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Reservoir And

Prepared By :Mohamed Hamdy

Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 1
Reservoir Engineering

 Recovery Stages
 Methods Of Estimating OOIP
 Drive Mechanisms
Part 2
Fluid Properties

 Gas PVT
 Oil PVT
Part 3
Rock Properties

Part 4
Part 5
Well Testing

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 6
Production Notes
Part 7
Artificial Lift
Part 8
Part 9
Production questions
Part 10
Reservoir questions

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 1
Reservoir Engineering
Recovery of hydrocarbons from oil reservoir is commonly
recognized to occur in several recovery recovery stages :

Primary Recovery :
The first stage of hydrocarbon production in which natural
reservoir energy such as gas drive , water drive , gravity drainage
displaces hydrocarbon from reservoir into the well bore and up to
the surface. Initially the reservoir pressure considerable higher
than the bottom hole pressure drive the hydrocarbon to the
surface. However the reservoir pressure declines because of the
production so does the differential pressure to reduce the bottom
hole pressure or increase the differential pressure to increase the
hydrocarbon production its necessary to artificial lift system such
as rod pump , ESP , PCP , jet pump and gas lift . during primary
recovery only a small percentage of the initial hydrocarbon in
place are produced

Secondary recovery
The secondary recovery of hydrocarbon production during which
an external force such as water or gas is injected into the reservoir
through injection wells located in rock that has fluid
communication with production wells. The purpose of secondary
recover is to maintain reservoir pressure and displace the

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hydrocarbon to ward the well bore. Normally gas is injected into
the gas cap and water injected into production zone to sweep oil
from reservoir. The successive use of primary recovery and
second recovery about 15 % to 40 % of OOIP.

Tertiary recovery EOR

Thermal EOR

These processes used to improve oil recovery by reducing the

viscosity of heavy oil and vaporizing the lighter oil and hence
improving their mobility the techniques include :

Steam injection

In situ combustion ( injection of hot gas that combusts with the oil
in place )

Micro wave heating down hole

Hot water injection

Chemical EOR

Increase water viscosity ( polymer flooding )

Decreasing the relative permeability to water ( cross-liked


Increase relative permeability to oil ( micellar and alkaline )

Decrease SOR (miceller and alkaline flooding )

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Decrease the interfacial tension between the oil and water phase
( miceller and alkaline flooding )

Miscible gas

Co2--------- using for oil swelling and reduce viscosity


Hydrocarbon gases

Methods of estimating OOIP

 Volumetric method

The most commonly used approach to estimate reverse in the

early stages of production from an oil or gas field.

As more data become available the estimate may be refined

sometime through the use of other reserves estimation method.

Volumetric method based on geological data :

Structure contour map based on depth

Isopach map based on net pay thickness

Iso hydrocarbon map based on hydrocarbon column

OOIP or OGIP = (rock volume ) * (porosity) * (1-water saturation)

/( Formation volume factor)

OOIP = 7758 AH * ¢*So / Bo STB

¢------- fracture porosity measured on lab from core analysis

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So------ oil saturation measured in lab from core analysis

Bo------ oil formation volume factor measured from fluid sample

 Material balance equation

The material balance method is employed to estimate the volume

of hydrocarbons in place in reservoir when appropriate
production performance and laboratory data are available .

Initial simplest from the material balance equation may be written

: initial volume = volume remaining + volume produced.

Based on cumulative production data Np , Wp , Gp , and PVT

properties Bg , Bo , Bt ,Bw, Rs

MBE Uses :

Determine initial hydrocarbon in place

Determine drive mechanisms

Predict future reservoir performance

Determine recovery factor

MBE limits :

Constant temperature

Constant reservoir volume

Pressure equilibrium

Reliable production data

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N(Bt-Bti) + G(Bg-Bgi) + (Nbti +Gbti)(CwSw + Cf)/(1-Sw) * ϫP + We +

Gini Bgini +wini Bw = NpBt+ GpBg+WpBw

Bt = Bo+(Rsi-Rs)Bg

Gp = Np( Rp-Rsi)

G = mN Bti/ Bgi

Bti =Boi

 Decline curve analysis

Decline curve analysis assume the future production performance

of a well or reservoir can be predicted after matching the
production past history.

Provide two important items of information over other methods :

Future expected production zone

Remaining production life of the well or reservoir.

Based on rates or production performance

Determine OOIP

Equation : Cum. Oil produced + remaining oil in place / R.F

OOIP = Np+N / R.F

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 Simulation process :

Construction (operation of behavior )

History matching

Prediction ( forcasting)

Select the best techniques that lead to best behavior of reservoir

which get the economic limit and large recovery factor.

Objects :

Determine hydrocarbon in place

Predict future reservoir performance

Drive mechanisms
 Solution gas drive
 Gas cap drive
 Water drive
 Gravity drainage
 Combination or mixed drive

Drive mechanism Energy source Recovery

Solution gas drive Evolved solution gas 20-30%
Evolved gas and expansion 18-25%
Gas expansion 2-5%
Gas cap drive Gas expansion 20-40%
Water drive Aquifer expansion 20-60%
Bottom 20-40%
edge 35-60%
Gravity drainage Gravity 50-70 %

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Part 2
Fluid Properties
 Gas PVT Properties
1. Gas formation volume factor (Bg) : Used to
relate the volume of the gas measured at reservoir
conditions to volume of the gas as measured at
standard conditions 60⁰ F and 14.7 ⁰ psi.
Bg = = 0.0283 ZT/P FTᶾ/SCF
Bg = 0.00503 ZT/P bbL/SCF .

2. Gas Specific Gravity Ɣg

The Specific Gravity of a gas is normally calculated
with reference to air - and defined as the ratio of the
density of the gas to the density of the air - at a
specified temperature and pressure.

The Specific Gravity can be calculated as :

SG = ρgas / ρair
Where :
SG = specific gravity of gas
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ρgas = density of gas (kg/m3)
ρair = density of air (normally at NTP -
1.205 kg/m3) .

3. Gas Denisty

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4. Compressibility Factor Z = V real / v ideal

Gas deliverability factor is commonly determined by

measuring the volume of the gas at desired pressure
and temperature and then measured the same quantity
of the gas at atmospheric P and T.
It can be measured from its specific gravity and
pessudu critical T and P volume.

5. Gas viscosity µg
viscosity of natural gas is usually several orders of
magnitude smaller than oil or water.

6. Solution Gas Rs ( Gas solubility )

It’s the number of stander cubic feet of gas that will
dissolved in one stock tank barrel of crude oil under
reservoir conditions. Scf/stb

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 Saturated reservoir
Below Pb
Two phase
Inittial Gas cap

 Under saturated reservoir

Above Pb
No free gas
No gas cap
One phase
Rs constant

7. Heating value of gas

Its quantity of heat produced when gas is
completely burned to carbon dioxide and water.
CH4 + O2 ›››››››››› CO2 + H2O Btu/Scf

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8. Total formation volume factore.

Bt = Bo + Bg( Rsi – Rs ) Scf/Stb
It’s the volume of one STB of oil phase and one of SCF
of gas dissolved in it under reservoir condition .
 P › Pb Under saturated
Rs = Rsi No free gas

 Oil PVT
1. Specific Gravity of oil
Ɣo = ρoil / ρwater
API = 141.5 /Ɣo - 131.5

2. Oil formation volume factor Bo BLL/STB

The volume of reservoir oil at reservoir condition
required to produced stander volume of stock tank of

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3. Oil compressibility Co PSI ^ -1

4. Oil Density ρ = M/V lb/Ft ^3

The weight per unit volume

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5. Oil viscosity µo

6. Phase Diagrame
It’s a P, T diagram to know the type of reservoir fluid.

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 Bubble point : the pressure at which the first bubble of gas

appear at system.
 Dew point : the point at which the first droplet appear at
system ( vapor start to condensate ).
 Critical point : the point at which the physical properties of
both oil and gas are equal.
 Cricondebar point : the max. pressure where gas my be exist
in the reservoir.
 Criconden therm : the max. temperature where liquid my be

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 3
Reservoir rock properties
 Porosity
The fractional void space within the rock that is available for
storage fluid .

Ø = Vp / Vb = Vb - Vma / Vb

Vp ---- pore volume

Vb ---- bulk volume = Vb+ Vma

Vma --- matrix volume

Reservoir composition

1. Rock matrix --- the grain size of sand stone, lime stone
dolomites and shale .
2. Pore space ----- filled with water , oil and gas
3. Water
4. Oil and gas

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Classification of porosity based on mode of origin

 Primary porosity ----- it’s a pore space that hase been in

place since original deposition .
 Secondary porosity ---- its formed by some geological
process occurred after deposition .

Pore space classification

 Absolute porosity --- the ratio of total pore space in the rock
to that of the bulk volume .
 Effective porosity ----- where the void space are

Øeff = interconnected pore space / bulk volume

Note : production only occur when interconnected pore

space .
 Fracture porosity --- ratio of void space within fracture
to bulk volume.
 Dual porosity ------ refer to system where both matrix
and fracture porosity exist .

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Comparison of total porosity and effective porosity

1. Very clean sand stone Øt = Øeff

2. Poorly to moderated well Øt = Øeff
3. Highly commented material and most carbonate

Øt › Øeff
Factor effecting porosity

1. Grain size of distribution

2. Grain shape
3. Deformation by over burden
4. Cementation of cementing material
5. Fracturing
6. Chemical action

Measure of porosity

 Core sample (measure Vp ,Vb, V matrix )

 Open hole log ( sonic – primary porosity)
(neutron and density log ----- total porosity )

Porosity classes in the reservoir

 Low Ø ≤5
 Average Ø = (10-20)

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 Good Ø = (20-30)
 Excellent Ø ≥ 20

Permeability K
Main source of permeability

 Core data
 Log data (RFT – MDT )
 Production data

Factor effecting the magnitude of permeability

 Grain size and shape

 Sorting
 Fracturing and solution
 Cementation
 Lithology or rock type

Definition of permeability

The ability of rock to transmit fluid through it

Permeability classification

 Absolute permeability
The ability of rock to transmit one fluid through it
 Effective permeability
When rock pore space contain more than one fluid
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 Relative permeability
The ratio of the effective permeability to a given fluid at
definite saturation to the permeability at 100%
saturation. Kro/Krw = Ko/Kw

Relative permeability carve


Oil only only
wetting Sor
Swc phase

Region A ----- one phase mobile (oil) because there are no value
for Kro.

Region B ----- two phase mobile (water , oil) as increase in region

B increase the production from reservoir.

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Region C ----- one phase mobile ( water ) because oil reaches to
Sor .

Sor---- the saturation of oil which above it the oil be mobile.

Swc ---- the connate water saturation which abobe it the water
become mobile .

Note : at 50% water saturation Sw Kro more than Krw

The oil is more mobile than water

The reservoir is water wet

You can convert reservoir from oil wet to water wet by using
surfactant (surface active agent ) which reduce both of the
surface tension and interfacial tension.

Capillary pressure Pc
It’s the pressure difference existing across the interface
separating two immiscible fluid.

Pc = Pnwt – Pwt

Pc = pressure of non wetting phase – pressure of wetting phase

Uses of capillary pressure

 Determine initial water saturation Swi

 Determine the fluid distribution in the reservoir
 Determine residual oil saturation for water flooding
 Determine permeability K

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Transit zone


water pressure

Note : phase

 Permeability K α grain size

 Permeability K α 1 / transit zone
Non sorting Sorting

heterogeneo homogenous
oil oil

Wave Smooth
carve carve

Transit water water


Transit zone

Different between course grain and fine grain at capillary

Pressure :

At fine grain (small grain) and small pore space so low

permeability so take large transit zone.

At course grain (large grain) and large pore space so high

permeability so take small transit zone.

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Course Fine grain


Transit zone
Transit zone

The fraction of pore volume filled by that fluid .

The ratio of fluid volume to pore volume of rock.

Sw = Vw/Vp So = Vo/Vp Sg = Vg/Vp

Sw + So + Sg = 1

Determination of fluid saturation

 Core sample
 Open hole log ( resistivity log )
 Capillary pressure measurement

The ability of rock to mobile fluid through it .

Its ratio between rock permeability and viscosity.

Mobility = K /M

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Define mobility and what is the ratio between mobility and
sweep efficiency ?

Mobility is the ability of rock to mobile fluid through it

Mobility ratio = mobility of displacing fluid / mobility of displaced fluid

If Mr ≤ 1 : mobility of water < mobility of oil favorable

which cause high sweep efficiency so high recovery factor .

If Mr >>> mobility of water >> mobility of oil unfavrabole

This occur when oil is very viscous .

Which cause early breakthrough and water coning

And lead to low recovery factor and low sweep efficiency

If Mr <<< 1 mobility of water <<< mobility of oil

Lead to low displacement efficiency and low oil production.

The ability of rock to transmit fluid from the formation pay zone .

The ability of fluid to wet or adhere the rock in the presence of
immiscible fluid .

Its refer to interaction between fluid and solid phase .

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It’s a double property between rock and fluid measure by contact
angle between rock and fluid .

Contact angle :

If ø : 0 – 90 “ water wet reservoir

If ø : > 90” oil wet reservoir

Its better to be water wet reservoir.

Part 4
Open hole logs
Self Potential SP
 Low SP ------ permeable zone
 High SP ------- Non permeable zone


 Determination of reservoir boundaries

 Detection of permeable beds
 Determination of Rw (formation water resistivity)
 Delineation of shale beds .

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Sonic log
Measure the sound velocity through formation used for porosity
calculation .

Resistivity log
To identify oil , water , gas zones

 Low resistivity ------ Non hydrocarbon

 High resistivity ------ Hydrocarbon

Caliper log
Measure the diameter of bore hole .

Dip meter log

Measure the formation bed inclination angle .

Repeat formation test RFT

Can make any number of accurate pressure test in one run in
open hole log.


 Determination of reservoir pressure

 Fluid density
 Fluid contacts
 Differential depletion

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Side wall coring SWC

Used to take sample from formation by bullets.

Modular dynamic test MDT

Include RFT + sampler and can analyze the collected sample.

Cased hole logs

Gamma ray logging
Measure the natural radioactivity of rock.


 Determine lithology
 Determination of bed boundaries
 Mineral analysis

Evaluation of shale content within formation

 Low ------ Non shale

 High ----- shale

Cement bound log CBL

For evaluation cement. To detect if there is bad cement or good

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Thermal decay time log TDT

Measure water saturation in formation Sw


 Monitoring oil water contact level

 Evaluation reservoir through casing or tubing
 Help determine work over options to increase well

Temperature log
Measure temperature of the well

Production log test PLT

 Correlation of the depth by casing collar locator CCL
 Determine the pressure and temperature by memory
 Flow meter by spinner
 Determine diameter by x-y caliper
 Fluid identification by capacitance.

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Part 5
Well Testing
Oil well testing
1. Pressure draw down test
we start flowing well that initially shut in static and stable the flow
rate is supposed to be constant.


 Suitable for reservoir limits

 Traditional analysis method are developed draw down test.

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Dis advantages

 Difficult to flow well at constant rate q

 Well condition may not be static or stable.

2. Pressure build up test

The well produce with constant rate q for long period to
establish pressure distribution before shut in.

The pressure measured immediately before shutting in, its

record as function of time.


 Constant flow rate condition easily achieved as the flow

rate is zero
 Only slight rate modification of analysis techniques used
for draw down analysis is required.

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Dis advantages

 Difficult to achieved constant production rate period to shut

 Production loss while well shut in.

3. Drill stem test DST


 Reservoir pressure
 Reservoir size
 Skin factor
 Permeability
 HC presence

4. Interference test
In an interference test one well is produce (or shut in ) and
pressure is response is measured at other well.

The test help to characterize the reservoir over large scale than
single well test.

The test is possible with any types of pressure disturbance

( drawdown – build up – injection fall of test )

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5. Fall off test

Similar to build up test expect that injection is stopped rather
than production in fall- off test we observe pressure decline.


 Injection rate is easy to control.

 Pressure loss is smaller as compared to build up test.

Dis advantages

 Multi phase effect make analysis difficult.

6. Injection test (stimulation )

Similar to draw down test expect that the flow into the well is
rather than out of it .

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 Injection rates are easier to control than the production rate

Dis advantages

 Complicated analysis if multi phase effect are observed

because there is difficult well .

7. Multi rate test

8. Pulse test
Data obtained for oil well tests :

 Effective permeability
 Formation damage or stimulation
 Flow barriers and fluid contents
 Volumetric average reservoir pressure
 Drainage pore volume
 Detection length capacity of fractures
 Communication between wells

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Gas well tests

1. Isochronal test
Deliverability tests

Applications for gas reservoir for low (permeability , porosity )

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2. Modified isochronal test

3. Flow after flow test

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Parameter obtained from gas well tests :
 Reservoir pressure
 Permeability
 Skin factor
 Flow capacity
 Mobility
 Transmissibility
 Boundary
 Establish IPR
 The flow potential
 deliverability

water injection tests

1. fall off test
2. infectivity test
A test of reservoir water injection rates at different pressure to
predict the performance of an injection well .

3. step rate test

4. interference test
5. micro fracture
6. mini fracture
7. modular formation dynamic

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Part 6
Production Notes
Inflow performance IPR

Relationship between bottom hole flowing pressure and gross

production rate q .

IPR types

 If Pi >Pb (single phase) PI = q / pi - pwf

 If Pi <Pb (two phase ) q = qmax {1-0.2(Pwf/p) –

Draw down

The different between static pressure and flowing pressure due to


Productivity index

The ratio between production rate and draw down at this rate.

Well potential

The maximum rate of flow occur when Pwf = 0 .

Well bore damage

When the production ratio less than one +skin this indicate the
zone damaged .

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Skin effect

This is due to changed in flow geometry as well as permeability

change due to zonal damage .

Out flow performance

Nodal analysis

The system analysis for determination of fluid production rate and

pressure at specified node .

Optimum GLR

It’s the GLR result in minimum pressure loss with certain tubing
size , depth , production rate .

Optimum production rate

Its production rate result in minimum pressure loss , tubing size

,depth and GLR

Optimum choke size

A way that small variation in down steam pressure that is in the

flow line pressure .

Flow regimes

 Transient flow

Its defined as a flow regime where / when the radius of pressure

wave propagation from well bore has not reached any boundaries
of reservoir.

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 Steady – state flow

Is defined as a flow regime where pressure at any point in

reservoir remain constant over time .

 Pseudo - steady – state flow

Is defined as a flow regime that the pressure at any point in

reservoir declines at the constant rate over time .


Matrix acidizing (acid matrix treatment )

It is a technique to stimulation well for improving well inflow

performance in which acid solution is injected into the
formation to dissolve same of mineral to recover permeability
of sand stone removing skin or increase permeability of
carbonates near the well bore .

Hydraulic acid (HCL) and hydrofluoric acid ( HF ) .

Acid job for sand stone reservoir

The purpose of sand stone acidizing is to restore permeability

by dissolving a way formation damaging clay like minerals or
other material ( clay may be exist information or may be the
result of drilling or work over activating )

The type of acid mast often used in sand stone in mixture of

hydroflonic acid Hf and hydrolic acid HCL .
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HCL (5 – 10 %) HF ( 2 – 6 %) CaCO2 above 20%

Three stages take in place during stimulation :

 Injectivity
 Main treatment
 Displacement
Perform to indicate the ability of formation to squeeze acid
and cement .
The squeeze formation with acid and chemical under very
high pressure and induced fracture and keep it open by
certain material .
KH the ability to transit flow from formation pay zone .
Hydraulic fracturing
It is a technique to stimulate wells for improving well inflow
performance in which the formation is squeezed with acid
and chemical under very high pressure to induce fracture
and keep it open by sand / proppan .

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Part 7
Artificial Lift
Types of artificial lift :
 Gas lift
 Sucker rod pump
 ESP Electric submersible pump
 Jet pump
 PCP progressing cavity pump

Factor effecting casing reduction inflow :

 Reservoir pressure decline
 Increase water cut
 Increase surface back pressure
 Well bore damage
 Tubing size
 Paraffin or scale build up in tubing string
 Choke size

Artificial lift why ?

Used when the reservoir pressure is not sufficient to lift fluid to
surface due to :

 Production of heavier fluid column like water.

 Depletion reservoir.
 Decline in production rate.

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Principles of artificial lift :

Increase the pressure difference between the reservoir pressure
and well bore pressure.

Q α (PR-Pwf) increase draw down

Artificial lift option:

 ESP create head ϫP to lower Pwf
 Gas lift reduce fluid column gradient to lower Pwf
 PCP create head ϫP to lower Pwf
 Jet pump provide pressure drop inventure
 S.Rod carry fluid from well bore to lowering Pwf

Bram pump
Sucker rod pump
 Most common artificial lift method
 Used mostly in shallow to middle depth
 No deviation wells
 On shore
 Efficient for low rate ≤1000 BPD
 Main problems : sand – corrosion – handling of gas

Principle component of sucker rod

Beam pumping unit ---- surface equipment transmitting the
pumping motion into liner motion.

Power unit------- prime mover

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Rod string ----- transmitting pump motion

Down hole pump --- plunger + valves

Sub surface pump

The working barrel connect to tubing

The plunger which connected to sucker rod

The traveling valve which of part of plunger

Standing valve which is locate at the bottom of the working barrel

Valves is open and close in sequence which up stroke and down

stroke of the sucker rod.

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Rod design consideration

 Weigh of rod string
 Weigh of fluid
 Maximum stress in rod
 Yield strength of rod material
 Stretch – friction – buoyancy
 Well head pressure

 Simple basic design
 Unit easy change
 Simple to operate
 Can lift high Tem. And pressure
 Can achieve low BHFP

 Pump wear with solids , sand , wax ,..
 Free gas reduce pump efficiency
 Heavy equipment for off shore

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ESP Electric submersible pump

 Extremely high volume lift
 Corrosion and scale treatment possible
 High well deviation

 Full work over required to change pump
 Cable deteriorates at high temperature
 Gas and solid intolerant

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Down hole system :

 Pump
 Pump intake
 Protector or seal section
 Motor
 Gas separator
 Power cable

Surface system
 Transformer
 Motor control
 Junction box ( vent box)
 Well head

Pump basic theory

ESP used centrifugal force to lift fluids imperrer and diffuser

Gas lift
 Large volume in high pi wells
 Simple maintenance
 Tolerant high well deviation
 Soled tolerant

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 Not suitable for viscous crude
 Bottom hole pressure
 High back pressure

Progressing cavity pump

 Solid and viscous
 Energy efficient
 Simple installation
 Low capital cost

 Problem with rotating rods
increase with depth.
 Elastanes swell in some crude

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Jet pump
 High volume capability
 Can use water as power fluid
 Tolerant high well deviation
 Remote power source
 No moving part
 Easy for maintenance

 High pressure surface line required
 Free gas reduce pump efficiency
 Sensitive to change in surface flow line pressure

Selection artificial lift depend on :

 Reservoir parameters ( pressure- PI- water cut- sand-GOR)
 Well parameters ( deviation – completion design)
 Location ( onshore – offshore)
 cost

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Factors effecting performance of artificial lift

 Gas interference ---- pumping free gas in oil well significantly
decrease the efficiency of all pump
 Producing characteristics --- ( IPR- Q-GOR-W.C)
 Fluid properties ( Bo- Mo……..)
 Hole characteristic----( pumping depth-completion type-
 Reservoir characteristics ---------- drive mechanism
 Operating problem

Condition Sucker ESP Jet Gas lift

rod pump
High GLR 4 3 2 1
Sand 4 3 2 1
High well depth 4 3 2 1
High well 4 3 1 2
High 4 1 3 2
production rate

Low reservoir 4 1 2 3
Require w/o 2 1 3 4
Corrosion 2 4 3 1
Heavy crude 2 4 1 3

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 8

Classification of separators

1- Shape (configuration)
 Vertical
 Horizontal
 Spherical
2- Function
 Separator
 Scrubber
 Knock out --- scrubber or remove liquid at high GLR
 Flash champer
3- Number of phase separations

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Section A Section A Section A Section A

Initial Gravity Mist Liquid

seperation setting extractor sump

Mist extractor Gas

Second separation Gas extractor
inlet Deflector or
Primary separation Oil
Liquid level
Liquid sump section Oil control


Vertical separator

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Horizontal separator

Gas out
inlet Gravity setting section
Mist extractor

Gas liquid interface Liquid collection section

Liquid out

function Vertical horizontal Spherical

Uses  For low  For high For small
GLO GLO operation at
 Off shore  On shore moderate
advantages  Easy to  Large  Provide
clean disengagin effective
 Sand g area gas
production  Can handle separation
 Large fluid oil foaming due to its

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capacity  Cheaper shape
 Better than  Cheaper
liquid level vertical than H and
control V

Dis  More  Difficult to  Not

advantages expensive clean communic
 Require able for
large large gas
diameter capacity
for given

Three phase horizontal separator

Gas out

gas Mist
inlet diverter
Oil and emulsion r


Water out Oil out

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Three phase vertical separator

Gas out

Mist extractor



Down comer
oil Oil out

Water out

Component of separator

 Primary gas / liquid separation section with an inlet diverter

to remove the bulk liquid from gas .
 Gravity setting section providing adequate retention time so
that proper setting may take place .
 Mist extractor at the gas out let to capture entrained
droplets or those to small to settle by gravity.
 Proper pressure and liquid level control.

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Reservoir And Production Notes

It is process of removing H2O and salt which was dissolved in it

from crude oil and natural gas .

To prevent hydrate formation

Absorption dehydration -------- liquid

Adsorption dehydration -------- solid


Remove salt from oil


its process to separate combined mixture stream to two stream

gas and oil depend on gravity .


Removing sulfur component from crude oil and natural gas

Sulfur recovery sweeting removing H2s and CO2.

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Salt vapor
Inlet NG

chiller accumulator

Out let NG

Exp. value

Surface flow line

choke se tank

well desalter

Type of storage tanks

1. Spherical
2. Fixed roof tank
3. Float roof tank
PE : Mohamed Hamdy Page 57
Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 9
Production Questions :
1. What is the different between the productivity index and
the specific productivity index ?

PI the ratio of producing rate of a well to its draw dawn

PI = qtotal / Ps – Pwf bbl/ psi.day

And PI based on the gross production rate (oil –water )

The specific productivity index Js= q / h(Ps – Pwf ) bbl/day.psi.ft

2. What do you know about the following :

 Completion string :

Its used after drilling the well its used to allow production to flow
from bottom to surface.

 Injectivity test :

Its performed to indicate the ability of formation to squeeze acid .

 Well bore damage :

When the productivity ratio is less than + skin this indicate the
zone is damage. Damage factor = 1-PR

 Well potential :

The maximum rate of production at which the well is able to flow

at Pwf = zero .

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3. What is the pump intake ?

It’s the pump inlet at which the production fluid enters the pump
to make a head .

4. Mention three reasons to use artificial lift ?

 to support and supplement bottom hole flowing pressure
 to increase producing flow rate of the well
 to make dead well on production

5. Stimulation well by acid why and what are the result?

Stimulation well by acid in case off well pressure build up analysis

which showed damage and skin.

The result is improvement in permeability and production due to

remove damage.

6. Three stages take in place during stimulation ?

 Injectivity test
 Main treatment
 Displacement

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Reservoir And Production Notes
7. Dehydration used to separate water

Desaltation used to separate salt .

8. What are the main factors affected in the design of string

of pressure charged below valves ? gas lift
 Bottom hole pressure
 Depth
 Tubing size
 Fluid type

9. Answer the following questions with yes or no :

 All types of available artificial lift pumps are used to add
additional energy to the natural lift energy ( yes) . if all
artificial lift methods it will be (No) because gas lift reduce
oil viscosity .
 The gas lift used to enhance the well inflow performance
.this achieved by reducing the hydrostatic head pressure loss
. (No) its use to enhance OPR (out flow performance
relation ship) not IPR.
 Straight line IPR is better than Vogel for artificial lift system
(NO) better when P>Pb and when no gas .
 Pressure gradient curve are used to predict the inflow
performance where multiphase flow exist ( No) used to
predict OPR because of Gilbert chart .

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Reservoir And Production Notes

 Absolute open flow is detecting when Pwf dropped to zero (

yes )
 The production system pressure loss distribution formulas
for a natural flow well can be started as below :
Preservoir = Δ Preservoir + ΔPbore hole + ΔPsurface + ΔPchoke +ΔPseparator (
yes )
 Pressure gradient curves are effected by the well bore
deviation ( yes)
 Positive displacement is the main concept of electric
submersible pump (No) ESP is centrifugal but positive
displacement are PCP and Sucker rod.
 HF acid is the best treatment solution for sand stone
reservoir (No) HF best for limestone but HCL for sand stone
10. Factors effect the separation process ?
 Centrifugal force
 Separator operation pressure
 Separator operation temperature
 Fluid stream composition
 Gravity
11. Briefly type the usage of both stimulations(matrix
stimulation and hydraulic fracturing treatments) when
considering carrying out a stimulation treatment on a

Acid stimulation used for : this technique is used to reduce skin

effect by reacting with formation , anhydrite , gypsum ,limestone

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Reservoir And Production Notes
to form salt and water . matrix is dissolved and skin will be
improved recovery efficiency and production will be improved.

Hydraulic fracturing used for : this technique is used to fracture

formation under very high pressure to form induced fracture . a
certain material consequently production is increased and
recovery efficiency will be improved.

Selection criteria

Skin Permeability Treatment

High High Acid stimulation
High Low Hydraulic

IPR used for :

 Determine q at any pressure

 Determine qmax
 Determine reservoir pressure
 Determine stimulation
12. Answer briefly the following questions :

State two applications for the gas lift system :

1.Off share platforms 2. High GOR

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13. State three advantages for Gas lift :
 Easy installation and operation with slickline
 For high deviation well
 For high production rate
 Used for sand production

14. What is production optimization ?

Means balance between production rate deliverability and

demand includes good understanding about production system
and reservoir fluid this study performed by nodal analysis :

Predict flow rate

Optimize various component ( tubing size, flow line ,surface choke

size , perforation number , SSSV size )

Chose the optimum parameters for best production rate and less
cost value

Maximum present value over the life of the well.

15. What are the benefits of drain valve and choke carve?

Drain valve:

its used to get the tubing empty during Pulling out of the hole (
locate above the choke valve )

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Check valve :

1. its used to keep tubing full off during shut down .

2.prevent produced volume from falling back in the pump causing

rotation of pump in the opposite direction resulting in bearing
failure .

16. What is the benefits of counter weight in sucker rod

pump ?

Its stores energy during down stroke movement which is used

while up stroke because the system carries excessive weight :

 Fluid weight
 Rood weigh
 Simple harmonic load ( acceleration load )

Gilbert chart

 Tubing depth
 Tubing size
 Gross liquid rate bbl / day
 Flowing BHP Pwf
 Density – viscosity
17. How to prevent back pressure at choke ?

Down stream pressure should be < ½ upstream at choke

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Reservoir And Production Notes
18. Advantages of open hole completion ?
 Not expensive ( no casing , cement and perforation )
 More production
19. Disadvantages of open hole completion ?
 No Control for gas and water production
 Sand may be produced
20. Advantages of cased hole completion ?
 Control for gas and water production
 Sand control
21. Disadvantages of cased hole completion ?
 Less production than open hole
 More Expensive .

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Reservoir And Production Notes

Part 10
Reservoir questions
1. Define critical saturation ?

The saturation at which fluid will began to flow .

2. What do you know about Horner plot ?

On making pressure build up test the well is first shut in
after producing for certain time tp and record shut in
bottom hole pressure Pws Vs time Δt .
Horner plot is a plot of the Pws Vs Log( tp+Δt / Δt) on a semi
log paper. The plot with yield straight line after distorted
points (well bore storage ) and from the slope of straight line
and P1hr ,we can get the following :
 Undamaged zone permeability
 Skin value
 The average permeability
 Flow capacity
 Transmissibility
 Mobility
 Productivity ratio
 Damage factor
 Flow efficiency
 Pressure drop due to skin
 Well bore storage effect

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Reservoir And Production Notes

MTR fault
ETR Early
time region True formation

P1hr LTR Late

Deviation from straight line time region
caused by well bore storage
and skin

Pwf = Pi – (162.5 Q MB / Kh ) – Log (tp + Δt) /Δt

3. Water flooding pattern

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Reservoir And Production Notes

4. How can we detect OWC ?

 By RFT
 By resistivity log
5. What are the different types of hydrocarbon reservoir
according to geological structure ?
 Stratigraphical
 Structural
 Combination
6. Define :
 OOIP its number of stock tank barrel originally exist in
reservoir before star of production
 Recovery its number of stock tank barrel that can be
7. Reservoir problem with production ?
 Tubing , casing , packer
 OWC moving up
 Water conning
8. Water conning increase with :
 Higher draw down
 Higher vertical performance
 Higher production rate
 Smaller density difference
9. Control water conning :
 Reduction of production well
 Recompletion
 Improve well productivity

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10. Sampling and coring :

Coring to get rock properties by SWC (Side wall coring)
, RFT but sampling to get fluid properties by well test
(surface condition) or down hole sampler tool .
11. Gas cap
 The primary gas cap found in satuated reservoir and its
pressure is already below bubble point.
 The secondary gas cap is when the reservoir is under
saturated and above Pb and by production pressure
decline to below Pb and gas liberated from oil and
form gas cap.
12. Fraction flow Sw ‘ saturation before
break through

Swf @ flood front

 Its determine quantity of water at any saturation in

 We can obtain saturation of flood front Swf before break

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13. Displacement pressure

its pressure which the non wetting phase starts to displace the
wetting phase .

14. Triple points :

It’s points that represents pressure and temperature at which

gas , liquid and solid exist under equilibrium conditions .

15. What are the assumption of Darcy equations ?

 Homogenous rock
 100% saturation with single phase homogenous fluid
 Neoutonion fluid
 Steady state flow
 Laminar flow
 Constant temperature
 Compressible fluid flow
Darcy equation = Q= K/M A ∂p/∂L
16. What is sweep efficiency ?
 Area sweep efficiency

The fraction of the total reservoir area which has been swept
by the displacing fluid .

Swept area

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 Vertical sweep efficiency

The fraction of total reservoir vertical cross section which has

been swept.


 Volumetric sweep efficiency

the fraction of total reservoir volume which has been swept by

displacement fluid .

17. Different between free water contact and oil water

contact .
Free water Pc = 0 , OWC under transition zone .
18. Difference between water flooding and water
injection ?
Flooding at the same wall to displace the oil
Injection at water aquifer for pressure .
19. Artificial lift primary or secondary recovery and
Primary recovery because it don’t deal with reservoir but
just the well .
20. Difference between LNG and LPG ?
LNG liquefied natural gas it mostly methane must be
refrigerated to cryogenic temperature 162 •C .
LPG liquefied petroleum gas it mostly propane and butane .
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21. IF a Dead well we can do :

Draw IPR and OPR if problem with IPR work for reservoir
energy and if the problem with OPR work with artificial lift .

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