows from the that forms the foundation of mortal civilization. As
Gods themselves. the bulwark against the threat of anarchy and chaos,
Virtue Extremity: Morbid Self-Sacrifice. The Scion is laws must be upheld and enforced, even when their
so mortified at having contemplated violating the divine applications seem harsh or unjust.
order that she goes to extreme lengths of personal self- Virtue Extremity: Summary Judgment. The Scion
sacrifice to atone for her selfishness. This lasts for one takes the law into his own hands, passing sentence—
full day. and executing judgment—on those he perceives to be
Endurance—One of the hallmarks of the epic hero criminals. Summary Judgment lasts for the duration of
is to with stand any blow, be it from Fate or foe. He a single scene.
who endures hardships beyond mortal limits in order to Piety—Scions who espouse this Virtue exalt and respect
overcome the challenges arrayed against him embodies their Gods, their ancestors and the traditions of the past,
the spirit of this Virtue. taking strength from the wisdom of the ancients.
Virtue Extremity: Self-Destruction. The Scion is Virtue Extremity: Self-Righteousness. The Scion
horrified at his own weakness and attempts to purge it withholds her support or aid from those she deems
through acts of extreme self-punishment, pursuing his insufficiently pious, even going so far as allowing others
goals without regard to his health, safety or survival. to suffer or die as a result. Self-Righteousness lasts for
This lasts for one full day. the duration of a scene.
Expression—Great things are expected of those Valor—The Scion believes in using his martial skill
gifted with great power, and Scions have many gifts that to defend the helpless, to fight with honor and to offer
can enrich mortal civilization. Expression is the Virtue up his life if necessary in service to a worthy cause.
of artistic excellence, which venerates the musician, the Virtue Extremity: Valorous Sacrifice. The Scion seeks
painter, the skald and the storyteller. 5
an honorable death in battle. He attacks his foes with
no regard for his personal safety or survival, and fights • The player may spend one Legend point to reroll a
until he or his opponents are destroyed. This lasts for failed action, even if the action resulted in a botch. Only
the duration of the Scion’s next battle. one reroll may be attempted per failed action.
Vengeance—Those who offend the Gods or commit • By spending one Legend point, the player of
crimes against mankind must be made to suffer in kind, an attacked character may retroactively increase his
regardless of the cost. Vengeance is about a redressing character’s DV against a successful attack by an amount
of the cosmic balance, paying back a debt incurred by equal to his (Athletics - 2). The player can do so only
violating the divine order. after the attacker’s player makes his attack roll.
Virtue Extremity: Implacable Nemesis. The Scion will • Some Boons are so potent that they must be
T go to extreme lengths to punish an offender, making any activated by spending points from a Scion’s Legend
H sacrifice necessary—or committing any atrocity—in order pool. These will be listed with the Boon’s description.
E to see justice done. This lasts for a number of days equal • Magic requires the expenditure of Legend points
to the Scion’s Virtue. for it to take effect.
W Legend can be regained through stunts, performing
O LEGEND virtuous deeds, and at the beginning of each story. A Scion
R The Legend trait measures the power of the divine begins each story with a full pool of Legend points.
L within a Scion, reflecting the favor of his divine parent The Legend trait also has negative effects, the greater
D and the glory of his epic deeds. As a Scion’s Legend a Scion’s Legend is, the more he is subject to the vagaries
grows, he gains access to greater Epic Attributes, Knacks, of Fate, as the cosmos attempts to counterbalance his
and Boons.
O influence. These effects are left out of this demo to
A Scion’s Legend generates a pool of Legend points
F equal to the character’s Legend squared. These points
make the introduction to Scion as easy as possible, but
they are featured in the Scion: Hero rulebook.
can be spent in five ways:
S • A character’s Legend allows his to regularly
C perform amazing deeds that defy the laws of physics HEALTH CHART
I or probability. Once per story per dot the Scion has of Despite what their divinely graced abilities may
O Legend, the player may spend a single Legend point to suggest, heroic Scions are still mortal and receive the
N add a number of bonus successes equal to the character’s standard seven health levels. One -0, two -1’s, two -2’s, a
Legend rating to any action. -4 and Incapacitated.

As a Scion, you will fight, and you will have to fight harm in combat. The character’s DV refreshes when the
in ways that awe mere mortals and scatter your enemies character’s next action begins.
to the four winds. Listed below are the basic rules for When physical violence becomes imminent, the
combat in Scion; learn them well! player of each character involved rolls Join Battle. The
Time—In Scion, combat time is measured in ticks. Join Battle action is a (Wits + Awareness) roll, the results
A tick is approximately equivalent to 1 second. In a representing how quickly combatants react to the instant
standard combat, the players begin at tick zero and move in which combat becomes inevitable. In brief, the more
upwards as combat progresses. See sidebar on page 20. successes you roll, the sooner your character acts in the
Actions—During combat, characters may perform upcoming battle.
many actions, each having their own Speed, and each When all players involved in the battle have rolled
having certain effects on the scene. Most actions have Join Battle for their relevant characters and applied any
a speed between Zero and Six; the speed of the action bonus successes from Epic Wits, take the largest single
denotes how many ticks the character taking that action number of successes rolled. That number sets the reaction
must wait before he can act again. count. The first tick on which a participant can act is equal
For Example: Horace wants to shoot his Colt .45 at to the reaction count minus the number of successes the
a harpy flying above him. His Colt .45 has a Speed of 5, player rolled to join battle. The person who achieved the
meaning that after Horace fires his gun he will have to wait 5 highest number of successes (i.e., the person who sets the
ticks before he can act again. reaction count) acts first on tick zero. No character can
Most actions also have a DV, or Defense Value, begin later than tick six,.though, even if they botched.
penalty listed next to their description. This represents For Example: Horace, Donnie and Eric are all joining
the effect of the action on character’s effort to avoid battle against a yakuza thug. Each of the players rolls Join
Battle for their character, and the Storyteller rolls for the something else before the number of ticks represented
yakuza thug. Horace has six dice and rolls three successes; by the action’s Speed has elapsed. This is called
Donnie has seven dice and rolls five successes; Eric has five interrupting the action. When a character interrupts
dice and rolls two successes; the yakuza has four dice and gets an action, his DV’s do not refresh. Instead, the new
one success. The initial tick order would then be: Donnie with action’s defense penalty is applied with the old defense
five successes would start on tick 0; Horace would then act on penalty, if any. After performing the new action, the
tick 2 (You take Donnie’s five successes minus Horace’s three character must wait a number of ticks equal to the
successes, giving us 2); Eric would then go on tick 3 (5-2=3); new action’s Speed before his next action. That is also
and the yakuza thug would go on tick 4 (5-1=4). when his DV’s next refresh.
Actions that happen on the same tick happen at C
exactly the same time. For most circumstances, assume SAMPLE ACTIONS: O
both characters acting on that tick have their full DV’s Aim (Speed 3, DV -1): The player declares a target, M
against the other character’s attacks. Wound penalties which his character must be able to see. For each tick spent B
and damage do not come into play until all actions on aiming, the player adds one die to the attack his character A
that tick are resolved. unleashes upon that target, to a maximum of three. This T
Reflexive actions (rolled or diceless) are actions that bonus applies to only the next attack on the declared target.
don’t consume your character’s action for the turn. A A character may interrupt the Aim action to perform
Move action is a diceless reflexive action a character can another action. If that action is an attack upon the target of
choose to take every action. Reflexive actions have a the aim, the player gains a number of dice equal to the ticks
Speed rating of 0. spent aiming. A character may perform the Aim action again
A character may also perform non-reflexive diceless at the end of an Aim action; the player doesn’t gain more
actions, such as a Dash action, on the same turn as a non- bonus dice or suffer greater defense penalty than -1 (at least
reflexive rolled action. To do this, the character may take from taking the action). This is equivalent to holding a bead
the diceless action without penalty but would receive a on a target, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. If
two die penalty on the subsequent rolled action. The the character loses sight of his target for three or more ticks,
character would then use the higher of the two actions the bonus disappears and must be reestablished.
speed values to determine when she could next act. Attack (Speed varies, DV varies): Your character tries
With the Guard and Aim actions, the character to hurt somebody. Attack Speed varies by weapon and
can choose to break away from that action and do the normal Defense Value penalty for attacking is -1.

A character may choose to make two attacks as a Dash is a Speed 3 diceless action. The character
single action. Making two attacks is one action with a may run up to (Dexterity + 6) yards each tick until the
defense penalty of -2 and a Speed equal to the greater end of the action. A character may not take a Dash
Speed of the two attacks. This incurs a four-die penalty and Move action in the same tick. A character knocked
on the one dice roll made, which is always the lesser of prone cannot dash until he uses a miscellaneous action
two dice pools if the character is making two different to stand. A character with Epic Dexterity adds a number
kinds of attacks. The character may attack two targets at of yards to their dash action equal to twice the number
one time or one target twice. of successes normally gained from their Epic Dexterity.
When the character levels both attacks upon one Guard (Speed 3, DV -0): Your character tries her
T target, she may choose to reduce the target’s DVs best to avoid harm.
H against both attacks by one or to reduce the target’s DVs Guard is a Speed 3 action that can be interrupted.
E against only one attack by two. The former represents This is a tactic for delaying, waiting or just holding off
that two attacks are harder to evade than one, and the 100 Titanspawn while your Band closes the portal.
W latter represents using one attack to make the other Inactive (Speed 5, special DV): When your character
O more likely to hit—like throwing a punch to open the is incapable of taking action, because he is unconscious,
R opponent’s guard for the dagger. Each attack causes paralyzed or whatever, he takes the “Inactive” action.
L damage separately if it hits. Some effects might keep a character unconscious for
D For Example: Yukiko is fighting a particularly resilient only a limited period of time, and that could also be
Titanspawn and decides to attack the creature twice. She is measured by inactive actions.
O using her Kusanagi, which has a Speed of 4 and an attack pool Inactive characters do not take notable actions and
F of 11. Because she is attacking twice her attack pool would be cannot defend themselves. Their DV is effectively 0
reduced by four to only seven dice. She decides that the creature against all attacks.
isn’t particularly difficult to hit and chooses to reduce its DV
S for both attacks by 1. She will then roll her seven dice once and
Miscellaneous Actions (Speed 5, DV varies):
C compare the successes against the creature’s DV twice. If she
Not every possible action can be categorized here, so
miscellaneous actions take up the slack.
I gets enough successes to pierce the creature’s DV, she hits and Most miscellaneous actions are DV -1. It depends
O would roll damage twice against the creature. Also, Yukiko’s on how strongly the character focuses. She might choose
N player would need to make note that after the attack all of her to focus completely on the action, in which case her DV
character’s DVs would be reduced by two. drops to 0 as she ignores the raging battle. If she instead
Coordinate Assault (Speed 5, DV -2): This tactic chooses to be wary while performing her task, she suffers
is often a necessary one against the mighty Scions or a two-die penalty to the miscellaneous action. (Treat
against the massive Titans. The player of the character the character like she’s performing a diceless action
who’s taking this action rolls (Charisma + Command). while she performs the miscellaneous action.) Other
Each success on the roll allows him to coordinate two miscellaneous actions may have higher DV penalties.
people (including himself) in an assault against a single Sample Miscellaneous Actions—These actions are all Speed
individual. His player designates all affected individuals 5, DV -1 unless otherwise noted.
immediately after the roll. The target suffers a DV
• Boons are considered miscellaneous actions if
penalty equal to the number of coordinated attackers or
they create their own action. Assume using a Boon
the number of successes on the original roll (whichever
incurs a -1 DV penalty and is Speed 5 unless the Boon
is the lesser).
notes otherwise. Some Boons affect existing actions,
To contribute to and benefit from a coordinated altering the nature of an attack, attempting to pick a
assault, a person designated must attack the target on lock, et cetera. Those Boons use the supplemented
the coordinating character’s next action. Only people action’s Speed and defense penalty.
declared by the coordinator may contribute to and
• Driving: As long as the road is smooth and your
benefit from a coordinated assault, and only coordinated
character’s not trying anything crazy no roll is required. This
individuals who actually attack the target contribute to
means your character can also fire a gun, toss a grenade or
the DV penalty. The coordinating character need not
maybe play a tune on his mystical panpipe. If you do have
designate himself as a part of the attack.
to do something difficult, such as swerving around an out-
Because actions generally take from four to six ticks, of-control baby stroller, driving requires a dice roll.
people designated for a coordinated assault generally find
• Get Object: One use of this action is enough to
it beneficial to take Guard or Aim actions while waiting
draw as many objects as the character can hold—a sword
for the moment to all strike as one. Note that some
and shield, two guns or two bottles of booze. Some
enemies make it a point to take out effective leaders—
situations make it a rolled action. Your character will
provided they survive said leaders’ coordinated assaults.
often use this action for drawing or retrieving weapons.
Dash (Speed 3, DV -2): This is as fast as your More, characters often draw and fire, or cut off an
8 character can run, a flat-out sprint. opponent’s head straight from the sheath. Drawing and
Step One: Declare Attack
The player or Storyteller declares how he is attacking and what Boons or special attacks his character
is using with that attack. Then he must declare the total dice pool with all benefits or penalties, this
includes any benefits from any stunting attempts.
Step Two: Declare Defense
The defender’s player declares which of her Defense Values she is using and any special effects that C
might enhance her character’s defense or hinder her attacker. O
Step Three: Roll Attack vs. Defense M
The attacker’s player rolls his dice pool and counts the successes. If the Character has Epic Dexterity,
the player would add any additional successes at this point. If the number of successes equals or A
exceeds the difficulty of the roll (base difficulty + target’s DV), the attack hits. The player should keep T
note of any additional success he made on the attack roll beyond the difficulty.
Remember, the attacker’s player can spend a point of Legend to reroll a failed attack roll. Also, a
defending player may spend a point of Legend to increase her character’s DV against the attack by the
character’s (Athletics÷2), rounded up.
Step Four: Calculate Raw Damage
On a successful attack, the attacker’s player adds up (weapon’s Damage + attacker’s Strength +
threshold successes + 1). This is the raw damage for the attack.
Step Five: Calculate Hardness
If the target has a Hardness value that is greater than or equal to the raw damage, the attack inflicts
no damage whatsoever. For this adventure, the only character capable of attaining hardness is Eric,
using his Aegis Boon.
Step Six: Roll Damage, Apply Soak
The attacker’s player rolls his raw damage as a pool of dice and adds up the successes, adding any
additional successes from Epic Strength if applicable. On this roll, 10s only count as a single success.
The defender’s player then will subtract the appropriate soak value from the damage successes.
Bashing soak stops bashing damage, for example. All Scions have bashing soak equal to their Stamina
and lethal soak equal to one-half their Stamina, rounded up. In the rare case an attacker is dealing
aggravated damage, aggravated soak can only be gained through Epic Stamina.
Step Seven: Additional Effects of the Attack
If an attack has any additional effects, such as injecting a poison or turning the character to stone,
it happens here.

attacking at the same time places the normal two-die might fall prey to an unexpected attack if not apprised
penalty on the rolled action. of the character’s location.
• Get Up: You get knocked down, but you get up • Jumping: A diceless action (but it’s not reflexive).
again. Standing is a diceless action unless circumstances Jumping and performing a rolled action inflicts a -2
make it merit a roll. penalty on the action, as normal. Minor hops and
• Hide: This is a (Dexterity + Stealth) action to jumps that aren’t mechanically relevant need not, at the
conceal the character from her opponents. In the Storyteller’s discretion, be considered jumps. They fall
middle of combat, this roll usually incurs a two-die under then normal Move action,
penalty because of everyone’s heightened awareness. • Move (Speed 0, DV -0): This is the character’s normal
Players of the character’s opponents all reflexively running speed in combat. Move is a reflexive action that may
participate in the contested roll (Perception + be performed on every tick. This reflects that participants
Awareness) to keep track of the character. Those who in battles are constantly moving to get an advantage. The
fail no longer know where the character is, and they character moves up to a number of yards equal to his
Dexterity on any tick in which he takes a Move action. A Wound boxes fill from the top down. That means
character knocked prone cannot take a Move action until that the first wound your character takes fills the -0
he uses a miscellaneous action to stand. A character with box, the second wound fills a -1 box and so on. Always
Epic Dexterity adds a number of yards equal to his bonus mark wounds in empty boxes with the lowest associated
successes to the yards per action the character can move. wound penalty. The more wounds your character takes,
the greater the penalties you experience. Your character
DEFENSE VALUES suffers a wound penalty equal to the greatest penalty
When your character is attacked you get to apply one of associated with a wound box filled with damage; wound
your character’s Defense Values (DVs), normally the highest, penalties are not cumulative.
T against that attack. Add the DV to the difficulty of the To tell the difference between bashing, lethal and
H attack against the player (usually the standard difficulty of aggravated wounds, mark them differently in your
E 1). Effectively, you are subtracting your character’s DV from character’s wound boxes. It’s useful to use marks that
the number of successes the attacker’s player rolls. If you can easily be upgraded to show worse damage. Use one
W reduce that number to 0, your character escapes unscathed. slash (/) for bashing damage. You can add another slash
O For the purposes of the Of Shadows Yet to Come adventure,
to it ( ) to represent lethal damage. Add a vertical line
R the characters’ DVs are already calculated.
to that ( | ) to show aggravated damage.
L DAMAGE AND Lethal wounds are always “on top” of bashing
D wounds. That is, if your character already has one level
WOUND PENALTIES of bashing damage then takes a level of lethal, you mark
For each health level of damage your character suffers mark
O the lethal damage in the -0 spot and “push” the bashing
one box. Each health level belongs to one of five increasingly into the -1 spot. Likewise, aggravated wounds are always
F severe categories: -0, -1, -2, -4 or Incapacitated. Marking the -0 “on top” of both lethal and bashing wounds. It’s actually
means she’s a little battered or lacerated, but still functioning better this way, because healing time increases as more
S at top capacity. From there, things go downhill. severe damage types reach higher wound penalties.
C The character suffers wound penalties, a dice penalty Bashing damage: Your character recovers one level of
I to all actions, equal to the number associated with the bashing damage every three hours. When a player marks the
O highest marked wound box. Each point of wound penalty Incapacitated wound box with bashing damage, her character
N reduces all actions by one die, reduces movement (Move is unconscious until she heals at least one level of damage.
and Dash actions) by one yard per tick and reduces DVs Lethal damage: Serious cuts, bullet wounds and
by one. Wound penalties remain until the wounds heal. really pulverizing smashes cause lethal damage.

Lethal damage on a Scion heals depending on the Disarming: This special maneuver increases the
wound level the lethal damage is in; -0 wounds heal in attack’s difficulty by 2; when used with a ranged attack,
six hours; -1’s in two days; -2’s in four days; and finally, the difficulty increases by 4. As usual, the attack targets
-4 and Incapacitated wounds take one week each to an individual and must overcome that individual’s DV.
heal. If the character moves around and acts as if she If the attack is successful after Step Three, skip straight
weren’t wounded, healing each level takes twice as long. to Step Seven. The additional effect of the attack is to
Note that characters can’t actually take actions as long as send the target’s weapon one foot away for every die of
they’re at Incapacitated. damage the attack would inflict. If the attacker beats the
Aggravated damage: When your character’s total attack difficulty by five or more, he may dictate the
soul gets burned, only time and nature can heal, not direction of the weapon’s flight. Retrieving a weapon is C
mortal medicine or any but the most powerful magic. a diceless miscellaneous action. O
Aggravated levels heal at the same rate as lethal levels Fierce Blow: This special attack increases the attack’s M
but cannot be aided or sped by most any agency. difficulty and DV penalty by 1. The character attacks all- B
out, trying to inflict the most damage possible. The raw A
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES damage of the attack increases by +3 bashing or +2 lethal. T
For the purpose of ease of play for both Storytellers Flat of the Blade: Inflicting bashing damage with a
and players, only a small number of special combat lethal weapon, to avoid dealing lasting wounds. Doing
situations and special attacks will be available for use. so increases the attack’s difficulty by 1 and decreases the
SPECIAL COMBAT SITUATIONS raw damage of the attack by two, but the weapon inflicts
Against Superior Mobility: Harpies can fly. Shinobi bashing damage if it hits.
can strike out of any dark spot and disappear as quickly. Grappling: This is a clinch attack ([Dexterity or
Some Titanspawn just move really, really fast. To Strength] + Brawl) roll against the target’s chosen DV. If
effectively strike such entities, the Scion must usually it hits, the target character immediately becomes Inactive.
take the Guard action until the moment they attack, then The grappler has the following choices of maneuver.
interrupt his own action in order to counterattack. • Break Hold: The character may throw her victim
Most flying creatures add a +2 DV bonus for their in any direction over a number of yards equal to her
height advantage, and inflict a -2 DV penalty on their Strength. She may also throw the victim straight down
opponents. This advantage can decrease if a flyer chooses (making the victim automatically prone) or release the
to drop altitude, but increasing it requires weapons with victim without further violence.
longer reach—such as a lance or a gun. • Crush: The character squeezes, twists and
Being Prone: A prone character cannot take Move otherwise inflicts harm with wrestling maneuvers. His
or Dash actions until she spends an action to rise. player inflicts damage as per the clinch attack.
Prone characters gain +1 DV against ranged attacks and • Hold: The character pins the victim without
explosives, this being the key reason for a character to inflicting harm.
throw herself prone. Prone characters suffer a -1 DV On the grappler’s next action, her player and
penalty to close-combat attacks and a two-die penalty to her target’s player both roll contested grapple
attacks and most other actions. checks: ([Dexterity or Strength] + Brawl). Whichever
Unexpected Attacks: When the target has no idea character wins that roll takes or keeps control of the
an attack is coming, both his Dodge and Parry DVs clinch and chooses which of the three maneuvers to
become inapplicable, and are effectively 0 against execute. The other character remains (or becomes)
the attack. The sneaking player rolls (Dexterity + Inactive until released.
Stealth) in a contested roll against the (Perception + Pulling a Blow: This special attack increases the
Awareness) of the target and any other characters who attack’s difficulty by 1. The character controls his strike
could notice. Characters who see the assassin may carefully. After his player rolls damage, the character
alert others if they choose.. may reduce levels of damage inflicted to a minimum
of one.
Some special attacks increase the difficulty of the
attack, which stacks with the normal difficulty increase
All other rules or considerations either don’t apply to
from the target’s DV. All special attacks must be declared this adventure. The Scion: Hero rulebook contains rules
by the player in Step One of attack resolution. for almost any activity your character might undertake.

Of Shadows Yet to Come details the formation of dealt with the partially insane Scion of Hel, each of the
the heroic Scion Band made up of Eric Donner, Scion heroes was visited by a messenger from his or her divine
of Thor; Horace Farrow, Scion of Horus; Donnie parent, instructing them to make their way to Las Vegas.
Rhodes, Scion of Aphrodite; Dr. Aaron Tigrillo, Scion Each parent goes about this order/request differently,
of Tezcatlipoca; Brigitte De La Croix, Scion of Baron and it is up to the player to describe what this means
T Samedi; and Yukiko Kuromizu, Scion of Susano-o. to his or her character. Regardless of circumstance of
H This is a Band formed in two parts, one each side of the message, the characters begin their journey soon
E the United States. afterward, cramming themselves into Brigitte’s hearse
Brigitte, Dr. Tigrillo, and Horace met in Georgia while Horace’s Indian Chief motorcycle rides in a trailer
W after dealing with a crazed necromancer who was hitched to the back. It is up to Brigitte’s player whether
O corrupting the Native American zombies who make she tells the rest of the Band that the five coffins in the
back have some leftover zombies still inside them.
R their home in Georgia’s Etowah Indian Mounds. Having

The term “zombie,” while originally associated with the Voodoo pantheon, is now generally used by
F modern Scions to refer to any form of mindless animated corpse. Zombies are most commonly used
as servitors for Scions who specialize in the Death Purview. Many agents of the Titans also use such
S grotesque servants in their activities. Zombies are quite strong and resistant to damage but are very
C slow and clumsy. They are also profoundly stupid and ugly, unable to take any action beyond their
I orders and incapable of even basic communication.
O Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 1, Stamina 6;
N Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 0; Perception 2,
Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Virtues: None. Zombies are never required to make Virtue
rolls of any kind.
Abilities: Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 1
Join Battle: 3
Clinch: Accuracy 4, Damage 6B, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 3, Damage 9B, Parry DV 1, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light: Accuracy 5, Damage 6B, Parry DV 2, Speed 4
Soak: 6L/6B
Health Levels: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/Incap
Dodge DV: 1
Willpower: 3
Legend: 1
Other Notes: Zombies automatically fail all Social
rolls other than intimidation. When a zombie initiates a
Presence-based roll to intimidate someone, treat his relevant
Social Attribute as 5. Also, zombies suffer only bashing damage
from firearms attacks and they ignore all wound penalties.
They also soak lethal damage with their full Stamina.
Zombies are immune to all mind-controlling and
fear-based effects.

DONNIE RHODES, SCION OF APHRODITE Eros and Anteros: A set of supernal Berettas, the HORACE FARROW, SCION OF HORUS the field. In most circumstances, you’re the voice of
Born and raised in Olympia, WA, Donnie Rhodes former gold, the latter matte gunmetal. Horace Farrow grew on a farm in the small town restraint that keeps your Band from rushing headlong
has led what casual observers would consider a charmed Each pistol also has a unique power. When Donnie of Thebes, deep in the Little Egypt area of Illinois. His into danger. The only time you show faulty judgment
life. His father, Donald Sr., is a wealthy shipping shoots someone with Eros and activates its power, father, Cyrus, was a hardworking man who instilled in is when Seth Farrow is involved. In the past, you’ve
magnate, so Donnie’s never wanted for anything... his victim suffers no damage but falls madly in love him a strong work ethic, an infallible moral compass thrown caution and planning to the wind in attempts
except perhaps love. Like many before him, the elder with the next person he or she sees. The attack roll and a love of the outdoors. Likewise, his mother, to take him down, something your Band has yet to
Rhodes loved Aphrodite not wisely, but too well. Her to shoot the victim must still succeed as per a normal Isola, was a quiet, kind-hearted woman who instilled experience. Hopefully, your friends will be able to
leaving after their whirlwind romance devastated the attack with a pistol, and a bullet is still used up. This in him a respect for life and a contemplative character. stop you from getting yourself (or someone else) killed
man. The appearance of their son on the doorstep bullet’s passing and impact leaves no physical sign, Unfortunately, Horace also had an uncle—a bad seed when the inevitable occurs.
nine months later merely added insult to injury. however. If Donnie shoots a person with Anteros named Seth. Nature: Architect (Horace recovers one point of
As a result, Donnie was neglected by his father. instead, and activates its power, the victim develops
Yet to those outside the household, it seemed Donnie a deep, venomous hatred toward the next person he When Horace was only 14, Seth showed up one temporary Willpower when he successfully executes
enjoyed an enviable childhood, which made his or she sees. night with a gang of toughs. He explained that there’d a major plan of action, whether it’s a raid on a
descent into delinquency and tabloid headlines Activating either pistol’s power requires spending one been a “misunderstanding” with the police and that cultist hideout or organizing a social event for several
harder to fathom. Legend point per shot, as well as making a successful he needed a place to hide out until the heat died hundred guests)
His activities led to 10 arrests on three continents (Charisma + Presence + Legend) roll. The victim down. Cyrus, however, didn’t want to put his family in Join Battle: 6
and rumors of romantic links to two pop stars, a model resists this effect in a contested roll of his (Willpower danger because of Seth. The altercation that followed Dodge DV: 4
twice his age and a famed hotel heiress. But Donnie + Integrity + Legend). The victim feels no impact from saw Horace’s parents gunned down by Seth.
Birthrights: The Eye of Horus allows Horace to access
took little joy in his actions, only using them to try to the bullet, and, if unaware of Donnie’s attack, may After completing his bloody work, Seth looked the Moon and Sun Purviews. The Falcon Amulet
gain the attention of his estranged parent. He finally not even realize he’s been targeted. If Donnie’s player up, .45 pistol in hand, to see Horace pointing Cyrus’s allows Horace to access the Sky Purview.
succeeded, though not with the parent he expected. scores more successes than his target, the love or hate shotgun at him, vengeance in his eyes. The two fired
Making a play for the girlfriend of a young effect lasts for a number of days equal to the number KNACKS:
simultaneously. Seth was hit in the groin; Horace in
Mafi a thug in a New York nightspot, an inebriated of successes he scored in excess of his victim. the left eye. Holy Bound: This Knack doubles a Scion’s vertical
Donnie was nearly killed. Fortunately, his mother KNACKS: and horizontal jumping distances.
Darkness followed, and lasted a long time. Then,
was at the club in disguise and snatched him away Trick Shooter: Donnie doubles his bonus from taking Damage Conversion: Once per story, Horace can
a light appeared, and from that light issued a voice,
to safety. Donnie later returned to twist the hearts Aim actions with a ranged weapon. He can also make spend a point of Legend for this Knack to convert all
of the criminal’s wiseguy associates into a Gordian telling Horace it was not his time to die. There was
ranged disarm attempts with no penalty after taking work to be done; the vengeance of two fathers to be damage from one attack from lethal to bashing,
knot of love and hate, destroying the thug in one an Aim action. Benefit of the Doubt: Horace can spend a point of
long night of betrayals and spiteful reprisals. Donnie’s visited. The voice was that of Horus—his true father.
Untouchable Opponent: Donnie can spend a point of Horus told his son he’d come to Isola in the shape Legend to make a person he is talking to not dismiss
since reserved his cold rage for titanspawn, eventually Legend to increase his Dodge DV by 2 for the scene.
hooking up with his Band in Vegas. of Cyrus to sire a son, born to be the God’s agent on anything he says regardless of how strange it sounds.
Overt Order: Donnie can spend a point of Willpower earth. Seth had likewise been sired by the God Set to Predatory Focus: With this knack, you may roll
With a tanned muscular body, sandy blond hair to force someone to perform a single action. This
and piercing blue eyes, Donnie moves with the sinewy sow chaos and tragedy. It was Horace’s job to stop him (Perception + Awareness) for Horace to track an
order must be performed immediately, but may be opponent by scent alone.
grace of a jungle cat and tends to set fashion trends and others like him. Vowing revenge, Horace agreed
interpreted differently depending on the way the
rather than follow them with his casual-chic style. In to do as his father asked. Subliminal Warning: Horace receives two extra dice
order was phrased.
dangerous situations, he’s always girded for battle, Healed and gifted with his Birthrights, Horace whenever rolling to notice a hidden opponent.
Center of Attention: Donnie can spend a point of
bearing his twin automatics Eros and Anteros in prepared for his mission, finishing high school, then Instant Investigator: By spending a point of Legend,
Legend when entering a room to make everyone in the
paired shoulder holsters hanging from the harness to trained for a career in law enforcement. Eventually, you can make a (Wits + Investigation) roll. If successful,
room take notice of him for at least three minutes,
the fantastic Daedalus Device. he served as a US Marshal, and though he quit the Horace absorbs all available information in the crime
Come Hither: Donnie can spend a point of Legend
Roleplaying Hints: You come off as cold and service, he still uses his badge and contacts to help the scene with a single glance.
to make any single person who sees him, or a picture
aloof but crave genuine friendship... though you’d Band he’s formed.
of him, do everything within their power to be in his Opening Gambit: Horace can spend a point of Legend
never admit it. After years of disappointment, you
presence as soon as possible. Horace Farrow is a tall, slim man who dresses in to always go on tick 0 at the beginning of combat.
aren’t willing to take a chance at being shot down,
so you play it cool, heaping scorn and sarcasm on Rabbit Reflexes: When an unexpected attack targets jeans and buttondown shirts, with cowboy boots, a BOONS:
friends as often as enemies. Woe betides those who Donnie rather, than reduce his DV to 0, Donnie cowboy hat and a duster. Though he usually wears a Ren Harvest: Once per story, whenever someone
harm the people you care about, though. Your fury in instinctively defends himself with double his highest patch, the socket of his missing eye is fitted with a speaks of Horace’s exploits, you may roll (Charisma +
such cases is cold, and your vengeance sure. Because applicable DV. Donnie cannot preemptively attack his whitemarble sphere inlaid with the Eye of Horus. On Empathy) to regain a number of Legend points equal
of your wealth, it’s often up to you to finance your attacker or even shout out a warning to his comrades, his hatband is a relic known as the Falcon Amulet. to the successes rolled.
Band’s adventures. as he’s reacting to an attack that’s already taking When expecting trouble of the supernatural variety,
place, but he is much more likely to dodge or parry Sekem Blaze: Horace can spend a point of Legend
Nature: Cynic (Donnie recovers one point Horace wields a khopesh, the Fang of Apep, seemingly to make any mortal or Titanspawn of lower Legend
that attack.
of temporary Willpower when his pessimistic carved from solid ivory and accented in gold, and he’s flee from his presence. Titanspawn of equal or high
expectations are proven correct by the actions, or BOONS: always armed with a .45—the same one that killed his
Arete (Marksmanship) 1: Donnie adds a single die as Legend may spend a point of Willpower to resist.
inaction, of others) father. Horace often tools around on an Indian Chief
a magical bonus to any marksmanship rolls he makes. Sky’s Grace: Horace can spend a point of Legend to
Join Battle: 7 motorcycle, wearing aviator goggles and gloves when
Arete (Presence) 1: Donnie adds a single die as a double his jumping distances for a scene. In addition,
Dodge DV: 7 (9 with Daedalus Device) he does so.
magical bonus to any presence rolls he makes. he is immune to falling damage for this time.
Birthrights: Roleplaying Hints: A sharp customer, your eye
Wind’s Freedom: Donnie can spend a point of Smoking Mirror: Horace can spend a point of Legend
The Daedalus Device: Crafted by the legendary Cretan takes in the details of a scene in a moment, and your
inventor and improved by Hephaestus himself, this Legend and one Willpower per scene to fly. Donnie to get a birds-eye view of everything within a three-mile
body reacts appropriately. You’re a tactical planner
device allows Donnie to channel the Sky, Animal and can move at his normal movement rate while flying radius around himself for a scene.
vertically, but cannot jump while in midair. and a clever improviser should a plan fall apart in
Sun Purviews. It also adds +2 to his DVs as if he wore a
pair of independently mobile shields on his back.
DR. AARON TIGRILLO, SCION OF TEZCATLIPOCA Join Battle: 5 ERIC DONNER, SCION OF THOR Nature: Gallant (Eric recovers one point of temporary
Aaron Tigrillo was born in a small New Mexico Dodge DV: 5 At 18 years old, Eric Donner is the youngest Willpower when he successfully protects or aids
town called Aztec. He was always driven, even as a Birthright: Doctor Tigrillo’s Crystal Skull relic allows Scion in his Band, but he’s experienced a lot in that someone in need at significant cost to himself.)
child. From a poor family and with five siblings, he him to channel his Magic, Mystery and Prophecy short time. Born to an unwed mother who took sick Join Battle: 5
knew he was going to have to work hard to succeed. Purviews. It can also speak to him, offering him sage and died by the time Eric was 10, he was raised in a Dodge DV: 5
So he did, graduating valedictorian of his high advice and counsel. small Midwestern town by his maternal grandfather,
Birthrights: Eric’s bloodstone ring allows him to
school class and winning a full scholarship to Emory Randall. Randall taught him the ins and outs of
KNACKS: channel the Guardian Purview. Giantbane is an
University in Atlanta, where he went on to gain his automobile repair, as well as what it means to be a
Cat’s Grace: Dr. Tigrillo will always land on his feet in oversized, supernal Peacemaker, and allows him to
doctorate in medicine. stand-up guy. Eric learned those lessons well.
a fall or if tripped by an opponent. Also, he takes no channel the Sky Purview.
After completing his residency, the young, Unfortunately, Randall passed away of a massive
penalties for running on difficult or unstable terrain. KNACKS:
idealistic Dr. Tigrillo volunteered for the Doctors stroke in Eric’s 17th year, leaving Eric alone— though
Holy Fortitude: He is able to go without food, water not for long. With the aid of his grandfather’s ghost Holy Rampage: Eric halves the hardness of any item
Without Borders organization. While operating in
and sleep twice as long as any normal mortal. Also, the and the ravens Hugin and Munin, Eric learned he is he tries to break.
Iraq, the doctor was kidnapped and very likely would
amount of time he is able to work at strenuous tasks the son of the Norse God of thunder. In short order, Uplifting Might: Eric can spend a point of Legend to
have died had not the God Tezcatlipoca, his father,
before feeling exhausted is also doubled. he received his Birthright from the dwarves Brok and double the amount of weight he can lift. In his case,
come for him. Apparently, the God had seduced his
mother during a visit to the Aztec Ruins National Blurt It Out: Dr Tigrillo can spend a point of Legend Sindri and ended a frost giant plot to unearth the he can lift just over 2,000 lbs by spending a point of
Monument for which his town had been named to force a mortal to admit to him damning secrets. great wyrm Jörmungandr, though he was nearly killed Legend.
and he was the result of that union. Tigrillo used his Serpent’s Gaze: Dr. Tigrillo can spend a point of thanks to the betrayal of Sly Guiler, Scion of Loki. Damage Conversion: Once per story, Eric can spend a
newfound power to escape the kidnappers and has Legend to force a mortal of lower Legend to lock eyes Since then, Eric has traveled the continent in point of Legend to convert all damage from one attack
worshiped his father ever since. with him, rendering his victim to the inactive state. his GTO, led by Fate (and occasionally the ravens of from lethal to bashing.
Returning to the States, Tigrillo quickly This can work on being of equal or high Legend but, Odin) to upset the plots of various titanspawn. In the Self-Healing: Eric can spend a point of Legend to heal
established himself as a gifted cardiac surgeon. His they can negate its effects for the scene by spending a process, he’s come to work with the other members of a single level of bashing or lethal damage instantly.
surreptitious sacrifice of his transplant patients’ point of Willpower. his heroic Band, a diverse group featuring Scions of BOONS:
defective hearts to his God came to light, however, Know-It-All: Dr, Tigrillo is a wealth of obscure six separate pantheons. Now, with his Band or solo, Aegis: Eric can spend a point of Legend and a point of
and Tigrillo very nearly lost his medical license and information. In-game, this allows him to act as a Eric continues to fight the good fi ght and to help Willpower to give a person or object divine protection
did lose his position. Since then, the good doctor has Storyteller plot device if the group gets stuck on a those in need. for the scene. After spending the points necessary to
taken a sabbatical in order to serve his God in an even question, clue or puzzle. At six foot five and a muscular 220 pounds, Eric is activate this Boon, Eric rolls his (Stamina + Fortitude).
more visceral way. Meditative Focus: Dr. Tigrillo automatically negates one handsome, though not supernaturally so. He inherited The recipient gains Hardness equal to the number of
Aaron Tigrillo is a dashing figure, with sleek point from any distraction based penalties on his actions. his father’s red hair and steel-gray eyes, but unlike successes rolled.
shoulder-length black hair, a well-trimmed goatee BOONS: Thor, he keeps the hair cut short. He usually dresses Vigil Brand: Eric can spend a point of Legend to
and eyes the color of mahogany. Dr. Tigrillo dresses Maguey Sting: Once per scene, Dr. Tigrillo may deal casually, like the blue-collar boy he is, in jeans, a denim mark an object or person as under his protection. At
impeccably. Usually, he wears designer suits, Versace himself a single level of lethal damage to regain a point jacket and a flannel shirt with a white T-shirt beneath. any time, he can make a (Perception + Empathy) roll
and Armani being his favorites. He’s always armed of spent Legend On his right middle finger, he sports a to know the location, condition and situation of the
with an array of obsidian scalpels, which he uses to Magic: Allows Dr. Tigrillo access to spells. bloodstone ring etched with the Germanic rune algiz branded person or object.
great effect given his knowledge of where they’ll do Mystery (1) : Once per story, Dr. Tigrillo can roll (“protection”) and when he’s expecting trouble, he Storm Augmentation: Eric must spend a point
the most damage. He also keeps a translucent Crystal (Intelligence + Mystery) to makes leaps of intuitive carries, Giantbane—quite possibly the largest revolver of Legend to activate this Boon. Then, you roll his
Skull in his medical bag. If he knows he’s going into thought. Each success allows the player to ask the ever made. (Appearance + Presence). The Boon’s duration is one
trouble, he’ll sometimes go for something more Storyteller about events that have occurred previously Roleplaying Hints: Like your father, you’re a action per success. While this Boon is in effect, Eric
substantial, like a maquahuitland-Aztec-shield combo in the game. The Storyteller must answer truthfully, brave and likeable lug who strives to smite evil and can spend a point of Legend to augment an attack
or a tepoztopilli. Tigrillo drives a Jaguar S-Type. but his answers can be as brief as he feels is necessary. protect the weak. Unlike Thor, you’re both more with thunder and winds: if the attack does even a
Roleplaying Hints: You feel blessed that your Prophecy (1): Once per story Dr. Tigrillo can clever and slower to anger. When something does single level of damage, the player of his opponent
father is the great Smoking Mirror, Tezcatlipoca, and roll (Intelligence + Prophecy) to gain a clue about rile you, though, the familial resemblance is uncanny. must roll (Stamina + Fortitude) at a difficulty equal to
you do all in your power to please him, offering him upcoming events in the game. The “prophecy” can You’ve never met your father in person, but you crave ([the attack’s raw damage] – [victim’s Legend]). If Eric
sacrifice after sacrifice of both yourself and of those be about a single upcoming plot point or the story as his approval and work hard doing things you think wins, his opponent looses two dice from all of her rolls
titanspawn or Titan cultists who fall into your expert a whole, with successes determining the importance will make him proud. until Eric’s next action.
hands. You understand that it is your father and the and clarity of the answer.
other Gods who stand between the world of man and Spells:
total annihilation, and you’ll take whatever steps are
The Unlidded Eye: Dr. Tigrillo can spend a point
necessary to ensure victory. You appreciate everything
of Willpower to see any supernatural effects within
the members of your Band do to mitigate the Titan
his line of sight for the scene. Also, this allows him
threat, but if the blood of heroes is what Tezcatlipoca
to automatically see the connections of fate between
demands, you will not hesitate to sacrifice them and
people as well as their Legend scores.
yourself to save all humanity. These are the sorts of calls
you made every day as a surgeon, just on a larger scale.
Nature: Fanatic (Dr. Tigrillo recovers one point of
temporary Willpower when he furthers his cause in
a significant way)
BRIGITTE DE LA CROIX, Nature: Gambler (Brigitte recovers one point of YUKIKO KUROMIZU, SCION OF SUSANO-O focus like a laser and are a frighteningly talented fighter,
SCION OF BARON SAMEDI temporary Willpower when she takes a significant risk Yukiko Kuromizu came to the States fairly recently making up in finesse what you lack in raw power.
Brigitte De La Croix was born in New Orleans, or gamble that pays off for herself or her allies) to attend school in Hawaii. Born in Shirahama, Japan, Nature: Visionary (Yukiko recovers one point of
LA, of a maryaj loa between Baron Samedi and a mortal Join Battle: 7 to a single mother (an ama diver named Sakura), temporary Willpower when she finds a way to tackle a
serviteur named Aimée. Brigitte’s father was a constant Dodge DV: 4 Yukiko endured a lot of taunting as a child about major challenge or crisis in a new and inventive way)
presence in her life, often visiting her in dreams or her mother’s lack of virtue and her own illegitimacy. Join Battle: 6
Birthrights: Brigitte’s top hat allows her to channel
riding a horse. Regardless, although her childhood was This only worsened when Yukiko’s mother failed to
the Darkness Purview. Her ghede glasses allow her Dodge DV: 8
odd, she didn’t grow up in a broken home like many return from a dive in calm seas, leading townsfolk to
to channel the Death and Health Purviews. Her Birthrights: The Kusanagi allows Yukiko to channel
of her fellows. Her mother married a mortal funeral assume the woman had committed suicide in shame.
coco macaque/pool cue allows her to channel the the Sky and Water Purviews. The blade also has a
director named Jack De La Croix when Brigitte was Yukiko became a ward of the state, and her treatment
Psychopomp and Earth Purviews. She can also use it unique power that allows Yukiko to attack a distant
five, but this was not unusual. Baron Samedi had at the orphanage was no better than her treatment
to summon her zombie followers up out of the ground. target without having to throw the blade or close
many wives, after all, and demanded Aimée’s attention at home.
When necessary, Brigitte can sometimes summon one the distance. This attack shares the combat traits of
only a few days a month. In fact, Brigitte’s stepfather’s Despite these hardships, or perhaps because of
of her father’s retinue, the ghede, to offer his advice. a close-combat attack with the Kusanagi, but Yukiko
occupation intrigued the girl, and when she was old them, Yukiko grew up strong, excelling in physical
enough, she went to work for him. She only drove the KNACKS: cannot parry with it. She can attack a target thus out
activities, such as jujitsu and kendo, as well as more to a distance of 15 yards.
hearse at first, but she later learned the embalmer’s Crushing Grip: Brigitte can choose to deal lethal
creative outlets such as photography, which she grew to
art, for which she has a natural talent. damage while in a clinch KNACKS:
love. Although her grades weren’t the best, a professor
Two other talents she inherited from her father Inner Furnace: Brigitte can survive off of any organic at the University of Hawaii was impressed with her Lightning Sprinter: Yukiko doubles the distance of
were the ability to smoke and drink more than anyone material and any quality of water. work and suggested a career in photojournalism, even any dash action she takes. Also, as long as she keeps
on the Mississippi Delta—talents she exploited during Charmer: Brigitte can spend a point of Legend to helping her get the financial aid she needed to attend taking dash actions, she can run on water or similarly
her off hours in various bars and pool halls in the Big suppress any negative emotions against her for the scene. the school and arranging for her to travel via cruise unstable surfaces
Easy. After a long bender, Brigitte returned home to Dreadful Mien: Brigitte can spend a point of Legend ship to Hawaii working on the ship’s service crew. Untouchable Opponent: Yukiko can spend a point of
find her parents dead and the funeral home overrun to force any mortal to run from her in absolute fear. Those dreams were dashed when a powerful Legend to increase her Dodge DV by 2 for the scene.
with zombies. Thanks to a timely Visitation from her BOONS: typhoon struck the ship en route. Yukiko was hurled Rabbit Reflexes: When an unexpected attack targets
father and the Birthright he provided her, Brigitte Assess Health: Brigitte automatically knows the health overboard when an enormous wave struck the ship. Yukiko, rather than reduce her DV to 0, Yukiko
was able to fight her way to the man responsible, a and medical status of anyone she sees; this includes She hit the water hard and sank like a stone. Looking instinctively defends herself with double her highest
twisted bocor attempting to use the recent unrest in the health levels of damage, disease and poisons. up from the depths, she thought of her mother diving applicable DV. The character cannot preemptively
Underworld to his advantage. She sent him straight to so deep daily... how strong she must have been. attack her attacker or even shout out a warning to her
Death Senses: Brigitte can see unmanifested ghosts.
Guinee, gaining a handful of his zombies for her own, She awoke in the bedchamber of a fabulous palace. comrades, as she’s reacting to an attack that’s already
Also, if she looks at a dead body she automatically
but the battle burned her home to the ground. Miraculously, her mother was there, standing beside taking place, but she is much more likely to dodge or
know how it was killed.
Taking only the clothes on her back and the a strong man with fierce eyes. The man explained he parry that attack.
Night Eyes: Brigitte can see perfectly in pitch darkness.
zombies in the family hearse, Brigitte hit the road. was her father, Susano-o, and he’d saved her life—just BOONS:
Following the advice of her father, she’s been traveling Rada’s Eyes: By spending a point of Legend, Brigitte
can experience another person’s perceptions as if they as he’d once saved her mother’s. In return, Yukiko Sky’s Grace: Yukiko can spend a point of Legend to
the South, putting the dead back where they belong now owed him that life, and he would use her as a double her jumping distances for a scene, and she is
and fighting weirder things besides. She’s only were her own. These perceptions include input from
all five senses. To use this Boon, Brigitte must have a weapon. He explained that horrors once contained immune to falling damage for this time.
recently joined up with her Band after a misadventure had escaped and now wreaked havoc. The storm that The Wakeful Spirit: On a successful (Charisma +
at Georgia’s Etowah Indian Mounds. token from the Person, a picture or lock of the person’s
hair is normally appropriate, and her player must make struck her vessel was evidence of that, in fact, and Presence) roll, Yukiko can speak with the spirit of
Brigitte is a long and lanky woman with eyes only his intervention had saved her. Now, it was her an inanimate object. The importance of the item
a successful (Perception + Empathy) roll at difficulty 1.
the color of grave soil, skin like dark chocolate and turn to do the saving. Gifting her with Birthrights, determines the general intelligence and helpfulness
Success means that Brigitte can experience the person’s
curly black hair. She typically favors black vests, jeans, he transported her to Hawaii, where the trail of of the spirit.
perceptions in addition to her own. While using this
denim shorts, miniskirts, fishnets and the occasional titanspawn eventually led her to the American West The Watchful Spirit: Yukiko can spend a point of
Boon, Brigittie automatically fails any roll requiring
swallowtail coat, all accented in purple. Regardless of Coast and her Band. Legend to have her player roll (Charisma + Presence).
Perception or Awareness. This Boon lasts for a scene.
her other accoutrements, she always wears her black Yukiko is a young Japanese woman with black Each success rolled is one day the spirit of an object
top hat and a pair of cheap sunglasses missing one lens, Safely Interred: Brigitte cannot be harmed by falling
rock or by being buried alive. The Earth itself will not hair, green eyes and a beautiful smile she seldom must serve Yukiko’s wishes to the best of its ability.
with the veve for Baron Samedi etched on the remaining shows. Having discovered a love of motorcycles since
allow her harm, though she can still die from hunger Water Breathing: Yukiko can breathe water like air.
lens. When she’s out to make an impression, be it on her Visitation, she often wears leathers where feasible,
other Scions or titanspawn, she paints her face to if she is buried for too long. Water Control: By spending a point of Legend, Yukiko
since they also afford her a degree of protection from can take control of up to 15 cubic yards of water. For
resemble a skull. Invariably, Brigitte carries with her a Unerring Orientation: Brigitte never feels lost. If she what she battles. About Yukiko’s neck dangles a blue-
pack of cigarettes, her custom pool cue (which doubles is reasonably familiar with an area, achieved by lived the rest of the scene, she can do any conceivable action
green jade magatama, and she wields the Kusanagi, an with the controlled water, including making it hard
as a coco macaque) and a bottle of Captain Morgan’s. there or studing a map, she can find any location she’s ancient sword of green-tinted metal.
She travels in a tricked-out 1941 Cadillac hearse. searching for. With a point of Legend, Brigitte can enough to stand on and using it for defense. If used
automatically know how to get wherever she considers Roleplaying Hints: Though obligated to your for defense, the water adds +3 to her dodge DV as long
Roleplaying Hints: You are a sultry woman with father for saving you, as well as for trusting you with
“home”. For the purposes of the adventure, “home” as that is all she does with the water for those actions.
a tomboy streak. You like to drink and shoot pool your mission, you hope one day to be able to pursue
and brawl and make love—always to excess, rarely is her hearse. Other Notes: Yukiko’s guide “Kono” is regrettably not
your own dreams. Still, you love the excitement of able to be used for this adventure as he is currently
simultaneously. Those who are put off by your morbid Other Notes: Brigitte’s Followers Birthright gives what you do and aren’t sure you could return to a
dress are usually won over by your gregarious, balls- her access to five zombies, which are currently in her living in Hawaii. More information on Yukiko’s Guide
“normal” life. Inexperienced in the ways of love, you can be found in the Scion: Hero rulebook.
out nature. As someone who’s well aware of both hearse. Also, her Guide is an ancient ghost, called tend to make a fool of yourself around handsome
how short life is and how long death is, you live every a ghede, which serves her father. His identity and men—especially Donnie, who graciously pretends you
moment like it might be your last, which with the appearance is entirely up to the player and Storyteller, don’t exist when that happens. In battle though, you
Titans free and the dead roaming the World, might but he is conceivably a very powerful ghost who will
well be true. normally be used to carry information between Brigitte
and her father.
If you have trouble tracking the ticks of your character or of Storyteller characters in combat, here
are a couple suggestions to make it easier.
Dice: Each player uses a single 10-sided die (with the 0 representing zero instead of 10) to track
the time until his character’s next action. At the start of combat, a die reads the tick number when the
character first acts. As each tick passes, all tick-tracking dice are reduced by one number. When a die
turns up a 0, it is that character’s turn to act. When that tick passes, the player then sets his die to the
T number equal to the Speed of the action his character just took. (See p. XX 189 a description of Speed.)
H Battlewheel: For this method, you need a token for each character, a piece of paper and one more
E token. The extra token should be immediately distinguishable from the others. You can call it the tick
token, because it indicates which characters act on a given tick. Now draw out a circle on the paper and
W divide it into seven or eight “pie slices.” Put the extra token in one slice. When combat starts, put tokens of
O characters who act on tick zero on the slice with the tick token. Put any tokens acting on tick one on the
R next slice to the right or left, tick two on the next slice along and so on.
L When a character acts, move his token a number of slices equal to his action’s Speed around the
D battlewheel (counting upward). Once there are no more character tokens in the same slice as the tick
token, move the tick token one slice upward. Repeat the process from the beginning of this paragraph
O until the end of combat. Some groups might want something more permanent than a scrap of paper with
a scrawl on it. You can cannibalize board game spinners or make your own.
S 1 2 1 2




6 6 4
5 5
Paper: This method puts all the onus on the Storyteller, who keeps a sheet of paper marked with all
relevant characters and with ticks. You can place the characters’ names across the top and mark ticks
downward (starting with tick zero). Place an “X” on each character’s first tick of action, determined by
the Join Battle roll. When a character acts, mark his next action (Speed ticks later) with another “X” farther
down the sheet. Check off each tick-row after everyone acting on that tick is done.

Eric and Yukiko met after finding clues to a serial This story details the creation of a Band of heroic
killer working out of Southern California who kept Scions. Kane Taoka, Scion of Amaterasu and servant
drowning attractive starlets in their swimming pools. of the Titan Mikaboshi, has learned that Group 2 is
The Two Scions managed to chase her all the way to heading toward Las Vegas on some business for their
Las Vegas, only to find her already withered and dead: divine parents. Kane cannot allow both groups of heroic
Donnie having already seduced the poor Nymph from Scions to meet and form a Band capable of opposing
her pool long enough to slay her. Of Shadows Yet to him or his master. Kane’s goal is to destroy them before
Come begins with these three characters just having they can become a real threat to his ambitions.
awoken in a small hotel just north of Las Vegas. They The adventure is contained within four acts,
are in their hotel rooms. or major parts of the whole story. Each act can have A
multiple scenes. For example, in Act Two, each of the C
IMPORTANT NOTE two options presented is one scene. T
Act One: Group 1
Everything past this point is information Scene One: Encounters their initial threat. O
on running the Of Shadows Yet to Come Scene Two: learns of the endangered group of N
adventure and is only for the Storyteller! heroic Scions. E
If you are going to be the Storyteller, read Act Two: Group 2
through the whole adventure thoroughly Scene One: The group deals with some strange
before running it. You might want to read it people while bar hopping.
two or three times, just to make sure you are or
familiar with everything, and know where The group encounters some serious trouble at the
to find the information you need at any hotel.
moment quickly.
Act Three: Group 1 and Group 2 meet
The initial two scenes of this adventure take Scene One: A fateful meeting.
place on opposite sides of the United States. Scene Two: A powerful foe.
For ease of reference, the Group containing
Act Four: The Final Showdown
Eric Donner, Yukiko Kuromizu, and Donnie
Scene One: Shadows darken the sky.
Rhodes is Group 1. Horace Farrow, Brigitte
Each of the initial three scenes scenes should
De La Croix, and Dr. Aaron Tigrillo make up
introduce the characters to the setting as well as each
Group 2.
other. The danger is fairly low, but the players should be
fairly interested in what exactly is happening by the end
of Act Two, Scene One. Act Three could take anywhere
The Storyteller should suggest that the players from an hour to over two hours, depending on the
whose characters are in the same group sit on the same players and how well they handle the complicated fight
side of the table. Given the number of players for this scenes. Overall, the adventure should take around four
adventure, this will make it easier to keep track of whose hours and can easily be accomplished in a single session
character is where and with whom. of play.

SCENE ONE roll their Join Battle, with the thugs kick occurring on
Group 1’s Scions awaken in their individual hotel tick 0 (no roll required). This is an introduction to the
rooms. The characters are planning on meeting each Scion combat system and should be a trivial battle for all
other around 8 A.M. that morning, so let each of the of the players. The players’ characters are fully capable
players describe their morning rituals. Allow the players of simply knocking out each of the thugs without killing
time to get into character. Let the players each play out them. There is no penalty for killing the criminals, but
their morning, and just before they leave the rooms, two clearing out dead bodies is not very heroic. Because this
men with guns will burst through each of their doors. fight is so easy, the Storyteller might want to give the
It will take the yakuza two kicks (Unarmed: Heavy players the option of sparing the lives of the criminals,
actions) to break through the hotel room doors. On the even if an attack would have normally killed them, and
second kick, have the players of any Scions not sleeping simply knocking them out.
Each yakuza wears a black suit with a tie loosened around the collar of his partially buttoned shirt. Each yakuza
will be sporting an array of tattoos visible on the edges of their clothing. All will attempt a single attack, using their
gun, during each of their actions. Yakuza are extras.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2; Perception 2, Intelligence
2, Wits 2
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl 2, Control 1, Fortitude 1, Larceny 2, Marksmanship 1, Melee 1, Stealth
1, Survival 1
T Join Battle: 4
H Attacks:
E Clinch: Accuracy 5, Damage 3B, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 4, Damage 6B, Parry DV 1, Speed 5
W Unarmed, Light: Accuracy 6, Damage 3B, Parry DV 3, Speed 4
O .38 Special: Accuracy 5, Damage 4L, Range 20, Speed 4, P
R Soak: 0L/2B
L Health Levels: -1/-3/Dead
D Dodge DV: 3
Willpower: 4
O Other Notes: The “P” tag on the yakuza’s gun means that it deals piercing damage, ignoring half of the soak from
F a character’s armor (if any). This is negated only by the bulletproof vest Horace wears.

I After the yakuza are dispatched, the characters might THE LETTER
O want to search them for clues. The loud noise of the combat
N will attract the attention of other hotel patrons, who will A notice to all loyal employees:
call the police. Storytellers should suggest to characters It has come to my attention that two rival
wishing to make searches that they should make haste. companies have been trying to increase their
If a character tries to leave one of the yakuza injured but public image. These companies, which have
awake, remind the player that interrogation is a lengthy been responsible for some major charities,
process and the police will be here soon. Allow the player formed on separate sides of the country and
of any character searching the yakuza to roll his character’s currently look to have not had a chance to
(Perception + Investigation) difficulty 2, don’t forget to add merge. The merger of these two companies
Epic Attributes, to notice the envelope contained within a would form a potential threat to our goals. It is
hidden pocket. Inside of the envelope is a short letter and thus my order that all loyal employees make
six photographs: three of the characters and three more of arrangements to meet with the company
people the characters have never seen before. based on the East Coast, as they have already
Because of its rather obvious nature, the characters can been given a plan of action from their parent
decipher this letter with an (Intelligence + Investigation) companies and are making a move west
roll, difficulty 1. If successful, the characters will already.
understand that this is a letter requesting that two Bands
of rival Scions are to be murdered. If anyone managed
at least one additional success on the roll, they will also The President of the August Star
figure out that the men that just attacked them were not Corporation
following orders, and most likely happened to see the P.S. I have sent my personal assistant to
characters while on the road. If any character deciphers meet with these companies in the off chance
the letter and mentions it to Yukiko, her player could also they manage to solidify a merger.
make an (Intelligence + Occult) roll, difficulty 3, to notice
that The August Star of Heaven is a nickname of the Titan
Mikaboshi. Other characters can roll at a difficulty of 5.

For the adventure to continue, the characters must find the letter. If the players choose not to search or
no one can seem to get a success on their search attempts, just let the characters find the letter. An example
would be for one of the characters to accidentally trip over the letter as Group 1 leaves the hotel.
Given the circumstances of their own attack and the possibility that an army of assassins is after
them and this other Band of Scions, the players and their characters should easily be convinced to
head east and try to find these potential allies before they are attacked. If the players have any doubts A
about locating this group since they could potentially be anywhere between here and Maine, simply
say “Let fate guide you”. Once the characters have decided to make the journey, the Storyteller should
end the scene.

It is Group 2’s turn now. The characters head out from Georgia that morning, in Brigitte’s hearse, and by
nightfall, have made it as far as Little Rock, Arkansas. They plan to take I-40 all the way to Las Vegas, stopping
to rest up in Little Rock before they hit the desert in Texas.
The players won’t find much in the way of entertainment. There are a fair
number of respectable looking bars and not much else. The characters have two
options while in the city: Have a drink at some of the local bars or pass on the
alcohol and check into a hotel for the night. Try and get the players to all agree
on a single option.
If they go to the bar, the events below can take place:
A man at the bar will begin trying to talk to Brigitte; his breath smells of whiskey
and he is easily twice her age. If she ignores or insults him, he will become
more obnoxious, telling her she is playing “hard to get” and begin calling
her things like “sweet thing” and “hot cakes”. If she ignores him at this
point, he leaves and calls her a few choice names on the way out. If she
reacts, he keeps it up until she leaves the bar or resorts to violence. If
Brigitte resorts to any sort of violence against the man, he attempts to
run at the first sign of danger, at which point he immediately slips
and falls,hitting his head on the floor with a loud “thud”, and then
passes out. Whether he leaves early in the night, or knocks himself
out, Brigitte probably wants to leave the bar after the incident.
The man is supposed to test Brigitte’s patience: make him as
loud and obnoxious as possible. The goal is to get them to
leave the bar before they are “ready”.
As they head out of the bar, the characters see a
young man in an alley across the street being mugged
by two masked individuals. Given the characters’
Virtues, the players each have to spend a point of
Willpower to resist going to the man’s aid, or roll
an appropriate Virtue (Order, Harmony, or
Duty will work). Success means the character
must help, and could lead to a Virtue
Extremity as per the Virtue rules.

Shinobi appear as jet-black mortals, quite literally
three-dimensional animated shadows. At night or
in a darkened room, all shinobi gain five dice on
all Stealth attempts. Even in normally lit rooms, a
shinobi still gains a two-die bonus on Stealth rolls.
Shinobi have a strong aversion to daylight, however,
suffering one automatic level of aggravated damage
T for every five ticks spent in direct sunlight. Finally,
H all shinobi can literally move through the shadows,
E stepping into one patch of darkness and emerging
from another some distance away.
W Shinobi appear to share a collective intelligence.
They never need to communicate with one another
O and are incapable of communicating verbally with
R anyone else. When dealing with allies of Mikaboshi,
L shinobi rely on a supernatural sign language that
D allows them to communicate with hand gestures in
a way that is automatically understood by anyone
O capable of seeing them.
F Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3;
Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2;
S Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
C Virtues: Duty 3, Endurance 2, Intellect 2, Valor 3
I Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 3, Brawl 5,
O Fortitude 3, Integrity 3, Larceny 4, Melee 5, Stealth 5,
N Thrown 5
Supernatural Powers:
Complete Silence: All shinobi are completely incapable of making a sound through their own deliberate actions.
There are two limitations to this power. First, a shinobi’s unintentional actions can produce sound. Second, sounds
caused indirectly by a shinobi’s intentional actions are not silenced. For example, if a shinobi pulls a fire alarm,
only the sound of him actively breaking the glass and pulling the lever is silenced. The fire alarm itself is not.This
supernatural ability confers three bonus dice on all Stealth-related rolls.
Shadow Walking: A shinobi can effectively teleport through shadows, stepping into any darkened area large enough
to contain his body and then reemerging from any similarly darkened area within 500 yards. Activating this power
costs one Legend point.
Join Battle: 6
Clinch: Accuracy 8, Damage 4B, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 7, Damage 7B, Parry DV 4, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light: Accuracy 9, Damage 4B, Parry DV 6, Speed 4
Ninja-to: Accuracy 10, Damage 6L, Parry DV 6, Speed 4
Shuriken: Accuracy 12, Damage 7L, Range 20, Speed 4, P
Soak: 4L/7B (Shozoku armor, +2L/4B)
Health Levels: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 6
Willpower: 6
Legend: 1 Legend Points: 1
Trophy: When a shinobi is slain, her body dissipates into shadow, leaving behind a single jet-black shuriken (traits
outlined below).
Other Notes: Shinobi appear to be wearing the shinobi shozoku costume. The shozoku is formed of solidified
shadow and dissipates with the shinobi’s body. Shinobi have an infinite supply of black shuriken formed of solidified
shadow (Accuracy +2, Damage +3L, Range 20, Speed 4, P). Lastly, a shinobi’s stealth pool equals 18 dice: in combat,
24 subtract two dice, and while under any kind of bright light other than sunlight, subtract three more.
The players have one chance for their characters to
notice the trap laid before them; allow each player to SCREW THIS!
make (Perception + Awareness) rolls at difficulty 3. If one
succeeds on the roll, his character notices that there is no On the chance the players just leave and go
sound coming from any of the three men. The three shinobi to a different hotel, they can make (Perception
disguising themselves with the illusions remove their disguises + Awareness) rolls, difficulty 2, to notice a
if they can tell that the characters notice their deception. If few darkened figures hanging around the
no character notices the lack of sound, and approach within outside of the building as they leave. After
five yards, the shinobi’s will draw their swords and attack (at the characters find a different hotel, the rest
the normal -2 penalty for making the diceless draw action). of their night will be peaceful. Yes, this is the A
When their shinobi nature is obvious (either when they easy way out but, no one ever said heroes C
drop their disguises, or after the initial attack is resolved), have to walk into an obvious trap. T
both sides make a normal Join Battle roll.
The three shinobi will take a miscellaneous action to T
draw their katana and make a single attack if a character The characters’ rooms are on the fourth floor. The W
is close enough (at the normal -2 penalty). The shinobi elevator takes them to the middle of a long hallway O
will attempt to attack each character a least once, to test containing rooms on the left and right. All three of the
their defenses and possibly make them spend Legend. characters’ rooms will be located on the right hallway in
After each shinobi makes two attacks, or if one of them is a row with connecting doors. The rooms will be fairly
slain, they will use their Shadow Walking ability to get away small but, clean and with a nice view of Little Rock from
on their next action. If the players manage to slay one or the balconies. Each room is identical: a small bathroom
more of the shinobi, the black shuriken they leave behind with a sink and mirror will be on the character’s right
is a potentially powerful weapon. The players can attempt as he or she enters the room; the rest of the room is a
(Intelligence + Occult) rolls, difficulty 2, for their characters 10’x10’ square with a dresser on the left and a queen-
to recognize the special properties of the shuriken. sized bed with two nightstands on the right. The doors
If the characters choose to just check into the hotel connecting the rooms are located at the back of the room
and not go out for the night, the following will happen: next to the dresser on the left and the nightstand on
the right. The entrance to the balcony is a glass sliding
READ THIS: door at the back of the room; the balcony itself is very
After a bit of discussion your characters decide small with a cast iron railing standing about waist high
on an average-looking hotel located just off of to the characters. The players can have their characters
I-40 so they can get back on the road quickly search the rooms with a (Perception + Investigation)
the next morning. The hotel lobby is a fairly roll, difficulty 1. Success allows the character to notice
cramped room with a small check-in desk and a single odd feature of the rooms; the sliding latch has
an elevator to the upper rooms. Near the door, been removed from each of their doors! After a few
taking up the remaining space in the room, is a minutes, there will be a knock at each of the character’s
lounge containing a few recliners and a couch. rooms. If the characters look through the peephole of
At the desk is a young Asian man wearing a their doors, they will see five men in black suits waiting
loosely fitting black suit. outside each of their rooms. Each of the men is holding
a gun and each has a series of black tattoos covering
STOP some part of his exposed skin. If asked who they are,
Allow the players to make (Perception + Investigation) the men will respond that they are room service and the
rolls, difficulty 1. Success lets the character notice that the closest thug will place his hand in front of the peep hole,
man isn’t wearing a nametag nor is his suit a standard blocking the character’s view, and the character will hear
uniform for this kind of hotel. Once the characters get close, a sound like a key unlocking the door. Everyone should
to check in and get their room keys, the players can also make Join Battle rolls at this point.
make (Perception + Awareness) rolls, difficulty 3, to notice It’s fight or flight time, as there are 15 armed men
the quiet murmuring of people in the room behind the about to break into the characters’ rooms. Do they stay
desk. A character succeeding at either of these rolls should and fight or try and run? None of the characters can
be fairly suspicious at this point. If the characters attempt communicate with the others, so each has to choose on
to confront the man at the desk, he will act completely his or her own. Even as divinely empowered beings, five
innocent. If the characters ask to see what is in the back on one is staggering odds. If the characters fight, they
room, he will claim the door to the room is locked and he may very well die. Running isn’t much easier. They
doesn’t have a key. If they threaten him physically, he will have three options: they can attempt to break through
threaten to call the police. This should probably be enough the doors leading to the adjacent rooms and attempt to
of a deterrent to get the players to just go to their rooms. escape past the thugs, down the stairs at the other end of
the hallway and out of the building; or they can climb out
on to the balcony and attempt to jump to a lower balcony that it is in use. It takes 15 ticks to arrive at their floor. If
and escape from that floor; or they could climb out on to the characters attempt to sneak past the thugs, have the
the balcony, and attempt to get to the ground by climbing thugs roll (Perception + Awareness) against the hero’s
from floor to floor on the lower level balconies. (Dexterity + Stealth) as normal. If the thugs notice,
If they fight, use the statistics listed from Act One for they will shoot at the heroes as they flee down the hall.
the yakuza thugs. The thugs must first open the door, a Otherwise, the thugs will storm the rooms as planned.
miscellaneous action taking 5 ticks. Once the door is open, If they try and take the balcony route, they have to
the rest of the thugs enter the room and each make an take a diceless miscellaneous action at Speed 5 to open
attack with their guns. The thugs will have trouble hitting the sliding door. Climbing down one floor is a (Dexterity
T the powerful heroes, but a lucky shot could seriously injure + Athletics) roll at difficulty 3. Failing this climbing roll
H one of them. As the Storyteller, feel free to fudge some die means the character falls, taking 10 levels of bashing
E rolls in the players’ favor if they start getting hurt too easily. damage that can be soaked normally. The rooms directly
Once the fight is over, the players should leave as quickly as below the heroes are occupied, and the sliding glass
W possible and stay at another hotel for the rest of the night. doors to the balconies are locked. The doors can be
O Remember, if one character runs and the other two stay shattered with a lethal attack doing at least 3 damage.
R and fight, that is five more thugs the heroes must battle. Unlike the rest of the characters, Horace can use his Sky’s
L Also, there is no rule against fleeing if the battle seems Grace Boon to simply jump to the ground below without
D hopeless, though it might be against one of that character’s damage. The rest of the characters have to climb down
Virtues, thus calling for a Virtue roll as normal. each floor or risk taking damage. If the character falls on
a lower floor, reduce the damage he takes by three per
O If they try and run, the door to the adjacent room
is fairly thin and can be broken with a Brawl or Melee floor he has successfully climbed down.
attack doing at least five bashing or two lethal damage, Once the battle is over, the characters can find a new
at difficulty 1 to hit. The adjacent rooms are empty. If hotel if they wish. If they want to sleep in the hearse, it
S the characters just attempt to make a run for it down the won’t be very comfortable, but after the night they’ve
C hallway they have to cross 30 yards to get to the stairs. had, it might be safer. If they sleep at another hotel
I If they try the elevator, only 10 yards away, they will see though, they will have no further problems that night.
During Act Three, both groups should be fairly tense At this point, ask the characters what they want
after the action in both Acts One and Two. This scene is to do. The diner and convenience store are about 20
where the two groups meet; it takes place in Amarillo, Texas. yards from the pumps. The place is empty except for
the elderly cashier and a middle-aged waitress smoking
SCENE ONE a cigarette as the characters enter. The food is American
Group 1 leaves Nevada as quickly as possible, making style burgers and fries, with a side of heartburn. Let the
good time until Eric’s GTO breaks down in Arizona. Eric characters fill up their car, get something to eat, and
has the necessary tools to fix the car already on-hand, but the take a good look around. The key here is to not rush
group must spend the night in a hotel to allow him enough this scene; let the players wonder why their characters
time to fix the car. If the players are making good time on the stopped here and what they are supposed to find here.
adventure, feel free to let them play out the car’s breakdown, If someone wants to look around, have his player roll
but otherwise, just move on to the meeting scene. (Perception + Awareness). If any player rolls five or
READ THIS: more successes, tell him his character has a feeling he
is missing something important but just can’t seem to
After getting the car fixed, your Band will drive grasp it. Otherwise, the characters remain alert but see
straight on to Amarillo without much trouble. nothing of importance. Let the characters in Group 1
Upon arrival, the car is low on fuel, and the play for a bit, but once the gas tank is full, the characters
characters are starting to get hungry. Eric stops should be urged to keep moving. Convincing them
at a gas station just off the interstate, a little should be the Storyteller’s main concern, but don’t
mom-and-pop store with only four pumps and hint at anything. Act like the Awareness roll was their
a small attached diner. You still haven’t seen nor chance and they missed it.
heard anything about this other Band of Scions. When all of the characters are resigned to move on
Circumstance, or maybe Fate, has forced you to and get back in the car to leave…
stop, so this might be a good place to look.

A strange hearse will pull up just before you
get in the car. As the hearse stops in front of a Brigitte, Horace and Eric, using their Epic
pump the driver’s face becomes visible. It’s the Strength, may be able to simply catch the
girl from the picture! telephone pole before it collides with the rest
of the Band (Characters without Epic Strength
STOP do not have the strength to take the full
At this point, the Storyteller should turn to Group 2 impact, let alone lift the thousand pounds of
and fill them in on what has happened. After the events the pole itself.) Any of these three characters A
in Little Rock, Group 2 drove straight on through the who succeeded on the (Wits + Awareness) C
night, rotating drivers as necessary to stay on the road. roll to notice the pole, may try and catch it by T
If any of the characters suffered lethal wounds from forfeiting their DV’s against the attack, then
the events in Little Rock, those will heal as if four days rolling (Strength + Athletics) reflexively. The
had passed, Dr. Tigrillo being able to treat the wounds base difficulty of each player’s roll is 5. Each
throughout the characters’ two-day trek. Their gas is player’s successes after the fifth reduce the
getting low, and the characters stop at this gas station for pole’s attack by one success. If their combined
fuel and food before heading on to Vegas. extra successes equal or exceed five, the E
With the scene described and both Bands filled in pole is caught and being held by all of them. E
on the situation, let the scene play out naturally. Give Should they fail, the catching characters are
each player time to act out the scene and roleplay her still subject to the 10 dice of bashing damage
character’s actions. Let everyone introduce himself. the pole deals, plus any leftover successes
Characters don’t have to introduce themselves as they were unable to negate. Treat the pole’s
Scions, but that fact will become apparent soon enough. attack successes as reduced by this amount
After the events in Little Rock, Group 2 should easily be for the purposes of the other characters DVs.
convinced that their lives are in danger. Play this scene Soak for all characters applies normally.
until everyone is introduced and knows the dangers that
await. Let this conversation go on as long as necessary
but, if it looks like a majority of the players are beginning
to get bored, move on to the next scene. its attack roll, see “Epic Strength” sidebar) or risk being
knocked unconscious in the first tick of combat.
SCENE TWO After the characters deal with the wayward
Let the characters finish introducing themselves to telephone pole, which if uncaught will destroy part of
each other and casually inform everyone to make a (Wits the convenience store and hit the gas pumps, filling the
+ Awareness) roll at difficulty 1. Successful characters area with gasoline, their enemy will appear.
notice a horizontal telephone pole careening toward
them. Characters that succeeded get their DVs against
the pole, failure means the character is caught unawares The creature, stepping out from behind the
and has all DVs reduced to 0. building in front of the gas station, stands 15 feet tall.
The pole attacks with five successes, and has a base Its tusked face is revealed as it removes an almost
10B damage. If the pole was instead thrown at a single literal ten-gallon hat from its head. As the creature
character, its damage would have been piercing (ignoring drops its oversized trench coat, the characters see
half the soak from armor), but thrown horizontally, its bloated and scaled body ripple with might as it
it is an area attack with a 15-foot radius around the readies a giant club in its right hand.
attack point. This is noted since Eric is fully capable of
using the pole as a thrown weapon with his (Strength STOP
+ Athletics). It is also possible for him to use the pole The characters should all roll Join Battle at this
as a melee weapon. It gives him 20-foot reach, and its point. The oni is a terrible foe, with a Strength and
combat statistics are Accuracy -1, Damage +12B, Defense Stamina none of the characters can match, and it will
-3, Speed 6, requiring a minimum of Epic Strength 1 to fight until it can no longer move. This battle is a test for
wield effectively in Melee and Epic Strength 2 to throw. the final showdown yet to come. Despite its respectable
Most of the characters should be able to dodge or Join Battle roll, the oni is very slow on all of its attacks,
parry the pole without much trouble. The few characters and will rely on its tetsubo unless disarmed.
whose base DVs are not high enough, or did not notice As long as the characters rely on their speed and
the flying pole, will have to rely on the might of the rest of range, they should triumph over the oni without too
their Band to slow down the pole’s momentum (reducing much trouble.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0(5 for Intimidation);
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Virtues: Ambition 2, Malice 2, Rapacity 1, Zealotry 3
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 4, Fortitude 4, Melee 4, Presence 4 (Intimidation only), Survival 4
Supernatural Powers:
Epic Attributes: Oni have Epic Strength and Stamina ratings equal to their Legend. This oni has Epic Strength 3
(Holy Rampage, Hurl to the Horizon, Epic Lifting) and Epic Stamina 3 (Damage Conversion, Holy Fortitude, Inner
T Furnace)
H Epic Strength Benefits: Four extra yards of jumping and improvised throwing distances. Multiplies by four thrown
E weapon range catagories. Can lift 2,000 lbs more than he normally could.
Strength Knack Descriptions: Holy Rampage halves the hardness of any item he tries to break. Hurl to the Horizon
W doubles the range of thrown items (add multipliers in Scion: Hero, thus the total multiplier on thrown ranges is
O five).Epic Lifting allows him to use normally unwieldy items as weapons, such as cars
R Epic Stamina Benefits: No wound penalties before incapacitated. +4B/+4L/+3A soak.
L Stamina Knack Descriptions: Damage Conversion allows Chine to, once per story, spend a point of Legend to convert
D all damage from one attack from lethal to bashing. Holy Fortitude doubles the time Chine can go without food or
water. Inner Furnace allows him to eat any organic substance for food.
O Join Battle: 6
F Attacks:
Clinch: Accuracy 7, Damage 7B, Parry DV —, Speed 6, P
S Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 6, Damage 10B, Parry DV 3, Speed 5
C Unarmed, Light: Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Parry DV 4, Speed 4
I Tetsubo: Accuracy 6, Damage 18B, Parry DV 2, Speed 6
O Car: Accuracy 6, Damage 18L, Parry DV 2, Speed 6
N Telephone Pole: Accuracy 6, Damage 18B, Parry DV 2, Speed 6
Soak: 3A/7L/9B
Health Levels: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/Incap
Dodge DV: 5
Willpower: 5
Legend: 3 Legend Points: 9
Trophy: The trophy for the oni is his heart, which
remains behind after death. If recovered promptly, his
heart will still hold a quantity of his eitr, which can be
poured into any suitable receptacle. Once consumed,
this eitr confers three
bonus dice that can
be allocated to
either Strength
or Stamina as the
player wishes for the
duration of a scene.
However, anyone who
drinks this eitr does lose
one point of Intelligence for the duration of the scene and also suffers
a -2 penalty on all rolls to keep his anger under control during that time.
Chine’s heart contains enough blood for nine doses. The blood stays
fresh indefinitely as long as it is kept in a relatively airtight container.
An empty two-liter soda bottle would work just fine as long as the Scion
doesn’t lose the cap.
Other Notes: None

If the Storyteller feels the battle is too easy, allow
the oni’s tetsubo to strike a spark, igniting the gasoline
around the Scions. This fire quickly spreads and, if left
unchecked will explode the gas station after 20 ticks.
After the battle, if the Doctor remained conscious,
he can treat any wounded characters.
The players need to make an (Intelligence + Occult)
roll, difficulty 2, to realize the oni’s heart is a trophy.
The Doctor can remove it, requiring an (Intelligence +
Medicine) roll at difficulty 2, and secure the blood in a
two-liter container from the convenience store. C
After the intense battle, the characters might want T
to compare notes. The yakuza, the ninja (or shinobi), H
and the oni should give hints to the Japanese theme of R
their Titan tormentor. If the characters check the oni’s E
coat, they will discover a business card with a single E
word on the front: “Kane”. On the back will be a 1-800
phone number. If the characters call it, a young man
will answer in Japanese. If the character on the phone
responds in English, the voice will switch to English;
otherwise, he will continue in Japanese.
I apologize for not being there in person, but
I was detained by matters of a more personal
nature. My assistant, Chine-san, obviously
failed at his assignment since I am speaking
to you now. No matter. All this means is that I
will have to take a more personal hand in your
destruction. I , of course, will understand if you
decide not to continue on to your destination.
That may be for the best.

Storytellers should play Kane as confidant but
cordial. Villains from James Bond films are good
references for his general attitude. After he has made
his statement, he immediately hangs up without waiting
for a response. Any further attempts to call him are met
with a lingering ringing tone, but are not answered. The
players should be reminded it is a good idea to get out
of Amarillo before the local police arrive.
After Kane’s speech, the characters should be united
in the goal of reaching Las Vegas and thwarting whatever
it is he has planned. Players from Group 1 may have
doubts about their characters’ own divine missions.
Inform them that their fears will soon be put to rest.
The closest large city on their route is Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and they should be able to reach it before
nine o’clock. Some of the characters may be unconscious
or critically injured, but the Doctor has the ability to
stabilize any critically wounded character, and Scions’
naturally increased healing rate should take care of the
rest. If any of the characters are lethally wounded past 29
If none of the characters were seriously injured in the fight with the oni, then healing time won’t be
necessary. Have them stop in Albuquerque simply to rest and receive the summons from their divine parent.
While resting, Group 1 will receive a message or messengers from their divine parents summoning
them to Las Vegas as well. This message should come in a form appropriate to the character’s parent,
and needs to happen before the characters move on.

T The uninjured Scions can feel free to wander the city, possibly contacting their Guides for advice
H or getting to know the rest of the Band. There is an obvious attraction between Donnie and Yukiko. If
the Storyteller wishes to introduce this budding relationship, she should feel free to let the characters
E play it out while the others rest up, if Donnie and Yukiko are not injured themselves. This is the last
chance for the characters to get to know each other and form friendships before moving on to the
W final showdown.
This is roleplaying time, have fun with it, but if it looks like the players are getting bored move on
R to the next scene.

O their -1 health levels, feel free to give them a couple their guard down while in Albuquerque. They should
F days to rest up and heal, lest they risk dying in the final feel they are in the calm before the storm, and should
battle. Also, be sure to warn the characters not to let not waste this opportunity to recover.
SCENE ONE of characters who are driving each need to make a
(Dexterity + Control) roll at difficulty 3 to remain in
The characters will head out of Albuquerque around
midday once everyone is reasonably healed and ready to control and stop the car without incident. Failure causes
go. All the players’ characters should be fully healed and the car to swerve wildly off of the road and into the
ready for this to wrap up. This scene pushes their limits ditch, immobilizing it, leaving the characters shaken,
and forces them to fight creatively. The scene takes place but unharmed. On a botch, the car locks up, turns
on I-40, not far from Kingman, Arizona. It’s getting late, sideways, and makes three side rolls before coming to a
around 9 P.M., when the lead car’s headlights illuminate stop with its wheels in the air; the characters in the car
the destruction that lies before them. will each take five levels of bashing damage that can be
soaked only by their Stamina and Epic Stamina. Also,
READ THIS: they will have to take an action to get out of the car
Cars litter the side of the road in every and another action to stand up (these should both be
direction, smoke and fire rising from many of the treated as Speed 5 diceless miscellaneous actions). Note,
vehicles, and the audible moans of their injured Horace’s motorcycle is still being towed by Brigitte’s
passengers calling for aid echo in the darkness. hearse, if the hearse falls off the road or flips over,
In the middle of the darkened highway, a bare- Horace’s motorcycle will be damaged and unusable.
chested Japanese man stands with sword in If Brigitte manages to retain control, Horace’s bike
hand, the tattoos on his body sinuously flowing makes a quick way to close the distance that separates
on his bare skin. Black fire spits from the man’s the characters from their assailants.
eyes as a mask of shadows covers his grim smile. All characters should roll Join Battle after making
A pair of shadowy wings erupts from his back, their Control rolls but before taking any other action.
and he takes flight toward Las Vegas. Depending on the players’ comfort with the combat
system so far, the Storyteller should decide whether there are
STOP either 10 or 5 shinobi. Given the size of the characters’ Band,
Before the characters can take another action, 10 shinobi should prove a challenging fight, but should not
including stopping their cars, a shinobi, by using his be too overwhelming. If the players have had difficulty with
Shadow Walking ability, appears under each of the the combat system so far, 5 shinobi should prove to be a
characters’ cars and slashes the tires. The players good challenge, but not overwhelming in any way.
The shinobi’s first action is to hide from
the characters.
It is nighttime, and the shinobi are
assassins made of shadow itself, making this
one of the best possible situations for them to
take advantage of their stealth and Shadow
Walking abilities.
If a player cannot exceed a shinobi’s
successes on her (Dexterity + Stealth) roll
(with +3 dice from their Silence ability) with a
(Perception + Awareness) roll, then that player
has an effective DV of 0 against that shinobi’s U
next attack. For some characters, this can R
mean instant incapacitation or even death.
Because of the nearly absolute darkness at
this time, except the characters’ car’s lights,
the shinobi’s Shadow Walking ability allows
them to appear effectively anywhere and
can allow multiple shinobi to surround a
character in a moment. However, the shinobi
can only use Shadow Walking if they have
Legend Points to spend.
If a shinobi can surprise a character using
his stealth abilities, then he makes only a
single attack using a Fierce Blow (see special
attacks) to maximize damage.
After a shinobi attacks, his next action is to
reestablish stealth.

This is a tough fight requiring the players to stay

together, use their powers, and focus their attacks during
the brief moments their foes are visible. In case the players
still feel uncomfortable with their powers, or are not having
good luck, here are some suggestions the Storyteller may
want to give to a player if he is having problems.
Horace has the best natural ability to battle the
shinobi with his Epic Perception 2 and Perception 4. His
Predatory Focus gives him another means of tracking the
shinobi, and Subliminal Warning gives him a second
chance to regain his DV if a shinobi does manage to
evade him. These Knacks allow him to steadily thwart
the shinobi’s attacks and stealth.
If she hasn’t used them yet for some reason, this is
great time for Brigitte to break out the five zombies in
her hearse. While not much of a threat to the nimble
shinobi, the undead make a great wall for the group to
stay behind.
Dr. Tigrillo can handle himself in melee, but until
then, his Unlidded Eye spell is extremely useful. This
spell allows the Doctor to automatically recognize the 31
Stealth-hidden shinobi because of their supernatural Lastly, if the characters encountered and slew one or
Complete Silence ability. This powerful ability allows the more of the shinobi while in Little Rock, this is a great
Doctor to easily combat the shinobi’s stealth. Between time to try out the shuriken to momentous effect.
Horace and himself, these two should be able to lead Optionally, The Storyteller might want to add a
the group through the fight. further element of danger to the situation by putting
Eric’s Strength and Resilience, while effective the random people strewn about the road in harms
against direct foes such as the oni, might not prove an way as well. Most of the cars are damaged, most of the
effective counter to the stealthy shinobi. His best bet people unconscious, or very close, and a few of the cars
is to follow orders given by Horace, and Dr. Tigrillo look like they may explode at any time. Roll two dice
T once his Unlidded Eye spell is active, and try to be and add the results to get the number of cars strewn
H present when the shinobi come out of hiding. While about the road. Less than half should be in any danger
E Eric might not be able to track the shinobi well, he of exploding, but have those in danger spread apart
can easily destroy one with a single good shot from 20-30 yards, forcing the characters to split up to save
W his Giantbane. the helpless people or risk watching innocents die.
O Yukiko has more that enough agility and combat This causes a Virtue check to resist. The cars should
R prowess to match any of the shinobi. She might try each be set on different timers for explosion, forcing
L standing on top of one of the cars so she can stay in a the characters to reach the cars and pull the people
D good position to use her Kusanagi’s ranged attack. out before the timer is up and the car explodes like
Donnie is in an excellent position to take to the a stunt car in an action movie. The individual times
should be different, between 20 and 50 ticks. Make
O air with his Wind’s Freedom Boon and rain bullets on
sure the players actually have time to save the people if
F his opponents. This lofty position will give him an
they hurry, but don’t give them too much time to spare
additional +2 to his DVs and give the shinobi a -2 on
their DVs against his attacks. in getting there.
The characters have survived their trip to Las Vegas and made some new allies, and possibly friends, along the
way. They know their parents are waiting for them in Vegas, but so is the mysterious villain who has plagued their
every step up to this point. Things get worse before they get better, but that is the life of a Scion. Continue to explore
your destiny in Scion: Hero.


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