Induction Script
Induction Script
Induction Script
Induction ceremony: - This is a ceremony whereby the Adventist Youths
are admitted in their local clubs and to have fellowship in the worldwide various
churches. They are given an opportunity to publicly show their sacrifice to the
principles and objectives of youth clubs for their local churches. These youth
ministries are as follows: Adventures (4 - 9 years), Pathfinders (10 - 15 years),
Ambassadors (16 - 21 years) and Young Adults (22 – 35 years). Motto is declared,
promises are made, pledges are given, laws implemented to be kept while
principles are recited thus leaving a sense of purpose, commitment and dedication
to the ministry at large.
1. Adventurers
Director, “I hereby declare this Induction Ceremony of the_____________Adventurer Club now
in order”.
All lights are put off as the spirit candle is being lit.
“For the light of our program, we turn to the spirit of adventuring. It is the spirit of reverence,
reciting, singing, adventure, fun, learning, awareness and awakening. This candle on its own is
not complete. Therefore I call upon my Deputy to come and introduce the staff to light the
complimentary candles”.
The Deputy Director proceeds and takes the permission to call upon the staff to represent the six
classes of the Adventurer.
The six staff marches forward to light the six foundation candles representing the six classes
while giving the appropriate meaning for each class. This is as follows:-
Light blue [4 years, Little Lambs] – A course of study in learning how to be faithful followers of
Jesus our Shepherd.
Green [5 years, Early Birds] – A course of study in learning how to keep the morning watch and
giving God the first place in my life.
Yellow [6 years, Busy Bee] – A course of study in learning how to be busy working for Jesus in
our school, home and Adventurers club.
Orange [7 years, Sun Beam] – A course of study in learning how to be courteous sun beams
shining for Jesus every day.
Navy blue [8 years, Builders] – A course of study focusing on building Christian character and
keeping their bodies strong for Jesus.
Director, “The spirit of Adventuring candle represents the good things in the Adventurer’s
program. It represents the high ideals for which the club stands and the growth that each
Adventurer will make as a club member.”
The Director then calls upon ten Adventurers representing their ten laws who salutes and lights
their candle from the spirit candle of adventuring.
1. Be obedient – I will obey God’s laws and cheerfully do what my parents and teachers ask me
to do. I will obey the laws of my country. [Ephesians 6:1]
2. Be pure – My body is the temple of God, so I want to keep it clean. I will not swear, smoke,
drink alcohol, do drugs or anything which God says is disgusting. [Matthew 5:8]
3. Be true – I will always tell the truth and never try to deceive, even if I may get in trouble for it.
[Ephesians 4:25]
4. Be kind – I will look for ways to make other people happy. I will never hurt a person or an
animal intentionally. I will share my toys too. [Ephesians 4:32]
5. Be respectful – I will be courteous to those whom God put in authority over me and to those
who are younger and weaker than me. I will take good care of other people’s properties, even
something as small as borrowed pencil. [Exodus 20:16 & Romans 13:1]
6. Be attentive – I will listen when someone is talking to me at home, school and church. I will
especially listen for God to tell me what to do with my life. [Proverbs 4:20]
7. Be helpful – I will look for ways to help and not wait to be asked. I can help family at home,
teachers and friends at school and other people in other places. I will even try to help God.
[Ephesians 4:2]
8. Be cheerful – I will not grumble or complain when I don’t get my way or when I have work to
do. I will remember that God made me and knowing that makes me happy. [Philippians 2:14]
9. Be thoughtful – I will make courtesy a habit both in words and actions. I will look for ways to
be nice to people. I will not be rude or irritating. [Colossians 3:17]
10. Be reverent – I will listen carefully to God, His words and His messages. I will take good
care of my Bible and Church property. I will never make fun of holy things. [Psalms 89:7]
Deputy Director, “On behalf of the Worldwide Adventurer Club, I accept the candidate’s vow to
live by the Adventurer laws”.
Deputy Director, “On behalf of the Worldwide Adventurer Club, I accept the candidates who
has vowed to live by the Adventurers pledge”.
The adventurers are then called in front before the congregation to recite the aim, motto, pledge
and laws to affirm their dedication to the high principles of the Adventurers.
Official presiding “On behalf of the worldwide Adventurer club, I accept these candidates to
live by the ideals of the Adventurers and are now accepted into the fellowship of the Adventurer
club of the worldwide church. May the good Lord richly bless you as you live by the mission
ahead of you.”
New members are invited to join the rest of the Adventurers as they are also presented with the
Director, “You are now presented with a candle which you may light from the spirit candle of
Adventuring. Your light is now added to our club and we charge you in the presence of these
congregations to let your light so shine before others in the spirit of Adventuring”.
Then the Elder-in-charge of the Adventurers is called upon to commit and dedicate them in
prayers for the work ahead of them. After which the Director, Deputy Director and all the
Adventurers takes their appropriate position where they were designated as they wait for their
final charge.
2. Pathfinders
As the program starts, the Director take his/her position at the right side of the table and the
Deputy occupies the left side as they stand facing the congregation,
The Director lights the spirit candle while making the following statements, “For the light of our
program, we turn to the spirit of pathfindering. The candle that I now light represents this spirit.
It is the spirit of learning, comradeship, awareness and awakening, and above all, a spirit of
reverence and a spirit of service to both God and man. This light is of itself not complete or
sufficient. To introduce the complementary lights, I call upon our Deputy Director”.
The Deputy calls upon six staffs or pathfinders to light each candles representing the six classes
as follows:
Friends Class – A course of study in learning, skills and physical fitness that will help one to be a
better neighbor and a friend of God throughout eternity.
Companion Class – A course of study in learning skills in physical fitness that will give more
meaning to life and companionship with Jesus Christ every hour of the day.
Explorer Class – A course of study that helps one to find new adventure in exploring God’s
world to secure true and genuine happiness.
Ranger Class – A course of study that will open up new areas of discovery in the natural and
spiritual world to secure a genuine and true happiness.
Voyager Class – A course of study in physical, mental, cultural and spiritual development that
challenges teens to develop a wholesome self-concept and Christian lifestyle.
Guide Class – A course of study that emphasizes personal and spiritual growth and prepares the
Pathfinders to develop new skills in leadership and survival techniques.
After the six Pathfinder classes have been lit, eight Pathfinders are then called to light the
pathfinder laws while explaining them as follows:-
Keep the morning watch – I will have prayers and personal bible study each day.
Do my honest part – By the power of God, I will help others and do my duty and honest share
wherever I may be.
Care for my body – I will be temperate in all things and strive to reach a high standard of
physical fitness.
Keep a level eye – I will not lie, cheat or deceive, and I will despise dirty talks and evil thinking.
Be courteous and obedient – I will be kind and thoughtful of others, reflecting the love of Jesus
in all my associations with others.
Walk softly in the sanctuary – During any worship service; I will be quiet, careful and reverent.
Keep a song in my heart – I will be cheerful always seeking the positive side of life and let the
influence of my life be as sunshine to others.
Go on God’s errands – I will always be ready to share my faith and go about doing good as did
Director Deputy, “On behalf of the Worldwide Pathfinder Club, I accept your vows to live by
the laws”.
The same procedure is then repeated by seven Pathfinders who represent the pledges as
By the grace of God – As I rely on God to help me, I will do His will. Only as we rely on God to
help us can we do His will.
I will be pure – I will fill my mind with everything that is true, right and spend my time in
activities that will build a strong and clean character.
I will be kind – I will not only be considerate and kind to my fellow men, but also to all of God’s
I will be true – I will be honest and upright in study, work and play, and can always be counted
upon to do my very best.
I will keep the pathfinder laws – I will seek to understand the meaning of the law and will strive
to live up to its spirit, realizing that obedience to law is essential in any organization.
I will be a servant of God – I will pledge myself to serve God first, last and best in everything I
am called upon to be or do.
I will be a friend to man – I will live to bless others and do unto them as I would have them do
unto me.
At the completion of lighting of the pathfinder pledge candles, the Deputy Director declares, “On
behalf of the worldwide pathfinder club, I accept your vows to live by the pathfinder’s pledge. To
affirm your dedication to the high principles of the pathfinder club, we ask you join in unison as
you recite your pledge and laws”.
Official presiding, “On behalf of the worldwide pathfinder club, I accept these candidates to be
now accepted into the fellowship of the pathfinder club of the world church. May the good Lord
richly bless you as you begin pathfinding to lead you to Christ.”
New members are invited to join the rest of the Pathfinders as they are also presented with the
Director, “You are presented with a candle which you may light from the spirit candle of
pathfindering. Your light is now added to our club and I charge you in the presence of these
congregations to let your light so shine before others in the spirit of pathfindering.”
Club secretary presents the new members with a pathfinder membership cards, class curriculum,
class cards, club booklet and certificates as they are officially welcomed to the club.
The club secretary is given the opportunity to present the report of what transpired the previous
year and also to tell the church about their future plans, programs and activities of the year
according to the calendar of events.
The Director then asks the candidates to take their designated position as their await for their
final charge.
Alternative Procedure
If a club may not wish, prefer or desire to use candles, a similar procedure may be followed
using only flags and banners. The candidates may place both hands on the staff of the pathfinder
flag while repeating the pathfinder pledge and laws. The pathfinder flag in this instance would be
removed from its stand and the staff held in a horizontal position by the Deputy Director. The
laws, pledge and song may follow thereafter.
N/B: - Before the Induction ceremony, the Guest Night (Enrollment Night) should be the first
pathfinder meeting of the year. It introduces us to the program of the year for the Pathfinders
outlining its goals/objectives and its activities together with other club meetings. It is an open
forum which outlines the club purpose and philosophy as it gives the calendar of events of what
is to carried out in that year. The issue of uniforms and insignias are also highlighted. Careful
planning of this program is very crucial and necessary. All the staff, club officials, pathfinders
and their parents or guardians should be present; others are also welcomed to witness if they so
want to be there. The program should begin on time within club hours or held on what will be a
regular club night.
NOTE: After the Induction at the beginning of the year, another ceremony will take place at the
end of the year known as Investiture in which the Pathfinder Director notifies the
Field/Conference Director that the candidates are ready for it after completion of their program.
Before this Investiture, all the requirements must have been completed and presented to the
Presiding Official; preferable an Invested Master guide when requested to be preside over the
ceremony. His/her work will only to oversee the event bearing in mind that he/she may not have
any specific role to play yet his/her presence matters a lot. In a nut-shell, induction is carried out
at the beginning of the year while investiture takes place towards the end of the year.
Adventist Senior Youth Ministry
Aim – The advent message to all the world in my generation. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Pledge – Loving the Lord Jesus Christ, I promise to take an active part in the work of the youth
ministry of my Church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel.
(Matthew 24:14)
Legion of Honor – I volunteer now to join the AY Legion of Honor and by the grace and power
of God, I will:-
3. Ambassadors
As the program starts, the Ambassador Leader, Associate Leader and the Ambassadors matches
in front as the Leader and the Associate takes their rightful position. The Leader stands by the
right side of the table while the Associate takes the left side,
The Associate Leader marches forward taking position on the left side of the Leader while
saying the following statements: The Ambassador club is an organization of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church dedicated to meet the spiritual, social and lifestyle needs of the youth between
ages sixteen to twenty-one. The name Ambassador itself suggests that we are representative of
the Heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, the Ambassador program gives us an opportunity to learn,
experience and share the relationship we have with Jesus to the world. To accomplish the club’s
goals/objectives; the Ambassador program is based on seven foundations each presented into
modules whose focus is based on four elements. The candles I now light represent the first
element which focuses on:-
1. The special AY class is a course of study for youth joining Ambassadors who have never had
the opportunity to participate in a pathfinder classes at the age-appropriate times.
2. The Master guide level is a course of study which will help one to lead young people to a
greater knowledge and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. The Youth Leadership Award is designed to train these persons who have a burden for the
senior youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ambassador Leader, “The spirit of Ambassador Candle represents the good things in the
Ambassador program. It represents the high ideals for which the club stands and the growth that
each Ambassador will make as a club member. I call upon the Ambassadors to come and light
the candles that represent the foundation of the Ambassador program.”
Each Ambassador marches in front while saying, “Sir/Madam, the candle I now light represent
the foundation which is:
Kindly, take note that all those interested to join the Master guide class will be required
to recite the aim, motto, Legion of Honor and AY pledge. And also bear in mind that
after the induction of the Ambassadors; they are expected to begin the modules as
represented below:-
Module 1. Discipleship
Module 2. Leadership
Module 3. Outreach (evangelism)
Module 4. Outreach (character & personality development)
Module 5. Vocation and career
Module 6. Relationship
Module 7. Community outreach.
Associate Leader, “I call upon the candidate to light the Adventist Youth Aim candle”.
Candidate 1, “Sir/Madam, I represent the candidate whose aim is to take the Advent message to
all the world in my generation. My relationship to Christ is of such a nature that it compels me to
share the Gospel with any who will receive it - the good news of salvation and the soon return of
Associate Leader, “I will now call on the candidate to come and light the candle that represents
senior youth pledge”.
Candidate 2,”Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the Youth Ministry of
the Church. Doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the
At the completion of the lighting of the Ambassador Pledge candles, the Deputy leader declares:
“On behalf of the worldwide youth clubs, I accept the candidate’s vow to live by the
Ambassadors Pledge.”
Associate Leader, “Let us proceed with the lighting of the Motto candle”
Candidate 3,”Sir/Madam, I represent the candidate whose Motto is the love of Christ compels
Official Presiding, “On behalf of the worldwide Ambassador Club, I accept the candidate’s
vows to live the ideals of the Ambassador and that you are now accepted into the fellowship of
the Ambassador Club of the worldwide church.”
Those who wish to join them are also being invited and given a candle affirming their
willingness to work with the Senior Youth Ministry.
Ambassador Leader, “You are being presented with a candle which you may light from the
spirit candle of Ambassador. Your light is now added to our club and we charge you in the
presence of these congregations to let your light so shine before others in the spirit of
Elder-in-charge of the Ambassadors is then requested to commit them before God in prayers as
they also await for the final charge.
4. Young Adults (Adventist Youths)
At the start of the program; the Youth leader, Assistant and other Youth members marches in
front taking their designated position as the Leader and the Assistant stands in front of the
induction table in readiness to execute their duties accordingly,
Youth Leader, “I hereby declare this induction ceremony of the_______Adventist Youth Club
now in session. For the light of our program, we turn to the spirit of Adventist Youth. The candle
which I now light represents this spirit. It is the spirit of learning, comradely, awareness and
awakening, and above all, a spirit of reverence and a spirit of service to God and man. This light
is of itself not complete or sufficient. To introduce the complimentary lights, I call upon my
Assistant Leader, “The candle I now light represents the Senior Youth Leadership. This is a
course of study designed to train youths who have a burden for the senior youths of this Church.
They may have been asked to lead out in local church. These are the people who embrace the
challenges of leadership training and are happy to contribute to the spiritual welfare of the
youth in general.”
Youth Leader, “The spirit of Adventist youth candle represent the good things in the Adventist
youth program. It represents the high ideals for which the club stands and the growth that each
young Adult will make as a club member. I will now call on the candidate to come and light the
candle which represents our aim.”
Candidate 1,”Sir/Madam, I represent the candidate whose aim is to take the Advent message to
all the world in my generation.”
N/B: The Aim requires an ample knowledge of the message. None can give to others that which
he/she has not received.
Associate Leader, “On behalf of the______________Adventist Youths, I accept the candidate’s
vow to live by the AY aim.”
Candidate 2,”Sir/Madam, I represent the candidate whose motto is for the love of Christ
compels us. This motto is based on Second Corinthians 5:14.”
AY Legion of Honor – I volunteer to join the AY Legion of Honor and by the grace and power
of God, I will:-
The Young Adults are then expected to go through the following modules:
Organization module
Leadership module
Commitment module
Discipleship module
Witnessing module
Worship module
Fellowship module
Empowering youth module.
After lighting the modules candles, the Associate Leader declares, “On behalf of the worldwide
youth club, we accept you to live by the AY ministry modules”
Associate Leader, “I also call upon the candidate to represent the youth pledge”
Candidate 3,”Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the Youth Ministry of
the Church. Doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the
Loving the Lord Jesus: - This introductory directs our mind towards the motto of the Adventist
Youth. It is the impelling force of pledge and the movement of Adventist Youth. The value of
service for the master is measured by the love and dedication which Adventist Youth serve Him.
I promise: - Promise means that the Youths are not dominated by someone else but rather are
ready and willing to follow the Lord’s leading as they have a purpose. It also means that the
Youths are available for action and will decide for the best in their life. They will follow the
proposed path with determination and will keep their eyes fixed on the goal. The Master can
count on them to fulfill their promises completely.
To take an active part in the Youth Ministry of the Church: - This means to be involved in the
activities of the AY including meetings and witnessing outreach. The Adventist Youth will
always be ready to help someone and will support their ministry and the Church in various
Doing what I can to help others: - This is a commitment that denotes readiness and preparedness
on behalf of others. It means to do one’s best for a course and represents effort to help in every
phase of activity within the organization of the Adventist Youths. A true Adventist Youth is
always ready and prepared to take advantage of every opportunity to serve.
And to finish the work of the gospel in all the world: - This last part of the AY pledge urges
Youths to think of their aim. It represents the divine mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a
challenge for them to understand their divine command and can thereby help in different ways.
Those who wish to join them are also being invited to affirm their willingness to work with the
Senior Youth Ministry.
Official Presiding, “On behalf of the worldwide youth club, we accept you to live by the pledge
of the AY ministry. To affirm your dedication to the high principle of the AY club, we ask you to
join us and repeat the AY aim, Motto, Pledge and Legion of Honor in unison. They can conclude
by singing the AY song together.”
Youth Leader, “I hereby declare these candidates to be accepted in the fellowship of the
____________AYM of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”
The Pastor or the first Elder may acknowledge these young people to be fully-fledged members
of the Youth Ministry. The new members then present themselves to the Leader to receive them
in hands of fellowship, followed by the Assistant, Advisors and Counselors.
An invited or distinguished Guest may give a challenge or exhortation to the Parents and
Guardians to help these Young People to reach the high ideals of the club and encourage them at
all times in whatever they focus to do.
Towards the end of the induction process, all the Youths are asked to come and stand in front
facing the congregation. A hand of invitation is extended to those who did not participate yet are
willing to join this ministry. They may be presented with candles to which their light could be
added to the spirit of Adventist youth candle. A declaration is made to affirm that their light is
now added to the youth ministry as prayer is offered to them all.
Finally, the entire Adventist Youth Ministry (AYM) may be called upfront and then given this
final charge: “You have now come to the place in your program of study and self-improvement
when you are ready to assume new responsibility in the club and its mission. Each one of you
has to accomplish the work assigned. The insignias you will receive represent the highest ideals
of the Seventh-day Adventist Youth Organization. Therefore, we charge you in the presence of
God and these congregations, to endeavor to cherish these high principles and live by them in
your words and actions. May the good Lord keep you true to Him and to the worthy ideals of this
Youth Ministry.”
A special prayer of consecration and dedication is made for these Adventist Youth Ministry after
the above charge.
The Club staff then leads the cake-cutting session to climax the Induction Ceremony. This
actually calls for a celebration as the parties concerned serves snacks and refreshments if that
was also organized depending with the arrangement.
Any elder-in-charge of the Adventurers, Pathfinders, Ambassadors or Youths is then given the
chance to give a vote of thanks.
The Pastor/Head Elder finally offers the closing prayer and word of grace marking the very
end of the Induction Ceremony. The congregation disperses in perfect harmony as the entire
Youth Ministry department remains behind to do the necessary clearance putting their house in
order having done their best and honest part in their Induction Ceremony.