Resume Screening Review Paper

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Resume Screening Based On Artificial Intelligence

A.Swathi mam
Nelapudi Sivaram Pothuganti Peeraiah
AI Qis college of engineering and
AI Qis college of engineering and AI Qis college of engineering and
technology technology
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 3: name of organization line 3: name of organization
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country
Palati Koteswararao 23495A6705 23495A6706
AI Qis college of engineering and Javvisetti Thripuraiah Nuthakki Bhavani
technology AI Qis college of engineering and AI Qis college of engineering and
(of Affiliation) technology technology
line 3: name of organization (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
(of Affiliation) line 3: name of organization line 3: name of organization
line 4: City, Country (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
22491A6727 line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country
22491A6710 22491A6728

Resme screening evolution for recruitment process is very III. BACKGROUND

important activity in IT industries for hiring and seeking Day by day there are so many new researches that are being carried
new employees with required skills. In this project we out by so many organizations in many fields. Right from the IT
present a set of techniques that makes the whole recruitment sector to the Medical fields there are so many researches as well are
process more effective and efficient. we can implemented a progresses made in day to day life. These progresses in these fields
are creating new employment opportunities all over the world. Now
system that can be used to evaluate and classify the we know that the hiring process across the world is the same. That
resumes. These recruitment's are done on the basis of seeing is the candidate has to make the resume first and as most of the
the skill set mentioned in the person's resume who is recruitment process is based on the candidates' resume. Now most
applying. Now we see that there are a lot of people who of the organizations tell the candidates to send the resume via e-
apply for a job. Going through the resumes of these people mails. Now after they receive the email the next job is to sort them
manually is extremely time consuming and less efficient as according to the requirement. Now usually they sort these manually
but this process is time consuming. Also there may be so many
there are chances of human intervention error. Hence we errors due to that. The efficiency of such sorting is extremely low.
have proposed a project which will sort all the resumes this may result in giving a chance to a candidate whose credentials
according to the requirement of the company and forwards are not up to the mark for the organization or this may also make
it to the respective HR for further recruitment process. In the manual sorting miss the candidate who is extremely good for the
this project we are going to use the technology of Artificial organization. Hence a system which is intelligent enough to sort all
these documents without any error and within time is needed which
Intelligence. We are going to train the system for
is exactly our aim. AI for recruiting is the application of artificial
recognizing the words by coding in Python language. We intelligence, such as the learning or problem-solving that a
are going to use a database of resumes. The system will be computer can do, to the recruitment function. This new technology
trained in such a way that when a resume is to be scanned it is designed to streamline or automate some part of the recruiting
will search only for the words or the special skills according workflow, especially repetitive, high-volume tasks. For example,
to the requirement by the company and sort it accordingly. software that applies machine learning to resumes to auto-screen
candidates or software that conducts sentiment analysis on job
The required resume is shortlisted and the rest are rejected. descriptions to identify potentially biased language.
This will give high efficiency compared to the manual
sorting and give produce good results. This process is also
not time consuming.
Keywords:- resume sorting, artificial intelligence Following is the block diagram of the project. It shows the process
from selection of resumes according to the domain and the skill
I. INTRODUCTION sets. Further it segregates the resumes as selected or rejected and
stores them in the form of excel sheets. Lastly it forms different
The evolving technology is creating many chances of folders which stores data regarding selected and rejected resumes
employment for many. Nowadays to apply for any job the each. Nowadays due to such advancements and development in the
most essential document is a resume. Resume tells a lot technology, the employment rate has increased to a greater extent.
about the person's achievements and the skill sets in all A lot of skillful people are needed in the industry for working with
walks of life. The person applying for the job highlights his these technologies. Hence a lot of companies are holding mass
strong points and skill sets required for the companies. The recruitment drives to hire more people. Now the company needs to
know how exactly the person is that is whether he/she is fit for their
multinational organizations receive thousands of mails from company in all aspects or not. The best way to know about all of
such people who send their resumes for them to apply for a this at one single glance is the Resume. We all are aware as to what
certain post. Now the real challenge is to know which a resume is. The1. resume contains all the basic information about
resume is to be sorted and shortlisted according to the the applicant’s qualification, academics and all the other
constraints. One method is to manually check and sort the extracurricular skills. This helps the interviewee to judge the person
resume. Now this method is the most time consuming and who has applied. But the major issue is the number of applications
or resumes that are received. There are thousands of applications
also can lead to a lot of errors because of human that are received. Now it is not possible for the HR to go through
interventions. Also humans cannot keep on working each and every resume personally. Hence we have created system
continuously. Hence there is a problem of less efficiency as that solves this problem efficiently. We have proposed system that
well. Thus we have proposed a system which will easily can solve this in no time we have a dataset of some resumes in a
find the required skill set by scanning the document or the format. what are system2. does is it takes the path at which the
resume and sort according to the skill sets which is a resumes are stored. Now the company creates the job for a
particular designation these designations need a particular skill sets.
specified constraint of the organization. We are going to use These are also given by the company. So our system scans the
the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI for recruiting document optically and searches for particular keywords that have
is an emerging category of HR technology designed to been prescribed. Then it goes on for the names, age, experience, etc.
reduce or even remove time. and scans the whole document. Then according to the guidelines the
resumes are sorted. There are separate excel sheet created where all
. the selected and rejected candidates' names and their lacking skills
(only in case of the rejected list) are displayed separately. Then
II. INTRODUCTION TO RESUME SCREENING APPLICATION there are separate folders of selected and rejected resumes where all
Basically the resume screening is a coding process, There are the resumes are stored accordingly. This helps the recruiter to get to
interview people who are apparently fit for the post. Hence in this
many languages used in this process like Python, Java… e.t.c
way the process is hassle free and also time saving. And in this way
But me and my team, We can implemented this resume the organization can also hire good and trustable candidates.
screening process as an android mobile application.
determine a candidate’s culture fit, and improve their relationships
with hiring managers by using data to measure KPIs such as quality
of hire.Using the Template


Table Table Column Head

Head Table column subhead Subhead Subhead
copy More table copy

Fig:- Block diagram


Recruiters that are using AI for resume screening are clearly at an

advantage over recruiters who are either doing it manually or using
traditional Applicant Tracking System (ATS) methods for resume
screening. Let’s look at some of these advantages. Freeing Up
Recruiters Time: On an average, every job post receives about 250
candidate applications. If a recruiter spends about 2 minutes for
screening a resume, it is 500 minutes a day. A Resume screening
software can do that in 2 seconds. Yes! in 2 seconds. In addition to
that, using AI for resume screening can rank these candidates
based on your hiring pattern. So, shortlisting of candidates happen
right away. With more time available, recruiter can spend their
time in talking to most promising candidates and increase their
chance of finding right talent faster. Engage Best Candidates:
Recruiters process resumes in the order they receive it or find it.
Many a times they either receive applications that are not relevant
to the job or when they search for candidates on job boards, they
are often mislead by errorprone keyword matching techniques. e.g.
when recruiters are searching for Oracle developers they end up
finding many Java developers because both kind of candidates
have mentioned plsql on their resume. Similarly, it happens for
Financial Analyst vs. Data Analyst or Company Secretary Vs
Personal Secretary. The examples are countless. Basically,
recruiter may end up spending lot of time in engaging non relevant
candidates. When you have already spent days in engaging not so
good candidates, you may tend to believe that good candidates are
difficult to find and then You start thinking about compromises.
Use of AI for resume screening eliminates such noise from your
resume screening process. Therefore, chances of you interviewing
most suitable candidates are significantly higher. AI for Resume
Screening Can Reduce Unconscious Bias: Believe it or not but we
tend to have unconscious bias towards many things. Recruitment is
no exception. Many a times a hiring manager or a recruiter makes a
decision by just reading the name of a candidate. Candidate
demographics such as gender, race, religion or region can fuel such
unconscious bias. Use of AI for resume screening can eliminate
such biases. Influential factors such as demographic details can be
completely ignored while screening candidates. Diversity is an VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
important factor in an organization’s success. Hence it is important
to address such unconscious biases that may restrict diversity at
your organization.

AI for recruiting is the application of artificial intelligence to
the recruitment function that is designed to streamline or automate
some part of the recruiting workflow, especially repetitive high-
volume tasks. The main benefits of using AI include saving
recruiters’ time by automating high-volume tasks and improving
quality of hire through standardized job matching. The major
challenges of using AI for recruiting include requiring a lot of data,
the potential to learn human biases, and skepticism of new
technology by HR professionals. The innovations in AI for
recruiting are intelligent screening software that automates resume
screening, recruiter chatbots that engage candidates in real-time,
and digitized interviews that help assess a candidate’s fit. AI will
change the recruiter role through augmented intelligence which will
allow recruiters to become more proactive in their hiring, help
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. [2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed.,
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