Functions of Applied Social Sciences
Functions of Applied Social Sciences
Functions of Applied Social Sciences
Pertrand Russell
Learning Competencies:
The social sciences refer to the various disciplines that study society and
examine how people interact and develop culture. It is a big umbrella of disciplines
that include history, political science, sociology, psychology, economics, geography,
demography, anthropology, and others. On The other hand, applied social science
was developed as a response to the categorization of the social science knowledge
that was common during the late 90s and end of the twentieth century.
Students who pursue courses on the applied social sciences give them
adequate background and training to have careers in counselling, social work and
communication. This module will look into the functions and effects of the applied
social sciences. Lesson 1 focuses on the functions of each of the applied social
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science disciplines. Lesson 2 studies the effects of the applied social science
process to individuals, groups, and communities and to society in general.
1. Evaluate your prior knowledge about the topic by answering the Pre-Test
2. Do not worry if you are not sure about your answers; step by step you will be
enhanced as you along your learning;
3. Take your time reading the lesson discussions carefully;
4. Follow the instructions in all activities and performance tasks given.
What I Know
I. DIRECTIONS. Identify if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write the answer for
each item on the line.
7. The function of the Social Sciences can only be found in arts and
What is It
What’s More
1. Studying
2. Personal hygiene
3. Socialization
4. Smoking
What I Can Do
B. Song Reflection:
1. Reflect in the song entitled “Estudyante Blues” by Freddie Aguilar.
1. How do you relate yourself to this song?
2.How can you address those problems through counseling, social
work and communication?
What I Know
“Commercial Showing” AMA Senior High TVC feat Coco Martin 30s
Name: _ _
What is It
In careers related to communication like mass media, advertising, and
business, persuasion is very essential. To persuade means:
Being able to convince other people to change their attitudes or behavior
regarding an issue through the communication of messages in an atmosphere
of free choice.
One cannot persuade a person unless he/she has a foundation on social
sciences. It is very important that those who make the messages or advertisements
that want to persuade a client or customer must be knowledgeable about the culture
of the people in which the messages is being communicated.
The heart of persuasion is the ability to understand well one’s audience and
its complexity.
Persuasion energizes itself to move audiences to desired and immediate
What‘s More
Situational Analysis
Directions: Analyze each commercial carefully and identify what type of commercial
is being portrayed. Identify if it is, Product Advertisement, Business Advertisement,
Advocacy Campaign
1. Mang Inasal
2. Rexona
3. BDO
4. Lucky Me with the song of “Isang taon pa lang ako
5. Lucky Me, with the scene of the father scolding his son, “Gabi ka na
What I Can Do
Directions: Print out the editorial cartooning (internet) or cut out the editorial
cartooning (newspaper) in a short bond paper.
Guide Questions:
1. Explain how guidance and counselling, social work and communication can be
applied in mass media and persuasion? Cite examples.
2. How important is mass media to you as a student?
What I Know
Name: _
What is It
Applied social sciences are also used in the arts and entertainment industry.
Arts and entertainment are reflections of a country’s culture and society. To be able
to understand and analyze the development and new trends in the arts and
entertainment, it is important to be familiar about the people’s social and cultural
As new forms and delivery systems for entertainment flourished, there is great
importance to understand the needs of the viewing public. It is important to cope with
the changing demands of the viewers in order to get the viewer’s attention. The
applied social sciences prove to be significant in this aspect because a strong
foundation in the study of the people’s viewing behavior and patterns are
emphasized in this field.
What‘s More
What I Can Do
Journal Writing:
Directions: Watch or listen to more stories about family life and relationship. Answer
the folowing questions.
1. What is the most common issue a family has in general for keeping a
harmonomious family relationship?
2. How do you find your current relationship with your family?
3. Do you think you have a happy and loving family? Yes, why? If NO, why?
What I Know
What is It
Applied social science is also important in the field of journalism. The news
and current affairs sector emphasize the need for a balanced, objective, and truthful
rendering of the political and other important events as they actually happened.
Practitioners in the applied social sciences have enough training in this regard
because they have a good foundation in history and political science. Through the
application of these fields, applied social scientist have enough skills to be able to
write and report news accurately and objectively.
What I Can Do
What I Know
What is It
Advocacy groups are organized to inform and educate on public issues, and
influence people on the development of policies. Advocacy groups also play
important roles in the development of political and social systems. Applies social
sciences is a good background for advocacy and mobilization because this field
studies politics, governance, social and political dynamics which are very important
background for advocacy works.
The following are some of the different activities of advocacy. All these
activities require knowledge of the applied social sciences. It includes the following:
1. Community organizing and mobilization – It is about helping to mobilize
constituents and build power with their communities.
2. Information dissemination – Providing communities and people the right
information on important political, social and economic issues affecting them.
3. Research – Conducting research that reflects the needs of the communities.
4. Training – Training sessions that will teach successful strategies and skills for
personal and community development.
What’s More
What I Know
Guide Question:
Directions. Answer the following question.
1. Based on the statement “ Education is the Key to Success” Do you think education
can lead you to become successful? Why?
What is It
The academe is one of the most relevant career tracks that applied social
scientists can pursue. The multidisciplinary approach in the study of the applied
social sciences can equip students with the skills and expertise to work in schools,
colleges, and universities. These are a significant number of subjects offered in the
general education curriculum in the secondary and tertiary levels that applied social
scientists can teach. These include history, society and culture, and politics and
What‘s More
Directions: Read and understand excerpt below. Answer the questions: How is the
excerpt related to the functions of applied social sciences on education? Write your
(Excerpt from UNESCO 1996 report, Learning:The Treasure Within( page 11)
“ In confronting the many challenges that the future holds in the store, humankind sees education as an indispensab
Learning to Know
Learning to be Learning to do
What‘s More
What I Can Do
Slogan Making:
Directions: Make a slogan about the importance of applied social sciences in
minimizing social problems concerning education.
I. DIRECTIONS. Identify if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write the answer for
each item on the line.
Learning Competencies:
analyze the effects of applied social sciences processes on individuals,
groups, and society
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIe-f-44)
evaluate the effects of certain program or projects on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of individuals, groups, and socie
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-IIe-i-45)
For the maximum benefits of this module, you have to follow some guidelines:
1. You must work on this module in the sequence its contents are
2. Read the objectives and answer all the questions in pretest.
3. Read and understand the lessons in this module as much as you can.
4. Try to give your best in doing the enrichment activities.
5. Assess yourself through answering the posttest.
6. Be honest at all time.
What I Know
Directions: Answer the following based on what you believe. Show your
answer through PROS and CONS.
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is a fact and FALSE if it’s
bluff. Justify your chosen answer. (2 pts each)
A. Two spirited people believe they hold the soul of a man and a woman.
B. Sociologist believe that sex and gender are essentially the same thing.
C. Abused children always become abusive partners or parents.
D. There is no difference between gender and sex.
E. Gender only has two categories male and female.
What’s More
KWL Chart
Directions: Fill out the KWL Chart below. On the first column, write
what you already know. The second column is what do you want to know and
the last column is what you have learned.
What is It
What’s More
Directions: The applied social sciences processes have short term and
long term effects to individuals, groups, and society. Put a check mark (/) on
the column if you think it has effect to individuals, groups, and society. Use
the table to answer the question.
Does it have an
Applied Social Does it have an Does it have an
effect on the
Sciences effect on the effect on the
Processes communities? society?
1. Counseling
2. Social Work
3. Communication
What is It
Behavioral Change
Behavior is acquired or developed slowly and once it’s part of your life, you
will learn the difficulty of behavioral change. It is hard to break old habits or adopt
new ones. Making a permanent change in behavior is never a simple process, and it
requires substantial commitment of time, effort and emotion. Behavioral change
management is never easy, but psychologists, therapists, physicians, and teachers
have developed a number of ways to effectively help people change their behaviors.
Structural Change
Structural change refers to the radical shift in the way reality is organized
and does not necessarily include the substantive change.
Instead, their exposure was in the kitchen and domestic context. To change
this, there are global efforts from public policy to social awareness campaign and
education where organizations and companies are required to have women
representation in workplace and public affairs.
2. Family Structure
A. Biological and marital relationship
B. Close family ties
C. Extended family
Today, the concept of family remains to be the basic unit in human relations
but does not necessarily imply living together.
Effect on individual
Effect on groups
Effect on
better for individuals to flourish. Guidance and counseling, social work, and communication and journalism provide the me
Directions: Answer the following based on what you believe. Show your
answer through PROS and CONS.
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is a fact and FALSE if it’s
bluff. Justify your chosen answer. (2 pts each)
A. Two spirited people believe they hold the soul of a man and a woman.
B. Sociologist believe that sex and gender are essentially the same thing.
C. Abused children always become abusive partners or parents.
D. There is no difference between gender and sex.