An Open-Source Comprehensive Numerical Model For Dynamic Response and Loads Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
An Open-Source Comprehensive Numerical Model For Dynamic Response and Loads Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
An Open-Source Comprehensive Numerical Model For Dynamic Response and Loads Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
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Article history: This paper presents the development of a comprehensive open-source numerical model to study the
Received 6 March 2017 dynamic response and load analysis of floating offshore wind turbines. The model accounts for the wind
Received in revised form inflow, rotor aerodynamics, multibody structural model of the system, wave and current kinematics,
2 April 2018
hydrodynamics, and mooring-line dynamics. This coupled simulation tool can be used for analysis,
Accepted 27 April 2018
Available online 30 April 2018
optimization and preliminary design to determine the technical and economic feasibility. Several veri-
fication and validation cases are performed to show the correctness of the numerical simulations. The
results show that the proposed approach provides an accurate estimate of the wind turbine dynamics
Floating offshore wind turbine
and loads. The simulation tool is then applied in the analysis of a 5 MW wind turbine aimed to char-
Dynamic response analysis acterize the dynamic response and to identify potential loads and instabilities resulting from the dy-
Load analysis namic couplings between the turbine and the external conditions. This open-source fully coupled aero-
Wind turbine design hydro-elastic model provides a modular framework to enable investigating a variety of wind turbine
Numerical model configurations, support systems, and mooring lines. Therefore, it is expected that researchers and design
engineers worldwide use the model to study, investigate and analyze different aspects of floating
offshore wind turbine design, which results is the promotion and advancement of science and tech-
nology for floating offshore wind turbines.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0360-5442/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454 443
developed for the design of oil and gas offshore platforms.
Karimirad and Moan [27] developed a stochastic dynamic model In BA-Simula, the dynamic response due to external and inertial
of a tension leg spar-type wind turbine subjected to wind and wave loads is obtained using a fully coupled numerical model imple-
action. They implemented the model using the HAWC2 aero-hydro- mented in MATLAB®. Blade element momentum (BEM) theory is
elastic code and analyzed the dynamic motion of the structure, used to determine aerodynamic loads on the rotor [35]. Panel
power production and tension leg responses. Skaare et al. [28] method and Morison's equation are used to calculate the hydro-
performed an analysis between full-scale measurements from the dynamic loads considering the instantaneous position of the wind
floating wind turbine Hywind demo, and corresponding numerical turbine system [36]. Mooring loads are calculated by a quasi-static
simulation. Wang et al. [29] presented a stochastic dynamic equilibrium at different time steps [37]. The fully coupled equations
response analysis of a 5 MW Floating vertical-axis wind turbine of motion are solved using Runge-Kutta method [38]. The accuracy
(FVAWT) based on fully coupled nonlinear time domain simula- of the code is tested using several model-to-model comparisons,
tions. The turbine has a Darrieus rotor, and a semisubmersible and validation with experimental data as found in the literature.
floater subjected to various wind and wave loads. This gives the confidence to perform more thorough analyses, and
Vaal et al. [30] investigated the effect of a periodic surge motion it provides the users the necessary insight needed to analyze the
on the integrated loads and induced velocity on a wind turbine dynamic behavior and design of FOWTs. This contributes to
rotor. Through the analysis of the integrated rotor loads, induced advancement of science and technology for FOWTs, which in turn
velocities and aerodynamic damping, it is concluded that typical reduces the costs.
surge motions are sufficiently slow to affect the wake dynamics The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First, the
predicted by engineering models. methodology and the mathematical formulation to model the fully
Vorpahl et al. [31] presented a benchmark study on aero-servo- coupled nonlinear FOWT is presented. Second, the verification and
hydro-elastic codes for offshore wind turbine dynamic simulation. validation of the code is illustrated. Third, numerical simulations
The verified codes account for the coupled dynamic systems are performed to investigate the influence of several input condi-
including the wind inflow, aerodynamics, elasticity and controls of tions on a spar type FOWT dynamic response and loads. Finally,
the turbine, along with the incident waves, sea current, hydrody- conclusions and future works are drawn and presented.
namics and foundation dynamics of the support structure.
As the literature shows, limited efforts have been made to 2. Methodology
develop a comprehensive open-source numerical model to be
shared publicly for investigating different aspects of the design and This section presents the development of a comprehensive nu-
analysis of FOWTs. Therefore, we still lack numerical models, and merical model to study the dynamics and load analysis of FOWTs.
their corresponding mathematical formulation [32e34]. To address As Fig. 1 shows, there are several support structure configurations
this shortcoming, this paper presents the development of the used for FOWTs. A catenary moored spar type is the commonly
governing equations of a fully coupled nonlinear FOWT, and it used configuration that consists of a single floating cylindrical spar-
presents a public open-source computational code for analysis, buoy moored by catenary cables. This research uses the 5 MW
optimization and preliminary design. This new simulation code is National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) wind turbine that
named BA-Simula, and it is available to download from https:// has a catenary moored spar type support structure. As Fig. 2 shows
Fig. 1. Different FOWT support structure used as the floater in large water depths [40].
444 M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454
The first coordinate system is global, and it is fixed at sea bed. The
three other coordinate systems are local. One is located at the
center of gravity (CG), the other at hub height, and another in the
blade root.
Fp ¼ Nb ðL cos f þ D sin fÞ
¼ 1=2rair W 2 Nb cðCl cos f þ Cd sin fÞDr (1)
Ft ¼ Nb ðL sin f D cos fÞ
¼ 1=2rair W 2 Nb cðCl sin f Cd cos fÞDr (2)
In this figure, a is the angle of attack, and g1 and g2 are the blade
twist and pitch angle, respectively. Due to the presence of the rotor,
the axial and tangential wind velocities are not identical to free
stream and rotational speed. Therefore, axial (a), and tangential (a0 )
induction factors are used to represent the fractional change in
Fig. 2. Configuration of the 5 MW NREL floating wind turbine, and the used coordinate wind velocity due to rotor presence as:
Vax ¼ V∞ ð1 aÞ (4)
the turbine has a draft of 120 m at a water depth of 320 m [39]. Vt ¼ Urð1 þ a0 Þ (5)
Table 1 presents the main properties of the 5 MW NREL FOWT.
To describe aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and structural loads, where V∞ is free stream velocity, U is angular velocity of the rotor,
four different coordinate systems are used as presented in Fig. 2. and r is blade element radius.
Table 1
Overall system properties of the 5 MW NREL wind turbine [39].
Property Value
D ¼ 1=2rair c Cd Vax x_p þ ðVt x_t Þ2 Dr (7)
Fig. 5. Mooring line in a local coordinate system. Fig. 6. Mooring line positions and net forces.
Knowing the fairlead position at any instant of time, the located at the system's CG with unit vectors bi;bj; b
k. The second local
following two nonlinear equations are solved using Newton- coordinate system is positioned at the hub center with b q and bl
p; b
Raphson technique [52]. As Fig. 5 presents, the horizontal and unit vectors. Unit vector b p is aligned with the main shaft of the
vertical components of the effective tension in the mooring line turbine, and b q and bl form a perpendicular plane to it. The fourth
denoted by HF and VF are computed as: coordinate system is defined at the blade root with unit vectors b1 ,
2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 b2 and b3 . Transformation between different coordinate systems is
VF V HF VF 2 5 HF L accomplished with a transformation matrix. As an example, the
xF ðHF ; VF Þ ¼ L þ ln4 F þ 1þ þ transformation between the CG coordinate, and the global coordi-
u u HF HF EA
nate system is given by:
" #
C u VF 2
3 2 3
þ B L þ L max L ;0
2EA u u CB w u CB u 4 bJ 5 ¼ R4 bj 5 (17)
(12) b
K b
2sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
HF 4 VF 2 VF wL 2 5
zF ðHF ; VF Þ ¼ 1þ 1þ 2 3
u HF HF cos bI; bi cos bI; bj cos bI; b
(13) 6 7
6 7
1 WL2 R ¼ 6 cos bJ; bi cos bJ; bj cos bJ; b
k 7 (18)
þ VF L 4 5
EA 2 cos Kb ; bi cos Kb ; bj cos Kb; b
where, L is the total unstretched length, u is the apparent weight in A similar matrix is used to make the transformation across
fluid per unit length, EA is extensional stiffness, CB is coefficient of different coordinates. As an example, a chain of coordinate system
seabed static-friction drag, and xF and zF represent the fairlead transformation is used to first compute the aerodynamic loads in
location relative to the anchor. the blade coordinate system, and then transform it to the hub, and
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the mooring reaction forces in global then CG coordinate system.
coordinate system are found by:
2.6. Kinematics of FOWT
Fmooring ¼ HF1 cosðbline1 Þ þ HF2 cosðbline2 Þ þ HF3 cosðbline3 Þ (14)
The rotational velocity, u, of the FOWT can be determined with
Fmooring ¼ HF1 sinðbline1 Þ þ HF2 sinðbline2 Þ þ HF3 sinðbline3 Þ (15) respect to CG as:
h i h i h
Z u ¼ q_ cos f cos j þ fsin
_ j bi q_ cos f sin j þ fcos
_ j bj þ j_
Fmooring ¼ VF1 þ VF2 þ VF3 (16)
þ q_ sin f bk
Here, bline is the mooring line angle as shown in Fig. 6.
2.5. Coordinate systems Here, f, q and j are relative angles between the unit vectors of the
global coordinate system and CG, and the dot overhead shows the
As mentioned earlier, four different coordinate systems are used derivative with respect to time.
to describe the equations of motion. One global coordinate system To account for relative velocities experienced by the rotor due to
that is fixed at the sea bed and defined by bI; bJ; K
b unit vectors, and the motion of the structure, the system's rotational velocity
three local coordinate systems. The first local coordinate system is computed at CG is transferred to the blade as:
M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454 447
u ¼ ux b1 þ uy cosUt þ uz sinUt b2 þ uy sinUt ab ¼ u_ b1 b1 þ u_ b2 b2 þ u_ b3 b3 þ !
u ðUb1 Þ (29)
þ uz cosUt b3 (20)
a ¼ axbi þ aybj þ az bk (25) Here, Ftaero is the tangential aerodynamic force on the blade, and r is
the moment arm.
In this formulation, the components of a are given by:
The modified Euler equation is used for deriving the dynamic
equations of motion for translational modes by Ref. [53]:
ax ¼ €qcos f cos j þ fsin
€ j q_ j_ sin f cos j q_ j_ cos f sin j
! ! !aero !hydro !mooring
þ f_ j_ cos j M u€ ¼ W þ F þ F þ F (34)
(26) !
Here, M is the mass matrix of the entire system, u€ is translational
acceleration vector and W is weight vector. This equation is solved
ay ¼ €qcos f sin j þ fcos
€ j þ q_ j_ sin f sin j q_ j_ cos f cos j in time to obtain the dynamics of the FOWT using the 4th -order
f_ j_ sin j Runge-Kutta method. Dynamic equations of motion for rotational
modes are given as:
Ixx ax þ Izz Iyy uy uz ¼ Mx þ M1 (35)
€ þ€
az ¼ j qsin f þ q_ fcos
_ f (28)
Iyy ay ðIzz Ixx Þux uz ¼ My þ M2 cosUt M3 sinUt (36)
This allows the computation of the relative rotational accelera-
tion vector of the blade as:
Fig. 7. BA-Simula code structure. In this figure, Hwave and Twave are wave high and period, respectively, and S is the output list of all translational and rotational modes of the wind
448 M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454
Izz az Ixx Iyy ux uy ¼ Mz þ M2 sinUt þ M3 cosUt (37)
where Ixx , Iyy and Izz are system's mass moments of inertia with
respect to CG, and Mx , My and Mz are the total excitation moments.
As Fig. 7 shows, BA-Simula consists of five function blocks. Each Fig. 10. Tangential induction factor.
Figs. 12 and 13 show the rotor thrust and tension in the mooring
line. A code-to-code comparison is made with FAST [56]. FAST is an
aero-hydro-elastic code developed by NREL. The shown distance in
Fig. 13 is the horizontal distance between fairlead and anchor. This
good agreement indicates the correct implementation of the
aerodynamic and mooring line modules.
Figs. 14e16 compare the platform surge, sway and heave free
decay time series in BA-Simula and FAST. For this comparison, all
external forces are eliminated, and an identical initial displacement
in the surge motion is considered. As the results show, BA-Simula
and FAST exhibit comparable free decay motion.
To investigate the forced dynamic response of BA-Simula model,
two load cases are considered and compared with FAST. First, a
regular wave with a wave height of H ¼ 1:4 m, and period of
T ¼ 10 s is considered. Figs. 17 and 18 show the surge and heave
motions. The results show in general a good agreement. Small
Fig. 14. Free decay surge motion time history. variations in these results relate to the amount of damping used in
each code. In BA-Simula, we added a constant damping for all
modes. To confirm this, we varied the damping value in BA-Simula
good agreement exists between a model-to-model comparison in
to see the sensitivity of the results, and if we can obtain closer re-
BA-Simula and QBlade. Minor differences can be explained by the
sults to FAST predictions. We observed that the amount of damping
way QBlade models the airfoil polar data. In QBlade, airfoil polar
can result in a better match of the dynamic response outputs.
data are modeled using the XFLR5 code [55]. XFLR5 is integrated
However, it is not clear which code uses a more realistic value for
into QBlade to generate airfoil lift and drag coefficients for turbine
damping and further investigation is needed to fully address this
aerodynamic simulations. In BA-Simula, the user has the freedom
issue. Therefore, no conclusion can be made about the accuracy of
to use any airfoil polar data as long as they follow the format used in
each code. This shows the importance and the need for conducing
BA-Simula. Therefore, small changes in the airfoil polar data are
experiments to advance this field of science and technology.
responsible for the minor differences in these figures.
Fig. 15. Free decay sway motion time history. Fig. 17. Surge motion time history (only wave).
450 M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454
Fig. 18. Heave motion time history (only wave). Fig. 20. Heave motion time history (wind & wave).
Second, a regular wave with a wave height of H ¼ 1:4 m and replacing mooring delta line with an equivalent spring stiffness
period of T ¼ 10 s is considered, while the turbine is in operation at that can be adjusted to agree with other codes. However, this
a wind speed of V ¼ 11:4 m=s. The results are shown in Figs. 19 and parameter is not changed intentionally here to show the impact of
20 for surge and heave modes, respectively. Again, a good agree- making different modeling assumptions. Fig. 21d shows the varia-
ment is found between BA-Simula and FAST. Here, damping terms tion in the fairlead tension, and it can be concluded that BA-Simula
are added to BA-Simula to make up for diffraction and radiation shows comparable results to other codes.
that is not represented in Morison equation. These added damping The main reason for having slightly different dynamic response
terms can cause instability in some load cases, since they are sen- among these codes is the hydrodynamics model. Two different
sitive to initial conditions. approaches are used to model offshore spar-buoy floating wind
BA-Simula is also compared with a code-to-code comparison turbines. In the first approach, hydrodynamics loads are modeled
study present in the literature [31]. The comparison is performed using Morisons equation that is augmented with hydrostatics and
using a regular wave with a wave height of 6 m, a wave period of wave excitation heave forces. In the second approach, hydrody-
10 s, and a constant wind speed of 8 m=s. namic loads are modeled using potential-flow theory that is
Fig. 21aed shows the results for surge, heave and yaw motion, as augmented with the nonlinear viscous drag term from Morisons
well as fairlead loads. Variation in the results is related to different equation. Both hydrodynamic models are valid to predict equiva-
damping values, different equation solvers and time steps, and lent hydrodynamic loads on the spar, since in most of the condi-
different assumptions and simplifications used in each code. tions the radiation damping is negligible.
Fig. 21a shows the platform surge displacement, and all codes For codes such as BA-Simula that employ the first approach, the
except HAWC2 agree on the amplitude of oscillation. For the heave heave force can be calculated based on the variation in buoyancy
motion depicted in Fig. 21b, BA-Simula shows a heave over- force, and using a direct integration of the time-dependent hy-
estimation as the result of having less hydrodynamic restoring drostatic pressure and wave elevation. There are some additional
forces and damping in heave motion. This high amplitude motion is linear hydrodynamic damping based on measurements to be
related to the use of Morison equation for the calculation of hy- included in the model. Codes that neglect this additional damping
drodynamic excitations in vertical direction that is not well exhibit less overall damping in their responses, as is the case for BA-
damped. Simula as well [31].
The yaw oscillation shown in Fig. 21c agrees reasonably well Another difference among these models is the physical repre-
among all codes and the low amplitude in BA-Simula is the result of sentation of the mooring system. The two main approaches for
modeling the mooring system dynamics are the dynamic formu-
lation and the quasi-static formulation. In the dynamic formulation,
the mooring system is modeled using time-accurate Finite Element
Methods. The quasi-static formulation is time-dependent but is
slow enough to ignore the inertial effects. All of the compared codes
use the quasi-static formulation of the complete mooring system,
and are therefore only valid for small time-increments and small
displacements. Depending on the amount of damping used in each
code, some load cases may exhibit numerical instability if large
time-steps are selected [31].
In general, it is difficult to conclude which one of these codes
predict more accurate results. This is due to the fact that the limited
existing numerical codes are at the stage of infancy when it comes
to modeling harsh environmental conditions. Therefore, they
require more revision and future work for validating their under-
lying model assumptions with experimental data as it is evident
from the comparisons presented in this work.
BA-Simula is also validated against the limited publicly available
experimental data in the literature. The experimental validation
Fig. 19. Surge motion time history (wind & wave).
M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454 451
Fig. 21. Time series with regular wave with a wave height of 6 m, a wave period of 10 s, and a constant wind speed of 8 m=s. Platform surge, heave and yaw displacements; and
downstream fairlead tension.
cases are based on a scaled model of the 5 MW NREL spar-type The motion trajectory graph illustrated in Fig. 23 indicates the
floating wind turbine [57]. path of CG in 3D space for 5000 s simulation time for this case
In the first validation case, the heave motion time history of the study. As it can be seen, the system oscillates around an equilibrium
wind turbine is compared with the experimental data as presented region, and the closed elliptical orbits indicate that the 3D motion is
in Fig. 22a. The comparison is performed using an irregular wave stable.
with a wave height of 4 m, a wave period of 13 s, and a constant Fig. 24 shows the Poincare map. This map shows that the system
wind speed of 17 m=s. In the second validation case, the pitch is chaotic, and the 3D motion of the system is n-periodic. When a
motion time history is compared with experimental data as system is exhibiting a chaotic response, it means that the behavior
depicted in Fig. 22b. In this case, an irregular wave with a wave of the dynamical system is highly sensitive to initial conditions. In
height of 15.3 m, a wave period of 15.5 s, and a constant wind speed such a situation, each point in a chaotic system can arbitrarily be
of 30 m=s is used. approximated by other points, with significantly different future
As the figures show, the results of BA-Simula match well with paths, or trajectories. Therefore, an arbitrarily small change, or
the experimental data. It should be noted that the stochastic wave perturbation of the current trajectory may lead to significantly
kinematics used in BA-Simula are imported from ANSYS AQWA® for different future behavior [58].
this study. Fourier fast transformation (FFT) method is used to derive the
power spectrum of motion modes in frequency domain. In Figs. 25
and 26, the excitation frequency spectrum, and spectrum of surge
4. Numerical simulation results motion are represented as an example.
As Fig. 25 shows, the surge motion response has a maximum
To show some of the capabilities of BA-Simular, and the type of amplitude at zero frequency that indicates non-vibrating motion.
analysis the user can perform, this section presents few case studies The surge motion response also is centralized in low frequency
using the 5 MW NREL wind turbine. In the first case study, the zone, which coincides with its natural frequency. Eliminating
turbine is analyzed using a constant wind speed of 11:4 m=s, a external excitation forces, and considering initial conditions of 5, 2
single sinusoidal wave height of 1:4 m and a wave period of 6:5 s.
452 M. Barooni et al. / Energy 154 (2018) 442e454
Fig. 22. Validation of BA-Simula against experimental data using a scaled model of the 5 MW NREL wind turbine.
Table 2 5. Conclusion
Natural damped frequencies and periods.
Motion Frequency (Hz) Period (s) This paper presented the mathematical formulation used to
Surge 0.0069 144.1871
develop an open-source numerical model for the analysis of
Sway 0.0069 144.1871 FOWTs. The model is verified and validated using several bench-
Heave 0.0314 31.8362 mark cases with the existing studies in the literature. The results of
Pitch 0.0224 44.5702 the fully coupled nonlinear model showed agreement with results
Roll 0.0224 44.5702
in the literature, and it can be concluded that the model gives
Yaw 0.1140 8.7737
reasonable results.
Several simulation studies were also performed to understand
the dynamics of the integrated FOWT. It was observed that aero-
Table 3
Wave load cases. dynamic loads govern the system response compared to hydrody-
namic and mooring loads. This indicates that for the design of
Load cases Wave properties Wind velocity
FOWT, the rotor design plays a significant role to achieve the
H (m) T (s) ms= desired system's response.
The developed open-source coupled aero-hydro-elastic nu-
C1 1.4 6.5 11.4 merical model of this paper allows researchers worldwide to use
C2 2.44 8.1 11.4
C3 3.66 9.7 11.4
the code for the analysis and design of FOWTs. It also enables them
to modify and further develop the source-code to advance the field.
Since the methodology is characterized by a modular integration of
a several function blocks, with little modifications, it is extendable
Fig. 28 shows the effect of rotor gyroscopic moment on turbine for studying other FOWT support structures as well.
power generation. The simulation is performed using a regular However, several challenges still remain when it comes to the
wave with a wave height of 1:4 m, a wave period of 6:5 s, and a analysis and design of FOWTs. For future work, the development of
constant wind speed of 11:4 m=s. As the figure shows, the gyro- a fully-nonlinear mooring dynamic model is recommended. In
scopic moment increases the turbine power out, but this is a addition, improvement of BA-Simula's hydrodynamic module is
negligible amount of 0.1%. This slight increase in power generation required to consider the effect of nonlinear stochastic waves. To
of the turbine is due to the small increase in rotor acceleration, and investigate different operational conditions of the wind turbine,
it is not statistically of any significant importance. Therefore, it can developing a robust dynamic controller should also be considered.
be concluded that the gyroscopic motion does not alter the power If these challenges are resolved using continuous research and
output, and it is only important to consider for the loading and the development, FOWT technology can become an economical way of
motion of the structure. extracting energy from the vast offshore resources in deep waters.
This would enable generating most of the world's energy con-
sumption with a clean and sustainable source of energy.
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Offshore code comparison collaboration within iea wind task 23: phase iv