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Units of time are measured by Shifts, Stretches, and Rounds.
To perform an action, roll equal or below the
relevant rating with a D20. A Shift measures six hours at a time, used during exploration of
a whole area, long hiking journeys, taking a recovery rest, etc.

ROLLING A DRAGON, ROLLING A DEMON A Stretch measures 15 minutes at a time, used during
investigation within a room, taking a breather rest, etc.
Rolling a 1 on D20 is rolling a dragon, meaning a critical success.
The GM may describe additional benefits, such as making the A Round measures 10 seconds at a time, used during turns of
action faster, impressive, or achieving more than intended. combat, chase scenes, taking a second wind, etc.

During combat, the player can choose the additional effect:

✦ An attack that rolls double the amount of dice for damage. You can carry the amount of items equal to half your STR. A
✦ An attack that allows for an immediate second attack on backpack adds +2. Weapons at hand (3 total) do not count to
another enemy. (Melee attacks only) your inventory, along with armor, helmet and shield.
✦ An attack that ignores armor (Piercing weapons only) If you carry more than your normal limit, make a STR roll to
✦ A parry that allows for an immediate counterattack. move in a round of combat or walk for a shift of travel. Failure
When casting spells, the player can choose the additional effect: means you must drop what you carry or stay where you are.
✦ The damage or range of the spell is doubled. CONDITIONS
✦ The spell does not cost any Willpower Points.
✦ Cast another spell immediately, but with a bane. Take a Condition when you push a roll or suffer certain
situational effects. Each condition ties to an attribute and gives a
Rolling a 20 on D20 is rolling a demon, meaning a critical failure.
bane on all rolls based on that attribute/skills.
The GM may describe additional detriments, such as making the
action noisy, foolish, or even damaging to yourself or others. If you suffer a condition that you already have, you must choose
another condition. If you have all six conditions, you instead lose
(Optional rule) During combat and when casting spells, the GM
D6 WP. If you are out of WP, you instead lose D6 HP. You can
may choose additional effects, according to a mishap table.
heal one condition of your choice during a stretch rest. A shift rest
BOONS AND BANES heals all conditions.
✦ Exhausted - STR ✦ Angry - INT
If your action receives a Boon, roll two D20 and take the lower
✦ Sickly - CON ✦ Scared - WIL
result. If your action receives a Bane, roll two D20 and take the
✦ Dazed - AGL ✦ Disheartened - CHA
higher result. It is possible to have more than one boon and/or
bane. If they overlap, boons and banes cancel each other.


(Optional Rule) You can choose to Push a Roll if you fail: re-roll Draw Initiative
the attempt and take the new result. Regardless of success or (Take turns in ascending order, 1 - 10)
failure, take an immediate condition on an attribute you choose. 
You cannot choose a condition you already have, and you must Declare Action
explain how the condition results from the action. If all six
(Move + 1 Action)
attributes have conditions, you cannot push any rolls. You cannot
push if you rolled a demon. 
Roll to Hit, if attacking
OPPOSED ROLLS (If Defender makes a REACTION, they roll to
Opposed rolls require both you and an enemy to roll. If you Dodge/Parry)
succeed, the roll must also be lower than the enemy’s success or 
you still fail. You can push the roll if you are the active party in the Roll for damage.
contest. (Defender subtracts armor from total)

Spend Willpower Points (WP) to activate certain kin, heroic (Redraw after all have taken turns.)
abilities, or magic. Your max WP equals your WIL, and spent WP
recovers through rest.

✦ Melee Attack. These can be performed against an ✦ First Aid. The HEALING skill is used to save the
enemy within 2 meters (4 meters for long weapons). life of someone who has had their HP reduced to zero
✦ Ranged Attack. Attacks with a ranged weapon can and is at risk of dying.
be made against targets within the weapon’s range. ✦ Helping. Helping another character gives them a
boon to a roll in the same round.
✦ Activate Ability. Use an innate or heroic ability. ✦ Pick Lock. Picking a lock requires a SLEIGHT OF
✦ Break Down Door. Doors can take a certain HAND roll. Doing so without lockpicks gives you a
amount of damage before they break down. bane.
✦ Dash. This action doubles your movement rate in ✦ Pick Up Item. Pick up an item from the ground
the round. within 2 meters, or from your Inventory.
✦ Cast Spell. In most cases, casting a spell counts as ✦ Rally. You can PERSUADE another character at
an action. zero HP to rally and keep fighting.
✦ Equip/Unequip Armor/Helmet. Suits of armor and ✦ Round Rest. You rest to catch your breath,
helmets protect you from damage, but also restrict your recovering D6 WP.
movement. ✦ Use Item. Use a potion at hand or some other item
within 2 meters.


You can normally move as many meters as your movement rate While resting, you cannot perform any actions that require die
along with performing one action. rolls or WP.
You cannot move past a standing enemy who wants to stop you. Round Rest: You recover D6 WP, no HP. You can only have a
If move away or past an enemy within 2 meters of you, make an round rest once per shift.
EVADE roll or suffer a free attack by that enemy that cannot be
Stretch Rest: Recover D6 HP. If someone success with a
dodge or parried.
HEALING roll, recover 2D6 HP, and the caregiver cannot rest
FREE ACTIONS during the same stretch and can only heal one person during the
✦ Draw Weapon: Draw, exchange, or stow a weapon at hand. rest. You also recover D6 WP and remove a condition of your
✦ Change Position: Throw yourself to the ground or get up. choice. You can only have a stretch rest once per shift.
✦ Drop Item: Drop an item on the ground. Shift Rest: Recover all HP and WP and heal all conditions. If a
✦ Shout: Say or shout a few words. shift rest is interrupted by combat or hard work it has no effect.
A reaction takes place outside your turn and replaces your regular
Having a trained skill in a school of magic allows you to cast
action in the round.
spells. Make a roll using your skill and spend WP equal to the
✦ Parry. Both melee and ranged attacks can be parried, but the power level you want to charge it with. Failure results in no effect
latter requires a shield. and the WP is spent.
✦ Dodge. On a successful dodge you may, if you want, move up
to 2 meters in any direction. Power levels range from 1 to 3, and costs 2 WP per power level.
If a spell does not use power level, it costs 2 WP. If you have 1 to
SPECIAL ATTACKS (Optional Rules) 0 WP left, you can draw power from your body. Roll a die of your
✦ Disarm: Make an opposed roll with WEAPON skills. If the choice (up to D20) before casting; the result indicates how many
weapon is held with both hands, you get a bane. With success, the WP you gain and must be used immediately, but you also take the
weapon lands D6 meters away in a direction you choose. same amount of damage.
✦ Find Weak Spot: Take a bane on an attack using a piercing
You cannot use magic if you are wearing metal armor or have a
weapon. With success,, the enemy counts as armorless.
metal weapon at hand. Some spells have requirements for word,
✦ Grapple: Make an opposed roll with BRAWLING. With
gesture, focus, and/or ingredients.
failure, you fall to the ground. With success, you both fall to the
ground and, as long as you maintain your grip, you and your Prepared spells: The max number of spells you can hold in
enemy cannot move. You can now make BREAK attacks with a your memory equals your base chance for INT. When you have
boon that cannot dodged or parried. The enemy cannot perform reached your limit and want to prepare another spell, you need
any action, except trying to break free with another opposed roll to replace a spell. To prepare, study from a grimoire for a shift of
that is a free action for him. time.
✦ Shove: Move an enemy up to 2 meters in any direction in
addition to doing damage with a successful attack. Your STR Grimoire: You can casting an unprepared spell directly from a
damage bonus must be equal to or higher than your opponent’s grimoire but you must spend extra time to cast it.
damage bonus. Magic Tricks: Tricks are always prepared so they do not count
✦ Topple: Make an opposed roll between a WEAPON skill and on a limit of prepared spells. They succeed automatically (no roll
EVADE. If the weapon has a “toppling” feature, get a boon. With needed) and always cost 1 WP. All magic tricks require a gesture
success, the enemy falls to the ground. to be cast.
Units of time are measured by Shifts, Stretches, and Rounds.
To perform an action, roll equal or below the
relevant rating with a D20. A Shift measures six hours at a time, used during exploration of
a whole area, long hiking journeys, taking a recovery rest, etc.

ROLLING A DRAGON, ROLLING A DEMON A Stretch measures 15 minutes at a time, used during
investigation within a room, taking a breather rest, etc.
Rolling a 1 on D20 is rolling a dragon, meaning a critical success.
The GM may describe additional benefits, such as making the A Round measures 10 seconds at a time, used during turns of
action faster, impressive, or achieving more than intended. combat, chase scenes, taking a second wind, etc.

During combat, the player can choose the additional effect:

✦ An attack that rolls double the amount of dice for damage. You can carry the amount of items equal to half your STR. A
✦ An attack that allows for an immediate second attack on backpack adds +2. Weapons at hand (3 total) do not count to
another enemy. (Melee attacks only) your inventory, along with armor, helmet and shield.
✦ An attack that ignores armor (Piercing weapons only) If you carry more than your normal limit, make a STR roll to
✦ A parry that allows for an immediate counterattack. move in a round of combat or walk for a shift of travel. Failure
When casting spells, the player can choose the additional effect: means you must drop what you carry or stay where you are.
✦ The damage or range of the spell is doubled. CONDITIONS
✦ The spell does not cost any Willpower Points.
✦ Cast another spell immediately, but with a bane. Take a Condition when you push a roll or suffer certain
situational effects. Each condition ties to an attribute and gives a
Rolling a 20 on D20 is rolling a demon, meaning a critical failure.
bane on all rolls based on that attribute/skills.
The GM may describe additional detriments, such as making the
action noisy, foolish, or even damaging to yourself or others. If you suffer a condition that you already have, you must choose
another condition. If you have all six conditions, you instead lose
(Optional rule) During combat and when casting spells, the GM
D6 WP. If you are out of WP, you instead lose D6 HP. You can
may choose additional effects, according to a mishap table.
heal one condition of your choice during a stretch rest. A shift rest
BOONS AND BANES heals all conditions.
✦ Exhausted - STR ✦ Angry - INT
If your action receives a Boon, roll two D20 and take the lower
✦ Sickly - CON ✦ Scared - WIL
result. If your action receives a Bane, roll two D20 and take the
✦ Dazed - AGL ✦ Disheartened - CHA
higher result. It is possible to have more than one boon and/or
bane. If they overlap, boons and banes cancel each other.


(Optional Rule) You can choose to Push a Roll if you fail: re-roll Draw Initiative
the attempt and take the new result. Regardless of success or (Take turns in ascending order, 1 - 10)
failure, take an immediate condition on an attribute you choose. 
You cannot choose a condition you already have, and you must Declare Action
explain how the condition results from the action. If all six
(Move + 1 Action)
attributes have conditions, you cannot push any rolls. You cannot
push if you rolled a demon. 
Roll to Hit, if attacking
OPPOSED ROLLS (If Defender makes a REACTION, they roll to
Opposed rolls require both you and an enemy to roll. If you Dodge/Parry)
succeed, the roll must also be lower than the enemy’s success or 
you still fail. You can push the roll if you are the active party in the Roll for damage.
contest. (Defender subtracts armor from total)

Spend Willpower Points (WP) to activate certain kin, heroic (Redraw after all have taken turns.)
abilities, or magic. Your max WP equals your WIL, and spent WP
recovers through rest.

✦ Melee Attack. These can be performed against an ✦ First Aid. The HEALING skill is used to save the
enemy within 2 meters (4 meters for long weapons). life of someone who has had their HP reduced to zero
✦ Ranged Attack. Attacks with a ranged weapon can and is at risk of dying.
be made against targets within the weapon’s range. ✦ Helping. Helping another character gives them a
boon to a roll in the same round.
✦ Activate Ability. Use an innate or heroic ability. ✦ Pick Lock. Picking a lock requires a SLEIGHT OF
✦ Break Down Door. Doors can take a certain HAND roll. Doing so without lockpicks gives you a
amount of damage before they break down. bane.
✦ Dash. This action doubles your movement rate in ✦ Pick Up Item. Pick up an item from the ground
the round. within 2 meters, or from your Inventory.
✦ Cast Spell. In most cases, casting a spell counts as ✦ Rally. You can PERSUADE another character at
an action. zero HP to rally and keep fighting.
✦ Equip/Unequip Armor/Helmet. Suits of armor and ✦ Round Rest. You rest to catch your breath,
helmets protect you from damage, but also restrict your recovering D6 WP.
movement. ✦ Use Item. Use a potion at hand or some other item
within 2 meters.


You can normally move as many meters as your movement rate While resting, you cannot perform any actions that require die
along with performing one action. rolls or WP.
You cannot move past a standing enemy who wants to stop you. Round Rest: You recover D6 WP, no HP. You can only have a
If move away or past an enemy within 2 meters of you, make an round rest once per shift.
EVADE roll or suffer a free attack by that enemy that cannot be
Stretch Rest: Recover D6 HP. If someone success with a
dodge or parried.
HEALING roll, recover 2D6 HP, and the caregiver cannot rest
FREE ACTIONS during the same stretch and can only heal one person during the
✦ Draw Weapon: Draw, exchange, or stow a weapon at hand. rest. You also recover D6 WP and remove a condition of your
✦ Change Position: Throw yourself to the ground or get up. choice. You can only have a stretch rest once per shift.
✦ Drop Item: Drop an item on the ground. Shift Rest: Recover all HP and WP and heal all conditions. If a
✦ Shout: Say or shout a few words. shift rest is interrupted by combat or hard work it has no effect.
A reaction takes place outside your turn and replaces your regular
Having a trained skill in a school of magic allows you to cast
action in the round.
spells. Make a roll using your skill and spend WP equal to the
✦ Parry. Both melee and ranged attacks can be parried, but the power level you want to charge it with. Failure results in no effect
latter requires a shield. and the WP is spent.
✦ Dodge. On a successful dodge you may, if you want, move up
to 2 meters in any direction. Power levels range from 1 to 3, and costs 2 WP per power level.
If a spell does not use power level, it costs 2 WP. If you have 1 to
SPECIAL ATTACKS (Optional Rules) 0 WP left, you can draw power from your body. Roll a die of your
✦ Disarm: Make an opposed roll with WEAPON skills. If the choice (up to D20) before casting; the result indicates how many
weapon is held with both hands, you get a bane. With success, the WP you gain and must be used immediately, but you also take the
weapon lands D6 meters away in a direction you choose. same amount of damage.
✦ Find Weak Spot: Take a bane on an attack using a piercing
You cannot use magic if you are wearing metal armor or have a
weapon. With success,, the enemy counts as armorless.
metal weapon at hand. Some spells have requirements for word,
✦ Grapple: Make an opposed roll with BRAWLING. With
gesture, focus, and/or ingredients.
failure, you fall to the ground. With success, you both fall to the
ground and, as long as you maintain your grip, you and your Prepared spells: The max number of spells you can hold in
enemy cannot move. You can now make BREAK attacks with a your memory equals your base chance for INT. When you have
boon that cannot dodged or parried. The enemy cannot perform reached your limit and want to prepare another spell, you need
any action, except trying to break free with another opposed roll to replace a spell. To prepare, study from a grimoire for a shift of
that is a free action for him. time.
✦ Shove: Move an enemy up to 2 meters in any direction in
addition to doing damage with a successful attack. Your STR Grimoire: You can casting an unprepared spell directly from a
damage bonus must be equal to or higher than your opponent’s grimoire but you must spend extra time to cast it.
damage bonus. Magic Tricks: Tricks are always prepared so they do not count
✦ Topple: Make an opposed roll between a WEAPON skill and on a limit of prepared spells. They succeed automatically (no roll
EVADE. If the weapon has a “toppling” feature, get a boon. With needed) and always cost 1 WP. All magic tricks require a gesture
success, the enemy falls to the ground. to be cast.

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