1ST Unit Exam Earth Life Science Earth Science - Final
1ST Unit Exam Earth Life Science Earth Science - Final
1ST Unit Exam Earth Life Science Earth Science - Final
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Contact Number: ___________________________ Teacher: _________________
DIRECTION: Read the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why is Earth called “the living planet”? 9. How many percent of water comprises the
a. It sustains life. Earth?
b. It has atmosphere. a. 15%
c. It has water at the surface. b. 50%
d. All of the above. c. 70%
2. Which among the set of planets are called d. 30%
terrestrial? 10. Which of the factors are needed for organisms
a. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus to live on Earth?
b. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth a. Temperature and nutrient
c. Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter b. Atmosphere and energy
d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune c. Only A
3. What makes planet Earth habitable? d. Both A and B
a. It has comfortable distance from the sun. 11. What makes Earth similar to Venus?
b. It has atmosphere that protects from radiation. a. Earth and Venus are the right sizes to hold a
c. The atmosphere holds carbon dioxide and other sufficient atmosphere
gases. b. Venus atmosphere is 100 times thicker than
d. All of the above. Earth
4. What makes planet Earth habitable compared to c. Among all the solid planets and moons, only
other planets? Earth, Venus, and Titan have significant
a. It has soil atmosphere
b. It has trees d. Both A and C
c. It has people 12. What characteristics does the Earth have to
d. It has liquid water maintain an organism’s body to survive?
5. Why is Earth called a terrestrial planet? a. Earth has a water cycle and atmosphere
a. It has life b. Earth has volcanic activities to circulate nutrients
b. It is closest to the sun c. Earth has sub-surface water or molten rock that
c. It is farther from the sun can circulate and replenish nutrients for organisms
d. It is placed at almost the middle planets d. All of the above
6. Which is supported and sustained by planet? 13. What does Earth offers to human in order to
a. Life sustain life?
b. A moon a. Earth has abundant plant life
c. A rocky core b. Earth has sufficient nutrients from ocean to land
d. An atmosphere c. Only A
7. Which of the following best describes the surface d. Both A and B
of the planet Earth? 14. Which statement about the Earth will help
a. A thick layer of hydrogen gas organisms to survive?
b. Cloudy and hot with lots of volcano a. Earth has no protective equipment like ozone
c. Cold, rocky, and covered with red dust b. Earth’s temperature is neither the hottest nor the
8. Earth is said to be a unique planet. Which coldest among
answer verifies the statement? other planets.
a. It supports life c. Earth has layer water only for favorable climate.
b. It is mostly covered in water d. Earth has man-made natural cycles
c. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen 15. Which distinct characteristic made Earth
different from any other planet?
a. It is the only planet that has a large amount of
liquid water
b. It is the only rocky planet
c. It is the only planet that changes its structure
d. It is the only planet that turns around in space
Direction: Identify the following description. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
Nutrients Stellar- Collision Theory Steady State Universe Theory Isaac Newton
__________________ 16. A German astronomer who polished the heliocentric model and proposed that
planets move around the sun in an elliptical motion.
__________________ 17. A Polish astronomer who proposed a different model of the universe which
eventually made the sun as the center of the universe, this was the heliocentric model, which means “sun-
__________________ 18. It is a theory wherein gas cloud was pulled by sun’s gravity, then formed into
planets and moons.
__________________ 19. It is a theory wherein 2 stars collided and formed the planets and moons.
__________________ 20. It is a theory wherein earth collided with a small planet, producing the moon.
__________________ 21. It is a theory wherein small chunks of materials gradually combined and formed
Earth, then more chunks formed the moon.
__________________ 22. It is a theory wherein planets & moons were wandering around and were captured
by the sun.
__________________ 23. It is a theory wherein bursting of the sun sent out the planets & moons.
__________________ 24. It is a theory wherein new matter is quietly but continually appearing out of nothing
from the spaces in the galaxies.
__________________ 25. It is a theory wherein another big bang will occur when the universe starts to run
__________________ 26. It is a theory wherein as gas swirled around, eddies of gas caused the formation of
the sun & planet.
__________________ 27. It states how the universe began with a big explosion. was 1st suggested by a
Belgian priest, Georges Lemaitre, in the 1920s
__________________ 28. An Italian Scientist who built his telescope based on the work of Dutch spectacle
maker Hans Lippershey.
__________________ 29. An English scientist who made a more advanced telescope. He revealed that the
planets move because of a certain force between them and the sun, which he called gravitational force.
__________________ 30. The following are the factors that makes a habitable planet: 1. ________________
31-40. Compare and contrast the heliocentric and geocentric models of the solar system. Describe the key
differences between the heliocentric and geocentric models. Draw and label each model
41-50. The Rise of Plastic Pollution. Over the past few decades, the use of plastic products has surged,
leading to a significant increase in plastic pollution. Plastic waste is now found in oceans, rivers, and
landscapes worldwide, affecting wildlife and ecosystems. As a student, what can you do to reduced plastic
pollution and its impact on the environment?