Pricing Strategy
Pricing Strategy
Pricing Strategy
PLMar Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina (PLMar) is a progressive higher educational institution fostering competent, compassionate and creative learning community
Vision dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence, character formation, social responsibility and accountability.
The College of Management and Technology (CMT) envisions to be the lead academic unit in producing quality graduates with business acumen and who are equipped
CMT Vision with the necessary tools of character and competence ready for industry employment.
The College of Management and Technology (CMT) commits to endow its students with excellent business education making them worthy contributors in the field of trade
CMT Mission and commerce both locally and globally.
CMT Accountancy:
Objectives Produce competent professional accountant capable of making a positive contribution to the profession and society, in which they work;
Provide a foundation of professional knowledge, professional skills, and professional values, ethics and attitudes that enable students to
continue to learn and adopt to change through their professional lives;
Prepare students for the CPA licensure examination and for employment in private establishment and public sector.
Financial Management:
Complete understanding of the concepts, principles, and the theories of financial management;
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Help the students to seek employment and assume entry-level jobs or positions of responsibility as financial analyst, financial manager,
or executive;
Prepare students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.
Human Resource Management Program:
Complete understanding of the concepts, principles, theories, and philosophies in human resources;
Assist students seek employment and facilitate the integration process in the corporate environment so they can be immediately
productive once they employed;
Assists students in appreciating the HR role in the organization and how they can make meaningful contributions as strategic partners in
building the organization to become globally competitive.
Entrepreneurship and Marketing Management:
Own a business or engage in a business venture;
Seek employment and entry level jobs or positions of responsibility as Marketing Manager, Marketing Executives or Marketing
Organizing or managing entrepreneurial activities if they decide to be self employed;
Equip students with knowledge of the principle and concepts of Marketing and Entrepreneurship;
Prepare students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.
Pricing is one of the most important decisions that businesses make in their efforts to profit maximization. The course is a foundation for effective pricing decisions by teaching key economic,
analytical, and behavioral concepts associated with costs, customer behavior and competition. In addition, advanced pricing techniques that aim to create additional value are introduced to the students.
Familiarize the students with basic terms concepts, approaches and problems of pricing decisions.
To introduce a framework, based on concepts drown from cognitive psychology, economics and industrial organization organizations, to study pricing decisions.
To provide and point to analytical tools which are useful for the understanding of the pricing process and for its successful creation and management.
Understand and analyze price strategies of competitors in different market situations through case study scenario.
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1. Help the students to understand strategic planning and the way companies seek to achieve their objectives through pricing strategies and becomes familiar with different pricing
strategies, techniques and decisions implemented at business organizations to make in their effort for profit maximization.
2. Help the students to understand basic concepts for effective pricing decisions on the key economic , analytical and behavioral concepts associated with costs, customer behavior
and competition in preparation for business opportunity for them. Students will also learn what is the proper philosophy that should accompany all pricing strategies – such as
being fair trader as well as giving value in return.
1. Analyze the pricing structures, the price and value communication, setting price policy, and pricing structures and how effective pricing supports marketing and firm strategy.
Students will become familiar and have a clear understanding of pricing strategies of different products, lifecycles and companies and have opportunity to apply their skills in
understanding of concepts to solve business problems.
2. Examine how the demand and cost functions applicable to pricing analysis including demand, elasticity and revenue function. Students will gain an understanding of both the
demand and costs functions applicable to pricing level and have an insight on how pricing implementation is based on pricing policies and structure.
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Case Analysis
Content 20% Shows maximum understanding Shows satisfactory understanding Shows minimal understanding of Shows unsatisfactory or no
of the topic. of the topic. parts of the topic. understanding of the topic.
Organization 20% Academic paper is logically Academic paper is reasonably Academic paper is somewhat Academic paper is illogically
organized with well-articulated organized with understandable reasonably organized but organized with unclear paragraphs
paragraphs and subheadings that paragraphs that can be easily paragraphs are vague and difficult that are difficult to follow due to
are easy to follow and has followed with basic transitions. to follow due to ineffective poor transitions.
effective, smooth and logical transitions.
Quality of Information 20% Information and central ideas are Information and central ideas are Information and central ideas are Information and central ideas are
appropriate and clarity of purpose somewhat appropriate and often limited and sometimes unclear. inappropriate and have little or
is exhibited throughout the paper. clearly relates to the topic. nothing to do with the topic.
Integration of Knowledge 40% The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates that the The paper does not demonstrate
student fully understands and has student, for the most part, student, to a certain extent, that the student has fully
applied concepts learned in the understands and has applied understands and has applied understood and applied concepts
course. Concepts are integrated concepts learned in the course. concepts learned in the course. learned in the course.
into the student’s own insights. Some of the conclusions,
The student provides concluding however, are not supported in the
remarks that show analysis and body of the paper
synthesis of ideas.
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Flexible Learning
Week # Topics Learning Experience / Assessments / Resources Asynchronous Synchronous
1 Class Kick-off Description Video
Quick Introduction to the course. Conferencing/Discussions
Quick Introduction to the instructor
Interactive Online
Student’s will briefly introduce themselves to the class. Collaboration and
Expectations, course flow & grading. Discussion
Reading: none
2 Pricing Strategy and Description : Modular Course Pack Video
Value Creation Explanation/Discussion on how effective pricing supports marketing and firm Chapter Reading Conferencing/Discussion
strategy. Assignments Interactive Online
Self-Exploratory Learning Collaboration/
Explanation/Discussion of the proper philosophy that should accompany all
Path Discussion
pricing strategies – such as being trader as well as giving value and expecting
fair value in return.
Explanation/Discuss of the pricing Pyramid.
Explanation/Discussion of the different pricing strategies.
Explanation/Discussion of what strategic pricing requires.
Reading: Students will be asked to read an article that will be used for class discussion.
Assignment/deadline: none
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3 Analysis of Pricing Description : Modular Course Pack Chat Share Dynamics
Structures Explanation/Discussion of what are pricing structures. Interactive on line Live
Explanation/Discussion of how pricing structures support pricing strategy. collaboration and Webinars/Discussions
discussion Video Conference
Explanation/Discussion of how industries and firms use pricing structures
Explanation/Discussion of why pricing structures are often difficult to maintain.
Reading: none
Reading: none
Reading: Students will be asked to read an article that will be used for class discussion.
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Assignment/deadline :none
Reading : none
Assignment/deadline: none
Reading: Students will be asked to read an article that will be used for class discussion.
Assignment/deadline: none
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8 Midterm Exam
Week Competition Based Live Stream
9 Pricing Description : Case Study and/or Lectures and
Explanation/Discussion of the pricing game. Decision Analysis Demonstration
Explanation/Discussion of common pricing misconceptions. Scenarios
Explanation/Discussion of pricing for competitive advantage. Problem Solving Work
Explanation/Discussion of responding to competition. Guide
Reading: none
Assignment/deadline: none
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Week Understanding Modular Course Video
13 Dynamic Pricing Description : Packs/Learning Packets Conferencing/Discussions
Force Explanation/Discussion of the dynamic pricing. Chapter Reading Interactive Online
Explanation/Discussion of how to dynamically price. Assignments Collaboration and
Explanation/Discussion of best practices to dynamic pricing. Class discussion Discussion
Reading: Students will be asked to read an article that will be used for class discussion.
Assignment/deadline: none
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VII. POLICIES: (Policies found in the latest Student Handbook are hereby adopted)
1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students are responsible for all assignments or announcements given in class. It is expected that all students will be present for all exams and
quizzes. Make-up exams are not given (because these are announced) and missed classroom activities cannot be made up, unless there is compelling reason to have an excused absence authorized and
recognized by the school. Please take note of the following:
a. Maximum number of cuts (stated in student handbook) + 1 more cut = Failure due to Absences
b. 1 late = arriving 15 minutes after class starts (for 1 hour class)
c. 3 Lates = 1 cut
It is the responsibility of the students to keep track of their absences and incidents of tardiness. They should exercise wise use of their allotted cuts. Students should not expect a warning upon reaching
the maximum number of allowable cuts.
2. Classroom behavior: Students are expected to be prompt, attentive, honest, and polite. Electronic devices such as phones and music players should be set aside. The professor has the right to confiscate
these devices and file the necessary corrective action.
3. Requirements: Submit all requirements on time and make sure that it is properly formatted and labeled. Late submission will be accepted but shall incur 10% deduction for every day the submitted
requirement is late.
Thomas T Nagle, John E. Hogon (2019). The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing 10h Edition. One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07430: Pearson Education Inc.
Robert M Schindler (2019). Pricing Strategy: A Marketing Approach, 6th Edition Sage Publications Inc. South Carolin
Tim M. Smit (2019). Pricing Strategy Cengage Learning 3rd Edition BY-NC 3.0.
Harry C. Macdivil, Mike L Wilkinsom (2019). Pricing Strategy: Mcgraw Hill . 130, 20537 Hamburg Germany.
Suggested/Additional Readings:
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Professor : Program Head Dean
College of Business/Entreprenuer College of Management and Technology
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