Cbas 210 (1&2)
Cbas 210 (1&2)
Cbas 210 (1&2)
1. Over the past decade, scientists have raised concerns about the lack of reproducibility
in certain scientific fields, posing a threat to the credibility and integrity of scientific
findings. A 2011 project aimed to replicate 100 psychology studies in three leading
journals, revealing that only 39% of the studies showed the same results as the original
experiments. This problem is not unique to psychology, as studies in cancer biology,
economics, and other fields have also failed to replicate previous findings. Potential
reasons for these failures include statistical issues, publication bias, and questionable
research practices. Brian Nosek, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, co-founded
the Center for Open Science, argues that perseverance in science is valued, and to
address the reproducibility crisis, some scientists are advocating for more transparency
and openness in research practices.
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. D
17. a. (Sheret, Sultana, & Sotir, 2016)
b. (Seven News, 1994)
c. (Yeo, Oh, Pyke, & McDonald, 1998)
d. (Turnbull and Shorten, 2003)
e. (Charman, 2007)
f. (Minogue, 1968; Lopez, 1971)
g. (Smith, 2009, p. 7)
h. (Dickinson, 2009a)
i. (Brown, n.d.)
j. (Copyright Act, 1968)
k. According to Sotir (2016), academic literacy is “critical for survival” at university.
b. Irvine, J. (2005, July 27). Commodity boom is over: Access. Sydney Morning Herald,
c. Kim, A.J. (2002). Community building on the web. Safari Tech Books.