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indicator("ahmed", overlay=true, precision=0, explicit_plot_zorder=true,


//------------------ Mint Algo | ---------------////

// Get user input
sensitivity =, title="Sensitivity", minval=1, maxval=20)
suppRes = input.bool(false, "Support & Resistance")
breaks = input.bool(false, "Breaks")
usePsar = input.bool(false, "PSAR")
emaEnergy = input.bool(true, "EMA Energy")
channelBal = input.bool(true, "Channel Balance")
autoTL = input.bool(false, "Auto Trend Lines")
// Functionsa
supertrend(_src, factor, atrLen) =>
atr = ta.atr(atrLen)
upperBand = _src + factor * atr
lowerBand = _src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ?
lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ?
upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
if na(atr[1])
direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
[superTrend, direction]

lr_slope(_src, _len) =>

x = 0.0, y = 0.0, x2 = 0.0, xy = 0.0
for i = 0 to _len - 1
val = _src[i]
per = i + 1
x += per
y += val
x2 += per * per
xy += val * per
_slp = (_len * xy - x * y) / (_len * x2 - x * x)
_avg = y / _len
_int = _avg - _slp * x / _len + _slp
[_slp, _avg, _int]
lr_dev(_src, _len, _slp, _avg, _int) =>
upDev = 0.0, dnDev = 0.0
val = _int
for j = 0 to _len - 1
price = high[j] - val
if price > upDev
upDev := price
price := val - low[j]
if price > dnDev
dnDev := price
price := _src[j]
val += _slp
[upDev, dnDev]
// Get Components
ocAvg = math.avg(open, close)
sma1 = ta.sma(close, 5)
sma2 = ta.sma(close, 6)
sma3 = ta.sma(close, 7)
sma4 = ta.sma(close, 8)
sma5 = ta.sma(close, 9)
sma6 = ta.sma(close, 10)
sma7 = ta.sma(close, 11)
sma8 = ta.sma(close, 12)
sma9 = ta.sma(close, 13)
sma10 = ta.sma(close, 14)
sma11 = ta.sma(close, 15)
sma12 = ta.sma(close, 16)
sma13 = ta.sma(close, 17)
sma14 = ta.sma(close, 18)
sma15 = ta.sma(close, 19)
sma16 = ta.sma(close, 20)
psar = ta.sar(0.02, 0.02, 0.2)
[middleKC1, upperKC1, lowerKC1] = ta.kc(close, 80, 10.5)
[middleKC2, upperKC2, lowerKC2] = ta.kc(close, 80, 9.5)
[middleKC3, upperKC3, lowerKC3] = ta.kc(close, 80, 8)
[middleKC4, upperKC4, lowerKC4] = ta.kc(close, 80, 3)
[supertrend, direction] = supertrend(close, sensitivity, 11)
barsL = 10
barsR = 10
pivotHigh = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(barsL, barsR)[1])
pivotLow = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(barsL, barsR)[1])
source = close, period = 150
[s, a, i] = lr_slope(source, period)
[upDev, dnDev] = lr_dev(source, period, s, a, i)
// Colors
green = #2BBC4D, green2 = #00DD00
red = #C51D0B, red2 = #DD0000
emaEnergyColor(ma) => emaEnergy ? (close >= ma ? green : red) : na

barcolor(close > supertrend ? #2BE300 : red2)

p3 = plot(ocAvg, "", na, editable=false)
p4 = plot(psar, "PSAR", usePsar ? (close > psar ? green : red) : na, 1,
plot.style_circles, editable=false)
fill(p3, p4, usePsar ? (close > psar ?, 90) :, 90)) :
na, editable=false)
y1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2), y1B = low - ta.atr(30)
y2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2), y2B = high + ta.atr(30)
bull = ta.crossover(close, supertrend) and close >= sma9
bear = ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) and close <= sma9
buy = bull ?, y1, "ahmed", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,
#2BE300, label.style_label_up, color.white) : na
sell = bear ?, y2, "ahmed", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, red2,
label.style_label_down, color.white) : na
plot(pivotHigh, "Resistance", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotHigh) ? na : red, 2,
offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false)
plot(pivotLow, "Support", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotLow) ? na : green, 2,
offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false)
upB = breaks and ta.crossover(close, pivotHigh) ?, y1B, "‫"كمل‬,
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, green, label.style_label_up, color.white, size.small) :
dnB = breaks and ta.crossunder(close, pivotLow) ?, y2B, "‫"كمل‬,
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, red, label.style_label_down, color.white, size.small) :
x1 = bar_index - period + 1, _y1 = i + s * (period - 1), x2 = bar_index, _y2 = i
upperTL = autoTL ?, _y1 + upDev, x2, _y2 + upDev, xloc.bar_index,
extend.none, red) : na
middleTL = autoTL ?, _y1, x2, _y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.none,
color.white) : na
lowerTL = autoTL ?, _y1 - dnDev, x2, _y2 - dnDev, xloc.bar_index,
extend.none, green) : na

showDashboard = input.bool(true, title='Enable dashboard', inline='dashboard')

dashboardType = ('Advanced dashboard')

xDashBoard =, 'dashboard distance', minval=20, maxval=1000, step=10)

// Security function
secSMA(_res) =>, showDashboard ? _res : timeframe.period,
ta.sma(ohlc4, 200) < close, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)


advDash = dashboardType == 'Advanced dashboard'

// Simple dashboard has the following timeframes in it

// 1. Current
trendCurrent = ta.sma(close, 200) < close ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 2. 15min
trend15min = secSMA(showDashboard ? '15' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 3. 1hr
trend1hr = secSMA(showDashboard ? '60' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 4. 4hr
trend4hr = secSMA(showDashboard ? '240' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 5. 1D
trend1d = secSMA(showDashboard ? '1D' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// Advanced dashboard trends

// 1. 1min
trend1min = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '1' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 2. 3min
trend3min = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '3' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 3. 5min
trend5min = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '5' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 4. 10min
trend10min = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '10' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 5. 30min
trend30min = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '30' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 6. 2hr
trend12hr = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '720' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

// 7. 12hr
trend2hr = secSMA(advDash and showDashboard ? '120' : '15') ? 'bull' : 'bear'

rsiTrend = ta.rsi(close, 14)

// RSI condition
rsiCond = rsiTrend < 30 ? 'Oversold (' + str.tostring(math.round(rsiTrend, 2)) +
')' : rsiTrend > 70 ? 'Overbought (' + str.tostring(math.round(rsiTrend, 2)) +
')' : 'Healthy (' + str.tostring(math.round(rsiTrend, 2)) + ')'

// ATR function
atrTrend = ta.atr(14)
atrTrendCond = atrTrend > ta.ema(ta.sma(atrTrend, 100), 100) ? 'Trending' :

btime = int(ta.sma(time - time[1], 50))

label dashboard = na

if showDashboard
dashboard := + btime * xDashBoard, y=(ta.highest(20) +
ta.lowest(20)) / 2, text=' AHMED.Ghost pine for trading' + '\n\nCurrent Trend: ' +
trendCurrent + '\nPrice condition: ' + rsiCond + '\nVolume: ' +
str.tostring(math.round(volume * close, 2)) + ' ' + syminfo.currency + '\
nVolatility: ' + atrTrendCond + '\n\n_____________________' + (advDash ? '\n\
n1min: ' + trend1min : '') + (advDash ? '\n3min: ' + trend3min : '') + (advDash ?
'\n5min: ' + trend5min : '') + (advDash ? '\n10min: ' + trend10min : '') + '\
n15min: ' + trend15min + (advDash ? '\n30min: ' + trend30min : '') + '\n1hr: ' +
trend1hr + (advDash ? '\n2hr: ' + trend2hr : '') + '\n4hr: ' + trend4hr +
(advDash ? '\n12hr: ' + trend12hr : '') + '\nDaily: ' + trend1d, color=color.rgb(7,
250, 129, 70), textcolor=color.rgb(223, 17, 17), style=label.style_label_left,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, textalign=text.align_left)

alertcondition(bull, title='ahmed Signal', message = "ahmed")

alertcondition(bear, title='ahmed Signal', message = "ahmed")

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